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My city is Irbit

My city is Irbit
History of the city
The history of the city begins
in 1631, when the Irbit
settlement arose. It
appeared at the confluence
of the Irbit River with Nice.
Initially, this river was called
Irbey, and the settlement
was called Irbeyevskaya.
Later the name Irbitskaya
was fixed.
• Irbit Motorcycle Factory is
the only factory in Russia
engaged in the manufacture
of heavy motorcycles and
one of the few factories in
the world specializing in the
production of equipment
with a side trailer. Perhaps
today there is no such person
who is fond of motorcycle
technology, who does not
know Ural motorcycles. This
technique has gone a long
and thorny way before it was
learned about on different.
Ирбитский государственный музей изобразительных
• Ирбитский музей изобразительных
искусств – это единственный в России музей
гравюры и рисунка. Обладает богатой
коллекцией офортов. Здесь представлены
работы самых разных европейских школ.
Представлены и российские художники. Есть
работы всемирно известных Рембрандта,
Дюрера, Гойи, Ван Дейка и других.
Благодаря стараниям директора
музея Валерия Карпова музей растет и