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Вербалізація концепту слова peace

It is important to note that the polysemantic concept of verbalization of such a lexical
unit as the word "peace" is evaluatively marked and cognitively multifaceted.
Dictionaries captures two different meanings of the token peace: the first - to denote
consent, peace, silence, the opposite of war, and the second - to name the earth with everything
that exists on it, ie the world, people, etc. The concept should be linked primarily to the
concept of peace as the antithesis of war.
The main linguistic representative of the studied concept is a positively marked token
peace, exaple: Peace is our main goal.
Most researchers distinguish the following derivatives of the noun peace: peaceful,
peace-loving, peacemaker. The analyzed material shows that such word-forming derivatives
derived from the main name of the concept are no less productive in terms of verbalization of
the concept of "peace". The name peaceful comprises various conceptual features related to
peace, eg: peace plan, peaceful, peaceful citizens, peaceful state, peaceful sky, peaceful offer,
peaceful initiative, peaceful way, etc.
Among the verbalizers of the concept of word "peace" are also many noun derivatives.
Some of them are used to denote participants in hostilities, such as the name peacekeepers.
Semantic structure of the concept of "peace" has the following meanings: "one that
implies no armed struggle, ceasefire, conflict resolution": the President proposes a ceasefire
peaceful conflict resolution plan.
Often several conceptual meanings are realized in one context, such as: All of them are
Heroes of those days and today's Heroes, all laid down their heads for peace and tranquility on
our earth, for the happy future of their descendants.
Thus, the concept of "peace" is a cognitively multifaceted positively labeled linguistic
phenomenon, it is often objectified in newspaper texts of the war period (2014-2019), where
it is characterized by an extensive nominative field. Among the means of its verbalization are
units of different language levels: lexical, phraseological, word-forming, grammatical.