Загрузил Dmitry Grednev


These files work by mapping original english strings(o##) to the new translated
As long as the numbers match, it will translate the specified english string to
the new language.
Any text formatting is preserved, so new lines, tabs, spaces, brackets, quotes
and other special characters can be used.
The white space (' ') after each tag, and numbers are mandatory.
The file must also be encoded in UTF-8 or it won't work. Most editors should
support this. This is also mandatory, or you can experience weird aspect in the
The first line of .trn files must start with #-# followed by a space and the
Language (Country) pair. This isn't mandatory, but, if it is not used, the file
name (without its extention) will be used as language name.
The second and third lines ca be used to specify particuliar fonts to use.
They can be ommited or use DEFAULT as value to use the default fonts.
Syntax example:
#-# Français (France)
#-# font regular: DEFAULT
#-# font bold: myFancyFontOfTheDeath.ttf
o0 This is the first entry.
t0 Ceci est la première entrée.
o1 Here is the second one.
You can see it is splitted on two lines.
t1 Voici la deuxième.
Vous pouvez constater qu'elle est sur deux lignes.
The 'o##' markers on the begining of a line marks the original string;
the 't##', the translations.
Strings can be splited on several lines and contain any sort of
characters (thus, be aware of unicode).
Files are named according to their language name, e.g. fr_FR.trn for
The extension .trn is an arbitrary convention, but must be respected to load
the files.
As convention, english is considered as the default language, and the
file en_EN.trn would never be present.
If you have issues with this, you can report on the site you have downloaded
the program.
Just open an 'issue' topic and let be the more precise you can. Joining .log
files and screenshots will be usefull!
Be very cautious with template building. Your actual template will be replaced
with the new. Thus many efforts have been made to preserve template.trn and
only add the strings which are not yet in.
To start the build, you have to launch MCEdit via the command line. Simply open
a command console, 'cd' to your MCEdit folder and type 'mcedit -tt'.
The language used during this operation is english. If you switch to another
language during the process, some entries can be duplicated in the template;
it can be possible to see translated string as if they were original ones (with
an 'o##' marker before).
In order to collect the strings, you will have to go everywhere in the programm
and open all the dialogs, windows, and other widgets.
To finish the build, just close MCEdit.
You can also add strings to an existing translation:
* Backup (or rename with an othe extension) template.trn and the .trn file you
want to add the strings.
* Rename the .trn file to template.trn.
* Start the template building and proceed as explained above.
* Rename template.trn with its original name.
* Restore the template, et voilà!