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Английский билеты

1. Markets. Competition. Monopoly.
1) What is a monopoly and what types of monopoly can be singled out?
A monopoly is a market situation where there is only one or a limited number of
sellers ( or service providers).
1 type: Natural monopolies - through geographical or geological
circumstances, has control over major natural resources or important services, e.g.
Canadian nickel and the Egyptian ownership of the Suez Canal
2 type: Legal monopolies - when the law of a country permits certain
producers, authors and inventors a full monopoly over the sale of their own
3 type: State government monopoly - the monopoly of important goods
and services, e.g. most national authorities monopolise the postal services within
their borders
4 type: Illegal monopolies - when certain companies obtain complete
control over particular commodities. This action is often called “cornering the
2) What happens when certain companies obtain full control over certain goods?
This action is often called “cornering the market” and is illegal in many
3) In what way does competition influence the prices prevailing in the market?
Competition among producers is for the highest profits.
Competition among consumers is for the best goods and services at the lowest
Sellers reduce the prices of goods to capture buyers, and buyers choose the best
product for the best price. This leads to a constant increase in the quality of goods
and services.
4) Why and how do governments restrict “cornering the market”?
Why - since the monopoly excludes competition, and this allows you to raise the
prices of " bad " goods and services
How - In the United States, there are anti-trust laws that restrict such activities.
The UK Monopoly Commission reviews all special agreements, mergers,
acquisitions and acquisitions that may lead to undesirable monopolies.
5) What are the advantages and disadvantages of competition for the economy?
- high quality products at a low price ( for buyers )
- scientific and technological progress ( for all )
- low prices for products ( for sellers )
- It is difficult to find a job ( you need to be the best ) ( for job seekers )
6) What happens when there are many buyers/sellers in a market?
A large number of sellers leads to competition, which leads to lower prices
and better quality of goods and services.
A large number of buyers allows each seller to find their own piece of the
7) What causes competition among employers / employees?
Producers are in competition with one another to hire the best workers for the
lower wages. Workers compete with one another to get the best jobs at the highest
8) How can an individual remain competitive in the labor market?
Workers need to be able to learn new skills to remain competitive in the market.
9) What do employees compete for in labor markets?
Higher wages and better working conditions
10) What happens when there are too few job vacancies in a market?
Unemployment. This allows the employer to set a low salary, because the job
seeker will prefer a bad job with a low salary than a complete absence of work.
2. Market prices& pricing policies.
1) What are price fluctuations affected by?
Price fluctuations affect the supply and demand of goods and services, economic
growth, producers' profits, and the general well-being of the population.
2) How does competition influence the prices prevailing in the market?
In the competition of producers for the demand of consumers, the price of goods
decreases, in the competition of consumers for the supply of a certain product or
service, the price increases, in the general competition of consumers and
producers, the change in prices depends on the proportion of competing parties.
3) What are the reasons of suppliers when determining the price of a product?
When determining the price of a product, the producer is guided by its cost price,
and the price of the product also includes profit, the level of demand, competition,
spending on advertising, packaging and sales.
4) How should an educated buyer react to different pricing policies and
advertising gimmicks?
In order not to fall for advertising tricks and pricing policies, you need to think
critically. You need to be clearly informed of your needs and when buying a
product, focus on your opinion about it, and not just on advertising. and the price
3. Interaction between supply and demand. Product and process. Supply
chain management/ Distribution.
1) What factors influence the interaction between supply and demand?
The interaction of supply and demand is influenced by the level of income in
society, the size of the market, inflation, the availability of alternative goods, the
level of technology, the amount of taxes, natural and political conditions.
2) Do you think supply and demand are dependent on the price? Why?
Yes, I think so, because according to the laws of supply and demand, the lower the
price of a product, the higher the demand for it, and the higher it is, the greater the
3) What are the mail problems of supply chain management and what are their
The main problems are the low level of automation of the supply process,
inefficient planning, and high transport costs. To solve these problems, you need to
diagnose them, understand the weaknesses and change the supply chain system to a
more efficient one.
4) What happens if a factory runs out of raw materials?
If the factory runs out of raw materials, then production will stop, because there
will be nothing to produce goods from. The plant will have to buy new raw
materials, and due to the delay in production, the plant will not receive the possible
5) What are the ways to ensure that interaction between supply and demand is
It is necessary to identify the equilibrium price, and based on it, supply and
demand will interact effectively and there will be a market equilibrium.
6) What are the stages of the product life cycle and what partners does a supply
chain involve?
The product life cycle has 4 main stages: introduction to the market, growth,
maturity and decline. The supply chain involves the buyer, the manufacturer, the
planning manager for this delivery, and the transporter.
7) How can the importance of automated systems for supply chain management be
Automated systems simplify and speed up the supply chain process. They make it
more efficient.
8) In what way is supply arranged through a distribution center?
The goods are delivered to the distribution center, then, if necessary, packed,
repackaged, processed at customs, certified, and then delivered to other
warehouses of the companies.
9) In what way ordering and return processes are arranged via distribution
The supplier contacts the distribution center to place an order for the storage of the
cargo, and when returning the goods, the buyer contacts the distribution center.
4. The rights of a customer and the responsibilities of a supplier.
1) What four golden rules have you learnt this year as a buyer?
First, it is critical thinking about any product or service, second, a clear
identification of their own needs, third, what is more expensive, does not always
mean better in quality, and vice versa. And finally, it is a thorough study of
information about products, reading reviews to be sure of the quality of the
2) Does a supplier have any responsibilities?
Yes, it does. He is obliged to deliver the goods on time, of proper quality, to bring
the lack of goods, to take out the goods that the buyer did not accept,
3) What are the rights of a customer?
The consumer has the right to goods and services, to get full information about
them, to safety, the right to choose, the right to compensation for damages
4) What are the chances for a buyer to get a complete (partial) refund for a
The consumer has the right to a refund if the product was of poor quality, did not
fit him according to any characteristics. He must have a receipt for this product, the
return period has not passed. At the same time, you can not return food, medicines,
and so on.
5) Is there any reason for a buyer to go to the shop and to try to cancel a
The consumer has the right to a refund if the product was of poor quality, did not
fit him for any characteristics, or he wants to get its analogue for other reasons
6) Why is proof of the purchase important?
A cash receipt is a document that confirms the purchase of a product. The main
function of this document is a proof of the transaction, thanks to which this product
can later be returned or exchanged.
7) What should an educated buyer bear in mind when making a purchase?
The buyer should carefully study the information about the product, its
composition, shelf life and other characteristics, compare analogues and make the
best choice when buying.
5. Economic growth
1) What are the advantages of economic growth for a producer?
For the producer, the advantages are the improvement of production processes,
introduction of modern technologies, the increase in the competitiveness of goods
and services and the demand for them, increase in profit.
2) What are the advantages of economic growth for a consumer?
For the consumer, this is an improvement in the quality of goods and services, their
greater variety and supply, and an overall improvement in financial well-being.
3) What are the social costs of economic growth?
The costs are associated with overpopulation of cities, stressful situations for
workers, the intensity of labor increases, there is a need for requalification of
workers, since there is no demand for their labor
4) What measures are taken by governments to offset social costs of economic
growth, especially for displaced workers or low income families?
The state organizes free retraining courses for employees, pays benefits to the
families of those workers who have been cut, and fights unemployment.
5) How can governments offset social costs of economic growth?
The state organizes free retraining courses for employees, pays benefits to the
families of those workers who have been cut, and fights unemployment.
6) Why is economic growth a mixed blessing?
Economic growth is a mixed good, because it includes the properties of both
private and public goods, the state is actively involved in it, but it is subject to
market control.
7) What happens when natural resources are used up?
When natural resources are used up, this can affect the scarcity of food and other
goods, as well as negatively affect the environment and economic growth.
8) What should people do today to survive?
The most important thing that people need to know is the reasonable consumption
and distribution of resources, as well as environmental protection.
6. Employment/Unemployment: Labor problems as costs of growth. Social
1) Why is a high unemployment rate the paramount economic problem?
Because in a market economy, high unemployment slows down economic growth
and negatively affects the life of the population as a whole, which can cause
protests and riots if this problem is not solved.
2) Why is unemployment the difficulty faced by employees as well as employers?
Because it affects the earnings of both the employee and the employer. If a person
does not have a job, there will be no profit, and if the employer does not have
employees, then he will also not get a profit from his business.
3) What happens when there are too many unemployed in a market?
There is a scarcity of jobs, increased competition for work, often there are prostests
due to the low standard of living of the population
4) In what way are transfer payments, including fringe benefits, aid for the poor
and low-income families connected with unemployment?
Because often these are unemployment benefits that help people without jobs to
survive and provide for their families.
5) Why may continuing economic growth at the pace of today trigger
Because more and more professions are becoming irrelevant, therefore, people are
becoming unemployed, because their work is not in demand.
6) What happens when human resources are used up?
There is a shortage of labor, the demand for skilled workers is growing, while
economic growth may slow down, since there are few really high-quality human
7) For what reasons do increased unemployment and job insecurity occur?
Unemployment occurs due to low economic growth, demographic problems,
population growth, government policies regarding the labor market, and many
other factors.
8) How does the government secure its citizens a good existence?
The Government provides high-quality and free health, education, and cultural
services, pays pensions and benefits to the poor and large families, and encourages
unemployed people to take retraining courses in order to get a job and improve
their lives.
9) What social benefits are payable under a nation's social security system?
In Russia, the government pays unemployment benefits, temporary disability
benefits, child benefits, and benefits for the poor, large families, and the disabled.
10) In what way is the relationship between the citizens and the state connected
with social benefits?
The state performs its social function when paying benefits, maintains a high
standard of living of the population, and the citizen receiving benefits also receives
social state protection.
7. Human resource management: Recruitment. Redundancy. Internships.
1) How can an interview help the HR manager find the right person for the job?
Thanks to the interview, you can better learn not only the professional qualities of
the employee, but also what kind of person he is, whether he is mentally suitable
for this job, how responsible he is, and so on.
2) What should be done if due to certain circumstances people lose their jobs?
They must remain competitive, for example, improve their skills, take retraining
courses in order to get a new job as quickly as possible.
3) Why do redundancies occur?
The reduction may occur due to the liquidation of the company, the unstable
economic situation, the incompetence of employees or a change in management.
4) Are redundant workers entitled to any social security payments or social
Yes, they do, these are severance payments, compensation for dismissal when the
organization is liquidated, and other payments.
5) What are economic costs of retraining and not retraining redundant workers?
The cost of retraining personnel refers to the fixed costs of the company.
6) What are the pitfalls of getting an internship abroad?
Firstly, the internship abroad is paid for by the intern himself, and secondly, after
the end of the internship, the employee will not always work where he wants, and
thirdly, this is an age limit, in most countries internships are available to people
under 30 years of age.
8. Employment: Application for a job. Rules of job hunting. Career
planning decisions.
1) What are the major steps of job application?
First, the employee provides a resume, passes an interview, then writes an
application for employment, then an employment contract is concluded, an entry is
made in the employment record book and an account is issued in the accounting
2) What information should an applicant's documents contain?
They should contain information about your name, age, citizenship, marital status,
professional skills, and education.
3) What are the most common mistakes made by applicants for a job?
The most common mistakes are being late for an interview, untidy appearance, not
knowing anything about the job and the company as a whole, insecure behavior
and when the candidate lies about himself in the resume.
4) What does an applicant for a job need to know about the prospective job?
The job applicant must know what the company does, what the vacancy is, what
responsibilities it includes, working conditions, dress code, working hours, and so
5) Why should the applicant find out who s/he is going to report to and what s/he is
expected to do?
because this way he will clearly know his responsibilities, have a greater
understanding of the company and work more effectively
6) Should an applicant for a job have knowledge of what the target company does?
Yes, it should, because understanding the company's goals contributes to more
efficient work.
7) Why do you think career decisions need to be dynamic to suit the ever changing
economy and social needs?
Because progress does not stand still, you need to constantly develop in your
career plan in order to achieve something and remain competitive.
8) What are the recommendations about compiling a successful CV/cover letter/
letter of application?
The resume should be written in an official business style, contain information
about the desired position, contact details, work experience, education,
professional skills, recommendations and other necessary information
9. The nation's economy. GDP. Economic indicators.
1) Why does every economy need people, capital and natural resources in order to
Because without these factors, economic activity is impossible, and therefore, it is
impossible to meet the needs of society.
2) Why is it necessary to compute GDP?
First of all, the calculation of the gross domestic product is necessary to assess the
country's economy. At the same time, the directions for further development of the
economy, the activity of economic entities, and the efficiency of economic activity
are also monitored
3) What methods are used to determine GDP?
The method of value added (production), the method of calculation of expenses
and the method of calculation of income are used
4) Why computing GDP helps planners to make predictions about the future of the
Because GDP is a general indicator of the state of the economy and its well-being.
GDP is needed to understand whether the state's economy is working well: if the
gross domestic product is growing — the country is developing.
5) How do spending or saving money and resources influence the life of an
individual and the society?
I think that it is necessary to rationally spend and save money, so that the economy
develops, and resources are not depleted.
6) What are the social benefits payable under a nation's social security system?
In Russia, the government pays unemployment benefits, temporary disability
benefits, child benefits, and benefits for the poor, large families, and the disabled.
7) What does the GDP include in addition to public and private consumption?
The calculation of a country's GDP encompasses all private and public
consumption, government outlays, investments, additions to private inventories,
paid-in construction costs, and the foreign balance of trade.
8) Why are final goods and services emphasized in measuring GDP?
GDP includes only final products-goods for sale, and not intermediate goods that
are used to produce final products. This is done to avoid double counting.
9) Why is GDP the most anticipated report for most investors?
GDP is perhaps the most closely watched and important economic indicator for
both economists and investors, as it reflects the total value of all goods and
services produced and gives an idea of the development of the economy
10) What are the three categories of economic indicators and why can they help
better understand the state of the economy?
They fall into three categories: leading, coincident, and lagging. Leading economic
indicators rise or fall just before a major change in economic activity. Coincident
economic indicators change at about the same time that shifts occur in general
economic activity. Lagging economic indicators rise or fall after a change in
economic activity.
10.National income accounting.
1) In what way can the governments raise revenue?
The government can increase the revenue item of the budget with the help of tax
revenues, investments from other states, the sale of state property and non-tax
2) How is the national income allocated?
National income is distributed in the form of wages, profits, interest, rent,
dividends, rent, etc.
3) Would it be right to describe national income accounting as the practice of
calculating the output of an economy?
Why?It is as simple as that: taxes are raised to meet two kinds of expenditure.
Well, first of all government spending on physical goods and services. But
governments also spend money financing transfer payments or facilities. Exactly.
They should not be included in GDP. There is no corresponding value added or net
output produced
4) What did you come to know about a nation's system of taxation from this
In the Russian Federation, the following types of taxes and fees are established:
● federal taxes and fees;
● regional taxes and fees;
● local taxes and fees.
There are also 3 other types of tax system: progressive, regressive and
proportional. Russia has a proportional tax system.
11.Transfer payments.
1) In what way do transfer payments differ from all other sources of income?
A transfer payment is a gratuitous payment made by the Government to a
household, in return for which it receives no goods or services.
2) Why are transfer payments forms of financial security?
Because a transfer payment is a gratuitous payment made by the Government to a
household, in return for which it receives no goods or services.
3) Why do governments finance transfer payments, including fringe benefits, aid
for the poor and low-income families?
Additional benefits, assistance to poor and low-income families are a form of
gratuitous social support of the state, which is necessary in a state governed by the
rule of law and allows the economy to work effectively as well.
12.Ways to measure changes in the nation's economy.
1) Why is gross domestic product one of the most popular ways of measuring
national wealth?
Because it is the most visible way to measure national wealth, it helps to track
in the economy.
2) Why it is useful to have GDP figures available every year?
Because it helps to look at the trends of changes in the economy every year, and
then even predict the future in the economic sphere of the country
3) What categories of spending are included in the flow-of-product approach of
measuring GDP?
This approach includes spending on consumption, investment, government, and net
4) What categories of spending are included in the earnings-and-cost approach of
measuring GDP?
This approach includes spending on consumption, investment, government, and net
5) Why is GDP the most anticipated report for many investors?
GDP is perhaps the most closely watched and important economic indicator for
both economists and investors, as it reflects the total value of all goods and
services produced and gives an idea of the development of the economy
13.Ways to invest money most efficiently.
1) What investments could one make to save money in the long run?
Сalculate plan expenses, keep money in the bank, open a deposit. If the goal is a
long-term profit, the investor would consider a company that has growth potential.
The investor willing to wait may see the stock price rise and so produce a longterm profit.
2) What way to invest money most effectively an educated investor is likely to
If the real goal is income, the investor would consider a company that has
consistently paid high dividends over the years. If the goal is a long-term profit, the
investor would consider a company that has growth potential. The company may
not pay dividends since it will be using profits to expand. However, if the company
grows and stays profitable, the price of its stock will increase. The investor willing
to wait may see the stock price rise and so produce a long-term profit.
3) What information should be studied by a potential investor when deciding what
to invest in?
Annual reports generally are divided into two sections. The first section contains a
letter to the stockholders from the chief executive officer (CEO) of the corporation.
Accompanying this letter summarising the corporation's performance is a chart of
financial highlights. Also frequently included in the first section is an overview of
the corporation's organization. The second section includes statistics on the
company's performance. Most of the information appears in charts and graphs.
4) What message is given by the annual report of a company to an educated
The income statement shows the profit or loss of the company for the year. This
chart reports the income the company received from sales, interest, and other
sources. The operating costs - salaries, advertising, maintenance - deducted from
the income total the profit or loss. The statement of stockholders' investment, or
equity, includes information on the company's stock , such as number of shares
outstanding and issued .
5) How an educated investor can interpret the message given by the annual report
of a company?
Various parts of the annual report can be used to determine whether a corporation
is profitable. In addition to reporting on this current year, most corporations
include in their annual reports comparisons of the current year and the prior year's
financial information.
14.An annual report and a balance sheet of a company.
1) Why do corporations issue certain documents every year?
Corporations issue certain documents because it help to analyze their company
throw the year and the income statement shows the profit or loss of the company
for the year. This chart reports the income the company received from sales,
interest, and other sources.
2) Why is the company's return on sales important to stockholders and investors?
Important to stockholders and investors is the company's return on sales. This
percentage is calculated by dividing profit by total sales or revenue. If a firm sold
$1mln. worth of its products and its profit was $100,000, return on sales would be
3) Why in addition to reporting on this current year, do most corporations include
in their annual reports comparisons of the current year and the prior year's financial
Various parts of the annual report can be used to determine whether a corporation
is profitable that is why in addition to reporting on this current year, most
corporations include in their annual reports comparisons of the current year and the
prior year's financial information.
4) What makes you think that the ability to read an annual report can be useful (or
This ability is very useful because you can analyse future and past of the company
to make right decision.-самое важное, дальше вода( The annual report is a
message to the stockholders (the owners) of a corporation from the corporate
management. The report tells the stockholders the company's financial status at the
end of the fiscal year and what the management sees for the future.)
5) What should an educated investor bear in mind about the balance sheet of a
target company when investing in its stocks?
The balance sheet is a chart that includes the assets (items of value the company
owns) and its liabilities (debts or claims against the assets of the company). The
balance sheet represents the financial picture of the firm at one instant in
time.Educated investor should bear in mind: The income statement, The operating
costs, The statement of stockholders' investment, or equity.
15.Business costs. Personal vs Business budgets.
1) What are the examples of fixed costs and variable costs for a university student?
If the income decreases, which costs can one reduce?Fixed cost: food, transport,
college supplies, tuition payment. Variable cost: entertainment, clothing, savings,
personal care. We can reduce costs for clothing and entertainment.
2) What investments could one make to save money in the long term?
Сalculate plan expenses, keep money in the bank, open a deposit. If the goal is a
long-term profit, the investor would consider a company that has growth potential.
3) What are a company's fixed and variable costs?
Fixed costs: amortization, depreciation, insurance, interest expense, rent,
utilities.Variable costs: direct materials, piece rate labor, production supplies,
4) If a company's revenue decreases, which costs can it reduce, - fixed or variable?
Why? If a company's revenue decreases, we can reduce variable costs because they
can change and we can influence it.
5) What investments could a company make to save money in the long term?
Invest a part of the budget in amortization, buy insurance, and sell shares of the
company. (дальше хз)
6) In what way do the situations when families and companies need to use their
reserves differ?
Companies always set aside some of the money for amortization and it is easier for
companies to issue bank amounts for troubleshooting, and companies also recover
faster from their products. Families do not always save a sufficient amount of
money and it is more difficult for them to borrow money and then return it without
great losses.
7) What is the difference between cutting business costs and cutting personal
Reducing personal expenses is easier because not all of them are necessary for life,
such as spending on entertainment and new clothes, while a company's cost
reduction will greatly affect its development and production in any case.
8) How can a company deal with temporary financial difficulties?
Reduce the amount of unnecessary expenses, that is, analyze the costs and exclude
them, temporarily reduce production or raise the cost, you can also use deferred
16.Money supply. Money management.
1) How do changes in an economy's money supply versus changes in an
individual's money supply compare?
Your personal supply of money changes often. Increases and decreases in/of your
supply of money probably affect - how much you spend. Similarly, the amount of
money in the total economy changes often. Changes in the economy's money
supply are more complex than changes in a personal money supply. Still, these
fluctuations of the money supply influence not only - how much spending occurs
but also the general level of business activity.
2) What can the succession of transactions after the initial deposit be?
I can add that a savings account is an example of a time deposit. When savings
accounts are used as a store of value, savers deposit their money for use in the
future instead of in the present. The bank book is a record of a person's deposits
and interest the bank paid for use of the money.(вроде правильно, а вроде хуета)
3) How can people economize?
They reduce personal expenses because not all of them are necessary for life, such
as spending on entertainment and new clothes. Also people often try to save as
much as they can for bad times.
4) How can the examples of thrift and prudence in families and businesses be
Reducing personal expenses is easier because not all of them are necessary for life,
such as spending on entertainment and new clothes, while a company's cost
reduction will greatly affect its development and production in any case.
5) Would it be right to say that as consumers increase their spending, corporations
will receive greater income?
Yes, because this is the law of supply and demand, and the more the consumer
spends and the more his income, the more likely he will be able to afford and buy
the company's products, therefore the company's well-being depends on the
welfare of buyers.
17.Banks and bank services.
1) What do banks do and what services do they offer?
The main service of each bank is to deposit the client's money and lend it to
another client and provide their services. These are also safes for storing clients '
belongings, issuing loans, issuing and transferring salaries, exchanging currency (
from rubles to dollars), opening accounts, Discounting bills of exchange
2) What is an overdraft facility?
An overdraft is a loan that can be used by a borrower who has a temporary need for
3) What are the peculiarities of using a credit card?
A credit card is a type of consumer credit. The difference is that the borrowed
funds are not issued in cash, but credited to a plastic card.
4) What do a bank's credit facilities imply?
A bank's credit facilities is how much money a bank can lend.
18.Saving money. Types of bank accounts
1) What do the different types of bank accounts provide?
the Savings account holds all the client's money, the checking account can be used
as a payment for something, the current account is used to account for the clients '
monetary transactions
2) What makes you think that it's important to have savings?
I think that the savings should be for a "rainy day", or when a large amount of
money is needed and a part is missing.A deposit account is another popular
account that is can be used for short-term small savings.
3) What are the ways of saving money?
I think that planning a budget, having a goal to save money, avoiding emotional
purchases will save the budget
4) What accounts are designed for saving money?
A deposit account is another popular account that is really designed to save money
and can be used for short-term small savings. or a fixed-term account. In this case,
the account holder may not be able to withdraw money for a certain period agreed
with the bank, for example, 3-5 years. The customer can't get their money right
away. He must inform the bank in advance when he wants to withdraw the money.
5) How can spending or saving money and resources influence the life of an
individual and the society?
Spending a person's money can make him happy, but at the same time leave him
without money for a large purchase, saving money will also lead to the purchase of
something worthwhile and large. If we don't waste natural resources stupidly, then
society will be able to enjoy the benefits for longer
6) How do the ways an individual can pay for goods and services differ?
You can pay for a product or service in cash, or by card, cheque, or credit
card,transfer in online banking from card to card
19.Borrowing money. Financing a loan.
1) What are the peculiarities of getting a bank loan?
to get a loan, he must be a client of the bank, because the money will be provided
to him through a bank account, also provided only in cash, the bank is the lender,
and the client is the borrower who pays interest for using the loan to the bank
2) What a personal loan is and how are personal loans usually repaid?
А personal loan is a loan for a person's own needs, for example, to buy a car. With
an annuity payment, the debt is repaid in equal installments over the entire term of
the loan. First of all, interest is paid: every month it is calculated from the
remaining debt on the loan. The remaining part of the fixed payment after the
payment of interest is used to repay the principal debt .Differentiated payments
decrease over time. It works like this: the principal debt is reduced by the same
amount each month, and the interest is recalculated in the same way as with
annuity payments.
3) Why is an interview with a credit officer a must when you apply for a loan?
Тhe credit specialist can significantly influence the final decision on the loan. The
thing is that the credit specialist, after accepting the application, must indicate
personal impressions about the applicant in the questionnaire. Therefore, it is
necessary to make only a good impression on the bank employee.
4) Which way of borrowing money is more/less preferable from your point of
From my point of view, the best way to borrow money is to borrow from friends.
they do not take interest, they can be trusted and he will understand if you have a
difficult situation and everyone knows that the money will definitely be returned
even if after a long time
5) In what way do the interest rates on personal loans differ?
Make sure that you read the fine print because depending on the company you get
the loan from a can be anywhere from 0% for 24 months, or such as Care Credit
gives you 18 months to pay off a bill but if it's not paid off in that time the interest
you pay them is 26%. So make sure you read the fine print to find out what interest
you're paying. Such as on student loans Make sure when you make payments that
you pay on the principal otherwise they just put the payment on the interest
meaning you're paying interest on top of already accrued interest. (суть такая, но
нужно немного поменять начало, вводные просто вставить)
6) Which way of borrowing money is more appropriate for a student from your
point of view?
From my point of view, the best way to borrow money is to borrow from friends or
parents. they do not take interest, they can be trusted and he will understand if you
have a difficult situation and everyone knows that the money will definitely be
returned even if after a long time.It is very difficult for students to make a lot of
money. their time is busy with studies and they do not have proper education, so
they will not be able to pay the interest to the bank on time.