Outsmart Your Hunger™ PDF eBook Download Free

Outsmart Your Hunger
Author: Carolyn Hansen
All rights reserved - Copyright 2010, Carolyn Hansen.
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Outsmart Your Hunger
Table Of Contents
So What Exactly Is This Thing We Call Hunger?
Surprise - There Are TWO Types Of Hunger
Normal physical hunger
Hormone driven hunger
Malnourished In The Age Of Plenty?
Emergence Of The Jumbo-Sized Appetite
Harmful Food Additives That Mess Up Our Hunger Signals
The biggest villain of them all - Trans fat
Watch out for this evil sweetener - HFCS
Be On The Watch For These Nasty Items
A Newly Discovered Hunger Hormone
Out Of Control Hunger Comes From Signal Disruption
How To Regain Control Over Hunger, Lose Weight, And Restore Health
Forget About DIETING
Getting Off The Merry Go Round - The Closest We Can Ever Get To Effortless
Hungerless Weight Loss
How I Got Into Shape By Eating Healthy
The Turning Point
You Can Do It Too
Outsmart Your Hunger
Outsmart Your Hunger
It is perhaps no exaggeration to say that one of the greatest tragedies of
modern day life for our own species has been the abandonment of one of
the fundamental biological imperatives that has, up until recently, guided
our steady evolution over the past two million years or so.
I am, of course, talking about the food gathering imperative which "fed
on" a diet high in vegetable matter and meat for the longest part of our
By the same token, this diet, which is low in the simple carbohydrates
that have been introduced to our diet over the last 10,000 years, through
the cultivation of land and the sowing of seed, and especially within the
last 100 years, is in large part reflective of the kind of nutrition that is
now considered essential to any plan for "healthy eating".
It is extremely unfortunate that we have moved away from what amounts
to a "natural diet" and replaced the bulk of the nutrition that our bodies
require to function at their peak with convenience foods that scarcely
deserve the title of "food" at all.
This slow but steady replacement of natural foods for processed foods
that have longer shelf life, better taste and texture, and which can be
prepared and delivered to our plates in a mere matter of minutes, has at
last initiated a sea change in the way our health progresses as we age.
We seem to have passed a hidden turning point in our blind pursuit of
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short term food convenience, no matter what the long term cost.
At some point in the last 40 years we allowed the nutritional train to
derail, but it apparently did so way beyond the city limits, and few of us
noticed that something had gone amiss. The trouble is, it is getting very
difficult to maintain this point of view. Today we are seeing skyrocketing
rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, to name just the more
common afflictions that sooner or later beset us or someone in our family.
As an owner of two fitness gyms, and as a life-long fitness fanatic of one
kind or another, I have been exposed to a large cross section of the
public as they try to fathom how it is that their bodies have got away on
them and left them staring in the mirror at something that is, to their
mind, almost alien in its appearance and physicality.
It does not have to be this way, of course. The only thing that separates
the individual who is happy with their body (or at least is content with it)
from the man or woman who has lost the battle to maintain an
acceptable bodily form (OK, let's just say it, they got fat) is a proper
understanding of how it is that they got to the point they currently find
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Very few people are born who are also destined to be fat. But at the same
time, very few people are ever taught the fundamentals of food as it
relates to their long term health. Of those who have been taught, many
have received teachings that are entirely incorrect, and which work
against them when put into practice.
I find the current situation completely unacceptable and one of my
primary goals in life is to help people sort through the problems they face
trying to get back on track with a plan for healthy eating. Recently I
decided to sit down and bring together all the important facts about this
subject and put them into a book that I can hand to my clients.
The end result, titled 21 Days To Healthy Eating explores in detail the
principles of healthy eating. In the remainder of this short report, my
intention is to explore just one aspect of this puzzle. But it is an
important one, and by the time you have finished this report you will
have a very good idea about how to outsmart your hunger and get your
weight loss goals back on track.
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When you have finished reading this report I recommend going to the site
for the book and checking out how you can master the art of healthy
eating to put your body on course for elevated calorie burning, and rid
yourself of excess body fat slowly but surely every day of the year.
What this means is that you can either remain trim and lean, or, if you
are currently overweight, you can reach that goal just as surely as
putting one foot in front of the other eventually gets you to your chosen
destination no matter what distance the journey might entail.
Are you ready to learn all about this thing we call hunger, so that you can
harness the fat-burning power of a healthy eating plan? I am guessing
that the answer to that question is a definite yes, and I am certainly
ready to teach you.
So let's begin to uncover the principles that allow any one of us to control
the rate at which we store (or burn) calories by adjusting our mental
picture of what hunger is all about. I will also show you a simple plan of
action that you can put into effect immediately to start seeing results.
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So What Exactly Is This
Thing We Call Hunger?
That might sound like a silly question, but the truth is that hunger is a far
more complex physiological state than we give it credit. We all recognize
the familiar pangs of hunger when we have not eaten for an extended
period of time. We recognize it initially as a low-grade discomfort in the
stomach that is just strong enough to notice.
In fact, chemical messages are being sent to the appetite center in the
brain, and data is being analyzed by the body about the level of our body
fat stores, our blood glucose level, and how much food is in our stomach.
Our current energy levels are also taken into account in the analysis
required to determine how much or how little food needs to be eaten.
The first irritating feelings of discomfort caused by hunger are easy to
ignore, and they can be put aside for a while. But eventually those
feelings become more intense as the body tries to grab our attention and
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say "Hey, you, I need food". The brain sends signals for the release of
acid in the stomach in preparation for the intake and digestion of food.
We feel this as emptiness or an uncomfortable feeling in our stomach.
If we continue to ignore the hunger signals for long enough the body will
turn up the dial on the appetite control system, which in turn takes over
and demands that we eat and that we eat now. We are then driven to eat
as much as possible as quickly as possible without any consideration for
the type, quality, or quantity of food.
We can easily devour more than a couple of meals worth of food in one
sitting when we get this hungry. We would have more control if we had
listened to and obeyed our hunger signals when they were at a more
manageable level.
After we eat this food, and plenty of glucose has been released into the
blood, there are no further physical internal hunger signals until such
time as the blood glucose levels fall again to the point where the body
needs to refuel.
If we choose to eat soon after the body first sends the signal that food is
needed, we are able to maintain better control over our intake of food
and have the ability to slow down, and both appreciate and pay attention
to what we are eating.
In this way we have the ability to stop eating when the body signals us to
stop, thereby avoiding overeating which leads to weight gain. The human
body knows when to eat and when to stop.
Internal biological processes tell you whether you are currently hungry or
full. Your appetite control system is a maze of complex chemical
interchanges and interactions between your brain, nervous system, and
metabolic hormones. These work in concert to tell you whether or not you
need food.
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The delicate hunger control systems identify when energy and fuel is
needed but they can become out of balance and go haywire. When you
receive the wrong signals this can cause you to eat when do not need to
eat, or allow you to continue eating when you are full.
One of the main reasons the average person today continues to become
fatter with each passing year, and become anything from mildly
overweight to obese, is that their appetite control system hormones have
become out of balance.
Surprise - There Are TWO Types Of Hunger
Normal physical hunger
The number one hormone that needs to be kept in check is insulin. The
role insulin plays in the weight loss story is as the signaler to your fat
cells that they should mop up excess glucose (or blood sugar) in the
blood and convert it into fat for storage as a future energy source.
This kind of hunger occurs when the stomach has been empty for several
hours. It starts slowly and intensifies the longer food is not eaten. You
will feel this type of hunger after exercise sessions or after manual
physical work, when you have exhausted your easily accessible energy
stores. This kind of hunger signals your body's need for nutrients and
energy, and when you eat you will get relief from this feeling almost
There is nothing wrong with this sort of hunger. After all, it is just your
body's way of saying "Hey, look, I have used the fuel in my gas tank.
How about you give me a refill so that I do not have to tap into my spare
fat reserves and use them up. I really want to keep them for times when
food is scarce".
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Hunger is just one of the many signals that help maintain the state of our
bodies, which are highly-evolved survival machines built to withstand
long periods of harsh conditions. The human body is finely tuned and is
very sensitive to reductions in food, so when you try to go for long
periods without eating, your body quickly responds in an attempt to curb
your intent.
Two self-preservation methods kick in when the body either thinks that
food is scarce, or you deny it the nutrients it needs for proper functioning:
• Your metabolic rate (the rate your body burns fuel) is
slowed to conserve energy
• An uncomfortable state of hunger is established - which
is your body's attempt to drive you to find food and eat
Hormone driven hunger
This kind of hunger can come on suddenly, and often has nothing to do
with meal time. In fact, this type of gnawing intense hunger can strike
right after you have had a meal and cause wild irrational cravings for
specific foods - especially high sugar or high carbohydrates. It can be so
persistent as to create a near continual desire to eat, overwhelming even
the most determined dieter.
This type of eating can leave in its wake mood swings, stress, anxiety,
and low energy. The trigger for this pattern of eating has been linked with
the human emotions, so the term 'emotional eating' is often used to
describe it.
Many people, and especially women, tend to blame everything and
everyone, including themselves, for this type of eating. But science is
revealing that it may not be down to human emotions at all. It might
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simply be an interplay between various 'out of balance' hormones in the
If you have ever been compelled to attack a bar of chocolate, even
though you know you are not experiencing any physical pangs of hunger,
then you know what hormonal driven hunger feels like. It is extremely
So what can we say about warding off these two types of hunger? Just
• To avoid natural physical hunger eat before you become
hungry, or soon after receiving the first hunger signals.
• To avoid hormone driven hunger you need to eat often and
supply your body with the nutrients it needs to keep the
hormones in balance - so you need to know what and when
to eat for this to be effective.
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Malnourished In The
Age Of Plenty?
We tend to think of malnourishment as a reality of starving people in
third-world countries like Africa. It is difficult to imagine that this
condition might afflict people who live in places like the United States,
where there is generally an abundance of available food. But Research is
showing that it is possible to be overfed and overweight, yet at the same
time under-nourished.
In the 19th Century the newly-devised food processing methods of the
day introduced high-density carbohydrate foods into the human diet.
These foods are foreign to our body's metabolic system. The high
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carbohydrate diet that government authorities of nutrition began
recommending several decades ago, and which has its common
expression in the form of a food pyramid that places high carbohydrate
foods at its base, actually tends to work against our bodies.
The consumption of a high carbohydrate meal triggers an aggressive
insulin response and a corresponding imbalance of other hormones in the
complex appetite control system. This happens each and every time we
down the pasta-, white rice-, and potato-based meals that have become
a staple of our food supply.
When insulin levels remain relatively stable, as occurs with a more
natural unprocessed diet that suppresses the occurrence of highly
fluctuating levels of blood glucose, the other hormones tend also to be
properly regulated and no 'out of balance' hormonal profile develops.
Because of this, the problems associated with abnormal hormone levels
are unlikely to have arisen during most of our early human existence.
Unfortunately, our modern day diet has undergone a drastic departure
from the diet of our ancestors.
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Our modern diet is full of highly refined and processed foods which are
laden with chemical additives and toxins. Not only do these foods fail to
provide high quality nutrients to nourish and sustain the human body,
they actually do us harm. They throw our appetite control mechanism out
of balance and cause us to lose touch with our natural hunger signals.
People whose diets include large quantities of processed food often
quickly become overweight. When low quality food fails to supply muchneeded nutrients, the body just turns up the appetite dial, and keeps
turning it up, in the hope that it will get what it needs for repairs and
Our exposure to harmful chemicals has never been greater than it is at
this point in history. More than 80,000 chemicals are now being produced
and many of them end up in the food chain of the animals we eat, and
therefore they end up in us.
When these chemicals lodge in the tissues of our body they can remain
there for years, where they cause damage, alter our metabolism, initiate
nutritional deficiencies, create hormonal imbalances, and lower our
threshold of resistance to illness and disease.
Many of us wonder why we cannot lose weight, when in actuality it is
partly because many of these chemicals are stored in our fat cells. The
body cannot get rid of the toxins as it would mean dumping them back
into the blood stream, causing us harm. Our 'total toxic burden' actually
piles up like garbage, and left unchecked would seriously compromise our
health, so the body responds by exiling it for safety - sealing it inside fat
storage sites, as far away as possible from the major organs.
So, as we become heavier and more overweight, at the same time toxins
tend to be accumulating within us. The body is retaining body fat as a
way of protecting itself from the damage. If you have an expanding
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waistline it is not just a sign that you are consuming too many calories it is a visible sign of toxic build up.
This build up of toxic waste is one of the reasons that people are simply
unable to lose weight. The fat cells that store the waste are particularly
stubborn, and the body does not give them up easily.
You will need to allow your body to detoxify, repair, strengthen, and
spring clean itself first before the fat will begin to come off with ease. This
is done by consuming healthy foods and performing proper exercise. This
is how our 'out of balance' hormones can become rebalanced and the
appetite control restored to a healthy state.
Emergence Of The Jumbo-Sized Appetite
Fifty years ago, or even twenty years ago, our 'appetite control system'
was generally in a much more healthy state and we did not experience
the problems that we have today with overeating. These days our body's
hunger signals are interfered with by all sorts of chemical additives and
genetically modified 'anti-nutrients'. These are the signals that tell your
body how much energy it needs and how much body fat to create and
When this system gets 'out of whack' it becomes harder to recognize
when one is truly hungry or just suffering from a 'craving'. These
additives in our food are in fact making us hungry all the time, and we
are losing touch with our natural bodily indicators.
Many of us today are getting nearly one third of our calories from nutrient
devoid junk foods such as soft drinks, sweets and candies, desserts and
processed snacks. The fact that obesity is today rampant and out of
control should therefore come as little surprise to us.
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Chronic disease, which includes the 'big three': heart disease, cancer, and
diabetes, is skyrocketing, and the food we eat plays a strong role in this
state of affairs. Nonetheless, people keep eating these empty foods that
lack any nutritional value whatsoever, simply because they taste so good.
We are overfed and getting way too many calories, but at the same time
we are getting very few nutrients and become malnourished because of
it. If one third of our diet is estimated to be pure junk food, what, we
might wonder, is the fraction of other foods in our diet that have been
processed and refined?
It would be not be a small fraction for most people, and this needs to be
added on top of the junk food when considering the total quantity of low
nutritional-value food that we are consuming. This means we are actually
eating very little in the way of whole natural foods cooked from scratch,
or eaten raw when possible for optimal health.
The moral of the story is simply this: to eat healthy you should try to
avoid getting your food from the middle isles of a supermarket, and you
should try to bypass those drive-thru windows. We all should be avoiding
foods that are over-processed, high in fat, sugar, and salt.
Instead, we need to get back to eating high quality foods in their most
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natural state, as these are basically free of all unnatural additives - such
as harmful hydrogenated fats, trans-fats, and artificial ingredients that
many people now believe are 'toxic' to the human body.
Evidence of the close link between the quality of food we eat, and our
personal health and disease is becoming clearer. Preventing disease is
not just about eating less or even losing weight. It is about making better
choices in your selection of foods.
We need to make changes to our diet so that it becomes a cleaner and
simpler diet. It should be a diet that is rich in proteins, grass fed meats,
free range poultry and eggs, ocean fish, vegetables, fruit and whole
grains. Our diet should avoid sugars, unhealthy fats, preservatives,
artificial colors, flavors, chemicals, and unhealthy food preparation. We
also need to avoid, or eliminate from our diet, heavily processed foods
and other 'junk' food.
When you select the correct foods to include in your diet you can eat
almost as much of those foods as you want. Most of these 'clean' foods
do not have a food label attached to them. If they do it means they have
been modified in some way. Whenever you start refining, processing, and
adding nasty chemicals to food, you not only end up with empty calories
devoid of nutrients, you end up with food that destroys health.
It has been said that the national food supply is the number one source of
chronic illness and disease in the USA. It is a tragedy that greedy junk
food manufacturers make huge profits from supplying people with food
that makes them sick. It is an even greater tragedy that there is yet
more profit to be found by treating these same people with prescription
drugs, medical treatments and surgeries.
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Harmful Food Additives That
Mess Up Our Hunger Signals
Let us take a look at two man-made 'so called' foods that confuse and
throw our natural appetite regulation system 'out of whack'. Not only do
these fake foods make us feel hungry all the time, they also make us
The biggest villain of them all - Trans fat
Trans fat is a man-made unnatural fat created in an industrial process
that turns liquid vegetable oils into solid fats. This process extends the
shelf life of foods which contain trans fat. This in turn makes it a favorite
of junk food manufacturers and fast food outlets. They use trans fats to
deep fry foods because it can be used over and over again.
Trans fats are unnatural. Our bodies do not need them, and cannot
properly process them. They are bad for us for many reasons, one of
which is that they find their way into cells and tissues of the human body
and even into the brain, where they block the receptors that control
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At this point you may wonder why it is that we continue to eat them. But
it was not until the 1990's that their health risks were identified, even
though they have been used widely as a food additive for the last twenty
years. Today trans fats are found in 40 percent of the products on
supermarket shelves, and the chances are you are eating them every
single day.
Chances are they could end up killing you. Since they were introduced,
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes rates have gone through the roof. In
the list of dietary dangers, trans fats rank at the very top.
Examples of foods that contain trans fats are the commercially baked
goods - cakes, biscuits, crackers, muffins, donuts, pies, pastries, pizza
dough, microwave popcorn, fried foods like fried chicken, fries,
margarine, chocolate, potato chips, salad dressings, and junk foods of all
The bottom line: Forget about being healthy or losing weight while you
are eating trans fats.
Watch out for this evil sweetener - HFCS
Another villain is 'high-fructose corn syrup' (HFCS) - an extremely bad
sugar. Most people look at a field of corn and see waves of grain, but food
companies see it as a cheap sweetener.
HFCS is corn syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to increase
its fructose content. Fructose is the natural sugar found in fruit. Until
recently, it was thought to be a healthier alternative to sucrose, known
more commonly as table sugar.
Unfortunately HFCS has proven to be a definite health risk, as new
research continues to link it to the exploding epidemic of obesity,
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diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
HFCS has become the darling of the food industry because it is the
perfect industrial ingredient: it makes foods taste deliciously sweet and it
is extremely inexpensive (corn being perhaps the most readily available
crop in the U.S. because of massive government subsidies that ensure its
steady production).
HFCS stimulates high levels of the hormone insulin in the body. This leads
to insulin resistance, where the body cannot control high blood sugar
levels (and diabetes is often the end result). HFCS also blocks the
appetite control hormone leptin which is responsible for telling us when
we are full by signaling to us to stop eating.
No, that is not a real bottle of high fructose cornup syrup soda pop. But it
might as well be. Do yourself and your family a favor and ween everyone
off soft drink. This might be something you indulge in at a restaurant
once in a while. It should definitely not line the shelves of your
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Problems caused by the villain we call HFCS:
• It tricks your body into believing it is hungry. This
increase in appetite leads to overeating and you becoming
• You end up eating more processed foods, thereby
decreasing your intake of the nutrient-dense, or
'healthy', foods.
• It increases insulin resistance (the inability of your
body to control blood glucose levels and triglycerides blood fats).
Unfortunately for us, thousands of grocery items contain HFCS and it can
be found in a huge variety of foods. Everything from bottled salad
dressings, ice cream, yogurt, tomato sauce, ketchup, sports drink - even
bread, cereals and cookies. It is used in everything from pasta sauces to
bacon to beer as well as in "health products" like protein bars and
"natural" sodas.
Be On The Watch For These Nasty Items
If you value your health you will eliminate these two major unnatural and
harmful man-made non foods. Trans fats and HFCS have no place in a
healthy diet. The trouble is, this is not so easy to do. Unfortunately,
thousands of different products in the grocery store contain HFCS and
trans fat. Products that contain both, then, actually carry a double
Here is how you can keep these 'toxic two' out of your shopping trolley so
they do not find their way into your kitchen and ultimately interfere with
your health:
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• Read the labels on every product you purchase (even your
pet's food). Watch out for the words 'partially
hydrogenated oils.' Do not purchase the product if it
lists this as an ingredient.
• Avoid frozen prepared meals, as they are some of the
biggest offenders, along with bottled or canned meals.
• Keep to the outside of the supermarket where you will
find whole foods - fresh vegetables and fruits, quality
meats and eggs. Spend a little more money and buy quality
• Remember fresh natural foods do not generally have food
labels. If it has a label then man has interfered with it
in some way.
Make an effort to reduce your intake of junk food and commercially fried
food. Bake at home using only healthy ingredients rather than buying
commercially baked goods. Use only animal based fats like butter, ghee,
lard or dripping or natural vegetable or olive oil for cooking and baking.
To be able to eat healthy or lose weight you need to be in control of your
appetite. If you want and need to lose some weight, but find yourself
suffering out of control cravings and irresistible urges to eat, it may not
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be simply a lack of will power that is sabotaging your best efforts.
Managing your food intake is so much easier when your appetite is not
spinning out of control, and this appears to be influenced by multiple
mechanisms that signal the brain when it is time to eat or when you are
full and need to stop eating.
Overeating can thwart any weight loss endeavors. If you cannot control
your eating, you cannot control the amount of calories that you consume,
and you cannot control your weight. It might seem simple, but will power
is only going to take you so far and you need some effective tools to
outsmart your hunger.
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A Newly Discovered
Hunger Hormone
Researchers have recently discovered a hormone called ghrelin that kicks
our appetite into top gear when our tummies are empty. Ghrelin prompts
us to eat. It is believed that ghrelin is one of the means used by the body
to protect its body fat stores when it senses a food shortage.
Ghrelin would have been beneficial way back in the days of feasts or
famines that our ancient ancestors endured. This hormone is part of our
blueprint and Nature's way of driving us to eat large amounts during
times when food was abundant only on occasion. By doing so we could
stock up on our fat stores in preparation for the next famine.
Our hunger signals need to be of an intensity to get us motivated to go
out and hunt, which is what animals do. Today, with a fridge full of food
in the next room, or fast food outlets around every corner, we hardly
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need another reason to eat.
Researchers have found that when you begin dieting, regardless of what
you weigh, ghrelin levels rise. It is the body's attempt to battle against
what it perceives as health-threatening weight loss. Food scientists
theorize that it is the rise in the levels of this hormone, and the increased
appetite that it creates, that makes permanent weight loss so difficult to
When we drop calories too low, our action triggers ghrelin to jump in and
force us to eat. It makes sense that we are tormented with cravings and
the urge to overeat with this appetite-increasing hormone is present
throughout our body. But in reality it is triggered by us under eating and
is only present to drive us to eat.
Scientists have yet to fully understand the role ghrelin plays in regulating
food intake as it is just one of many that regulate our appetite control
system. But so far, research does confirm that it is a food intake initiator
as its level rises just before eating and drops immediately after:
You can clearly see the behavior in this graph of ghrelin levels, which
shows the typical rise and fall pattern of the hormone over the course of
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a day for individuals who regularly eat three square meals a day.
So, to be able to lose weight for the long term we need to be able to keep
ghrelin under control. We will look at how to do that later in this report.
Out Of Control Hunger Comes
From Signal Disruption
Hormones are the chemical messengers that give instructions to cells,
tissues, and organs. When a message needs to be delivered to a body
part hormones are secreted into the bloodstream where they are
transported to that specific hormone's receptors, wherever they may be
When hormones arrive at their destination they 'fit' into the receptor just
like a key in a lock. A specific chain of events is triggered by the hormone
as it does its job, and in the case of hunger hormones an empty stomach
leads you to feeling hungry and needing to eat. This is one of the roles
that ghrelin plays, as a messenger that moves directly from the stomach
to the brain.
But these complex chemical interactions among various systems in the
body can suffer from signal disruption, and one of the chief contributors
to this is environmental toxins.
These chemicals find their way into our bodies and accumulate in human
body fat and they can remain there for years causing damage.
This damage can alter our metabolism (the body's engine), cause
nutritional deficiencies, create hormonal imbalances, and lower our
threshold of resistance to chronic disease. These chemical disruptions
include interfering with other hormones that regulate fat metabolism in
the body.
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We are continually exposed to chemically contaminated food and water,
household cleaners, prescription and over the counter drugs, and
pesticides. We also receive unwanted contaminants from poor quality air
that we breathe.
It comes as a shock to most people that we have many hundreds of
chemical residues stored in our body fat. When we reach the limit of our
ability to detoxify the blood and excrete these toxins, we instead have to
store them, and this accumulation compromises our health.
With the increase of toxins within the environment and the foods we eat,
it is not surprising that many people are at a level of toxicity way past the
point that the body's own natural detoxification system can cope with.
Chemicals and toxins can build up in your system and cause problems
regardless of your body weight.
This disruption to our appetite control mechanism can cause us to
become hungry after we have just eaten. The result is that you store
body fat when you should be burning it, you age at an accelerated rate,
and your disease risk increases. Your body starts ignoring the normal
control signals for appetite, natural hunger, and metabolism, and the
result is increased body weight and eventual sickness.
How To Regain Control Over Hunger,
Lose Weight, And Restore Health
The good news is that it is very easy to outsmart ghrelin and to stop it
from triggering an overeating frenzy. It appears that to keep down levels
of ghrelin, along with other related 'hunger hormones', we only need to
make a few lifestyle changes so that our healthy eating plans are not
wrecked by these appetite boosters.
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The key to controlling your appetite, along with your body weight, is to
create harmony and synergy within your appetite control system especially as it works side by side with, and is part of, your metabolism.
As I will show you, if you feel your appetite is controlling you, you can
turn the tables and begin reversing this situation so as to regain control
over your hunger hormones.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is to follow the steps suggested in
a brand new and very unique program called 21 Days To Healthy Eating.
This plan will guide you through simple changes to not only your lifestyle,
but to your meal composition. You will discover how to correctly balance
the macro-nutrient ratios (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and you will
master the art of timing meals with a higher than usual frequency, for
maximum enhancement of your overall health.
You will also discover exactly how many calories are required to shift your
metabolism from hunger to satisfaction, from storing body fat to burning
body fat, from weight gain to weight loss, from lack of energy to 'jumping
out of your skin' energy, and from feeling sluggish to feeling vital and
When you follow the steps laid out in 21 Days to Healthy Eating you will
permanently turn on the genes that will allow you to lose weight, and
turn off the ones that have been making you gain weight. You will
discover how your body responds to and easily complies with these easy
lifestyle changes, such as eating in a way that encourages hormonal
control and the repair of damage done to your metabolism.
This approach to outsmarting your hunger involves 'clean' eating
(avoiding chemicals and processed foods) and controlling insulin (the fat
storing hormone) and other hunger hormones like ghrelin. The goal is
achieved by eating the correct balance of complex carbohydrates, and
through an increase in the amount of quality protein calories you take in.
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The main secret here is to keep your tummy partially full throughout the
day and to avoid at all costs getting excessively hungry. To regulate your
appetite and lose body fat we do this by eating 5-7 small meals each day,
each one nutritionally balanced. Eating this way will knock the hunger
hormone ghrelin right out of the picture and enable you to stay satisfied
and energized.
One of the main benefits of eating this way is that you will avoid the
extreme hunger that triggers overeating or bingeing on high-fat, high
sugar foods, like cakes or cookies, which will leave you feeling really
disappointed in yourself and feeling you have let yourself down.
As well as helping you keep your hunger hormones under control so that
you can lose weight, adhering to the guidelines in 21 Days To Healthy
Eating will discourage under-eating, which is another major and much
underrated cause of uncontrolled weight gain and yo-yo eating.
If you miss meals, especially the very important first meal of the day breakfast - you will be more likely to get really hungry and lose control
when you are forced to eat due to rising ghrelin levels. When you get in
the habit of eating healthy, balanced nutrient-dense foods throughout the
day, you will also be able to support and fuel a proper strength training
exercise program which will allow you to make the necessary changes to
your fat burning machinery - your lean muscle tissue.
Skipping meals for much of the day then gorging at night is an easy habit
to get into. But it will bite you on the backside eventually when you
steadily gain weight and lose your youthful good looks and endanger your
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Forget About DIETING
Have you ever noticed how much hungrier you feel when you are dieting?
It is now known that ghrelin levels increase while losing weight. This
explains why people have such a hard time losing weight and keeping it
off for the long term. It is estimated that as much as 95 percent of all
restrictive food diets fail and any weight lost is quickly put back on again.
As soon as you decrease calories below a certain level your appetite will
increase, causing you to feel hungry. Your hunger hormone ghrelin talks
to your central nervous system and tells it to turn up that appetite dial,
and you will not be able to control it.
If you are the type of person who has previously been on and off diets, or
who is prone to cravings, excessive hunger, and maybe bingeing, and
who believes they are susceptible to emotional eating, you must stop
dieting. Embarking on a quick weight loss program is absolutely one of
the worst things you could do and will only lead to making the above
problems worse.
Experiencing hunger is both a mental and physical challenge. This is why
you need a cast iron strategy that deals with both. Even the strongest
willpower cannot withstand the calls of uncontrolled hormonal hunger for
long. How many times have you been on a diet and all you can think to
yourself is, "I can't wait for this diet to be over so that I can eat again.
How many days left to go?"
Decreasing that pesky hormone ghrelin is the key to losing weight.
You need to get your head around the fact that the only way you are
going to outsmart your hunger hormones is with a more conservative
calorie reduction program and a slow steady weight loss effort.
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New strategies are needed to outsmart the network of all of the
hormones that play a role in regulating hunger. They all play off each
other and are triggered by, and become unbalanced by, catalysts such as
the types of foods you eat (or do not eat) and when you eat (or do not
If you eat too much of the wrong type of food, say, by adding too much
sugar to your system, you can set off a cascading cycle of hormonal
imbalance that could last for many hours and maybe even days. This can
leave you at the mercy of whims that cause you to overeat and binge.
By replacing at least 80 percent of the processed foods in your diet, and
eating higher quality small meals, you will be less likely to relapse or
binge. If you want to speed things up, a proper strength training program
will rebuild and boost your metabolism. So instead of simply eating less,
exercise more as well.
If your hormones are 'out of balance' and bouncing off each other,
causing you to feel out of control with your eating, just a few days of
eating properly - as recommended in 21 Days To Healthy Eating - will get
them simmered down again. Hunger hormones like our friend ghrelin will
be back under control and normalized, and you will regain a better sense
of real hunger instead of being tricked into eating more than you need to
The good news is that while you may well have been blaming yourself for
not having more control over your appetite and eating habits, the blame
in large part should be for allowing ghrein to build to uncontrollable levels.
We sometimes forget that the human brain is easily distracted by the
many delectable sights and smells of food, and can be influenced by
stress-induced cravings. Add ghrelin into the mix and real physical
hunger can hardly be heard.
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Getting Off The Merry Go Round - The Closest We
Can Ever Get To Effortless Hungerless Weight Loss
The human body functions best when it is in a state of balance called
'homeostasis.' When we are at a normal body weight, are well, happy and
exercising regularly, we exist in a finely tuned state of metabolic balance.
Our hormonal systems, which include our appetite control systems, self
regulate themselves to keep us in good health and protect us from
Any disruption to this precise balance, such as becoming overweight,
starts a see-sawing of hormones that perpetuate a vicious cycle of weight
loss and weight gain. As many of us have discovered after trying one diet
after another, once the balance of weight control has been disrupted and
thrown 'out of kilter' is can be very difficult to get it back on track again.
21 Days to Healthy Eating has been designed to put us back into the
patterns of eating that will restore balance to our internal systems. By
reconnecting with the signals that tell us when we are hungry and when
we are full, and by restoring the hormonal balance that regulates our
metabolism, we can restore excellent health and lose weight effectively
and permanently.
Hunger is something you should expect when embarking on a weight loss
plan but it should be mild and quite manageable. Hunger is natural, but
unfortunately it may not always have your waist-line at heart, so it is not
safe to let it guide your eating habits.
Unlike dieting, which encourages you to cut back, to eat less, to skimp,
starve, and deprive yourself until you become less energetic, the 21 Days
to Healthy Eating plan is quite the opposite. You will have more of
everything, more good quality food, more energy, more fat loss, and
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more good feelings as you become stronger, fitter and leaner. In other
words, just what you always wanted.
You will have a new opportunity to begin a new relationship with food - a
healthier, more appreciative relationship where you view food in a
different light. Instead of it being the enemy that makes you fat, the
combatant you are engaged with in constant battle, you will begin to see
it for what it should be perceived as - the food we need to help our body
stay strong, energetic and healthy.
All right, we have covered the basics of hormone influence as it relates to
raising or lowering your level of perceived hunger. By no means have I
delivered you the complete story of all the hormones involved in weight
loss. If you would like the complete story, including advice about what
you can to do properly balance your hormones for weight loss, be sure to
check out my 21 Days To Healthy Eating system that dives into the
details of sustained healthy eating for weight loss and the overall
improvement of your long term health.
In the next, and final, chapter I will detail a little about I was able to get
into shape using the principles of healthy eating.
To Eat For Fat Loss - Visit 21 Days To Healthy Eating
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How I Got Into Shape By Eating Healthy
I hope you enjoyed learning about how your perception of hunger is
influenced by your hormones as much as I enjoying putting this report
together for you. Of course, what you have learned today is just the tip of
the iceberg when it comes to putting these ideas into action and reaping
the benefits of healthy eating.
As a wrap for this report it seems only fitting that I tell you a little about
myself and how I have used the principles of hormone regulation through
healthy eating for fat loss to get into shape over the years.
Just like you, all I wanted was a lean, healthy, strong, and shapely body.
Not too much to ask for in your youth, which is when I first became
overly interested in the idea (in fact I became obsessed with it!)
But back in the eighties, when I got started, the fitness "experts" of the
day believed that to get into good shape one had to starve oneself on lowcalorie diets and do hours of long, slow, repetitive activity.
My friends and I spent many years doing just that. We dieted our socks
off and spent every moment we could walking, jogging, cycling,
swimming, and attending aerobics classes. And guess what? Not a lean,
firm body in sight. For me, just the same old skinny, flabby body that
measured in at 23 percent body fat. Not much to show for several years
of hard work.
The Turning Point
Eventually, due to burn out and lower body injuries I was told that I
would have to give up what I had been doing for perhaps a year. At that
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time walking was an effort. I had shin splints and a stress fracture. So I
did the only thing that seemed left for me to do. I went to the gym and
begun a regimen of strength training.
I discovered that when the intense hunger that I had become used to
(from all the endurance activity) was no longer an issue, eating better
became easier for me. It seemed simpler just to eat more protein, eat
more often, and get rid of the junk. And guess what? Within 6 months,
body fat was dropping off and a new firm body shape had begun to
emerge. Progress was so fast that within 18 months I found myself
standing on a competitive bodybuilding stage and I went on to compete
over 30 more times.
Since then I have helped hundreds of people (thousands if we count my
gym members) get into better shape. Some of them have even gone on
to compete in body shaping/physique contests themselves.
I consider my years of hands on and personal experience way more
valuable than the fitness/personal training qualifications I hold that
enable me to work in the fitness industry. What I have leaned about
getting into top physical shape is not taught in any university in the entire
You Can Do It Too
Today my goal is to share what I know with every person who has had
trouble getting into shape and who needs a hand to do it. Because I
cannot personally coach you I have taken the time to write down my
system for weight loss and overall control of health through the practice
of healthy eating. I call the system 21 Days To Healthy Eating.
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This program is ideal for you:
• If you have ever struggled to lose weight and watched
helplessly as the unwanted pounds just kept piling on...
• If you have tried every fad diet only to end up heavier.
• If you have tried pills, vitamins, shakes and even
prescription drugs with no success.
• If you do not have time for hours of walking or jogging.
But any weight loss program is only going to benefit you in the long run if
you can stick with it. That is why I have made an effort to put together a
system that requires:
• No conventional dieting
• No self denial
• No sweaty exercise
• No willpower
Now that you have discovered, by reading this report, how to control your
hunger through revised meal size and frequency, to burn more fat with
less effort, you are ready to lose all the weight you want. It is easy when
you know how. And if you would like me to show you the exact steps and
give specific directions to help you shed fat, build back the muscle, and
transform your body, then you will find everything you need in my 21
Days To Healthy Eating.
When you allow me to guide you in this weight loss journey you will find
the process quite different than anything you have tried before - because
we are going to make it about more of everything rather than less. You
will be finally free to feel the energy of a lean and strong body while
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enjoying more of everything... more food... more energy... more vitality,
strength, confidence, and quality of life.
Now, doesn't that seem like the right way to go about securing what you
really want - a strong, healthy, energetic, and lean body?
If you would like to learn more about the right way to do all this then
check out my book:
To Eat For Fat Loss - Visit 21 Days To Healthy Eating
But wait. There is more.
Because you took the time to download this special report and read all
the way through to this page, I am going to throw in additional products
of mine - shown on following pages - absolutely free of charge when you
pick up your copy of 21 Days To Healthy Eating...
Outsmart Your Hunger
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Outsmart Your Hunger
FREE Bonus #1 - Normally $27
100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats
We all love to eat. But how do you avoid hitting the junk food daily and
adding that junk to the trunk? The answer is that you learn to add
healthy raw snacks to your diet.
It started out with me experimenting in my kitchen to see how I could
add more healthy raw foods to my diet, and it ended up being a
hobby that has seen the development of more than 100 recipes for
healthy snacks, treats, and even desserts. Trust me, once you start
adding a few of these ideas to your daily menu you will find it a LOT
easier to steer clear of the vending machines and keep a much tighter
reign on the kind of foods that you put into your body.
Care for some healthy Cashew Coconut Delight? Or tasty Macadamia Nut
Fudge, or Pecan Orange Balls, or Date Nut Treats? Inside 100 Healthy
Raw Snacks And Treats I offer you those PLUS another 95 healthy
recipes to fill the spot when you just have to grab some tasty
carbohydrates! Yours FREE when you pick up 21 Days To Healthy Eating!
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FREE Bonus #2 - Normally $37
Stop Food Cravings Fast
Of course, keeping a lid on your food cravings can be a real problem
that benefits from every little trick in the book that you can throw at it. I
know, because I suffered particularly acute food cravings during the
periods that I fasted before my appearance in bodybuilding competitions.
So I set out to find a solution to that problem too, and it turned out that
this was a lot easier than I expected to be the case. The end result is that
once you have read Stop Food Cravings Fast, which I am including in
the special package being offered to you in this report, you will know
exactly how to rid yourself of cravings that can derail your attempts to
gain control of your metabolism and burn fat from your body at the
maximum possible rate.
Again, this gem is yours FREE when you pick up 21 Days To Healthy
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FREE Bonus #3 - Normally $37
Hot Legs Workout
For The Ladies - A set of leg exercises to shape and firm your butt and
have your lower body looking 10 years younger.
Your legs comprise the largest muscle group in your body, but most
people either ignore their legs when they exercise or give them nowhere
near the attention they deserve. In Hot Legs Workout I show you how
to create the butt and thighs that will have the opposite sex unable to
peel their eyes from you.
This bonus for the ladies is FREE with 21 Days To Healthy Eating!
See you on the inside,
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Carolyn Hansen's Catalogue
Carolyn Hansen's Catalogue
30 Day Ultra Fast Keto Challenge™ By Key For Keto
Diabetes Freedom™ By George Reilly
Resurge Deep Sleep & High Support Formula:
The Resurge Supplement is formulated by
John Barban to be used in conjunction
with an after dinner ritual to help burn fat
and accelerate the weight loss process
Resurge Deep Sleep Support Formula contains eight-powerfull ingredients
meant to support sound sleep and boost fat burning benefits.