Загрузил Dilafruz Istamova

New approaches to english teaching

2nd year student of National University of Uzbekistan
named after Mirza Ulugbek, faculty of Foreign Philology
Scientific supervisor: Nurkhon Adkhamjanovna
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: This article highlights the use of innovative methods in picking up
English as a non-official language. Also, technologies and developments are
illustrated as decisive weapons that have great impact on modern avenues to educate
English as a second language. Furthermore, effects of new system are portrayed so as
to prove the merits of new methods.
Key words: non-native language, method, methodology, traditional methods,
modern approaches, online reading, competency-based learning, constructive
Every few years refreshing criteria arrive on the scene that are handy in
absorbing English as a second language. In that point, it is a superior way to present
explication of non-native language. A second language is a language that is taught in
addition to a person's mother tongue, English is the foreign language learned by most
individuals worldwide. This language may be acquired by absorption, because it is
spoken in the home, or actively pursued by taking courses. English for speaker of
other language is not only a vital weapon in upgrading business, but it gives a hand to
enrich the awareness of pedagogical technologies. Hence, how does a teacher make
use of creative procedures to train non -official language? Some practical tips are
presented so as to facilitate of learning English as an auxiliary language:
• Initially, english should be a resource of stimulating natural “communication”
between learners.
• Teachers who are informed some of the findings of up to date research are
better prepared to judge whether the new proposals for language teaching for are
likely to bring about irresistible changes in students learning.
• The educator has power of bringing into being which encourage the students
to read the text, use appropriate grammatical order for expressing a topic and provide
culture , language and content in the lesson[1, p.58].
• Moreover, group work is able to form situations for the use of the conditional
in natural communicative situations
• 2) written and oral exercises reinforce the use of the conditional in more
formal, structured situations;
3) self-evaluation activities lend a hand students to develop conscious
awareness of their language use.[2]
To be honest, I totally agree with these methods, owing to the fact that educator
has huge impact on attentiveness of students in memorizing new projects. Hence, a
variety of approaches dealing with team work, the use of not only oral but also noted
exercises are handy to get learner’s exposure to the language.
Frankly, advantageous methods are on the use in picking up new aspects of
subject. In that case, firstly, a believable choice is to find out appropriate definition of
“method”. The method is simply the tool used to answer your research questions –
how, in short you will go about collecting your data. The expert opinion method
provides validity of the research when it is necessary to obtain evidence of the
research [3].
According to the scientist S.N Severin, a special attention in modern
pedagogical science is paid to “the forecasting and projecting of the research”: the
research should be based on the well-grounded methodology. He also commented on
the methodology: “Methodology combines the strengths of both qualitative and
quantitative methods and its use in research has been facilitated by recent
developments in computer software. Methodology is briefly illustrated in a single case study of the subjective experience
demonstrate the Method package.[4,p.561].
and the data generated are used to
Besides, the scientists Mc Gregor and Murname define methodology as:
“Methods are the tools, techniques or processes that we use in our research.
Methodology comprises two nouns: method and ology, which means a branch of
knowledge; hence, methodology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the general
principles or axioms of the generation of new knowledge. It refers to the rationale and
the philosophical assumptions that underlie any natural, social or human science
study, whether articulated or not. Simply put, methodology refers to how each of
logic, reality, values and what counts as knowledge inform research.”[5,p.419-427].
Personally, I have to side with Mc Gregor and Murname since, method is the
technique that has been proven to be correct, when it comes methodology, it envelops
a set of methods when studying a particular job. As I mentioned above, while
studying English, there are stated various kinds of method in handy becoming
proficient in subject. Needless to say, we can come across two types of methods:
1. Traditional approaches
2. Modern approaches
In this position it is agreeable recommendation is to differentiate which method
is taken into consideration the most excellent choice. In regards to traditional method ,
it is all about recitation , if I make it clear, all students sit in silence, each students
responds to a series of lesson, the teacher listen to each student’s speech and mark
them. Notwithstanding, modern teaching based on more activities using questioning,
explaining, demonstration and collaboration techniques. It focus more on the
individual learner’s
needs than assuming all students are at the same level of
understanding. Here is given quit stimulating viewpoint by Sonia Jackson about
modern teaching methods: “The traditional “chalk and talk” method of teaching
that’s persisted for hundred of years is now acquiring inferior results when compared
with the more modern and revolutionary teaching methods that are available for use
in schools today . Greater student interaction is encouraged, the boundaries of
authority are being broken down and a focus on enjoyment over grades is
It can be hardly agreed with Sonia Jackson that fresh procedures are
significantly usable in all respects. A number of activities regarding physical
movement, online exercises, competency -based learning strengthen curiosity of
students in learning something new. So, question can be formed here, what kind of
new approaches should be taken into consideration while teaching English as an
additional language? Here we are able to follow some of the necessary instructions.
Take an example, online reading is the most helpful method in ESL classes.
Successful online readers are able to focus on their reading task. First, they rapidly
home in on the information they need by clearly identifying their purpose before
launching their search[7]. They start by choosing search terms that they believe will
help them answer a specific question. Carefully selecting search terms before
beginning a search ultimately saves time because results are more likely to be
pertinent and useful. To help learners develop the skills necessary for purposeful
online reading, instructors must provide models, guidance and sufficient practice.
Besides, Competency-based learning is a sort of modern method that focuses
on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes. Furthermore, as a
teaching technique constructive struggling ought to be permitted for students to
compete through a lesson with guidance from their teacher.[8,p.5].
By the by, playing a game is equally important with other mentioned procedures.
For instance, the game named “Desert Island” is quit effective because of common
usages of target words. There are indicated main steps for this game.
Step 1
Initially, everyone is distributed empty cards then for filling with some
drawings. After that, those cards have to be exchanged by game organizer.
Step 2
Students will be required to prove how they will endure with what is illustrated
in the picture for “Desert Island”. This positive appraisal of the game gives a hand to
be used your enriched vocabulary. If you are able to fand out suitable reason, you will
get an opportunity to go on living. Otherwise, you will have probability of death.
To sum up, from approaches and techniques conducted, we can say that new
methods have a good impact on individuals’ attention while learning English as a
foreign language. Moreover, these lend a hand students to feel satisfied with what
they know. Also, they do not get bored as in previous methods, but be full of beans ,
in addition feel gratified with lesson. Most researchers confirm that these methods
can make better not only learning quality, but they are acceptable way to enhance
personal-development. That’s why, to the best my opinion, we should carry on
creating new approaches to facilitate processes of acquiring knowledge.
1. Day E and S. Shapson.1991.’integrating formal and functional approaches to
language teaching in native language immersion: An experimental approach’.
Language Learning .p.58.
2. Savignon, S.1972. Communicative Competence: An Experiment in Foreignlanguage Teaching. Philadelphia, Pa: Center for Curriculum Development.
3. Integrating Language & Content Instruction in the Immersion Classroom by
Elizabeth Graser 1st Grade Teacher; Normandale French Immersion , Edina,
4. Methodology and Qualitative Reasearch; in Qualitative Health Research, in
November 1996 by Steven R. Brown; p.561
5. McGregor, S. L., & Murname, J. A. (2010). Paradigm, methodology and
method: Intellectual integrity in consumer scholarship. International Journal of
Consumer Studies, 34 (4), 419-427.
6. http://sixthform.stephenperse.com/blog/?pid=458&storyid=4728 ,
7. Cho 2013;Coiro and Dobler 2007; zhang and Duke 2008
8. English Teaching Forum;Notes for Teachers by the United States Department
of State for teachers of English; Online Reading Strategies for the Classroom, p.5