FINCII Bank Ne Our reference number - 015 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Confirmation letter c. Bishkek Date:17.07.2020 Hereby, Closed Joint Stock Company (FINCA Bank>>, confirms that, as of 17.07.2020 02:33 client Kochubaev Adil Dzhekshenbekovich has the following account(s) at Operational Management Head Office branch. Account number 1 380203007306641 Currency Balance 295000.00 equivalent KGS - Type of account The date of opening account 1 380203007306641 - Term deposit with replen ishment 22.01.2020 USD at the NBKR 77.4459 - 3809.1 'l This confirmation letter was given to the above-mentioned client based on the written request. division k" Document originator: FINCAINT\gulmira.ismailova Contact telephone number for confirmation +996 312 440440 "FINCA Bank" CJSC 93/2 Shopokova St., Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic, 72002 I NBKR license ]li05l T F .+996-3t2-440-440 .+996-312-440-440 'Ot/HKA 6axru" XAK Kur p rurr P e cny 6 nuxacot, 7 20021 6r,ru:xex u.t,, [Jonoxoe xeq., 93/2 3AO "OtzlHKA 6axx" 720021 KurprsBcxaR Pecny6aura r. 6nuxex, yn. Ul onoxosa 93/2 T: +996-312-440-440 A: +996-312-440-440 FIIVC,ry Bank Our referencgo'rumber - 016 TO WHOM+HAY*eON€ERI+- Confirmation letter c.Bishkek Date:17.07.2020 Hereby, closed Joint stock company (FINCA Bank>, confirms that, as of 17 .07.2020 02:59 client Askarova Nazira Nazarbekovna has the following account(s) at Operational Management Head Office branch.branch. Account number Currency Balance Type of account The date of opening account '1380201 010276806 USD 22000.00 38020300661 0968 KGS 100424.38 1 38020300661 0968- chitdrens 24.09.2019 equivalent USD savings deposit 1 1 380201 01 0276806- Demand deposit account 24.06.2020 at the NBKR 77.4459 - 1296.70 This confirmation tetter was given to the above-mentioned client based on the request. *itt". division ,, Document originator: FINCAI NT\gulmira. ismailova Contact telephone number for confirmation "OflHKA 6axxut" XAK Kur prurr P ecny6nuxacu, 7 20021 6uuxex u.r., Ulonoxoe xeu., 93/2 +gg6 312 440440 3AO "OIIHKA 6anx" 720021 Kurprurrcxan Pecny6ruxa r. 6ruxex, yn. Ul onoxoea 9312 f: +996-312-440-440 @: +996-312-440-440