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ITV News Wednesday sample script

ITV News Wednesday,June 15th
1) Banks may soon be forced to separate their high street operations from their investment
banking. The Chancellor George Osborne is expected to use his annual Mansion House speech
to approve proposals from the independent commission on banking designed to prevent
another financial crisis. Their top recommendation is for retail banks doing ring fence (putting
restrictions) from riskier trading operations.
2) Unemployment has fallen by 88 000, the biggest quarterly drop in more than a decade. It takes
the jobless total to 2.43 million but the number of people claiming job seeker’s allowance
jumped last month by more than 19 000 to 1.49 million, the worst figure for a year.
3) Police have uncovered a plot to murder the singer Joss Stone after two men were arrested near
her home .The men were initially held for possessing an offensive weapon and being equipped
for burglary and theft after police were alerted by suspicious locals but the police have since
confirmed that the men are being detained on charges to rob and murder.