*33» j яви’ M .A. Болоньи ПОДГОТОВКА К Задания В 11-В 16 ЕГЭ Раздел «ГРАММАТИКА и ЛЕКСИКА» ^etawes S fift» ' ЛЕГИОН УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. ПОДГОТОВКА К ЕГЭ» Учебные пособия издательства «Легион» допущены к использованию в образовательном процессе приказом Минобрнауки России № 729 от 14.12.2009 Учебно-методический комплекс «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ» М. А. Бодоньи АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ПОДГОТОВКА К ЕГЭ СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ В11-В16 Раздел «Грамматика и лексика» Учебно-методическое пособие ЛЕГИОН Ростов-на-Дону 2013 Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие ориентировано на подго­ товку к выполнению заданий В11—В 16 на ЕГЭ по английскому языку — заданий на словообразование. Содержание книги базируется на авторской методике развития лексических умений ш кольников с опорой на К одифи­ катор Ф И П И . Пособие состоит из четырёх глав: подготовительные упражнения, уп­ ражнения на употребление словообразовательных элементов (суффиксов и префиксов), задания в формате ЕГЭ, основанные на текстах, проверяю ­ щие уровень владения механизмом словообразования. Издание адресовано обучающимся 10—11 -х классов, которые готовятся к ЕГЭ и повышают уровень владения английским языком, а также учите­ лям и методистам. К нига дополняет учебно-методический комплекс «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ» и рекомендуется к использованию как самостоятель­ но, так и вместе с пособиями «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ-2014. Пособие с аудированием», «Английский язык. Подготовка к ГЙА-9 и ЕГЭ. Задания с развёрнутым ответом: личное письмо, эссе (C l, С2)» и др. Введение PREFACE Уважаемые выпускники и учителя английского языка! Данное учебно-методическое пособие направлено на подготовку к вы­ полнению заданий В 11 —В 16 единого государственного экзамена по анг­ лийскому языку. Эти задания позволят систематизировать аффиксы анг­ лийского языка, представленные в Кодификаторе элементов содержания и требований к уровню подготовки выпускников общеобразовательных учреждений для проведения единого государственного экзамена по анг­ лийскому языку, а также расширить лексический запас старшеклассников. К элементам содержания, проверяемым на едином государственном экзамене по английскому языку, относятся аффиксы глаголов, существи­ тельных, прилагательных и наречий как элементы словообразования. Зна­ ние этих аффиксов характеризует владение выпускниками лексической стороной речи. Контроль сформированности употребления указанных элементов проходит в ходе выполнения задании В11—В16. Их выполне­ ние связано с возможными трудностями, которые определяются недоста­ точным уровнем осознания механизмов словообразования в английском языке. Кроме того, ош ибки при выполнении данного задания могут быть связаны с неправильным определением части речи, образование которой необходимо в контексте предлагаемого предложения, затруднениями в правописании того или иного суффикса или префикса, а также с некор­ ректным определением значения аффиксов. Очевидно, что для правиль­ ного выполнения указанных заданий требуются специальные средства обучения, ориентированные на достижение поставленных целей. Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие — авторская методика развития лексических умений ш кольников на основе осознания механиз­ мов словообразования в английском языке. В ее основе лежит система упражнений, применение которых расширяет лексический запас ш коль­ ников на основе осознания процессов словообразования в английском языке, обогащает лексическую сторону речи, а также предупреждает воз­ можные ош ибки, связанные с некорректным употреблением аффиксов. При разработке содержания особое внимание было уделено элементам словообразования, представленным в Кодификаторе, владение которыми становится объектом контроля в ходе ЕГЭ по английскому языку. | 5 Пособие состоит из четырех глав. В первой главе «Word Formation: G eneral Terms» представлены общие сведения, важные для осознания механизмов словообразования, а именно строгий порядок слов в англий­ ском языке, части речи, типы аффиксов (суффикс и префикс). Во второй и третьей главах «Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix» и «Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix» конкретизируется употребление словообра­ зовательных элементов (суффиксов или префиксов), входящих в число элементов содержания, проверяемых на едином государственном эк за­ мене по английскому языку и указанных в Кодификаторе. Структура ра­ боты с каждым аффиксом идентична: описание значения аффикса, моде­ ли образования слов, выполнение упражнений на восприятие механизма словообразования, осознание значения, передаваемого словообразова­ тельным элементом, освоение особенностей написания, самостоятельное употребление в микро- и макроконтексте. Особую роль в ходе освоения механизмов словообразования приобретают предлагаемые в каждом бло­ ке задания на построение словообразовательных цепочек. Мы обращаем внимание на необходимость постоянной работы со словарем, это важно для того, чтобы учащиеся не просто механически выполняли предлагае­ мые задания, а осознавали значения изучаемых слов. В некоторых случаях мы сопровождаем упражнения сносками, в которых представлен перевод на русский язык. В четвертой главе учебного пособия «Word Formation Practice» пред­ ставлены задания в формате ЕГЭ, основанные на аутентичных текстах, выполнение которых направлено на оценку уровня владения лексической стороной речи на основе владения механизмами словообразования. Таким образом, выполнение упражнений, представленных в учебно­ методическом пособии, обеспечивает эффективную подготовку и успеш­ ное выполнение заданий В11—В16 раздела «Грамматика и лексика» в ходе ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Желаем успешной сдачи экзаменов! С Замечания и предложения, касающиеся данной книги, можно ирисы -; лать по почте или на электронный адрес: [email protected]. Обсудить пособия, оставить свои замечания и предложения, задать во­ прос можно на официальном форуме издательства http://forum.legionr.ru. V ..........................................................- .... J Word Formation: General Terms WORD FORMATION: GENERAL TERMS B14 B15 1. A. Read the task1, analyze it and answer the questions below2. П рочит айт е приведённый ниж е т екст . Образуйте от слов, напе­ чатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11—В16, однокоренные слова т ак, чтобы они грам м ат ически и л е к ­ сически соот вет ст вовали содерж анию т екст а. Заполнит е пропуски полученны ми словами. Каж дый пропуск соот вет ст вует от дельному заданию из группы В11—В16. UK: Conservation and Environment B11 B12 B13 G o in g for a walk is the m ost p o p u lar leisure ac ­ tivity in B ritain. D esp ite its h i g h ________PO PU L A T E density an d w idespread, th e U K has m an y u n ­ spoilt rural a n d coastal areas. Twelve N atio n al Parks are freely accessible to th e public an d were c re a te d to conserve t h e _____________ beauty, N A T U R E w ildlife an d cultural heritage they co n tain . M ost o f the land in N ational Parks is privately ow ned, b u t ad m in istered by an in d e p e n d e n t N a tio n a l Park A u th o rity w hich w orks to balan ce th e ex­ p e ctatio n s o f _______________w ith th e need to V ISIT conserve th ese o p en spaces for fu tu re g e n e ra ­ tions. T h e U K also works to im prove th e global e n v iro n m e n t a n d has ta k e n g lobal w arm ing 1 Д ем о н стр ац и о н н ы й вариан т к о н тр о л ьн ы х и зм ер и тел ьн ы х м атериалов еди н ого государственного экзам ен а 2013 года п о ан гл и й ск о м у языку. Реж им доступа: http://w w w .fipi.ru /v iew /sectio n s/2 2 6 /d o cs/6 2 7 .h tm l 2 П ри выполнении данного задания не целесообразно образовывать слова на основе словообразовательных моделей. Учащиеся просматриваю т текст, анали­ зируют требования к заданию и вы полняю т упраж нения, представленные ниже. B16 | 7 ever since scientists discovered S E R IO U S the hole in the ozone layer. In 1997 the U K sub­ scribed to the Kyoto Protocol binding developed co u n trie s to red u ce em issions o f th e six m ain g reen h o u se gases. T he P rotocol declares en v i­ ro n m e n ta l _______________ . N ow adays B ritish P R O T E C T ______________ are taking part in one o f the larg- S C IE N C E est in tern atio n a l projects th a t is u n d ertak en to protect endangered species. 1. What should you do in the task? 2. How should you transform the words? 3. Should you transform the words grammatically? 4. Should you make any word formation changes? 5. What does the word formation mean? 6. Choose the variant which shows the process of word formation: a. work — w orked b. n ature — natural c. nice — nicer d. child children В. Choose the words below to complete the task. B l l a. population B12 a. naturally B13 a. visits B14 a. serious B15 a. protected B16 a. science b. b. b. b. b. b. populated natural visitors m ore serious protection scientist c. c. c. c. c. c. popular naturalize visiting seriously protects scientists d. popularization d. unnatural d. visited d. the most serious d. protecting d. sciences Useful Information Задани е н а сл о во о б р азован и е к ак объект контроля в ходе ЕГЭ по ан гл и й ­ ском у язы ку н аправлено на вы явлен ие уровня сф о рм и рован н ое™ н авы ков о п ер и р о ван и я л екси ч ески м и еди н и ц ам и на осн ове предлож ен н ы х текстов. П ри вы п о л н ен и и зад ани й особую трудность для учащ ихся представляет: 1. О со зн ан и е строгого п оряд ка слов в ан гли йском я зы к е и ум ение оп реде­ лять место части речи в п редлож ении, 2. З н ан и е правил словообразовани я, п они м ан ие зн ачен и я суф ф иксов и п ре­ ф и к со в ан гли йского я зы к а, 3. С оотнесен и е суф ф и ксов с частям и речи, 4. Зн ани е особен н остей н ап и сан и я слов ан гли йского язы ка. 8 2. | Word Formation: General Terms Word Formation: General Terms Read the following information. Answer the questions. Я зы к п о сто я н н о п о п о л н яется но во й л е к с и к о й , новы м и словам и. Э то определяется р азвитием науки, тех н и к и , п о явл ен и ем новы х м е­ х ан и зм о в, п р и б о р о в и т. п. К ром е того, п р о и сх о ди т п о сто я н н о е с о ­ трудничество с представи телям и разны х я зы к о в и культур, что такж е вл и яет н а п о я в л е н и е новы х слов. В а н гл и й ск о м я зы к е сущ ествует н еск ольк о способов о б р азо ван и я новы х слов: 1) а ф ф и к с а ц и я , т. е. о б р азо ван и я нового слова на осн ове а ф ф и к ­ сов (су ф ф и ксо в и пр еф и ксо в) 2) о б р азо в ан и е сл о ж н ы х сл о в путем с о е д и н е н и я просты х слов: week + en d -> w eekend 3) за и м с т в о в а н и е слов и з д руги х я зы к о в : g u ard, army, victory — ф р ан ц у зск и е заи м ство ван и я. П ри в ы п о л н ен и и зад ан и я н а сл о во о бр азо ван и е важ н о пон им ать, из каки х к о м п о н ен то в со сто и т слово. Корень (word root) — о сн о в н о й эл ем ен т слова, которы й содерж ит о сн овн о е знач ен и е слова, и он не м ож ет б ы ть разделен н а м еньш ие частиц ы без потери передаваем ого см ы сла. Суффикс д обавляется к слову после к о р н я и п р и в н о си т д о п о л н и ­ тельную и н ф о р м ац и ю к о сн о вн о м у значению . Преф икс добавл яется к слову в начале перед корн ем и п р и вн о си т д ополнительную и н ф о р м ац и ю к о сн о вн о м у значению . 1. What does the process of word formation mean? 2. What is the difference between suffixes and prefixes? 3. D o you know any English suffixes? Name them. 4. Do you know any English prefixes? Name them. 5. Why is it important to understand the mechanisms of word formation for learners of English? 3. A. Read the following words. Divide them into 4 groups and com­ plete the table. work, num erous, m isleading, m isunderstanding, jo b , teacher, bed, piano, m isfortune, careless, overheat, disapproval, in tern atio n al, governm ent, unlike, possibility, bag, unfortunately, overload, disappoint The word has a suffix The word has a suffix a nd a prefix The word has a prefix | 9 The word has neither a suffix nor a prefix Parts o f speech Noun is a type o f word th at is usually the nam e o f som ething such as a person, a place, a thing, a quality o r an idea: mouse, table, information, peace. Verb is a type o f word th a t usually tells about an action o r a state and is the m ain part o f a sentence: to play, to suppose, to inform. Adjective is a 'describing' word; the m ain role o f w hich is to give m ore inform ation about the object: nice, wonderful, amazing. Adverb is a word th at changes o r qualifies the m eaning o f a verb, an adjective, o th er adverb, a clause, a sentence o r any o th er w ord o r phrase: early, quickly, happily. 4. Complete the table. Define which part of speech each word from the table refers to. Check in the dictionary if you have doubts. noun verb work early \ characteristic play will export m agnificent stone record - adjective adverb 10 I Word Formation: General Terms Word Formation: General Terms noun verb adjective adverb fortunately 7. | 11 Circle the nouns. Underline their suffixes. Check in the dictionary you are unsure. | if public previously report nam e w ater 5. Define which part of speech the words in bold refer to. Translate the sentences. 1. I saw a saw th a t could saw any o th e r saw I ever saw. 2. I thought a thought o f thinking o f than k in g you. 3. If you notice this notice, you will notice th at this notice is not noticing. 4. T here was a fisher nam ed Fisher, w ho fished for a fish in a fissure. 5. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 8 . Circle the adverbs. Underline their suffixes. Check in the diction­ ary if you are unsure. 6 . Circle the adjectives. Underline their suffixes. Check in the diction­ ary if you are unsure. 9. Complete the table. Can you name any other words based on the same root? What part of speech do the words refer to? m is c a lc u la tio n , m isbeliever, m is p ro n u n c ia tio n , m ism a n a g e m e n t, d iso rg an iz e, re c o lle c tio n , re c o n s tru c tio n , in e d u c a b le , im m ovable, im m igration Prefix Ab ____________________ Word root norm Suffix Translation Other words al н енорм альн ы й norm al, norm alize, normality, abnorm ity 12 | Word Formation: General Terms Word Formation: General Terms Prefix Word root Suffix Translation M em orial Day is an A m erican holiday observed ... (2) on the last M onday o f May. A person who receives a r j... (3) to a costum e party has the per­ fect ... (4) to find an outfit that will be the hit o f the occasion. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb The beginning o f spring is a ... (5) tim e to start a new year. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb M ost o f E ngland, S cotland and Wales are on the island o f G reat Britain, as are their ... (6) capital cities: L ondon, Edin­ burgh and Cardiff. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb The U nited States o f Am erica is a fe d e ra l... (7) republic. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb M any people visit cem eteries and m em orials ... (8) to honor those who died in military service. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb C hristm as is a sacred ... (9) holiday. Noun Adjective Adverb Verb O ther people prefer to dress up as som eone or som ething ... (10) strange and unexpected. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb - ___________________________________________ Useful Information О со зн ан и е п оряд ка слов сп особствует п р ави л ьн о м у о п р едел ен и ю частей речи, которы е необходим о образовать при вы п о л н ен и и задани й В 11 — В16. 10. А. Read the sentences. Guess which part of speech you should use. Choose the right word to complete each sentence. G reat Britain lies to the northw est o f ... (I) E urope, with Ire­ land to the west, and makes up the larger part o f the territory o f the U nited Kingdom. N oun Adjective Adverb Verb 13 N oun Adjective Adverb Verb Other words В ан гл и й ск ом предлож ен и и обязател ен строгий п о р яд о к слов. Э то св я за ­ но с тем , что ан гл и й ск и й о тн осится к ан ал и ти чески м язы к ам , кром е того, больш ое количество ан гл и й ски х слов имею т зн ачен и я разны х частей речи (work — работа, работать), и поэтом у кон кр етн о е зн ачен и е такого слова за­ частую определяется зан им аем ы м им местом в п редлож ении. | 14 | Word Formation: General Terms N oun Adjective Adverb Verb The agency is led by its... (11). B. WORD FORMATION: SUFFIX AFTER SUFFIX Choose the right variant for each m issing word. 1. A. continental 2. A. annual" 3. A. invitation 4. A. o pportunistic 5. A. logically 6. A. respectability 7. A. constitution 8. A. particularity 9. A. religion 10. A. com pletely 11. A. adm inistration B. co n tin en t B. annuary B. invite B. o p portunity B. logic B. respective B. constitutional B. particularly B. religious B. com plete B. adm inistrate C. continentally C. annually C. inviting C. opportune C. logical C. respect C. constitute C. particular C. religiously C. com pletion C. adm inistrative И зучение сл овообразован и я в ан гл и й ск ом я зы к е п ри подготовке к ЕГЭ о р и ен ти р о ван о , преж де всего, н а изучение о собен н остей п р о ­ цессов аф ф и к са ц и и , которы е осн ован ы на и сп ользован и и аф ф и к со в при о б р азо ван и и новы х слов. В К од и ф и каторе эл ем ен тов содерж а­ н и я и тр еб о ван и й к уровн ю п од готовк и вы п у ск н и к о в о б щ е о б р а зо ­ вательн ы х у ч р еж д ен и й д ля п р о в ед ен и я ед и н о го го су дарствен н ого эк зам ен а по ан гл и й ск ом у я зы ку указан ы следую щ ие эл ем ен ты сл о ­ в о о б р азо в ан и я 1: Суффиксы как элементы словообразования С уф ф и ксы глаголов: -ize/ise. С уф ф и ксы сущ ествительны х: -e r/o r, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sio n /tio n ,-a n c e /e n c e , -m en t, -ity. С уф ф и ксы прилагательны х: -у, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ia n /a n , -ing, -ous, -ib le/able, -less, -ive. С уф ф и кс наречий: -ly-__________________________________________ В настоящ ей части пособ и я мы предлагаем изучени е аф ф и к со в, зн а н и е которы х проверяется в ходе эк зам ен а. Работа над н и м и н а ­ п р ав л е н а н а о с о зн а н и е зн а ч е н и я , о б р азо в ан и я и п р и н ад л еж н о сти к той или и н о й части речи . К ром е того, п ред лагаем ы е зад ан и я я в ­ ляю тся п о л езн ы м и с точки зрен и я р асш и р ен и я л екси ч еского запаса. И м ен н о п оэтом у освоен и е правил сл о во о б р азо в ан и я д олж н о о б я за ­ тельн о вклю чать и работу со словарем , п о и ск зн ач ен и й слов. 1 К о ди ф и като р элем ентов содерж ан ия и требован ий к уровню подготов­ ки вы п у скн и ко в общ еобразовательны х учреж дений для проведени я еди н ого государственного экзам ен а по ан гл и й ск ом у языку. Реж им доступа: U R L : www. fipi.ru /v iew /sectio n s/2 2 7 /do cs/628.htm l 16 | Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Verbs VERBS — использую тся д ля о б р азо ван и я глаголов на основе прилагатель­ ны х и сущ ествительны х 1 модель: N O U N + IZ E /IS E 2 модель: A D JE C T IV E + IZ E /IS E — об означаю т д ей стви я и процессы fo rm a l + ize -> form alize (оформлять) _______ scandal + ize -> scandalize (возмущать, шокировать) Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. m em ory 2. special 3. industry^ 4. sym pathy1 5. ideal 6. d ram a 7. criticism 8. scandal 12. a. industrialize b. dram atise c. m em orize d. scandalize e. critisize f. specialize g. idealize h. sym pathize Divide the words into groups according to their word formation model. em phasis2 -> em phasize, neutral -> neutralise, sym pathy -> sym pa­ thize, m odern m odernise, symbol -> sym bolize, special -» specialize Noun -» Verb Adjective —> Verb П рим ен ен и е су ф ф и к са -ise и ли -ize, к ак п равило, определяется ам ер и к ан ­ ским или бри тан ски м вариантам и ан гли йского язы ка (-ize — ам ери кан ски й вариант ан гли йского язы ка, -ise — б ри тан ски й вариант ан гл и й ского язы ка): organize, organise; recognize, recognise. Но сущ ествую т глаголы , которы е им ею т закреп лен н ое н ап и сан и е су ф ф и к ­ сов, и м ен ять их нельзя: advertise, form alize, sum m arize. 13. А. Make the verbs from the following nouns using the suffixes -ise/ -ize. Translate them. American English British English character apology symbol nation sym pathy crystal 14. Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. С T M 0 К F P P R Y D R E A L I T Y 0 T F A Z S Y M В 0 L R A P 0 L 0 G I Z E F G С R I T I С I S E P R I V A T I Z E U S A Z A S D F G T T Q U A L I Z E S 1 sym pathy — сочувствие; сострадание 2 em phasis — вы разительность, сила. 17 Useful Information ______________ _______________________________________ Suffixes ize/ise 11. 1 U E 18 | Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Verbs Related words 16. A. Verbs ( -ize) m em ory Noun symbolize apology Verb idealize ideal legally legality eq u a l1 harm onious private symbolize Name the verbs which are explained. Underline related words in the definitions. 3. to represent by a symbol o r symbols_______ _____________________ ______________________ 5. to m ake m o d ern in appearance o r style ______________________ sym bolically B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. ______________________ 4. to consider o r represent sm th as ideal harm oniously apologize, sym bol, harm ony, ideal, harm onize, apologetically, sym bolic, ideally, legalize, legal 1. to express o r m ake an apology____________ ______________________ 2. to distinguish2 o r m ark as a characteristic Adverb Adjective apologetic apology 15. A. 1. It is easier to dem and an ... th an to deliver one. 6. to becom e n eu tral______________________________________________ B. Complete the word formation chains below using the words from the definitions. adjective -» verb noun -» verb a. 2. M uch free television can already be w atched ... on c o m ­ puters and m obile phones. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally 3. T he cat and the dog live in ... in the Jo n e s’ household. 1 equal — равн ы й , оди н аковы й ; и ден ти ч н ы й , р авн о си л ьн ы й 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically a. 2 distinguish — различить; разглядеть, рассм отреть 19 Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. realize criticize | 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 20 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Verbs a. h arm o n y b. h arm onize c. h arm onious d. harm oniously 4. T h e w aiter ... to o k th e d ish b ack to th e k itc h en and quickly brought Mr. A pple a n o th e r one. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 5. We are happy to clarify this an d ... for th e m istake. 10. W hat 1 did was perfectly ... . 6. T h ey ten d to ... th e situation an d to hope for the best. a. ideal b. idealize c. ideally 7. Even if th e referendum itself does little, th e vote will be o f huge ... im portance. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. legality b. legalize c. legal d. legally 11. Scientists d o n 't know w hat all these an cien t drawings, called p e tro g ly p h s,.... 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. symbol b. sym bolize c. sym bolic d. sym bolically a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 17. Make new sentences using verbs (-ize , -ise) so they mean the same as the first ones. Model: The realization that a catastrophe could occur] at a n y tim e so­ bered2 them up. — They realized that a catastrophe could occur at any time and it sobered them up. 1. T he m ain characteristic o f her writings is an excellent taste. 2 . 1 gave my old friend a smile o f recognition. a. sym bol b. sym bolize c. sym bolic d. sym bolically 8. T h e p ain tin g s reflect th e h u m a n effort to c reate a ... blend o f nature an d art. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. h arm o n y b. h arm onize c. harm o n io u s d. harm oniously 1. N oun 9. It w ould be ... if stu d en ts could draw th e ir diagram s on 2. Verb large pieces o f constru ctio n paper. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 21 a. ideal b. idealize c. ideally a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic d. apologetically 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb | 3. H e spoke with special emphasis on the subject o f civil rights. 4. T he owl is the sym bol o f w isdom and learning. 5. T he specialization o f a lot o f Portuguese restaurants is seafood. 1 o ccu r — происходить, случаться 2 sober — отрезвлять 22 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Verbs Useful Information П ри в ы п о л н е н и и за д а н и й B l l — B16 н е о б х о д и м о бы ть в н и м а те л ь н ы м не т о л ь к о к п р а в и л ь н о м у о п р е д е л е н и ю с л о в о о б р а зо в а т е л ь н ы х ф о р м , но и к в озм ож ны м грам м ати чески м и орф о гр аф и чески м ош и бкам . Т ак, при уп отребл ен и и глаголов н еобходим о оп редели ть п равильную вр е­ менную форму, соответствую щ ую предлагаем ом у контексту. 3. 18. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in 4. the text. Pay attention to the grammar tenses you should use. 1. O ur re sta u ra n t___________ in one type o f m eat, SPE C IA L so look for pictures o f the anim al you wish to eat before entering. 2. Yesterday h e ___________ to his wife an d ch ildren for losing his tem per. A PO L O G Y 3. We ju s t____________for th e m istake A PO L O G Y an d we prom ise th a t it w on’t h ap p en again. 4. H e ___________his com pany 50 years ago. 5. W e ___________in th e last m eeting th at th e situatio n was hopeless. 6. I'm c ertain in th e future e v e ry o n e ____________ his actions. 19. A. 5. 6. W hen th e G u g g e n h e im M u seu m B ilbao opened to the public in 1997, it was im m edi­ ately hailed as one o f the world's m ost spectac­ ular buildings in the style o f D econstructivism . Last year The New Yorker has characterized it as "a fa n ta stic d rea m sh ip o f u n d u la tin g 1 form in a cloak o f titanium ." T he m useum was op en ed as a p art o f a revitalizasion effort for the city o f Bilbao. In its first three years, alm ost 4 m illion tourists vis­ ited th e m useum , helping to g enerate about €500 m illion in econom ic activity. T he term , however, has also been em ployed by crvtics w ho have d en o u n ced th e m useum as a svm bolic o f cultural im perialism . R E C O G N IT IO N C R IT IC IS M Analyze the test a pupil did. Determine types of mistakes in it: word formation mistakes (WF); grammar mistakes (G); spelling mistake (S). T h e G u g g en h eim M u seu m Bilbao is a m u ­ seum o f m o d e rn an d co n te m p o ra ry a rt, lo ­ cated in Bilbao, Spain. T h e Basque govern m en t agreed to cover th e 1. $100 m illion co n stru c tio n cost an d to subsi- SU B SID Y dized th e m u seum 's U S $12 m illion an n u a l budget. In exchange, th e F o u n d atio n agreed 2. to m anage th e in stitu tio n an d orgarnize tern - O R G A N IZ A T IO N porary exhibitions. C H A R A C T E R IS T IC R EV ITA LIZE C R IT IC IZ E SY M B O L IZ E B . Correct the mistakes made in the test above. O R G A N IZ A T IO N » 1 undulating — волнисты й. | 23 24 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns NOUNS | 25 2 0 . Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. Suffixes - er/ -or М одель образован ия: V E R B /N O U N + E R /O R , о б о зн ач ает л и ц о , н азы в аем о е по роду за н я т и й , или п редм ет (устройство) со сп ец и ал ьн ой ф ункц ией . Будьте внимательны! У потребление суф ф и ксов -ег или -or необходимо проверять по словарю . Useful Information Суффикс -ег 1) образует существительные от глаголов или существительных, обозначающие лицо, называемое по роду занятий, профессии, привычкам, привычным за­ нятиям; по взглядам и убеждениям; по происхождению и месту проживания plum ber — водопроводчик financier — финансист rider — наездник leader — лидер, вождь beginner — начинающий, новичок winner — победитель 1. teach 2. drive 3. build 4. tra in 5. w rite 6. send 7. sing 8. invent 9. co n tain 10. decorate 21. A. a. tra in er b. sender c. inventor d. tea ch e r e. w riter f. con tain er g. d eco rato r h. builder i. driver j. singer Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. inventor, com puter, cooker, winner, reactor, refrigerator, writer, recorder, manager, runner, printer, sailor, escalator, creato r Anim ate objects Inanim ate objects 2) образует существительные со значением предмета или устройства со спе­ циальной функцией eraser — ласт ик, резинка conditioner — кондиционер container — контейнер Суффикс -or 1) встречается в существительных латинского и французского происхожде­ ния, обозначающих название действующего лица inheritor — наследник visitor — посетитель, гость inventor — изобретатель decorator — декоратор 2) образует названия приспособлений или предметов со специальной функцией tractor — трактор; тягач transistor — транзистор ventilator — вентилятор m onitor — монитор B. Find their related words from the table. com pute, prin t, sail, m anage, run, cook, w in, escalate, refrigerate, w rite, record, react, invent, create W hich o f these words require -e r to form nouns? W hich of them require -o r to form nouns? 26 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 2 2 . Make nouns from the following words using the suffixes -o r/-e r. -or sail -er to invent — to w rite sing — to create extinguish1 — to draw work — to teach possess — to mix n arrate2 — to sm oke lead — co n tain — N ouns ( -er/-or) 24. А. calculate — react — Name the words which are explained. Underline related words in the definitions. 1. A person w ho writes books is a(n)__________________ ________________ 2. A person w ho composes m usic is a(n ) ________________ erase3 — 3. A person w ho edits w ritten m aterial is a(n ) ________________ ride — 4. A person w ho plays a gam e is a(n ) ________________ — 5. A person w ho trains athletes in a sport is a(n ) ________________ 6. A person w ho translates texts is a(n) ________________ 7. A person w ho acts in a play o r a film is a(n ) ________________ 8. A person w ho speaks at a form al occasion is a(n) 9. A person w ho fights is a(n) ________________ ________________ wait 23. Related words | 27 Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. S F G С 0 к К L T N M S T R D R A W E R I N V E N T 0 R A N X D D A U G N I С N 1. A driver is a person w ho 2. A buyer E U U T A S D T H В R S M 0 К E R E E s W P Q R Q W U R R и 10. A person w ho works in a m ine1 is a(n ) B. ________________ Explain the following words using related words. 3. A co m p etito r_____________________ ________________________________ 4. A collector 5. A l e c i--------------------------------- -------------------- — ------------------------- ---- t u r e r ________________________________ 6. A n inspector_____________________ _______________________________ 1 extinguish — гасить, ли к ви д и р о вать (п ож ар), туш ить 2 narrate — повествовать, рассказы вать 3 erase — стирать, соскабли вать 7. A farm er 1 m ine — р удн и к; шахта 28 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns 8. A directo r________________________ _______________ _________________ believer, offender, observer, m ixture, helper, founder, doubter, offensive, doubt, em ploym ent, employ, help, founded, m ixed, observe, consum er, d irectio n , c o m p etitio n , a n n o u n c e m e n t, d irect, co m p ete, consum able, announcing, believe 9. A p ro d u cer_______________________ ________________________________ 10. A co n d u c to r C. .________________________________ Complete the word formation chains with examples from the definitions. Relative word -» Relative word -» + or | 29 B. + er Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. W heat based food norm ally contains a ... o f ingredients. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. m ixer b. m ixture c. m ix d. m ixed 25. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun (occupation) 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. offender b. offensive c. offend d. offence N oun (act, process) Verb Adjective announce1 a n n o u n cer belief 2. W hen you break a legal rule o r a social n o rm , this is an exam ple o f an .... - believable 3. Being nice and ... may get you good friends and a happy 1. N o u n 2. Verb life. 3. Adjective a. helper b. help c. helpful com petitive co m p etito r co n su m p tio n 2 4. T he com pany's ... tried to develop his business. direct director doubt doubtful a. founder b. foundation c. founded d. found em ployable em ployer fo u n d atio n 5. An ... can use jo b offer letters to confirm the details. found helpful help observant observation3 offence 1 announce — объявлять; сообщ ать 2 consum ption — потребление 3 observation — наблю дение 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. em ployer b. em ploym ent c. em ploy d. em ployable m ix m ixer 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 6. T he researchers a p p e a r ... about th e ir results. offend a. d o ubter b. d o ubt c. doubtful 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 30 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns 7. G enerally, a film ... controls a film 's artistic an d dram atic aspects and visualizes th e script. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective drive —> run -У believe -у rob -y 8. T his report focuses o n how ... can be m ade m ore sustain­ able. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. co n su m p tio n b. co n su m er c. consum e d. consum able 9. A ... exam ination is an exam ination w here candidates are ranked according to th e ir grades. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. co m p etitio n b. co m p etito r c. com pete d. com petitive 10. T he link betw een issues o f h ealth an d religious ... is not a new subject at all. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. believer b. belief c. believe d. believable 11. M icrosoft m ay ... next g eneration o f Xbox o n M ay 21. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. a n n o u n c e r b. an n o u n c e m e n t c. an n o u n ce d. announcing H e's hardly a n e u tr a l... m aking a point. a. 26. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective observer b. observation c. observe d. observant Read the following spelling rules. Complete the word chains below. Е сл и слово о к а н ч и в ае т с я н а -е, п р и д о б а в л е н и и с у ф ф и к са -ег гласн ая -е- не удваивается: т аке — m aker В однослож ны х словах с закр ы ты м гласн ы м слогом п р и д об авл е­ н и и су ф ф и ксо в -e rf-o r удваивается согласн ая: rob — robber explore - у _________________ begin -у s_____________ exam ine - > _________________ babysit - y 31 Useful Information a. d irecto r b. direct c. direction 12. | 11ри вы полнении заданий В 11 — В 16 необходимо быть вним ательны м не толь­ ко к правильном у определению словообразовательны х ф орм , но и к возм ож ­ ным грам м атическим и орф ограф и ческим ош ибкам. 1ак, при образовании им ен сущ ествительных важ но обратить вним ание н а их возмож ное употребление в ф орм е м нож ествен ного числа: на это указы вает общ ий смы сл п редлож ения, глаголы, с которы м и согласуется им я сущ естви­ тельное, косвен н ы м указателем этого такж е м ож ет бы ть отсутствие артикля. 27. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. Pay attention to the grammar changes you should make. Wc are here to bring parents into co n tact w ith caring and BABYSIT (1) c a p a b le ___________ (1) in th e ir area. Welcome to the virtual harbour o f the Superyacht A sso­ ciation w hich unites and represents th e w orld’s leading _________ (2) o f large yachts. B U IL D (2) Since I becam e a ___________ (3), m y to p p rio rity has been creating good-paying jobs for o u r citizens. G O V E R N (3) Police forces in E urope are h u n tin g fo r a $50 m illion stash o f diam onds' stolen by eight a rm e d ___________ (4). ROB (4) M o st___________(5) will n o t use the website if they have to register because registration takes tim e. U SE (5) I he Penn Libraries w e lc o m e ____________(6) w hose re ­ V IS IT (6) search requires use o f our collections. ______________ 1 stash o f diam onds — т а й н и к с бри лл и ан там и . 32 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 28. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nouns Analyze the test the pupil did. Determine types of mistakes in them: grammar mistakes (G); spelling mistakes (S). D enise van O u ten is an English actress an d singers. H er m ost notable roles to date are a p resen ter on T he Big Breakfast an d Roxie H art in th e m usical Chicago. Van O uten was voted R ear o f th e Year in a 2007 poll o f reader o f G razia m agazine. She first played Roxie H a rt o n th e stage in th e hit m usical C hicago in A pril 2001. H er ru n proved a hit w ith theatre-goers. F o r S trictly's te n th series in S ep tem b er 2012, van O uten was p artn ered bv professional d a rn c er Jam es Jo rd a n . Som e view er co u ld n o t accep t h e r fu rth er progressing in th e co m p etitio n , w ith h e r 'advantage' o f stage and dance experience over o th e r celebrities. However, O u ten an d Jo rd a n did finish as ru n n e rup b eh in d th e w iner L ouis S m ith an d professional o a rtn o r Flavia C acace. B. S IN G PRESEN T REA D 30. A. Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. happiness, sadness, ugliness, friendliness, weakness, ripeness, foolishness, m adness, illness, seriousness, rudeness, sharpness DANCE V IEW RUNUP W IN PART B. М одель образования: A D JE C T IV E + N ESS используется д л я образо ван и я сущ ествительны х, о бо значаю щ и х со сто ян и я или качества, оп исы ваем ы е соответствую щ им прилагательны м . Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. a. rudeness b. sadness c. m adness d. weakness e. friendliness f. goodness g. awareness States . Correct the mistakes made in the test above. 1. friendly 2. happy 3. m ad 4. ill 5. rude 6. sad 7. foolish . h. illness i. happiness j. foolishness Qualities Suffix -ness 29. 8. weak 9. good 10. aware | 33 Find their related words from the table. aide, friendly, m ad, ill, serious, foolish, ugly, weak, ripe, happy, sharp 31. Make nouns from the following words using the suffix -ness. Pay attention to the spelling rule. Если слово заканчивается на согласную + у, то добавлении суффикса ness -у переходит в -/: lonely —» loneliness +• ness friendly foolish happy ugly rude without spelling changes with spelling changes 34 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix without spelling changes + ness Related words with spelling changes weak rude stuffy1 careless | 35 Nouns ( -ness) great ill bald lazy \ quiet bald2 sad helpful 3 2 . Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ness? 1. a. h appi2. 3. 4. 5. 33. a. a. a. a. roughuglireadisharp- b. b. b. b. b. с. с. с. с. с. baldap p o in trudeen rich th ic k - d. d. d. d. d. w eakseriousb rillian trip erival- im presskindgoodsicktidi- 34. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun Verb brightness Adjective bright dark Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz zle and complete the table below. Adverb deafness darkly deaf1 quicken roughness2 quickly roughly B S D R 0 Q F T A S s G N P U в и К L L G T О F u s V D A I E D T R P С A R E L E S S N E к s X D 0 N D T 0 A L A F T С N 0 E N N M E S T X и D E T S E E N В J N I L A S E S S S u В N E D M E S V u S s R S E S D E 1. N o u n 1. T he first th ing we need to do before we ... any edges is 2. Verb create a copy o f o u r photo. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb H E L p F и L N E S S G a. darken b. darkly c. dark d. darkness 1 stu ffy — душ ны й 2 bald — лы сы й quickness, roughen, quick, darkness, rough, darken, brighten, deafen, brightly, deafly S В . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1 d e af — глухой 2 roughness — ш ероховатость, резкость 36 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns 2. People w ith m oderate ... have difficulty following speech w ithout a hearing aid. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb strengths." For people w ho suffer f r o m (8), _________ (9) is th e first step in d ealin g w ith th ese problem s. T he m ovem ents start to change th e energy and m ake you feel b etter and lift t h a t (10). | 37 IL L (8) AWARE (9) SA D (10) a. d e a f b. deafen c. deafly d. deafness 3. Stress invokes sym ptom s such as a rise in blood pressure, ... o f breath o r increased cardiac activity. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb Suffix -ist М одель образован ия: A D JE C T IV E /N O U N + IST используется для образован ия сущ ествительны х, указы ваю щ их род деятель­ ности, убеж дения, верован ия лю дей. a. quicken b. quickly c. quick d. quickness 4. Providing h ealth insurance to th e ... 50 m illion A m eri­ cans will cost about $ 120 billion a year. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. roughen b. rough c. roughly d. roughness 1. N oun 5. If you tu rn dow n th e ... o n your phone, how m uch longer 2. Verb will your battery last? 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. bright b. brighten c. brightly d. brightness 35. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. "To practice (1) w ithin yourself gives you a trem en d o u s b enefit," says Tai C hi instru cto r, N a th a n Spivey. M ost people know Tai C hi as a health exercise. N ath a n em phasizes th at.th ere is one im p o rtan t aspect o f Tai C hi th a t is re q u ire d ;__________ (2) o f m ind. N a ­ th a n says: "Tai C hi creates a sense o f balance, so it helps m e to a v o id __________ (3) a n d ___________(4)._"H e b e­ lieves th a t being able to learn y o g a ,_________ (5) and __________(6) are im p o rta n t in h elp in g th e body to offset negative effects o f stress. "You get to know your body better and you get to know y o u r__________ (7) and Q U IE T (1) 36. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. biology 2. guitar 3. psychology 4. reception 5. econom y 6. jo u rn al 7. science 8. ecology 9. violin 10. h u m o u r 37. A. a. violinist b. scientist c. ecologist d. hum orist e. econom ist f. psychologist g. guitarist h. journalist i. biologist j. receptionist Divide the following words into three groups according to their meaning. dentist, pianist, scientist, realist, biologist, guitarist, optim ist, pessim ist, econom ist, pacifist, pharm acist, cellist, racist, harpist, violinist CA LM NERVOUS IM P U L S IV E M IN D F U L S E R IO U S (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) W EA K (7) People o f certain beliefs and religion People o f certain occupation People playing musical instruments 38 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix People o f certain beliefs a nd religion Nouns People o f certain occupation People playing musical instruments j 39 Nouns ( -ist) Related words jo u rn al linguistics nature B. physics Find their related words from the table. psychology pacifism , violin, optim ism , d ental, cello, science, piano, economy, real­ ism, biology, race, pharm acy, pessim ism , guitar, harp 38. reception science Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ist? 1. a. jo u rn a l2. a. co m petit3. a. p erfection4. a. ch em 5. a. ecolog- 39. A. b. b. b. b. b. pian novelautom obilpacifeco n o m - c. c. с. с. c. celebrte rro rd efen d financglobal- d. d. d. d. d. B. Choose the right form of the words for each sentence. 1. H er sense o f ... (a) m ade her a favourite o f the company. H e is know n to be a great ...(b ). activlingum eteorologdram atim igr- 2. Red H ot C hilli Peppers has found a new ... (a). 1 haven’t got enough m oney to buy a new ...(b ), it’s too expensive! guitar guitarist 3. If you w ant to becom e a great ... (a), you should study natural sciences. If you w ant to know ... (b), you should read a lot. biologist biology 4. A well-know n ... (a) is looking for new employees. A wellknow n ... (b) has recently published a new book. jo urnal journalist Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. R D 0 J 0 P L M H N I T E E S u 0 F T Y U M N A S R С A F и D F T Y u I 0 S A E V S R P 0 I U Y T R D S P L I N G U I s T A S D F T W N A T U R A L I s T 0 I A К L A S D F G В V Z L 0 S С I E N T I S T D X К N D О S A D G J Z С 0 С J 1 T p T M В С Z A D J О H S I p H Y S I С I S T К N T P s Y С H 0 L О G I s T hum ourist hu m o u r 5. I t’s very im portant to be a ... (a) nowadays. It’s very im ­ portant to have a ... (b) way o f looking at things nowadays. 40. A. real realist Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun (occupation) Noun (act, process) Verb dram a dram atis(z)e Adjective econom ic econom ist terrible terror — scientific 40 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Noun (occupation) Noun (act, process) globalist Verb Adjective globalis(z)e hu m o u r ecologist — 7. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. Pierre B euam archais was a F ren ch ... an d librettist. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. dram atist b. dram a c. dram atise d. dram atic 2. T his book gives a com prehensive overview o f ... p rin c i­ ples. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. econom ist b .econom y c. econom ise d. econom ic 3. A lthough anyone can have a night o f ..., th ey are m uch m ore co m m o n in young children. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. terrorist b. te rro r c. terrify d. terrible • ■ n o 4. Becom ing a ... requires years o f study an d a lot o f dedica­ tion. a. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective scientist b. science c. scientific 5. In sociology ... is understood as global mass culture d o m ­ inated by mass m edia. a. globalist b. globalization c. globalise d. global 41 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. ecologist b. ecology c. ecological — dram atist, terrify, ecology, hum orist, economy, scientist, global, dram atic, hum orous, globalization, terrorist, econom is (z)e, ecological, science B. (). T he exact work o f an ... depends on the purpose o f the work. | 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 1. N o u n The article includes a few m athem atically ... sayings th at 2. Verb any m athem atician can appreciate! 3. Adjective a. hum orist b. h u m o u r c. hum orous 41. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. S C IE N C E (1) A _______ (1), in a broad sense, is one engaged in a system atic activity to acq u ire know ledge. In 1834 W hewell w rote: "As we ca n n o t use physi­ cian for a cultivator o f physics, I have called him PH Y SICS (2) a ________ (2). We need very m uch a nam e to d e­ scribe a cultivator o f science in general. I should in­ cline to call him a scientist". Thus we might say, that A R T (3) as a n ________ (3) is a musician, a painter or a poet, C H E M IS T R Y (4) (4), m athem atician, physia scientist is a N A T U R E (5) (5). T here are different types cist o r a o f scientists according to the fields o f science they work in. For e x a m p le ,________ (6) study m an's A R C H A E O L O G Y (6) past by scientific analysis o f the m aterial rem ains B IO LO G Y (7) o f his c u ltu r e s .____________ (7) study living o r­ ganism s, in clu d in g th e ir stru ctu re , fu n c tio n in g C H E M IS T R Y (8) and evolution. _ _ _______(8) analyze c o m p o ­ sitio n , p ro p ertie s an d rea ctio n s o f substances. G E O L O G Y (9) . (9) study the origin, history, stru ctu re PSY CO LO G Y (10) and com position o f the e a r th . (10) ex­ E C O N O M IC S (11) am ine functioning o f o rg an ism s.___________ (11) exam ine p ro d u c tio n and co n su m p tio n o f goods and services. 42 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns ____________________________________ 8. reader 9. relation 10. com panion Suffix -ship М одель образования: N O U N + S H IP используется для образо ван и я сущ ествительны х, им ею щ их собирательное или абстрактн ое зн ачен и е. _______________________________________ Useful Information — указы вает на полож ение человека в общ естве; звани е, долж ность captainship — капитанство chairmanship — председательство — указы вает на ум ение, мастерство, искусство airmanship — лёт ное мастерство draftsmanship — черчение, искусство черчения horsemanship — искусство верховой езды — указы вает на отн о ш ен и я comradeship/ fellowship — товарищество, содружество friendship — дружба, товарищество — указы вает на абстрактны е п онятия authorship — авторство Censorship — цензура citizenship — гражданство — указы вает на круг лю дей, объединённы х к ако й -л . деятельностью readership — круг читателей, читательская аудитория listenership — круг слушателей, слуш ательская аудитория ______________ membership — круг членов (какой-л. организации) 42. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. c h a irm a n 1 2. citizen 3. d irector 4. professor 5. friend 6. partn er 7. captain 1 chairm an — председатель 2 professorship — п роф ессорство a. directorship b. chairm anship c. partnership d. citizenship e. professorship2 f. readership g. relationship | 43 h. com panionship i. friendship j. captainship 43. A. Read the following words. Pay attention to their meaning. Answer the questions below. com panionship, citizenship, ch a n cello rsh ip 1, professorship, clerkship2, am bassadorship3, chairm anship, fellowship, ow nership4, apprenticeship5, c o u rtsh ip 6, c raftsm an sh ip , frien d sh ip , sta te sm a n sh ip 7, stew ard sh ip 8, horsem anship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which o f these nouns mean status? Which o f these nouns mean skills? Which o f these nouns characterize different kinds o f relations? Which o f these nouns show different positions in an office or a company ? Which o f these nouns are connected with the process o f administration ? B. Find their related words from the table. com panion, chairm an, steward, citizen, chancellor, court, craftsm an, fellow, owner, apprentice, professor, clerk, am bassador, friend, statesm an, horsem an 44. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ship? 1. a. citizen2. a. censor3. a. horsem an- 1 2 3 4 5 b. c h am p io n b. leaderb. co m p an io n - c. celebrityc. m em berc. help- d. au th o rd. com fortd. fellow- chancellorship — канц лер clerkship — долж ность секретаря, к лерка, оф и сн ого служ ащ его am bassadorship — долж ность, п олн ом оч и я посла ow nership — собственность; владение apprenticeship — обучение, учение, ученичество (рем еслу); ср о к учен и я, период обучения 6 courtship — ухаж ивание 7 statesm anship — искусное уп равлен ие государственны м и делам и 8 stew ardship — уп равление, заведован и е, руководство 44 I 4. a. defence5. a. sponsor- 45. Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix b. ow nerb. h o n o u r1- c. p artn erc. scholar2- 46. d. relationd. sportsm an- Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. А S Р D F G Н J К L N н L А D А и F Т О S Е Т Р О Е Е S R F и I W D Е Т и А А С 1 Т 1 Z Е N S Н 1 р F D и 1 N 1 N О Е Р К L Y Т Е X м Е М В Е R S Н 1 Р и R и N R L м N S в Y С О G S в Е S М J Е Н 1 Н N м В Н N М н и О К 1 N S Н I Р N М I и L О Р А G Т V 1 О р С L Е R К S н I Related words citizen ow ner p artn er m em ber Nouns (-ship) 1 45 Examine the following models. Complete the word chains below. Pay attention to the meaning of related words. Model 1: read -> reader —>readership own -» listen lead -» —> Model 2: chair —> chairman —> chairmanship air -» d rafts1 —> horse -> I states -> D Р m arks2 -» Р Z pen —» —> 47. A. Name the verbs which are explained. Underline related words in the definitions. 1. the state o f being a friend_________________________ ________________ 2. the state o r fact o f being an ow ner_________________ ________________ kin3 3. the state o f being vested3 with the rights, privileges and duties o f a citizen ________________ clerk 4. the state o f being a mem ber, as o f a society or a club leader 5. people w ho read o r are th ought to read a particular book, newspaper, m agazine, etc___________________ _______________ I ________________ 6. the ability, qualifications o r practice o f a statesm an; wisdom and skill in the m anagem ent o f public affairs ________________ 1 hon o u r — слава, почёт, честь 2 scholar — учёны й 3 kin — родня, ро дствен ни ки; родство 1 drafts — чер н о ви ки , проекты 2 m arks — м и ш ен и, цели 3 vest — наделять (правом ) 46 B. I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Complete the word formation chains below using the words from the definitions. friend -» friendship -» 48. Choose the right of the words form for each sentence. ... (1) m akes prosperity m ore shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it. (Cicero) friendship friend T he best effect o f any book is th at it excites the ... (2) to self-activity. (Thom as Carlyle) reader readership All the arts we p ractice are ... (3). T he big art is o u r life. ( М. C. Richards) apprenticeship apprentice W atch out for the ... (4) w ho talks about putting things in order! Putting things in o rd er always m eans getting o ther people u n d er your control. (Denis Diderot) fellow fellowship A sense o f h u m o r is a p art o f th e art o f ... (5), o f g e t­ ting along w ith peo p le, o f getting things d o n e. (Dwight D. Eisenhower) leadership leader Useful Information Суффикс -ing образует с у щ еств и тел ь н ы е от глаголов (и реж е от сущ еств и тел ьн ы х ) со зн ачен и ем п роцесса, дей стви я, состояни я absorbing — всасывание; поглощение carrying — транспортирование, транспортировка law -m aking — издание законов образует с у щ еств и тел ь н ы е о т глаголов (и реж е от сущ еств и тел ьн ы х ) со зн ачен и ем ко н кр етн ого объекта, предмета, материала camping — кемпинг, лагерь для автотуристдв deafening — звукоизолирую щ ий мат ериал образует су щ еств и тел ь н ы е от глагол ов (и реж е от сущ еств и тел ьн ы х) со зн ачен и ем абстрактного понятия со зн ачен и ем «область зн ан и й , каче­ ство, характеристи ка, деятельность, род занятий» landscape-gardening — декорат ивное садоводство daring — смелость, храбрость leading — лидерство, лидирование 49. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. babysit 2. engineer 3. farm 4. bring up' 5. build 6. clim b 7. drive 8. begin 9. bleed2 10. fish Suffix -ing М одели образования: N O U N + IN G V ER B + IN G O T H E R PART O F S P E E C H + IN G служат для образован ия сущ ествительны х от глаголов и других частей речи со зн ачен и ем п роцесса, со сто я н и я, действия. | 47 1 bring up — воспи тани е 2 bleed — кровоточить; истекать кровью a. upbringing b. bleeding c. babysitting d. driving e. engineering f. beginning g. clim bing h. building i. fishing j. farm ing 48 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 50. A. Read the following words. Pay attention to their meaning. Answer the questions below. VERB + ing N O U N + ing | 49 Other parts o f speech + ing greetin g 1, sw im m ing, collecting, painting, lining2, farm ing, opening, flooring3, cam ping, m o untaineering, nursing, gardening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which Which Which Which Which B. o f these o f these o f these o f these o f these nouns mean process? nouns mean objects? nouns mean material? nouns mean occupation ? nouns mean activity? 53. Find their related words from the table. greet, cam p, swim , open, nurse, line, m ou n tain, farm , collect, floor, garden, paint 51. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ing? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 52. a. a. a. a. a. travelscandald an c(e)sco r(e)lan d - b. ta le n tb. readb. singb. d ustb. essenc(e)5- c. c. c. c. c. p aten tp ain tupbringguilt4carry- d. teaclid. stor(e)d. nervousd. m eetd. talk- Divide the words into three groups according to their word forma­ tion model. nurse -» nursing6, beat -» beating, short -» shorting, face7 -» facing, eat -» eating, fat -» fatting8, flu te-» fluting, speak -» speaking, out -» outing9, heat -» heating, farm -» farm ing, w hite -» w hiting Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. M E E T I N G H и H T К F H R 0 F N В p A T В I F A F D 0 G в D U D F A l R U F Y R R T К L M N Y E A T 1 N G s D A 1 R 1 D I N G G p I Y N R W A H G T U D A F G T s 1 Z 1 N G F R A G 0 и T 1 N G В D G J T E A D В G Z О Related words m eet bring up eat ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 greeting — приветствие lining — подкладка; внутрен няя оби вка flooring — настил, пол guilt — вина essence — сущ ество, сущ ность nursing — уход за больны м face — сталкиваться fatting — обезж и риван ие outing — прогулка; экскурси я; п и к н и к train out ride size Nouns (-ing) 50 54. I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns Examine the following models. Complete the word chains below. Model: babysit —» babysitting -» babysitter begin -» 51 Useful Information Суффикс -ion указы вает на дей ствие, п роцесс, состояни е comprehension — понимание, осмысление transformation — изменение, превращение, преобразование -» build указы вает на абстрактн ое понятие; свойство, качество accommodation — помещение; жилье swim teach 56. А. w rite 55. 1 -a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. P u b lic -s p e a k in g ____________ (1) has a n u m b e r o f realistic objectives. M any people fear p u b lic ___________ (2), b u t this relu c ta n c e 1can be overcom e w ith p ro p e r___________ (3). Im ­ proving your com m unicative skills is th e m ain aim o f public­ speaking program s. A n o th er objective w ould be to prepare for co n feren ces, ru n n in g a ____________ (4) o r o th e r leadership roles. A no th er objective i s ___________ (5) how to influence an audience to agree and persuade2 listeners to take action. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes, T R A IN SPEA K LEA RN M EET TEA C H adm ire an tic ip a te 1 apply2 celebrate calculate confirm 3 devote4 direct fascinate5 im agine a. calculation b. confirm ation c. adm iration d. celebration e. anticipation f. fascination g. devotion h. im agination i. application j. direction в. 1. im press 2. include 3. decide 4. conclude 5 . expand 6. express 7. discuss 8 . a p p re h e n d 6 Suffix -ion М одель образования: VERB + ION служ ит для о б р азо ван и я сущ ествительн ы х от глаголов со зн ач ен и ем д е й ­ стви я, п роцесса, со сто я н и я, абстрактного п о н я ти я , свойства, качества. Н аиболее р асп ростр ан ен н ы м явл яется н ап и сан и е слов с су ф ф и ксам и -atio n , -itio n , -sion, -tio n , -xion. 1 reluctance — неохота, неж елан ие 2 persuade — убеж дать (в ч ё м -л .); ск л о н и т ь (к ч ем у -л .), уго во р и ть (н а что-л.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 a. expansion b. apprehension c. expression d. suspension e. im pression f. possession g. inclusion h. discussion anticipate — предвосхищ ать, предугады вать apply — обращ аться с п росьбой, (п и сьм ен н ы м ) заявлением confirm — подтверждать, п одкреплять devote — посвящ ать (себя чем у-то возвы ш ен ном у) fascinate — восхищ ать, приводи ть в восторг, очаровы вать, плен ять apprehend — пони м ать, постигать, разгады вать, схватывать 52 1 Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 9. 10. possess1 suspend2 Nouns i. decision j. conclusion 57. A. Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. tran sfo rm atio n , calculation, acco m m o d atio n 3, tradition, in terruption4, intu itio n , investigation, inform ation, isolation, excursion, liberation, profession State or act Abstract noun 59. Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. Л D G J 0 P 1 D V Н О А D С С 0 R R E С т I о N к J С А R P E X P A N S I О N А С и E Z С F E S В с D О К V J О Л С G U В M J и X В N и М М T T G В P 0 s S Е S S I О N 1 С V В N 0 О S G в N М L Р () D 1 R E с т 1 О N и Е R D N A D U I N О о J О Р Е Т Е /. S F A S С 1 N А т I О N N Related words words from the table. Pay attention to the part of speech they represent. create discuss transform , in terru p t, investigate, isolate, liberate, accom m odate, intuit, inform , excursionist, profess5, trad itional, calculate direct expand Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ion? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a. a. a. a. a. an ticip at(e)- b. depress- c. p o llu t(e)- d. paintpossess- b. p ercen t- c. subtract6- d. inventrefresh- b. m ultip licat(e)- c. classificat(e)- d. conservat(e)express- b. discuss- c. tru st- d. transform im press- b. co rresp o n d - c. co n v ersant(e)- d. anticip at(e)- possess — обладать suspend — врем енн о отстран ять, и склю чать accom m odation — п ом ещ ен ие; ж ильё; прию т, убеж ищ е interruption — переры в; пауза; зам и н ка profess — заним аться какой -л. деятельностью , избрать своей п роф ессией subtract — вы читать Nouns (-ion) correct B. Find their related 58. | 53 possess fascinate 60. A. Analyze the following models. Translate the given examples. Verb ending -> suffix Example -ss -> ion possess — possession -nt -> ion invent — invention -de -> sion conclude — conclusion -it -> sion perm it — perm ission -nd -> sion expand — expansion 54 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Verb ending Nouns Example Verb ending -> suffix accuse — accusation -de -> sion -> suffix - » ation -rm ation form — form ation -it -» sion -ify -> ication classify — classification -n d -> sion -ish - » ition abolish — abolition -se -> ation -ose -> ition expose — exposition -rm -> ation -ify - » ication -ish -> ition -ose -> ition обладать _____________ ф о р м и р о ван и е ______ изобретать _____________ вы ставка ______ разреш ать _____________ делать вы вод ______ растягиваться, р асш и р яться ____________ о б ви н ен и е вы вод анн ули ровать, о тм ен ять к л асси ф и ц и р о в ать р азр еш ен и е обладание ф о р м и р овать об ви н ять р асш и р ен и е отм ена классиф икация показы вать, выставлять н а показ и зобретен ие В. Examples -se Translate the following words. Use the examples from the table. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Verb Adjective express expressive h u m iliation1 persuasion impressively persuasive resolute -> suffix satisfy -ss - » ion -n t - » ion 1 exclude — исклю чать 2 dem olish — разруш ать, уничтож ать Examples Adverb hum iliatingly im press exclude1, oppose, prevent, converse, adm it, inform , discuss, dem olish2, extend, identify Verb ending 61. A. Noun (act, process) Form nouns using the words from the table. Complete the table with your examples. | 55 adm iration satisfactory Г' confuse continuation resolutely adm iringly confusedly continual cooperate cooperatively expressively, coo p eratio n , confusion, resolution, adm ire, confused, salisfaction, persuade, im pression, im pressive, continually, expression, adm irable, cooperative, h u m iliating, hum iliate, resolve, satisfactorily, persuasively, continue 1 h u m ilia tio n — у н и ж е н и е 56 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. M y te a r s a re a n ... o f m y g rie f. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. expression b. express c. expressive d. expressively 2. H e suffered th e ... o f getting th e lowest score on the test 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. hum iliation b. hum iliate c. hum iliating d. hum iliatingly 1. 3. T here cam e an ... m om ent in all this confusion, a point 2. 3. o f August solemnity. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. im pression b. im press c. impressive d. impressively 4. W hen som eone lists all th e reasons w hy you should do som ething, this is an exam ple o f . . . .. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. persuasion b. persuade c. persuasive d. persuasively 5. T he com m ittee expressed g e n e ra l... w ith th e progress. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. satisfaction b. satisfy c. satisfactory d. satisfactorily 6. H e glanced ... at th e design. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. adm iration b. adm ire c. adm irable d. adm iringly N oun Verb Adjective Adverb 7. After the to rn ad o , the tow n was in a state o f t o t a l ... . | 57 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. confusion b. confuse c. confused d. confusedly 1. N o u n K. If som eone is co n stantly m aking noise and barely ever 2. Verb laking a break, this is an exam ple o f ... noise. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. 9. con tin u atio n b. continue c. co n tinual d. continually 1. N o u n The idea o f in ternational ... betw een peoples m ust suc­ 2. Verb ceed. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. 62. cooperation b. cooperate c. cooperative d. cooperatively Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. In psychology_______ (1) is the term for subjective ex­ E M O T E (1) perience th at is characterized by pe rso n a l_________(2), E X PR E SS (2) biological (3) and m ental states. E m otion is R EA C T (3) often the driving force b e h in d _________ (4), positive or M O TIV A TE (4) negative. Some people m ake a (5) betw een em otions and D IS T IN C T (5) feelings saying th a t a feeling is th e response p art o f the em o tio n and th at an em o tio n in c lu d e s (6) SITU A TE (6) o r ex p erien ce, ________ (7), _________ (8). N e g a ­ IN T E R P R E T (7) tive em o tio n s such as fear, anxiety, (9) and P E R C E P T (8) (10) cause c h e m ic a l____ (11) in your FR U S T R A T E (9) body that are very different from the chem icals released D E P R E S S (10) when you feel positive em otions. E m otions are reliable R EA C T (11) (12) o f w hat is really going o n inside o f us. ID E N T IF Y (12) I here are m any ways to identify em otions an d you will have to choose the m anner th at is m ost suitable to your personality. Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Quality Suffixes -ance/-ence | 59 Action М одель образован ия: M ad m an pondo V ER B + A N C E /E N C E — обозначает действие, дви ж ен и е, со сто ян и е, передаваемое соответствую ­ B. щ им глаголом A D JE C T IV E + A N C E /E N C E — передаёт качество или состояни е, вы раж енн ое прилагательны м_________ 63. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. appear 2. insure 3. perform 4. guide 5. depend 6. exist 7. insist 8. persist 9. o ccu r 10. en ter 64. A. a. dependence b. insistence c. entrance d. occurrence e. existence f. guidance g. appearance h. persistence i. perform ance j. insurance Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. co n tin u an ce, elegance, m ain ten an ce, ignorance, im portance, dom in an ce, ap pearance, disturbance, en d u rance, annoyance, clearance, atten d an ce, pursuance, discordance Quality Action Find their related words from the table. co n tin u e, m aintain, ignore, annoy, disturb, endure, clear, appear, dom inate, elegant, attend, im portant, pursue, discord 65. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suf­ fixes -ance/-ence?? 1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. a. 5. a. 6. a. 7. a. m istseverresem blenlargco nsonhostilm agnific- b. b. b. b. b. b. b. resistrelevsufferextravagdiscordcoincidfellow - с. c. c. c. c. c. с. observtolerdistguidintensconferinsist- d. d. d. d. d. d. d. perform loudlikedissoninsurexist depend- 6 6 . Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. С U V Q 0 T s E N С E L В F N W О J G I Y D A u G R D U V A N Y F W E О R D N С R A S N D G С V С E E S С С R N A E A E N A F A E T I M A I N T E N A N С E F G P 0 U P A A T N S 1) H E T R A P V N J С G 0 R R E S P 0 N D T S A F T E I P В В I F E G A D N N S T R В R 1 M T N E E 0 0 A 0 N F u N T R L С T S E | 60 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Related words Nouns | 61 Nouns ( -ence) persist confident 70. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. refer correspond Noun appear Verb Adjective Adverb depend avoid difference m aintain dependently different correspond 6 8 . There is no rule that governs whether a word ends with -ance or -ence. Use a dictionary whenever you are not sure which spell­ ing is correct. Complete the following words with -e - or -a -. Im p o rt...n ee, entr...nce, d iffe re n c e, in d e p e n d e n c e , insur...nce, c o n ­ fer...nee, am buL .nce, abs...nce, inst...nce, audi...nce, allow...nee, intelligence, assur...nce, appear...nee, obedi...nce, pres...nee. correspondingly confident confidently assurance assuredly excel excellent ignore insistence ignorantly insistent obey 69. A. Name the nouns which are explained. Underline related words in the definitions. 1. th e act o r state o f attending_______________ _____________________ 2. th e act o f annoying _____________________ 3. th e act o r an instance o f appearing __________________ __ 4. th e act o f preferring _________________ ___ 5. th e act o r an instance o f obeying _____________________ 6. th e state o r fact o f being present _____________________ B. Complete the word formation chains below using the words from the definitions. attending obediently correspondence, obedience, insist, ignorance, excellently,'assure, excellence, insistently, ignorant, confidence, dependence, assured, corresponding, obedient, confide, dep en d en t, differ, differently B. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. I. But E dith was never m ore charm ing th a n in this new ..., and all his love and loyalty were evoked in caring for her. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. dependence b. depend c. d ep en d en t d. dep en d en cy attendance 2. Since the day w hen Louis had tried to change his deci­ sion, life had been a ... thing for him . a. difference b. differ c. different d. differently 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 62 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 3. T he audience responded ... Nouns 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb 1 In his epic, Paradise Lost, Jo h n M ilton explores the concept o f labor and its c o n n ectio n w ith .... a. correspondence b. correspond c. corresponding d. correspondingly | 63 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. obedience b. obey c. obedient d. obediently 1. N o u n 4. D irect com m u n icatio n s betw een the parties could help to build .... 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. confidence b. confide c. co n fid en t d. confidently 5. T his ... also seem ed to h er an enigm a. a. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb assurance b. assure c. assured d. assuredly 6. Between him and his ... principle th ere was war, w ithout th e slightest division. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb a. excellence b. excel c. excellent d. excellently 7. T hey ... anyone w ho doesn 't w ear th e latest fashion. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb / 1. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. Several c o m m o n w ork situ atio n s m ay test your C O N F ID E N T (1) (1). T h e ___________ (2) o f how to IM P O R T A N T (2) manage it in m eetings an d during p resentations is evident. You can develop s o m e (3) as C O M P E T E N T (3) 11ic y are often called in business. But how can you Ice I Ih e ir ____________(4)? Y o u r____________(5) is P R E S E N T (4) llie key to success. T his will take you forw ard into IN S IS T (5) e m w th , ra th e r th a n sh rin k in g b ac k w ard in to (6). You should accept th a t th e m ore AVOID (6) natural you ca n be in th e m eeting situ a tio n the m o r e ___________ (7) you will achieve. You tra in B A LA N C EA B LE (7) a lew things an d th e n adapt th em into a situation. I verything you do in training becom es a m etap h o r Ini life, w hether it be a tta c k ,____________(8), work D E F E N D (8) •a many oth er things. Your personal developm ent is T O L E R A N T (9) being stretched as you are le a rn in g ___________ (9), discipline, etc. a. ignorance b. ignore c. ignorant d. ignorantly 8. H e now regrets th a t he was not m ore .... a. insistence b. insist c. insistent d. insistently 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb ____________________________________ Модель образования: V ER B + -M E N T обозначает д ей стви е, п р о ц есс, их результат, а такж е средство и ли и н стр у ­ мент Suffix - 64 72. I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. a. m ovem ent b. en tertain m en t c. excitem ent d. governm ent e. em ploym ent f. discouragem ent g. d isappointm ent h. agreem ent i. am usem ent j. achievem ent 1. am use 2. agree 3. discourage 4. disappoint 5. achieve 6. excite 7. entertain 8. em ploy 9. govern 10. move 73. A. /*>. A. b. im proveb. agree- c o n te n tm e n t, disap p o in tm en t, governm ent, m ovem ent, ap p ointm ent, excitem ent, a m e n d m e n t1, achievem ent, em ploym ent d. em erged. treat- Name the nouns which are explained. Underline related words in the definitions. I I lie act o f entertaining o r state o f being enterlnined -------------------------------1 Ihe act o f engaging o r condition o f being engaged-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------I l lie act o f refreshing o r th e state o f being refreshed-------------------------------------------------------— ------------------------- _ Result or product o f an action Process or action ' l lie act o f im proving o r the state o f being improved • — -------------------- ------- fi l lie act o f punishing o r state o f being punished B. Complete the word formation chains below using the words from the definitions. en tertain B. c. arrangec.involve- I Hie act o f agreeing Divide the following words into three groups according to their meaning. State, condition or quality 4. a. am aze5. a. distribute- | 65 -* en tertain m en t Find their related words from the table. co n ten t, ap p o in t, govern, move, d isappoint, am end, excite, achieve, em ploy 74. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ment? 1. a. am use• 2. a. equip3. a. environ- b. m anageb. achieveb. m ove- c. p ro d ucec. p u n ishc. ex pectate- d. payd. falsificated. develop- /(). Read the words in the table. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table. Related words state disappoint em ploy 1 am endm ent — п оправка (к р езолю ци и, закон опроекту) Nouns ( -ment) 66 Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix I Nouns N ouns (-m ent)' Related words engage Noun Verb im provem ent improve improve refresh govern resen t1 judge A s D T Y U I 0 P J G E F Y F A D G T T E F Y U I N F U T F H U T E M A В S D G U I J F Y U N A P A D T 0 A E R U A D F T A L T U A N G G F D I S A P P 0 I N T M E N T G L К A s F Y D G E В M В G E P F H и 1 M F S M T E T F M 0 A S D F E A D E A N E T E G 0 V E R N M E N T T A Y N G A D G U T R T T s D S U T E 1 M P R 0 V E M E N T I | 67 Adjective accom plished, refreshm ent, resen tm en t, en te rta in m e n t, developm ent, refreshing, e n te rta in , im proved, achievem ent, discourage, developed, accom plishm ent, accom pany, agreeable, agreem ent, resentful B. 1. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. N oun Even if you aren't am ong the first 100 people to finish the 2. Verb m arathon, being able to run 26 miles is still a big ... . 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. accom plishm ent b. accom plish c. accom plished 2. 1. N oun H er husband w asn't able to ... her to the awards banquet, 2. Verb so she took h er bro th er instead. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. accom panim ent b. accom pany c. accom panying 77. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun Verb 3. Adjective 1. N o u n So th e qu estio n in m y m in d is w h e th e r w ork-life b a l­ 2. Verb ance is really a m yth o r an ... goal. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb accom plish a. achievem ent b. achieve c. achievable accom panying accom p an im en t achieve achievable agree discouraged discouragem ent 4. 1. N o u n B oth, he says, were co n te n t to reach ... o n the basis o f 2. Verb w hat they knew. 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. develop entertaining agreem ent b. agree c. agreeable q______________ 1 resent — негодовать, возм ущ аться 68 I Nouns Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 5. We should ... this practice am ong o u r youth. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. discouragem ent b. discourage c. discouraged 6. T he new area is still u n d er .... 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. developm ent b. develop c. developed 1. N o u n 7. He published, som e years ago, a little volume giving an ac­ 2. Verb count o f a trip through th e G reat West, and it was a very 3. Adjective ...b o o k . 4. Adverb a. en tertain m en t b. en tertain c. en tertaining 1. N o u n 2. Verb 8. We value positive attitude an d w elcom e change to ... all 3. Adjective th a t we do. 4. Adverb a. im provem ent b. im prove c. im proved 9. T he website did n o t ... im m ediately. a. 1. 2. 3. 4. N oun Verb Adjective Adverb refreshm ent b. refresh c. refreshing 1. N o u n 2. 10. ... can w aste tim e an d energy; ju st forgive th e m and Verb 3. Adjective move on. 4. Adverb a. resen tm en t b. resent c. resentful | 69 / 8 . Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. If lim e (hat paren ts jo in e d th e ir ch ild ren in goliif, buck to school. It sh o u ld be a tim e o f year when parents stren g th en t h e i r ____________ (1) to ilu n children's education. Statistics show th at paii M i n i __________(2) lessens as th e ir c h ild re n i" i older. T eachers regularly spend hours prepar11if lor (he classroom o p en house. Im agine th e ir (3) w hen paren ts fail to a tte n d . How i ап schoolchildren strive1 for s e lf ____________ (4) "i I lie classroom if they do not see adults striving I'M th e ir ____________(5) at hom e? As a result, the (6) o f academ ic standards is declining. I' .ichors have to give less hom ew ork because fewer uid lower students com plete th e s e ___________ (7). C O M M IT (1) INVOLVE (2) D IS A P P O IN T (3) IM PR O V E (4) A C H IE V E (5) D E V E L O P (6) A S S IG N (7) Suffix -ity M "Поль образования: A D JE C T IV E + ITY in пользуется дл я о бр азован ия сущ ествительны х, обозначает состоян и е или о нише, описы ваем ое исходны м п рилагательны м /<). Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. equal 2. form al 3. generous 4. tim id 5. curious 6. noble 7. sensitive 8. intensive si rive — стрем иться, п рилагать усилия a. nobility b. fragility c. sensitivity d. reliability e. intensity f. equality g. generosity h. curiosity 70 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Nouns 9. fragile 10. reliable 80. A. 82. i. form ality j. tim idity Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. density, flexibility, hospitality, curiosity, intensity, hostility, fragility, obesity, sincerity, necessity, generosity, diversity, divisibility, musicality, legality, visibility, tim idity, nobility, m entality, severity Personal qualities Abstract meaning • | Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. A D G J L R T F N S P P S Z С F G О 0 К G D В R 0 U D В N I 0 D N P D в 0 I 0 M О С Z H F S О A D S T 0 u 1 N M J A S S F I P 0 К G G H В N J I s 0 К E M s С О M p L E X 1 T Y R T Y В J D и S T A в I L 1 T Y 1 G Y N 0 D F I 1 A T G N V H A С R E A L I T Y G I D F G z X С 0 I D G J N E S T U p I D 1 T Y G I N 0 A D G z D N 0 Y P E L A N Related words Nouns ( -ity) possible prosperous real B . Find their related words from the table. stable dense, curious, visible, tim id, intensive, generous, diverse, hostile, flexible, hospitable, divisible, m usical, legal, noble, fragile, obese, m ental, sincere, necessary, severe 81. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ity? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. a. a. a. a. obscuregeneroshostilreliabilobserv- b. b. b. b. b. secursolem ndisturbillfragil- c. с. с. c. c. refreshplasticpassivliabilo dd- d. d. d. d. d. h u m an m o n o to n sensibilproductivindividual- 71 stupid com plex 83. Examine the following models. Complete word chains below. Model: prosperous —>prosperity prosperous —> generous —» 72 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix audacious Nouns -» Noun -» reliability curious Adjective | 73 Adverb reliably sensible —> com m odious generally Model: accessible -» accessibility accessible particular -» confidentiality possibility, particularity, originality, possibly, generous, reliable, dense, individuality, general, sensibility, individually, originally, sensibly, generality, particularly, confidential capable possible -> stable -» B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. sensible Model: sensitive -» sensitivity intensive 1. T here is only a s lig h t... th at I will provide an acceptable answer to this question. -» sensitive 84. A. 1. N o u n 2. Adjective 3. Adverb a. possibility b. possible c. possibly creative -» negative —> radioactive —> 1. N oun 2. Few people are as kind and helpful and ..., and he was a 2. Adjective m ajor inspiration in my life and career. 3. Adverb a. generosity b. generous c. generously Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun confidentially Adjective 3. T here is no one co rrec t answ er h ere, as ... we are all unique w ith differences in personal taste. a. individuality b. individual c. individually Adverb possible 4. The m eat m ust be cut with filler or the lo af will be ... . generously generosity a. individual densely density original 1. N o u n 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 3. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb density b. dense c. densely 1. N oun He showed incredible ... by w earing those kind o f shoes. 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 74 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix a. originality b. original c. originally 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 6. T h eir ... is in doubt. a. reliability b. reliable c. reliably 7. T h ey did th e ir best to be ... w hen it cam e to spending money. knowledge so t h e i r ____________ (5) will provide efficient organization o f the m aterial, econom ic, social and political life. T he m ain motives will not be power and w ealth; it will be the higher values and aim s o f life like tru th , h arm o n y ,_________ (6), freed o m ,___________(7), etc. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb | 75 CA PA BLE (5) G E N E R O U S (6) EQUAL (7) ADJECTIVES a. sensibility b. sensible c. sensibly 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 8. ... speaking, m ost kids like spaghetti and cheese. a. generality b. general c. generally 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 9. In ..., I like to do this. a. particularity b. particu lar c. particularly 1. N o u n 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 10. T hey are required by law to keep all case details ... . a. confidentiality b. confidential c. confidentially 85. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. People are focused m ore o n ___________ (1) th an quality o f life, so speed is very allu rin g 1 to them . T hey forget th e ir goals w hich help the individual and t h e ___________ (2) to find the dynam ism in th e life. T h ese are th e m otiv es w h ich b rin g ___________ (3) a n d _____________ (4) to th e in ­ dividual an d th e society. People need p ragm atic 1 alluring — п ри влекательн ы й , притягательны й Q U A N TITA TIV E (1) C O M M O N (2) VITA L (3) P R O SPE R O U S (4) Suffix - y М одель образован ия: N O U N /V E R B + -Y - образует п рилагател ьн ы е от сущ ествительн ы х и глаголов со зн ач ен и ем обладания чем -то, сходства с чем -л.; ск л он н ости к чем у-л. healthy — здоровый, ж изнеспособный, процветающий dirty — грязный, нечистый; испачканный witty — остроумный образует прилагательны е от п рилагательны х со зн ачен и ем осл аблен ной и нтен сивн ости качества yellowy — ж елтоватый 8 6 . Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. art brain fun ice qu irk 1 chill toast luck nut m ist 1 quirk — капри з, причуда a. brainy b. arty c. chilly d. funny e. quirky f. toasty g. icy h. m isty i. lucky j. nutty 76 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix B. 87. A. Divide the following words into two groups according to the word formation models below. Pay attention to their meaning. misty, runny, shiny, jum py, sunny, quirky, sleepy, funny, icy, chatty____ - e —» -y double consonant + -y word + -y VERB + Y NOUN + Y 90. Read the words in the table. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table. \ Find their related words from the table. m ist, run, shine, ju m p , sun, quirk, sleep, fun, ice, chat 8 8 . Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -y? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Divide the following words into three groups. edge, sand, chew, fun, silk, ice, n ut, chill, shine, air, run, laze, sun, sm oke, fog N O U N + Y -> characterized by; consisting o f;fd led with; relating to; VERB + tending to; acting or existing as specified B. | 77 a. w inda. ch atta. thirst a. dusta. insist- 89. A. b. b. b. b. b. dirttrickm istbeadsnow - с. с. с. с. c. o rd e rwaxh elpcheesrain- d. d. d. d. d. messofficbushm otivatw ind- Read the following spelling rules. M ost words add —y: snow — snowy Words that en d w ith - e , take off th e - e before adding - y : bone — bony Words th a t end w ith a short vowel an d a co n so n an t, double th e final co n so n an t before adding - y (except w ords w hich end with -x): f a t — fa tty A D F T Y u V F L D Y U I 0 N P 1 N A D G J L 0 M L О D G Y R W I T T Y W F U 0 G s N H N S T I С К Y 0 Y U С V J U I С Y N H A S Y R E P H 1 G R S I L D - s F D D Y R T Y U Y A A S Related words stick curie scare noise Adjectives (-y) 78 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives Adjectives (-y) Related words wit 3. O ne ... m orning early in D ecem ber Stephen arrived late at the office to find Richter. juice | 79 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. sm oker b. sm oke c. smoky filth 91. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. 4. At night, trying to ..., she had heard the ghostly fo o t­ steps in the hall. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. sleeper b. sleep c. sleepy Noun Adjective Verb sticky sticker 5. It was a small room , c a rp e tle ss,..., with a round table and two cheap w ooden chairs for furniture. ju m p a. duster b. dust c. dusty smoky sm oke sleepy sleeper dust 6. In the U nited K ingdom , a ... is often used by children at bonfire and fireworks displayed on G uy Fawkes N ight. sparkly sparkler 7. Spring is in the air, but for millions o f people, th at m eans a ... nose and cough brought on by allergies. 1. If th e dough becom es ..., add m ore flour. \ a. sticker b. stick c. sticky 2. M ichael N eum ayer is a G erm an s k i... w ho has com peted since 2001. a. ju m p e r b. ju m p c. ju m p y 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. ru nner b. run c. runny B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. sparkler b. sparkle c. sparkly run runny, sleep, dusty, jum per, sm oker, duster, stick, runner, jum py, sparkle 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 92. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. W elcome to the daily w eather forecast! San Francisco will b e ___________ (1) and hot. T hough the day should s ta r t (2), according to the N ational W eather Service. C hicago will b e ____________ (3). T he area can e x p e c t____________ (4) skies and p eriods o f rain. You’ll n o tic e ___________ (5) conditions start to pick up throughout the day. Tom orrow will b e (6) but the rest o f the weekend has m ore prom ise o f sun and cooler tem peratures. SUN FOG W IN D CLOUD BREEZE RA IN (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 80 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 95. Suffix -fu l М одель образован ия: 93. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. a. careful b. cheerful c. beautiful d. peaceful e. harm ful f. colorful g. thankful h. useful i. joyful j. truthful 1. cheer 2. use 3. harm 4. peace 5. color 6. joy 7. care 8. beauty 9 . truth 1 0 .th an k 94. A. 96. Divide the following words into two groups according to the word formation models below. Pay attention to their meaning. painful, helpful, restful, useful, boastful, spiteful1 fu ll o f or characterized by able or tending to | delightm eaningw atchsuccesscreate- b.useb. colorb. dream b. pow erb . tru th - с. с. с. с. с. fashionstressd ep en d c aredoubt- d. d. d. d. d. sham eexhaustgracedangergrate- Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. s P U R P 0 S E F и L 1 P S R T U N С D А Р 1 С H E E R F U L Н I Г L A V О U R F U L Р 0 G M D P L G A V М J К J E P 0 U T A С G N (i M F F I В A Y с О Р 1 V U S E F U L н Р Р 1 Y L A D G J L в N М 1 E A R F U L F т и О II A D G J L P 1 Y R Е L L J G В U О A D и 1 Related words Adjective ( -ful) flavour purpose B. Find their related words from the table. pain, rest, help, use, boast, spite cheer forget sham e fear 1 spiteful — злобн ы й, злой , злорадны й 81 Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ful? a. п. a. п. п. N O U N + -ful — образует прилагательны е со значением «обладаю щ ий дан н ы м качеством» blushful — застенчивый, стыдливый _________ beautiful — ж ивописный, красивый, прекрасный | use • 82 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives 97. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. a. doubt b. doubtful 5. Verb Noun Adjective beauty 1. N oun Nevertheless we will continue to express our burning ... o f 2. Verb unlawful im prisonm ent. 3. Adjective a. resentm ent b. resent c. resentful hate helpful help doubt 1. N o u n (). This needs som e c a re fu l... about the gaps, o r you will not 2. Verb be able to tu rn the strands smoothly. 3. Adjective resentful resentm ent a. thoughts b. th ink c. thoughtful thin k thought . ---------------- thoughtful, d oubt, hatred, help, hateful, resent, beautify, beautiful, doubtful B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. Let him m ed itate w hat this vision o f ... will be like in tw enty years. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. beauty b. beautify c. beautiful 2. T h e sta te m e n ts here o n th is site so u n d v itrio lic 1 and seem ingly ... so be it. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 98. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. Since the publication o f Scouting for Boys in 1908, all Scouts and G uides around the world have taken a Scout I’romise. A sc o u t’s h o n o u r is to be tru ste d . A sc o u t’s duty is to b e ___________(1) and help others. A Scout is _________(2) and friendly. A Scout i s ____________ (3) and considerate. A Scout is _________ (4). Besides, he should b e ___________(5) and optim istic. A Scout makes good use o f tim e and is (6) o f possessions and property. He is _____ . (7) a n d ___________ (8). I Ic rejoices in all th at is (9) and gives jo y to others. USE HELP CHEER RESPECT THOUGHT CARE FAITH THANK BEAUTY a. h atred b. hate c. hateful 3. T he ... little girl carried som e groceries for h er dad, so he w ouldn't have to carry all o f them . We w ent slow ly,... o f all th a t was in front. 1 vitriolic — едки й , резкий (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Suffix -less 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. help b. helpful 4. | 83 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective М одель образования: N O U N + -less образует от сущ ествительны х прилагательны е со зн ачен и ем «лиш ённ ы й чего-л.», «не им ею щ ий чего-л.» healthless — нездоровый, болезненный successless — безуспешный, неудачный образует от глагольных осн ов п рилагательны е со значением «н епри м ен и ­ мость, бесп олезн ость соответствую щ его действия» changeless — неизменный, постоянный, уст ойчивый countless — бессчетный, неисчислимый, несчетный 84 99. Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. age 2. breath 3. fault 4. harm 5. pow er 6. sleep 7. taste 8. pain 9. spot 10. hom e 100. A. a. a. a. a. a. tireheartpow erth o u g h tevident- b. b. b. b. b. m atchless, jobless, tireless, speechless, childless, sleepless, dauntless, resistless, countless, peerless ---------------- — --- ------------------T h e suffix -less m eans "not able to do som ething" o r "not able to be d o n e, perform ed, etc." ■ d a u n t1, speech, resist, m atch , tire, sleep, co u n t, peer2, child, job d. d. d. d. d. w ordfoggieffortfatm otion- D E E К L 0 A M N G E К p О S N A M E L E S S T S 0 U N D L E S S I В V S T 1 В 1 L U H J К L A s D A N T W E 1 G H T L E s S I T L M S N В V F T U I A N L E N s Z С в M L G Y U L E S С Y u О к G F A Y N E S s С V в A D G J К E U S s F н К 0 A P D G J N u S A X F Y N 1 M 0 P H E A nam e doubt stain weight end 1 d aunt — обузды вать, укрощ ать; п одчин ять 2 peer — р ов н я, равны й fam eh a rm easiso u n d bottom - H sound Find their related words from the table. с. с. с. с. с. F Related words B. shapefaithpainth an k guilt- 1 0 2 . Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. T he suffix -less m eans "without" 101. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suf­ fix -less? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. powerless b. harm less c. tasteless d. breathless e. ageless f. spotless g. faultless h. hom eless i. sleepless j. painless | 85 point Adjectives (-less) 86 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 103. A. Adjectives Analyze the table. Pay attention to the adjectives which can’t be formed with the suffixes -ful and -less. (-ful) positive meaning (-less) negative meaning help helpful helpless hope hopeful hopeless beauty beautiful — care careful careless end — endless faithful faithless peace peaceful — power powerful powerless taste tasteful tasteless useful useless fa ith use B . Determine which adjective it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 4. The sea, he thought, had treasured its m em ories deeper than the ... (A) land. He was obedient, loyal, a ... (B) officer o f a great state. 5. Laptop com puters get smaller, lighter and m ore ... (A) each year. W ithout oxygen, th eir energy is d e p le te d 1 and they are ... (B) to remove it. 6. G o three days w ithout reading and your speech will b e­ com e ... (A). The houses would be built on a m odest and ... (B) scale, with an eye to com m unity as m uch as com fort. 7. Each o f these resources is ... (A) o r fun, and som e are both. The chair was now ... (B) because it was unstable to sit on. 1. helpless 2. helpful 1. useful 2. useless PART O F S P E E C H + -ic atom — atomic атомный 1. hopeful 2. hopeless pation. practice. T h e new spaper exam ined his application m aterials and found n um erous inconsistencies an d ...(B ) errors. 1. tasteless 2. tasteful М одель образования: им ею щ ий характеристи ки чего-ли бо 3. Som e p h o to g ra p h s are h a p p y a c c id e n ts, o th e rs th e painstaking result o f ... (A) p lanning an d even years o f 1. powerless 2. powerful образует прилагательны е от разны х частей речи со следую щ ими значениям и: the definition. 2. I'm so ... (A) w hen it com es to logic b u t n o t w hen it com es to intuition. I sat dow n an d w rote a letter, in a fever o f ... (B) a n tici­ 1. faithless 2. faithful Suffix - ic 1. Billson was not used to em ergencies; he sat in a ... (A) collapse. T he ...(B ) sentence aided th e student in understanding | 87 1. careful 2. careless о тн о сящ и й ся к определен ном у стилю , в стиле чего-ли бо Homeric — гомеровский, гомерический; Byronic — байронический используется для о бр азован ия н ац и он альн остей и язы к ов Finnic — финский Turkic — т ю ркский 1 deplete — истощ ать, исчерпы вать 88 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 1. W hich o f these adjectives can you use to describe th e stru ctu re o f substance? 2. W hich o f th em do you use to characterize the structure o f society? 3. W hich o f th em can you use to describe personality? 4. W hich o f th em do you use to speak about linguistics and literature? words in the second column. Underline their suffixes a. historic b. scientific c. optim istic d. sym bolic e. sym pathetic f. heroic g. clim atic h. analytic i. dem ocratic j. energetic 1. history 2. energy 3. science 4. dem ocracy 5. optim ism 6. analysis 7. symbol 8. clim ate 9. sym pathy 10. hero 105. A. 5. W hich o f th em do you use to speak about science? 107. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ic? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Divide the following words into five groups according to their pan o ram ic, sceptical, arom atic, N ap o leo n ic, sym bolic, alcoholic, analgesic, enthusiastic, Byronic, econom ic ------------- -------------------------------------------having the character or form o f related to in the m anner o f tending to produce 108. containing B . Find their related words from the table. p an o ram a, alcohol, analgesia, N ap o leo n , sym bol, arom a, Byron, enthusiast, skeptic, econom y _ 106. | 89 Read and translate the following adjectives. Answer the ques­ tions below. ____ a to m ic , m a g n e tic , m ajestic, e le c tro n ic , o rg a n ic , sc ie n tific, h e ro ic , dem ocratic, linguistic, apologetic, analytic, optim istic, politic, historic, classic, iro n ic , jo u rn a listic , p e rio d ic , p u b lic , realistic, sy m p a th etic, th em atic, tragic, artistic, academ ic, characteristic, clim atic, sym bolic a. a. a. a. a. d ram ateconom ro m antartisttru th - b. b. b. b. b. electroptim iststrategscientifm ajest- c. с. с. с. с. legendd em o cratelem en ta u to m atm agnet- d. d. d. d. d. nostalglocalhistorsaltfantast- Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. H D S Е и О О А G Z С в G F J О В с N Т S О G В Н I Е D Н Y т в N D р м К S А В и О G G А N L О L N Y .N С В О L Y N N Е А X С М О О Р Т I М I S Т I С м В м T I О S N С Р I В F О О N В V р W А N н С О Т I L F I О Y А S Т R А т Е G I С N Р А L R и I S Т В С R Z и F D р R G Е А Y А X Т Т О G Е I н т С М т I с G Т 90 1 Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives Adjectives (-ic) Related words a. au tom ation b. autom ate c. autom atic optim ist 3. athlete 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective You are at liberty to ... both, if you choose. gym nast a. puDiicity о. puDlish c. public strategy altruist 4. Do you see a phonetic ... betw een the square brackets? ocean symbol 109. A. a. sym bol b. sym bolize c. symbolic Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun Verb apology apologize Adjective autom atic autom ation 5. Science is the ... study o f things using theories and th en tests. a. system b. system atize c. system atic 6. A ... look always m akes m e feel sorry for myself. publish symbol a. sym pathy b. sym pathize c. sym pathetic sym bolize system atic sym pathize sy ste m , p u b lic ity , sy m p ath y , sy s te m a tiz e , a u to m a te , sy m b o lic , apologetic, sym pathetic, public B . Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. His new tone was ... but firm. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. apology b. apologize c. apologetic 2. All the em ployees expect an ... increase in pay every year. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 110. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals form a word that fits in the space in the text. H ealth is a co m b in a tio n o f physical, m ental and social w ell-being. A person w ith healthy p ersonal­ ity will always k e e p _________ (1) a n d _________ (2) goals, know ing w hat he can o r ca n n o t achieve. O f course, it is necessary to b e ___________ (3) and ___________ (4). I f you w ant to develop a healthy lifestyle you should keep a ___________ (5) exercise program . M ake a _______ (6) plan w hich in ­ eludes good eating and exercise habits. Besides, you should rem em ber th at keeping the heart healthy is _________ (7) to life. R EA LISM PR A G M A T ISM E N T H U S IA S M O P T IM IS M SYSTEM S P E C IF Y (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) BASE (7) 92 | Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives Suffixes -ia n /-a n М одель образован ия: N O U N + -IA N /A N — используется для образования прилагательны х со зн ачен и ем прин адлеж ­ ности к н ародности; идеологическом у течен и ю , научной ш коле Arabian — аравиец; аравийка; арабский Georgian — грузин; грузинка; грузинский — и спользуется для о бр азо ван и я сущ ествительн ы х, обо знач аю щ и х л и ц о , н азы ваем ое по роду зан яти й , проф есси и musician — музыкант 111. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. a. Bulgarian b. Russian c. librarian d. A m erican e. m usician f. G erm an g. academ ician h. A rabian i. Italian j. vegetarian h. A frican i. b eautician j. Brazilian k. A ustralian 1. E uropean 1. m usic 2. Bulgary 3. A rabia 4. Africa 5. Brazilia 6. beauty 7. G erm an y 8. Russia 9. Italy 10. library 11. Europe 12. A ustralia 13. vegetal 14. academ y 15. A m erica 112. Examine the following models. Complete word chains below. Model: Albania -> Albanian A lbania -» A rm enia —» A ustralia -> A ustria Belgium -> Brazil —> C anada H ungary -» India —> Italy M ongolia Russia -» U kraine -> Model: Germany —> German G erm any Jam aica -> M exico -> M orocco -» N icaragua -> Africa —> Venezuela -» | 93 94 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives 113. A. Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. historian, M exican, te c h n ic ia n , G e rm a n , A frican, electrician, In d ian , librarian, Jam aican , C an ad ian , com edian, H ungarian, A ustrian, politi­ cian, A ustralian, veterinarian, guardian, m athem atician The adjectives mean «pertaining to» The adjectives mean «native of» ■ 115. | 95 Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. D H 0 P В H E A В E G U P 0 P F N В A S J F U F D H G u A R A В I A N R U F F I R P H N M A L 0 О N 0 A В U L G A R I A N P A P С U I О J V D G P E D В U M s s N E G Y P T I A N A M F I T Y N К S T A N Y S N N A M E R I С A N F A u D M N A A U S T R A L I A N Related words Adjectives ( -an, -ian) Bulgaria Russia B. A m erica Find their related words from the table. Arabia history, H ungary, In d ia, tech n iq u es, M exico, electricity, library, c o m ­ edy, politics, veterinary, A ustralia, C a n a d a , G erm any, A ustria, guard, m athem atics, Jam aica, Africa 114. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Egypt Europe A ustralia Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suf­ fixes -an, -ian? a. Jam aica. N icaragua. Itala. In d a. Fren - b. b. b. b. b. M exicM ongolA ustralEgypt C anad- c. с. c. с. c. Ja p a n H ungarC h in BulgarBrazil- d. d. d. d. d. A lbanSpanA rm enTurkBelg- 116. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals below the text to form a word that fits in the space in the text. M ost E u ro p ean languages b elong to th re e b road groups: G erm anic, R om ance and Slavic. T he G erm anic fam ily o f languages includes D anish, Norwegian, Swedish, Ice la n d ic , (1), D u tch , English and Y iddish, am ong others. GERM ANY ITALY R O M A N IA R U SSIA U KRAINLA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 96 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives T he R om an ce languages in c lu d e (2), F re n c h , Spanish, Portuguese a n d '(3 ), am ong others. T he Slavic languages in c lu d e (4 ), (5 ), (6), Po­ lish, C zech, S lo v a k , ( 7 ) , __ ( 8 ) , ___( 9 ) ,___ (10), (11) and others. M ost E u ro p ean languages use th e Latin alphabet. Som e Slavic languages use th e C yrillic alp h ab et. G re e k , ( 1 2 ) ,___(13) and Yiddish have th e ir own alphabet. BELA R U SIA (6) SLO V EN IA (7) SER B IA (8) CROATIA (9) M A C E D O N IA (10) B U L G A R IA (11) A R M E N IA (12) G E O R G IA (13) | 97 118. А. Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. am azing, upsetting, am using, threatening, entertaining, tiring, challenging, puzzling, irritating, exciting, charm ing, shocking, convincing, disturbing, encouraging, confusing, fascinating, annoying Positive meaning Negative meaning Suffix -in g М одель образован ия: N O U N + -IN G образует отглагольны е прилагательны е caring — внимательный, заботливый interesting — интересный young-looking — молож авый 117. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. Define the part of speech of the words in the second column. 1. am aze 2. interest 3. relax 4. excite 5. fascinate 6. disappoint 7. disgust1 8. frustrate2 9. am use 1 0 .charm a. am azing b. interesting c. fascinating d. relaxing e. charm ing f. am using g. exciting h. disappointing i. disgusting j. frustrating B. Find the related words from the table. 119. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suf­ fix -ing? 1.a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. a. 5. a. alarm frightenam b itio n em barrassannoy- 120. A. 1 disgust — отвращ ени е, ом ерзение 2 frustrate — разочаровы вать, обм аны вать (надеж ды , о ж ид ани я) *--------------------------- am aze, disturb, confuse, fascinate, th reate n , charm , shock, challenge, irritate, upset, am use, excite, en tertain , encourage, puzzle, tire, convince, annoy b. disgustb. shockb. e n tertain b. leadb. disturb- c. distancec. terrifyc. depressc. developc. deafen- d. d. d. d. d. thrilldangerth reaten absencethirst- Analyze the following models. Find the differences. Model 1: You surprise me! —> How surprising it is!—> W hat a surprise! I 98 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives M odel 2: You depress m e! - * How depressing it is!-* W hat a depression! M odel 3: You entertain m e! ^ How entertaining it is! - » W hat an enter­ tainm ent! B. Complete the word chains below. to satisfy -» -> to frustrate -> -> M odel 3: to entertain —» entertaining —> entertainment -> to encourage M odel 1: to surprise -» surprising -> surprise -> to charm -> -> to disappoint to interest -> -» to discourage —> -> to relieve -» —> to em barrass1 —> -> to thrill -> -> to excite -» -> to alarm —> to disgust -> -y to frighten -> -> —> to shock G О p A N A X -> D С G и D В N E G A S —> to horrify —> -> M odel 2: to depress —» depressing -» depression to convince2 -» D H 0 I p I 0 p A X V N I С 0 R R E Z X N M D с с В E R F G P D A a' E D С V P F S T В U 0 A 0 E R T A P В D A X Y U N D В I X A T s A D Z s с G J О p A V N 1 0 1 С S P 0 N D I N G A u и 1 О P T F T R T G U E G V A В Y. J R N Y G G U M E J I N I N G I S I R I К T 0 -> E N T -> С 0 N F U s I N G N T G N I 0 T U G r to exhaust 121. Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puz­ zle and complete the table below. В -» -» —> V to terrify to cap tiv ate1 | 99 -> Q E D К L I Y to fascinate T> -> A F A E E X С I T I N G О N U to relax -» —> Z V Z D Y 1 P N I P V E P G 0 С В В U 0 X V G 0 N U D I N P 1 captivate — очаровы вать, п лен ять, п око р ять, увлекать 2 convince — убеждать 1 em barrass — сбивать с толку, приводи ть в зам еш ательство 100 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix B. Adjectives ( -ing) Related words correspond 1. en tertain discourage disappoint | 101 Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. E -m ail is a quick and easy way to ... w ith friends across 1. N o u n the country. 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. correspondence b. correspond c. corresponding interest excite 2 .... argum ent in favor o f any opinion is a personal example. confuse 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. conviction b. convince c. convincing 122. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Verb Noun 3 .... circum stances have caused m any w riters to em igrate to o th er countries. Adjective a. discouragem ent b. discourage c. discouraging correspond conviction convince discouraging discouragem ent 1. N oun 4 .... applause greeted the band back on stage for the en c o re 1. 2. Verb 3. Adjective deafen a. depressing depression develop 5. disappointing d isappointm ent entertain hum iliating th reat deafness b. deafen c. deafening 1. N o u n A fter his wife died, he went through a long period o f... . 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. depression b. depress c. depressing em barrass leadership 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective lead 6. T he novel starts off a little slow, but as the plot continues to ... it becom es exciting. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. developm ent b. develop c. developing threatening corresponding, hum iliation, deafness, e n tertain m en t, disappoint, devel­ o p m e n t, en tertain in g , depress, co rresp o n d en ce, th re a te n , discourage, em barrassm ent, convincing, leading, hum iliate, em barrassing, develop­ ing,1deafening 7. H e knew a n o th e r ... m ight kill him . a. disappointm ent b. disappoint c. disappointing 1 encore — вызов на бис, крики «бис» 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 102 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 8. O ne o f my m o s t... m om ents was the tim e w hen I spilled coffee on o u r school head. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective T he question o f w h eth er a co m p u ter can th in k is no m ore (5) th an the question o f w hether a subm arine can swim. (Edsger Dijkstra) | 103 IN T E R E S T (5) a. em barrassm ent b. em barrass c. em barrassing 9. He guessed well; th e book has been a great source o f in­ struction a n d ... for me. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. en tertain m en t b. en tertain c. entertaining 10. T hey said nobody would com e to h ear m e, an d I woul m ake a ... failure o f it. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. hum iliation b. hum iliate c. hum iliating 11. Strategic ... sets th e vision an d goals for th e company. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. lead b. leadership c. leading 12. It had a dark, angry and ... aspect. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. th reat b. th reaten c. threatening 123. Read the following quotes. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the sentences. C O N V IN C E Several excuses are always less _________ (1) th a n one. (Aldous Huxley) W ith every civil right there has to be a _________ (2) C O R R E S P O N D civil obligation. (Edison Haines) W hen 1 work I relax; doing nothing o r _________ (3) E N T E R T A IN visitors m akes me tired. (Pablo Picasso) Let us be grateful to people who m ake us happy, they are t h e ________ (4) gardeners w ho m ake o u r souls CHARM blossom . (M arcel Proust) Suffix -ous М одель образован ия: N O U N + -O U S образует п рилагател ьн ы е со зн ачен и ем «обладаю щ ий д ан н ы м свой ством , п р и зн ак о м , характеристи кой в зн ачи тельной степени» dangerous — опасный spacious — просторный 124. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. poison 2. grace 3. glam our 4. m urder 5. suspicion 6. fame 7. nerve 8. th u n d er 9. caprice 10. anxiety 125. A. (1) (2) (3) (4) a. gracious b .th u n d e ro u s c. poisonous d. capricious e. glam orous f. fam ous g. m urderous h. anxious i. suspicious j. nervous Read the following adjectives. Answer the questions below using adjectives from the table. curious, courageous, virtuous, prosperous, generous, nervous, prestigious, m iraculous, conscious, scandalous, sim ultaneous, religious, envious, industrious, various, harm onious, conscious, advantageous, furious, courteous, erroneous, superstitious, jealous, m urderous, m ysterious, spacious, dangerous 104 [ Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives 1. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe positive traits o f character? 2. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe negative traits o f character? 3. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe a situation? 4. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe people’s life? 5. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe peo p le’s actions? 127. | 105 Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. Z С и О R D Р А S D V В N 1 т Е D А N G Е R О и S С В и I р А S С F А М В 1 Т 1 О и S J О F Н S S F Н Р Е Н О Р с А X В 1 М и S Z С V Н L и X и R I О и S V М в Z D А Е L F Y и О Р S А т Y О G D Y и Н I L А R I О и S G Н R F С и Р О О Z С В М L J F В N О D X F и S и Р Е R S Т 1 Т 1 О и S F и Р о S D G Н О Р А X S В S А 6. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe scenery? Adjectives (-ous) Related words B. danger Find the related words from the table. reb el1 curiosity, scandal, sim ultaneity, courage, generosity, conscience, variety, error, prestige, m iracle, superstition, jealousy, m urder, religion, envy, industry, virtuosity, prosperity, mystery, harm ony, advantage, space, nerve, danger superstition hilarity2 luxury h um or 126. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suf­ fix -ous? a. a. a. a. a. scandalfuriprospercapricipersist - b. jealb .sp a c e b. generb. poisonb. glam o r- c. с. c. с. с. th o u g h tsuperstitiscientg ra d m u rder- d. d. d. d. d. m urderskillm iraculreasonth u n d e r- - am bition 128. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun Adjective cautiously caution anxious 1 rebel — п одним ать восстание, мятеж ; бунтовать 2 hilarity — весёлость, веселье Adverb 106 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Noun Adjective a. Adverb consciousness b. conscious c. consciously 1. N o u n 2. Adjective 3. Adverb am bition 5. T he soldier show ed ... w hen he held off the enemy. conscious courage courageously danger dangerously generous a. courage b. courageous c. courageously jealously luxurious m iracle a. danger b. dangerous c. dangerously m iraculously consciousness, anxiety, generosity, m iraculous, dangerous, luxury, am bitiously, generously, courageous, cautious, anxiously, consciously, am bitious, jealous, luxuriously B. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 6. Pierre was severely but n o t ... w ounded in the neck. jealousy | 107 Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 7. T h eir consequent ... w ent dow n on record and revealed how eager th ey were to be involved in such a historic project. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb a. generosity b. generous c. generously 8. Sarah finally broke up w ith M ichael because he was too ... and would get upset w henever she w ent out w ithout him . 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb a. jealousy b. jealous c. jealously 1. T he m ost recen t d ata from th e Bank o f E ngland show consum ers are becom ing m ore ... . 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 9. T he new factory building is ... . a. caution b. cautious c. cautiously 2. At last he threw the book aside an d w atched ... for the m orning. a. luxury b. luxurious c. luxuriously 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 1. N oun 10. He is dreadfully upset and slips into ch u rch to pray for 2. Adjective a ... and forgiveness. 3. Adverb a. anxiety b. anxious c. anxiously 3. Caesar's ... led him to rule Rom e but also created m any enem ies in the Senate. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb t a. m iracle b. m iraculous c. m iraculously 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb 129. Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. a. am bition b. am bitious c. am bitiously 4. She becam e ... th at everyone was staring at her. 1. N oun 2. Adjective 3. Adverb A ries natives are en te rp risin g , active and _________ (1). T hey know w hat it's like to be first and this usually com es off as selfish to oth ers 1 in d u stry — п р и л е ж а н и е , с т а р а н и е IN D U S T R Y 1 (1) 108 I Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix w hen it isn't th e ir in ten tio n at all. Taurus have (2) enduran ce and are incredibly p e r­ T R E M E N D O U S N E S S (2) sistent. T hey are com p o sed , self-relian t, c o n ­ structive, p ra c tic a l,________ (3) and kind. C a n ­ H U M O U R (3) C O N S C IE N C E (4) cers a r e _________ (4), devoted and sym pathetic. G E N E R O U S IT Y (5) Leos are to le r a n t,________ (5) and inspiration­ al. T hey can also be overly p ro u d and extrava­ S E R IO U S N E S S (6) gant. Virgos a r e _________ (6), perfectionist and prudent. Virgos can be hypercritical. If there is a needle in a haystack, a Virgo will find it! Libras G R A C E (7) are thoughtful, j u s t , _________ (7) and balanced. They do not care for any type o f injustice. S cor­ T E N A C IT Y 1 (8) pios are (8), optim istic, pleasant, elo ­ q u e n t2 an d p a tie n t. S a g itta ria n s are sin c e re , G E N E R O S IT Y (9) h o n e s t ,__________(9) an d hopeful. C ap rico rn s C O N S C IE N C E (10) are d is c ip lin e d ,________ (10) an d achieving. R E B E L L IO N (11) A quarians can b e _________ (11), eccen tric and overly-extroverted. Pisces are intuitive, inspira­ tional and idealistic. 130. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. value 2. break 3. convert 4. reason 5. forget 6. avail 7. wash 8. fashion 9. agree 10. favor 131. a. valuable b. reasonable c. breakable d. favorable e. fashionable f. agreeable g. available h. washable i. convertible j. forgettable Match the adjectives with their definitions. 1. credible a. can be believed 2. audible b. suitable 3. legible c. can be seen 4. terrible d. can be digested __________________________________________________ Suffixes -ible/-able 5. visible e. easy to read — образует п рилагательны е со зн ачен и ем возм ож ности осущ ествления д е й ­ ствия acceptable — допустимый credible — заслуж ивающий доверия 6. sensible f. easily bent 7. possible g. allowable 8. digestible h. causing terror — образует прилагательны е со зн ачен и ем обладани я некоторы м качеством comfortable — удобный 9. flexible i. reasonable Будьте внимательны! У потребление су ф ф и ксо в -able или -ible н еобходим о проверять по словарю . 132. A. 1 tenacity — упорство, стой кость 2 eloquent — я рки й , убедительны й, вы разительны й | 109 10. perm issible j. liable to happen 11. com patible k. can be heard Divide the following words into two groups according to their meaning. enjoyable, com fortable, readable, reasonable, digestible, variable, washable, adm issible, drinkable, com patible 110 | Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives mean « su ita b lefo r... » Adjectives mean «able to...» knowledge -» __ change -> __ | Ш Модель 2: forget —» forgettable B. Find their related words from the table. regret -> __ transm it -» __ control -> __ stop -» __ forget -» __ enjoy, wash, read, reason, drink, com fort, vary, digest, adm it, com patibility 133. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 134. Which of the following words cannot be used with the suffix -able/-ible? a. a. a. a. a. sensbreakresponsregretdisgrace - b. b. b. b. b. washfavorallowcon tro lm anage- c. с. с. с. с. p erio d laughm u rd eravailnotice- d. fashiond .n um berd. adapt d. hum ourd. excite- Read the following spelling rules. Form adjectives according to the models below. Модель I: Обратите внимание! Гласная -e сохраняется, если перед гласной в корне стоит -g- или -с- -> change + able —> changeable irreplace -> peace —> notice -» replace -> service -> m anage 135. Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. A с U 0 A P К N F A D T N U G 0 A D D R I N К A В L E N S F U В О M 0 К S V U I M U С 0 M P R E H E N S I В L E H u N V A L и A В L E J Y A D N G J В О L M С G В J Y U В T В J L D U 1 A D В J I 1 J A F 0 E G A R Y 1 N F D Y N В E L I E V A В L E В D U S L A D G J w R T U 0 E J H T E R R I В L E 0 X С D H N Related words drink count believe Nouns ( -able/-ible) \ 112 | « Adjectives Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix N ouns ( -able/-ible) Related words 2. H er honesty in all th at she does is truly ... . adore | 113 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective com p reh en d a. adm iration b. adm ire c. adm irable value te rro r • 3. Do you ... you could bear th at patiently? 136. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun Adjective Verb a. belief b. believe c. believable 4. In a week the student can learn to w rite it with some little facility and to read it w ith ... ease. achievem ent believable belief consider forgive excite 6. Did she think that circum stances and not her own choice were ... for h er state o f feeling? 7. 1 know nothing to ... with it, for he is a m an o f w arm th. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the fol­ lowing sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. responsibility b. respond c. responsible co m prehend consideration, com parison, ad m iratio n , forgiveness, believe, responsible, com prehensible, excitable, achieve, achievable, adapt, ad ap tatio n , forgivable, com pare, considerable, adm irable B. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. forgiveness b. forgive c. forgivable adaptable com prehension 5. In reality, the stu d en t spent over an h o u r in my office begging me for ... . respond com parable excitem ent 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. consideration b. consider c. considerable adm ire responsibility 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 1. N oun 2. Verb 3.. Adjective a. com parison b. com pare c. com parable 8. But all th is series o f nervous d istu rb a n ce s left h er in a very impressible and ... condition. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. excitem ent b. excite c. excitable I. M any people strive for an ... in business. a. achievem ent b. achieve c. achievable 9. Jane was n o t ... to changes in her work contract. a. adaptation b. adapt c. adaptable 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 114 Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives 10. A lthough som e o f the earliest art rem ains ... to us now, there is m uch w hich rem ains obscure. l. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective h. decorative i. creative j. initiative 139. A. Read the following words. Pay attention to their meaning. Answer the questions below. a. com prehension b. com p reh en d c. com prehensible 137. 8. create 9. appreciate 10. product | 115 Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. O ne o f th e m ost im p o rta n t things a stu d en t should do is to take p art in scientific projects. He can m ake V ISIO N (1) him self m o r e _________ (1) by participating in co n fer­ ences and w orkshops and publishing papers on h is/h e r VALUE (2) work. A ttending conferences is __________ (2). Students should know so m e __________ (3) recom m endations for N O TA B ILITY (3) preparing th e talk. T hey should m ake this im pression as positive a s __________ (4). It i s __________ (5) to use PO SSIB IL IT Y (4) REA SO N (5) ap p ro p riate exam ples an d pictu res and to m ake sure REA D (6) th at the slides a r e __________ (6). Besides, it is im p o r­ S U IT (7) ta n t to g iv e __________ (7) exam ples. decisive, active, aggressive, attentive, possessive, interrogative, affirm a­ tive, sensitive, respective, passive, creative, legislative, persuasive, co nser­ vative, adm inistrative, talkative, cooperative, elective, narrative, intensive, exclusive, executive l . W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe people’s behavior? 2. W hich o f these adjectives are linguistic term s? 3. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe traits o f character? 4. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe political systems? Suffix -ive М одель образования: 5. W hich o f these adjectives can be used to describe a personal speech? V E R B /N O U N + -IV E п озволяет образовать отн осительн ы е прилагательны е creative — творческий B. Find their related words from the table. native — родной 138. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. destruct 2. act 3. correct 4. addict 5. decorate 6. initiate 7. generate a. generative b. destructive c. active d. productive e. appreciative f. corrective g. addictive aggression, decisio n , ac t, a tte n tio n , passivity, possess, in terro g a tio n , affirm , sense, resp ect, c re a te , legislate, c o o p e ra te , talk, p e rsu ad e , conserve, adm inistrate, elect, narrate, execute, intense, exclusion 140, Which of the following word roots cannot be used with the suffix -ive? 1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. a. 5. a. inactapprehenscreataddicttalen t- b. b. b. b. b. interactsupportappreciatdetectrelat- c. с. c. c. с. guiltdeceptparentobjectcorrect- d. d. d. d. d. expensinsistinitiatresent exhaust- 116 141. I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adjectives Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. Adjective ( -ive) Related words Noun Verb | 117 Adjective conclude destruction select indicate legislate inclusion inclusive progress offence offensive com pare persuade com m u n icate com m unication relate generate D G Р R О G R Е S S 1 V Е F 1 P К Н Y D 1 А Е S и О Р G D О Р L Е G I S L А т I V Е В N О Р Y А В 1 Е I S О V N E С О М М и N I С А т I V Е V и F О D N М т Т X и F и R С О М Р А R А т I V Е Y О А V Т N М Т О I S О С Т N М О р V R R Е L А т 1 V Е X Y М D О I S В N I О D О Р А S V В О I Р D Т N О А D N Y м Е 142. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. persuasion, offend, destruct, conclusion, destructive, com m unicative, com pete, indicative, indication, persuasive, co m m unicate, include, selection, appreciate, com petitive, conclusive B. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. People told me over and over how m uch m ore ... they were o f life, how they w anted to learn. a. appreciation b. appreciate c. appreciative 2. We offer a large ... o f over 20 tennis skirts, tennis dresses, tennis shirts. Verb 3. T hey faced tough ... but in the end they knew it was for a good cause. select com petition com petition b. com pete c. com petitive Adjective appreciative appreciation 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective a. selection b. select c. selective a. Noun 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. T he blood tests m ade a ... diagnosis. selective a. conclusion b. conclude c. conclusive 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 118 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 5. T he ... from th e w ar was massive an d was hard to repair. Adverbs 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective | 119 are c o n sid e re d __________ (4). T hey tend to be calm , PASSIVITY (4) __________ (5) and even p ro v o k e __________ (6) beS E N S E (5) havior. A G G R E S S IO N (6) a. d estruction b. destruct c. destructive 6. W hen a traffic light tu rn s red, it ... th e m o to rist m ust stop. a. a. a. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective persuasion b. persuade c. persuasive 10. T he language course is based o n a highly ... m ethod in sm all groups. 143. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective offence b. offend c. offensive 9. It is n o t im possible to w rite a brillian t ... essay on so­ cial injustice. a. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective inclusion b. include c. inclusive 8. T here was som ething ... in th e ir proposale. ADVERBS ___________________________________________________________ Suffix -ly indication b. indicates c. indicative 7. T he shy child s o u g h t... in play activities but d id n 't know how to jo in th e group. a. 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective М одель образования: A D JE C T IV E /N O U N + -LY образует н аречия от осн ов прилагательны х и (реже) от осн ов сущ ествитель­ ных patiently — терпеливо, happily — счастливо О братите в н и м ан и е на то, что суф ф и к с -1у используется для обр азо ван и я п р и лагательны х со зн ачен и ем характерн ой черты или качества того, что обо зн ач ен о основой friendly — друж еский; дружественный m anly — муж ественный, отважный fatherly — отцовский, отеческий — служ ит для о бр азован ия прилагательны х и наречий со зн ачен и ем п ер и о ­ ди ческой повторяем ости hourly — ежечасный, ежечасно, каж дый час weekly — еженедельный Будьте внимательны! Сущ ествую т слова, о к ан ч и ваю щ и еся на -1у, которы е могут бы ть н аречиям и или прилагательны м и. early — рано, ранний friendly — дружелюбный, дружелюбно co m m u n icatio n b. com m u n icate c. com m unicative Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the text. B right colors are co nsidered (1). If you exam ine th e co rrelatio n betw een co lo r an d m o o d , y o u ’ll discover th a t b rig h t colors te n d to be m ore energetic a n d __________ (2). In fact, bright colors p ro v id e __________ (3) atm o sp h ere. N e u tra l colors A CT (1) E F F E C T (2) C R E A T E (3) 144. Read the words in the first column. Match them with the related words in the second column. Underline their suffixes. 1. saint 2. coward 3. quick 4. glad 5. hour 6. day 7. slow ' a. gladly b. gradually c. secondly d. saintly e. cowardly f. sm oothly g. quickly 120 I Adverbs Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix 8. second 9. sm ooth 10. gradual | 121 B . Divide the words into three groups according to their defini­ tions. h. hourly i. daily 'j . slowly loudly, ghostly, proudly, cowardly, kingly, patiently, homely, daily, nightly, m inutely, weekly, friendly, softly, bravely, m onthly 145. A. Divide the following words into two groups according to their word formation models. in а ... m anner once а ... like а ... gentlem anly, silently, kingly, happily, manly, widely, masterly, cruelly, m inutely, cheerfully, scholarly, rapidly, saintly, badly, cowardly, quickly, yearly, loudly, secondly, naturally, daily, briefly Noun + -1у Adjective + -1у C. 4 147. Define what part of speech the words refer to. Define what parts of speech the words in bold belong to. 1. a) She gave him a friendly look, b) H e p a tte re d 1 him friendly. 2. a) H e woke up early this m orning. b) Early breakfast is good for your digestion. 3. a) M ike always reads daily press, b) Sam takes m eds daily. 4. a) I feel so lonely. b) Lonely birch tree was standing o n the hill. B. Define what part of speech the words from the table refer to. 146. A. 5. a) H e brotherly saved m e from death. b) Jensen has brotherly feelings for O rsen. Complete the definitions below. loudly = in a ... m an n er weekly = once a ... cow ardiy = like a ... 148. A. 1. S p ellin g rules! Pay attention to the following spelling rules when you form adverbs. Е сл и п р и л а гате л ь н о е о к а н ч и в ае т с я н а -у, то п р и д о б а в л е н и и суф ф и кса -1у, -у переходит в -i -у -i 1 p a tte r— похлопы вать; поглаж ивать. | 122 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Adverbs 2. Е сл и п р и л а г а т е л ь н о е о к а н ч и в а е т с я н а -1е, то к о н е ч н о е -е зам ен яется на -у -1е —» -1у 3. Е сли п р и лагатель н о е о к а н ч и в ае тс я н а -ic, то при о б р азо в ан и и н ареч и я д обавляется суф ф и кс -ically: -ic -» -ically 4. Е сли п р и лагатель н о е о к а н ч и в ае тс я н а -и е, то при д о б авл ен и и суф ф и к са -1у ко н ечн ая буква -е опускается -ue -» -uly . 5. Е сли прилагательное оканчивается на -И, то добавляется только гласная -у: -11 ^ -Ну, но если слово о к ан чи вается на -1, то при д о б авл ен и и суф ф и к са -1у, сохраняется д во й н о е н ап и сан и е 1: -1 + -1у -» -Ну В. 149. j 123 Read the words in the table below. Find related words in the puzzle and complete the table below. D I P L H D T Y О P E A G О S P R A U D Y 0 R V L U I С A L H F U 0 A С s T M F H I P S 0 U К В A u в u D D E N L Y A T R N T U В G S G О В A С О P T N G T 0 G R A С E F U L Y F J G D A Z L С U R S О G I L В U P I P F I L I Y R Q A D F T L F L F A U Y M В F I 0 P A С L N Y Y T H A N К F U L L Y X Y Related words Read the following words. Match them with the spelling rules above. Adverbs (-ly) sudden angry full — fully, true — truly, sim ple — simply, easy — easily, noisy — noisily, autom atic — autom atically, beautiful — beautifully graceful hungry C. Complete the table with adverbs. Follow the spelling rules. sim ple -» _____________ practical noisy -» ______________ thankful easy -» true —» autom atic -» angry -» _____________ fu ll- » c ra z y -» _____________ due -» guilty -» _____________ acrobatic —» _ ironic -» doubtful gloom y -» exotic dull -» _____________ doubtful -» successful -» _____________ p o w erfu l,-» ____________ 150. A. Complete the following word chains using the words from the table below. Noun (concrete meaning) Noun (abstract meaning) Verb believe beautician Adjective Adverb believably beautify creation creatively 124 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix Noun (concrete meaning) Noun (abstract meaning) Verb Adverbs doubt 4. But he w ondered if she knew the extent o f his ... o f her father. critically criticize critic Adverb Adjective a. doubtful financier finance financially 5. I am aware th a t m uch rem ains .... creator, beautifully, finance, doubter, believer, equalize, criticism , doubtfully, believable, critical, equality, creative, create, financial, doubt, equally, belief, beauty, beautiful B. Determine what part of speech it is necessary to use in the following sentences. Complete them using words from part A. 1. We felt his story was ... 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb a. 6. O n reaching R atisbon they were obliged to go to bed, and a terrible night was followed by an ... bad m orning. a. 2. How ... an d aptly he could speak o f h er own art! a. beautician b. beauty c. beautify d. beautiful e. beautifully 3. T hin k ... and rearrange the o rd er o f the w ords in a sen­ tence. 1. 2. 3. 4. a. creato r b. creation c. create d. creative e. creatively N oun Verb Adjective Adverb 151. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb equal b. equality c. equalize d. equally 7. H is ... problem s were solved successfully last year. a. 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb doubter b. doubt c. doubtful d. doubtfully a. believer b. belief c. believe d. believable e. believably 1. N oun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb critic b. criticism c. criticize d. critical e. critically equal equal | 125 1. N o u n 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Adverb financier b. finance c. financial d. financially Read the text. Use the words given in capitals to form that fits in the space in the text. T he bottle was dropped overboard on a w arm su m ­ m er evening. But w hen s e a le d __________(1) and sent to sea, as this one was, it becam e one o f the m ost seaw orthy objects know n to m an. It could flo a t_________ (2) through hurricanes. Like th a t o f all bottles left to the w h im 1 o f the oceans, its course 1 w him — прихоть, каприз a word P R O P E R (1) SA FE (2) 126 I Word Formation: Suffix after Suffix A B SO L U T E (3) w a s __________ (3)_unpredictable. W inds an d c u r­ EQUAL (4) rents p la y _________ (4) large roles in any b o ttle’s O C C A SIO N (5) d ir e c tio n .___________(5) a fishing n et will sn a g 1 a bottle an d carry it a d o zen miles in the opposite direction in w hich it was headed. T h e result is that two bottles d r o p p e d (6) into th e o cean SIMULTANEOUS (6) E V ID E N T (7) _______ (7), m ight en d up a c o n tin e n t ap art. EXACT (8) th ere is no way to p r e d i c t __________ (8) w here a bottle m ight travel, an d th a t is part o f its mystery. WORD FORMATION: PREFIX AFTER PREFIX В ко д и ф и к ато р е эл ем ен тов со держ ан и я и тр еб о ван и й к уровню подготовки вы пускников общ еобразовательны х учреж дений д ля п р о ­ ведения ЕГЭ по ан гл и й ск ом у я зы к у 1 представлены аф ф и ксы : а ф ф и к сы глаголов: re-, dis-, m isаф ф иксы прилагательны х: inter-. отри ц ател ьн ы е п реф иксы : un-, in -/im -. Рассм отри м каж ды й из у казан н ы х элем ентов подробн о. Prefix ге— передаёт зн ачен и е «снова», «ещё раз» re-cover — снова покрывать — передаёт зн ачен и е «обратно», «назад» re-enter — вернуться — передаёт зн ачен и е «заново», «по-новому» regroup —перегруппировать О братите вни м ан ие н а то, что п риставка ге- м ож ет писаться к ак слитн о, так и через деф и с. Э то зави си т от зн ач ен и я, которое передает приставка: — если ге- употребляется с целью и зм ен ен и я или улучш ения этого действия, то ставится деф ис: to re-elect — переизбирать', — если ге- п ередает зн ачен и е восстановления- п ервон ачальн ого результата или со сто ян и я, то пиш ется слитно: to recapture — взять обратно. 1 snag — зац еплять 1 К оди ф и катор элементов содерж ания и требований к уровню подготовки в ы п у скн и ко в общ ео бр азовател ьн ы х учреж ден и й для п ровед ен и я ед и ­ ного государственного экзам ен а по ан гл и й ск ом у языку. Реж им доступа: U R L : w ww .fip i.ru /v iew /sections/226/docs/627.htm l 128 I 152. Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Read the following examples, divide them into 2 groups accord­ ing to the meaning of the prefix re-. rebuild, reeopy, regain, renew, remarry, recolor, retrace, reunite, resell, reread Prefix re- indicates return to a previous condition (restoration, withdrawal) Prefix re- indicates repetition o f an action r Prefix dis— используется для образо ван и я слов со зн ачен и ем л и ш ен и я чего-л. (о б е з-/о б е с -) to disarm — обезоруживать to disinherit — лиш ат ь наследства — образует слова со зн ачен и ем и склю чен ия из какой -л. орган и зац и и to disbar — исключать барристера из корпорации — обозначает разделение на составны е части, отделение to distribute — распределять — усиливает отри ц ател ьн ы й к ом п он ен т зн ачен и я слова to disannul — полностью аннулировать 155. 153. Read the following definitions, form a verb using the prefix re-. M odel: to jo in again — to rejoin. 1. To discover again 2. To build again v | 129 3. To w rite again -> ____ _____________________________ —> _____________________________ -» ____ _____________________________ 4. To appear again -> _____________________________ 5. To assem ble again -» _____________________________ 6. To heat again -» _____________________________ 7. To apply again —> _____________________________ 8. To type again -» 154. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the following questions. Would you like to reread your favourite novel? W hy? W hat do you usually retell to your friends? W hy do people som etim es w ant to rebuild th e ir house? Have you ever rediscovered anything for you? Have you ever recopied an im portant file? W hy did you have to do it? Read the following verbs. Answer the questions. 1. W hich 2. W hich 3. W hich 4. W hich o f these o f these o f these o f these words words words words indicate reversal? indicate negation, lack o r deprivation? indicate removal o r release? express intensive force? distrust, disarm , disinfect, disuse, disconnect, disem bark, disobey, display, discolour, discontinue, discover, dislike, disagree, displease, disapprove, displace, disorder, disarrange 156. Read the following definitions, form a verb using the prefix dis-. The words in the table can help you. to disbelieve, to discolour, to disobey, to distrust, to disapprove, to dislike, to disconnect l . To break th e co n n ectio n o f sm th 2. To c o n sid e r u n p le a sa n t o r d is­ agreeable -» 3. To change o r cause to change in colour —> 4. To w ithhold approval from —> 5. To neglect or refuse to obey —> 6. To regard as dishonest 130 I Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix 7. To reject as false o r lying; refuse to accept as true o r truthful 157. ------------------------------ Answer the following questions. 1. W hat do you dislike? 2. Have you ever disbelieved people aro u n d you? W hen was it? 3. Has the w eather ever disarranged your plans? W hen was it? 4. Have you ever disobeyed your p aren ts’ decision? How did you solve th at problem ? Prefix misобразует слова со зн ачен и ем «неправильно, неудачно», «с противополож ным результатом» to misunderstand — неправильно понимать to misdial — ошибаться при наборе номера телефона to misinform — дезинформировать; вводить в заблуж дение используется для о б о зн ач ен и я слов с п р о тивополож ны м результатом to mistrust — не доверять 4. To lead o r guide in the w rong d i­ rection | 131 ___________________ 5. To fail to hear correctly -» ___________________ 6. To behave badly -» _____________________ 7. To give incorrect inform ation to -» ___________________ 160. Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Som etim es friends m isunderstand each other. W hat about you? Do you often m iscalculate in M aths? W hy does it happen? Have you ever been lost in a city? W ho m isled you? Have you ever m isapprehended the task? W hen was it? Have you ever m isinterpreted a novel o r a story? W hy did it happen? Prefix inter- О бразует слова со зн ачен и ям и — м еж -, меж ду-, среди, внутри (в пространственном и врем енном значен и и) —> international — международный — взаим о— > interchangeable — взаимозаменяемый 158. Read the following verbs. Answer the questions. 1. W hich o f these words indicate w rong, bad o r erroneous actions? 2. W hich o f these words indicate lack o f som ething? m isunderstand, misspell, m ism atch, m isuse, m isbehave, m iscalculate, m isconduct, mishear, m isdial, m isrule, m istreat, m islead, m istrust, 161. Read the following examples, divide them into 2 groups accord­ ing to the meaning of the prefix inter-. international, interracial, intervocalic, intercontinental, interchangeable, intergalactic, interdependent, interactive m isfire 159. Read the following definitions, form a verb using the prefix mis-. The words in the table can help you. Prefix inter- means "between or among" to misuse, to m ism atch, to m isunderstand, to mislead, to mishear, to m is­ behave, to m isinform 1. To use w rongly -» 2. To m atch badly -» 3. To fail to u n derstand properly —» 1 reciprocally — взаим но; обою дно Prefix inter- means "together, m utu­ ally or reciprocally1" 132 162. I Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Read the following definitions, form a verb using the prefix in­ ter-. The words in the table can help you. intergalactic, intern atio n al, in terco n tin en tal, interpersonal, interracial, interatom ic 1. Involving two o r m ore nations or n atio n ­ alities______________________________________ ___________________ 2. Involving o r existing betw een different races o r ethnic groups ------------------------------ 3. Existing o r o ccurring betw een o r am ong atom s ------------------------------ 4. O ccu rin g b etw een p erso n s; involving personal relationships ___________________ 5. R elating to o r existing betw een two o r m ore galaxies ' 6. R elating to travel, com m erce, relations, etc., betw een co n tin en ts 163. ' _________ ___________________ Answer the following questions. 1. Is it im p o rtan t to use interactive exercises w hen you learn a foreign language? 2. Are people interdependent? W ho do you d ep end on? 3. Is it im p o rtan t to develop intern atio n al co operation? W hy? P r e f ix u n М одель образования: u n - + VERB -» do — undo u n - + A D JE C T IV E —» clear — unclear u n - + ADVERB —» likely — unlikely u n - + N O U N —» happiness — unhappiness П ридаёт п ротивополож ное зн ачен и е (н е-) to undo — уничтож ать, отменять сделанное; unable — неспособный; unappreciation — неблагодарность 164. | 133 Read the following examples, divide them into 4 groups. unhappiness, unexpectedly, unpack, undrinkable, unvoice, unbelievable, undo, unwillingly, unsteadiness, unreliable, unwater, unrestrictedly, u n ­ symmetry, unsuccessfully, unsafety, unkind, unreliability, unforgettable, unpark, unnaturally NOUN 165. A D JE C T IV E VERB AD VERB Read the following definitions, form a verb using the prefix un-. The words in the table can help you. unm usical, unknow n, unlocked, un fo rtu n ate, unkind, unlucky, unfriendly, unlike, unkind, unlim ited, unfair 1. N o t m usical o r harm onious -» 2. C h a ra c te riz e d by m isfo rtu n e o r failure -> 3. N o t locked —» 4. W ithout lim its or bounds -» 5. N o t alike; different —» 6. N o t know n, understood o r recog­ nized -» 7. N o t friendly; hostile -» 8. Lacking kindness; unsym pathetic o r cruel —» 9. C ausing o r attended by m isfortune —» 10. C haracterized by inequality o r injustice -> J_______________________ 134 I 166. Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Word Formation: Prefix after Prefix Answer the following questions. 3. False; w rong 1. C an you give any exam ples o f unacceptable behavior? 2. Have you ever got unexpected gifts? W hen was it? 3. W hat do you do if th e inform ation you learn is unclear for you? 4. W hat m akes you unhappy? _________________ ___________________________________ Prefixes im - /i n П ридаёт п ротивополож ное зн ачен и е (н е -, без-) incalculable — неисчислимый indifferent — безразличный immature — незрелый, неспелый Spelling rules! П риставка im - п ри соед ин яется к словам , н ачи н аю щ и м ся с «ш», «Ь» и «р». immaterial — нематериальный, невещественный impolite — невеж ливый П риставка in- п ри соед и н яется ко всем словам , кром е слов, н ачинаю щ ихся на « т » , «Ь», «р», «1», «г». 167. 168. Make these words opposite by adding in- or im-. expensive form al m ature possible pure patient sane attentive perfect com plete p roper m ortal secure definite practical possible capable precise accuracy polite considerable Read the following definitions, form words using im -/in-. 1. L ack in g in th o u g h t fo r o th e rs; thoughtless 2. Lack o f coord in atio n o r organiza­ tio n ___________________ 4. Incapable o f being accused; guilt­ less -» 5. N o t decisive o r conclusive 6. T he state o r quality o f being in d e­ pendent -» 7. W ithout distinctive qualities -» 8. N o t prudent; indiscreet -> 9. N o t precise; inexact o r inaccurate —> 10. Incapable o f occu rrin g o r happening —> 169. Answer the following questions. 1. Have you ever been im patient? W hen was it? 2. D o you like inform al clothes? 3. W hat knowledge do you find im practical? | 135 Word Formation Practice WORD FORMATION PRACTICE B14 w om en's e co n o m ic, and social achievem ents. In som e regions, the day lost its ________ flavor and b e c a m e _________ an occasion for m en to express th e ir love for B15 B16 | 137 P O L IT IC S O R IG IN S IM P L E wom en. Прочит айт е приведённые ниж е тексты. Образуйте от слов, напе­ чатанных заглавны ми буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11—В16, однокоренные слова т ак, чтобы они грам м ат ически и л е к ­ сически соот вет ст вовали содерж анию т екст а. Заполнит е пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соот вет ст вует отдельному заданию из группы B 1 I —B16. №3 1 g -|2 A person w ho receives a n ___________ to a c o s tum e party has the p e rfe c t_________ to find an outfit th at will be th e hit o f th e occasion. Som e people cho o se co stu m es th a t reflect t h e i r ___________ • For exam ple, a m an w ho's a n ___________ type may peruse' the selection o f p irate costum es. O th e r people p refer to dress up as som eone or som ething that is com ­ pletely unexpected. R egardless o f a person s c o stu m e _______ , you can choose w hatev­ er you want. A teen is sure to find a costum e in that catches t h e ___________ o f fellow partiers. B13 №1 В11 В12 В13 В14 В15 В16 G r e a t B rita in lies to th e n o rth w e s t o f ___________ E u ro p e. W ith a p o p u la tio n o f about 60.0 m illion people, it is th e third m ost ___________island in the w orld, after Java and H onshu. Politically, G reat B ritain also refers to the island itself to g eth er w ith a n u m b er o f ___________ islands w hich co n stitu te th e te r­ ritory o f E ngland, S cotland and Wales. M ost o f England, Scotland and Wales are on the is­ land o f G reat Britain, as are t h e i r ___________ cap ital cities: L on d o n , E d inburgh and C a r­ diff. T he K ingdom o f G re a t B ritain resulted from t h e ___________union o f the kingdom s o f England and Scotland w ith the Ac{s o f U nion 1707. T he relatively lim ited variety o f fauna and flora on th e island is due to its size and the fact th at wildlife has had little tim e to develop since th e la s t___________ period. C O N T IN E N T PO PU L A T E B15 B16 В12 В13 _____________W om en's D ay is m a rk e d o n M arch , 8 every year. I n ____________ regions the focus o f the ranges from partie s to m ass d e m o n s tra tio n s in su p p o rt o f RESPECT B11 B12 P O L IT IC S B13 B14 ~ J G L A C IE R N A T IO N D IF F E R CELEBRATE PE R SO N A L ADVENTURE PREFER A T T E N T IV E №4 SU R R O U N D №2 В11 IN V IT E O PPO RTU N E B16 She supposed th a t it had so m e th in g to do w ith the fact th at w hen the divorce papers fi­ nally arrived, she felt as if a little part o f her had died. T h at in itia l. she felt had turned t o __________and now it had becom e som ething else, alm ost a ___________ o f sorts. Even though she w a s ___________ in m otion, it seem ed as if nothing special ever happened to her anym ore. Each day se e m e d ----------------like the last, and she had trouble differentiat­ ing am ong them . O ne tim e, about a year ago, she sat at her desk for fifteen m inutes trying to rem em ber the la s t thing sh e’d done. She c o u ld n ’t think o f anything. 1 peruse — вним ательно рассм атривать ANGRY SAD DULL C O N ST A N T EXACT SPO N T A N E IT Y 138 I Word Formation Practice Word Formation Practice №5 B11 B12 ...B ut th e re are a lot o f ____________ w ith m oney and w ith the house th at you w o u ld n ’t u n d e rsta n d . You were b orn in E ngland an d you have started y o u r ___________ th ere and he w ants you to c o n titu e going to English schools. "Oh, G randm am m a!" I cried. "You d o n ’t want to go an d live in o u r ____________ hou se, 1 know you d o n ’t!" "O f co u rse, I d o n ’t," she said. "But I am B14 afraid I must.. It i s ____________to repect the wishes o f the parents." T h ere was no way o u t o f it. We had to go to Italy, and my g ran d m o th er started m aking B15 _____ _____ at once. O n th e evening before we left for Italy, my B16 g ra n d m o th e r got on to h e r ____________ su b ­ ject once again. B13 B16 C O M P L IC A T E B 11 B12 B J3 B14 B15 ACCURATE №7 EDUCATE B11 B12 ITALY S IG N IF Y B13 В 14 ARRANGE PREFEREN CE B15 №6 C opernicus m easured and observed th e planets and stars. He gathered an d com p ared the o f o th e r astronom ers. In so doing C o p ern icu s challenged a 2 ,0 0 0 -y ear-o ld belief th a t th e earth s a t ___________ at the c e n ­ te r o f the universe an d th a t planets, sun an d stars ro tated aro u n d it. He was also th e first to use scientific exam ination as th e basis for t h e ___________ o f a fundam ental theory. C o ­ pern icu s hoped to use "m odern" (six teen th century) technology to improve on Ptolem y’s , Over.the years, C opernicus began to w onder what t h e ___________ o f the planets would look like from a n o th e r m oving planet. W hen his calculation based on this idea m ore ___________ predicted this process, he began to w o n d er w h at th e m o tio n o f th e planets would look like if the earth moved. | 139 B16 Ju p iter’s M oons was a discovery m ade possible by a n ___________ — a telescope. G alileo saw his first telescope in late 1608 and instantly recognized th at a m o r e ____________ telescope could be the answ er to the prayers o f every as­ tronom er. In 1609 G a lile o ’s te le sc o p e w as th e first ___________telescope for scientific use. G ali­ leo first tu rn e d his telescope on th e m oon. T here h e ___________saw m ountains and val­ leys. T he m oon th a t G alileo saw was radically d ifferen t from th e perfectly sm o o th sphere th a t A ristotle and Ptolem y said it was. G alileo next aim ed his telescope at Jupiter, the biggest planet, planning t o ___________ chart m otion over several m onths. To h i s ___________ , he found m oons circling the giant planet. IN V E N T PO W ER P R A C T IC E CLEAR CARE AM AZE №8 O BSERV E B11 M O T IO N B12 B13 D EV ELO P M E A SU R E MOVE B14 T he fo u r young faces on w hich the firelight shone brig h ten ed at t h e ___________ w ords, but darkened again as Jo sa id ___________, ‘We haven’t got Father and shall not have him for a long tim e .’ She d id n ’t say ‘perh ap s never,’ but e a c h _________added it, thinking o f Father faraway, w here th e fighting was. T h e n M eg said in an altered to n e, ‘You know the reason M other proposed not having any presents this C hristm as was because it is going to be a hard w inter for everyone; and she th in k s we ought n o t to spend m o n ey f o r ___________ , w hen o u r m en are suffering so in the army. We c a n ’t CHEER SAD S IL E N T PLEA SE 140 B15 B16 [ Word Formation Practice Word Formation Practice do m uch, but we can m ake o u r little sacrifices an d oug h t to do i t ___________ . But I am afraid 1 d o n ’t . ’ A nd Meg shook h e r head, as she th o u g h t____________ o f all the pretty things she w anted. GLAD B14 REGRET B15 №9 B11 B12 B13 В 14 515 B16 As y o u n g ___________ like to know ‘how p eople lo o k ’, we will tak e th is m o m e n t to give th em a little sketch o f th e fo u r sisters, w ho sat k n ittin g away in th e tw ilight, w hile th e D ec e m b e r snow fell ____________ w ith ­ o u t, an d th e fire crackled cheerfully w ithin. It was a _____________ro o m , th o u g h th e c a r­ pet was faded an d th e fu rn itu re very plain , for a good p ictu re o r two hung on th e walls, books filled the recesses, chrysanthem um s and C hristm as roses bloom ed in the windows, and a atm osphere o f hom e peace p e r­ vaded it. M argaret, th e eldest o f th e four, was sixteen and very pretty, being plum p and fair, w ith large eyes. F ifteen- year-old Jo was very tall and th in . She had sharp, grey eyes, w hich appeared to see everything and were by tu rn s fierce, fu n n y o r ___________ . E lizab eth , o r B eth, as everyone called her, was a rosy girl o f th irteen , w ith a shy m an n er and a peaceful w hich was seldom disturbed. REA D B16 Q U IE T COM FO RT B11 B12 B13 There w as____________calm in the W ormwood household for about a week after the Superglue episode. T he experience had clearly chastened M r W orm wood and he s e e m e d ___________ to have lost his taste for b oasting an d bullying. T h en _________ he struck again. Perhaps he had had a bad day at th e garage an d had not B 11 B13 B14 THOUGHT EX PR ESS B15 №10 C O M PA R E T E M PO R A R Y B16 SU D D EN IR R ITA TE SENSE R E C O G N IT IO N №11 B12 PLEA SE sold enough crum m y second-hand cars. There are m any things th at make a m a n ___________ w hen he arrives hom e from work in the evening and a ____________wife will usually n o ­ tice the storm -signals and will leave him alone until he sim m ers dow n. W hen M r W ormwood arrived back from the garage th a t evening his face was as dark as a th undercloud and som e­ body was clearly fo r th e h ig h -ju m p pretty soon. His w ife ___________the signs im m edi­ ately and m ade herself scarce. | 141 "I hope you will know all t h e ___________ ta- M ULTI PL IC A T E ENORM OUS bles up to twelve. It will help y o u ___________ if you do. N ow th e n , do any o f you happen to have le arn t th e tw o -tim e s tab le already?" M atilda p u t up her hand. She was th e only CARE one. M iss H oney lo o k e d ____________ at the tiny girl w ith dark h air an d a ro u n d serious W ONDER face sitting in the second row. "___________ ," she said. "Please stand up and recite as m uch o f it as you can." M atilda stood up and began to say the tw o-tim es table. W hen she got to twice twelve is tw enty-four she d id n ’t stop. She went right on with twice th irteen is twenty-six, twice fourteen is tw enty-eight, tw ice fifteen is thirty, tw ice sixteen is..." "Stop!" Miss H o n S L IG H T ey said. She had been lis te n in g ___________ spellbound to this sm o o th recital, an d now she said, "H ow far can you go?" "H ow far?" M atilda said. "Well, I d o n 't really know, Miss Honey. F or quite a long way, I th in k ." Miss H oney to o k a few m om ents to let this curiSTATE o u s ___________ sink in. "You m ean", she said, "that you could tell me w hat two tim es tw entyeight is?" "Yes, Miss Honey." "W hat is it?" 142 | Word Formation Practice Word Formation Practice № 13 "Fifty-six, Miss Honey." "W hat about so m e­ thin g m uch harder, like two tim es four h u n ­ d re d an d eighty-seven? C o u ld you tell me that?" "I think so, yes," M atilda said. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Miss Honey, I'm fairly sure." B11 № 12 B 11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 | 143 J In the interval, Miss H oney left the classroom an d h ead ed straig h t for th e H ead m istress's study. She f e l t ___________ excited. She had ju st m et a sm all girl w ho possessed, o r so it seem ed to her, q u ite ex trao rd in ary qualities o f ___________ . T h ere had not been tim e yet to find o u t ___________ how brilliant th e child was. ___________ M iss H oney was terrified o f the H eadm istress and kept well away from her, but at this m om ent she felt ready to take on an y ­ body. She knocked on the d o o r o f the dreaded private study. "Enter!" b oom ed th e deep and ___________ voice o f Miss T runchbull. Miss H oney w ent in. N ow m ost head teachers are chosen because they possess a nu m b er o f fine qualities. T hey und erstan d children and they have th e children's best interests at heart. They a r e ___________ . T h ey are fair a n d they are deeply interested in education. W IL D B12 B R IL L IA N T EXACT B13 NORM AL B14 DANGER B15 SYM PA THY ч B16 Just as G alile o used his telesco p e to open the h u m an h o rizon to the planets and stars o f space, so van L eeuw enhoek used his m icroscope to open h u m a n ___________ to the m icro sco p ic w orld th a t was invisibly sm all and th a t no one had even d ream ed existed. A nton van Leeuw enhoek was born in 1632 in D elft, H olland. C o m p letely self-ta u g h t, he lea rn e d en o u g h m ath s to m o o n lig h t as a and read w hat he could about the natural world aro u n d him . He never learned any language other th an D utch, so he was never able to read any o f t h e ____________papers and research. By 1673 van Leeuw enhoek had built a 270-pow er m icroscope th at was able to see objects only o n e -o n e -m illio n th o f a m e­ ter in length. Van Leeuwenhoek rem ained very ___________about his work and never allowed others to see his m icroscopes o r setup. Van Leeuw enhoek expanded his search for these unseeably s m a ll___________and found them every where: on hum an eyelashes, on fleas, in dust and on skin. He drew and described them w ith ___________ , precise drawings. AWARE SU RV EY S C IE N C E SE C R E T C R EA TE EXCELLENCE 144 | Word Formation Practice ANSWER KEYS №14 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 P rie stle y ’s discovery o f oxygen sp ark ed a __ revolution. He was the first person to isolate a single____________ elem ent in the m ixture o f gasses we call “air.” Before Priest­ ley’s discovery, scientific study had focused on m etals. B ecause oxygen is a___________ elem ent o f co m b u stio n , Priestley’s discovery also led to an understanding o f w hat it m eans to burn som ething and to an understanding o f t h e ___________ o f m a tte r into energy during d iffe re n t___________. Finally, Priestley estab ­ lished a sim ple but elegant a n d ___________ process for conducting analysis o f new gases. C H E M IS T R Y GAS i. в. CENTER B11 — a. population; В 12 — b. natural; B13 — b. visitors; B14 — c. seri­ ously; B15 — b. protection; В 16 — с. scientists. 3. C O N V E R SE REACT EFFECT The word has a suffix The word has a prefix The word has a suffix and a prefix The word has neither a suffix nor a prefix num erous m isfortune misleading work teacher unlike m isunderstanding job careless overload disapproval bed governm ent disappoint international piano possibility overheat unfortunately bag №15 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 We now know t h a t ____________ work, e le c ­ tricity, m o m e n tu m , h e a t, m ag n etic fo rce, etc., can be converted from one to another. T here is always a loss in the process but it can be done. T hat knowledge has been a trem en dous help for t h e , o f o u r industries a n d tech n o lo g ies. O nly 200 years ago, th e th o u g h t had not o ccu rred to anyone. Jam es Jo u le discovered th a t every form o f energy could be converted into an equivalent am ount o f heat. Jo u le ’s discovery was a n ___________ fo u n d a tio n for th e discovery o f th e law o f co nservation o f energy. Jam es Jo u le studied ___________ energy circuits. O ften he experi­ m ented with little regard f o r — his o r o thers. His results were inconclusive until Joule sw itched from w ater to liquid mercury. W ith this denser fluid, h e ___________ proved th a t the m ech an ical effort was converted to heat at a fixed rate. • M E C H A N IC 4. D EV ELO P ESSENCE E L E C T R IC IT Y SAFE EASY noun verb adjective * work * early - * characteristic * * play * * will * * export * * m agnificent * stone * * record * * * * * * * fortunately public adverb * * 145 146 I Answer Keys Answer Keys noun verb adjective adverb 12. * previously report * * nam e * * w ater * * | 147 * N o u n -» Verb Adjective -> Verb em phasis —>em phasize sym pathy -» sym pathize/se symbol —> sym bolize/se neutral —> neutralize/se m odern -> m odernize/se special -» specialize/se 14. 6. M d elicio u s, b eau tifu l, d y n a m ic , co lo u rfu l, invisible, h e ro ic , disable 7. d ecisio n , p ro p o sal, press, s tu d e n t, d e p a rtu re , m ag ic ia n , ta c tic , equality, re ­ latio n sh ip Y G I Z E T I С 1 S V A T I Z E Q U A L I E A L S Y M В О L A P 0 L 0 С R 1 R I 8. im m ediately, rarely, kindly, orally, tragically, sim ply, originally, w eekly T I R P M Z 9. E A b -n o rm -a l, m is -c a lc u la t-tio n , m is-b e lie v -e r, m is -p r o n u n c ia t-io n , m ism a n a g e -m e n t, d is -o rg a n -iz e , re -c o lle c t-io n , in -e d u c -a b le , im -m o v -a b le , im m ig ra t-io n 10. A. 8. 1. A djective 2. A dverb 3. N o u n 4. N o u n 5. A djective 6. A djective 7. A djective A dverb 9. A djective 10. A dverb 10. N o u n 10. B. 1. A. c o n tin e n ta l 2. C . a n n u a lly 3. A. in v ita tio n 4. B. o p p o rtu n ity 5. B. logic 6. B. respective 7. B. co n stitu tio n a l 8. B. p articu larly 9. B. religious 10. A. c o m ­ p letely 11. A. a d m in istra tio n 11. m e m o ry — m e m o riz e , special — sp ecialize, in d u stry — in d u strialize, sy m ­ p a th y — sy m p ath ize, ideal — id ealize, d ra m a — d ra m a tise , c riticism — c riticize, scan d al — scandalize. 15. / z Related words Verbs (-ise/-ize) m em ory m em orize reality realize symbol symbolize apology apologize criticism criticize private privatize equal equalize E A. 1. apo lo g ize, 2. c h a ra c te riz e , 3. sym bolize, 4. idealize, 5. m o d e rn iz e , 6. n e u ­ tralize 15. B. A d je c tiv e s Verb Noun -> Verb ideal -> idealize apology -> apologize 148 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 23. Adjective -» Verb Noun —> Verb m odern -> m odernize characteristic —> characterize neutral -v neutralize symbol —> symbolize с M 1 16. A. N V T R D R A W E E N T 0 R A X A I С T T H E E R R Noun Verb Adjective Adverb E apology apologiz(s)e apologetic apologetically R ideal idealize ideal ideally legality legaliz(s)e legal legally harm ony harm onize harm onious harm oniously Related words Nouns ( -er/-or) sym bolically to invent inventor to write w riter to create creator to draw draw er to teach teacher to mix mixer symbol sym boliz(s)e symbolic S M 1. A pology, 2. Legally, 3. H a rm o n iz e , 4. A pologetically, 5. A pologise, 6. Id e ­ alize, 7. S y m b o lic, 8. H a rm o n io u s, 9. Id eal, 10. Legal, 11. S ym bolize. 17. \ 1. A lot o f Portuguese resta u ra n ts specialize in seafood. 2. H e e m p h asized th e subject o f civil rights in his sp eech . 3. T h e ow l sym bolizes w isd o m a n d learn in g . 4. T h a t ex cellen t taste c h a ra c te riz e s h e r w ritings. 5. I re c o g n ized m y old friend a n d sm iled a t him . 18. 1. specializes, 2. ap o lo g ize d , 3. have ... a p o lo g ized , 4. o rg a n iz e d , 5. re c o g ­ n ized , 6. will criticize. 19. Type o f the mistake 0 К E R R 16. B. The form written in the p u p il’s test | 149 R 25. A. Noun (occupation) Noun (process) Verb Adjective an n o u n cer an n o uncem ent announce announced believer belief believe believable com petitor com petition com pete com petitive consum er consum ption consum e consum able direct d irector direction direct Correct variant doubter doubt doubt doubtful em ploym ent em ploy em ployed 1. subsidized gram m ar mistake subsidize em ployer 2. orgarnize spelling mistake organize founder foundation found founded 3. has characterized gram m ar mistake characterized helper help help helpful 4. revitalizasion spelling mistake revitalization mixer mixture mix mixed observation observe observant offence offend offensive 5. crytics spelling mistake critics observer 6. sym bolic word form ation mistake symbol offender 150 I Answer Keys Answer Keys | 151 25. B. 32. 1 .— b, 2. — d, 3 ,— c, 4. — a, 5, — a, 6, — c, 7, — a, 8 , — a, 9. — d , 1 0 ,— b, 1. d. im p re ss-, 2. b. a p p o in t-, 3. b. a p p o in t-, 4. b. e n ric h -, 5. c. rival-. 11.- c , 12. — a. 33. 26. R explore explorer begin beginner exam ine exam iner babysit babysitter drive driver run ru n n er believer rob robber believe s С 27. 1. b a b y -sitters, 2. b u ild ers, 3. governor, 4. ro b b ers, 5. users, 6. visitors. 28. R A Q U В и G D A 1 R E L E S N S E D N D T A N E N N T E S E E N S S S S E S S E S The form written in the p u p il’s test Type o f the mistake Correct variant 1. singers gram m ar mistake singer 2. presentor spelling mistake presenter Related words Nouns ( -ness) 3. reader gram m ar mistake readers rude rudeness 4. d am cer spelling mistake dan cer careless carelessness greatness S S H E L P F U L N E S 5. viewer gram m ar mistake viewers great 6. runner-up gram m ar mistake ru nners-up bald baldness 7. w iner spelling mistake w inner quiet quietness 8. p artnor spelling mistake partn er sad sadness helpful helpfulness S 30. 34. A. Qualities States friendliness happiness Noun (act, process) Verb Adjective Adverb foolishness weakness brightness brighten bright brighly ugliness m adness darkness darken dark darkly rudeness illness deafness deafen d eaf deafly seriousness sadness quickness quicken quick quickly sharpness ripeness roughness roughen rough roughly S 152 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 34. B. 1. verb, a. 2. n o u n , d. 3. n o u n , d. 4. adverb, c. 5. n o u n , d. Related words Nouns ( -ist) jo u rn al journalist linguistics linguist nature naturalist 35. 1. q u ietn ess, 2. c alm n e ss, 3. n erv o u sn ess, 4. im pulsiveness, 5. m in d fu ln ess, seriousness, 7. w eaknesses, 8. illness, 9. aw areness, 10. sadness. 6. 37. People o f certain beliefs and religion People o f certain occupation People playing musical instruments racist dentist pianist pacifist scientist guitarist realist econom ist harpist optim ist biologist violinist pessimist pharm acist cellist J С и E R P L T N G U I s T N A T U R A L I 0 s S С 1 Verb Adjective dram atist dram a dram atise dram atic econom ist econom y econom ise econom ic terrorist terro r terrify terrible scientist science — scientific globalist globalization globalise global hum orist h um our — hum orous ecologist ecology — ecological 4 0 .B. S I T S P 7. E N T I S scientist Noun (act, process) T L N T I science Noun (occupation) / 1 receptionist 40. A. 39. A. 0 reception 1. a — h u m o u r, b — h u m o u rist, 2. a — g u itarist, b — guitar, 3. a — b io lo g ist, b — biology, 4. a — jo u rn a l, b — jo u rn a list, 5. a — realist, b — real. 1. c. c ele b r- 2. a. c o m p e tit- 3. c. d e fe n d - 4. c. fin a n c e - 5. d. im ig ra t- E physicist psychologist 39. B. 38. R physics psychology | 153 1. n o u n , -a; 2. adjective, -d ; 3. n o u n , -b; 4. n o u n , -a; 5. n o u n , -b; 6. n o u n , -a; ad jective, -c. T 41. 7. P H Y S I С I s T s Y С H 0 L 0 G 1 s T 1. scien tist, 2. physicist, 3. a rtist, 4. c h e m ist, 5. n atu ra list, 6. arch aeo lo g ists, biologists, 8. c h e m ists, 9. geologists, 10. psychologists, 11. eco n o m ists. 44. 1. c. cele b rity - 2. d. c o m fo rt- 3. c. h e lp - 4. a. d e fe n c e - 5. b. h o n o u r- 154 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 52. 45. p С | 155 I N O U N + ing V ER B + ing O ther parts o f speech + ing A О E nurse -> nursing beat —>beating short —> shorting R W A farm -> farm ing face -> facing fat —>fatting D flute —> fluting eat —> eating out -> outing E heat —>heating speak —>speaking w hite —> w hiting T 1 z E N M L E N S H 1 p / E M в E R s H I R p R S S S H H К H I p I N s H I p L E R M E E 1 p p с 53. К . s H I p T I N G и R p A в I R N E A T I N I D I N G Related words Nouns ( -ship) citizen citizenship ow ner ow nership partner partnership m em ber m em bership kin kinship clerk clerkship Related words Nouns ( -ing) leadership m eet m eeting upbring upbringing leader I R N G G G 0 S I z I N U T I N G G G 46. M odel 1: ow n —» o w n er —> ow n ersh ip , listen —> listener - » listenership, lead -> —» le a d e r -> leadership M o d el 2: a ir - » a irm a n -> a irm a n sh ip , d ra fts - » d ra ftsm a n - » d ra fts m a n ­ ship, horse —» h o rse m a n —» h o rsem a n sh ip , states -> sta te sm a n —» sta te sm an sh ip , m a rk - » m ark sm a n —> m a rk sm a n sh ip , p en —> p e n m a n —» p e n m a n s h ip eat eating train training out outing ride riding size sizing 48. 1. frien d sh ip 2. re a d e r 3. a p p re n tic e sh ip 4. fellow 5. lead e rsh ip 51. 1. b. ta le n t- 2. a. sc a n d a l- 3. d. n erv o u s- 4. c. g u ilt- 5. b. essen c- 54. B egin h > b eg in n in g - » b eginner, b u ild —> b u ild in g -> builder, sw im - » sw im ­ m in g - » sw im m er, te a c h -> te a c h in g - » te a c h e r, w rite - » w ritin g - y w riter 156 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 55. 1. tra in in g 2. speakin g 3. learn in g 4. m e e tin g 5. te a c h in g Related words Nouns (-ion) possess possession fascinate fascination 57. State or act Abstract noun transform ation accom m odation interruption intuition Noun (act, process) Verb Adjective Adverb investigation inform ation expression express expressive expressively isolation excursion hum iliation hum iliate hum iliating hum iliatingly liberation profession im pression im press impressive impressively tradition persuasion persuade persuasive persuasively resolution resolve resolute resolutely satisfaction satisfy satisfactory satisfactorily adm iration adm ire adm irable adm iringly confusion confuse confused confusedly co n tin u atio n continue continual continually calculation 61. A. 58. 1. d. p a in t- 2. b. p e rc e n t- 3. a. refresh - 4. c. tru st- 5. b. c o rre sp o n - 59. D С 0 R R R E С т I 0 N E X P A N s I 0 E с A и P T 0 s s 61. B. N 7. E s 0 N A T S I 0 1 0 N s 1 0 D | 157 I R E С т N 1 0 F A S с 1 N N 1. n o u n , -a , 2. n o u n , -a , 3. adjective, -c , 4. n o u n , -a, 5. n o u n , -a 6. adverb, -d , n o u n , -a , 8. ad jectiv e, -c , 9. n o u n , -a. 62. 1. e m o tio n 2. ex p ressions 3. re a c tio n s 4. m o tiv a tio n 5. d istin c tio n 6. s itu a ­ tio n 7. in te rp re ta tio n 8. p e rc e p tio n . 9. fru stra tio n 10. d e p re ssio n 11. re a c tio n s 12. id en tifica tio n 64. Quality Action Nouns ( -ion) discordance continuance correct correction annoyance clearance create creation appearance disturbance discuss discussion endurance dom inance direct direction elegance attendance expand expansion Related words 158 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 68. Quality Action im portance m aintenance ignorance pursuance im p o rta n c e , e n tra n c e , d iffe re n c e , in d e p e n d e n c e , in s u ra n c e , c o n fe re n c e , a m b u la n c e , ab se n c e , in sta n c e , a u d ie n c e , allow ance, in tellig en ce, assu ran ce, a p ­ p e a ra n c e , o b e d ie n c e , p resen ce 69. 65. 1. a. m ist- 2. d. lo u d - 3. d. like- 4. a. en larg - 5. c. in te n s- 6. a. h o stil- 7. b. fellow - 1. a tte n d a n c e 2. a n n o y an ce 3. a p p earan ce 4. p reference 5. o b ed ien c e 6. p re s­ e n ce. 70. A. 66. A P E С | 159 0 R R R E S A P V P О S F E I 1 E A D N D E С Noun Verb Adjective Adverb 0 dependence depend dependent dependently difference differ different differently F correspondence correspond corresponding correspondingly I confidence confide confident confidently assure assured assuredly N - С E s R R A D assurance T E A N E excellence excel excellent excellently A N N. С N ignorance ignore ignorant ignorantly N С С E С insistence insist insistent insistently E С E M A E obedience obey obedient obediently N cooperation cooperate cooperative cooperatively E I N T E N A Related words Nouns ( -ence/ance) persist persistence confident confidence refer reference correspond correspondence appear appearance avoid avoidance m aintain m aintenance С E 70. B. 7. 1. n o u n , -a, 2. adjective, -c, 3. adverb, -d, 4. n o u n , -a, 5. n o u n , -a, 6. adjective, -c, verb, -b , 8. ad jectiv e, -c , 9. n o u n , -a. 71. 6. 1. c o n fid e n c e , 2. im p o rta n c e , 3. c o m p e te n c ie s , 4. p re se n c e , 5. In siste n c e , av o id an c e , 7. b a la n c e , 8. d efe n c e , 9. to le ra n c e . 73. S ta te, c o n d itio n o r q u ality R esult o r p ro d u c t o f an a c tio n P ro cess o r a c tio n c o n te n tm e n t am endm ent e m p lo y m e n t d isa p p o in tm e n t a c h ie v em en t g o v ern m en t e x c ite m e n t a p p o in tm e n t m o v em en t 160 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 77. A. 74. 1. c. p ro d u c e - 2. d. falsificate- 3. c. e x p e c ta te - 4. d. e m e rg e - 5. a. d istrib u te - 6. Noun Verb Adjective 75. accom plishm ent accom plish accom plished 1. e n te rta in m e n t 2. en g ag em en t 3. refresh m en t 4. ag reem en t 5. im provem ent accom panim ent accom pany accom panying achievem ent achieve achievable p u n ish m e n t 76. agreem ent agrep agreeable E discouragem ent discourage discouraged N developm ent develop developed S G en tertain m en t entertain entertaining im provem ent improve improved refreshm ent refresh refreshing resentm ent resent resentful E 1 M J P T A и L A G D I A S p P 0 I N M T E G Y E M E M M E M E E N E G V 0 E R N M E 1 M P R 0 N T T E N N V E M T 77. B. 7. 1. n o u n , -a , 2. verb, -b , 3. adjective, -c , 4. n o u n , -a, 5. verb, -b , 6. n o u n , -a , adjective, -c , 8. verb, -b , 9. verb, -b , 10. n o u n , -a. 78. T T N T | 161 T 1. c o m m itm e n t 2. involvem ent 3. d isap p o in tm en t 4. im provem ent 5. achieve­ m e n t 6. d e v elo p m en t 7. assignm ents 80. Related words Nouns (-m ent) state statem ent Abstract meaning Personal qualities disappoint disappointm ent density curiosity em ploy em ploym ent visibility tim idity engage engagem ent intensity generosity improve im provem ent diversity hostility govern governm ent flexibility hospitality judge judgem ent divisibility musicality legality nobility fragility obesity m entality sincerity necessity severity 162 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 84. A. 81. 1. c. refresh - 2. d. m o n o to n - 3. b. d istu rb - 4. b. ill- 5. a. observ- 82. P R S 0 P s E s 0 M p L S E T X A 1 в T 1 Y E A L I T T и p 1 D I T T 1 T Y possibly generosity generous generously individuality individual individually 7. Y Adverb density dense densely originality original originally reliability reliable reliably sensibility sensible sensibly generality generally particular particularly confidentiality confidential confidentially 84. B. Y 1. n o u n , -a, 2. adjective, -b, 3. adverb, -c, 4. adjective, -b, 5. n o u n , -a, 6. n o u n , -a, ad jective, -b , 8. adverb, -c , 9. adjective, -b , 10. adjective, -b. 85. Related words Nouns (-ity) possible possibility prosperous prosperity real reality stable possible general Y I s Adjective possibility particularity R L 1 R Noun О Р С | 163 7. 1. q u a n tity 2. c o m m u n ity 3. vitality 4. p ro sp erity 5. cap a c ity 6. g en ero u sity eq u ality 87. stability stupid stupidity com plex com plexity 83. NOUN+Y VERB+Y quirky runny misty shiny icy jum py funny sleepy sunny chatty P ro s p e ro u s -> p rosperity , g e n e ro u s -> g en ero sity , a u d a c io u s - » au d acity , cu rio u s - » curiosity, c o m m o d io u s —> com m o d ity . A ccessib le -> accessib ility , c a p a b le - » cap ab ility , p o ssib le -> possibility, stable - y stability, sensible - » sensibility. Sensitive - » sensitivity, intensive -> intensity, creative —> creativity, negative -> —> negativity, radioactive —> radioactivity. 88. 1. c. o rd e r- 2. d. o ffic- 3. c. h elp - 4. d .m o tiv a t- 5. a. insist- 164 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 89. B. | 165 91. - e —> -y double consonant + -y word + -y Noun Verb Adjective edgy funny chilly sticker stick sticky icy nutty sandy ju m p e r jum p jum py shiny runny silky sm oker sm oke sm oky lazy sunny airy sleeper sleep sleepy sm oky foggy chewy duster dust dusty sparkler sparkle sparkly ru n n er run runny 90. F N * О W S T С A I T T H Y С К Y J U I С 1. ad je c tiv e , -c , 2. n o u n , -a , 3. ad jec tiv e, -c , 4. verb, -b , 5. ad jec tiv e, -c , L s I B. I 6. n o u n , -a , 7. ad jective, -c. Y 92. 1. su n n y 2. foggy 3. w indy 4. clo u d y 5. breezy 6. rainy 94. Y R fu ll o f or characterized by able or tending to R L painful helpful Y Y restful useful spiteful boastful Related words Nouns/Verbs ( -y) stick sticky 95. curie curly 1. c. fa sh io n - 2. d. e x h a u st- 3. c. d e p e n d - 4. d. d a n g e r- 5. a. c re a te - scare scary noise noisy wit w itty juice juicy filth filthy 166 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 96. 97. B. P U R P 0 S E F U F 6. n o u n , -a. С H E E R F U L L A V 0 U R F U 0 M R E G F E U T L F E A 1. n o u n , -a , 2. a d jec tiv e, -c , 3. ad jectiv e, -c , 4. ad jectiv e, -c , 5. n o u n , -a , L S 98. 1. u sefu l, 2. h e lp fu l, 3. c h e e rfu l, 4. re sp e c tfu l, 5. th o u g h tfu l, 6. c a re fu l, L 7. faith fu l, 8. th a n k fu l, 9. b eautiful. 100. A S E F U R F U L L The suffix -less means "without" The suffix -less means "not able to do something" or "not able to be done, performed, etc." childless resistless U L 97. | 167 Related words Adjective (-ful) flavour flavourful purpose purposeful cheer cheerful forget forgetful sham e sham eful fear fearful use useful A. peerless tireless m atchless dauntless speechless countless jobless sleepless 101. 1. c. fa m e - 2. d. foggi- 3. c. easi- 4. d. fat- 5. a. e v id en t- 102. D E P 0 N A M E L S 0 U D L E S S T I В A N T I G H T N E S S L E S L w E Noun Verb Adjective I T в S beauty beautify beautiful N L E S hatred hate hateful L E s help help helpful E S s doubt doubt doubtful S S resentm ent resent resentful S thought think thoughtful S 168 I Answer Keys Answer Keys , Related words Adjective (-less) sound soundless nam e nameless doubt doubtless stain stainless weight weightless end endless point pointless | 169 108. 0 P T I 0 A с T E H S G A L Y Y N E M M I N С S A 103. B. 1. A. helpless B. help fu l 2. A. h o p e le ss B. h o p efu l 3. A. carefu l B. careless 4. A. faith less B. faith fu l 5. A. p o w erfu l B. p ow erless 6. A. ta steless B. ta ste fu l 7. A. useful B. useless A T I В С I о С L S T R A T E G I T R U I S T 1 С I С 105. A. Related words Adjective (-ic) optim ist optim istic athlete athletic gymnast gym nastic strategy strategic 107. altruist altruistic 1. c. leg en d - 2. d. lo ca l- 3. c. e le m e n t- 4. d. sa lt- 5. a. tru th - ocean oceanic symbol sym bolic having the character or form o f related to panoram ic enthusiastic in the m anner of tending to produce containing symbolic Byronic analgesic alcoholic econom ic N apoleonic sceptical arom atic 109. A. Noun Verb Adjective apology apologize apologetic autom ation autom ate autom atic publicity publish public symbol sym bolize sym bolic system system atize system atic sym pathy sym pathize sym pathetic с 170 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 109. B. | 171 114. 1. ad jectiv e, -c , 2. ad jec tiv e , -c , 3. verb, -b , 4. n o u n , -a , 5. a d jec tiv e, -c , 6. adjective, -c. 1. c. J a p a n - 2. d. S p a n - 3. c. C h in - 4. d. T u rk - 5. a. F re n - 115. 110. E 1. realistic 2. p rag m atic 3. e n th u sia stic 4. o p tim istic 5. sy stem atic 6. specific 7. basic U A 112. M odel 1 M odel 2 A lbania —» A lbanian A rm enia —> A rm enian A ustralia —>A ustralian A ustria —» Austrian Belgium -» Belgian Brazil -> Brazilian C anada —> C anadian H u n g ary —» H ungarian India —» Indian Italy —» Italian M ongolia —> M ongolian Russia -» Russian U kraine —» U krainian G erm an y —> G erm an Jam aica —» Jam aican M exico —> M exican M orocco —> M oroccan N icaragua —> N icaraguan Africa -> African Venezuela —» Venezuelan R A В I A N 0 R В U L G A R I A N s E G Y P T I 113. A N N I N P E s A R M E R I С A N A U S T R A L 1 A Related words Adjectives (-an, -ian) Bulgaria Bulgarian Russia Russian A m erica A m erican Arabia Arabian Egypt Egyptian Words mean "pertaining to " Words mean "native o f " Europe European historian M exican Australia A ustralian technician G erm an electrician African librarian Indian com edian Jam aican politician C anadian veterinarian H ungarian guardian A ustrian m athem atician A ustralian N 116. 1. G e rm a n , 2. Italian , 3. R o m an ian , 4. R ussian, 5. U k ra in ia n , 6. B elarusian, 7. S lovenian, 8. S erb ian, 9. C ro a tia n , 10. M a c e d o n ia n , 11. B ulgarian, 12. A rm e ­ n ia n , 13. G e o rg ian . r 118. Positive meaning Negative meaning am azing upsetting am using threatening 172 I Answer Keys Answer Keys | 173 Positive meaning Negative meaning satisfy satisfying satisfaction entertaining tiring frustrate frustrating frustration encourage encouraging encouragem ent excite exciting excitem ent disappoint disappointing disappointm ent discourage discouraging discouragem ent em barrass em barrassing em barrassm ent entertain entertaining entertainm ent challenging puzzling M odel 3: charm ing shocking convincing disturbing encouraging confusing fascinating irritating exciting annoying 119. 1. c. d is ta n c e -, 2. d. d a n g e r-, 3. a. a m b itio n -, 4, d. a b se n c e -, 5. d. th irst-. 121 . 120. D M ode! 1: I charm charm ing charm interest interesting interest relieve relieving relief thrill thrilling thrill alarm alarm ing alarm disgust disgusting disgust frighten frightening fright shock shocking shock terrify terrifying terror horrify horrifying h orror С О R Е S 1 С S E N т Е R Т А С 0 N F и S I С 1 N R Е Р А R О G Е N I N G N Т G I 1 N convince convincing conviction G e x h a u s t' exhausting exhaustion fascinate fascinating fascination Т I N S 1 captivation relaxation D Р captivating relaxing N Т Т X О I и captivate relax Р А Е M odel 2: R D N G G N G Related words Adjectives ( -ing) correspond corresponding entertain entertaining G 174 1 Answer Keys Answer Keys | 175 127. Related words Adjectives ( -ing) discourage discouraging disappoint disappointing interest interesting excite exciting confuse confusing R D A N G E R О U S' A M В 1 T I 0 U s H E L и U X U R 1 0 и L A R 1 0 и s s M L 122. H A. Noun Verb Adjective correspondence correspond corresponding conviction convince convincing discouragem ent discourage discouraging deafness deafen deafening depression depress depressing developm ent develop developing disappointm ent disappoint disappointing em barrassm ent em barrass em barrassing entertainm ent entertain entertaining hum iliation hum iliate hum iliating leadership lead leading threat threaten threatening 122. B. 1. verb, -b , 2. ad jectiv e, -c , 3. a d jec tiv e, -c , 4. ad je c tiv e , -c , 5. n o u n , -a , 6. verb, -b, 7. n o u n , -a, 8. adjective, -c , 9. n o u n , -a , 10. adjective, -c , 11. n o u n , -a, 12. a d je c tiv e ,-c . 123. 1 0 R о 0 s U P E R S T 1 T I 0 s 128. и s Related words Adjectives ( -ous) danger dangerous rebel i rebellious superstition superstitious hilarity hilarious luxury luxurious hu m or hum orous am bition am bitious A. Noun Verb Adjective caution cautious cautiously anxiety anxious anxiously am bition am bitious am bitiously consciousness conscious consciously 1.c o n v in cin g , 2. co rre sp o n d in g , 3. e n te rta in in g , 4. c h a rm in g , 5. in terestin g . courage courageous courageously 126. danger dangerous dangerously generosity generous generously jealousy jealous jealously 1. c. th o u g h t- 2. d. skill- 3. c. sc ie n t- 4. d. re a so n - 5. a. p ersist - s 176 I Answer Keys Answer Keys Noun Verb Adjective М одель 2. luxury luxurious luxuriously regret —> m iracle m iraculous m iraculously 128. B. 1. ad jec tiv e, -b , 2. ad v e rb , -c , 3. n o u n , -a , 4. a d jec tiv e , -b , 5. n o u n , -a , 6. adverb, -c , 7. n o u n , -a , 8. adjective, -b , 9. adjective, -b , 10: n o u n , -a. 6. transm it —> transm ittable control —> controllable stop —> stoppable forget —> forgettable « A D lious. c. С о Adjectives mean "suitable fo r" Adjectives mean "able to" enjoyable com fortable readable reasonable digestible variable A washable admissible В drinkable com patible L 133. 1. c. p erio d - 2. d .n u m b e r- 3. c. m u rd e r- 4. d. h u m o u r- 5. a. disg race- regrettable 135. 129. 1. in d u strio u s, 2. tre m e n d o u s, 3. h u m o ro u s, 4. c o n sc ie n tio u s, 5. g en ero u s, serio u s, 7. g racio u s, 8. te n a c io u s, 9. g e n e ro u s, 10. c o n sc ie n tio u s, 11. re b e l­ 132. | 177 N К A В Л E B L P R E H E N S I V A L u A В L E В L E N В т L E 1 0 M и T R E E L 1 E V A R R 1 В L E Related words Nouns (-able/-ible) 134. drink drinkable M odel I. count countable believable irreplace —> irreplaceable believe peace -> . peaceable adore notice —» noticeable com prehend com prehensible replace —> replaceable value valuable service —> serviceable terror terrible m anage —» manageable knowledge —> knowledgeable change —> changeable I adorable E 178 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 136. | 179 141. Noun Verb Adjective achievem ent achieve achievable adm iration adm ire adm irable belief believe believable consideration consider considerable forgiveness forgive forgivable responsibility respond responsible com parison com pare com parable excitem ent excite excitable adaptation adapt adaptable com prehension com prehend com prehensible P R 0 G R E s s I V E E L E G 1 S M M U N I L G A T 1 V E С О С N A T V E 1 V T С О R M P E L A A R T A T V 1 I E E R A V T E I V E 136. B. Related words Adjective (-ive) select selective legislate legislative 1. n o u n , -a, 2. adjective, -c , 3. verb, -b , 4. adjective, -c , 5. n o u n , -a , 6. ad je c ­ tive, -c , 7. verb, -b , 8. ad jective, -c , 9. adjective, -c , 10. ad jective, -c. 137. progress progressive com pare com parative com m unicate com m unicative relate relative generate generative 1. visible 2. valuable 3. n o ta b le 4. possible 5. reaso n ab le 6. read ab le 7. su it­ able 140. 1. c. g u ilt- 2. d. in sist- 3. c. p a re n t- 4 . d. re se n t- 5. a. ta le n t- 142. Noun Verb Adjective appreciation appreciate appreciative selection select selective com petition com pete com petitive conclusion ■ conclude conclusive destruction destruct destructive indication indicate indicative inclusion include inclusive 180 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 148. C. Noun Verb Adjective offence offend offensive sim ple —> simply easy - y easily persuasion persuade persuasive true - v truly noisy - y noisily com m unication co m m unicate com m unicative autom atic - y autom atically angry - y angrily full 142. B. 1. adjective, -c, 2. n o u n , -a , 3. n o u n , -a, 4. adjective, -c , 5. n o u n , -a, 6. verb, -b, 7. | 181 fully crazy -> crazily due - y duly guilty —> guiltily acrobatic -> acrobatically n o u n , -a , 8. adjective, -c , 9. ad jective, -c , 10. ad jectiv e, -c. gloom y gloomily ironic —> ironically exotic - » exotically dull -» dully doubtful - y doubtfully successful - y successfully powerful -> powerfully 143. 1. active 2. effective 3. creative 4. passive 5. sensitive 6. aggressive 145. A. Noun + -ly Adjective + -ly gentlem anly silently kingly happily 149. D widely m anly P R A D E N H S u cruelly m inutely cheerfully N scholarly rapidly G saintly badly R quickly 1 L yearly loudly L Y secondly naturally Y daily briefly patiently once a ... weekly I С A L Y G R A С T E F U L H A Y F U \ L L N К F U L L sudden suddenly angry angrily cowardly graceful gracefully hungrily loudly daily friendly proudly m onthly ghostly doubtful doubtfully softly nightly hom ely practical practically kingly thankful thankfully m inutely L 1 T 0 В hungry bravely Y G Adverbs ( -ly) like a ... L U L Related words 146. B. in a ... m anner T A D m asterly cowardly С Y Y 182 I Answer Keys Answer Keys 5. To assem ble again 150. A. Noun (concrete meaning) Noun (abstract meaning) Verb believer b elief believe believable believably beautician beauty beautify beautiful beautifully creator creation create creative creatively critic criticism criticize critical critically doubter doubt doubt doubtful doubtfully equal equality equalize equal equally financier finance finance financial financially Adjective Adverb 150. B. 1. ad jectiv e, -d , 2. ad v erb , -e , 3. ad v erb , -e , 4. n o u n , -b , 5. a d jec tiv e, -c , 6. adverb, -d , 7. adjective, -d. reassemble 6. To heat again -» reheat 7. To apply again -> reapply 8. To type again -» retype 156. 1. To break the connection o f sm th -» To disconnect 2. To consider unpleasant o r disagreeable —» To dislike 3. To change o r cause to change in colour —> To discolour 4. To w ithhold approval from —» To disapprove 5. To neglect o r refuse to obey —> To disobey 6. To regard as dishonest —> To distrust 7. To reject as false or lying; refuse to accept as true o r truthful —r To disbelieve 159. 151. 1. —» | 183 properly, 2. safely, 3. absolutely, 4. equally, 5. occasionally, 6. sim u lta n e ­ ously, 7. evidently, 8. exactly 152. Prejix re- indicates return to a previous condition (restoration, withdrawal) Prefix re- indicates repetition o f an action recolour regain rebuild recopy renew rem arry retrace reread reunite resell 153. 1. To discover again -> 2. To build again —» 3. To w rite again -» 4. To appear again -> 1. To use wrongly —> To misuse 2. To m atch badly —> To m ism atch 3. To fail to understand properly —» To m isunderstand 4. To lead o r guide in the w rong direction —» To mislead 5. To fail to h ear correctly —» To m ishear —» To misbehave ' -» To m isinform 6. To behave (oneself) badly 7. To give incorrect inform ation to 161. Prefix inter- means "between or am ong” Prefix inter- means "together, m utually or reciprocally" intervocalic interdependent interracial interchangeable ____________ rebuild intercontinental interactive ____________ rewrite intergalactic international rediscover reappear 184 I Answer Keys Answer Keys | 185 162. 1. in te rn a tio n a l 2. in te rra c ial 3. in te ra to m ic 4. in te rp e rso n a l 5. in terg alactic 6. B 11 com plications, B12 education, B13 Italian, В 14 significant, В 15 arrangem ents, В 16 preferable in te rc o n tin e n ta l 164. №6 Noun Adjective Verb Adverb unhappiness unbelievable undo unexpectedly unsym m etry unkind unpack unwillingly unsteadiness unreliable unw ater unsuccessfully unsafety undrinkable unvoice unrestrictedly unreliability unforgettable unpark unnaturally B ll observations, В 12 m otionless, B13 developm ent, В 14 m easurem ents, B15 m ovem ent, В 16 accurately №7 B ll invention, B12 powerful, B13 practical, B14 clearly , В 15 carefully, В 16 am azem ent №8 B 1 1 cheerful, B12 sadly, B13 silently, B14 pleasure, B15 gladly, B16 regretfully 165. 7. №9 r 1. u n m u s ic a l 2. u n lu c k y 3. u n lo c k e d 4. u n lim ite d 5. u n lik e 6. u n k n o w n u n frien d ly 8. u n k in d 9. u n fo rtu n a te 10. u n fair B 1 1 readers, B12 quietly, B13 com fortable, В 14 pleasant, B15 thoughtful, В 16 expression ' 168. 1. in c o n s id e ra te 2. in c o o rd in a tio n 3. in c o rre c t 4. in c u lp a b le 5. in d ecisiv e 6. in d e p e n d e n c e 7. in d istin ctiv e 8. im p ru d e n t 9. im p recise 10. im possible > № 10 B ll com parative, B 12tem porarily, B13 suddenly, B14 irritable, B15 sensible, B16recognized № 11_______________________________ B ll m u ltiplication, B12 enorm ously, B13 carefully, B14 w onderful, B15 slightly, B16 statem ent Word formation practice № 12 № 1 _____________________________ B ll co n tin en tal, B12 populous, B13 surrounding, B14 respective, B15 political, B16 glacial B ll wildly, B12 brilliance, B13 exactly, B14 normally, B15 dangerous, В 16 sym pathetic _________________________________ № 13__________________________________ №2 _ B ll international, B12 different, B13 celebrations, В 14 political, В 15 original, B16 simply_____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________________ № 3 __________________________________ B ll invitation, B12 opportunity, В 13 personality, В 14 adventurous, B15 preferences, В 16 atten tio n __________________________________________ _ №4 B ll anger, B12 sadness, B13 dullness, В 1 4 constantly, B15 spontaneous, В 16 exactly____________________________ ________________________________ ____ B ll awareness, B12 surveyor, B13 scientific, B14 secretive, B15 creatures, В 16 excellent ' № 14 B ll chem ical, B 12gaseous, B13 central, B 14conversion, B15 reactions, В 16 effective № 15 B 11 m echanical, B12 developm ent, B13 essential, B14 electrical, B15 safety, В 16 easily