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Clothes and fashion

Рекомендовано к изданию ученым советом
факультета иностранных языков ОмГУ
Рецензент – доц. Т.П. Руденко
Методические указания по работе с темой “Clothes and
Fashions” (для студентов гуманитарных специальностей, изучающих
английский язык) / Сост. С.А. Дедова, Н.Н. Головина. – Омск: Омск.
госуниверситет, 2003. – 108 с.
(для студентов гуманитарных специальностей,
изучающих английский язык)
Методические указания подготовлены к занятиям по курсу “Практика
устной речи” для студентов разных уровней языковой подготовки (среднего
и продвинутого).
Материал упражнений составлен на основе широкого круга русских и
зарубежных источников.
Для студентов гуманитарных специальностей, изучающих русский
© Омский госуниверситет, 2003
I. WARMING-UP.......................................................................................... 5
II. VOCABULARY DRILLS ........................................................................ 7
III. READING.............................................................................................. 29
IV. PARTICIPATION DRILLS .................................................................. 50
V. LISTENING............................................................................................ 57
VI. TOPICAL VOCABULARY.................................................................. 62
VII. ACTIVITIES FOR READING AND DISCUSSION .......................... 65
VIII. PICTURES........................................................................................ 102
Пособие является комплексом, систематизирующим материал по
основным языковым параметрам и видам речевой деятельности и
1) комплекс коммуникативных упражнений, направленных на
активизацию языкового материала (Warming-Up; Vocabulary
2) тексты и задания к ним для углубления коммуникативной
компетенции студентов в рамках темы, а также развития
навыков различных видов чтения (Reading);
3) речевые задания, совершенствующие умения и навыки
монологической и диалогической речи (Participation Drills);
4) задания для развития навыков аудирования (Listening);
5) тематический словарь, представленный в виде лексикосемантических групп слов (Topical Vocabulary);
6) тексты для обсуждения и задания для проектных работ
иноязычного общения (Activities);
7) комплекс картинок, необходимых для выполнения речевых
заданий (Pictures).
Все задания тематически выдержаны, что способствует более
глубокому и всестороннему усвоению темы.
Read and answer the questions. Then discuss your answers with
your partner.
Section I.
1. Do you like shopping for clothes?
2. What style of clothing do you prefer?
3. When are you usually dressed up?
4. Have you got your own style of clothing?
5. Are you interested in the latest fashion?
6. What kind of clothes do you generally wear to work / to go out with
your friends/ around the house at weekends?
7. Do you have a piece of clothing that you particularly like wearing?
Read the following proverbs and try to find Russian equivalents. Say in
what situations you can use them.
1. Clothes do not make a man.
2. Good clothes open all doors.
3. It’s not the gay coat that makes a gentleman.
4. You can’t always judge by looks.
5. All that glitters is not gold.
Section II. Colour
1. Which colours suit /don’t suit you? Why?
2. Are there colours which suit women better than men, and vice
3. Are there colours which suit older people better than younger
people, and vice versa?
4. When you buy a new item of clothing, do you buy other items to
match (e.g. a blouse to go with a skirt)?
Section III. Buying clothes
1. Do you buy clothes on impulse? Why / why not?
2. Do you prefer shopping on your own or with someone else?
3. What do you think of window shopping?
4. Do you often buy clothes that don’t really suit you or don’t really fit
you? If so, why?
Sections IV. Associations.
1. Are there particular clothes you wear for weddings or funerals, (on
other special occasions)?
2. Do you associate certain clothes with people from particular
countries? If so, what?
3. Do you associate your friends with particular items of clothes?
4. Do you care what clothes other people wear?
Language Functions I. “Complimenting”.
Responding to compliments
- You look nice / smart.
- It’s nice / kind of you to say so.
- You are so…
- I wouldn’t say that…
- You are such a …
- Oh, I don’t think I’m better than
anybody else.
- You’ve got a lovely/ nice …
Yes, I’m quite / rather…
- I wish I’d got a … like yours.
I’m pleased with it myself.
- That’s / what a wonderful / lovely - You’re … too yourself.
… you are wearing.
- You do look nice / smart in…
- Do you really like it?
- I do like your…
- I’m glad you like it.
- You are great!
- Am I? You are … yourself.
- You did very well!
- Did I?
- What a nice-looking …
- Do you like it? It’s not bad, isn’t
- You are looking good / smart /
- I’m glad to hear that.
- It really suits you.
- Does it?
Illustrative dialogues:
a) – Hi! You look great!
Thank you, Ted.
b) – I like your tie. Is it new?
Yes. Glad you like it. I got it for my birthday.
c) – That’s a very nice blazer you are wearing.
– Does it suit me?
– Yes, and it goes well with your new shirt, too.
1. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the gaps.
I. – What a nice ___________!
– Does it look all right?
– Yes, and it ________your scarf ________.
– I got it for £ 28.50 in a sale.
– It’s _________!
II. – You’re ______________ in that new jacket.
– Does it ________?
– Yes, and I like the colour, too.
– You know I only paid £ _________.
– You got a bargain there.
III. – That’s a very nice ______________.
– Do you really like it?
– Yes, it ____________with your new pullover, too.
– You’ll never believe it, but it only ____________.
– Very reasonable indeed.
1. Example: I say, those’re very nice-looking gloves you’ve got on.
1. …. smart …….
2. … …. shoes ….
3. …………you’re wearing.
4. ……that’s a …..jacket…
5. ……elegant………..
2. Example: Your umbrella matches your raincoat marvelously.
1. …jumper …trousers beautifully.
2. ….gloves …..handbag perfectly.
3. ….slacks …..cardigan fabulously.
4. ….belt…….scarf superbly.
5. ….socks….sandals exactly.
3. Example: Do you think this blouse really suits me? – Of course, it does. It
goes well with your scarf, too.
1. ….pullover….? – ….trousers….
2. ….shirt…..? – ….tie…..
3. …..hat……? – ….handbag…..
Listen to the conversations again, and then act them out.
2. Compliment your friend on the points listed below.
1. He/she follows fashion and always looks well.
2. She bought a nice evening dress. It shows her to great advantage.
3. He/she changed his/her hair style.
2. – Is anybody looking after you?
– No. I’m after a size 42 V-neck pullover in blue.
– The best I can do is a 36.
– Could you order me one?
– I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I’ll contact
Language Functions II. “Buying Clothes”.
– What size do you take?/ What size
are you?
– You are a size …
– I’d like a…
– Size …, I think./ I don’t know what
size to get.
– Could you show me that lovely
dress, size …?
– Can I try it on?
3. – Are you being attended to?
– No. I’m trying to find a navy blue jacket, size 46.
– I can do the size, but not the colour.
– Do you think you could get one for me?
– Yes, of course. Look in again Monday week.
– We don’t have that one in your size.
– It fits you perfectly, exactly your
size. / The suit is a perfect fit.
– Blue suits all sold out. Why don’t
you try this dark gray one?
– It’s too bright for me. Yellow
doesn’t really suit me. Have you got
anything in blue?
Illustrative Dialogue.
– Can I help you?
– Yes, I like this navy-blue jacket. Can I try it on?
– Yes, the fitting room is over there.
– Oh, it suits me very well, doesn’t it?
– That’s a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern fashion.
– How much is it?
– £55. English clothes are really good value.
– All right. I can afford the price.
1. Listen to the dialogues and correct the false information if there is any.
1. – Are you being served?
– No. What have you got in the way of yellow suede trousers, size 42?
– Sorry, but we’re sold right out.
– Are you likely to be getting any more in?
– I should think so, yes. If you leave your address, I’ll call on you.
4. – Are you being seen to?
– No. I’m looking for a tartan suit with a 40 waist.
– I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.
– Will you be having any more in?
– I doubt it, but you might be lucky at our High Avenue branch.
1. Example: I’m trying to find a navy blue raincoat in size 42.
1. ….blazer ….. 4. ……. pullover ……
2. …………..38. 5. I’m after ……….
3. I’m looking for ……
2. Example: What have you got in the way of white nylon shirts?
– Nothing in nylon at the moment, I’m afraid.
1. …. brown suede shoes? – ….. suede ……
2. ……plain silk ties? – …. Silk….
3. ……black double-breasted jackets? – ….double-breasted…..
4. ……light-weight navy blue blazer? – ….navy…..
Listen to the dialogues again and act them out.
2. Ask questions so that the sentences given below were the answers to them.
1. No, I can’t afford this dress. It’s too expensive.
2. I buy a pair of flat-heeled shoes for everyday wear.
3. This blouse costs 20 dollars.
4. I’m sorry but we have these dresses only in red.
5. I want to buy high boots to match my brown handbag.
Language functions III. “Likes and Dislikes”
Asking about likes
Expressing likes
– Don’t you find it
– I’m really very fond of
– Do / don’t you like
– Yes, very much indeed.
I like / do like …
– How do you like…?
– Do you fancy…?
– I like it very much / a
– It’s really great! I’m
absolutely wild/crazy
about it (mad on / about
Expressing dislikes
– I (rather) dislike …/ I
can’t say I do.
– I’m afraid. I don’t
really / quite /
particularly like…
– Not at all. I don’t care
for it. I’ve never liked…
– No, I don’t like…/
I can’t stand…/
I hate…
Listen to the dialogue and be ready to act it out.
– I say, I like your new raincoat.
– Is it a good fit?
– Yes, it looks fabulous.
– It only cost me £29.
– Well, that was very good value.
Fill in the gaps in the following sentences and extend them.
Example: What do you think of my new raincoat? – It looks fabulous.
1. … … suit? – … … very smart.
2. … … tie? – … … great.
3. … … shoes? – … … very nice.
4. … … jacket? – … … marvelous.
5. … … skirt? – … … gorgeous.
Replace these formal phrases with less formal ones.
1. I don’t really like scruffy clothes, either. 2. Personally I think lowheeled shoes don’t go well with your evening dress. 3. Well, to be honest, I
find that she is overdressed.
Replace the informal phrases with more formal ones.
1. I can’t stand tight clothes. 2. How about this lace scarf? 3. Oh! I’m
absolutely mad about this cool hat!
1. Paraphrase the sentences. You may use the prompts from the box.
1. Barbara’s clothes are always up-to-date, in other words she…
2. These clothes‫ ٭‬are not expensive, they are…
3. The pajamas are usually not tight, they are …
4. The skirt and the top go well together, so they are…
5. Silk and satin are not “in” this year, it means that these materials are
6. You see a lot of skirts and blouses this year. This means that they
a) slim-fitting
c) is dressed in the latest fashion
e) suitable for this year’s fashion
‫٭‬Compare: American English
undershorts/ underwear
b) reasonably priced
d) in fashion
f) matching
British English
2. Match the nouns in A with the proper adjectives in B, then add as many
other adjectives to the nouns as you can.
1. pullover
a) high-heeled
2. shoes
b) short-sleeved
3. taste
c) V-necked
4. skirt
d) striped
5. design
e) corduroy
6. shirt
f) modern
7. trousers
g) sophisticated
3. Here are some words used to describe materials which clothes are often
made of. These words can be either nouns or adjectives.
Denim Leather
Wool / Woolen
Match the materials with the item which they are most likely to be associated
Frilled dress
Tennis shoe
Trousers Trench-coat
Ribbon T-shirt
4. Here are some adjectives used to describe the patterns on materials.
Describe the clothes you are wearing using the words.
5. Combine the adjectives in the proper order before a noun. Remember that
when describing people’s clothes the following order of adjectives is
generally correct:
Quality + size + shape + colour + material
1. She wore a (velvet, red, tight-fitting) dress.
2. I’m looking for a (silk, white, elegant, large) blouse.
3. She wore a jacket with (gold, big, round) buttons.
4. He bought a (fashionable, long, woolen, red) scarf.
5. I like this (long-sleeved, woolen, black) sweater.
6. Complete the sentences with the verbs match, suit, fit, go with. But first
study the difference.
If something is not too big and not too small for a person or
other thing, it fits: A size 12 dress should fit. You can’t put
those shelves in there, they won’t fit.
If clothes or other personal things are right style, colour, etc.
for someone, you say they suit them: Casual clothes really don’t
suit her. A green dress won’t suit me.
If things are almost the same in some way and look good
together, they match: This handbag matches my shoes.
If things look alright together in style, colour, etc., they go
the green shoes. These high-heeled shoes and this silk evening
dress go particularly well together.
• The blue dress …………her properly now she’s lost some weight.
• The blue of her dress ………..the blue of her eyes.
• The blue dress ……….. the girl with the blond hair.
• Your new shirt ………your skirt.
• Red usually doesn’t ……… people with ginger hair.
• Her black bag ……….. her shoes.
• Those shoes don’t ……….. the boy any more. He’s grown out of
7. Note the use of the verbs wear, be dressed, and have (got)… on in the
following examples. Then look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Diana is wearing a blue dress.
Diana is dressed in blue.
Diana has (got) a blue dress on.
She’s carrying an umbrella.
But: She’s wearing glasses/ a watch/ gloves/ perfume/ lipstick.
1. Is the clerk wearing …
A a suit?
B a shirt?
C a dress?
2. Is he dressed …
A in gray?
B to play tennis? C to go to the office?
3. Has he got …
A a jacket?
B glasses?
C a hat on?
4. Is the tennis-player wearing …
A a T-shirt? B a watch?
5. Is he dressed …
A in white? B to work in the garden?
C to play tennis?
6. Has he got …
A his gloves?
C a watch on?
B a headband?
together or go with each other: The red dress doesn’t go with
C trousers?
7. Is he carrying …
A an umbrella?
B a tennis-racket?
C a tennis-ball?
10. They won’t let you into the restaurant without a ……….
a) cravat
b) tie
c) umbrella
11. These are the …….. I work in.
a) clothing
b) cloth
c) clothes
12. Your collar looks tight. Why don’t you ……. your tie?
a) loose
b) lose
c) loosen
13. It was so early in the morning that she answered the door bell in a
a) dressing-gown b) robe
c) dress
8. Supply the best word or words.
1. How long does it take you to ……. in the morning?
a) get dressed
b) dress up
c) dress yourself
2. You can’t go to the interview ………. jeans and an old jacket!
a) dressed with
b) dressed in
c) dressed up
3. Just a minute! I must have a shower and …….. clothes before we go
a) change
b) exchange
c) choose
4. You’d better …… your coat before you go out into the cold.
a) wear
b) dress in
c) have on d) put on
5. ……… that blue dress to see if it suits you.
a) test
b) try on
c) probe
6. I can’t go out in this shirt. I’ve ……. all day.
a) dressed in it
b) had it on
c) got dressed in it
7. I can’t go out in this shirt. I’ve ……. all day.
a) dressed in it
b) had it on
c) got dressed in it
8. The doctor asked me to …….. my shirt.
a) put off
b) take off
c) take out
9. We got John a new ……… for his job interview.
a) costume
b) suit
c) suite
9. Which items could be worn together, and which items would look horrible
together? Discuss with a partner, using the phrases in bold.
The (bright red silk blouse) would go well with the (red suede shoes).
The …….wouldn’t go very well with the……..
The …….and the …… would look good/ nice/ strange/ horrible
The ……. and the ……. would clash.
10. Translate into English.
1. Эта шляпа тебе к лицу. 2. Кристина всегда хорошо и со вкусом
одевается. 3. Она одета по последней моде, на ней узкое короткое платье,
популярное в этом сезоне. 4. У меня нет юбки, которая подходила бы к
новой блузке. 5. Мне не нравится ни покрой, ни цвет этого платья. 6. Моя
подруга купила шерстяную юбку. Она практична и пригодна для повседневной носки. Надеюсь, она будет хорошо носиться. 7. Мальчик быстро
разделся, бросив всю свою одежду на пол. 8. Можно мне примерить те
черные туфли на витрине? 9. Анна сняла туфли и надела тапочки.
10. Красное обычно не идет людям с рыжими волосами. 11. Мне надо починить сапоги. 12. Она надела пальто и вышла из дому. 13. Мать быстро
одела ребенка. 14. В 1941 году в Англии была запрещена плиссировка,
накладные карманы, манжеты согласно системе норм на расходы материи.
15. После Первой мировой войны появились провокационные новинки
Коко Шанель для дам: не только брюки, но и мужские блейзеры, сорочки,
галстуки и даже запонки.
11. Read the following text and notice how the underlined words are used.
Then complete the table below.
As it was his first meeting with Julie’s parents, George thought quite
hard about what he was going to wear. When going out with friends he
normally dressed quite casually, Sunday lunch with strangers was different.
Twelve o’clock – definitely time to get dressed. George put on a clean shirt
and tried on the jeans he had bought the day before. They fitted him well, but
they looked too new. He took them off and put on his dark green trousers. He
would wear these and his leather jacket – and maybe a tie. But that didn’t look
right either – green just didn’t suit him. Oh, God, why was he so vain…? He
undressed and started again.
get dressed
get undressed
put on
try on
take off
13. Can you find synonyms and opposites for the words in the table?
Beautifully styled
14. Complete the following exchanges with appropriate synonyms or
opposites. Do not repeat a word that has already been used.
a. A: Maria likes fashionable clothes, doesn’t she?
B: Yes, she dresses in a very _________ way.
b. C: Is this jacket suitable for normal occasions?
D: I think it’s more appropriate for ________ wear, don’t you?
E: I was surprised how untidily dressed that applicant for the job was.
F: Yes, he was rather ___________, wasn’t he?
d. G: You are looking terribly elegant this evening.
H: Thank you. My new suit is quite ______, isn’t it?
12. Complete the following sentences.
• Julie usually dresses…
• She got dressed…
• She put on…fitted…
• She wore…
• She tried on…didn’t suit…
• She took off…
• She undressed…
I: That’s a very sexy dress Gloria’s got on.
J: Yes, she looks ___________. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination,
does it?
15. Look at the pictures and at the clothes the people in them are wearing.
(Use the supplementary materials) Decide which clothes, in your opinion,
a) the most attractive
b) the most unusual
c) the most comfortable and convenient
d) the most formal
Discuss your choices with a partner.
16. Which of these items of clothing are being worn in the pictures (ex.15)?
leather jacket
dinner jacket
boxer shorts
fur coat
tennis shoes
knickers/ panties
dressing gown
bow tie
17. Complete the following table to indicate how or when the items of clothing
in the box in exercise 16 are normally worn.
on the top half of the body only:
on the bottom half of the body only:
on the top and the bottom halves of the body:
as underwear:
on the feet or legs:
in bed:
round the neck or on the head:
when the weather is cold:
In your country, which of these items of clothing are:
a) usually only worn by women
b) usually only worn by men
c) worn only on informal occasions
d) never worn by anyone
Which other items are commonly worn? Are there English words for
18. What would you wear in the circumstances outlined in the table? Discuss
your choice with a partner.
temp: 12 deg, cloudy
temp: 25 deg, raining
temp: 20 deg, sunny
temp: -4 deg, snowing
for an evening party
19. Look at the expressions in italics. Match them with the phrases in the box
talking rubbish
smartest clothes
special smart clothes
don’t get over-excited
be in charge
look gentler than you are
make an effort
get upset
very smartly dressed
in the same situation
a) If I were in your shoes, I’d ask for a divorce.
b) David used to beat me at tennis regularly, but the boot’s on the other
foot now.
c) You’re going to fail the exam if you don’t pull your socks up.
d) Hurry up, for God’s sake. We’re going to be late! – O.K., O.K. Keep
your shirt on.
e) Well, you know who wears the trousers in that household, don’t you?
It’s certainly not Mr Thatcher.
f) I know Clarissa’s arguments are very persuasive, but I think she’s
talking through her hat herself.
g) Don’t be fooled by her friendly manner. She’s a wolf in sheep’s
h) Why are you all dressed up to the nines?
Well, you said I should wear my Sunday best. Anyway, look at
Mandy: she’s dressed to kill.
Oh, Fred, what on earth am I going to do?
Look, there’s no need to get your knickers in a twist. Everything’s
going to be all right.
20. Test your idioms. Choose the correct word in the expressions below and
say what you think the expressions mean.
1. Don’t be shirty with / into / across me, I was only trying to help.
2. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It was just an up / off /
around the cuff remark.
3. If you want to pass that exam, you’ll have to buckle over / down
/round to work very soon.
4. It’s so obvious when Clair’s in love – she wears her heart under /
by / on her sleeve.
5. We’re saving up to go on holiday so we’ll have to tighten / loosen
/ forget our belts for a while.
6. I haven’t seen Bill around for a while – do you think he’s been
wearing / given / missing the boot?
7. Sorry I’m late. My boss collared / belted / zipped me after work
and I couldn’t get away.
8. I’m afraid I’ve run out of ideas – let’s ask John. He’s usually got
something beside / between / up his sleeve.
21. Match the expressions to these definitions:
• to behave in a way that makes your feelings obvious
• to spend less money
• to stop smb and make them listen to you
• to have an idea or a plan
• to say smth without thinking about it first
• to get rid of smb
• to start working seriously
• to behave in a bad-tempered and rude way
Think of something that happened to you recently. Use one of the
expressions and tell your partner about it.
22. Explain what is meant by these sentences.
1. The sisters would almost always be dressed in white from crown to
2. She looked bulkier than ever.
3. She was being laced up the back in her tight-fitting gown.
4. Johnny badly needed a new jacket, his old one was out at the
5. He zipped the fur lining in.
6. Joseph eased the leather house slipper off one foot with the toe of
the other.
7. It made a faint rustle as she strolled about the room.
23. Use these common idiomatic phrases in a natural context. First make sure
that you know what they mean.
1. to be dressed up to the nines; 2.to fit like a glove; 3.over shoes, over
boots; 4.to bet one’s shirt; 5.to know best where the shoe pinches; 6.to be in
smb’s shoes; 7.to put the boot on the right foot; 8.to go down in one’s boots;
9.to touch one’s hat to smb.
23. a) Read the extracts, try to understand the meaning of unknown words
from the context.
b) Use the underlined word-combinations in the situations/ dialogues
of your own.
• With them was a thin grey-haired woman in a fur-trimmed black suit. (R.
• The girl was wearing a striped open blouse and a wide skirt with big
leather belt and a bright brass buckle. She wore low shoes and black knee
socks. (J. Baldwin)
• Her clothing, whether she was wearing a skirt or pants, was always neat
and carefully selected to look best wither slightly tanned skin and tawny
hair. (E. Goldwell)
• He was slipping a woolen pullover sweater on when the knock sounded,
the door opened… He stood staring foolishly, one arm through one
sleeve, the other arm halfway the other sleeve, his face and head
emerging from the neck of the sweater. (A. Fairbairn)
He wore a fur-lined overcoat with broad astrakhan lapels and a silk hat.
(E. Waugh)
The sweater was high in the neck for warmth, with long sleeves. It fitted
perfectly, long and snug around the hips with a cuff that could be turned
up waist high if he wanted it that way, snug at the wrists, shoulders and
neck easy and right. (A. Fairbairn)
He wore one of those sports costumes called ensembles in the men’s shop
advertisements, shirt and trousers matching. (W. Faulkner)
But he stood, eventually, his trousers hanging a little baggily over his
shoes, and drew the booklet from his inside pocket. (J. Hunter)
The cuffs of his sleeves were frayed to the lining and the dark suit was
badly fitted. (B. Malamud)
He wore stained and shapeless grey flannel trousers, a broad leather belt
round his narrow waist, and an open-necked blue shirt that echoed his
bright eyes. (M. Dickens)
Michael unbuttoned his coat and let it flop around him in the mild wind.
(I. Show)
He was always dressed in conservative dark suits, starched white shirts,
black shoes, and a maroon bow tie. He had dozens of bow ties in various
widths and length, but every one of them was of some shade of maroon.
(E. Caldwell)
Betty was wearing black velvet slacks, a colorful tight sweater, and flatheeled white shoes. (E. Caldwell)
She was wearing a head square of white silk tied under her chin and the
free corners flipped as she moved. (W. Golding)
She was dressed in the height of style, her shoulders padded, her hat tilted
over one eye. (C.P. Snow)
She went shopping at Bendel’s, where she bought a short, dark green
chiffon dress that matched her eyes, a pair of slender brown pumps and a
matching purse. (S.Sheldon)
She had gotten a run in her stocking when she broke the heal of her shoe,
and had had to change clothes. (S.Sheldon)
Even for a tourist, his dress was hysterical. Dark sunglasses with yellow
frames, brown straw sandals, obviously brand-new, with black socks, a
tight Hawaiian luau shirt with so loud colors and a pair of gold gym shorts
that were very old and very short and covered little of the shiny, sickly
white legs under the table. (J. Grisham)
• In a rest room on the first floor she changed into khaki walking shorts,
Bass loafers and a navy knit pullover. It was a cool outfit, a little out of
season, but she was headed for warmer weather. She pulled her shoulderlength hair into a pony tail and forced it under her collar. She changed
sunglasses and stuffed the dress, heels and panty hose into a canval gym
bag. (J. Grisham)
c) Translate the sentences into Russian in a literary form.
d) Use your translations into Russian for back translation. Work in
24. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Когда Ирина подошла к примерочной, она увидела, что ее
подруга примеряет нарядное платье.
2. Не советуй ей покупать эту блузку. Она не идет ей.
3. Вчера я купила замшевые перчатки. Они тесны мне. Если
хотите, я могу отдать их вам. – Спасибо. Я возьму их с
удовольствием, если подойдет размер.
4. Мне нужно купить чулки, носки и красный кожаный ремешок
для моего нового платья.
5. Летом я предпочитаю носить платья из ситца. В них не так
жарко, как в шелковых.
6. Помоги мне выбрать туфли. – Примерь те коричневые. Мне
кажется, что они подойдут к твоему зеленому костюму.
7. Послушайте моего совета, не берите это пальто. Оно уже не
модно. То, серое, гораздо лучше. Я уверена, что оно будет
хорошо сидеть на вас. Пройдите в примерочную. – О, пальто
действительно изумительное.
25. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Девочка была очень бедно одета: платье её было выпущено до
последнего предела, и подол был обтрёпан; боковые швы были
расставлены кусочками ткани, не подходившими по цвету. Было видно,
что парусиновые туфли ей малы и жмут, а из левой туфли вылез палец.
Мисс Браун почувствовала угрызения совести, что она до сих пор не
справилась о судьбе бедной сироты. 2. Если вы ещё не умеете вязать,
спешите научиться! Всё, что вам нужно иметь – это спицы и немного
шерсти. Практикуйтесь для начала на кусочках шерсти (scraps of yarn),
пока не научитесь вязать петли (to do stitches) без напряжения. Если
спустите петлю, спокойно поднимите её. 3. У неё удивительное
чувство стиля, не правда ли? Всё, что она носит, имеет очень простой
покрой, но очень ей идёт. – Да, действительно, у неё своеобразный
талант одеваться. 4. Вид его привёл всех в ужас. Кто бы мог подумать,
что этот человек в грязной рубашке, со съехавшим набок галстуком и
обвисшими брюками был когда-то известным художником.
26. Translate the following sentences into English.
Note: These words may give difficulty when translated from Russian:
• экстравагантный, бросающийся в глаза – conspicuous (extravagant:
1. расточительный; 2. сумасбродный, нелепый)
• быть модным – (of people) to be up with the fashion, to be in the
fashion, to follow the fashion; (of clothes) to be in fashion, to be all
the fashion
1. Как он выглядел вчера? – На нём был элегантный костюм из
тёмной шерсти. Он был бледен и немного волновался. 2. Я думаю, что
учительнице не следует носить такие экстравагантные платья в школу.
3. Было жарко, и мужчины были без пиджаков. 4. Я хочу отдать сшить
себе платье к Новому году. Не посоветуешь ли, какой фасон лучше
выбрать? 5. Я не могу одеться очень быстро, если спешу. 6. Ты не
знаешь, какие пальто сейчас в моде? 7. Она всегда любила одеваться по
моде, но не любила вычурных фасонов. 8. Тебе не кажется, что я вдруг
стала расточительной? Купила себе такое дорогое платье! 9. Эта шляпа
не идёт к такому туалету. Иди лучше без шляпы. 10. Что ты обычно
носишь на работу? 11. Ты должна отдать это платье переделать. Оно
плохо на тебе сидит. 12. Что мне делать? Костюм протёрся во многих
местах. – Пока его надо отремонтировать. Пойдём, я покажу тебе ателье,
где делают мелкий ремонт.
27. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Catherine wore an open-necked summer frock with pale washed-out
flowers upon it. She wiped a brown hand wet with perspiration upon her
dress, while they exchanged a remark or two about the weather.
2. A man in a dark overcoat, with his muffler pulled up round his face,
and his hat pulled down over his eyes, came along Culver Street and went up
the steps of number 74.
3. Dressed for the street, Eddie Brown could have walked onstage in
any house on the Columbia Burlesque wheel and been in costume. He had a
checked suit on, with green as he dominant colour, bright tan shoes,
multicoloured socks, a bright pink hand – painted tie with his name spelled
back wards, a pale green shirt with pointed collar tips and a bright hat perched
on the back of his head. He was really something to see.
4. The trunk was an old – fashioned black affair, with a domed lid, such
as one seldom sees today. Loraine unpacked it and together she and Ellen
struggled with the straps and began unpacking the contents. Soon the kitchen
smelt of mothballs and was strewn with garments. The sight of them revived
old memories and Loraine’s eyes smarted as she handled them, tenderly for
the sake of the old woman who had worn them and who had been so good to
her. Loraine hesitated. “I’ve been dreading of them!”
5. She wore a frock of fine woolen material in pale turquoise, simply
cut with a slim skirt, tailored bodice, and three – quarter length sleeves with
turned back cuffs.
6. Then the sight of some of Fiona’s little garments airing by the gas
fire, lengthened to their limits, with pieces let in down the side-seams, darned
and patched until the worn material would scarcely hold the stitches,
determined her to act at once.
7. He wore a flimsy shirt of material that must have been imitation silk;
it opened on the chest on the dirty hem of an undershirt; his light cotton suit
was soiled.
8. His tie was pulled to the side and did not close with the collar; his
shirt cuffs came out beyond his coatsleeves and covered his thick brown
wrists; his trousers sagged loose at he knees.
9. Christine Redfern came down the stairs. She was wearing beach
pyjamas of a loose floppy pattern. Hey were made of some green material
with a yellow design. Rosamund‘s tongue itched to tell her that yellow and
green were the most unbecoming colours possible for her fair, slightly
anaemic complexion. It always annoyed Rosamund when people had no
clothes sense.
10. She had a great gift for clothes. Her clothes were always just right
and she wore them well.
28. Read the following and write out synonyms of to have something on, to
put on, to take off. Translate them into Russian. Make a note of the situations
in which they are used.
1. She slipped into her gown and started off immediately. 2. Janet
bathed on changed into a skirt and sweater. 3. I was trying to wriggle out of
my slippers the way Miss Martha sheds shoes at every opportunity.
4. Tommy pulled the sweat-soaked shirt from his torso, then used it to wipe
the damp grime from his face, and flung it behind him. 5. She whipped off
her apron and darted a glance at the mirror beside the sink 6. It was late, so I
shoved some clothes on and ran downstairs. 7. He shrugged out of his
overcoat and hung it in the hall closet. 8. They had been living in hose
clothes for several days. 9. She took the wet clothes as the boy peeled them
off. 10. I changed out of slacks into a dress. 11. He jerked at the coat and
flung himself into it. 12. She went upstairs after she had disposed of her
cape. 13. The old man sat down and removed his patent – leather shoes.
14. She slipped out of her coat and silently tiptoed upstairs.
29. to take up the glove; 30. to put the shoe on the right foot; 31. to be tied
to some one’s apron-strings; 32. as neat as a new pin; 33. to be in pocket.
30. Give the Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and sayings. Make
up situations or stories to illustrate them.
1. A stitch in time saves nine. 2. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
3. Every cloud has a silver lining. 4. Every man has a fool in his sleeve. 5. If
the cap fits, wear it. 6. It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 7. When
the pinch comes, you remember the old shoe.
29. Do you know the meaning of the following English idioms? Check your
1. a bad hat; 2. to have a bee in one’s bonnet; 3. the boot on the other
leg (foot); 4. a feather in his cap; 5. cap in hand; 6. the cap fits; 7. to set
one’s cap; 8. to cast pearls before swine; 9. down-at-heel; 10. dead man’s
shoes; 11. out at elbows; 12. to make ends (both ends) meet; 13. hand in
(and) glove; 14. to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve; 15. to laugh in (up)
one’s sleeve; 16. to lose (to break) the thread; pick up the thread; 17. mad as
a hatter; 18. in a person’s shoes; 19. on a shoe-string; 20. that is another pair
of shoes; 21. where the shoe pinches; 22. to stand in a white sheet; 23. to
take off one’s hat to; 24. to talk through one’s hat; 25. to be on one’s uppers;
26. to trial one’s coat; 27. to take off one’s coat; 28. to turn one’s coat;
Text 1. Read the text and see if the author’s ideas are the same as yours.
Fashion is an entirely unnecessary and yet delightful detail of human
life. No one could contend that a person who didn’t follow the fashion was
lacking in any great mental or moral quality; yet to be in fashion has given joy
in age, not only to the women who are thus up-to-date in their costume, but to
the men who behold them.
As a rule, men’s attitude towards women’s fashions is one of amused
tolerance. They pretend that they are unable to detect the nice distinctions
between the latest model from Paris and a dress that is hopelessly out of date.
But they are in reality just as eager to conform to the popular idea of what is
and what is not worn.
But men’s fashions change slowly, and men, unlike women, like to be
the last to leave an old fashion rather than the first to embrace a new one.
They have no desire either, that their womenfolk should be in the very front
rank of fashion. It would make them embarrassed to be seen in public with a
woman wearing something that caused every eye to be turned upon her. But
they like their wives to be dressed as most other women are dressed.
Fashion is an arbitrary mistress to whom most women are slaves, but
though her mandates are often unreasonable and not seldom absurd, she is
followed willingly, for the reward she offers is that sense of adventure and
variety which is the spice of life.
1. Answer the questions
− Is fashion an important and necessary sphere of our life or just a
pleasant trifle thing?
− How does the fashion influence our life?
− What is men’s attitude towards fashion? Do you agree with the
author’s point of view?
− Do all women like to be in the very front rank of fashion? What do
you think on the point?
− Are you a slave of fashion? Why/ why not?
1. Delightful detail of human life.
1. People are slaves of fashion.
Text 2.
Read the text and the article from a fashion magazine and get ready to discuss
the problem of fashion.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter: every season there are new clothes
and new fashions in the shops. Colours and styles keep changing. One season
black is the “in” colour, but the next season everyone is wearing orange or
pink or gray. One season tight-fitting clothes are fashionable, and the next
season baggy clothes are “in”.
The length of women’s skirt goes up and down from year to year. In
the 1960s, mini skirts became very fashionable and a woman could wear a
skirt twenty or thirty centimetres above the knee. A few years later, maxi
skirts became trendy and then you had to wear skirts twenty or thirty
centimetres below the knee. Each season there is always a “correct” length
and if your skirt is just a little too long or too short some people will think that
you are very unfashionable.
Men have similar problems with their shirts. Some years it is
fashionable to wear very small collars. Another year small collars become
out-dated and large button-down collars are trendy. Sometimes it even
becomes fashionable to wear shirts with no collars at all. A shirt you once
thought was trendy can look strangely old-fashioned a few years later. And
your father’s shirts, which you always thought were very conservative and
traditional, can suddenly seem very stylish.
Keeping up with fashions can be very expensive. So one way to save
money is never to throw your old clothes out. If you wait long enough, the
clothes that are out of fashion today will be back in fashion tomorrow.
Yesterday’s clothes are tomorrow’s new fashion.
I. Answer the questions
− What styles and colours are fashionable at the moment for men and
for women?
− What was in fashion last year?
− Is fashion only for the rich?
− Is it possible to consider clothes as a special sign, for example, a social one? Give example to prove your opinion.
II. Comment on the following statements.
§ Women will never resist fashions. They take the changes in fashions
for granted and are never surprised.
§ New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation
of women.
Vive La Mode!
The times may be uncertain, but in Paris last week gloom gave way to
glamour as fashion’s top designers strutted their stuff.
Fashion’s top designers strutted their spring collections in Paris – and
they did it with gusto. At Chanel’s show, in the bowels of the Louvre, the
music blared, “Tonight it’s party time!” as 50 models marched down a raised
glass runway in floating chiffon ponchos and micro-mini chemises. Alexander
McQueen showed toreadors in laced leather pants and beaded jackets,
senoritas in cascades of ruffles and lace and even a girl speared like a bull.
And John Galliano of Christian Dior, elaborating on the ethnic notes he had
trotted out in his July show, sent out models done up like Bedouins in turbans.
Even after the September 11 attacks nobody was going to let terrorism
hijack style. “This is our business. We must go on,” Domenico De Sole, CEO
of Gucci Group told NEWSWEEK. And with ear-shattering hip-hop, blinding
lasers and nearly naked models, go on they did.
III. Complete the diagram with the words from the texts.
IV. Have you ever seen any fashion shows or parades? Describe them.
Read the short text about the fashion industry. Do you agree with its
Why it is that fashion houses design their clothes for the youngest and
skinniest men and women? We may not actually want to look like
supermodels, but it is a fact that the most emaciated figures have dominated
the world’s catwalks for a very long time. It seems it is not in the interests of
the fashion industry to represent an “average” person. Although “slimmer”
may not always mean “more desirable” in the real world, fashion succeeds
because it carries with it that image of the last attainable figure.
V. Prepare a speech or an article for any fashion magazine about the
last trends in fashion. Dwell on the topics of colours, footwear, particular
items of clothes. Use the text about fashion and the article as models for this.
Boy Meets Girl
Androgynous clothing design is a familiar idea nowadays, although it is
perhaps the term “unisex” that is more commonly used by the fashion
industry. Traditional dress restrictions for men and women are becoming
blurred, largely because gender riles in today’s society are defined less strictly
than they were.
With menswear designer Lee Copperwheat, Pam Blundell produces the
Copperwheat Blundell label. She says, “I design trousers for women and Lee
will re-cut them for men. We have even started doing unisex pieces, such as
trousers and raincoats, in six different sizes to fit everybody! Many other
designers work in this way, with the result that similar lines for men and
women are now much more readily available.”
What do you feel about these sorts of clothes? Do you think that unisex
clothing will still be in fashion in five years’ time? Why/ why not?
The pictures (Additional material) and the statements below can help you to
do the task.
Сегодняшняя мода предлагает на выбор самые разнообразные
Колледж-стиль – это воспоминание о школьной форме: жакетики
с юбками в складку, белые блузки и гольфы.
Хиппи – реверанс в сторону семидесятых, без которых невозможно
обойтись. Новые хиппи носят: куртки с мохнатым мехом, вельвет, крестьянские блузки, цветастые платья и полосатые пончо. Примечательно
отсутствие типичного атрибута – расклешенных брюк.
Стиль модов. Моды – это недолговечное (1961–65) течение в молодежной среде Великобритании, культом которого являлась стильная
одежда. Хотя к модам исторически всегда относили юношей, некоторые
элементы их стиля просматриваются в актуальных женских коллекциях:
узкие жакеты и брюки, вельветовые пиджаки, жилеты.
Черный – безусловный лидер этого сезона. Самый универсальный
цвет присутствует в коллекциях всех модельеров. Монохромность разбавляют яркие цвета. В фаворе красный. Все еще держатся розовый и
цвет фуксии. Неожиданно появился желтый, а также немного синего и
зеленого, оттенка электрик.
Невероятную популярность приобретают бархат и вельвет, не
желают сдавать своих позиций переливающийся атлас и узорчатое
кружево. Кожа и замша всегда актуальны в холодное время года. Неизменный деним предстает перед нами в потертом виде – самые модные
В качестве верхней одежды лучше подобрать классическое пальто
с меховым воротником или манжетами или пальто в стиле шестидесятых: маленькой формы, силуэт трапеция или прямой, отложной воротничок и крупные пуговицы. Для прохладных дней подойдет плащ или
тренчкот. Если хочется чего-то нестандартного, то накидка или пончо –
идеальный вариант. В качестве аксессуара просто необходим шарф: он
может быть вязаным или меховым, но непременно очень-очень длинным.
Модное платье должно быть в стиле babydoll, в котором девушка
превращается в девочку или хорошенькую куколку. Как альтернатива
появились сарафаны, одеваемые на блузку или водолазку. С другой стороны, в моде платья изысканного кроя, с драпировками, складками или
воланами. И как противоположность им – минималистичные платья в
японском стиле с воротником-стойкой и спущенными плечами.
Text 3.
Answer the questions
− Can we speak in terms of European, American, African, Asian styles
of clothing?
− What is your idea of the European style?
− Does the way you dress depend on the country you live in? In what
− To what extend does the British style of clothes differs from the
Russian one?
Read the text and write down the statements which show what the British
author thinks about the British style (B) and what he thinks about Europeans
(E). See the example below.
1. The British spend their money
on their houses.
1. The Europeans spend their money
on themselves.
How to Dress Like an European
One of the differences between Us and Them is that Europeans spend
their money on themselves, not their houses. We may be wearing five-yearold M & S because we’ve just spent several thousand on a new patio or
kitchen, but this will not impress our European colleagues, who judge success
and good sense on appearance.
Lesson number one: quantity is no substitute for quality. Emulate the
Europeans by economizing on summer clothes, which can easily be dressed
up with good accessories, and spending on winter clothes, whose good looks
depend on top-quality fabrics. Brush every garment when you take it off to get
rid of surface dirt and hairs, spend a weekly small fortune on dry cleaning and
wash everything before folding neatly and storing in acid-free tissue paper at
the end of the season.
Lesson number two: when we fly to Europe we must learn how to pack
properly. Pleated skirts, for instance, should be rolled then slid into a stocking
in order to be plucked from the suitcase with pleats intact. Taking a steam iron
means we can free ourselves from the vagaries of hotel housekeeping
services. The following are the basics you need to possess to pass as a proper
A pristine white silk blouse, hand-washed and pressed after every
A well-cut jacket and skirt; over them, a Burberry’s trench-coat.
Expensive leather shoes, polished, unscruffed and regularly re-heeled.
A good, plain watch and belt.
Jewellery that, at least, looks expensive.
A stock of 10-denier tights in the same colour as one’s shoes.
A beautiful handbag that cost 100 more than you would ever have dreamt
of paying, and in it a leather wallet and a leather address book, always
replaced as soon as they become scruffy.
A black polo neck cashmere sweater and a good pair of jeans.
I. Explain the meanings of the following words:
- accessories
- top-quality
- dry cleaning
- acid-free tissue paper
- pleated skirts
- a well-cut jacket
II. Work in pairs and discuss these questions.
- Do you think these are good pieces of advice to follow?
- Is there a Russian style of clothes? What is it?
- What style of clothes do you like/follow? Why?
Text 4.
Before reading the text answer the questions.
• When are you usually dressed up?
• Can you wear jeans and be dressed up?
• How do you understand the title “Dressing Down”?
Dressing Down
Beyond doubt, the jeans phenomenon is a big event in the history of
dress, and not only in the United States. Indeed, the habit of wearing jeans is –
along with the computer, the copying machine, rock music, polio vaccine, and
the hydrogen bomb – one of the major contributions of the United States to
the postwar world at large.
Before the 1950s, jeans were worn, principally in the West and
Southwest of the United States, by children, farmers, manual labourers when
on the jib, and, of course, cowboys. There were isolated exceptions – for
example, artists of both sexes took to blue jeans in and around Santa Fe, New
Mexico, in the 1920s – 1930s; around 1940, the male students at Williams
College took them up as a mark of differentiation from the chino-wearing
snobs of Yale and Princeton; and the late forties the female students of
Bennington College (not far from Williams) adopted them as a uniform,
though only for wear on campus – but it was not until the 1950s, when James
Dean and Marlon Brando wore jeans in movies about youth in revolt against
parents and society that jeans acquired the ideological baggage necessary to
proper them to national fame.
Fame came quickly, and it was not long before young Americans had
become so attached to their jeans that some hardly ever took them off.
According to a jeans authority, a young man in the North Bronx with a large
family attained some sort of record by continuously wearing the same pair of
jeans, even for bathing and sleeping, for over eight months. Eventually, as the
entire world knows, the popularity of jeans spread from cowboys and anomic
youths to adult Americans of virtually every age and socio-political posture,
including Jimmy Carter when he was a candidate for the presidency. Jeans
became one of the three leading targets of hijackers, along with liquor and
cigarettes. Estimates of jeans sales in the United States vary wildly.
According to the most conservative figures, put out by leading jeans
manufacturer, Levi Strauss & Company, of San Francisco, annual sales of
jeans of all kinds in the United States by all manufacturers in 1957 stood at
around a hundred and fifty million pairs, while for 1977 they came to over 5
hundred million, or considerably more than two pairs for every man, woman,
and child in the country.
Overseas, jeans had to wait slightly longer for their time to come.
American Western movies and the example of American servicemen from the
West and Southwest stationed abroad who, as soon as the Second World War
ended, changed directly from their service uniform into blue jeans started a
fad for them among Europeans in the late 1940s. But the fad remained a small
one, partly because of the unavailability of jeans in any quantity. Being short
of denim, the rough, durable, cotton will of which basic jeans are made, they
were unable to undertake overseas expansion.
Gradually, though, denim production in the United States increased,
and meanwhile became so overwhelming that in parts of Europe a black
market for them developed. American jeans manufacturers began exporting
their product in a serious way in the early 1960s. At first, the demand was
greatest in Germany, France, England, and the Benelux nations; later it spread
to Italy, Spain, and Scandinavia, and eventually to Latin America and the Far
East. By 1967, jeans authorities estimate, a hundred and ninety million pairs
of jeans were being sold annually outside the USA. In the late 1970s,
estimated jeans sales outside the USA had doubled in a decade, to three
hundred and eighty million pairs, of which perhaps a quarter were now made
by American firms in plants abroad. The fastest-growing jeans market was
probably Brazil; Princess Anne, of Great Britain, and Princess Caroline, of
Monaco, had been photographed wearing jeans, and King Hussein of Jordan
was reported to wear them at home in his palace. All in all, it is now beyond
doubt that in size and scope the rapid global spread of the habit of wearing
blue jeans, however it may be explained, is an event without precedent in the
history of human attire.
I. Read the text and say what these figures refer to.
a) 1950s
b) 1920s – 1930s
c) 1940
II. Work in groups. Discuss the reasons for jeans being so popular. Think
about some of these points.
- fashion
- durability
III. Complete this jeans history.
1920-1930s Artists wore jeans in and around Santa Fe and New Mexico.
Students_________________ snobs of Yale and Princeton.
Late 1940s ____________ started a fad _________________________.
Jeans acquired _______________________________ fame.
Put out by __________________________50 million pairs.
Early 1960s ____________exporting their product ________________.
By 1967
__________________________________outside the USA.
____________two pairs for every man ________________.
Late 1970s ________were made by ________________ plants abroad.
IV. Work in pairs and discuss.
• What events caused jeans to become nationally popular?
• What are some of the signs that indicate the popularity of jeans?
• Why were European and other foreign countries so slow in adopting
jeans as a popular style?
• Although blue jeans have been a popular fashion for decades, the
style in which blue jeans are worn changes. For example, in the
1960s baggy Levis were popular, in the 1970s, tighter designer jeans.
What is the current “style” of jeans?
• How have blue jeans been accepted in your own culture? Who wears
them? What types of places do they wear them to?
• Do you have any blue jeans? When do you wear them?
V. Make an outline of the text and then using it render the text.
Text 5.
Read the passage. Where would you expect to read a text like this?
Fashion this autumn is going to echo the season – crisp, exhilarating
and enjoyable. Whether you’re shopping for a smart suit, a casual tracksuit or
an outfit for a special occasion, you’ll find the designers have given you a rich
harvest to choose from.
Perhaps the only problem is what to choose when the weather doesn’t
quite behave as it should. Just what to do when summer clothes aren’t quite
right and it’s too warm to swelter in a suit? Until now, the answer has been to
opt for one or the other and hope for the best.
Jeager has solved the problem in a way that other big names will
undoubtedly follow. The company has combined the right styles with the right
fabrics to see you through any occasion – and keep the temperature at just the
right level. ‘Keep colour in mind to maintain the spirit of summer, but look
for lightweight wools and simple silhouettes for early autumn and to look
good later as the weather cools’, advises Jeager’s Joan Jones.
It’s a winning formula that shows to advantage in their simple but
beautifully styled chemise dresses. The style comes in otter, emerald and
violet in sizes 8 – 18.
I. Find words in the passage which mean:
a) a kind of a suit worn by athletes, etc.
b) informal
c) items of clothing which can be worn together
d) people who plan the way clothes will look
e) fabric made from the hair of sheep
f) materials for making clothes
II. Find words or phrases in the passage which tell you that the writer:
a) likes autumn
b) thinks there are plenty of good autumn clothes to choose from
c) is comparing the climate to a human being
d) thinks that there is a better solution to the problem of matching
clothes to the climate this year
e) thinks that the Jeager solution is excellent.
Text 6.
Before reading the text “The Policies of Dressing” fill in the table below
making some prediction about dress code and business dress.
Things I already know
Things I’d like to know
Things I don’t know
The Policies of Dressing
By Ashleigh Morris.
I know you are just starting reading this, but stop! Look down. What
are you wearing right now?
The world judges you by what you wear, at least on a first impression
basis. Clothes to some degree define you. “People still underestimate the
value of business dress,” says Laurie Sagle of the employee training company,
training works! “As the market continues to change, clothes become more
important, giving you an edge.”
After having worked in the Russian market for over six years, she says
many people don’t realize the importance of business dress, especially women.
“What is more appropriate generally tends to be pretty dull. There is a big
confusion between fashion and business dress.”
What is necessary or appropriate often depends on the line of work.
The more conservative business sectors, such as banking, and low require
grey, navy or black suits for both women and men. But whatever the sector,
there are basic rules for office dressing. Keep it professional and clean. Leave
the fashion pieces for social occasions, unless you work in the fashion field.
The rule that image consultants offer is to dress for the position you
want, no matter what level you may be with a company. If you are a
receptionist, but strive to move into the marketing department, then look at
how the marketing director presents himself or herself. If those are the shoes
you want to fill, then put yourself in the position where you can be considered
for the part. Dressing appropriately demonstrates that you have enough
wherewithals to know how to present yourself to clients and other employees.
It also creates a sense of self-confidence and pride necessary to lead a team of
employees or impress outside contact.
In the Western world, where fashion traditions have been built over the
generations, there are stricter codes of proper business attire. In Russia, the
rules are a less strict. Company handbooks don’t usually specify the ties that
are acceptable or the appropriate length of your hair. Many businesses allow
employees to wear jeans in places that would be unheard in the States – and
people seem more sympathetic to the weather.
1. Look through the table you filled in before reading and see what new
information you have acquired and if necessary correct your answers.
2. Supply the words from the text, which paraphrase the following.
a) advantage;
b) acceptable; c) clothes;
d) to want;
3. Answer the questions:
I. Do you think people should dress differently at home and in the
II. What should be the difference between casual wear and business
III. Do you agree with the opinions, expressed in the article?
IV. Do you find the article useful? Why?
4. Translate the article literary and then prepare back translation into
Text 7.
Before reading the dialogue read the title and the first sentences of Mrs.
Bashford and makes some predictions about the situation and the topic of this
dialogue. Then read the dialogue and see if you are right.
In a Shop
Mrs. Bashford: I always choose my husband’s clothes very carefully.
He dresses very well.
Salesman (politely): Yes, madam, I’m sure. Now, you said a size 38,
didn’t you? Something like this perhaps? It’s a good enough sweater.
M.B.: Perhaps, but I don’t really think it’s good enough for my
husband. Haven’t you anything better?
S.: Better than this, madam? (laughing nervously a bit) Well,…uh …
there’s this gray sweater.
M.B.: I don’t think I like that shade of gray. It’s not dark enough.
S.: I see, you want something darker than this, … like this, perhaps?
M.B. (thinking): Hmm…you know, I don’t really think I like grey at
all. It’s too…dull.
S.: I see. Now this green sweater is brighter than the grey one.
M.B.: No. I don’t like green, either.
S.: Well… let me see… there’s this red sweater.
M.B.: Good Heavens, no. My husband never wears red. It’s too bright.
S. (confused): So you want something darker than the light grey,
brighter than the dark grey but not as bright as the green or the red sweater?
M.B.: Exactly. And please hurry up. I really haven’t much time.
S.: Something like this blue sweater?
M.B.: Blue… hmm… yes, I think I like that. How much does it cost?
S.: 20 pounds.
M.B.: 20 pounds! Good heavens! Haven’t you anything… anything…
S.: Cheaper than this, madam? Only this other blue sweater. It costs 8
M.B.: Now that’s exactly what I’m looking for. That’s much nicer than
all the others. Why didn’t you show it to me before?
S. (angrily): But I did, madam. It was the first one you saw.
1. Discuss with a partner:
a) Why was it difficult for Mrs. Bashford to choose a sweater
b) What was the reaction of the salesman who was serving the
customer on her remarks?
c) Do you behave in the shop the way Mrs. Bashford did? When?
2. Read the dialogue one more time and fill in the table that can help
you in identifying the main idea.
How does the
topic develop?
3. Act out the dialogue.
4. Using the table you filled in make up your own dialogue with the
same idea and topic.
Text 8.
Do you read fashion magazines? Who usually read them? Now read the text
and say who was more interested in the article – Wendy or Bill? Prove your
Miss Fashion
Bill was reading the morning paper. The shop was empty. Wendy was
reading the latest number of ‘Miss Fashion’, girls’ paper.
− Listen to this, Bill.
− Mmm.
− This year’s colours will be black and yellow, it says here. None of my
dresses are those colours. Do you think I would look nice in black and
− Mmm.
− And hair will be worn shorter. Should I cut mine?
− Mmm.
− Girls will be wearing smocks which hang from the shoulders straight
down to just above the knee. Trouser-suits and dresses with waist-lines
are out this year. Oh dear, most of my friends have just bought trousersuits.
− Mmm.
− Light materials will be the most popular. Oh, hats are “in” again. Hats
should be bright but not too big. Patterns will also be popular, especially
checked, striped, and spotted. It sounds like a new illness, doesn’t it, Bill?
− Mmm.
Here’s something about boys’ fashion this year. The most exciting trend
in men’s fashion is the wide-bottomed trouser-leg that finishes just below
the knee. I can just imagine you in knee-length trousers! I’d love to see
you in some of those.
Sleeves are “out”. Jackets will be sleeveless. Shirts will become more and
more daring, plenty of lace and bright colours. None of your shirts will be
any good. They are white, all of them.
And the hair will be worn short. What do you say about that? Are you
going to have your cut?
Eh? I’m sorry, Wendy. What were you saying? I was not listening. I was
reading about the latest stupid fashions in the paper.
1. Discuss the following questions with a partner.
a) Why wasn’t Bill listening to Wendy?
b) Is it necessary to be fashion-conscious?
c) Why do women change their style of dress? Is it connected with
their work, life?
2. Present the information about the new fashion in the scheme and
then using it render the article Wendy and Bill were reading.
3. Imagine the situation when Bill is listening to Wendy and discussing
new trends in fashion. What would he say to her remarks? Reconstruct the
dialogue using this situation. Act it out.
Text 9.
What do today’s fashion models look like? Do you like that look? Why/ why
not? Are you influenced by fashion? Now read the title of the article and try to
predict its idea.
Are Today’s Teenagers Victims of Fashion?
A survey among the 1,300 pupils at Caldicot Comprehensive School,
near Newport, Wales shows that teenage girls and boys are deeply affected by
the images presented by fashion industry in magazines.
When we asked whether super slim fashion models influence anorexia
– the eating disorder in which people go without food – 100 per cent of our
sample replied “Yes”.
It’s not just our schoolmates who hold these views. We interviewed
psychologist Dr. Glenn Waller of London’s Royal Holloway College, an
expert on the influence of fashion on adolescents. He told us that fashion
photographs in magazines make a huge impact on young people’s self-image,
particularly females aged 13-19.
“Young people are guided by media standards while they are looking
around for an identity,” he said. “Magazines provide ideas and these can
affect vulnerable people.”
“If women look at supermodels who are beanpoles, they may imagine
that they themselves are fatter than they really are. If the media used a wider
range of female shapes it would be better.”
Fortunately, many Caldicot students are not victims of the imagemakers. Here’s what some of them said:
“If you’re constantly dieting, you can’t enjoy life.”
“Fashion is something kids can control. Ti is a path many teenagers
take to break free and have fun.”
“I find nothing attractive about six-foot models who are two stone
underweight; they just look ill.”
“Friends shouldn’t write you off for wearing unfashionable clothes; if
they do, they aren’t very good friends.”
Beanpoles – very thin
Two stone – about 13 kilos
Six-foot -1 meter 83
Write you off – decide you are a failure
1. Tick the six opinions which are expressed in the article. Find the
sentences in the story where they are mentioned.
a True friends don’t expect you to be fashionable.
b You can’t blame the fashion business for anorexia.
c Clothes look better on thinner people.
d Dieting takes the fun out of life.
e Fashion allows teenagers to feel free and have fun.
f Fashion models today are getting larger.
g Images of very thin models may make ordinary women feel fat.
h Underweight models are unattractive.
i Pop groups influence teenagers’ ideas about fashion.
j The media should show different sizes and shapes.
2. Write A (agree) or D (disagree) next to each of the statements in
exercise 1. In groups discuss your opinions.
3. Describe someone who you think is a victim of fashion. These ideas
may help:
Cost? Comfort? Competitive?
Do the clothes suit the person?
Are they practical?
Is s/he obsessed with fashion?
4. Describe a fashion which you think expresses freedom and fun.
Text 10.
1. Before you read the article discuss together possible meanings for the
following expressions: personal image management, dressing for effect, nonverbal communication, appearances matter.
2. Read the article and make notes on what the author says about the above
expressions. Discuss your answers with the rest of the class. Decide whether
or not you think he would have agreed with the quotation “Clothes are a
billboard of the self. They express dreams and disguises, rank and status,
pride and dismay. Without them we are vulnerable, and largely anonymous:
with them we are clad in an armour of cloth” (Harris Dienstfrey). Note
anything he says which supports your opinion.
Dressing the Truth
Most people say they wear what they do for practical reasons such as
comfort or warmth. But the truth is more complex. Like it or not, our clothes
are personal statements – and we might not always mean what they say.
Those of us who live surrounded by strangers – which in Britain in the
20th century is increasingly the norm – have to develop our skills of nonverbal communication in what the sociologist Irving Goffman has called The
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Just as people have differing abilities in
most things, there are obviously experts in this art - the geniuses of the street
who can spot a genuine Rolex or a pair of original Levi 501s at 100 yards. But
it is also true that all of us require basic skills to enable us to read the
messages of the walking billboards around us and, just as importantly, to
select appropriate items for use in our own personal image management.
These personal advertisements are not necessarily 'legal, decent, honest and
truthful'. If asked to check out the claims made by our walking billboards, the
Advertising Standards Authority would probably take most of us to court. We
dress to impress, to confuse and to deceive (if only ourselves). Whether we
utilize the skills of an undercover cop to blend into our surroundings or those
of a pop star to stand out, there is generally a considerable gap between what
we project in our appearance and the reality of our situation in life. It may be
only when dressing for, say, a job interview or a first date that we are aware of
our capacity for visual deceit but we are, in fact, at it all the time.
Dressing for effect is a game we all play. It is also a very serious
business – not just in the sense that the clothing and make-up industries are
big business (clothing manufacture is Britain's fourth biggest employer) but
also because our own personal, economic, social and romantic relationships so
often derive from effective image management. Except for the minority of
people who live out their lives in small, rural communities where everyone
knows everyone else, we inevitably build our relationships upon a foundation
of fleeting initial visual encounters. It is a cliché that 'Appearances Matter'.
But it is none the less true. At a party, on the street, in the office, at a disco,
when visiting a bank manager, verbal communication is only one aspect of
our interaction -and frequently (perhaps surprisingly) it is often the least
important source of information. How many important relationships in all our
lives would have never developed to the verbal level if we had not
surmounted the initial hurdle of visual compatibility?
The other side of the coin is our ability to interpret the appearances of
others in order to avoid unpleasant or even dangerous encounters. On a dark,
sparsely populated street the distant glimpse of a 'dodgy looking character'
may make us cross to the other side or even retreat in the opposite direction –
often without justification. Our prejudices about appearances frequently
interfere with our logic. Muggers, pick-pockets, rapists and con-men rarely, in
real life, look like the stereotypes we expect. Usually it is only very subtle
inconsistencies of style and manner that are the clues we should look out for.
And if the interpretation of appearances is a complex game, the task of
projecting to the world our own personal self-advertisement is no less so.
Buying a new wardrobe – or even a pair of socks – is no easy matter, but the
choices we make (yes, even in socks) are among our most important
decisions. Many people who have abundant skills at anything from computer
programming to writing pop songs are held back in life because they have
never taken the time to develop their skills of image management. Yet it is not
difficult to do so.
The first point to grasp is that items of clothing, make-up, hairstyles,
etc. are symbols. Just as in learning the vocabulary of a foreign language, one
has to learn the meanings of these everyday style symbols. Unfortunately
there are no dictionaries of these things (their meanings are too ephemeral for
that) but simply by taking note of what other people are 'saying' with what
garments, you can become fluent enough to begin to evaluate what you are
communicating through your own appearance.
To make this process a little easier, we present here in graphic form
some of the things which people frequently attempt to communicate through
the medium of their appearance, and invite you to consider how you and
people you know fit into this scheme of things. Remember: What we illustrate
here are the extremes – most of us fall somewhere in between them on a
graduated scale.
The messages which we think we are transmitting are often not the
ones which others actually read in our appearance. Get someone else to
evaluate you. Then, independently evaluate yourself and compare your
appearance profiles.
Do not expect the message which you are sending out to correspond to
your real life situation. The presentation of self is the act of creating a public
fiction about a character who happens to have your name. The only thing that
matters is whether the fiction which you project is the one which you want the
world to read.
thing or situation an undercover cop: a detective in disguise
we are at it all the time: we do it all
in fleeting: swift and temporary
ephemeral surmounted the initial hurdle of. … : managed to overcome
their first obstacle of … sparsely populated: with not many people
a dodgy looking character: a suspicious looking person
muggers: people who attack and rob others (usually pedestrians)
con-men: 'confidence men', people who trick or cheat people by
playing on their good faith or confidence
1. Practise the following dialogues. Pay attention to the most frequent
ways of making requests.
garment: an article of clothing
I’d like to have these shoes repaired, could I? The heels are worn
Yes, new heels are to be put on here.
Will you repair the shoes while I wait?
I’m very busy now. You can pick up your shoes tomorrow.
At what time?
Any time.
How much will it cost?
6 dollars. What’s your name, please?
How do you spell it?
All right. Here’s your slip. You’ll pay tomorrow when getting the
Thank you.
this scheme of things: this particular way of organizing orlooking at life
a graduated scale: a scale with degrees of measurement which
increase/decrease gradually
Do you do alterations?
Yea, we do.
I’d like to have these trousers shortened.
All right. How many inches?
Not more than two.
OK, but I’d like to see trousers on you. Could you try them on?
Sure. Just a minute. And when can I take them back?
They will be ready on Monday.
2. In pairs act out the following dialogues you can hear at the multiple
service establishments. As the other pair performs the dialogue note down all
active words from the topical vocabulary.
At the Shoemaker’s
What can I do for you?
I’d like to have these shoes soled. (I want new soles put on.) I want
leather soles. Rubber soles are too heavy for summer wear.
And what about the heels, they’re worn down.
Rubber heels, of course.
Do you want them done while you wait? There will be an extra
charge for that.
No, I’ll leave them.
(Makes out the receipt). Here you are. It will be $5. They’ll be
ready in two days.
At the Cleaner’s
Is it possible to have this dress cleaned by this afternoon?
Yes, madam. We have a 2-hour service here.
Is it possible to have my suit done, too? There are a few spots on
the jacket.
No, we can’t do the suit by this afternoon. Can you collect it
tomorrow morning?
Yes, I can.
3. Expand the dialogues.
At the Cleaner’s
− Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?
− …
− Yes, your costume has to be cleaned. There are some strains on the
− …
− Oh, yes. They can easily be removed.
− …
− We have got an express service here, but you’ll have to pay extra.
It will be ready by tomorrow. Can you call between 9 and 10?
At the Tailor’s
Good morning! I’d like to order a new suit.
I want something for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light.
I’d like to choose some fabric from your new stock of material.
It’s too light in colour. I’d rather have something darker and a bit
Yes, that’s better. Will you help me to choose the style and the
How much is it?
I’m afraid that’s really more than I wanted to pay. I’d have liked
something cheaper, but still I expect it’s worth it.
Please, take my measurements.
Yes, that’ll suit me. Good-buy.
4. Practice the dialogues until you can perform them without reading.
Make similar conversations. First say what you want, ask about quality, price,
make a decision.
Buying Clothes
(A – assistant, C – customer)
A: Can I help you?
C: Yes, I like this sweater, but I don’t know what size to get. I don’t
understand English sizes. Can you measure me?
A: Yes, one moment, please. Yes, you’re a size 12.
C: Good. How much are these sweaters?
A: Six pounds fifty.
C: Fine. I’ll take this blue one.
A: Thank you.
A: Can I help you?
C: No, it’s all right, thanks, I’m just looking around. (in some minutes)
I like this navy-blue jacket. Can I try it on?
A: Yes. The fitting room is in the right-hand corner.
C: Oh, it suits me very well, doesn’t it?
A: That’s a really nice jacket. Pure wool, a modern fashion.
C: How much is it?
A: ₤55. English clothes are really good value. They are so well-made.
C: All right. I can afford the price.
A: Are you being served, ma’am?
C: Not yet. But could you show me that lovely dress, size 12?
A: Here it is. It’s medium size, very attractive and ma’am, … it fits you
perfectly, exactly your size.
C: Yes, but I don’t like the colour. Yellow doesn’t really suit me. Have
you got anything in blue? It matches the colour of my eyes.
A: I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment. Blue dresses are all sold
out. Why don’t you try this dark gray one?
C: But I don’t like the fashion. It makes me look like a sack of
A: I’m sorry I can’t help you ma’am.
Buying Shoes
A: Can I help you?
C: Can I try on these shoes?
A: What size are you?
C: Size 5, I think.
A: I don’t have them in size 5, but you can try 4, 5 and 5, 5.
C: These are too small. And these are too big.
A: Do you like these green? They’re popular with young people.
C: Yes, they’re great! I think they are perfect. In fact, they’re the best
ones I’ve seen yet. They’re quite expensive, though.
A: Are you in a hurry for them? Can you wait a few days?
C: I suppose so, but why?
A: We’re having a sale. Next week these shoes will be half price. Why
don’t you wait?
C: So much the better. Of course, I’ll wait. Thanks for telling me.
A: Think nothing of it.
5. In pairs compose and act out short conversations taking the roles of
a customer and a receptionist.
a) You want to have your suit cleaned and pressed.
b) You try to cheer up a friend whose suit has been spoiled at the
6. When do you say or hear it? Make up short conversations using
these sentences.
a) May I try it on?
b) Well, I finally decided on a woolen suit.
c) The suit is a perfect fit.
d) The blouse is too bright for me.
7. Ask questions so that the sentences given below were the answers to
No, I can’t afford this dress. It’s too expensive.
She wears 36 size shoes.
I buy a pair of flat-heeled shoes for everyday wear.
This blouse costs 20 dollars.
I’m sorry but we have these dresses only in blue.
8. Reconstruct the following situations into dialogues.
1. Mother and daughter are discussing the latest fashions. The mother
is rather critically disposed towards them. The girl says that the
elder generation can never understand the young.
2. Susan and Jane are going to the party. Jane complains that she has
nothing to wear. Susan is trying to help.
3. You’ve decided to buy a present for your fellow-student. Much to
your regret you don’t know her taste very well. But you know that
she is always well-dressed.
4. You are talking to a fellow-student. He/she is expressing his/her
dislike of modern fashions. Fashionable clothes are too expensive
these days. Your friend thinks you can be stylish and trendy
without spending much money.
For her:
multi-coloured yellow
bright orange emerald green
olive green
bright pink
9. Act out, with a partner, the following role-plays. In each case, A is a
member of the public making a report to the police, and B is the police officer.
A: You think you’ve seen the missing girl.
B: “A” thinks he/she has seen the missing girl. Ask him/her where,
when and ask for description.
a) While shopping at the supermarket you’ve lost your friend/child.
You want to make an inquiry. The clerk at the inquiry desk asks you questions
about his/her name, appearance, age, clothes.
b) A: Someone stole your bag as you were walking along the street.
Report to the police officer what happened. Describe the bag, its contents and
the thief.
10. You and your partner have been invited to attend a dinner in aid of
charity. It is not an occasion for a suit and an evening dress, but you can’t go
in jeans and a T-shirt. Below for each garment you are going to wear, you are
given a choice of four colours. Choose an outfit for both of you which you
think will look attractive.
For him:
navy blue
royal blue
dark brown
sea green
pale blue
jet black
1. Listen to the sentences, decide what you would say in the following
Your variant
The right variant
1. It’s very cold outside and your friend
is about to leave without a coat.
2. You’ve been invited to an important
dinner party. You are not sure if you
need to wear very smart clothes.
3. A man comes to your house to repair
a TV. You want him to remove them
before he comes in.
4. You are in clothes shop and you see
a nice pair of trousers. You are not sure
if they are of the right size or if they
suit you.
5. You can’t fasten a button on your
shirt. You ask for help.
6. You look at your shoes and you see
there are holes in them.
2. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the gaps.
I. –Well, what do you say of this one?
– Mm, it doesn’t …… jumper. Why don’t you ……?
– OK. Goodness, I can’t … it. And if I do I … up. It’s no good. I’ll
have to go...
– What ……? I think …… You look …… in it.
– Do think so?
II. – Hello. Can I help you?
– Yes … I’d like to ……
– Of course, sir. …… over there.
III. – Aren’t you going to…..?
– No, I’m ….this.
– You can’t go …… that.
– Well, I’m not going to ……to have dinner with my parents.
– That’s not the point. That shirt’s … and it’s ……. Look, it gets
… in it. Take it off and … that one I gave you for …
IV. – Excuse me, I can’t … my foot … this shoe. Can I … size 6?
– I’m afraid you are ……, madam. We completely out of … in that
particular …
3. Listen to two conversations how to dress up for weddings and do the
following tasks.
Version 1. Listen and fill in the table.
1. Why do you like going to
2. Dress code for weddings:
a) In the past
b) Nowadays
Version 2.
I. Listen to the dialogue and then answer these general questions.
1. Why does the lady think it’s much easier for men to look smart
when going to weddings?
2. Why didn’t the man feel very comfortable at his sister’s
II. Listen again and complete these sentences.
1. It’s very difficult for a woman _____________.
2. The man was ____________ at his sister’s wedding.
3. The sister wanted everybody ______________.
4. The bride and her bridesmaids wore__________ in a very
informal wedding.
5. The lady had to ____________ to fit in.
6. Once the man wore ____________ because his friend who was
marrying is_______.
4. Listen to the fairytale The Emperor’s New Clothes and do the following
I. Decide whether these statements are true or false.
1. The emperor didn’t like riding round in his wonderful gowns.
2. His palace was full of wardrobes containing clothes he had worn
only once.
3. Thanks God, the first minister thought to himself, I’m clever
enough if I can see this dress.
4. The emperor saw nothing.
5. What wonderful clothes, said people to each other.
II. Complete the sentences.
1. The emperor spent all his money on ______________.
2. The two men were given _________, which they put into their
pockets and kept for themselves.
3. And the man showed to the first minister different ______ and
_______ as if they were in front of his eyes.
4. The emperor stood in front of the mirror and said “Yes, it
5. Look, your majesty, said one of the ministers, you forgot to
________one of the ______.
III. Listen again and choose the right variant.
1. The emperor was interested in
a) the life of his people.
b) what was in or out of fashion.
c) the opinion of his ministers.
2. The magic clothes had a wonderful property:
a) only hypocritical people would be able to see the clothes
b) only the emperor would be able to see the clothes
c) only clever people would be able to see the clothes
3. The first minister returned to the emperor and told him
a) the clothes were the most beautiful he’d ever seen
b) the clothes were the most majestic he’d ever seen
c) the clothes were the most trendy he’d ever seen
4. One small boy said
a) The emperor isn’t wearing any clothes
b) The emperor isn’t wearing his crown
c) The emperor isn’t dressed up.
5. A woman is talking about fashion. She is trying to put fashion into a
historical perspective and convince the listeners that it is no longer necessary
to follow fashion.
I. Listen and answer these questions.
1. What was the attitude towards fashion in the Victorian times?
2. What have been the major influences on fashion in this
3. What sort of jobs did women start doing in the Second World
4. Why did women change their style of dress?
5. How did life change after the war?
6. What does the speaker say about fashion of the 80s and 90s?
7. Does the speaker follow fashion?
II. Listen again and fill in the missing words.
1. Today we are not the ________ of fashion.
2. In the mid-Victorian era any following of fashion was
________ not only as bad taste but also as a _________.
3. The major ________ on this century have been the two World
4. After the ________ and rationing of the Second World War,
the 50s and 60s were a time of ________ and fashion _______.
5. In my opinion we have _______ the need to ________
ourselves to fashion.
6. Before you listen, describe a dress style that you like. These words may
help you.
Clothes army trousers
Platform shoes
Doc Marten boots
high heels
Describing styles
7. Now listen to four people talking about their dress style. Make notes as you
8. Listen again and complete these phrases.
1. “Today I’ve got an ethnic look and I feel very _______.”
2. “I may sound like ______ but for me clothes are a status
3. “I want to look ______ and I don’t mind spending a lot.”
4. “I don’t care about looking _______ from other people.”
floral / flowery
tight fitting
slim fitting
made to measure
buttoned down
long / short sleeved
high / low-waisted
² old-fashioned
² conservative
² underdressed
² outdated
² badly-dressed
² overdress
ô slatternly
ô shabby
ô scruffy
ô dowdy
knitted shirt
denim suit
waistcoat / vest
single-breasted suit
short cleaved jacket
pram suit
bootees sun hat
knee-length socks
parka coat
to be up-to-date
to be out of fashion
to look dated
to be in the/follow fashion
to be fashion conscious
to keep up with fashions
short-sleeved shirt
frilled dress
quilted waistcoat
bath robe tights
man of fashion
dressed in the
height of fashion
pocket flap
breast pocket
patch pocket
detachable hood
shoe buckle sole
to dress
to take on
to try on
to undress
to take off
to fit to
tie shoe/ Oxford shoe
sling back shoe/sling pump
fabric court shoe
hiking boot
toe post sandal trainer
open-toe mule
polo neck jumper
lumber jacket
poncho-style coat
bib and braces
pinafore dress
skirt suit
halter top
to put on
to match
be a tight fit
front yoke
terry upper
to put off
to wear
to suit
to go with
to be an easy fit
be in smb’s shoes
the boot’s on the other foot dressed to kill
dressed up to the nines
get your knickers in a twist keep your shirt on
pull your socks up
talk through your hat
wear the trousers
wolf in sheep’s clothes
your Sunday best
1. You are going to read the article “STYLE UNDER PRESSURE” where 9
ways to crack the office dress code are given.
1. Do you think the way you dress can influence your career?
2. Do you agree that sometimes clothes can make us feel strong and
3. Do you know any secrets for successful dressing which you adopt in
your life?
2. In pairs match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.
Student 1.
1. Pant suit
2. Grooming
3. Capsule
4. Crush-proof
5. Print dress
6. Vintage
7. Low heeled
8. Chunk
9. A slick
very small or compact wardrobe
A women outfit with an ink or paint design on its
no longer fashionable or modern
A woman’s outfit consisting of a jacket and pants that
are made of the same material U.K. term trouser suit
keeping somebody else’s or your own personal
appearance neat
A woman’s shoe that is plain and cut low in front and
has a moderately high heel. (U.K. term court shoe ) or a
man’s patent leather slip-on shoe worn with formal attire
made to resist being crushed, creased, or wrinkled
a magazine containing high quality color photographs,
especially a fashion magazine, printed on smooth-coated
paper. U.K. term glossy magazine
A heavy think cotton fabric with a ribbed nap running
Student 2.
2. Kilts
3.Pencil skirts
4. Egalitarian
5.Twin set
6.Starchy suit
8.To look sleek
9.A waist coat
To look attractively smooth, shiny and well-groomed
a pair of tightly fitting leg coverings for women with a
damaged section caused by unraveling stitches
An approach to style based on a belief that all people
are equal and should enjoy equal social, political, and
economic rights and opportunities
very formal set of clothes made from the same material
an approximately knee-length wraparound tartan
garment that is part of the traditional Scottish highland
dress for men. A variant of it is worn by women and
long narrow cylinder skirt
a man’s or woman’s sleeveless and collarless waistlength garment, usually with buttons down the front,
worn over a shirt and traditionally worn by men under
a suit jacket
made up of elements from
various styles
a woman’s matching short-sleeved pullover and
cardigan designed to be worn together
Key: Student 1. – 1d; 2e; 3a; 4g; 5b; 6c; 7f; 8i; 9h.
Student 2. – 1b; 2e; 3f; 4c; 5i; 6d; 7h; 8a; 9g.
3. Read the article and find words and expressions in the text that have these
1. to learn to dress professionally
2. to walk around the office showing off your new clothes to others
3. tidy your appearance in front of others
4. a normal average skirt
5. older generation with restrictive thoughts on what should or should not
be worn in the office environment
6. to walk into a shop looking tired and hard worn
7. to leave home in a hurry
8. to do too much
9 ways to crack the office dress code
By Anna Johnson
There is no such thing as morally neutral
fashion and anyone who works in an
office knows what he means. Success
dressing in many ways is style under
I honed my own professional dress code from many messy encounters with
laddered stockings, low-cut blouses and one very strange canary-yellow linen
suit bought in 1987. My manifesto for office fashion now is simplification.
Deep down, we all know which clothes make us feel strong and baby pink
angora sweaters are not on that list.
dress; silver Mary Janes with a navy blue pin-striped suit; Italian stockings
under a perfectly sober shift. In a somber environment, a little spice goes a
long way.
Be consistent
I once had a boss who would double take at least once a week and ask me my
name. Dressed in disco-glitter eye shadow one day and starchy suit the next, I
had a tendency to disappear inside my clothes, inviting people to ask, "Who's
the new girl?" The eclectic work wardrobe might help you love Mondays, but
it is downright disorienting to fuddy-duddy senior management. Unless you
are a fashion stylist (who style-surf for a living), try to anchor yourself into a
stable image: the most capable looking version of you.
Own one great suit
A suit you love is like armor. You slip it on and immediately feel ready for a
bank manager, nasty memo or aggressive cold call session on a Monday
morning. Buy a suit that is not too tight across the bosom or the hip. One with
fabric that gives and doesn't crease after a whole day of sitting and one that
can travel across seasons. When you buy the suit also snap up two blouses and
a sweater that match, stretching one outfit into three. If you are allergic to
formality, buy a gorgeous floral pin and stick it to your lapel. Natty dressing
can still have whims.
Know the code
Every office has an unspoken uniform. Secretaries in mini skirts and company
directors in suits happen for a reason. The mini skirt conveys the freedom of a
job with low responsibility and even lower mobility.
To dress within the code of your office without feeling like a conformist
drone means tweaking your personal style. At the office where I work, (an
almost all-female publishing house) pencil skirts, pumps and little twin sets
are the norm. Like wearing a school uniform, such deliberately egalitarian
style levels out great wealth, great beauty or a great pair of legs. Having none
of the above, I wear basic little sweaters and kilts in winter and a little less
skin in summer with great relief. Dressing modestly sends out the message
that you are at work to get the job done not to strut and preen. Puritan work
ethic? Certainly, but a lot can be done in between a little white shirt and some
navy blue shoes.
Dress three pay rises ahead
Dressing a few tiers above your station is not pretentious, it's sensible. The
only way bosses can imagine you in a more powerful position is to visualize
you there. Give them a helping hand by looking sleek. Interns do this all the
time, looking as if they are on salary even if they are wearing a very well
ironed shirt from the Gap sale rack. Smart girls.
Get serious
The more intellectual or powerful your work environment, the more fashion
fripperies are frowned upon. Chanel understood this principle and designed
for women with work ethic accordingly. "Be a caterpillar by day and a
butterfly by night,"' she answered, wearing her invisibly elegant little suits
everyday. It is clothing that looks good but doesn't get in the way of what you
have to do and what you have to say. If you need an eccentric expression
siphon it into intense little accessories: a bright red handbag with a little black
Time Travel
If contemporary work style leaves you cold why not pilfer from other eras?
Hollywood always went to work in style. Try a silk tie and a waist coat ala
"Annie Hall,", or steal a great pair of pants taken straight from Katherine
Hepburns closet in "Woman of the Year." The standard convention of a skirt
stuck at mid-calf and a little silk shell under a navy blue jacket with gold
buttons reminds me of TV anchor women and air hostesses. If you don't
actually perform those duties why dress that way?
Shop on weekends
Schlumping into the shops on a Thursday night to recreate a new work identity
is a big mistake. Exhaustion is apt to make you buy a ghastly Laura Bush pant
suit or a long beige knit dress. Try instead to shop for work clothes with the
same pleasure you'd give to lingerie or shoe shopping on a sprightly Sunday
afternoon. Carry magazine pages if you have to and take a friend you trust.
Get groomed for the top
Hair. Nails. Shoes. Check for these along with your keys as you dash out the
door. It's a little grooming mantra that I have yet to really master but works
beautifully in businesses where people actually have to look at you. Grooming
is more important than expensive clothes, it shows respect and makes you feel
pulled together even if you are imploding. I always type faster after a
Encapsulate your style
I didn't believe in capsule dressing until I went on a 15-city book tour. After
that I started buying pantyhose by the dozen and sweaters in pairs. My
ultimate basic work wardrobe is built on this:
1. Three black skirts (of course). One to the knee (which double as a suit
skirt), one for fat days and one for evening (because last minute opera tickets
cannot be refused).
2. Three crush-proof white blouses.
3. One great black jacket.
4. Four cashmere sweaters, three cotton skirts (packs small, travels across
5. One great sturdy handbag with a satellite for evening stashed inside.
6. One print dress (vintage or otherwise).
7. One pair of Capri pants.
8. Ballet flats/boots/low heeled pumps.
Building your wardrobe from black doesn't mean wearing all black. You can
go hog wild accessorizing. Color is the ultimate mood lifter at work and a
great way to make basically sensible dress feel sexy. I love hot pink on
Mondays for energy and pale blue on Fridays for pretending to be calm. Your
black skirts don't have to feel predictable either. Try them long in a suede
maxi, sensuous in a silk wrap or artsy in an unusual fabric like chunk
(Anna Johnson writes for Elle and Vogue UK. She’s a correspondent for the
Australian cable TV program By Design.)
4. Answer the following questions.
1. What for should we know about office dress code?
2. What is implied in Chanel’s words: “Be a caterpillar by day and a
butterfly by night”
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the eclectic
work wardrobe?
4. What is the time shop for work clothes?
5. How important is it to get groomed for the top?
6. What articles of clothing should capsule dressing include?
1. Develop the following situation into a conversation:
One of you in a fashion stylist and the other is an employee who wants to be
Stylist: You see that he/she lacks a sense of style in dressing. Give your
piece of advice and convince the employee to change his/her style.
Employee A: You dress commonly and your clothes lack individuality.
The boss does not notice you and this prevents you from being promoted. But
you’ve got accustomed to your style and don’t want to make any changes.
Employee B: You dress in an extraordinary way that shocks everybody
and you don’t want to follow the office dress code. The boss does not
consider you reliable enough to be promoted.
2. Team up in groups of three and illustrate the following sayings from the
article with the stories of your own:
1. Be a caterpillar by day and a butterfly by night.
2. A suit you love is like armor.
3. The more intellectual and powerful you work environment, the
more fashion fripperies are frowned upon.
4. Dressing a few tiers above your station is not pretentious, it's
5. There is no such thing as morally neutral fashion
1. How often do you go shopping?
2. What do you spend most money on?
3. How often do you buy clothes?
4. Which items of clothing you buy are necessities?
5. Do you buy clothes on impulse? Why or why not?
6. Do you prefer buying clothes on your own or with someone else?
Look at this list. Which of these things would you buy for your wardrobe?
Ladylike clothes
Trendy funky platforms
Frilly shirt
A girly skirt for a party
A denim blazer
Great-looking shoes
A well-constructed handbag
1. Read the article “5 SECRETS TO SHOPPING SMART” quickly. Match
each secret with its appropriate heading in this list:
a. If you can, spend a bit more on your bag and your shoes.
b. Look for long-term relationships – and nix one-night stands.
c. Define your style and stick to it.
d. Drop dough on classics; scrimp on the fads.
e. Shop sales and outlets with an agenda.
2. Read the article more carefully and decide if these answers are true or
1. Buy funky platforms because they're trendy even if they don’t fit your
special style.
2. Don’t buy an item if you can’t think of more than a few possible uses
for it.
3. It is very important to be able to spot the items of clothing which will
still remain trendy in a year.
4. Try to resist high reductions and don’t spend your money on things
you’ll never wear.
5. You should be especially careful while choosing clothes for greatlooking shoes and well-constructed bag.
1. __________________ Think about the image you like to project and
give it a name – maybe it's “racy rocker” or “sweet sophisticate”. Now resolve
to buy only the trends that fit
your special style. So if you love
ladylike clothes and the kitten
heels that go with them, don't
buy funky platforms just because
they're trendy. They won't look
right with your wardrobe, they
won't feel “you”, and you'll be
plagued with buyer's remorse.
2. ___________________ Before you take an item up to the cash
register, ponder how many different places you can wear it and how it works
with what you already own. If you're buying a frilly shirt to pair with a girlie
skirt for a party, you should also be able to dress it down by wearing it under a
denim blazer. If you can't think of more than a few possible uses for a
potential purchase, don't shell out.
3. ______________________ Spend no more than 20 percent of your
fashion budget on one-season trends. Learn to ID which items will still look
right in a year and spend the bulk of your personal fashion allowance on them.
As a general rule, the more classic the trend, the longer its shelf life will be.
4._______________________ Be cautious in these settings – it's easy
to be brainwashed by a 50-percent-off sign and waste money on "steals" you'll
never wear. Only buy things that fit your individual style and that you'd
almost be willing to pay full price for.
5. ______________________ If you're wearing great-looking shoes
and carrying a well-constructed handbag, your clothes can be from absolutely
anywhere and you'll pass for an heiress.
3. Rank the secrets to shopping smart in the order of importance to you.
Through discussion, reach a group consensus on this ranking. The exercise
will not be finished until a group decision is made.
1. Read your fashion profile and underline the sentences which best describe
the style of your sign of zodiac. Discuss with your partner whether the
descriptions are true for you.
As far as makeup goes, dramatic eyes do you best, with bright red
lipstick to match your fiery hair. Your Sign rules the head, so your best
accessory is a hat and sparkling diamonds to adorn your neck and fingers.
Fave Label: Gucci
Would Look Good On: Sarah Jessica Par
Each zodiac sign has its own sense of fashion and style. Aries can usually
be found in red, Scorpio is dressed to kill and Sagittarius doesn't much care
what it wears, so long as the clothing gives them room to move. What you
wear can say a lot about who you are and what you want out of life. Find
your fashion horoscope.
The Ram wants to be first in everything. This means you probably
know, up to the minute, all about the current trends in fashion. One step ahead
of the game, you're a trendsetter. Not afraid to try new things, as long as they
appeal to your sense of fun and adventure, you'll wear the most daring of
styles. As soon as you see a new item on the rack, you know it'll be the latest
trend, and you're not afraid to spend your hard-earned cash to be the first to
have 'the look.'
In the eighties, you might have been the first to wear shoulder pads
(and the first to rip them out toward the end of the decade), and in the nineties
you were first in line for that eyebrow piercing. More conservative Aries turned
on the television in the mid-nineties and went right out to get their 'Friends'
True to its fiery nature, the Ram prefers black and red clothing. Not one
to go for the tailored look, your closet resembles Noah's Ark, full of all shapes,
sizes, colors and fabrics. Rest assured, though, it all looks really good once it
goes on your body. You know that flowers are out and solids are in.
The pristine Bull would never be caught wearing anything off the rack.
Face it, you're a label snob the likes of which any designer would be proud.
You would know exactly what to wear to dinner with royalty, and even
your workout clothes are created by big-name designers. Only the finest of
imported fabrics will do. Anything that is rough to the touch just wouldn't be
civilized. Never willing to sacrifice quality, you are quite capable of spending
your last dime to get that gorgeous, classical suit tailor-made.
Price is no object because you know that when you find that perfect
garment, it will be yours forever. Well-made clothes never, go out of style.
Trends and fashion are not the most important part of your wardrobe. Stiletto
heels are silly things when flats are much more comfortable. For Taurus, their
best feature is often the neck. Classy chokers and necklaces look marvelous
on you, and tying on a scarf appeals to the most classic part of your nature.
You should wear your hair up and decorate it with emeralds. Bright
colors and flashy glamour can be left for the plebeians, you will stick to your
browns, beiges and khakis. With your sense of fashion, you will never be
underdressed for any occasion, and you will always look good.
Fave Label: Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton
Would Look Good On: Cate Blanchett
Every day is an adventure for the Twins. You probably open your closet
in the morning to have a mountain of crumpled garments cascade onto your
head. Once you dig through the mess, it is only a question of figuring out what
you feel like that day and throwing on the clothing to match.
You follow trends halfheartedly because you become bored with them
quickly. If a new trend hits you every day, you're ready to embrace that new
trend -- if only for the next 24 hours. You're a bit conscious of your wallet when
going clothing shopping, but if you find the fuzziest pair of slippers you've ever
set your feet in, not much is going to stop you from making them yours.
You probably don't care about or even look at, what the label on your
new garment says, as long as you like the way it looks and feels. You may do
well in tank tops to show off your arms, and you can never go wrong with blue
denim. If you think about putting on makeup in the morning, it's probably very
light, perhaps only lip gloss to give you even more than your natural shine.
Arm bands and dangly bracelets are a must unless, like tight clothing, they're
too constricting.
Experimental Gemini is willing to try anything once, but your hair is
usually pretty simple, with only twin braids to bring out your inner nature.
Fave Label: Alexander McQueen
Would Look Good On: Angelina Jolie
Happiness is a sweater that has been your friend for years. Almost as
attached to clothing as you are to your loved ones, you've spent years trying
to bring back parachute pants, nehru jackets and jumpsuits.
Some of these things may still be in your wardrobe, as will the most
comfortable styles from every trend that catches your eye from now on. Even
clad in the most traditional or comfortable of garb, you always keep an air of
femininity about your wardrobe. Lace takes precedence over denim, and
cargo pants are definitely out.
One of the only things you spend haphazardly on is lingerie, from
sports bras to sultry nighties. A favorite outfit might be a long, flowing skirt with
a v-neck sweater and a raincoat. On warm days, beachwear and wraps with
sandals are a must. Long necklaces and pretty jewelry makes any outfit
complete. Pearls are a favorite, and any shade of green is a pleasure to don.
You probably don't go much for makeup, unless it is soft and easy to
manage. You might not even own a blow dryer, preferring to let your hair dry
naturally and hang down over your shoulders. On busy or windy days, you
may only pause to pull it back in a loose knot. Cancer prefers to dress for the
comforts of home and isn't given to new trends, but you know how to look for
the world outside.
Fave Label: Ralph Lauren
Would Look Good On: Liv Tyler
The Lion rules the roost and wants the best of everything. If a garment
is out of your budget, it must be yours. Price tags and labels rule what you
buy. If the fashion mags haven't heard of a designer, you drop them like a hot
coal. You could never be seen in public wearing anything but top quality.
Comfort comes last in your book. If the latest trend requires pants that hat cut
off your circulation and wobbly platform shoes, that's exactly what you'll be
squeezing into and stumbling about on. Anything daring with a bold display of
colors is your cup of tea, as long as it makes you look good.
Business suits are for the workplace, and you wear them well, but in
your own time you prefer flowing, elegant garments, custom tailored to your
shape. It's imperative that you look the part of royalty. You excel at wearing
flashy, pricey jewelry. Your Sign rules the back, so going backless or strapless
to the right soiree is never out of place.
Favorite colors are gold, bronze and orange, whether you choose to
wear these as an electric splash or a bold statement is your decision. You'll
purr over anything that calls attention to the Lion's mane, whether is be
handcrafted barrettes, colorful rubber bands or jeweled tiaras. One thing is for
certain: Leo knows how to dress for success.
Fave Label: Versace
Would Look Good On: Madonna
Every night before bed, Virgo, armed with a can of starch, can be found
dutifully slaving over the ironing board. You take good care of your clothes,
and they return the favor.
A minimalist by nature, you sniff at trends that require pants so big you
need to hold them up. As well, you disdain any clothing you can't move in. The
thought of girdles makes you laugh outright. Price is important when you're
picking out this season's wardrobe.
You would never go to the sales rack to buy something under par,
preferring instead to spend more for better quality. When you leave the house,
you're wearing traditional styles with pleats ironed to a perfect angle, and
there is not a speck of lint to be seen. The outfits you buy are simple, tailored
to fit and will last a lifetime.
For fun the normally conservative Virgo might give in and wear a crop
top to display a belly of which they can be truly proud. With hair in a bun, or
pulled back in some other neat, out-of-the-way style, you fit in naturally with
every season's trend.
Nothing but earth tones for your closet. Natural colors and fabrics in
browns and beiges fit you just fine. Not given to wearing much jewelry, you
might try out a sardonyx, the earthier member of the onyx family, to add that
bit of glamour without insulting your skin tone.
Fave Label: Calvin Klein
Would Look Good On: Cameron Diaz
The Scales make the best shopping buddy. Because of your excellent
taste, off-the-rack is usually not quite good enough. Friends and family know
to come to you during a fashion crisis, if they have the time to wait for you to
make up your mind.
Standing in front of your closet in the morning is a case of so many
choices, so little time. You know everything in there works, the trick is to
decide which one works best today. When your paycheck comes, you go
shopping, and darn any price tag that gets in your way. You're a trendsetter
when it comes to spicing up a classical look. Always tailored and impeccable,
you still manage to keep up with the hottest trends in your own way. There's
no throwing on an outfit in the morning, you put yourself together so you're
head-to-toe in synch.
There are no extraneous piercings on your body, if you have an earring
in your right ear, there's one in your left as well. Everything you wear is
balanced, from your choice of color to the distance between the pinstripes on
your suit. Your makeup is so impeccable that it almost looks like you're not
wearing any. Jewelry, too, only serves to highlight your best features. The rich
shade of the sapphire works best with your desire for comfortable blue tones.
Libra loves to shop, and it shows.
Fave Label: Giorgio Armani
Would Look Good On: Gwyneth Paltrow
The always sexy Scorpion is hard to categorize. One day you could be
sleek in the latest look, but the next you're kicking back in something romantic
and flowy. Whatever you're wearing, and for whatever reason, you've probably
got some ulterior motive.
When you go out on the town in something short and skimpy, you're
probably on the prowl for a partner who'll offer some fun in the P.M. You'll put
on a pricey power suit if that's what it takes to score a high-level corporate job.
You follow trends as long as they suit you, but you're no slave to fashion. If
everyone went around with partially-shaven eyebrows, you would probably
refrain. Hey, you've got class! On the other hand, you may have been first in
line to partake in your pick of the best retro styles.
You'll either wear a lot of jewelry or no jewelry at all. Your hair might be
long and luscious or short at spiky. You could wear wigs and costume paint,
as long as how you're shaping yourself to look matches your changeable inner
nature on that particular day. Scorpio is a master of disguise. You could wear
makeup like a mask, or take it all off so those around you think you're
revealing the bare truth. Your hidden, or not so hidden passion, is silky,
sensual undergarments in black or red.
Fave Label: Miu Miu
Would Look Good On: Winona Ryder
The Archer is usually more at home under the stars than indoors, but
even the illustrious explorer needs to wear clothing. Not big on fashion, and
not really caring about making a statement, you dress in comfortable clothes
that allow freedom of movement and can handle the rugged nature of your
Clothing made out of hemp or other natural fibers suit you best. If you
finally manage to render a garment unwearable for the holes, you can give it a
proper burial to return it to the earth. Hippie days are not past yet, for long
skirts, ponchos and loose-fit jeans suit you perfectly.
Sportswear of any kind suits your lifestyle. You may look out of place
during dressy occasions, but you're not so concerned about what others think
of your looks, concentrating instead on letting them in on the inner levels of
your knowledge.
Hiking boots or sandals adorn your feet on most days. Going barefoot
is not too rare, either. Makeup is a pain and jewelry just gets in the way,
broken or lost, so you simply don't wear any.
Strong colors, particularly navy blue, lifts your spirits, but you rarely
bother to match your clothing. Sagittarius men have no problem with scraggly
beards, and a woman's hair is something to turn into natural dreadlocks,
shave off or throw back in a ponytail. Your colorful clothing causes smiles as
you go, unassuming, on your way.
Fave Label: Marc Jacobs
Would Look Good On: Katie Holmes
The Goat is more comfortable in business suits than sweats, and nononsense heels than sandals. You are reasonable enough to want the best,
but not to expect to get it on your frugal budget. There's no snob in your
nature to stop you from going straight for the bargain rack and looking for the
best the sales stickers have to offer.
All your clothing is practical. It may not be the latest cut, but it still looks
good enough to let your business associates know that you're serious about
your career. If the price is right, you'll go so far as to get your clothing tailored,
as long as it retains its classic, timeless style. For relaxation, you might wear
pedal pushers, and leg warmers are a must at the gym. You may hunt for
bargains, but you dress for success.
What you save on clothes, you splurge on accessories. Your jewelry is
simple, but expensive. You can be classy without being gaudy, and an
amethyst here or there never harmed anyone. Other than that, earthy you
prefers browns, beiges and khaki. Your hair is not a big issue, as long as it's
short, attractive and can be styled in less than five minutes. Combining
adornment with use, Capricorn was one of the first to wear calculator watches,
though pagers and cell phones are now the chief adornment to your pockets
or purses.
Fave Label: Donna Karan
Would Look Good On: Christy Turlington
You'll never see a Water Bearer shopping in one of those big, corporate
fashion dens that make their profit from monopolies and sweatshops. Thrift
stores suit you much better, where you can get the most interesting clothes at
the least damage to your pocketbook.
You keep up with trends in your own way. You don't buy the new retro
fashions, rather you find clothing from the time that this retro was new.
Colorful clothing made from hemp, or anything that has shock value, is
scattered about your wardrobe. You always have one jump on the next trend,
whether or not it finds its way into popular culture. Among the mismatched,
eclectic, daring garments in your possession, there is probably at least one
gown or suit that is perfectly tailored, perfectly elegant and definitely
Ankles, though often sprained, are your Sign's favorite body part.
Indulge in this by wearing anklets, strappy sandals and t-length skirts. Your
hair is constantly changing -- you first dyed it green to shock your parents, but
later just kept changing the color to catch the attention of the rest of the world.
Henna is useful for this scheme. The makeup you wear is bright, fun and
completely cruelty free. If you don't feel like it, though, you won't wear any at
all. Adorning your body and clothing with turquoise is a good bet for adding
beauty into your life.
Fave Label: Anna Sui
Would Look Good On: Christina Ricci
The Fish likes to be able to flow in and out of clothing with ease. Most
at home barefoot, in long, flowing skirts, you are most in tune with the world
around you when your clothing is comfortable to the point of nonexistence.
Clothes are, in fact, a social construct.
You know you can't wander about naked, though, so you go to bargain
stores and thrift shops to get yours. If you had it your way, you would probably
go about in a bathing suit all day, throwing on a plastic bag or two when it got
cold. You're flexible, though. If you buy a power suit and wear it like you mean
it, you will eventually grow into it.
Once you get past the hang-up of having something on your feet, you're
prone to buying tons of shoes, so at least your toes can have some variety in
their prison.
Moonstones are a good bet to adorn your body in strange places. Belly
chains, anklets and, especially, toe rings cast a fantastical glimmer over
whatever it is you're wearing. Hair that is long and tangled quickly becomes
hair that is long and braided when the Fish needs a quick fix.
When left in your natural state, you don't give a lot of thought to
clothing. Pisces is a chameleon, however, so wherever you go and whatever
you do, you never need to worry about fitting in.
Fave Label: Stella McCartney
Would Look Good On: Drew Barrymore
3. When you leave the house, you are wearing traditional styles with pleats
ironed to a perfect angle.
Walk around the class and find out the peculiarities of the other signs of
zodiac to be ready to give answers to the questionnaire. Decide which
statement is true to each sign of zodiac:
1. Even your workout clothes are created by big name designers
2. You don’t care about what the label on your new garment says as long as
you like the way it looks and feels.
3. Always tailored and impeccable you still manage to keep up with the
hottest trends in your own way.
1. The outfits you buy are simple, tailored to feet and will last a lifetime.
2. If a garment is out of your budget, it must be yours.
3. You follow trends as long as they suit you, but you are no slave to fashion.
1. Your sexy sign is hard to categorize.
2. You could never be seen in public wearing anything but top quality.
3. You take good care of your clothes and they return the favour.
1. You are master of disguise.
2. Clothing made out of hemp or other natural fibers suit you best.
3. You are more comfortable in business suits than sweats.
1. You are reasonable enough to want the best, but not to expect to get it on
your frugal budget.
2. Sportswear of any kind suits your lifestyle.
1. Comfort comes last in your book.
2. All your clothing is practical.
3. Happy days are not past yet, for long skirt, ponchos and loose-fit jeans suit
your perfectly.
1. Your best accessory is a hat and sparkling diamonds to adorn you neck and
2. Trends and fashion are not the most important part of your wardrobe.
3. Colorful clothing made from hemp, or anything that has shock value, is
scattered about your wardrobe.
1. One day you could be sleek in the latest look, but the next you are kicking
back in something romantic and flow.
2. Because of your excellent taste off-the-rack is usually not quite good
3. Strong colours, particularly navy-blue, lift your spirits.
1. Happiness is a sweater that has been your friend for years.
2. Hiking boots or sandals adorn your feet on most days.
3. Your favorite colours are gold bronze and orange.
1. Stiletto hills are silly things when flats are much more comfortable.
2. You should wear your hair up and decorate it with emeralds.
3. You wear the most dearing of styles.
1. You probably open your closet in the morning to have a mountain of
crumpled garments cascade onto your head.
2. The rich shade of sapphire with your desire for comfortable blue tones.
3. You are bit conscious of your wallet when going clothing shopping.
1. You may look out place during dressy occasions, but you are not so
concerned about what others think of your looks.
2. Anything dearing with the bold display of colours if your cup of tea, as you
long as it makes you look good.
3. You like to be able to flow in and out of clothing with ease.
Leo: 2; Virgo: 3; Scorpio: 1; Sagittarius: 2; Capricorn: 2 ; Aquarius 3; Taurus
1; Libra 2; Cancer 1 ; Aries 3; Gemini 1; Pisces 3
indeed __10__ we wore the styles our great-grandparents __11__. And most
people – at least in the West – __12__ fashion to some extent, because fashion
__13__ to much more than the haute __14__, the exclusive and expensive
clothing produced by leading __15__. Even schoolchildren are aware __16__
fashions exist, and change, in running shoes. Nevertheless, we do tend __17__
distinguish, however imprecisely, between basic clothing, such as blue
__18__, parkas, and T-shirts, and the latest __19__ fashions created by
fashion designers.
Fashion reflects the __21__ of which it is a part. It has been influenced
__22__ wars, conquests, laws, religion, and the arts. Individual personalities
have also had an __23__ on fashion. French writer Anatole France said that if
he __24__ come back to Earth 100 years after his __25__ and have only one
thing to read, he would choose a __26__ magazine because that would show
him the way __27__ lived.
1. Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following article. Use one word
only in each space.
Fashion – clothing that is in style __1__ a particular time. The concept
of __2__ implies a process of style change, __3__ fashions in dress have
taken very __4__ forms at different times in history.
Back in Shakespeare's day, only upper-__5__ people dressed
fashionably; the mass of __6__ rural peasantry wore simple clothing that
hardly __7__ over many generations. Since the beginning __8__ the 20th
century, however, fashions __9__ changed rapidly. We would look strange
Fashion – clothing that is in style at a particular time. The concept of
fashion implies a process of style change, because fashions in dress have
taken very different forms at different times in history.
In Shakespeare's day, only upper-class people dressed fashionably; the
mass of the rural peasantry wore simple clothing that hardly changed over
many generations. Since the beginning of the 20th century, however, fashions
have changed rapidly. We would look strange indeed if we wore the styles our
great-grandparents wore. And most people – at least in the West – follow
fashion to some extent, because fashion refers to much more than the haute
couture, the exclusive and expensive clothing produced by leading designers.
Even schoolchildren are aware that fashions exist, and change, in running
shoes. Nevertheless, we do tend to distinguish, however imprecisely, between
basic clothing, such as blue jeans, parkas, and T-shirts, and the latest trendy
fashions created by fashion designers.
Fashion reflects the society of which it is a part. Wars, conquests, laws,
religion, and the arts have influenced it. Individual personalities have also had
an impact on fashion. French writer Anatole France said that if he could come
back to Earth 100 years after his death and have only one thing to read, he
would choose a fashion magazine because that would show him the way
people lived.
1. Analyze your friend’s fashion profile and give a piece of advice how to
dress for a certain occasion:
Ø a first date
Ø theatre
Ø party
Ø job interview
Ø night club
PROJECT 1: Fashion Review
This Quest will help develop your skills
in the field of fashion.
Choose your project and use the Websites,
class and library materials,
the rubric and definitions
to guide your journey.
of Fashion
in Fashion
Poster Version
You are a fashion writer for
a major newspaper. Find a
newspaper, magazine or
click on one of the fashion
Websites and choose an
outfit to review. Using the
rubric and fashion review
definitions (below) as a
guide, prepare a poster and
boxes 1-4 on the rubric
photograph to your poster.
Written Article Version
You are a fashion writer for a major
newspaper. Find a photograph from a
newspaper, magazine or click on one of
the fashion Websites and choose an outfit
to review. Using the rubric and fashion
(below) as a
guide, write a
fashion review
information for
boxes 1-4 on the rubric below. Attach
your photograph to your poster.
Fashion Review Definitions
Elements of Design
Describe lines in terms of
structural, decorative, straight,
curved, horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, drapes, or folds.
Space refers to
between lines
or print.
Do you see any
shapes in the
(outside shape)
or inside the
circles, squares, rectangles etc?
Describe the color scheme in
(color), intensity.
Describe the textures in this
smooth, metallic, fuzzy etc)
Principles of Design
1. Do any lines,
spaces, shapes,
textures draw
your attention
to a center of
2. What
balance? Are
the left and right sides of the
(symmetrical/formal balance) or
different (asymmetrical/informal
3. Proportion refers to where the
outfit is divided (waistline,
hipline, empire).
4. Rhythm refers to repetition,
variation and progression of
lines, patterns, colors etc.
5. Harmony refers to agreement
between the parts (does it all “go
Fashion Review Rubric
1. Designer and
collection (Fall
or Spring) and
type of outfit
bridal career
clothes, evening
wear, workout)
Identifies 1 of
the following:
collection, or
type of outfit
Identifies 2 of
the following:
collection, type
of outfit
Identifies all
three: designer,
collection, type
of outfit
practitioner +
compares and
contrasts to other
designers or prior
collections of this
2. Fabrics,
(ribbon, lace,
ribbon, beads,
feathers, etc)
and accessories
(belts, hats,
collars, shoes,
Identifies 1 of
the following:
Identifies 2 of
the following:
Identifies and
discusses all
practitioner +
compares and
contrasts to other
designers or prior
collections of this
3.Elements of
Design (line,
space, shape,
color, texture)
See Below*
Identifies less
than 5 Elements
of Design in
this outfit
Identifies all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Practitioner +
references to other
art forms
4.Principles of Identifies less
than 5 Elements
of Design in
balance, rhythm
this outfit
proportion,) See
Below **
Identifies all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Practitioner +
references to other
art forms
Poster design
and photograph
Poster Version
Fair design and
design and
Plus fabrics or
other objects on
Messy or no
Organization & Organization & Organization &
Organization &
Practitioner +
excellent use of
(caps, spelling,
More than 2
errors in
1-2 errors in
no errors in
Assignment in
very late
Assignment in
past due date
Assignment in
on due date
PROJECT 2: Clothing Adaptations
You own a business called Clothing Adaptations,
Inc. that designs, manufactures and alters clothing
for people with physical disabilities. Develop a
questionnaire you can use to interview a client to
assess their clothing problems, needs and wants.
Interview someone with a physical disability using
your questionnaire. Write up a summary plan of
action for your client (recommendations for new
clothing or alterations of existing clothing). Use the
Websites on this Fabric Quest and definitions below
to help you with your plan. Present your findings to
the class. Send a thank you note to the person you
Definitions for Questionnaire
1. The key is to remember that not all conditions are alike. The type of
disability could be severe, such as a complete paralysis or it could be minor,
like a stiff shoulder. Each person’s problem areas and special needs must be
2. After you identify the type of disability, focus
on the problem areas. People with physical
disabilities may find that regular clothing presents
problems. For example, people in wheelchairs may
find it difficult to dress. Some styles of clothing
are uncomfortable for them because they must
remain seated most of the time. People with
limited hand and finger movement find small
buttons and snaps difficult to manage.
3. Some people with physical disabilities have special clothing needs and
require the careful choice of standard clothing. Sometimes ready-made
garments or home-sewn garments can be adapted. Seams may be let out or
tucks taken in. Sleeves may be shortened. Hems may be taken up or let down.
Look for matching or coordinating fabrics to help make changes.
4. Like everyone else, people with disabilities want style. Thus, appearance
as well as physical function must be considered. Clothing should be basic in
design. Current fashions may not always be workable. Instead, creativity can
be shown in the choice of fabric, colors, and patterns. Generally speaking,
clothing should meet five requirements: appearance, comfort, safety,
durability, and ease of care.
Clothing Adaptations Rubric
Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
Plus creative
includes less includes 3
includes all 4 topics layout and
than 3 topics topics
listed at left
Summary Plan of
5)ease of care
Plan of Action
includes less
than 4 topics
Plan of Action
includes 4
Summary Plan of
Plus creative
layout and
includes all 5 topics graphics
listed at left
Interview Process Interview is
Interview of a
conducted in a friend or
casual manner relative in a
Appointment made
to interview a client
at a nursing home
or rehab center or
their home
Interview is
recorded for
(with permission
of client)
Interview and
summary plan
are discussed
with some
Interview and
summary plan are
discussed with
detail and a
clothing sample is
Plus visuals,
flipchart, fabric
and clothing
samples, etc.
1-2 errors in
no errors in
Plus use of new
Limited to a
overview of
interview and
summary plan
Mechanics (caps, More than 2
errors in
1)type of
2)problem areas
3)clothing needs
Assignment in Assignment in Assignment in on
very late
past due date due date
Definitions for Summary Plan of Action
1. Appearance As you have already learned, clothing can be used to
highlight a person’s best features and play down others. In general, the face
and upper body should be emphasized. For example, a person on crutches
might wear an interesting collar. This would draw attention to the face and
away from the crutches. Some ways in which braces or other features can be
played down include the following:
ü Sweaters, vests or loose shirts hide irregularities of the upper body.
ü Raised or lowered waistlines add fullness.
ü An unfitted dress or suit creates a sleek figure outline.
ü Extra fullness at shoulders, waist, or in sleeves makes movement
easier and hides figure problems.
ü Elastic waistlines add fullness and increase comfort.
ü Wide pant legs conceal leg braces.
ü Long skirts give a graceful appearance.
ü Bright colors draw attention to good features and away from
3. Safety is especially important for people with disabilities. Because
movement may be limited, poorly designed clothing may get in the way and
cause accidents. If a person is in a wheelchair, the length and fullness of
sleeves must not hinder the operation of the
chair. Pants and skirts should be full enough
to cover the body when seated. Yet they
should not be so full or long that they get in
the way. Belts should be attached to the
garment so that they don’t slip or slide.
Persons who wear braces should choose
clothing that is loose and full enough to cover
the brace without getting in the way. When
crutches are used, pant length and skirt width
are important. Pants that are too long may be
caught underfoot and trip the person. Very wide skirts hinder movement. Shoe
styles can affect how steady a person is. Shoes with a wide, flat heel are
2. Comfort is important if you must sit in a wheelchair or manage with
braces all day. Looses styles are often most comfortable. Separates rather that
one piece garments may allow for more movement. Tops worn outside look
neater. Step-in or wrap-around styles may be good choices. Garments that
open in the front are easier. Openings should be large enough for safe and
easy dressing. Pleats, gussets (sewn-in fabric extender) and gathers make
movement easier and put less strain on fabric and seams. Raglan sleeves have
larger armholes and no shoulder seams. Well-designed pockets can be a real
plus for carrying several items. Sometimes pockets can be lined with plastic
for carrying damp cloths or medicine. Fasteners should suit individual needs.
Zippers, for example, are easy to work. But a larger pull tab may be needed
for those whose hands or arms are weak. Small buttons are difficult for some
people to manage. Big snaps or buttons may be easier. Velcro fasteners are
easy to close, but require some strength to pull apart. Knit fabrics are often a
good choice. Knits stretch, making dressing easier. Cottons or cotton blends
are cooler in hot weather. Woolens are more comfortable in cold weather.
Also look for fabrics that do not wrinkle easily.
4. Durability or toughness of fabric and construction must be considered by
people using braces or crutches. The armpits, elbows and knees or garments
are strained and rubbed as the person moves. A suede or leather patch may be
added to the underarm in order to prevent wear from crutches or armbands.
Garments made from closely-woven fabrics may be reinforced with seam tape
at seams and pressure points. An extra layer of fabric inside a sleeve or pant
leg protects the fabric from rubbing.
5. Ease of Care People with physical handicaps may exert more energy when
moving about and thus perspire more heavily. They may also have more
accidents that soil clothing. Therefore their garments should be stain resistant.
Cleaning should be easy and economical. Garments made of no-iron fabric are
good choices. Look for cotton blended with nylon or polyester. Knit fabrics
usually don’t need ironing.
History of Fashion Rubric
PROJECT 3: History of Fashion
You are a free-lance costume designer. A film
producer from Paramount Studios in Hollywood is
filming a period movie and wants you to design the
wardrobe. You must research the style of the period
and place and make a poster presentation to the
producer and director for their approval before you
proceed with the designs.
Choose one of the following clothing styles and
research it. Use the definitions and focus questions
below. You may use books, magazines or visit the
Websites. Prepare a poster to present your research.
See the History of Fashion Rubric below.
Examples of Clothing Styles:
You may pick other styles not listed like Hawaiian Island
native, Japanese warrior 1900, Italian peasant late
1800’s, etc.
Egyptian royalty 1000 BC
1920’s flapper
Greece 400 BC
1930’s glamour, depression
Roman 50 AD
1940’s wartime
Medieval 1000 AD
1950’s post war
European 1400 AD
1960’s Camelot, Carnaby,
European late 1500’s
American/European 1700’s
1970’s ethnic, disco
1980’s punk, new
wave, new
American/European 1800’s
American/ European early
1990’s simple, retro,
Turn of the century,
Focus Questions
1)style (period and
place), 2)customs,
3)beliefs, 4)values,
answers less
than 5 focus
answers 5
Poster answers
all 6 focus
illustrations (see
sample poster in
Objects are used
in addition to
Focus Questions
1)Fabric and
answers 1 of
answers both
Poster answers
both focus
Objects are used
in addition to
Focus Questions
Elements of Design
Space, shape, color,
Identifies less Identifies all 5
than 5
Elements of
Elements of
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
comparisons to
other art forms
Focus Questions
Principles of Design
(emphasis, balance,
rhythm harmony,
Identifies less
than 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
comparisons to
other art forms
Focus Question
Presentation of
Answers less
than 2
skills need
Answers 2
Answers all 3
Mechanics (caps,
grammar, neatness)
More than 2
errors in
1-2 errors in
in very late
Assignment in Assignment in on
past due date due date
Answers all 3
questions with
details, examples
Clear, interesting, Plus speaker is
good body
enthusiastic and
audience well
no errors in
Plus excellent
use of
History of Fashion
Definitions and Focus Questions:
Focus Questions B
1. What kinds of fabrics were used to
make these clothes? Were the clothes
highly decorated or plain? What were the
clothes decorated with? Ruffles, lace,
ribbon, feathers, fur, gems, buttons?
2. What about the accessories like belts,
fans, hats, veils, collars, corsets, shoes,
Focus Questions A
1. What is the style of clothing you are researching? Time period? How do the
clothes reflect the country’s culture? Geographic location? How do the clothes
suit the climate where they were worn? Were these clothes worn by wealthy
people or peasants?
2. A custom is a long accepted practice or tradition. (For example, women not
exposing their ankles or legs or men always wearing hats) Are there old
customs that were discontinued by the introduction of the style you are
researching? Were any new customs introduced? Give details and examples.
3. Clothing can reflect beliefs held by people. People’s religious beliefs or
belief in magic are expressed in clothing. The Amish believe in simplicity and
modesty and this is reflected in their clothing. State any beliefs represented in
the style you are researching. Give details and examples.
4. Clothing can reflect the values held by individuals and groups. Some
people may value appearance and some may think that comfort is more
important. Were the clothes worn for protection from weapons, like a coat of
armor,for example. What values are reflected in the style you are researching?
Give details and examples.
5. The term economics relates to the way people produce, distribute, and use
goods and services. People were once limited to the clothes they could make
for themselves unless they were wealthy. During World War II, clothing was
kept very simple in order to save fabric for uniforms. Describe how
economics plays a role in the style you have chosen to research. Give details
and examples.
6. The way a society uses its resources to produce things is referred to as its
technology. Technological change has included machinery, new fabrics and
mass production. In addition, modern transportation and communication has
enabled people to share ideas about fashion more easily. How has technology
affected the style you are researching? If the style you are researching is preindustrial revolution, was the clothing hand-made? Who would make it? (the
wearer, a tailor or seamstress, a relative etc. (Give details and examples).
Focus Questions C
For this question, look at the clothing you are
researching in terms of the Elements of Design (line,
space, shape, color, texture)
1. Describe any structural or decorative lines in the
clothes, straight or curved lines, horizontal or vertical
lines, drapes and folds?
2. Space refers to the area between lines or print.
Describe these on the clothing you are researching.
3. Describe the external shape of the clothing (silhouette). Loose fit or tight?
Do you see any internal shapes (like a triangle formed by a v-neck for
example) or circles, squares, rectangles in the clothing? Describe.
4. Are any colors used more often than others? Is there a monochromatic
scheme? Complementary colors? Explain.
5. Describe the different materials and textures in the clothing. Rough,
smooth, stiff, soft, fur, silky, chain-link etc.
Focus Questions D
1. For this question, look at the clothing you are researching in terms of the
Principles of Design (emphasis, balance, proportion, rhythm, harmony) Do
any lines, spaces, shapes, colors or textures in the clothing produce a center of
interest or emphasis?
2. What about formal balance or symmetry in the design (left and right side of
the outfit are the same)? Informal or asymmetrical design is when the two
sides are not the same?
3. How about proportion? In other words, where is the outfit divided
horizontally? At the waist, hipline, hemline, cuffs?
4. What do you notice about rhythm or how the eye moves with repetition,
variation or progression of lines, patterns, colors etc.?
5. And harmony or agreement between the parts (does it all go together? Give
Focus Question E
1) Would you have enjoyed dressing in
the style that you are researching? Why
or why not.
2) Do you think it would have been
comfortable? Discuss.
3) Do you think it would be difficult to
keep these clothes clean? Discuss.
PROJECT 4: Careers in Fashion
Choose a fashion career to research and find
the answers to the focus questions on the
rubric using the Websites and class materials.
Prepare a poster. Plan to present your poster
at the "fashion career fair" we will have in
Coco Chanel
Fashion Careers
apparel worker
designer (clothes,
accessories, textiles)
*related careers: hair and make-up
modeling personal
retail manager
window designer
Careers in Fashion Rubric
Pictures for Project 1.
Focus Questions
1)Why I chose
this career
3)Education and
6)How I match
information on
poster for less
than 5 focus
on poster for
at least 5
on poster for
all 6 focus
details and
charts and
1)at least 22x28
or 3 paneled
generated fonts
Includes less
than 3 at left
Includes all 3
at left
Includes all 3
at left + good
layout and
design of
layout and
design of
fabrics and
Mechanics (caps,
More than 2
errors in
1-2 errors in
no errors in
use of
Presentation and
delivery of
Delivery needs
Fair delivery
Good delivery
Assignment in
very late
Assignment in
past due date
Assignment in
on due date
Pictures for Text 2, exercise V.
Pictures for exercise 9 (Participation Drills)
Pictures for exercise 15, 16 (Vocabulary Drills)
Pictures for exercises (Participation Drills) and Projects
Pictures for exercises (Participation Drills) and Projects
Светлана Александровна Дедова
Наталья Николаевна Головина
(для студентов гуманитарных специальностей,
изучающих английский язык)
Технический редактор М.В. Быкова
Редактор Л.М. Кицина
Подписано к печати 1.08.03. Формат бумаги 60х84 1/16.
Печ. л. 6,75. Уч.-изд. л. 6,0. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ 530.
Издательско-полиграфический отдел ОмГУ
644077, г.Омск-77, пр.Мира, 55а, госуниверситет