TELECOMUNICAZIONIFERRARARVRGROUP Model AJ2 • Band II • Broadband 87.5÷108 MHz • Demountable • Stainless steel AISI 304 1740 mm 1360 mm • Vertical or Horizontal polarization • Pressurizzable on request 97 0m m 11 00 mm ELECTRICAL DATA MECHANICAL DATA Frequency range 87.5÷108 MHz Dimensions Impedance 50 Ohm Weight 11.5 kg with hardware mounting Connectors N or 7/16” or 7/8” EIA Wind surface 0.14 m2 Max Power 800W (N) – 2KW (7/16”) – 3.5KW (7/8” EIA) Wind load 20.1 kg (wind speed at 160 km/h – without radome) VSWR 1.3:1 Max wind velocity 200 km/h. Polarization Horizontal or Vertical Materials External parts: stainless steel Internal parts: passivated aluminium Radome: fiberglass (option) Gain 2.5 dB (refered to half-wave dipole) Icing protection Feed point radome (optional) Half power beam width E plane ± 32° H plane ± 80° Radome Optional Mounting With special pipe clamps 50÷110 mm dia. Lightning protection All metal parts DC grounded 1740x1100x180 mm 0 0 330 30 -1 -2 -3 -4 300 330 RADIATION PATTERN (MID BAND) 60 -6 300 -9 -15 -15 90 240 90 270 120 210 60 -6 -9 270 30 -1 -2 -3 -4 240 120 150 210 150 180 180 E-Plane H-Plane Return Loss 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 0 -20 dB -10 -30 -40 -50 Freq. in MHZ Telecomunicazioni RVR GROUP Ferrara 6 “These specifications are subject to change without notice” RVRGROUP TELECOMUNICAZIONIFERRARA Model AJ2 Radiations systems with AJ2 yagi antenna Directional pattern ELECTRICAL DATA Frequency range 87.5÷108 MHz 50 Ohm Connector EIA flange according to system power rating VSWR 1.3:1 Max Polarization Horizontal or Vertical Gain According to requirement Horizontal pattern Any type according to requirements Vertical pattern Null fill, beam tilt and special requirements to order Other facilities The antenna system can be supplied in split feed with two equal half antennas. Each half can accept full power 2600 mm Impedance L MECHANICAL DATA Height of array Subject to number of bays ( refer to table ) Total net weight Refer to table Wind load Refer to table Pressurizzable Yes (on request) Radome Optional Mounting hardware Hot dip galvanized steel clamps Shipping As required TECHNICAL DATA 1 2 Number of bays Dipole per bay dB times Weight2 kg Antenna height L m Wind load (v=160 km/h) kg 2 1 5.5 3.5 23 4.4 40.2 4 1 8.5 7.1 46 9.6 80.4 6 1 10.3 10.7 69 14.8 120.6 8 1 11.5 14.2 92 20.0 160.8 12 1 13.3 21.4 138 30.5 241.2 Gain1 Referred to a half wave dipole. Attenuation of connecting cables not taken into account. Without mounting hardware. Gain is provided for vertical polarization. If the antenna is side mounted, the supporting structure will have a slight effect on the radiation pattern and VSWR. Vertical tower space, wind load and weight numbers given are typical. Actual values vary with the specific installation. Contact us for more details of your installation. Gain will be reduced if null fill, beam tilt or special wavelength spacing is provided. Antenna radiation aperture is the distance from the centre of the top bay to the centre of the bottom bay. Five ft(1.6mt) of pipe required above the top bay and below the bottom bay for to protect from pattern interference by other antennas. Antenna wind load is calculated for 100 Mph (160Km/h) per EIA-222-C standard. “These specifications are subject to change without notice” Telecomunicazioni RVR GROUP Ferrara 7