Uploaded by Людмила Попович

все времена (1)

Perfect +
She worked as a teacher last year.
She was a teacher 3 months ago.
She works as a teacher at present
She is a teacher.
She will work as a teacher in 3 weeks
She will be a teacher.
Key words: last____
Key words: at present
on Monday(s)
at weekends
Key words: tomorrow
next ______
on Monday
at 6 p.m.
in 1997
She was working at this time yesterday.
She was working as a teacher from April to June.
at the weekend
She is working (as a teacher) now
in the future
in 3 days
She will be working at this time tomorrow.
She will be working as a teacher from April to June.
Key words: from___to ____
Key words: (right) now
at this time yesterday
at this moment
at ______
the whole _____
She had got a job of a teacher before April/
She has got a position of a teacher this year.
by (the time he got) his promotion.
Key words: from___to ____
at this time tomorrow
at ______
the whole _____
She will have got a job of a teacher before April/
by (the time he gets) his promotion
Key words: before/after
by ____
by the time he __V2__(ed)
Key words: this _____
(незаконченный промежуток времени)
Key words: before/after
by ____
by the time he __V1__s
She had been (working as) a teacher for 3 years by (the
time he got) his promotion.
She has been (working as) a teacher for 3 years.
She will have been (working as) a teacher for 3 years by
(the time he gets) his promotion.
Key words: for ___+before/after
+by ____
+by the time he __V2__(ed)
Key words: for ____
the whole____
Key words: for ___+before/after
+by ____
+by the time he __V1__s