Учитель: гости-учителя в жюри). The first task is greeting to each other.

Учитель: Do you know the game КВН? Do you like it? Today we’ll play this game. We have
two teams. I want you to be our jury (гости-учителя в жюри).
The first task is greeting to each other.
Капитаны выходят в центр, представляются, представляют свои команды,
читают приветствия и обмениваются ими (в виде свитков)
Капитаны: 1 -My name is Valera. This is Sasha. She is Natasha. He is Vova…. .
2 -My name is Lena. This is Vitya. He is Vanya. She is Olya… .
1. (читает) We wish you to fight,
We wish you to search,
We wish you to find
And don’t surrender!
2. - The game is fun for girls and boys,
It’s much better than the toys.
You can fight and search and find
And try to conquer in the fight.
Учитель: Let’s sing a song “Say Hallo!”
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Clap your knees – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your knees – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your knees – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your knees – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands – clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands – clap, clap, clap.
Dance your feet Dance your feet Dance your feet Dance your feet Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Say “Hallo!” – Hallo!
Учитель: Our next work. You must ask General and Special questions to each other (are, is,
can, do, does, what, where …)
Дети: (обе команды по очереди)
- Are you pupils?
- Is he your friend?
- Can your dog swim?
- Do they play tennis?
- Does his brother a doctor?
- How many pencils do you have?
- Where are you from? ….
Учитель: Well, the first team reads the story and the second team listens it attentively and
dramatizes it.
На двух столах лежат необходимые для инсценировки предметы и несколько
лишних предметов. Дети слушают текст два раза, затем один член из команды
подходит к столу с атрибутами, выбирает необходимые предметы для
инсценировки и инсценирует этот текст. То же самое делают и в другой команде.
1-я команда: I am a big orange fox. I have got many friends: a squirrel, a parrot, a hamster. I
like to play with my small, red ball. I like to run, to skip, to catch mice. I’ve got a
friend. Her name is Vika. She likes to go for a walk with me.
2-я команда: I have got a small sister. She isn’t a pupil. She is four. She has got many toys.
My sister likes to play with her big orange dog. She doesn’t like to play with my
lorry. She likes to skip.
Учитель: Tell us about yourself in Present Simple and in Past Simple, please.
Present Simple Past Simple Дети по жребию выбирают себе задание и с опорой на
картинки рассказывают о себе по теме “Daily life”
Usually I get up at 7 o’clock.
I wash my hands and face, brush my teeth.
Then I do morning exercises and dress. …
Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock.
I washed my hands and face, brushed my teeth.
I did morning exercises.
Учитель: Well, jury, can you tell us our score? (жюри называет счет, играем дальше)
Учитель: Do you like to sing and dance? Let’s sing a song.
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head,
On your head, on your head.
Don’t forget, don’t forget.
Put your finger on your nose,
Put your finger on your nose,
On your nose, on your head.
Don’t forget, don’t forget.
Put your finger on your chest,
Put your finger on your chest,
On your nose, on your head.
Don’t forget, don’t forget.
Put your finger on your back,
Put your finger on your chest,
On your nose, on your head.
Don’t forget, don’t forget.
Учитель: Good, our next work. Translate from Russian into English
По одному члену команды переводят письменно несложные тексты на
карточках, остальные устно переводят предложения, данные учителем.
Для письменного перевода:
Меня зовут Вова.
Мне 10 лет.
Я ученик.
Я хожу в школу каждый день.
У меня есть кошка.
Я люблю играть с моей кошкой.
Я хочу быть врачом.
Для устного перевода:
Как тебя зовут? – Меня зовут Катя.
Сколько тебе лет? – Мне 10 лет.
Как его зовут? Как ее зовут?
У тебя есть котенок? – Да. Нет.
Какого он цвета? - Он беленький.
У твоей сестры есть кукла? - Да. Нет.
Она любит играть с куклой? - Да. Нет.
Я могу бегать и прыгать, а ты?
Я не могу летать.
Обычно я встаю в 7 часов.
Сейчас я делаю уроки.
Мы играли в футбол вчера.
Мы не ходили в театр вчера. И т.д.
Учитель: Captains, come here, ask each other about yourself, about your families.
Do you like sports?
Yes, I do. I like to play football. And you?
I like to play table tennis. Have you got a sister or a brother?
Yes, I have a sister. Her name is Vera.
Is she a pupil?
No, she is not. She is 5.
What do you want to be?
I want to be a dentist, and you?
As for me, I want to be a driver.
Do you have any pet?
Yes, I have a kitten. It is small. It is very funny. Have you any pet?
Yes, I have a hamster. It is very clever and nice. I like to play with him.
Well, thank you.
Жюри в это время проверяет письменные переводы и оценивает их.
Учитель: But now, kids, let’s have a rest. Let’s sing a beautiful song “Head and Shoulders”
Дети поют песню и весело выполняют все движения.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
Учитель: I’ve got two cards on the topic “Family”. Find 11 words on this topic.
По одному члену команды выполняют эту работу письменно, а в это время
каждая команда представляет по очереди пословицы, поговорки и стихи, например
Учитель: My dear friends, you know many poems, proverbs and sayings. Tell them, please.
All cats are grey in the dark.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Don’t play with fire.
East or West, home is best.
Live and learn.
Well began is half done.
Never put off till tomorrow that you can do today.
It is never too late to learn.
Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It’s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun.
- Do you know Mary?
Mary who?
Mary McDonald.
Yes, of course, I do.
Do you know her parents?
Yes, of course, I do. I know her father and her mother, too.
Do you know her grandparents?
Yes, of course, I do. I know her Grandpa and her Granny, too.
Do you know her cousins?
Yes, of course, I do. I know her nieces and nephews, too.
Father Duck goes for a swim.
Mother Duck comes out with him
And behind them, nice and clean,
Seven yellow ducklings swim.
Seven little yellow balls.
“Quack, quack, quack,” the mother calls.
What a pretty sight they make
Swimming on the lake.
I’ve got a dog, his name is Jack.
His head is white, his nose is black.
I take him out every day.
Such fun we have! We run and play.
Such clever tricks my dog can do.
I love my dog! He loves me too!
I’ve got a friend, we like to play,
We play together every day.
He always helps me when I’m in need
For he’s my friend, good friend indeed.
Жюри в это время проверяет письменные работы по теме «Семья» и подводит итог
Учитель: Well, now, jury, can you tell us our score?
Называется счет, команды награждаются фишками разного цвета.
Учитель: Let’s sing a marry song.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
Can you jump like a frog?
Frog, frog, frog, frog.
Can you walk like a duck?
Duck, duck, duck, duck.
Can you run like a dog?
Dog, dog, dog, dog.
Can you fly like a bird?
Fly, fly, fly, fly.
Can you swim like fish?
Swim, swim, swim, swim.
And be still like a good child
As still as you wish?