УДК [619: 612. 13]: 636. 32/. 38 LAMBS of DAY'S AGE of V.V have FEATURES of STRUCTURE of WALL of INTRAORGANNIKH of ARTERIES And VEINS of LIGHTS. Lemeschenko, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor N.S. Kuzina, aspirantka* the Sonth branch of the National university of nature and environmental of Ukraine the «Crimean agrotekhnology university» Investigated the artery and vein of the right and left lung in daily tsigay breed sheep. Using a complex of morphological methods, found that the main pulmonary arteries are the arteries of elastic Tapu, and other arteries in the arteries, smooth-muscle and muscle type. Lambs, structure of lights, artery, vein. System of blood and lymphokinesis, together with the nervous system provides intercommunication between the structural components of organs, vehicles and all organism. Analysis of the last publications. Pulmons arteries and veins which provide intensity of motion of blood in the first minutes after birth have a special value. The functional value of the vascular system of small circle of circulation of blood consists in providing of interchange of gases function of lights, while bronchial vessels satisfy own circulator-metabolic necessities of pulmonary fabric. Research purpose – viznachitis of pecifiku structure of walls of intraorgannikharteriy and veins of lights for lambs of day's age. Material and research methods. Blood vessels doslidzhuvali right and left lights for day's lambs of cigayskoy of breed. Research results. Set that day's lambs have pulmonary and bronchial arteries and veins of small circle of circulation of blood and bronchial arteries of large circle the basic source of krovopostachannya of lights. The internal shell of internal arteries contains an endothelia, subendothelial layer from magnificent thinly fibrylar of connecting fabric and internal elastic membrane. Arteries of middle and shallow calibers, belong to the arteries elastically muscle and muscle types. In the arteries of shallow caliber an internal elastic membrane is very thin, and in the arteries of middle caliber of muscular type an elastic membrane is expressly expressed. The middle shell of arteries is thicker in all, contains smooth muscular cages. On the measure of diminishing of diameter of arteries and their approaching to arteriol all shells of arteries are thinned. The amount of elastic fibres diminishes in an external shell, an external elastic membrane disappears. The outflow of blood from lights takes place on pulmonary and bronchial veins which begin going on the dome of bottom of teethridges of lights. They take blood from the networks of capillaries for both sides of alveolar sacs and kanal'civ, also go out from the capillary network of bronchial arteries, in arterial walls. Meeting one of odnoy, shallow veins form 7 large venous barrels of pulmonary veins, yaks, fall in the left auricle. Conclusion The main arteries of large caliber belong to the arteries muscularly-elastic type, and the arteries of small calibers belong mainly to the arteries of muscular type. The wall of arteries of lights is formed by three shells from which major middle. Literature list 1. Автандилов, Г.Г. К методике морфометрического исследования легких / Г.Г. Автандилов, И.Б. Зуракова // Бюллетень экспериментальной биологии и медицины. – 1975. – Т.80, №7. – С. 122–124. 2. Архангельская, Н. В. Перестройка артерий легких при врожденных пороках сердца и магистральных сосудов / Архангельская Н.В. – М.: Медицина, 1971. – 206 с. 3. Заварзин А.А. Курс гистологии/А.А Заварзин, А.А. Румянцев. – М.,: 1946. – С. 411–421. Зеленовский Н.В. Адаптационная морфология кровеносных сосудов млекопитающих при доместикации / Зеленовский Н.В. // Возрастная, видовая, адаптационная морфология животных. – Улан-Удэ, 1992. – С. 33–34. Имнадзе,Г.Г.Морфология легочных вен и их мышечных муфт,роль ввозникновении фибриляции предсердий /Г. Г. Имнадзе,Р.А Серов,А.Ш.Ревишвили // Вестник астмологии. – 2004.№34 –С. 44–49. 5. Русаков Д.Ю. Морфофункциональная организация мышечного аппарата стенок полых и легочных вен млекопитающих и человека / Д.Ю. Русаков //Морфологические ведомости. – 2009. – Т. 1, №1–2. – С. 49-50. 6. Особенности морфологи стенки полых вен и легочных вен свинки / Н.В. Ямщиков, Д.Ю. Русаков, Н.Н. Вологдина, Г.Н. Суворова //Морфологическиеведомости.–2006.– № 1–2.–С. 172–174. 7. Ho S.Y. Architecture of the pulmonary veins: relevance to radiofrequency ablation/ Ho S.Y., Cabrera J.A. et al. Heart, 2001. – Р. 265–270. В.В. Лемещенко, Н.С. Кузіна, 2013