
Hometask 9.
1. Translate Latin terms ( first seventeen terms from exercise I A, p. 103 in
Chernyavsky) back into Russian, and then into English. If there is a particular
trivial variant of the term, type it in brackets. Verify your translation with The
Latin Index of Terminologia Anatomica 1998 and/or Terminologia Anatomica.
Международная анатомическая терминология. International Anatomical
Terminology. (Latin-Russian-English)
Latin term
Russian term
English term
Vertebra thoracica
Грудной позвонок
thoracic vertebra
2. Do the exercise II A in Chernyavsky (p. 104). Use “Types of Latin adjectives”
& Inflectio nominalis (Nom.sg. & Gen.sg.) schemes. Indicate gender of nouns.
Underline suffixes of adjectives.
For example:
Скуловой (мышца, дуга, кость): скуловая мышца – musculus (m) zygomaticus,
скуловая дуга – arcus (m) zygomaticus, скуловая кость – os (n) zygomaticum.