Задания 6 класс (английский язык)

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спорта и туризма администрации
Октябрьского района г. Могилева
29.02.2016 № 73
общерайонного школьного этапа олимпиады
по учебному предмету «Английский язык»
6 класс
TOTAL: 45 points
Part 1.
Прочитайте текст и выполните предложенные задания:
Geoffrey Hampden had very many friends and was very popular. He could tell
many funny things and people laughed at his clever jokes- everybody but his
daughter Jenny who was six years old. Once Geoffrey's friends asked him to speak
at a party. Geoffrey was always happy to make a speech. He prepared a good
speech and went to the party together with Jenny. There were very many funny
jokes in his speech. Of course, everybody laughed and liked it very much.
When he finished his speech, Jenny told him that she wanted to go home. Geoffrey
didn't want to leave his friends but he agreed to go home. On the way home, he
asked Jenny:
“Did you like my speech?”
“No, I didn't”, Jenny said to him angrily.
“But why?” the father asked in surprise.
“I don't like when many people are laughing at you,” she said.
В каждом задании (1-5) укажите букву (А, В или С) соответствующую
содержанию текста (5 баллов).
1. This text is about…
A). Jenny and his dad
B). Geoffrey Hampden and his friends
C). Geoffrey's jokes
2. Once Geoffrey's friends asked him to…
A). tell many funny things.
B). leave them.
C). make a speech at a party.
3. Which sentence is wrong?
A). Geoffrey had a lot of friends.
B). His daughter laughed at his jokes.
C). Geoffrey was very popular.
4. Find the word which is not in the text.
A). happy
B). mother
C). home
5. How old was Jenny?
A). seven
B). sixteen
C). six
Part 2.
Выберите один вариант ответа:
6. Okroshka____with sour-cream.
A). serves
B). is served
C) serve
7. Junk food is very____.
A). health
B). unhealth
C). unhealthy
8. I like pictures. There are ___pictures on the wall.
A). some
C). any
9. Very____ people came to the party.
A). few
B). little
C). a little
10. ____ Kate and Jane like pizza.
A). Either
B). None
C). Both
11. Ann jumped ____ badly that she nearly fell.
A). such
B). as
C). so
12. Do you know ____ idea it was?
A). who
B). why
C). whose
13. She is ____ in her class.
A). cleverer
B). clever
C). the cleverest
14. I have 2 ____ friends.
A). hundreds B). hundred
C). hundred of
15. There are five ____ on the wall.
A). shelves
B). shelfsC). shelf
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
16. ____ Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Scotland.
17. Is ____ Lake Baikal the deepest fresh – water lake?
18. The best salmon is caught near ____ Orkney Islands.
19, 20. Is _____ Australia _____ interesting country?
Вставьте предлоги :
21. He’s really good ____ Maths.
22. Nick goes to school ____ foot.
23. My sister is afraid ____ telling the truth.
24, 25. He arrived ____ Paris ____ 7 p.m..
Поставьте глаголы в правильную видо-временную форму:
26. Potatoes (to grow) in Belarus.
27,28. When I (to see) him he (to make) his bed.
29. You (to visit) ever the library?
30. They (not to go) to school last week.
Заполните пропуски словами, образованными от указанных в скобках :
31. My hobby is (enjoy) ____ .
32. His granny likes to sit in a (comfort) ____ arm-chair.
33. Wild animals are always (danger) ____ .
34. My mum’s hobby is (garden) ____.
35. This dirty puppy is so (help) ____ .
Найдите и исправьте ошибки :
36. I’ll speak to him when he will come.
37. I couldn’t find her nowhere.
38. Travelling on helicopter is exciting.
39. There isn’t many snow in this region.
40. This gloves are too small for me.
Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
41. What is the national flag of the UK?
A). The Union Jack
B). Tricolour
C). St George’s cross
42. Which holiday is on the 31stof October?
A). Christmas Day
B). Easter
C). Halloween
43. What is the capital of Scotland?
A). London
B). Cardiff
C). Edinburgh
44. What is the USA famous for?
A). Pyramids
B). The Great Wall
C). Skyscrapers
45. Great Britain is a …
A). republic
B). monarchy
C). federation