Игра по станциям для обучающихся 9

Игра по станциям для обучающихся 9-10 классов “English with pleasure”
Цель: усовершенствование и практическое применение полученных на уроках
иностранного языка знаний, умений и навыков.
Задачи: поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка; прививать интерес к
культуре изучаемого языка и нашей страны; воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и
внимания друг к другу; формировать умение преодолевать трудности, самостоятельно
Оснащение: таблички с названиями станций: Poet’s Corner, Detective Department, English
Language Experts, Experts of Proverbs, Mathematicians; маршрутные листы для каждой
команды; листы с заданиями для каждой станции; листы для выполнения заданий для
каждой команды; секундомер; звонок.
Примечание: экспертами могут быть учителя английского языка или учащиеся старших
классов, которые располагаются на станциях с листами заданий и листами для
выполнения заданий, а также с ответами. Станции находятся в разных местах школы.
Ход проведения игры:
1. Учащиеся делятся на команды по 5-6 человек в зависимости от количества
желающих участвовать в игре.
2. Каждая команда получает маршрутный лист и напутствие: дать как можно больше
правильных ответов, чтобы набрать максимальное количество баллов.
1. Detective
2. English Language
3. Experts of Proverbs
3. English Language
4. Experts of
5. Mathematicians
4. Mathematicians
5. Poet”s Corner
1. English Language
2. Experts of Proverbs
3. Mathematicians
4. Poet”s Corner
5. Detective
1. Experts of Proverbs
2. Mathematicians
3. Poet”s Corner
4. Detective
5. English Language
1. Mathematicians
Poet”s Corner
2. Poet”s Corner
3. Detective
4. English Language
5. Experts of Proverbs
1. Poet”s Corner
2. Detective
3. English Language
4. Experts of Proverbs
5. Mathematicians
3. По сигналу, т.е. по звонку, команды отправляются каждая на свою станцию. Время
выполнения заданий ограничено. Игра происходит в быстром темпе. По звонку
команды переходят со станции на станцию.
Задания для каждой станции:
Match the English poems and their Russian equivalents. Mind there is an extra one.
1. I had a little hen,
The prettiest ever seen;
She washed up the doshes,
And kept the house clean.
Ahe went to the mill
To fetch me some flour,
And always got home
In less than an hour.
Ahe baked me some bread,
She brewed me some ale,
She sat by the fire
And told a fine tale.
2. Those evening bells! Those evening bells!
How many a tale their music tells,
Of youth, and home, and that sweet time,
When last I heard their soothing chime.
3. There was a young man called Pete,
Whose hair hung down to his feet.
Said Val to John,
“It’s getting too long,
We can’t let him out on the street”
4. Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, “What a good boy I am!”
5. Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If your daughters do not like them
Give them to your sons;
But if you haven’t any of these pretty little elves
You cannot do better than eat them yourselves.
6. Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear,
On which we are bitterly pressed;
The truth is to say, we are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest.
7. The lion and the unicorn
Were fighting for the crown;
The lion beat the unicorn
All round about the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum cake
And drummed them out of town.
8. A wild old owl lived in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?
a)В дремучем лесу то ли век, то ли два
Жила молчаливая птица-сова.
Чем дольше она молчала,
Тем больше она замечала,
Чем больше она замечала.
Тем дольше она молчала.
b) Жил на свете парнишка по имени Пит,
Был до ног этот Пит волосами закрыт.
Вэл заметила Джону:
«Видишь эту персону?
Не возьмем ее с нами, пусть дома сидит»
c) Вечерний звон, вечерний звон!
Как много дум наводит он
О юных днях в краю родном,
Где я любил, где отчий дом,
И как я, с ним навек простясь,
Там слушал звон в последний раз!
d) Курица-красавица у меня жила.
Ах, какая умная курица была!
Шила мне кафтаны, шила сапоги,
Сладкие, румяные пекла мне пироги.
А когда управится, сядет у ворот –
Сказочку расскажет, песенку споет.
e) Вел за корону смертный бой со Львом Единорог,
Гонял Единорога Лев вдоль городских дорог.
Кто подавал им черный хлеб, а кто давал пирог,
А после их под барабан прогнали за порог.
f) Малютка Чарли Клок
Уселся в уголок,
Врождественский пирог он сунул пальчик:
Середку ковырнул,
А сливу облизнул
И говорит: Какой я славный мальчик!
g) Всюду, всюду мы вдвоем
Неразлучные идем.
Мы гуляем по лугам,
По зеленым берегам,
Вниз по лестнице сбегаем,
Вдоль по улице шагаем.
Но чуть вечер на порог,
Остаемся мы без ног,
А безногим вот беда - вот беда –
Ни туда, и ни сюда!
Что ж? Полезем под кровать,
Будем там тихонько спать,
А когда вернутся ноги,
Вновь поскачем по дороге.
h) Ну и соня – сын мой Джон.
Спать в штанах улегся он.
Башмачок он сбросил прочь, а в другом проспал всю ночь.
i) Вот пирожочки
С пылу да с жару!
Пенни за штуку,
Пенни за пару!
Купите сыну,
Купите дочке,
Купите своей благородной даме!
А если нету
Ни дамы, ни деток,
То на здоровье кушайте сами.
The key:
There are three texts about famous people from our country, Great Britain, the USA and other
countries. Read and guess who is each text about.
1. He is one of the greatest dramatists and short-story writers. He was born in 1860 in
Taganrog. In 1879 he went to Moscow where he studied medicine. Though he practiced
little as a doctor in his life time he was proud of his medical knowledge more than of his
writing talent. As a writer he was able to develop a style of his own. Though he never
gave up writing comic stories he began working in a more serious level. In 1887 the
“Ivanov”, his first play, established him as a dramatist. From then on he concentrated on
writing plays as well as on short-stories. He had tubeculois. He spent 5 years in a village
Melikhovo. He wrote some of his best stories there including “Chamber №6” , “Uncle
Vanya”. In 1901 he married an Art Theatre actress Olga Knipper who played in his play
“Three sisters”.
2. This man was born in 1661. He was the son of a London Butcher. His father wanted him
to become a priest, but he took to trade instead. He was a shopkeeper, a tile maker and a
woolen draper by turns. He started to write satirical pamphlets, and he paid more
attention to politics than to his business. His pamphlets often got him into trouble. He got
fined and imprisoned again and again. He wrote about 200 works, and some of them were
very successful. But he died in poverty in 1731.
He was the founder of fiction. The numerous incidents which occur in his books were
invented by him. His most popular work is the delightful tale of Robinson Crusoe. It is
founded on the story of Alexander Selkirk, the sailor who spent years of solitude on the
island of Juan Fernandez. The narrative proceeds so naturally that it is difficult to believe
we are pursuing a work of fiction. He describes scenes that never took place with such an
air of truth that his book is always quoted as an authentic story.
3. This person is known all over the world as the Queen of crime. She wrote 78 crime
novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmaccot. Her books
have been translated into 103 foreign languages. She is the third best-selling author in the
world. Many of her novels and short stories have been filmed. “The Mousetrap”, her
most famous play, is now the longest-running play in history.
She was born at Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and took singing
lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Hercule Poirot and
Miss Marple became the most popular detectives since Sherlock Holmes. Her languages
is simple and good and it is pleasant to read her books in the original.
4. This man was a Moscow merchant and art connoisseur. In the 19th century he began to
collect Russian pictures. He visited all the exhibitions and art studios and bought the best
pictures of contemporary artists. He was especially fond of the works of the
Peredvizhniki – the artists who belonged tp the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions.
Little by little he extended his range of interest and began to collect earlier Russian
pictures. More than once he had to add wings to his house in Lvrushinsky Pereulok,
because his collection grew larger and larger. In 1881 he opened his collection to the
public. 11 years later he donated it to the city of Moscow. Since then the gallery has
received hundreds of pictures from other museums and private collections.
5. This man is one of the greatest composers ever born. Like Shakespeare, he stands at the
summit of human achievement. In every form, from serenade to fugue, from piano
concerto and symphony to the heights of grand opera, his music amazes, enchants and
envades the memory. With no exceptions, musicians and music lovers say that he was a
genius. He was born in 1756 in Salsburg, Austria. He began playing the piano at 4, and
when he was 5 years old, he already composed serious music. His farther took him on
tiurs of Western Europe and Italy and the boy was always a success. Then the prodigy
ripened into genius. The genius conquered Vienna and the world. He met all the great
figures of his time, from Haydn to Goethe, from George III to the luckless Marie
Antoinette. His works include 41 symphonies, nearly 30 piano concertos, 19 operas,
much orchestral and other instrumental music.
The name of this person is known to grown-ups and to children. This person’s place of
birth is Chicago, the date of birth is December, 5, 1901. after his birth the family left
Chicago in the North for a place in the South. When the child grew up he began to draw.
He made many pictures and jioned them into one film. The main character of his film
was a mouse who could speak, dance and who, in fact, could live like a man. In 1928 the
audience saw the mouse on the screen for the first time. It became very popular and soon
the creator and the Mouse became stars. Then came other characters: Pluto, D.Duck and
others. Later this person created a special land for children and parents to have fun
together. So he built a special land which was named after him. It is in California near
Los Angeles. There is such a land in some other countries too, for example, in Paris,
Match the adjectives and their descriptions.
1. She’s always laughing and smiling. She’s
got a kind word to say to everyone.
2. He doesn’t lift a finger in the house.
3. He’s got absolutely no manners.
4. One minute she is happy, and the next
something will upset her and she won’t speak
to you for ages.
5. If you told her the moon is made of green
cheese, she’d believe you.
6. he won’t listen to anybody else’s opinion.
He thinks he’s always right.
7.At parties she’ll just sit in a corner reading a
book. It’s not that she’s shy she just won’t talk
to anyone.
8. She’s always telling lies, even when there’s
no need.
The key:
А.П. Чехов
Даниэль Дефо
Агата Кристи
П. Третьяков
Вольфганг Моцарт
Уолт Дисней
a) dishonest
b) naive
c) lazy
d) rude
e) obstinate
f) unsociable
g) moody
h) cheerful
The key:
1. h)
2. c)
3. d)
4. g)
5. b)
6. e)
7. f)
8. a)
1. Actions speak louder than words.
2. Bad news travels first.
3. The early birds catches the worm.
4. A burnt child dreads the fire.
5. Better late than never.
6. A bad workman always blames his tools.
7. Art is long, life is short.
8. When in Rome do as the Romans do.
9. While there is life there is hope.
10. East or West home is best.
11. Out of sight, out of mind.
12. Live and learn.
13. Barking dogs seldom bite.
14. Dog does not eat dog.
15. Appearances are deceptive.
16. All that glitters is not gold.
17. All cats are grey in the darkness.
18. Deeds not words.
19. An Englishman’s house is his castle.
20. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
21. All roads lead to Rome.
22. All is well that ends well.
23. Birds of a feather flock together.
24. Time flies.
25. There is no place like home.
A) Плохие вести странствуют быстро.
b) У плохого работника всегда инструменты виноваты.
c) Та собака, что лает, редко кусает.
d) Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
e) Дела громче слов.
f) Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.
g) Искусство вечно - жизнь коротка.
h) Не все то золото, что блестит.
i) Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
j) Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
k) Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает.
l) Обжегшись на молоке, дуют на воду.
m) Внешность обманчива.
n) Все дороги ведут в Рим.
o) С глаз долой – из сердца вон.
p) Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет.
q) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
r) Век живи – век учись.
s) Дела, а не слова.
t) Ночью все кошки серы.
u) Со своим уставом в чужой монастырь не ходят.
v) Дом англичанина – его крепость.
w) Время бежит.
x) Есть жизнь, есть и надежда.
y) Обойди весь свет – лучше дома нет.
The key:
1. e)
2. a)
3. k)
4. l)
5. j)
6. b)
7. g)
8. u)
9. X)
10. g)
11. o)
12. r)
13. c)
14. p)
15. m)
16. h)
17. t)
18. s)
19. v)
20. d)
21. n)
22. i)
23. f)
24. w)
25. y)
Read and answer:
1. The Eight Cards
( A curious problem)
Here are eight cards with a number on each of them. Try to arrange them so that the sum
of the two columns will be alike (the same). Try to move as few cards as possible (only
two). Can you do it?
The key:
Сумма чисел в первом столбике равна 19, во втором – 20, из первого столбика во второй
убираем 9 и переворачиваем ее, получается 6, складываем 3+4+5+6=18, в первый столбик
переводим карточку с цифрой 8, складываем 1+2+7+8=18
2.The Electric Train
An electric train is travelling at a speed of 60 miles per hour. If there is a wind of 30 miles per
hour which is following it, which way is its smoke blowing?
The key:
No smoke, it’s an electric train
3. Divide the Camels
Many years ago an Egyptian died and left 17 camels to his 3 sons. He left half of the camels to
his eldest son, the second son was left a third of the camels and the youngest son was left oneninth of the camels.
The sons couldn’t divide the camels without cutting up one of them. So they went to a judge for
advice. The judge listened to the problem, thought for a moment and announced the solution.
What was the solution?
The key:
9 – старшему, 6 – среднему, 2 – младшему. Судья добавил своего верблюда, получилось
18, старшему - ½ = 9, среднему – 1/3 =6, младшему – 1/9 = 2. 9+6+2=17, судья тотчас
забрал своего верблюда.