F0UX0A Russian Identities: Past and Present

F0UX0A Russian Identities: Past and Present
Vraagstukken Russische geschiedenis
To be changed to English
- Studying ongoing debates about Russian history and defining historical characteristics of Russian
- Discussing the implications of basic historical characteristics like Russia's autocracy, multi-ethnicity
or the uneasy East-West dichotomy
- improving analytical and methodological skills through Skocpol & Somers' comparative historical
analysis (assignment)
Previous knowledge
General knowledge of Russian history
This course is included in
Master of Arts in de taal- en regiostudies: slavistiek en Oost-Europakunde (Optie Russische Studies)
Ook in andere opties
Toevoegen: Master of Arts in de Europese studies: transnationale en mondiale perspectieven
Toevoegen: Master of Arts in European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives
Examination type:
Oral with written preparation
paper (4000 words)
When?: final examination during examination period
Course Material
Articles and literature
The course Russian Identities: past and present, departs from the basic question which defining
characteristics and developments throughout Russia history have led to perception of Russia as a 'sui
generis' country with a unique history and international position. The course focuses on several
aspects that cover the essence of this 'unique' history are interlinked; e.g. the swift territorial
expansion of the Russian empire and the consequences this had for Russian autocracy. These capita
selecta start out with a general discussion of the basic literature on the subject, then move on to
specific case studies. MA Students of Slavonic languages will read the source material in Russian,
other students will have a translated text at their disposal. The essay assignment focuses on
comparative historical analysis of a case study that is still at issue in contemporary Russia.
Capita Selecta:
1. Russia's Imperial Expansion: Imagined Communities, Centralisation and Regionalism
LeDonne J. (2003) The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire 1650-1831. Oxford: Oxford
University Press 2003.
Hosking G. (1998) Russia: People and Empire 1552-1917. Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Lieven D. The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as Imperial Polities. Journal of
Contemporary History, Vol. 30, No. 4. (Oct., 1995), pp. 607-636.
Anderson, B. (1991) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of
Nationalism. Verso 1991.
Bassin M. (1991) Inventing Siberia: Vision of the Russian East in the Early Nineteenth Century.
The American Historical Review, Vol. 96, No. 3. (June 1991), pp. 763-794.
Kerner R.J. The Russian Eastward Movement: Some reflections on its Historical Significance.
The Pacific Historical Review, Vol.17, No.2 (May 1948), pp.135-148.
Lantzeff G.V. Beginnings of the Siberian Colonial Administration. The Pacific Historical
Review, Vol.9, No.1 (March 1940), pp. 47-52.
Manning C. Yermak Timofeevich in Russian Folk Poetry. Journal of the American Oriental
Society, Vol. 43. (1923), pp. 206-215.
Suny R.G. Nationalities in the Russian Empire. Russian Review, Vol.59, No.4 (Oct.2000), pp.
2. Perceptions of Autocracy and Social Groups in Russia
LeDonne J. (1991) Absolutism and Ruling Class. The Formation of the Russian Political Order
1700-1825. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Whitaker C. The Reforming Tsar: The Redefinition of Autocratic Duty in Eighteenth - Century
Russia. Slavic Review, Vol.51, No.1, (Spring 1992), pp.77-98.
LeDonne J. The Eighteenth Century Russian Nobility: Bureaucracy or Ruling Class? Cahiers du
Monde russe et soviétique, Vol. 34, No. 1/2, Noblesse, état et société en russie XVIe: Début
du XIXe siècle (Jan. - Jun., 1993), pp. 139-147.
Esper T. The Odnodvortsy and the Russian Nobility. The Slavonic and East European Review,
Vol. 45, No. 104, (Jan. 1967), pp.124-134.
Baker-Lampe A. The Development of the Peasant Commune in Russia: Discussion. Journal of
Economic History, Vol.41, No.1, March 1981, PP. 185-186.
De Buschen M.A. On the Origin and Numerical Development of Serfdom in the Russian
Empire. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. 24, No. 3. (Sep., 1861), pp. 311-327.
Грамота на права, вольности и преимущества благородного российского дворянства. 21
апреля 1785 г. Выверено по изданию: Российское законодательство X-XX вв.в9 т.,Т.5.
Законодательство периода расцвета абсолютизма.Отв.ред. Е.И.Индова. М.,
Юридическая литература, 1987.
Грамота на права и выгоды городам Российской империи .21 апреля 1785 г. Выверено
по изданию: Российское законодательство X-XX вв.в9 т.,Т.5. Законодательство периода
расцвета абсолютизма.Отв.ред. Е.И.Индова. М., Юридическая литература, 1987.
3. The Institutionalisation of Autocracy: The East-West Dichotomy
Ostrowski D. The Mongol Origins of Muscovite Political Institutions. Slavic Review, Vol. 49,
No. 4. (Winter, 1990), pp. 525-542.
Christian D. The 'Senatorial Party' and the Theory of Collegial Government, 1801-1803.
Russian Review, Vol. 38, No. 3. (Jul., 1979), pp. 298-322.
Levitt M.C. An antidote to Nervous Juice: Catherine the Great's Debate with Chappe
d'Auteroche over Russian Culture. Eighteenth Century Studies, Vol. 32, No. 1, Fall 1998,
Антидот, или "Разбор дурной, но великолепно напечатанной книги под заглавием
«Путешествие в Сибирь по приказу короля в 1761»".
Майофис М. Воззвание к Европе: Литературное общество 'Арзамас' и российский
модернизационный проект 1815-1818 годов. Historia Rosica, 2008
Вигель Ф.Ф. Записки. М., Захаров, 2000.
Ростопчин Ф.В. Ох, Французы! M., Русская Книга, 1992.
4. The subversion of autocracy: the emergence of Russian terrorism
Belfer E. Zemlya vs. Volya. From Narodnichestvo to Marxism. Soviet Studies, Vol.30, No.3
(July 1978), pp. 297-312.
Lukashevich S. The Holy Brotherhood 1881-1883. American Slavic and East European Review,
Vol. 18, No. 4. (Dec., 1959), pp. 491-509.
Avakumovich I. A Statistical Approach to the Revolutionary Movement in Russia, 1878-1887.
American Slavic and East European Review, Vol. 18, No. 2. (Apr., 1959), pp. 182-186.
Florinsky M. Russian Social and Political Thought 1825-1855 Russian Review, Vol. 6, No. 2.
(Spring, 1947), pp. 77-85.
Baron S.H. Plekhanov and the Origins of Marxism. Russian Review, Vol.13, No.1 (Jan.1954),