Определительные придаточные предложения

9-Б класс
Тема: Засоби масової інформації.
14.10. Lesson 15 Телебачення Великої Британії.
Завдання: чит. впр.1 ст.46-47, слова в словник, пис. впр.4(с), ст.49
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16.10. Lesson 16 Радіо та телебачення в нашому житті.
16.10. Lesson 17 Улюблені телепередачі українських підлітків.
Завдання: чит. впр.1,ст.53, слова в словник ст.53 вик. впр.4, ст. 54-55(пис), вивч . грам. ст.50,51 пис.
впр.2, ст.50, впр.4,ст.51
Определительные придаточные предложения
(Defining relative clause)
Определительные придаточные предложения выполняют функцию
определения и отвечают на вопросы what? which? - какой? который? и т.п.
Они следуют непосредственно за тем существительным в главном
предложении, которое они определяют и соединяются с главным
предложением следующими союзными словами:
Относительными местоимениями:
who - который
whom - которого
whose - чей, которого
which - который
that - который
when - когда
where - где, куда
why - почему
Если в конце придаточного предложения находится предлог, то он
относится к союзному слову.
Определительные придаточные предложения разделяются на три
типа: индивидуализирующие, классифицирующие и описательные.
1 Индивидуализирующие придаточные
индивидуальный признак, приписываемый только данному лицу или
предмету (лицам или предметам) и отличающий его от всех других лиц или
предметов того же класса. Определяемое существительное в этом случае
употребляется С ОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫМ АРТИКЛЕМ. Например:
The man who had called on you left a
I know the man whom you mean.
The reason why he did not come is not clear.
The children who live in that house are my
son’s friends.
Here is the book that you have been looking
Человек, который навестил тебя, оставил записку.
Я знаю человека, которого вы имеете в виду.
Причина, по которой он не пришел, не ясна.
Дети, которые живут в этом доме, друзья моего
Вот книга, которую ты искал.
I have found the book that I was looking for. Я нашел книгу, которую я искал.
I know a man who can help us. Я знаю человека, который может помочь нам.
Местоимение that
В индивидуализирующих определительных
относительные местоимения whom (объектный падеж от who) и which часто
заменяются местоимением that:
There is the student that (whom) we saw at Вот тот студент, которого мы видели
the theatre yesterday.
вчера в театре.
Перед местоимением that не может стоять предлог. Предлог в этом
случае стоит после глагола, а при наличии дополнения - после дополнения:
The man that you are speaking about is in
the next room.
This is the house that I used to live in.
The steamer that we loaded the
goods onwill leave the port tomorrow.
Человек, о котором вы говорите, находится
в соседней комнате.
Вот дом, в котором я раньше жил.
Пароход, на который мы погрузили товары,
выйдет из порта завтра.
местоимение who редко
местоимением that. Местоимение whose не
местоимением that.
Бессоюзное соединение предложений
Если относительные местоимения which, that, who не являются
подлежащим в придаточном определительном предложении, они могут быть
опущены, и придаточное предложение присоединяется бессоюзно, что
характерно для разговорного языка. При переводе на русский язык
обязательно вставляется подходящее по смыслу соединительное слово, чаще
- который (-ая, ую, ...):
Where is the letter (which) I gave you to read?
Где письмо, которое я дал тебе почитать?
Here is the book (that или which) we have
spoken about.
Give me the book which I gave you yesterday.=
Give me
the book I gave you yesterday.
There is the student that (whom) I saw at the
theatre yesterday. = There is the student I saw at
the theatre yesterday.
He posted the letter that (which) he had written. =
He posted the letter he had written.
Вот книга, о которой мы говорили.
Дай мне книгу, которую я дал тебе вчера.
Вот тот студент, которого я видел вчера в
Он отправил письмо, которое он написал.
Вот еще примеры:
The drawing the engineer gave us help to
understand the task better.
The book the teacher read to as yesterday
describes the life of young workers.
Чертежи, которые
дал нам, помогли лучше понять задачу.
Книга, которую учитель читал нам вчера,
рассказывает о жизни молодых рабочих.
предложения с бессоюзной связью является стык двух существительных
(...the drawing -the engineer...; ...the book - the teacher...), при котором за
вторым существительным следует глагол в личной форме.
Если перед опускаемым союзным словом стоял предлог,
он переносится в конец придаточного предложения (ставится после глагола,
а при наличии дополнения - после дополнения):
Вот дом, в котором мы
This is the house in which welive. = This
is the house we livein.
Поэтому при переводе: если в конце придаточного определительного
предложения, присоединенного к главному без союза, находится предлог, он
(which который, whom которого и т. д.), например:
The house I live in is not far from the
Дом, в котором я живу, находится недалеко от
Относительные местоимения, играющие
придаточного предложения, нельзя опустить:
The man who is sitting there is my brother. Человек, который сидит там, мой брат.
The picture which (that) hangs on the Картина, которая висит на стене, была
wall was painted by Repin.
написана Репиным.
2 Классифицирующие придаточные предложения выражают признак, по
которому данное лицо или предмет (лица или предметы) может быть
причислено к какому-либо классу лиц или предметов. Если определяемое
существительное стоит в ЕДИНСТВЕННОМ числе, то оно употребляется С
Children who live by the sea usually begin
to swim at an early age.
A letter which is written in pencil is difficult
to read.
Дети, которые живут у моря, обычно начинают
плавать в раннем возрасте.
Письмо, которое написано карандашом, трудно
В классифицирующих определительных предложениях относительные
местоимения whom и which также могут заменяться местоимением that:
A letter that (which) is written in pencil is Письмо, которое
difficult to read.
трудно читать.
3 Описательные придаточные предложения служат для описания лица или
предмета (лиц или предметов), или для передачи дополнительных сведений о
нем. Например:
In the street I met some children, who На улице я встретил детей, которые показали
showed me the way. мне дорогу.
His brother, whom we met yesterday, Его брат, которого мы встретили вчера,
studies at our institute. учится в нашем институте.
Примечание: Описательные определения не служат цели выделить предмет
из класса однородных, так как предмет ясен всем собеседникам, просто
сообщаются еще дополнительные сведения о нем.
В описательных определительных предложениях соединительные
местоимение that вместо who, whom иwhich не употребляется.
Индивидуализирующие (1)и классифицирующие (2)
определительные предложения не могут быть опущены без ущерба для
смысла главного предложения, поскольку в них сообщаются отличительные
качества предмета. А описательные определительные предложения
(3) могут быть опущены без ущерба для смысла главного предложения,
поскольку они дают лишь дополнительные сведения, не меняя смысла
главного предложения.
Индивидуализирующие (1)
и классифицирующие (2)
определительные предложения не отделяются от главного предложения
Описательные определительные предложения (3) обычно отделяются
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21.10. Lesson 18 Враження, почуття та емоції. у зв’язку з побаченим.
21.10. Lesson 19-20 Телевізійна мозаїка. Дискусійний клуб. Улюблені програми.
Завдання: чит. впр.1, ст.56-57,вик. впр. 3,ст.61-62(пис), чит. впр.2. ст.63-65, слова в словник,
перевести письмово(5) ст.64
23.10. Lesson 21-22 Проектна робота. Переваги і недоліки телебачення. Моє мовне портфоліо.
23.10. Lesson 23-24 Домашнє читання. Краєзнавство. Підсумковий урок.
Завдання: вик.завд. ст.72-74, чит. ст. 76-77 слова в словник
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Тема Подорож. (погл. підручник)
24.10. Lesson 25-26 Чи любиш ти подорожувати. Види подорожей.
24.10. Lesson 27-28 Подорож потягом. Домашнє читання. Подорож потягом.
Завдання: вик. впр. 1.ст.4, чит. Впр.2 ст.8-9; пис.впр.3 ст.8-9.
Do You Like Travelling?
1.a) Complete the dialogue with the correct tense forms of Engiish verb.
Ann: Do you like travelling?
Bill: Yes, I (like) _____ travelling very much. It (be) ______my hobby. I always (take) ________ my camera
with me and (take)
________pictures of everything that (interest)_________ me: the ruins of ancient
buildings, the sights of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and even animals and birds.
Ann: What countries (visit, you) ?
Bill: Well, I (be) ______ to Italy, Greece, Russia and India. Someday I (go)________to the United States.
My cousin (live) ______ there. She (invite) _______me several times already. When I (have)____enough
money, I (go) __________ to the States.
Ann: I (be, never) ______ to any of these countries. When (be)____ you in Italy?
Bill: Two years ago.
Ann: Did you go there alone?
Bill: No, I (go) __________ there with my father. We (visit) ________Venice and Rome, the most beautiful
cities of Italy..
Ann: I (want, always) _____ to travel to other countries, but I (have, not) _______ the opportunity. I (go)
______ to Germany in my childhood, but I (be, not) anywhere since then.
2. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if
Find out what present the author is talking about,
by Anthony Carson1
The train from Calais was plastered with names. Strasbourg — Basel — Innsbruck — Salzburg — Vienna
— Budapest — Bucharest.
I stood outside my carriage and stared at the placard, thinking how timeless Hhe Grand European Expresses
are. The whistle blew. The train started.
I had a meal in the dining-car and returned to my carriage. It was crammed with French people. They were
reading "Paris Match" and "Paris Soir" and "Figaro".! fell asleep and woke up into night 3. All the French people
had gone but one elderly man 4 with an enormous ginger moustache. In the rack above his head was a huge
wooden box. An undertaker? A florist? Did the box contain a body, a bomb, or begonias? However, he looked
a sober5, careful man, smoking a pipe. We nodded to each other. Somehow I was glad to see him, to fix my
thoughts on him. After all, I thought, examining his beautiful moustache, I was a European, too.
"Where are we?'1 I asked in French.
He took out his pipe and shook his head.
I tried my lumbering German. "Are we in France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary or Rumania?" I asked,
"We are still in France," he said. "Shortly we will be in Strasbourg."
"Do you belong to Strasbourg?" I asked.
"No," he said. "I live in Douai. 1 am going to the Strasbourg Fair."
"But you are German."
"Yes. But that is another thing. It is in the past. Now I breed certain small animals for the Strasbourg Fair.
The Strasbourg Fair is a wonderful thing; it must be seen to be believed. 6 Particularly the section of the small
I looked up at the box above his head.
He smiled and nodded. "Kaninc'hen," he explained. I didn't know the word.
I brought down my bag, opened it and took out my dictionary. "Kaninchen." Rabbits.
"Yes, yes," I said.
"Exactly," he cried. He was so pleased that he brought down the shiny, ancient box and opened it and out
sprang the rabbits."
We fed them with lettuce and carrots and half an old sandwich, and then they were packed up in the box, the
train slowed down and it was Strasbourg. "Good luck with the rabbits," I said, shaking him by the hand.
I slept again. Suddenly I was woken up. A stream of officials stood in the bright light.
"Where am I?" I asked in Spanish.
"Switzerland," said an official. "Have you anything to declare?"
"Nothing," I said.
"No cigarettes, spirits or silk?"
"No," I said.
"Is that your bag? May we open it?"
"Yes," I said.
They opened it and somebody whistled. "Kaninchen," he said. "A really first-class Kaninchen. So. Dutiable,
Herr Kapitan?"
I jumped up and stared at the Kaninchen. "It's not my Kaninchen," 1 cried. "It's for the Strasbourg Fair." I
explained my story.
"I opened the bag lo look up the word," I said, "and it must have jumped into the bag under my shirt."
"You have a British passport?"
"Yes," I said.
"Then it is in order," said the captain. In the Grand European Expresses, if nowhere else, the Englishman is
a gentleman above reproach.
"Thank you," I said. He gave me a sheet of paper and I signed it.
•k -ft *
Hours later, the lights were on again. A tall man in a green suit came in the carriage and bowed. "Good
morning," he said. "Welcome to Austria. Have you anything to declare?"
"A rabbit," Г replied, and handed him the sheet of paper. He glanced at it, returned it to me, and bowed again.
"I hope both of you enjoy your stay in Austria," he said.
"Thank you," I said. I felt I would like Austria.
In the afternoon I arrived in Salzburg. I felt terribly tired. I found myself a guest house quite near the station,
"I have a Kaninchen," I told the proprietor's wife, opening my bag.
"It is a fine Kaninchen," she said admiringly.
"It would make a fine pet," I said. "I present it to you."
She took the rabbit away, and I went upstairs and had a wash and a shave and a sleep and then went down to
the dining-room.
"Here is your dinner," said the proprietor's wife, "and may God grant you a fine appetite!" She placed a
steaming dish on the table.
I started to eat, and then put down my fork. The taste was familiar. "Please," I said.to the lady, "what is this
dish called?"
3. Read the following sentences inserting prepositions and adverbs wherever necessary.
A. 1. The train ... Calais was plastered ... the names of different cities, 2. I stood outside my carriage
and stared... the placard. 3. The carnage was crammed ... French people. 4. We fed the rabbits ,.. lettuce
and carrots. 5. The rabbits were packed ... the box. 6. The train slowed ... and it was Strasbourg, 7. Good
luck ... you. 8. "Your passport is ... order," said the captain. 9. Do you belong ... Strasbourg? 10.I looked
up ... the box ... his head. 11.I brought... my bag, opened it and took ... my dictionary.
B. 1. "Is Mr Humphry ...?" "I'm sorry, he's ... at the moment. Would you like to leave a message for
him?" 2. My parents will take care ... our children when we are ... . 3. Can you tell me what is the Maly Theatre
tonight? 4. John told me that his car was order and he couldn't take us to the station.
5. The Customs officer said that his papers were ... perfect order. 6. Tell me who is ... duty today. 7. "Would
you care ... another cup of tea?" "No, thank you." 8. According to the official protocol men do not shake hands
.., a lady unless she offers him her hand first. 9. Would you like to try ... this hat? I, think it wit! look nice on
you. 10. "Who does this parcel; belong ...?" "I'm afraid I don't know." 11. The best thing .. you to do is to hand
over your travelling papers in time. 12. During the first night performance the stalls and the balcony werepacked
... people. 13. Jim presented Mary ... beautiful flowers on her birthday. 14. If you care ... ballet you should see
"The Golden Age", it's really a first-class performance.
28.10. Lesson 29 Види подорожей.
28.10. Lesson 30 Подорож до Лос-Анжелесу.
Завдання: вик.впр.1,2,3 ст.12, чит. Впр5-6 ст.12-13
Ways of Travelling
1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with one of the following words.
1. Do you know that my________ to work took almost four hours this morning?
2. For our holidays next year, we're going on a ten-day ______ of the Australian outback.
3. We always go on a day ______ to France in December to buy Christmas presents.
4. The price of this holiday includes a full-day ______ to a place of cultural Interest.
5.He's hoping to go on a _____ to the Himalayas next year.
2. Look through the topical
vocabulary on the right. Which
words are familiar to you? Look
up the meanings of the
unknown words in a dictionary
and learn them by heart
3, a) Learn how to explain
the meaning of
a travel by
walking, with
a journey by
sea or along a
river, etc. (esp.
in passing
a long journey),
as a voyage to
Motorists give
the far East; to
go on a voyage
free rides.
round Europe,
b) Explain the meaning of the
duty-free, left-luggage office,
return-ticket, sea-sick.
• to make a trip (journey), goods
(A. E.-freight), means of travelling,
railway, railroad (A. E.), travel first
class, travel economy class, express (fast) train, mail
train, carriage (A. E.-car), compartment, upper (lower)
berth, bedding, sleeper, dining car, to change trains,
flight, domestic flight, international flight, a window seat,
an aisle seat, to go ashore on deck, be seasick;
» booking (A. E.-reservation), booking (A. E.-ticket) office,
register, return (round trip) ticket, single (return) ticket, to
book (A. E.-make reservations) by phone, time-table, to
be in time (for a train, etc), to run to schedule, to be ahead
of schedule, to be delayed by something;
left luggage office, luggage-van, weigh (in), hand
luggage, to have one's luggage left, examination of one's
luggage, free of charge, excess
luggage charge
(official), Customs regulations, go
through passport control, go through
the Customs, article, smuggling, extinguisher, guard
attendant, be liable to duty, to declare, to pay duty on
smth. be through with the formalities;
departure gate, departure lounge, arrive at an airport (a
place), Arrivals, Baggage Check-in, Baggage Claim, Cart
Rental End, Cashier, Check-in, Departures, First Class
Only, Flight Information, Gates Open One Hour Prior to
Departure, Gates 1-10, Group Cheek-!n, Ticketed
Passengers Only, Soft articles only.
5. a) Read and translate the following text
using a dictionary if necessary.
One of the first things a foreigner notices about British railways is the platforms. They are higher than in most
parts of the world. The platform is almost on a level with the floor of the carriages. You do not, therefore,
have to climb up into a railway carriage in Britain. This makes it a little easier to get in and out of the carriage
with your luggage.
The trains that go to and from London are very crowded at the times when people are travelling to work, since
about a million people travel to London to work each day. There are cheap tickets after a certain time of the
day, usually about 9.30 when everyone has gone to work. These are called cheap day return tickets. It is often
nearly fifty per cent cheaper to travel to London after 9.30 than before this time. On many fast trains to London
there is a dining-car in which you can buy lunch, dinner or coffee. On others there is a buffet at which it is
possible to buy snacks and drinks. Sometimes a waiter from the dining-car brings round cups of coffee to the
There are only two classes in Britain — first and second. A first-class ticket costs 50% more than a secondclass ticket. On long journeys, there is a ticket inspector, who visits every passenger to see if he has the right
ticket and is not travelling in the wrong class.
In England train passengers seldom converse with their fellow-travellers even on a long journey — this is
more a national custom than a matter of etiquette. When the passenger reaches the end of his journey
and leaves the train, he has to give his ticket to the ticket collector at the exit before he can leave the station.
If he has luggage and wants someone to carry it for him to a
waiting car or taxi, he
must ask a porter. The
porter does not make
a charge for this
expects a tip.
b) Give a summary
of the text "Travelling by Train In Britain".
6. Listen and develop your speaking habits.
James Hall has a new job with Orange Computers in Philadelphia. He's 23 and just out of college. As
part of his training he has to spend six weeks at company headquarters near Los Angeles. It's his first
business trip, and he's packing his suitcase. He lives with his parents, and his mother is helping him. Mrs.
Hall: Jummy, haven't you finished packing yet? James: No, Mom, but It's all right. There isn't much to do.
Mrs.Ha//: Well, I'll give you a hand. Oh. There isn't much room left. Is there anywhere to put your shaving
kit? James: Yeah, sure. It'll go in here. Now, I have three more shirts to pack. They'll go on top, but there's
another pair of shoes to get in. I don't know where to put them.
Mrs. Hall: Put them here, one on each side. There. O.K. 1 think we can close it now.
James: О. К. Where's the tag?
Mrs. Hall: What tag, dear?
James: The name tag that the airline gave me to put on the suitcase.
Oh, here it is.
Mrs. Hall: Now, do you have the key? James: What key?
Mrs. Hall: The key to lock the suitcase, of course. James: It's in the
lock, Mom. Don't make such a fuss. There's
nothing to worry about. There's plenty of time. Mrs. Hall: Have you
forgotten anything? James: I hope not.
James: О. К. Where's the tag?
Mrs. Hall: What tag, dear?
James: The name tag that the airline gave me to put on the suitcase.
Oh, here it is.
Mrs. Hall: Now, do you have the key? James: What key?
Mrs. Hall: The key to lock the suitcase, of course. James: It's in the
lock, Mom. Don't make such a fuss. There's
nothing to worry about. There's plenty of time. Mrs. Hall: Have you
forgotten anything? James: I hope not.
Mrs. Hall: And you have a safe pocket for your traveler's checks?
James: Yes, they're in my inside coat pocket. Mrs. Hail: Do you
have a book to read on the plane? James: Yes, it's in my briefcase.
Mrs. Hall: What about small change to make phone calls? James;
Checked. I have a pocketful of coins. Mrs. Hall: And is everything
else arranged? James: What do you mean?
Mrs. Hall: Well, is there someone to meet you in Los Angeles?
James: No, Mom. I'll rent a car and go to a motel near the Orange
office. They suggested the Newport
Beach Holiday Inn, 1 asked them to make it — the motel
reservation, I mean. (1 reserved the car
myself.) Mrs. Hall: Well, you've taken care of everything. I don't know why I'm worrying. Take care of
and be good. Call us tonight. James: Thanks, Mom. I will. Mrs. Hall: Oh, 1 nearly forgot! Here's some
gum to chew on the plane — you know, when it's coming
down. It's sugarless. James: Oh. Mom. Don't worry. I'll be all right. I'll see you next month.
30.10. Lesson 31-32 Подорож літаком.
30.10. Lesson 33 Паспортний контроль та митниця.
Завдання: чит.впр.9.ст.14, чит. Впр.2 ст.16, слова в словник. Перевести (письмово). 1 або 2.
пис. впр 3 ст.17
9. Listen and act out.
Attendant: Where will you be leaving today?
Traveler: New York.
Attendant: May I see your ticket, passport and visa,
please? Traveler: Here you go. My visa's on
a page of my
passport. Attendant: Would you like a window
or an aisle
Traveler: Aisle, please.
Attendant: Do you prefer smoking or
nonsmoking? Traveler: Nonsmoking. Attendant:
I have 13E available. How many pieces
of luggage do you have?
Traveler: Two.
2. Read, translate and remember the following rules and regulations.
Nowadays people mostly travel by air. Here are a few hints on air travel that may be helpful:
1. Passengers are requested to arrive at theairport (air terminal) one hour before departure time
on international flights and half an hour on domestic
2. Passengers must register their tickets, weighin and registerthe luggage (baggage). The economy
class limitation is 20 kg. First-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. Excess luggage must be paidjor,
3. Passengers are permitted to take only some personal belongings with them into
the cabin. These items include handbags, brief-cases or attache cases, umbrellas, coats
and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport.
4. Each passenger is given a. boarding pass tobe shown at the departure gate and again to the
stewardess when boarding the plane.
5. Watch the electric sign flashes in the plane. When the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign goes on, do it
promptly, and also obey the "No Smoking" signal.
6. Listen to the announcements on the public address system. The captain will welcome you on
board, tell you all about the flight.and the interesting places you are flying over.
7. Do not forget your personal belongings when leaving the plane.
Landing formalities and customs regulations are about the same in all countries.
1. While still on board the plane the passengers-is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in (in Ыоскж
letters) his name in .full,country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit, and
address in the country he is visiting. –
2. After the passenger has disembarked, officials will examine (check) his passport and visa (to see if
they are in order).
3. In some countries they will check the passenger's certificate of vaccination.
4. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination
of his luggage.
5. The passenger is required to fill in acustoms declaration form. He must list all dutiable articles.
(Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free.)
Here is a partial list of prohibited articles (items): firearms, drugs, in some countries — meat products,
fresh fruit and vegetables.
6. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After you are through with
all customs formalities he will put a stamp on each piece of luggage.
3. Answer the following questions
a. When are the passengers requested to arrive at the
b. What is the weight limitation in the economy class (first
c. What personal belongings are permitted into the cabin?
d. What does the passenger receive after registering his air
e. Where should he show his boarding pass?
f. What electric signs should the passenger obey?
g. Who speaks over the public address system on board the
h. What does the captain say to the passengers
i. What electric signs should the passenger obey?
j. Who speaks over the public address system on board the
k. What does the captain say to the passengers? '