Программа по английскому языку (для поступления в 10

Программа по английскому языку
(для поступления в 10 лицейские классы)
Языковая компетенция
Лексическая сторона:
1)Предметное содержание
«Мои друзья и я». Взаимоотношения в семье, с друзьями. Внешность. Досуг (спорт,
чтение, посещение дискотек, кафе, молодежных клубов). Молодежная мода. Покупки.
Переписка. Любовь. Конфликты.
« Школьное образование и выбор профессии». Типы школ. Изучаемые предметы
и отношение к ним. Каникулы. Международные школьные обмены. Проблемы
выбора профессии. Роль иностранного языка.
«Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна». Географическое положение,
климат, население, города и села, достопримечательности. Выдающиеся люди, их вклад в
мировую культуру. Средства массовой информации.
«Земля и люди». Природа и проблемы экологии. Здоровый образ жизни.
2) Словообразовательные средства: конференция как средство расширения
потенциального словаря; аффиксация:1) существительных с суффиксами -ness, -ity, ship, -ment, -sion, -tion, -er, -or, -ante, -ence,-ist, -ing; 2) глаголов с суффиксами: dis-, re-; 3)
прилагательных с префиксами: un-, in-, inter-; с суффиксами: -able, -ible, -ous, -ive, -ful, y, -ly, -ic, -an, -ing; 4) наречий с суффиксом —ly;
Грамматическая сторона
разделительные вопросы. Безличные предложения с формальными подлежащими
типа: It's difficult.
Условные предложения реального характера типа: If you call me, I’ll tell you
Сложноподчиненные предложения с союзными словами и союзами which, that, what,
when, if, because, that`s why. Конструкции с инфинитивом типа: I want him to help me.
Конструкция there is/there are в прошедшем времени. Конструкция с to be going to в
прошедшем времени. Предложения, содержащие конструкции as...as, not so...as.
Предложения (утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросительные) в косвенной речи.
Особые случаи употребления определенного, неопределенного и нулевого артиклей.
Неопределенные местоимения и их производные типа: somebody, anybody etc.
Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений. Возвратные местоимения.
Глагольные формы: в Present, Past, Future Continuous; Present, Past, Future
Simple; Present, Past, Future Perfect; Present Perfect Continuous; в Present, Past
Simple Passive; Present and Past Perfect Passive; Future - in -the — Past. Согласование
Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты: be able to, be to, have to, be allowed to.
Неличные формы глаголов (Gerund, Participle I, П, Infinitive). Complex Object,
Complex Subject.
Условные предложения с разной степенью вероятности: вероятные,
маловероятные, невероятные (First, Second and Third Conditionals). Наречия в
сравнительной и превосходной степенях. Исключения.
Фразовые глаголы -bring, come, get, go, look, make, run, take.
При поступлении в лицейские классы проводится письменный тест, состоящий
из задания по чтению с извлечением информации и заданий на проверку знаний в
области грамматики и лексики в рамках соответствующей программы.
I. Read the text below. Six sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the
sentences A-F the one which fits each gap.
The sun was shining brightly in the clear, blue sky. (1) Ted Brown was sitting in his office,
daydreaming. “I wish I were on a sandy beach in an exotic place”, he thought to himself, as he
looked out of his office window at the busy streets below.
Just then, the telephone rang loudly. Ted jumped in surprise. When he picked it up, a
voice said, “Come to the Grand Hotel at six o’clock. I have something for you.” “Who’s
there?” Ted asked, but there was no answer. Puzzled, he looked at his watch. (2) He knew he’d
have to hurry if he was to get there in time, so he quickly left the office. The traffic outside was
terrible, so Ted decided to make the journey to the hotel on the underground.
(3) It took him almost an hour to get to the hotel. At exactly six o’clock, Ted was
entering the impressive building. Ted walked towards the reception desk and asked if anyone
had left anything for him. (4) Ted opened it and took out the card which was inside. It said
“Come to room 147 on the tenth floor and knock on the door three times.” By now, Ted was
very anxious to find out what was going on. When he found the room 147, he knocked on the
door three times and waited. (5) The room inside was dark.
As Ted stepped inside, all the lights came on. “Surprise!”yelled Ted/s friends and
family. Ted couldn’t believe his eyes. “Happy birthday, Ted” said his Mum. (6) His boss gave
him another envelope which contained a ticket for a week’s Caribbean cruise. Ted was
amazed!”Thank you, everyone,” he said. “This is the best birthday present ever!”
A “I thought everyone had forgotten,” replied Ted.
B It was very hot in the city centre.
C The station was crowded with people and so was the train.
D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door.
E It was already five o’clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city.
F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front.
II. Choose the correct item.
When I first met my university flat mate, Emily, I didn’t really like her. I thought she was a
bossy girl who liked giving people orders. However, when I got to know her we became
friends and have been friends ever since. She is very energetic and 1)… person, who always
offers to help people and organizes all kinds of events.
First of all, Emily is very pretty. She has 2)… features and people always notice her
large, green eyes and 3)… hair. But I think that her 4)… nose is her best feature.
Emily is usually 5)… dressed. Her favourite clothes are her old jeans and her collection
of T-shirts with the names of her favourite rock groups. Emily is always on a diet because she
worries about 6)… weight. She never believes me, when I tell her she’s very slim. Emily is
very 7)… and she is always the life and soul of the party. She is also very romantic, but she is
8)… about who she talks to. She wants to find someone really special. She is so clever and
talented that she could have a great career, 9)… she is not at all 10)… . She has no idea what
she wants to do after she finishes her studies.
All in all, she is very special to me and I know she will always be there when I need
1 A careful
B caring
C boring
2 A wonderful
B stunning
C decisive
3 A golden
B bright
C hooked
4 A laughing
5 A formally
6 A taking on
7 A outgoing
8 A silly
9 A as well
10 A co-operative
B silky
B casually
B having on
B easy-going
B boring
B and
B ambitious
C upturned
C successfully
C putting on
C helpful
C fussy
C but
C determined
III Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the
space in the same line.
1. Please wait! Don’t be so _________________________________
2. Congratulations! Your application for the job was _____________
3. This statue is one of the most important tourist ________________
4. We’re going on a tour of the castle. It sounds very _____________
5. It’s a good idea but I think it’s very _________________________
6. Although cars are useful, they also have ______________________
7. Teachers should always punish bad _________ in class.
8. I knew the word once but now I have ________________________
9. The main streets in our cities are ____________________________
10. Not taking exercise can be very _____________________________
IV.Fill in the blanks using the appropriate tense.
Sunday is the day we usually go out for a drive. I (1) …. (learn) to drive at the moment, so
sometimes my husband Bob (2) …. (let) me drive the car. However, last Sunday something (3)
…. (happen) which made him change his mind. Bob (4) … (drive) for almost ten years and
he’s very proud of the fact that he (5) … (never/ have) an accident. We (6)… (just/ leave) the
house. I (7) … (drive) along the road quite slowly, when we heard a terrible crashing sound.
Something (8)… (fall) off the roof of the car, then landed on the bonnet. When we looked, we
saw that it was a bucket of water! I (9)…. (clean) the car before we set off and had left it on
the roof. Bob says that in future he (10) … (do) the driving and the cleaning!
V. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√). If a line
has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples (0) (00) at
the beginning.
Apollo 13
___√____ 0 True stories are often the best and the story of Apollo 13 is no
although 00 exception. Although the story of the unlucky thirteenth Apollo
_______ 1 mission was made into a successful Hollywood feature film. It
_______ 2 is the tale of a mission that it went horribly wrong after just two
_______ 3 days in the space. The crew had just finished a TV broadcast
_______ 4 when the pilot pressed a button for a routine exercise. There was
_______ 5 a loud explosion and the spacecraft has went out of control. For
_______ 6 the next six hours the crew desperately tried to work out what
_______ 7 had goine wrong. They would had to work fast because they
_______ 8 knew if they ran out of oxygen and foe electricity, they were
_______ 9 finished. They also needed water, not even for themselves, but to
_______ 10 cool the spaceship’s electronic systems. With the help of the
_______ 11 engineers at NASA, they got over the ship back under control
_______12 and were guided it back to earth. When the parachutes finally
_______13 brought the module back, nobody could to believe that they had
_______14 really done it. It was a tale of incredible imagination and
_______15 intelligence – absolutely very perfect for a film.