The AVK Company renews products range on 40% and improves

The AVK Company renews products range on 40% and improves receipt of the products
On results a year the product range of the AVK Company will revive more than on 40%
due to speed-up launches of the new products on new hi-tech equipment. Series of innovative
products with the original receipt were launched on the market. Such chocolates as «Truffle
original», «StarLight toffee», «Sufleyka», «Ledok» don’t have any analogues in the countries of
the CIS.
For the beginning of new season the technologists of company «AVK» renewed receipt of
chocolates, which is already loved by consumers.
«We replaced ingredients in range of popular chocolates for the more qualitative ones, said Dmitry Zhirnov, R&D Director of the AVK Company. – And jellies are produced
exceptionally using nature-colors and flavors, created on the basis of vegetables, berries and
fruits. All products are produced from high-quality, certificated raw material, according to
HACCP principles – control of all technological chain”.
New production equipment recently started on the factories of the company gives ample
opportunities to create confectionery masterpieces. During the last 3 years the AVK Company
invested about $80 million in modernization and expansion of production capacities. As a result,
total production capacity exceeds 217 thousands tons a year.
Some production lines don’t have analogues not only on territory of the CIS but also all
European Union. Their productivity exceeds some regional factories of Ukraine. For example,
one of lines allows to combine 3 different fillings in one type of chocolates simultaneously and
to produce up to 1800 tons of chocolates a month.
Всё управление компьютеризировано и обеспечивает высочайшую точность в
дозировке сырья и ингредиентов – с градацией в 0,01 грамма, а также в поддержке
температурного режима и времени обработки изделия (до 1 миллисекунды).
All management of komp'yuterizirovano and provides the highest exactness in the dosage
of raw material and ingredients – with gradation in a 0,01 gramme, and also in support of
temperature condition and time of treatment of good (to 1 millisecond).
«Мы улучшили рецептуру и инвестировали значительные средства в обеспечение
стабильно высокого качества новинок под маркой «АВК» для того, чтобы сохранить
наш главный актив - доверие потребителей, - заявляет директор по маркетингу компании
«АВК» Александр Лавров. – В непростые времена экономических потрясений некоторые
производители удешевляют продукцию за счет её потребительских свойств и качеств.
Мы же напротив, улучшаем её, в уверенности, что покупатель оценит наши усилия.
«We improved compounding and invested considerable facilities in providing stably of
high quality of novelties under the brand of «AVK» in an order to save our main asset is a trust
of users, - a director declares on marketing of company «AVK» Alexander Lavrov. – In not
simple times of economic shocks some producers reduce in price products due to its consumer
properties and qualities. We on the contrary, improve it, in a confidence, that a buyer will
estimate our efforts.
Результаты рыночных исследований свидетельствуют о том, что украинцы
предпочитают покупать пусть в меньшем количестве, но гарантированно качественные
Продажи обновленных продуктов и новинок компания поддержит масштабной
рекламной кампанией, стартовавшей 10 сентября на всех крупнейших телеканалах
страны. В рекламном ролике сняли настоящие плантации какао-бобов в Бразилии, одну из
действующих производственных линий «АВК» и реальных сотрудников компании, а не
актёров. Рекламная кампания будет длиться на протяжении всего «высокого» сезона – в
течение 6 месяцев.
The results of market researches testify that Ukrainians prefer to buy let in less, but assuredly
high-quality wares». A company will support the sales of the renewed products and novelties a
scale publicity campaign, starting on September, 10 on all largest TV channels of country. In a
publicity roller took off the real plantations of cacaos-bobs in Brazil, one of operating production
lines of «AVK» and real employees of company, but not actors.
The AVK Company is one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in Ukraine. The company was established in 1991. The
AVK Company has started its activity in 1991 as a supplier of cacao products to the Ukrainian confectionery factories. It has been needed only
three years the first sweets – hollow chocolate figures, were produced.
Now AVK incorporates 4 factories based in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk and Mukacheve.
On the Ukrainian market AVK is the leader in chocolate confectionery.* ТOP AVK’s brands in chocolate confectionery are:
“Shedevr”, “Domior”, “Krem-sufle”, “Korolivskyj Sharm”, “Major”, “Frutta - smachna hvylyna”. AVK Company is the first company which
has started the jelly-chewing sweets production in Ukraine. And now the company’s brand “Zhuviland” is the absolute leader of this
category.The quality of the AVK products is proved by international certificates.
Central office Kiev. Ukraine, 04080, Kiev, 82-a, Mezhyhirska Str., building B, Informational
service 0 (800) 5000 12.