Конспект внеклассного мероприятия в 11 классе по теме

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 20
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
в 11-х классах
«Биттлз - поэты поколения»
13 февраля 2006 г.
Цель мероприятия:
1) познавательный аспект – знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого
языка, знакомство с английской музыкальной
культурой, творческим
наследием the Beatles;
развивающий аспект - развитие долговременной памяти, языкового
слуха, языковой догадки, способности к сравнению, выводам, развитие
актерского умения (чувство интонации, паузы, экспрессии в иноязычной
речи), творческих способностей.
воспитательный аспект - формирование положительного отношения к
способности понимать чужие точки зрения, умение правильно высказать
свою позицию
4) учебный аспект - активизация языкового материала по теме «Что волнует
навыков, навыков
аудирования по теме, активизация лексико-
грамматических единиц, изученных на уроках, развитие навыков работы
с тестовыми заданиями;
Форма проведения – литературно-музыкальная композиция, посвященная
творчеству группы (с элементами тестовых и заданий)
Наглядные пособия, оборудование, ТСО – плакаты, рисунки, посвященные
творчеству группы, иллюстрации из книг о группе,
музыкантах, распечатка текстов песен, видеомагнитофон,
телевизор, магнитофон.
Продолжительность мероприятия – 50 минут.
Место проведения – класс или актовый зал, расстановка парт, стульев
свободная, удобная для перемещения учащихся, для
просмотра видеорядов.
Ход проведения мероприятия
Ведущий учитель: We’re here today to speak about one of the most popular English
music groups – the Beatles. I don’t want you to be just guests here. I’d like you to take an active
part in our party. Let’s sing songs together, discuss some problems and enjoy our activity. Every
body has an activity sheet. (Приложение 1) You may take notes while listening or watching. Now
it’s time to start.
Часть первая (информативная)
Просмотр видеоряда современных групп (клипы МТV)
Учащиеся читают текст (наизусть), некоторые отрывки сопровождаются видеорядами
из фильма о творчестве Биттлз. Зрители могут работать в рабочих листах, слушая
информацию или просматривая видеофрагменты.
Чтец 1. There are a lot of interesting music groups and pop-singers, which are popular among
young people. But very often we can hear the well-known melodies of the Beatles.
Звучит песня группы, на фоне читают текст.
People still love the Beatles’ songs. Some of modern pop-singers and pop-groups try to
remake or remix the Beatles’ compositions. Their music is used in films. It is played by classical
orchestras. Their songs are performed by opera-singers and teenagers.
The Beatles were called the heroes of an era, the poets of the generation. They were the
national obsession in Britain and famous all over the world. Everything they did was brilliant: their
songs, their music, their lyric. But most of all they were good, very good, four young men from
Liverpool who changed the music and through the music - the world.
Let’s listen to one of the most beautiful songs ever written. And this song belongs to the
Звучит песня “Michelle” (отрывок)
Now let’s go back to the past, to the moment when the group appeared.
Видеоряды из фильма.
Чтец 2. Liverpool..... 200 miles to the North-west of London. Nothing much ever came from
Liverpool but soccer teams and British comedians. In 1956, in fact, there was little to suggest that
out of this provincial seaport would come four young men, and a musical revolution that would
captivate and change the world.
In 1 964 it seemed as it they had come from nowhere, so sudden was their success. But behind
them lay 8 years of hard work, and frequent disappointments. Yet they were determined and they
were lucky.
Чтец 3. In 1956 John Lennon was a 16-year old
troublemaker. John's musical career began at age 10 with a
harmonica given to him by Uncle George. When Skiffle, the
American group, hit England, his aunt bought him a guitar.
John soon formed his own group "The Quarrymen". John, like
other Liverpool teenagers, wanted to play Rock-n'-roll.
Paul McCartney had never met John Lennon. Paul was
14-years old and went to a different school. Unlike John, Paul
was well-behaved, reserved and eager to please. Paul's father,
a part-time musician, bought his son a guitar to help him
through the sorrow of his mother's death.
In the summer of 1957, Paul attended a local Church
festival in nearby Woolton. The entertainment that day was
the «Quarrymen». A friend introduced Paul to John. Paul was impressed that John had a band; John
was impressed that Paul could tune a guitar. The following week Paul became one of the
Чтец 4. George Harrison was the boy whose father drove the bus they all rode to school. George
was the family favorite. But even as a small child, he had an independent nature. In 1956 George
got his first guitar. Playing it did not come as naturally to him as to his friend Paul McCartney. But
he was patient. He was accepted not only for his guitar playing, but because his mother could
tolerate their noisy music.
Stuart Sutcliffe, on the other hand, was the most promising artist at Liverpool Art college, a
class-mate of John's. He couldn't play a note but he bought a guitar with the money he'd won in a
local art exhibition. With the new members came changes in name. First “Johnny and the
Moondogs”, then - the "Silver Beatles". Finally, in 1960, "The Beatles". But they still couldn't get
paying gigs.
Чтец 5 The first gigs were done at Liverpool Art College, about 1958. They played at students
dances. Their first gig outside college was at the Jackaranda - a tiny coffee bar, where they played
in the cellar. They got about 5 shilling each.
Then the Beatles decided to go to Hamburg. Hamburg was the Las Vegas of Europe. It was
exciting, full of life, they had a license to do everything.
The rough life and the long hours far from home hardened them, and their music. The band
got tighter. They were no longer "that bum group" that nobody wanted. They were professionals.
They came back from Hamburg still as an unknown group. At the time every one was into uniform
and the same clothes. These guys had hair longer, jeans, leather jackets, smoking cigarettes, doing it
and having a ball. The Beatles became more and more popular.
Звучит отрывок "Love me do"
Чтец 6. At that time the Beatles new drummer became Richard Stark, better known around
Liverpool as Ringo Starr. Taking no chances Brian Epstein, their manager, ordered 10 thousand
copies of "Love me do" for his Liverpool store. Not all of them sold but enough to push the record
into the British charts where it reached 17. Not bad for their first try. And then they came up with
"Please, please me", they speeded it up. As soon as they finished the record they knew it was a # 1.
"Please, please me" was released in January 1963. Within a month it was Britain's best selling
Звучит отрывок "Please, please me"
Чтец 7. In 1962 they recorded their first album. "She loves you", like "Please, please me", shot to
# l. And their secret army of fans was growing. Teenagers began to wait overnight in line for the
tickets to their shows. Membership in Liverpool fan club grew to 100 thousand. Soon they even
had trouble leaving home.
One Sunday night was Britain's most popular TV programme. When 15 million viewers
tuned in on October 13, 1963, they had their first glimpse of the group.
They were suddenly like royalty themselves. Four young men from provincial Liverpool.
They had suddenly become a national obsession overnight. It was not only their music that people
loved. Witty, lively and unpredictable, the Beatles charmed the press and through the press - the
By the way I think to talk about the Beatles without singing their song is useless.
Ребята поют песню «All my loving» под гитару.
Чтец 8. The Beatles had conquered England. America was next. The fame they'd created in
England got through to the American press. In December DJ's across the country began playing
imported copies of "I wanna hold your hand". Before even setting foot on American soil, the
Beatles were the country's N l group.
The Beatles drew large emotional crowds, charmed the New York press, and as in London,
4 months earlier, appeared on a National TV broadcast that brought them into nearly every living
room in the country.
Интервью с группой. Учащиеся разыгрывают сценку интервью с участниками
группы – 4 юноши исполняют роли музыкантов, остальные - журналисты
- I’d suppose that the four of you will be millionaire by the end of the year?
Harrison: That’s nice! Yes!
- Have you actually got time to spend the money?
All: What money?
- How many of you are bald?
McCartney: We are all bald. Yep. I’m bald.
Don’t tell anyone.
- Are you going to have a haircut?
Harrison: No, I had one yesterday.
- Are you a Mod or a Rocker?
Harrison: I’m a Mocker.
The American music industry had never
witnessed such a spectacular rise. By April 4th, 1964 they held 5 places on the American charts.
One week later, 14 of the top 100 singles were Beatles songs.
Видеоотрывок «Путешествие в Америку».
Чтец 9. They got tired of touring. They wanted to spend more time in the studio and they wanted
to spend more time living a life, which they didn't have, individually.
They were always interested in classical instruments in the orchestra. Millions bought the
Sgt. Pepper album. Critics and musicians everywhere praised it. It was the "Beatles" masterpiece.
Отрывок композиции Sgt. Pepper
In further search of universal love, the Beatles stumbled onto the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
an Indian guru, who advanced meditation. All four Beatles became immersed in the Maharishi and
his techniques.
Чтец 10. At the very moment when they were being given a philosophy in which they could live
their lives as individuals, at that very second Brian their manager, died, the one who'd wanted them
to be as a group.
The release of McCartney solo album on April 17, 1970 made it official. The Beatles, the greatest
pop group of all time, were no more.15 months after it was recorded "Let it be". The album
sounded like the "Beatles" swan song. Звучит 1куплет песни "Let it be".
Часть вторая (работа с рабочим листом)
Ведущий учитель: Our students have just presented the short story of the group. Take your
activity sheets and using it complete the crossword puzzle.
1. The name of one of the most popular
song of the Beatles
2. The first word in song #1 in June 1963
3. A town in Great Britain where the
5. The album where they used the
classical instruments is called Sgt. ….
group was born
4. On April 4 th, 1964 they held 5 places
on the charts in ….
6. The name of one of the Beatles
Ведущий учитель: In your activity sheets there are some questions for discussion:
Are the songs of the Beatles still popular? What do people like in their songs? What feelings do the
songs express? What is your attitude to their music? Do you like it or not? Give your arguments.
What kind of music do you prefer? Why?
You may work in groups. Discuss the questions and express your attitude.
Учащиеся могут работать индивидуально, парами или группами, обсуждают полученные
вопросы и формулируют свою точку зрения на творчество группы.
После обсуждения представляют свою позицию.
Ведущий учитель подводит итоги мероприятия:
We think that the great thing about the Beatles
is that they were of their time. Their timing was right.
They didn't choose it - someone chose it for them. But
left their mark in history because they expressed the
mood of the people, their own generation.
And at the end of our party we offer all our
guests to sing the song “Let it be” together with us.
Here are the words. Everybody is welcome.
Все поют песню "Let it be"
Let it be
1. When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Marry comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom:
Let it be - 2 раза
And in my hour of darkness
She was standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom:
Let it be - 2 раза
2. And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer:
Let it be - 2 раза
And though they may be parted
There's still a chance today we'll see
There will be an answer:
Let it be - 2 раза
3. And when the night is cloudy
There's still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be - 2 раза
I make up to the sound of music;
Mother Marry comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be - 2 раза
Ведущий учитель: I hope you’ve enjoyed our party. Thank you for your activity and your
attention. See you. Bye.
The Beatles are the poets of the generation
1. Match the names, the facts and the dates in column A with those in column B.
Paul McCartney
# 1 on the charts in America
The first album
The swan song of the group
“Please, please me”
#1 in June 1963
“She loves you”
April 1964
Las Vegas of Europe
“Let it be”
Classical instruments
2.Complete the crossword puzzle.
1. The name of one of the most popular
song of the Beatles
2. The first word in song #1 in June 1963
3. A town in Great Britain where the
5. The album where they used the
classical instruments is called Sgt. ….
group was born
4. On April 4 th, 1964 they held 5 places
on the charts in ….
6. The name of one of the Beatles
3. Discuss the following questions and express your attitude to the music of the
Are the songs of the Beatles still popular?
What do people like in their songs?
What feelings do the songs express?
What is your attitude to their music? Do you like it or not? Give your arguments.
What kind of music do you prefer? Why?
Here are some phrases you may use while presenting your opinion or discussing
the questions.
First, I’d like to…
In my opinion…
How right you are.
I am not sure in fact.
From my point of
I am of the same
No, I don’t think that …
I’m afraid I disagree
I consider (believe) …
I absolutely agree.
Please, don’t forget to be polite.