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Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases,
Kemerovo, Russia
Key words: hepaticfailure,artiicialliver,bioreactor,livercells,membrane.
[1, 9, 41, 43, 91].
[5, 7, 33, 53, 79, 93].
[17, 22, 91, 108].
. .
, . .
90 %.
33, 79, 96].
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[11, 85].
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[23, 108].
[10, 96].
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. .
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[10, 11, 82, 97].
real liver assist device)
(ELAD – extracorpo-
[5, 62].
10–30 %
: 1)
, 2)
2 /
– 300–
95 %
95 %
150 ,
10 %
[30, 85, 88, 120].
1975 .
» (400–1500
[64, 104].
[21, 83].
[29, 44, 60, 71, 73, 74].
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[6, 36, 53, 59, 99].
. .
, . .
63, 103, 119].
[48, 51, 72, 77].
[67, 110].
[18, 56].
[24–26, 112].
69, 92, 126].
[71, 82, 87].
116, 118].
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Corresponding author:
Georgiy P. Plotnikov,
leading research associate
of critical conditions laboratory
Correspondence address:
, .6
: +7 (3842) 64-33-08
E-mail: Georg@kemcardio.ru
G. P. Plotnikov, 6, Sosnoviy blvd.,
650002, Kemerovo
Tel.: +7 (3842) 64-33-08
E-mail: Georg@kemcardio.ru