Семестр 1 Модуль 3 Тема 13. Работа с газетой, журналом

Семестр 1
Модуль 3
Тема 13. Работа с газетой, журналом. Развитие навыков устного и
письменного перевода. Общественно-политическая лексика. Предлоги.
1. Read one of the articles about innovations below and give your comments
on it:
A market for ideas
A problem shared is a problem solved: that is the belief that inspired
InnoCentive, a firm that describes itself as the “world’s first open innovation
marketplace”. It is based on a simple idea: if a firm cannot solve a problem on its
own, why not use the rich of the internet to see if someone else can come up with
the answer?
Companies, which InnoCentive calls “seekers”, post their challenges and
problems on the firm’s website. “Solvers”, who number almost 180 ,000 compete
to win cash “prizes” offered by the seekers. Around 900 challenges have been
posted so far by some 150 firms which include big multinationals such as Procter
& Gamble. More than 400 have been solved. InnoCentive believes that the
approach can work for innovations in all sorts of fields, from chemistry to business
process and even economic development.
(adapted from the Economist)
Asia Innovation Awards
In November 2011 the winners of the Asia Innovation Awards 2011 were
announced in Hong Kong. The gold award went to Adlens Ltd., creator of
eyeglasses that can be adjusted to correct near- or farsightedness.
The Institute of Bioengineering and nanotechnology of Singapore, which
developed a portable disease detection system, won the silver award.
“Each one of you has made a remarkable effort in coming up with an
innovative idea and turning it into a reality that helps to enrich and improve the
quality of life and productivity,” Francesco de Ferrari, Deputy Head of Private
Banking Asia Pacific, told the winners.
(adapted from the press)
Развитие навыков устного и письменного перевода.
2. Translate the following text into English.
День сурка (Groundhog Day) - традиционный народный праздник в
Канаде и США. Люди отмечают его каждый год 2 февраля. В этот день
американцы наблюдают за сурком, когда он вылезает из своей норки (hole).
Его поведение в этот момент показывает, как скоро наступит весна. Если день
пасмурный, сурок не видит своей тени (shadow) и покидает нору. Это значит,
что зима скоро закончится и весна в этот год будет ранняя. Если день
солнечный, сурок видит свою тень и прячется в нору. Это значит, что зима
будет длиться еще шесть недель.
Сурок, который живет в городке Панксатони в штате Пенсильвания
(Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania) США - первый официальный сурок-метеоролог
(groundhog-meteorologist). Более ста двадцати лет, с 1887 года, люди следят
(have been watching) за прогнозами (forecast) пенсильванского сурка. В этот
день в штате проводится ежегодный фестиваль, который стал известным во
всем мире после выхода фильма «День сурка». Сурок по кличке Фил,
который и сейчас живет в Пенсильвании, исполнил главную роль в фильме и
стал знаменитым «синоптиком» (weather forecaster) в Америке.
3. Translate the following text into English using Present Simple, Past
Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple или Future Continuous:
Традиционно в начале сентября студенты отмечают день
первокурсника. Вчера, 10 сентября, студенты и преподаватели нашего
университета поздравляли первокурсников с началом учебы. Перед главным
корпусом (main building) университета студенты поставили мини-сцену и
развесили воздушные шары. Праздник начался с поздравлений ректора
университета. Его речь была короткой, но интересной. Весь вечер студенты
пели, танцевали и шутили. Всем понравился Праздник первокурсника.
Дальше у студентов будут лекции, семинары и лабораторные работы.
Студенты будут работать и учиться усердно (hard). Зимой они будут сдавать
свою первую сессию. Именно она и будет настоящим посвящением в
(initiation into) студенты.
Предлоги. Повторение.
4. Here are some examples with time prepositions. Read and learn them:
10 o’clock
I start work at 8 o’clock.
The shops close at 5.30 p.m.
night, (the) moment, (the) weekend, We visited them at Christmas.
(the) end
Christmas, Easter, New Year
Sunday(s), Monday(s), etc.
Good-bye! See you on Friday.
25 April, 6 June
I do not work on Sundays.
New Year’s Day
The concert is on 25 November.
April, June, etc.
I’m going on holiday in October.
1998, 2010, etc.
He left school in 2003.
(the) summer, spring, etc.
I like skiing in winter.
the morning, afternoon, evening
We watch TV in the evening.
on Monday morning, on Tuesday afternoon, on Saturday night, etc.
this (morning, week, year, etc.) last (August, week, etc.)
every (day, Monday, etc.)
next (week, Tuesday, etc.)
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Translate the sentences:
1. The English usually get together ___ weekends.
2. Our examination is ___ 24 February.
3. The Johnsons lived here ___ 1998.
4. I got up early ___ this morning, ___ 7 o’clock.
5. ___ last summer we went to England.
6. Mary’s wedding was ___ May.
7. Are you busy ___ the moment?
8. The excursion will be ___ the end of the week.
10. I will start work ___ Monday morning.
11. Do you watch TV ___ the evening?
12. Sally comes to me ___ every Sunday.
6. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Translate the sentences:
1. My brother is studying mathematics ___ London University.
2. Moscow State University is ___ the centre of Moscow.
3. How many pages are there ___ the book?
4. Where’s your father? He’s ___ work, ___ his office.
5. Will you be ___ home tomorrow morning?
6. When are you coming ___ home?
7. I was ill yesterday, so I did not go ___ the University.
8. What time do you usually go ___ work?
10. Were you ___ the conference ___ Cambridge last week?
11. There were many people ___ our party on Friday.
12. Are you going to go ___ the library today?
13. My sister is ___ university now.
14. Would you like to study ___ another country?
15. Ann looks very nice ___ this photo.
7. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Translate the sentences:
1. Everybody was nervous ___ the examination.
2. We did not speak ___ we were eating.
3. The students were very tired ___ the lesson.
4. I was reading the newspaper ___ I was waiting for you.
5. My parents lived in the village ___ the war.
6. I do not eat much ___ the day, but ___ work I always have dinner.
7. He usually has lunch in the afternoon and ___ lunch he goes back to work.
8. I fell asleep ___ the film.
10. She washed her hands ___ eating.
11. The boy thought carefully ___ answering.
12. ___ going shopping we went home.