– 94.323.13(73)(=1-86)
[15, p.21].
) [10, p.21].
» [4, p.6].
: «
1849 .,
. .
[1, c.53].
1877 .
. .
1878 .
[16, p.108-111].
. .
1879 .
[5, p.15].
1880 .
[6, p.176].
1881 .
» (“Our Indian
. .
» (“A century of Dishonor”).
[13, p.86-111].
1885 .
1882 .
[11, p. 59].
[14, p.7].
1877 .
[17, c.386].
1879 .
1879 .
1830 .,
1855 .
1878 .
[2, p.1130].
[3, p.1678].
. .
» [7, p.141].
[7, p.147].
1881 .
[12, p.4485].
The article describes the contradiction of principle between the North, on the one hand, the West and the South - on
the other, in Indian problem. The community of the North-East has a few deals with the Redskins, with the position
of humanism try to get cultivation of Aborigines. The agricultural western states have been supported by the
Southerners, faced with the Indians, which prevented them from the development of the territory. Hence - a tough
stand against the Redskins. The Liberal government inclines to the politics of humanization, continuing, however, at
the same time the relocation of the tribes to the reservations.
The key words: american society, sections, indian policy, education, humanization, citizenship.
1878 . //
. .6.
2. 45th Congress. 2nd Session. W.: GPO, 1878. 2278 p.
3. 46th Congress, 1st Session. W.: GPO, 1879. 2286 p.
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5. Annual report for the year 1880. W.: GPO, 1880. 568 p.
6. Annual report for the year 1883. W.: GPO, 1883. 546 p.
7. F. A. Walker. The Indian Question. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1874. 265 p.
8. G. W. Manypenny. Our Indian Wards. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1880. 473 p.
9. H. H. Jackson. A Century of Dishonor. N.Y.: Harper & Bros., 1881. 487 p.
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13.N. Schmitz. White Robe's dilemma: tribal history in American literature. Amherst: University
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14.New York Times. Jan. 2. 1887.
15.P. Smith. The rise of industrial America. N.Y.: McGraw- Hill Book Co., 1984. V.6. 965 p.
16.R. H. Pratt. The Indians: Origin and History of Work at Carlisle // The American Missionary.
V. 37. Issue 4. Apr. 1883.
17.The reminiscences of Carl Schurz. N.Y.: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1907. V.3. 542 p.
. –
, ivanoviu@mail.ru.