1405300 - unfccc

Организация Объединенных Наций
Рамочная Конвенция
об изменении климата
Distr.: Limited
14 June 2014
Original: English
Вспомогательный орган для консультирования
по научным и техническим аспектам
Сороковая сессия
Бонн, 4−15 июня 2014 года
Пункт 12 b) повестки дня
Методологические вопросы согласно
Киотскому протоколу
Разъяснение текста, содержащегося в разделе G
(статья 3, пункт 7-тер) Дохинской поправки
к Киотскому протоколу, в частности в отношении
информации, которая должна использоваться
для определения "средних ежегодных выбросов
за первые три года предшествующего
периода действия обязательств"
Разъяснение текста, содержащегося в разделе G
(статья 3, пункт 7-тер) Дохинской поправки к
Киотскому протоколу, в частности в отношении
информации, которая должна использоваться для
определения "средних ежегодных выбросов за первые
три года предшествующего периода действия
Проект выводов, предложенный Председателем
В ответ на просьбу, высказанную Конференцией Сторон, действующей в
качестве Совещания Сторон Киотского протокола 1, Вспомогательный орган для
консультирования по научным и техническим аспектам (ВОКНТА) продолжил
рассмотрение вопросов, связанных с разъяснением текста, содержащегося в
разделе G (статья 3, пункт 7-тер) Дохинской поправки к Киотскому протоколу, в
частности в отношении информации, которая должна использоваться для определения "средних ежегодных выбросов за первые три года предшествующего
периода действия обязательств".
FCCC/KP/CMP/2013/9, пункт 94.
GE.14-05300 (R) 170614 170614
ВОКНТА решил продолжить рассмотрение этого подпункта повестки дня
на ВОКНТА 41 (декабрь 2014 года) с учетом вариантов элементов для текста
проекта решения, содержащегося в приложении.
[English only]
Options for elements for the text of a draft decision on the clarification
of the text in section G (Article 3, paragraph 7 ter) of the Doha
Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
Draft decision -/CMP.10
Clarification of the text in section G (Article 3, paragraph 7
ter) of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto
Recalling Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, of the Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol
contained in annex I to decision 1/CMP.8 (the Doha Amendment),
Taking note of the request from Kazakhstan to clarify the provision of Article 3,
paragraph 7 ter,2
Option 1
[Decides][Clarifies] that Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, of the Doha Amendment to the
Kyoto Protocol is [not] applicable [for the second commitment period] to Parties that did
not have quantified emission limitation or reduction commitments during the
[first][preceding] commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
Option 2
Clarifies that the reference in Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, to “a Party included in the
Annex I” shall be understood as referring to a Party with a quantified emission limitation or
reduction commitment inscribed in the third column of the table contained in Annex B to
the Kyoto Protocol [, including relevant footnotes as an integral part of the Doha
Also clarifies that, for Parties that did not have quantified emission limitation or
reduction commitments during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the
reference in Article 3, paragraph 7 ter to “average annual emissions” refers to the average
of the annual emissions of each Party for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010, submitted in
connection with the report to facilitate the calculation of the assigned amount prepared
pursuant to annex I to decision 2/CMP.8 and reviewed in accordance with Article 8 of the
Kyoto Protocol and applies the same greenhouse gases, sectors and source categories as
those used to calculate the assigned amount for the second commitment period. [describe
further basis for calculation].
Option 3
[Clarifies that the reference in Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, to “a Party included in the
Annex I” shall be understood as referring to a Party with a quantified emission limitation or
reduction commitment inscribed in the third column of the table contained in Annex B to
the Kyoto Protocol [, including relevant footnotes as an integral part of the Doha
Also clarifies that[, for the second commitment period,] the reference in Article 3,
paragraph 7 ter, of the Doha Amendment to “average annual emissions” shall be
understood as referring to the average of the annual emissions of each Party for the years
[2008, 2009 and 2010][, presented for review in connection with the report to facilitate the
calculation of the assigned amount prepared pursuant to annex I to decision 2/CMP.8 in
accordance with Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol,] [[and] shall apply the same greenhouse
gases, sectors and categories as those used to calculate the assigned amount for the second
commitment period] and shall be derived from the report prepared pursuant to annex I to
decision 2/CMP.8 [after its review] in accordance with Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol;
Option 4
Clarifies that, for the purposes of implementing Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, of the
Kyoto Protocol:
The reference in Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, to “a Party included in the Annex
I” refers to Parties with a quantified emission limitation or reduction
commitment inscribed in the third column of Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol;
The reference in Article 3, paragraph 7 ter, to “average annual emissions”
refers to the average of the annual emissions of each Party for the years 2008,
2009 and 2010 from the gases and sources listed in Annex A to the Kyoto
Protocol and submitted as part of the inventory submissions pursuant to
paragraph 1(a) of annex I to decision 2/CMP.8 and reviewed in accordance
with Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol.
Option 5
Clarifies that Article 3, paragraph 7 ter of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto
Protocol refers to the “preceding commitment period” of that Party.