LONDON 1874 DAVIS CUP FEDERATION CUP sarCevi a v to r is a ga n 6 m s o f l i o C o g b ur T i s i s t o r i i d a n 9 m is te r " G r a n d S l a m " d o n b a j i 15 15 r i k a r d o ( PANCHO) g o n z a l e z i 19 19 r o d ne i (r o d ) j o r j l e iv e r i 19 19 pi t s a m pr a s i 20 20 Ste f i gr a f i 27 27 g a m o C e n i l i uc x o e l i C o g b ur T e l e b i T b i l i s i s k o r t e b z e 30 30 T a n a m e d r i v e C o g b ur T i s s a uk e T e s o C o g b ur T e l e b i 35 35 y v e l a d r o i s s a uk e T e s o C o g b ur T e l e b i 36 36 v i n wa v i d a C o g b ur T i d a n X X I s a uk un i s d a s a wy i s S i 42 42 s s r k a v S i r i s g a m o C e n i l i C o g b ur T e l e b i d a m wv r T n e l e b i 44 44 C o g b ur T i s s a e r T a S o r i s o o r g a n i z a c i e b i 72 72 s a q a r T v e l o s C o g b ur T i s i s t o r i i d a n 73 73 C o g b ur T e l e b i m t k v r i s m a r c x e n a n a pi r i d a n 75 75 d inam o e l e b i 80 80 ian h o m e r i 84 84 e d ua r d n e g r e b e c k i 88 88 C o g b ur T i s e r T i f ur c e l i 89 89 a r Cil m d iv a ni 92 92 v ano e l e r d aSv il i 95 95 giv i ko kaia 97 97 a l e q s a nd r e m e tr e v e l i 99 99 T e i m ur a z k a k ul i a 10 4 l e il a m e sxi 10 8 r e n a a b J a n d a Ze 111 v i n v i n a r i s q a r T ul C o g b ur T S i ? 112 v i n v i n a r i s q a r T ul C o g b ur T S i ( X X I s a uk un e ) ? 12 3 s a q a r T v e l o s s r k a v S i r i s x a l x T a s pa r t a k i a d a z e 12 5 C o g b ur T i s t e r m i n e b i s i n g l i s ur - q a r T ul i l e q s i k o n i 12 5 C o g b ur T i s T a m a S i s we s e b i 13 2 a v to r i 32 9 4 Contents From Author 143 His tory of Te nnis 145 The main e ve nts of the world Te nnis 148 Donald Budge 150 Pancho Gonzale s 152 Rod Lave r 158 Symbolical Club of GRAND SLAM 165 M ode rn s tronge s t te nnis playe rs 165 All - Time Gre at (1914-1945) 167 All - Time Gre at (1946-1999) 169 Who has abandone d the big te nnis in XXI ce ntury ? 174 Pe te Sampras 175 Ste ffi Graf 179 Outs tanding te nnis playe rs on Tbilis i courts 181 Novak Djokovic 184 Rafae l Nadal 186 Roge r Fe de re r 189 From the His tory of the Ge orgian te nnis 193 Jan Home r, Archil M divani 184 The Gre ate s t playe rs of Ge orgia 196 Who is whi in the Ge orgian te nnis ? 198 Who is whi in the Ge orgian te nnis (XXI ce ntury) 205 The firs t racke ts of the world (M e n) 283 The firs t racke ts of the world (Wome n) 284 Aus tralian Ope n 285 Fre nch Chamions hips 289 Wimble don 294 US Ope n 301 M as te rs Cup and Grand Slam Cup 308 Virginia Slims Champions hips - Sony Erics s on Champions hips 309 Pro Tour 312 Davis Cup 316 Fe d Cup 318 The Olympic Game s 319 Hall of Fame 322 National te am of Ge orgia on draw of Davis Cup 324 National te am of Ge orgia on draw of Fe d Cup 326 Author 329 5 maSinRa naxeT meleqse da misi moSairoba ra veRar mixvdes qarTulsa, dauwyos leqsman Zviroba, ar Seamoklos qarTuli, ara qmnas sityva_mciroba xel_marjved scemdes Cogansa, ixmaros didi gmiroba SoTa rusTaveli avtorisagan me_20 saukunis bolos qarTul CogburTs 100 weli Seusrulda. CogburTs saqarTveloSi, sportis iseT saxeobebTan erTad, rogoricaa fexburTi da kalaTburTi, mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi Tavisi miRwevebiT erT_erTi wamyvani adgili ekava. ukve gasuli saukunis 20_ian wlebSi, qarTuli CogburTis Camoyalibebis adreul periodSi, qarTvelma CogburTelebma did warmatebebs miaRwies. 1928 wels sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze amierkavkasiis gundma, romelic mTlianad qarTveli CogburTelebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli, me_2 adgili daikava. im wlebSi sabWoTa kavSirSi grgvinavdnen iseTi saxelebi, rogoricaa ian homeri, eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani, Tamar gogolauri, daviT guliaSvili. miuxedavad imisa, rom im Soreul wlebSi sporti sabWoTa kavSirSi Caketil struqturas warmoadgenda da kontaqtebi sazRvargareTel sportsmenebTan Zalian SezRuduli iyo, CogburTi saqarTveloSi mainc viTardeboda. da, rac metad mniSvnelovania, swori mimarTulebiT viTardeboda da, rodesac wamyvan CogburTelebs miecaT saSualeba sazRvargareTul kortebze gamosuliyvnen, mravalma maTganma aCvena savsebiT Rirseuli TamaSi. CogburTelebis pirvelma generaciam i.homeris TavkacobiT SesZlo safuZveli Caeyara Semdgomi Taobebis warmatebisaTvis. ivane elerdaSvilis, boris krupenikovis, givi kokaias, viqtor uraevskis, aleqsandre metrevelis, nugzar mZinariSvilis, Teimuraz kakulias, irina riazanova_ermolovas, rena abJandaZis, ala ivanovas, nino Tuxarelis, leila mesxis, vladimer gabriCiZis, daviT kaWaravas saxelebi oqros asoebiTaa Cawerili qarTuli sportis istoriaSi. qarTveli CogburTelebis miRwevebis wyalobiT, CogburTi saqarTveloSi sportis erT_erT yvelaze popularul saxeobad gadaiqca. sxvadasxva wlebSi ra xelobis kacs ar mousinjavs Tavisi Zalebi CogburTis moedanze?! eseni iyvnen: gamoCenili pianisti marina mdivani, cnobili kompozitorebi_grigol kilaZe da gia yanCeli, mxatvrebi_gigla fircxalava, zurab niJaraZe, oleg qoCakiZe, jemal lolua, gogi mesxiSvili, mevioline kote vardeli, kinoreJisorebi_Zmebi eldar da giorgi Sengelaiebi, lana RoRoberiZe, mecnierebi_maTe mirianaSvili, kote baqraZe, vahan mamasaxlisovi, irakli gverdwiTeli, quji ZiZiSvili, irakli RuduSauri, vaJa lekiSvili, Zmebi vaJa da arCil okujavebi, Tamaz gamyreliZe, iura kapanaZe, mixeil omiaZe, guram dondua, arCil begiaSvili, vaxtang gomelauri, 6 WIKIPEDIA FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA ian homeri (d. 31 marti 1898, parizi - g. 12 noemberi 1981, Tbilisi)á äãëÔÛÓÔÑÔÚØ. áÐåÐ biografia ian homeris cxovreba gaJRenTili iyo dramatuli movlenebiT. advokatis Svili, warmoSobiT berZeni erTis mxvriv da franko–italieli meores mxvriv (deda elisabet bono–grimaldi), is Tavis ojaxTan erTad Camovida WiaTuraSi, sadac maestros (bevri ase eZaxda ian homers) mamam jon tarseis xelmZRvanelobiT muSaoba daiwyo inglisur kompaniaSi "Forward and Salinas". maSin ingleselebma, WiaTuraSi, saqarTvelos teritoriaze CogburTis pirveli korti aaSenes. ian homeri swored iq gaecno CogburTs. 13 wlis asakSi ian homeri xdeba qalaqis Cempioni. male ojaxi TbilisSi gadasaxlda mixeilis (mixailovis), axlandeli daviT aRmaSeneblis prospeqtze 117 nomerSi, sadac im droisTvis cnobili saCogburTo klubi iyo. WiaTuraSi miRebuli gakveTilebis Semdeg, ian homeri Tavis ostatobasac xvews da imavdroulad mwvrTnelobasac eweva. 10 wlis ganmavlobaSi (1918-1927) maestro iani Tbilisis da saqarTvelos ucvleli Cempioni iyo. mere is misma mowafeebma Secvales, gamoCenilma CogburTelebma eduard negrebeckim da arCil mdivanma. 1928 wels ian homers wilad xvda pirveli warmateba, rogorc mwvrTnels – pirvel sakavSiro spartakiadaze amierkavkasiis gundma, romelic mTlianad saqarTvelos CogburTelebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli, me-2 adgili daikava. 1937 wels ian homeri moskovsa da TbilisSi xvdeba gamoCenil frang CogburTels anri koSes. maSin aCuqa didma frangma ian homers Tavisi foto avtografiT: "ian homers, CogburTis simpatiur da momTmen profesors, Cemi saukeTeso survilebiT". 1937 wlis miwuruls erT Rames ian homeri Tavis ZmebTan marselTan da JorJTan erTad daapatimres. Zmebi daxvrites, maestros ki miusajes 10 weli sabanako reJimi da Semdeg 5 weli mxolod 1948 wels, amden tanjvagamovlils, neba darTes quTaisSi dasaxlebuliyo. aq ian homerma pedagogiur institutSi asfaltis korti moawyo da urTules pirobebSi kargi CogburTelebi aRzarda. ian homeris damsaxureba qarTuli sportis winaSe mxolod mravali wlis Semdeg, yvelaze maRali partiuli xelmZRvanelobis Carevis Semdeg Rirseulad dafasda. 1998 wels ian homeris dabadebidan 100 wlisTavTan dakavSirebiT gaixsna maestros memorialuri dafa (david aRmaSeneblis prospeqti 117), xoli 2006 wels gaixsna axali saCogburTo stadioni Jan Homer Stadium.M * * * vladimer gogliZe - oficialeri saiti : The founder of the Georgian tennis. The deserved trainer of Georgia.The champion of Georgia in 1918-1927. The playing trainer in the Games of peoples of the USSR in 1928, when the team of Georgia was the second. First trainer of Eduard Negrebetsky and Archil Mdivani arCil mdivani (d. 30 ivnisi, Tbilisi - g. 13 seqtemberi 1937,ýrepresirebulia) biografia erT–erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi. 1934–1936 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi eduard negrebeckisTan erTad. 1931–1936 wlebSi Sedioda ssr kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. ssr kavSiris Cempioni "dinamo"–s gundis SemadgenlobaSi. leningradis oTxgzis Cempioni (1932–1936) . pirveli qarTveli sportis ostati CogburTSi (1936). bavSvobidan arCil mdivans avarjiSebda ian homeri. cnobili bolSevikis budu mdivanis (1877–1936) ojaxSi gazrdilma arCilma, bavSvobaSi kargi ganaTleba miiRo, flobda germanul da frangul enebs, magram veravin ifiqrebda, rom misi xanmokle cxovrebis yvelaze did gatacebad CogburTi iqceoda. 1932 wels arCili da eduard negrebecki sacxovreblad leningradSi gadavidnen (maSin leningradi sabWoTa CogburTis centrad iTvleboda). iwyeba arCil mdivanis niWis aRmavlobis xana. wyvili mdivani–negrebecki sabWoTa CogburTis simbolod iqca. 1936 wels arCil mdivani brundeba TbilisSi – apatimreben mamas. 1937 wels moskovSi sastumro CSKA - Si apatimreben. ase tragikulad dasrulda gamoCenili qarTveli CogburTelis sicocxle. is mxolod 26 wlis iyo. arCilis mTeli ojaxi ganadgurebuli iqna - mama budu, deda cucunia, Zmebi giorgi, vano, daviTi, da -meri. .1937 wlis bolos daapatimres mwvrTneli ian homeri, romelic mxolod 1955 wels dabrunda TbilisSi. 2001 wels 30 ivniss saxlze, sadac cxovrobda arCil mdivani gaixsna memorialuri dafa warweriT: "aq cxovrobda legendaruli qarTveli CogburTeli arCil mdivani" * * vladimer gogliZe - oficialeri saiti :* * One of the strongest tennis players in the history of the Georgian tennis. The champion of the USSR in the pair category together with E.Negrebetsky in 1934-1936.Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR(1931-1936). In 1937 hi was repressed. First trainer J.Homer 7 sandro menabde, giorgi jabua, xvedri inasariZe, heidar falavandiSvili, guram beriSvili, ferando maisaZe, irakli geleiSvili, duglas ugulava, omar qomurjiSvili, nodar xomeriki, lia maxaraZe, sergo Cobaniani, qeTo mesxi, lili abesaZe, mecnieri, sportsmeni da momRerali grigol mamardaSvili, cnobili arqiteqtori lado aleqsi_mesxiSvili, gamoCenili msaxiobi ramaz CxikvaZe, msaxiobi da mwerali givi sixaruliZe da iseTi didi sportsmenebi rogorebic iyvnen: viqtor saneevi, slava metreveli, guram minaSvili, levan sanaZe, Tamaz anTaZe, aleqsandre buslaevi, valiko kalmaxeliZe, da mravali sxva. kortebze maTi yofna xels uwyobda araCveulebrivad Tbili atmosferos Seqmnas, rac, TavisTavad, CogburTSi talantebis aRzrdaze dadebiT gavlenas axdenda. 1991 wels qarTveli CogburTelebis cxovrebaSi RirsSesaniSnavi movlena moxda. Seiqmna saqarTvelos CogburTis damoukidebeli federacia. federaciis SeqmnasTan erTad, SesaZlebeli gaxda saerTaSoriso CogburTis organizaciebSi Sesvla. 1992 wlidan saqarTvelo ITF_sa (CogburTis saerTaSoriso federacia) da ETA_s (CogburTis evropis asociacia) sruluflebiani wevria. 1994 wlidan Cveni sportsmenebi regularulad iReben monawileobas “Davis Cup”_isa da “Fed Cup”_is (mamakacTa da qalTa Soris gunduri Cempionatebi) gaTamaSebebSi. axalgazrda CogburTelebi mudmivad monawileoben evropis gundur da pirad CempionatebSi. 1997 wlidan, federaciis prezidentis_leila mesxis ZalisxmeviT Tbilissa da baTumSi profesionalTa turnirebi tardeba, rogorc qalTa, aseve mamakacTa Soris. Aaman axalgazrda qarTvel CogburTelebs profesionalur CogburTSi sakuTari Zalebis gamocdis saSualeba misca. wignis pirveli nawili msoflio CogburTs eZRvneba, wignSi aRwerilia TamaSis ganviTarebis ZiriTadi movlenebi, misi mTavari gmirebi da SejibrebaTa SedarebiT RirsSesaniSnavi Sedegebi. meore nawilSi moTxrobilia qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebis rTuli gzebis Sesaxeb, im xalxis Sesaxeb, romlebmac mTeli me_20 saukuneSi qarTul sports dideba moutanes. calke Tavi eZRvneba ssr kavSiris saukeTeso CogburTelebs da mwvrTnelebs, romlebTanac SemoqmedebiTi da piradi megobroba gvakavSirebda. wignSi pirveladaa SemoTavazebuli qarTuli saCogburTo terminologiisa da sayovelTaod miRebuli inglisuri terminologiis Sejerebis mcdeloba. wignis bolo nawili eZRvneba TamaSis ZiriTad wesebs . madlobas vuxdi redaqtorebs Tamaz CantlaZes da koka cxakaias, Cems megobrebs l.gigineiSvils, o.ruxaZes, n.xanTaZes, n.koSkelaSvils, g.kenWoSvils, g.mosaSvils,a.baidaSvils, g.xomeriks, x.kekelias, romlebic proeqtis teqnikur gadawyvetaSi damexmarnen. madlobas vuxdi agreTve g.kokaias, o.TinikaSvils, s.menabdis ojaxs da rus enciklopedists b.fomenkos_unikaluri fotomasalis gadmocemisaTvis. 8 msoflio CogburTis istoriidan CogburTi msoflioSi erT_erTi farTod gavrcelebuli da popularuli sportis saxeobaa. misi arseboba oficialurad asiode wliT ganisazRvreba, magram rogorc istoriuli wyaroebi migvaniSneben, fesvebi Soreul warsulSi unda veZeboT. uZvelesi droidan adamianebi patara burTebiT sxvadasxva TamaSobebSi ejibrebodnen erTmaneTs. gansakuTrebuli popularobiT sargeblobda aseTi TamaSebi Zvel romsa da saberZneTSi. burTiT TamaSebi popularuli iyo ufro gviandel epoqaSic. XIII_XVI saukuneebSi evropaSi didad aris gavrcelebuli TamaSi kort_tenisi ((court tennis), ), romelic xelburTs mogvagonebs. istorikosebis umravlesobis azriT is XIII saukunis safrangeTSi Caisaxa, magram dRemde gamocanad rCeba, Tu vin iTvleba am TamaSis namdvil fuZemdeblad. istoriuli wyaroebi mowmoben, rom kort_teniss Ria moednebze an monastris ezoebSi TamaSobdnen. Tavdapirvelad, TamaSis dros moTamaSe burTs SiSveli an xelTaTmniani xeliT urtyamda. TamaSis Semdgomma ganviTarebam moqmedebis diapazonis gafarToebis aucileblobam Cognis msgavsi inventaris gamogonebamde migviyvana. es Cognebi aRwerilia italieli antonio skainos naSromSi ~traqtati burTis TamaSis Sesaxeb~, romelic man 1555 wels veneciaSi gamoaqveyna. skainos traqtati pirveli naSromia CogburTis Sesaxeb, romelmac Cvenamde moaRwia. mogvianebiT Cognis rkalze Wimavdnen pergaments, xolo burTi, romliTac TamaSobdnen kort_teniss, Salis gorgals warmoadgenda, romedzedac tyavi iyo gadakruli. uZvelesi droidan kort_tenisSi angariSis ZiriTadi erTeuli iyo ricxvi 15. jer kidev skaino werda, rom mis drosac ki angariSi yoveli mogebuli qulis Semdeg 15_iT izrdeboda. e.i. pirveli mogebuli qulis Semdeg angariSi iyo 15, meore qulis Semdeg _ 30, mesames Semdeg _ 45. erTaderTi cvlileba, romelic ganicada qulebis aRricxvis sistemam, iyo angariSis Semcireba 45_dan 40_mde, rac ueWvelad gakeTda angariSis gamocxadebis ubraloebisa da simoklisaTvis. rac Seexeba qulebis daTvlis am saidumloebiT mocul sistemis warmoSobas, skaino aRniSnavda, rom miuxedavad gulmodgine gamokvlevisa, man veraferi aRmoaCina verc Zvel xelnawerebSi, verc im periodis literaturaSi. dRes ki bevri istorikosi iziarebs frangi mkvlevaris Jan goslenis Sexedulebas, romelic man 1759 wels daweril traqtatSi gamoTqva. gosleni amtkicebs, rom qulebis daTvlisas ricxvebi 15, 30 da 45 SemTxveviT ar iyo SerCeuli. isini zomaTa garkveul sistemas eqvemdebarebian, romelsac, rogorc Cans, CogburTis pionerebi icnobdnen. arsebobs mosazreba, rom am sistemas kavSiri hqondes astronomiasTan. XV saukunis dasasruls da XVI saukunis ganmavlobaSi kort_tenisi frangi aristokratiis TamaSi gaxda. aseve izrdeboda kort_tenisis popularoba inglisSic, gansakuTrebiT henri VIII_is mefobis (1509_1547) dros. CogburTis Semdgom ganviTarebaze gavlena iqonia agreTve Zveleburma inglisurma TamaSma _ ~rekitsma~ (rackets), romelic CogburTis Taviseburi saxesxvaobaa. es TamaSi inglisSi XVIII saukunis dasasruls da XIX saukunis 9 dasawyisSi Caisaxa. is popularuli gaxda kerZo klubebSi. CogburTze gavlena moaxdina badmintonmac, romelic Zalzed popularuli iyo XIX saukunis 50_60_ian wlebis inglisSi. CogburTis zogierTi elementi aRebulia agreTve Zveleburi inglisuri TamaSidan ~faifsi~ (fives), romelic Zalian hgavs Tanamedrove xelburTs. magram mainc vin gamoigona CogburTis Tanamedrove saxeoba, TamaSisa, romelic ase popularuli gaxda Cvens droSi? istorikosebis umravlesoba Tanamedrove CogburTis mamamTavrad britaneTis kavaleriis maiors uolter klopton uingfilds (Walter Clopton Wingfield) miiCnevs. 1873 wlis bolos uingfildma axali TamaSis wesebi gamoaqveyna, romelsac man safuZvlad kort_tenisis princi pebi daudo. axali wesebi gulisxmobda balaxze TamaSs badmintonis badis gamoyenebiT. burTi aRebuli iyo TamaSi ~faifsidan~, korts hqonda qviSis saaTis forma, xolo qulaTa daTvlis sistema aRebuli iyo TamaSidan ~rekitsi~. imisaTvis, rom gamomgoneblis ufleba SeenarCunebina, uingfildma am TamaSs uwoda ~sferistika~ (sphairistike _ Zveli berZnuli sityva da niSnavs ~iTamaSe burTi~). 1874 wlis dasawyisSi uingfildma Tavisi gamogonebisaTvis patenti miiRo. male axalma TamaSma sayovelTao aRiareba moi pova inglisSi da popularuli gaxda. ramodenime Tvis Semdeg uingfildma gamoaqveyna broSura saxelwodebiT ~sferistika an laun_tenisi~, romelSic man mkafiod Camoayaliba axali TamaSis wesebi. SemdgomSi uingfildma termini ~sferistika~ laun_tenisiT Secvala. 1875 weli aRsaniSnavi etapia CogburTis istoriaSi. swored am wels Caeyara safuZveli CogburTis oficialur matianes. CogburTis dabadebis adgilad iqca kriketis moyvarulTa klubis balaxiT dafaruli moednebi londonis gareubanSi, uimbldonSi. swored am klubis moyvarulTa iniciativiT Catarda CogburTis istoriaSi inglisis pirveli Cempionati. SemdgomSi am Sejibrebas uimbldonis turniri ewoda. uimbldonis pirveli turniris iniciatori da organizatori iyo inglisuri Jurnalis ~fildis~ redaqtori uolSi, romelmac turnirSi gamarjvebulTaTvis gardamavali vercxlis Tasi daaarsa. turniris organizatorebma daxvewes TamaSis wesebi, romelTa umravlesobamac gauZlo drois gamocdas da Tanamedrove CogburTSic cocxlobs. da ai, turniris gaxsnis dRe dadga _ 1877 wlis 9 ivnisi. turnirSi monawileoba miiRo 22 CogburTelma. uimbldonis pirveli mefis gvirgvini ingliselma spenser gorma moi pova. mas sul 48 wuTi dasWirda, raTa finalSi daemarcxebina Tavisi metoqe marSali angariSiT 6:1, 6:2, 6:4. gori mravalmxrivi sportsmeni iyo. is SesaniSnavad TamaSobda rekitss, kriketsa da sxva TamaSebs. 1884 wels pirvelad Catarda uimbldonis turniri qalTa Soris. pirvel uimbldonze gaimarjva maud uotsonma. ra Tqma unda, CogburTi, romelsac uimbldonis pionerebi TamaSobdnen, jer kidev Zalian Sors iyo srulyofilebisagan. msoflio CogburTis ganviTareba pirobiTad SeiZleba oTx periodad daiyos: • pirveli _ TamaSis Tavdapirveli gavrceleba; • meore _ Camoyalibeba, rogorc sportis saxeobisa; • mesame _ ganviTareba, rogorc sportis Camoyalibebuli saxeobisa; • meoTxe _ CogburTis, rogorc TamaSis yovelmxrivi daxvewa Tanadrouli mecnierul_teqnikuri progresisa da saerTaSoriso kavSirebis ganviTarebis safuZvelze. pirveli periodi (1875_1890) TamaSis mxolod calkeul qveynebSi gavrcelebis masStabebiT xasiaTdeba. am periodSi yalibdeba teqnikisa da taqtikis elementaruli safuZvlebi. meore periodisaTvis (1891_1905) damaxasia10 Tebelia TamaSis, rogorc nacionaluri, aseve saerTaSoriso masStabiT gavrceleba. am periodSi xdeba TamaSis teqnikisa da taqtikis Semdgomi Camoyalibeba da daxvewa, safuZveli eyreba varjiSebis meTodikas. CogburTs rogorc fizikuri aRzrdis saSualebas ise iyeneben. iqmneba centralizebuli saerTo saxelmwifoebrivi da saerTaSoriso xelmZRvaneli organizaciebi. mesame periodisaTvis (1906_1939) damaxasiaTebelia CogburTis ganviTarebis daCqarebuli tempebi, misi gavrcelebis geografiuli masStabebis gafarToeba, rogorc calkeul qveynebSi, aseve mTel msoflioSi, CogburTis gadaqceva sportis erT_erT yvelaze ufro gavrcelebul da popularul saxeobad, nacionaluri da saerTaSoriso Sejibrebebis mkafiod Camoyalibebuli sistemiT. meoTxe periodi msoflio CogburTis ganviTarebisa iwyeba 1946 wlidan da dRemde grZeldeba. am periodisaTvis damaxasiaTebelia CogburTis, rogorc TamaSis, yovelmxvrivi daxvewa Tanadrouli mecnierul_teqnikuri miRwevebis bazaze, teqnikis, taqtikisa da SejibrebisaTvis CogburTelTa momzadebis sistemaSi mecnierebisa da teqnikis mzardi wvlili, CogburTelTa farTo wris sportuli ostatoba da aTletizmi, aseve saerTaSoriso kavSirebis gafarToeba da ganmtkiceba. CogburTis moyvarulTa didi nawili Tvlis, rom saerTaSoriso TamaSebi CogburTSi 1900 wels daiwyo, “devisis Tasis” gaTamaSebiT, magram ukve 1880 wels ingliselma vudxausma okeane gadalaxa da amerikis Cempionis wodeba moi pova. 1883 wels amerikelebi gaemgzavrnen CogburTis samSobloSi – inglisSi, sadac Sexvdnen Zmebs renSouebs da ... damarcxdnen. CogburTis popularoba im dros imdenad gaizarda, rom is 1896 wlis aTenis olimpiuri TamaSebis programaSi iqna Setanili. XX saukunis dasawyisSi safuZveli Caeyara saerTaSoriso Sejibrebebis kalendars, romlis Seqmnasac xeli Seuwyo rogorc inglisis, avstraliis, aSS_is da odnav mogvianebiT safrangeTis Ria Cempionatebis Catarebam, aseve msoflios uZlieres mamakacTa gundebs Soris 1900 wels amerikeli duait devisis mier daarsebuli Tasis gaTamaSebam. im dros bevr qveyanaSi Seiqmna CogburTis federaciebi da asociaciebi, romlebic erovnuli CogburTis ganviTarebaze iyvnen pasuxismgebelni. CogburTis ganviTarebis mZafrma zrdam ganapiroba Seqmniliyo mmarTveli organo, romelic nacionaluri federaciebis koordinirebas moaxdenda saerTaSoriso arenaze. ase Seiqmna saerTaSoriso laun_tenisis federacia (ILTF), SemdgomSi _ CogburTis saerTaSoriso federacia (I TF). CogburTis ganviTarebis yovel periods hyavda Tavisi gmirebi. eseni iyvnen: uimbldonis pirveli Cempioni spenser gori, Zmebi vili da ernest renSouebi, Zmebi reji da lauri doxertebi, avstralieli toni ualdingi, amerikeli moris makluglini. me_20 saukunis 20_ian da 30_ian wlebSi kortebze brwyinavdnen amerikelebi bol tildeni, elsvort vainsi, don baji, frangebi anri koSe, Jan borotra, rene lakosti, ingliseli fred peri, avstralieli jek kroufordi, germaneli baroni gotfrid fon krami. qalTa Soris gansakuTrebul Sedegebs miaRwies siuzan lenglenma da amerikelma elen uils_mudma. 40_ian da 50_ian wlebSi Tavisi TamaSiT gamoirCeodnen avstralielebi frenk sejmeni, liu houdi, ken rozuoli, amerikelebi jek krameri, toni traberti, rikardo (panCo) gonzalesi, Cexi ian drobni, qalebSi ki – amerikelebi mourin konoli da alTea gibsoni. me_20 saukunis meore naxevarSi saerTaSoriso CogburTSi didi cvlilebebi moxda. 1968 wels saer11 saerTaSoriso federaciis riggareSe sesiaze miRebuli iyo gadawyvetileba Ria turnirebis Sesaxeb da ukve aprilis TveSi bernamuTSi (inglisi) pirveli Sereuli turniri Catarda. daiwyo Tanadrouli CogburTis axali era. 1972 wels daarsda profesional CogburTelebis asociacia (Association of Tennis Profesionals) da 1973 wels _ qal CogburTelebis asociacia (Women’s Tennis Association). 60_ian wlebSi avstralielma rod leiverma «Grand Slam» – is orjer mogebiT, 1962 da 1969 wlebSi Ddon bajis miRweva gaimeora. r. leiveris garda 60_70–ian wlebSi Tavisi TamaSiT gamoirCeodnen roi emersoni (avstralia), jon niukombi (avstralia), toni roCi (avstralia), sten smiti (aSS), jimi konorsi (aSS), jon makenrou (aSS), artur eSi (aSS), ilie nestase (rumineTi), «Grand Slam» – is mflobeli margaret korti (avstralia), maria bueno (brazilia), bili jin kingi (aSS), kris everti (aSS), martina navratilova (aSS), biorn borgi (SvedeTi), romlebmac msoflio CogburTi sul sxva Tvisobriv doneze aiyvanes. 80_ian wlebSi CogburTSi namdvili revolucia moxda, romelic mecnierul progresze dafuZnebuli iyo. CogburTelebma Tanadrouli masalisagan damzadebuli Cognebi miiRes. mkveTrad imata TamaSis tempma da Cawodebis siZlierem. 80_ian wlebSi kortebze veteranebTan j. makerousTan, j. konorsTan, k. everTan, m. navratilovasTan erTad axalgazrda Taobis CogburTelebi brwyinaven_ivan lendli (aSS), Stefan edbergi (SvedeTi), mats vilanderi (SvedeTi), boris bekeri (germania) da Stefi grafi (germania). S.grafma 1988 wels «Grand Slam»-i da seulis olimpiuri TamaSebi moigo. 90_iani wlebi or didebul CogburTels Soris Seupovari brZoliT xasiaTdeba. eseni arian pit samprasi da andre agasi. 1998 wels p. samprasi fenomenalur rekords amyarebs_meeqvsed zedized msoflios pirveli Cogani xdeba, 2000 wels ki me_13 «Grand Slam»-is turniris mogebiT xsnis roi emersonis Zvel rekords. a. agasi sxvadasxva wlebSi «Grand Slam»-is yvela turnirs igebs. qalTa Soris dominireben S. grafi, m. selesi, l. devenporti, j.kapriati da sruliad axalgazrda m. hingisi. magram debma venus da serena uliamsebma sul sxva safexurze aiyvanes Tanamedrove qalTa CogburTi. mamakacTa Soris gamoCdnen axali varsklavebi leiton hiuitis (avstralia) da marat safinis (ruseTi) saxiT. da Zalian sainteresoa, saiT wava CogburTi _ rogor ganviTardeba TamaSi, romelic inglisuri aristokratiis ubralo gasarTobi iyo. msoflio CogburTis enciklopediis avtori bad kolinsi Semdegnairad axasiaTebs CogburTis ganviTarebis etapebs : 1874 _ maior uingfildis patenti CogburTis TamaSze; 1877 – pirveli uimbldonis turniri; 1881 da 1887 – aSS_is pirveloba mamakacTa da qalTa Soris; 1900 – duait devisi afuZnebs «Davis Cup»-s; 1905 da 1907 pirveli ucxoelebi, amerikeli qali mei satoni da avstralieli norman bruqsi, uimbldons igeben; 9 – siuzan lengleni igebs uimbldons; 191 919 1920 – bil tildeni pirvelad igebs amerikis pirvelobas; 1923 – elen uilsis pirveli gamarjveba amerikis pirvelobaze; 1926 – suizan lengleni profesionali xdeba; 932 – anri koSe, rene lakosti, Jan borotra, Jak briunioni 1927 – 11932 12 6_jer zedized igeben «Davis Cup»-s; 1932 – ingliseli bani ostini pirvelad gamovida kortze SortebSi 1933 – fred peri & Co amarcxeben frangebs «Davis Cip»-is finalSi; 1938 – don baji pirvelad CogburTis istoriaSi igebs «Grand Slam»_s; 1946_1947 _ jek krameri amerikis da uimbldonis Cempioni xdeba da profesianalebSi gadadis; 1950–1 970 avstralielebis frenk sajmenis, ken makgregoris, liu houdis, ken 950–1970 rozuolis, rod leveris, nil frezeris, roi emersonis, fred stoles, jon niukombis, toni roCis dominireba msoflio CogburTSi; 1953 – mourin konoli msoflio CogburTis istoriaSi pirvelad igebs qalTa «Grand Slam»_s; 1962 – rod leiveri igebs «Grand Slam»-s; 1965 – jimi van alenma pirvelad SesTavaze tai_breiki; 1968 – Ria eris dasawyisi CogburTSi; 1969 – rod leiveri ganmeorebiT igebs «Grand Slam»-s; 1970 – margaret korti igebs «Grand Slam»-s; 1974 – axalgazrda CogburTelebis triumfi – biorn borgi safrangeTis Cempioni, kris everti da jimi konorsi uimbldons igeben; 1976 – pirveli Cognebi Tanadrouli masalebidan; 1978 – martina navratilovas pirveli gamarjveba uimbldonze; 1979 – jon makenrou pirvelad igebs amerikis pirvelobas da 16 wlis treisi ostini amerikis yvelaze axalgazrda Cempioni qalTa Soris; 1980 – biorn borgis zedized me_5 gamarjveba uimbldonze; 1985 – 18 wlis boris bekeri uimbldonis Cempioni xdeba; 1988 – Stefi grafi «Grand Slam»-s da olimpiur TamaSebs igebs; 1989 – 17 wlis maikl Cangi safrangeTis pirvelobas igebs; 1990 – 19 wlis pit samprasi amerikis pirvelobas igebs; 1993 – giunter parxe hamburgSi monika seleSs daniT ayenebs Wrilobas; 1998 – pit samprasi zedized meeqvsed xdeba pirveli Cogani msoflioSi; 2000 – pit samprasis me_13 gamarjveba «Grand Slam»-is turnirebze; 2002 _ pit samprasis me-14 gamarjveba “Grand Slam”_is turnitebze. 2004 - 2007 - rojer federeris domonacia msoflio CogburTSi, rojer federeri msoflios saukeTeso sportsmeni. 2005 - 2008 - rafael nadalis oTxi gamarjveba “Roland Garros” - ze. 2004 - maria Sarapova igebs uimbldonsM 2005 - 2007 - justin enenis dominacia msoflio CogburTSi. 2008 - jastin eneni tovebs did sports. 2008 -rafael nadali igebs uimbldons da xdeba 1-li Cogani msoflioSi 2009 - rojer federeri igebs “Roland Garros”. 2010 - rafael nadali igebs Roland Garros-s,Wimbledon-s da US OPEN-sê 2011 -à ànovak jokoviCi igebs Australian Open -s,Wimbledon-s da US OPEN-sêôó ôó 2000 wlis bolos popularuli amerikuli Jurnali ~TENNIS~_is cnobili specialistebis da Jurnalistebis gamokiTxvis safuZvelze gamoqveynda me_20 saukunis 20 saukeTeso moTamaSis sia (10 mamakacis da 10 qalis). eseni arian: bil tildeni (1893_1953), fred peri (1909_1995), don baji (1915_2000), ken rozuoli (1934), roi emersoni (1936), rod leiveri (1938), jimi konorsi (1952), biorn borgi (1956), jon makenrou (1959), pit samprasi (1971), siuzan lengleni (1899_1938), elen uils muudi (1905), mourin konoli (1934_1969), alTea gibsoni(1927), margaret korti (1942), bili jin kingi (1943), kris everti (1954), martina navratilova (1956), Stefi grafi (1969) da monika selesi (1973). sxva gamokiTxvis mixedviT uZlieresi aTeulebi ase gamoiyureba: 13 N M e n N Wo me n 1 Pete Sampras 1 Steffi Graf 2 Andre Agassi 2 Monica Selesh 3 Rod Laver 3 Martina N avratilova 4 Biorn Borg 4 Elen Wills Moodi 5 John Macenroy 5 Bili K ing 6 Ivan Lendl 6 K ris Evert 7 Roy Emerson 7 Margaret K ort- Smith 8 Arhur Ashe 8 Siuzan Lenglen 9 Boris Becker 9 Tresy O stin 10 Jimmy Connors 10 Margaret O sborn Dupon A MUSEUM OF WIMBLEDON 14 mister ~~Grand Slam~~ _ don baji me_20 saukunis dasasruls cxovrebidan wavidnen gamoCenili CogburTelebi, romlebmac didi wvlili Seitanes Tanamedrove CogburTis ganviTarebaSi. isini ar ian _ bil tildeni, anr i koSe, r ene lakosti, Jan bo rotra, jek kroufo rdi, arian anri rene borotra, kroufordi, gotfr id fon krami, fr ed per i, elsvo rt vainsi, r ikardo (panC o) gonzalesi, liu gotfrid fred peri, elsvort rikardo (panCo) houdi, iaroslav drobni. me_20 saukunis 2000 wels gardaicvala erT_erTi yvelaze gamoCenili CogburTeli don baji (1915_2000). CogburTelTa Soris is iyo pirveli, romelmac SeZlo egreT wodebuli ~Grand Slam~_is mopoveba _ gaimarjva sezonis oTx mTavar turnirSi avstraliis, safrangeTis, amerikis da didi britaneTis (uimbldoni) Ria pirvelobebze. mxolod mravali wlis Semdeg misi warmateba orjer, 1962 da 1969 wlebSi gaimeora ganTqmulma avstralielma rod leiverma. don bajis ZiriTadi Sedegebi: uimbldonis da aSS_is Cempioni 1937_1938 wlebSi, avstraliis da safrangeTis 1938 wlis Cempioni. 1937_1938 wlebSi – uimbldonis Cempioni wyvilebSi, 1936, 1938 wlebSi _ aSS_is Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi, 1936, 1938 wlebSi _ uimbldonis Cempioni Sereul wyvileb-Si da 1937_1938 wlebSi – aSS_is Cempioni Sereul wyvilebSi. 1937_1938 wlebSi _ ~devisis Tasis~ mflobeli. ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi don bajma 21 Sexvedra Caatara da 19 moigo, wyvilebSi _ 8 da 6 moigo. 1940, 1942 wlebSi – msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1949 da 1953 wlebSi – profesionalTa Soris msoflio Cempioni wyvilebSi. saxelwodeba ~Grand Slam~ kargad aris cnobili CogburTis moyvarulTaTvis. is, vinc SesZlebs wlis ganmavlobaSi CogburTis 4 udides turnirSi, umniSvnelo Sejibrebebis gamarjvebulebi da priziorebi Sin samaxsovro TasebiT da sxva prizebiT brundebian. ~Grand Slam~_i ki mxolod simboloa. ki magram, saidan warmoiSva dasaxeleba “Grand Slam~_i? 1933 wlis Tbil, qarian seqtembris dRes niu_iorkis centralur kortze ~Forest-Hills~_ze avstralieli jek kroufordi (1908_1991) inglisel fred perisTan (1909_1995) saTamaSod gamovida aSS_s Ria Cempionatis finalSi. matCis win, gazeT ~niu_iork Taims~_is mimomxilvelma jon kirenma dawera _ Tu kroufordi moigebs, es iqneba raRac ~Grand Slam~_is msgavsi mogeba. manamde, imave wels kroufordma uimbldoni, safrangeTis da avstraliis Cempionatebi moigo. amrigad, is Zalian axlos iyo, rom oTxi qveynis Cempioni gamxdariyo. perisTan SexvedraSi kroufords mihyavda angariSiT 2:1 setebSi da axlos iyo imasTan, rom superCempionebis sia gaexsna. magram Sexvedris bolos kroufordi moeSva da ori ukaneskneli seti waago angariSiT 0:6, 1:6. jon kirenis ~Grand Slam~_ze gakvriT naTqvami daviwyebas mieca. da mxolod 1938 wels, rodesac don baji Tavis sanukvar ocnebas uaxlivdeboda, am terminis reanimacia ganTqmulma amerikelma sportulma Jurnalistma alison dancigma moaxdina. alison dancigma jon kirenisagan damoukideblad gamoiyena popularuli banqos TamaSis _ brijis termini ~Grand Slam~_i. sityvasityviT ~Grand Slam~_i niSnavs ~Zlier dartymas~, romliTac iRbliani brijis moTamaSe erTi dartymiT nokautSi agdebs Tavis partniorebs. magram 15 es iSviaTad xdeba... manamde terminma ~Grand Slam”_i 1933 wlis Semdeg gaielva presaSi 1935 wels, rodesac fred perim safrangeTis pirveloba moigo. erTi wliT adre man avstraliis, inglisis da aSS Cempionatebi moigo da msoflioSi pirveli CogburTeli gaxda, romelmac msoflio CogburTis es yvelaze Znelad asaRebi mwvervalebi dai pyro. magram perim es fe-nomenaluri Sedegi ara erTi sezonis ganmavlobaSi, aramed or sezonSi aCvena da amitomac ar iTvleba is ~Grand Slam~_is laureatad. rogorc amerikelma Jurnalistma frenk dafordma zustad aRniSna _ ~Grand Slam~_i es is Rvinoa, romelic yurZnis erTi wlis mosavlidan mzaddeba. saxelebi, romlebic simbolur ~Grand Slam~_is klubSi Sedian, cotaa da pirveli, romelmac es mwvervali dai pyro 1938 wels, gamoCenili amerikeli CogburTeli don baji1 iyo. baji, jeims donaldi (Budg James Donald) 1915 wels 15 ivniss, oklendSi, kaliforniis StatSi daibada. mamamisi, warmoSobiT Sotlandieli, ~glazgo reinjersis~ yofili fexberTeli iyo da Svils xels uwyobda sportul moRvaweobaSi. donis arCevanze didi gavlena moaxdina ufrosma Zmam, floidma, romelsac fanatikurad uyvarda CogburTi. 11_dan 15 wlamde doni CogburTs SemTxvevidan SemTxvevamde TamaSobda, magram erTxel Zmam daiTanxma, rom mas kaliforniis Cempionatze WabukTa Soris eTamaSa. da donma yvelasTvis moulodnelad gaimarjva. igrZno ra warmatebis gemo, is mTeli azartiT CaerTo TamaSSi da male did progress miaRwia. ukve 30_ani wlebis SuaSi doni amerikis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli xdeba. aSS_is mamakacTa nacionalur Sejibrebebze es maRali (1 m da 85 sm), wiTuri sportsmeni 1935 wels gamoCnda. aSS Cempionatze wyvilTa TanrigSi jin makosTan erTad doni finalSi gavida da miRweuli Sedegebis mixedviT is erovnul nakrebSi Caricxes, romelic ~devisis Tasis~ turnirSi monawileobis misaRebad emzadeboda. Semdeg wels don baji aSS-s pirvelobas igebs wyvilTa TanrigSi, xolo erTeulebSi finalSi gadis da mxolod me-5 gadamwyvet setSi agebs ganTqmul ingliselTan, fred perisTan. 1937 wels doni risxvad atydeba metoqeebs. is igebs uimbldonis turnirs, aSS_s Cempionats da ~devisis Tasis~ mopovebaSi nacionalur nakrebs exmareba. aTwliani Sesvenebis Semdeg amerikelebma uimbldonis stadionze finalSi inglisis nakrebs mouges. ~me mindoda gamekeTebina raRaca, rac Cemamde aravis gaukeTebia, gadavaTvaliere statistikuri monacemebi da aRmovaCine, rom jerjerobiT veravin SeZlo oTxive didi turniris mogeba erT sezonSi. avstralieli jek kroufordi 1933 wels sul erTi setis manZilze imyofeboda miznisagan. magram fred perim SesZlo misi damarcxeba aSS_s Cempionatis finalSi~ _ igonebda don baji. da ai 1938 wels donma gadawyvita gaekeTebia is, rac aqamde veravin SesZlo _ erT sezonSi moego oTxive mTavari turniri. riTi daiwyo es istoriuli aRmasvla? 23 dRian mogzaurobiT san-franciskodan avstraliaSi. am mogzaurobaSi mas Tan axlda megobari da partniori wyvilTa TanrigSi jin mako. es iyo erTaderTi adamiani, visac don bajma Tavisi ocneba gauziara. adelaidaSi, sadac avstraliis Cempionats atarebdnen, saSinlad cxeloda, magram donma es dabrkoleba gadalaxa. finalSi man avstraliel jon bromviCs mougo angariSiT 6:4, 6:2, 6:1. 16 safrangeTis Cempionati ganTqmuli CogburTelisTvis morigi Sou iyo. is finalSi Cex roderix menzels anadgurebs angariSiT 6:3, 6:2, 6:4 da mcire Sesvenebis Semdeg uimbldonis turnirisaTvis iwyebs mzadebas. uimbldonis finalSi angariSiT 6:1, 6:0, 6:3 ugebs Hhenri ostins. Semdeg is brundeba samSobloSi da nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi ~devisis Tasis~ mflobeli xdeba. finali amerikelebma avstraliis gunds mouges. da bolos dadga ~Grand Slam~_is daskvniTi etapi. aSS_s Cempionatze baji finalSi Tavis megobar makos winaaRmdeg gavida. magram amovardnilma qariSxalma matCi erTi kviriT gadado. aq minda erTi detali gadmogceT, romelic xazs usvams am ori megobris urTierTobas. isini axalgazrdebi iyvnen da finalis molodinSi ar undodaT asketurad ecxovraT. ai, amitom megobrebma gadawyvites yoveldRiurad SeeTanxmebinaT dRis ganrigi da mkacrad daecvaT piroba. magram roca finalis dRe dadga dons veraferi ver akavebda, jin makosTan megobrobac ki. bajma gaimarjva angariSiT 6:3, 6:8, 6:2, 6:1. ase iqna mogebuli ~Grand Slam~_i. titulis mopovebisas bajma 24 TamaSi, Caatara, moigo 72 seti da mxolod 4 waago. 1937_1938 wlebSi don bajma 94 matCi Caatara, aqedan 92 moigo da 14 turnirSi gaimarjva. moigo yvela tituli da prizi, romelic moyvarulTa CogburTSi arsebobda. is 23 wlis asakSi profesionali CogburTeli xdeba. aq unda aRvniSnoT, rom 1968 wlamde moyvarulTa da profesional CogburTelTa Sejibrebebi cal-calke tardeboda da, rogorc erTxel don bajma aRniSna, dideba da popularoba moyvarulTa mxareze iyo, fuls ki profesionalebi inawilebdnen. don bajis, rogorc profesionali CogburTelis debiuti 1939 wels Sedga ianvarSi, niu_iorkSi yvelasTvis cnobil ~medison skver garden~-Si, sadac man 16725 mayureblis winaSe xis safarze uimbldonis 1932 wlis Cempioni amerikeli elsvort vainsi (1911_1994) daamarcxa. Semdeg amas mohyveba matCebis mTeli seria, sadac baji ugebs vainss angariSiT 18:3, peris 18:11 da legendarul bil tildens (1893_1953) angariSiT 51:7. aSS_is samxedro sahaero ZalebSi Caricxvis win doni orjer xdeba msoflio Cempioni profesonalTa Soris. 1940 wels is finalSi ugebs fred peris angariSiT 6:3, 5:7, 6:4, 6:3 da 1942 wels 1939 da 1941 wlebis aSS_s Cempions bobi rigs (1918_1995) ugebs angariSiT 6:2, 6:2, 6:2. me_2 msoflio omSi don baji mZimed daiWra marjvena mxarSi da mxolod 1946 wels SeZlo kortze dabruneba. 1954 wlamde is kidev gamodioda profesionalur CogburTSi, magram yofili forma veRar daibruna. doni oTxjer gavida msoflio pirvelobis finalSi profesionalTa Soris. 1946, 1947 da 1949 wlebSi baji rigsTan agebs, 1953 wels ki _ brwyinvale rikardo (panCo) gonzalesTan (1928_1995). am tituls gonzalesi 1962 wlamde SeinarCunebs. samagierod baji samjer xdeba Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi. ai rogor axasiaTebs don bajs CogburTis enciklopediaSi cnobili amerikeli Jurnalisti bad kolinsi: ~maRali, kargi aRnagobis, moqnili da moZravi, baji ukana xazzec Zlieri iyo da badesTanac. is Zlier, zustad mimarTul Cawodebas da brwyinvale TavzeviT dartymas flobda. misi marcxnidan dartyma erT-erT saukeTesod iTvleba CogburTis istoriaSi. mis teqnikur arsenalSi ar moiZebneboda susti adgili da metoqeebi Tavs itexdnen rogor SeedginaT bajTan sabrZolo taqtikuri gegma. da kidev erTi patara detali, romelic bevrze metyvelebs _ baji TamaSobda yvelaze mZime CogniT (Tavisi klasis CogburTelebs Soris). Cogani iwonida 16 uncias (daaxloebiT 450 grams)~. 17 Tavis karieris manZilze don bajma araerTi brwyinvale matCi Caatara. ori maT Soris saukunis 20 saukeTeso CogburTis orTabrZolis siaSi Sevida. am sias xsnis misi orTabrZola 1937 wlis ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi gamoCenil germanel CogburTelTan baron gotfrid fon kramTan (1909_1976). es naxevarfinaluri Sexvedra uimbldonis stadionze tardeboda. atmosfero ukiduresobamde iyo daZabuli. gunduri angariSi 2:2 iyo. don bajis da gotfrid fon kramis orTabrZolaSi wydeboda gunduri Sexvedris bedi. germaniis mTavroba imdenad iyo dainteresebuli matCis SedegiT, rom TviT adolf hitlerma daureka TamaSis win gasaxdelSi germanel CogburTels da mas gamarjveba usurva. pirveli ori seti kramma moigo 8:6, 7:5, Semdegi ori _bajma 6:4, 6:2. da ai mexuTe setSi germaneli CogburTeli win gadis 4:1. doni igebs Tavis Cawodebas da mere dramatul brZolaSi metoqis Cawodebasac. angariSi xdeba 3:4. Semdeg TiTeuli angariSamde 6:6 igebs Tavis Cawodebas. da am dros bajma SeZlo kramis Cawodebis mogeba da ukve 7:6 angariSis dros germanelma CogburTelma 5 matCpointis gauvnebelyofa SeZlo, magram meeqvseze yvelaferi damTavrda. sportuli karieris damTavrebis Semdeg bajma mwvrTnelad daiwyo muSaoba, regularulad monawileobs veteranebis turnirebSi da rogorc jazis didi moyvaruli saqsafonze sxvadasxva ansamblebSi ukravs. 1962 wels bajma miuloca rod leivers, romelmac misi unikaluri miRweva gaimeora. amboben, rom bolo turniris finalis win man avstralieli Tavis agarakze miiwvia da maT ara marto kargad isaubres, aramed ori savarjiSo seti iTamaSes. don bajma TiTqos gadasca Tavisi simboluri estafetis CiraRdani. albaT, simboluria isic, rom 1938 wels, rodesac don bajma “Grand Slam”_i moi pova, am udidesi miRwevis orgzis mflobeli rod leiveri daibada. don baji gardaicvala 2000 wlis 26 ianvars qalaq sqrantonSi pensilvaniis StatSi. 18 rikaro alonso ((PANCHO)) gonzalezi rikardo alonso gonzalezi ((Ricardo Alonso Gonzalez) (09/05/1928 - 03/07/1995) legendaruli amerikeli CogburTeli. me-20 saukunis 50-ian da 60-ani wlebis dasawyisSi msoflios pirveli Cogano profesionalTa Soris. moyvarulTa karieraSi moigo 2 “Grand Slem”- is turniri, profesionalTa Soris mogebuli aqvs 15 Pro Slam-is tituli. Tavisi saCogburTo karieris ganmavlobaSi moigo 113 tituli (17-moyvarulis statusiT - 1947-1949 wlebSi, 85 profesionalTa Soris - 1949-1968 wlebSi da Open Era - Si 1968-1972 - 11). (sruli Sedegebi - 155-157 gverdebze). rodnei (rod) jo rj jorj leiver i leiveri rodnei (rod) jo rj leiver i (Rodney George “Rod” Laver)) (daibada 1938 wels 9 jorj leiveri agvistos qalaq rokhemptonSi, avstralia). amJamad cxovrobs aSS – i qalaq karlsbadSi, kaliforniis StatSi. 1962 da 1969 wlebSi moigo “Grand Slam”” – i. simaRle – 173 santimetri, wona 68 ”. kilogrami, cacia. “Hall of Fame”” – 1981, zedmeti saxeli “Rocket”. rod leiveri panCo gonzalezTan, pit samprasTan, biorn borgTan da rojer federerTan erTad iTvleba, rogorc yvelaze udidesi CogburTeli CogburTis istoriaSi. rod leiveris saCogburTo kariera iyofa or nawilad – 1962 wlamde moyvarulTa kariera da 1962 wlidan 1975 wlamde profesionaluri kariera. Rod leiveris pirveli mwvrTneli iyo Carli holis, SemdgomSi leivers avarjiSebda gamoCenili specialisti gari hopmani. Tavisi saCogburTo karieris ganmavlobaSi moigo 199 tituli (54-moyvarulis statusiT - 1962-1968 wlebSi, 72 profesionalTa Soris - 1969-1976 wlebSi da Open Era - Si 1968-1976 - 76). (sruli Sedegebi - 162-165 gverdebze) Ricardo (Pancho) Gonzalez Rod Laver 19 pit samprasi Video - Sampras-Agassi, US OPEN 2002 daibada 12/08/1971. berZeni emigrantis Svilia. mama _ semi, deda _ jorjia. hyavs Zma _ gusi, da ori da _ stela da marioni. coli _ holivudis kinomsaxiobi _ brijit uilsoni. pirveli mwvrTneli – doqtori pit fiSeri. meore mwvrTnelTan tim galiqsonTan 1993 wels msoflioSi 1_li Cogani gaxda. amJamad pit samprass pol anakone avarjiSebs. sxvadasxva dros samprass wvrTnidnen robert lansdo rfi, lar i eslai, jo brandi, pat eCeber i. 11988 988 wlamde marcxnidan o r i xeliT dorfi, lari eCeberi. or TamaSobda. moigo ““Grand Slam””-is is 14 turniri, mastersis 5, ““Grand Slam Cup”_is ”_is 2, 1993_1998 wlebSi pirveli Cogania msoflioSi. mogebuli aqvs 64 turniri igi axla sul sxva vinmea – es kaci, vinc odesRac Cveulebrivi bavSvi iyo, saxelad pit samprasi. igi gansxvavdeba im genialuri aylayuda ymawvilisganac, romelic ase auRelveblad yrida eisebs oTxi kontinentis CogburTis moednebze. igi arc im biWs hgavs, vinc naTeli SubliT da mcired iribi RimiliT Seabija cxovrebaSi, vis saxis iersac odnav gakvirvebulobis elferi gadakravda, rac drodadro lamis iyo da dabneulobaSic gadaizrdeboda xolme. dRes ki mis garSemo erTgvari aura gaCnda, raRac sidiade, romlis gamoc Cven ar SeiZleba Tvali ar gavadevnoT da ar davakvirdeT pit samprass, rodesac igi geimebs Soris Sesvenebis Semdeg Tavisi skamidan ukana xazisaken miemarTeba. ganaTebuli wertili, iseTi, rogorsac telegadacemebSi iyeneben yuradRebis gasamaxvileblad, TiTqos mas marad Tan dahyveba da daJinebiT gaxsenebs rom ragind Seusabamod unda Candes da ragind Zneli unda iyos amis dajereba, es kaci Sengan da Cemgan gansxvavdeba. 26 wlis asakSi erTeulebis TanrigSi didi slemis 10 turnirSi gamarjvebulis tituliT – rac mxolod ori tituliT naklebia roi emersonis mTeli sportuli karieris dros dagrovili titulebisa – samprasi male SeiZleba yvela drois saukeTeso CogburTelad mogvevlinos. ise, didi slemis oTxidan sam turnirSi gamarjvebulis tituli albaT ocnebis mwvervali ar unda iyos yvela moTamaSisaTvis. amitom jer Tavi SevikavoT naadrevi ganacxadebisagan. magram, axla rodesac ianvarSi samprasi apirebs monawileoba miiRos avstraliis Ria Cempionatze, modiT, SevCerdeT da ufro mniSvnelovani da ufro rTuli sakiTxi ganvixiloT: ra aris is, ramac samprasi mamakac moTamaSeebs Soris 25 wlis asakSi umTavresi titulebis yvelaze nayofier mompoveblad aqcia, da es maSin, rodesac sazogadod damkvidrebuli Sexedulebis mixedviT, arc erT kacs ar SeuZlia ibatonos Tanamedrove CogburTze, rogorc erT dros don badji, roi emersoni an rod leiveri batonobdnen. am kiTxvis erT_erTi pasuxi iqneb sidiadis Sesaxeb, im azrebSi vi povoT, romelec didma bil tildenma gamoTqva Tavis araCveulebriv wignSi “CogburTi A-dan Z -mde”. am wignis erT TavSi, romelsac martivi saTauri aqvs – “simamace”, tildeni wers: “sakuTari Tavis rwmena TiTqmis aucilebeli ram aris warmatebisaTvis, xolo TviTkmayofileba aris is, rac misi miRwevis Sanssac ki klavs. simSvidiT miiRe Seni gamarjvebebic da damarcxebebic, 20 fexebi myarad gedgas miwaze, xolo Tavi Sens qudze samjer ufro daipatarave”. pit samprasis kariera am sityvebis Sesabamisad warimarTa. TavSi avardna savsebiT ar Cvevia am, zogierTis azriT, ‘mosawyen” pirovnebas. magram mxolod Tavmdabloba ver mogagebinebs “Grand Slam”-is erT titulsac ki _ piriqiT. didebis moyvare sakmao raodenobis adamianebsac moupovebiaT es wodeba. magram aTi titulis mosagebad ki ara mxolod genialuri TamaSi, aramed didebisaTvis mzadyofnas aris saWiro. WeSmariti dideba dakavSirebulia ara TavmdablobasTan, ara ostatobasTan, da TviT niWTanac ki, aramed upirveles yovlisa xedvasTan – mkafio da Sorsgamwvdom xedvasTan, romelic Zalas aZlevs genioss muSuri moTminebiT misdios Tavis xelovnebas; xedvasTan, romelic daculia Seryvnisagan. saxeli da bedi aris daniSnulebis adgili, xolo WeSmariti dideba mogzaurobaa. didebis am mogzaurobas gansakuTrebulad kargad esadageba pit samprasis, mSromeli berZeni emigrantis mzrunveli Svilis, pirovneba. bevri ram SeiZleba Tqva mis mexdamtex marjvena dartymaze, Tavisi sinatifiT da simartiviT ubadlo Cawodebaze. magram bevr sxva moTamaSesac aqvs SesaniSnavi dartymebi da miwis Semazanzarebeli Cawodebebi. pit samprasis udidesi niWi da udidesi iaraRi ganviTarebis unaria, anu mzaoba imisaTvis rom Tavisi mogzauroba didebamde miiyvanos. barbara streizandi SesaZloa marTali iyo, rodesac andre agasis “metad zrdasruli kaci” uwoda, magram pit samprasi sxva Camosxmisaa. igi zrdasrulia rogorc CogburTeli, da es saocrad harmoniulad aris Serwymuli misi cxovrebis sxva mxareebTanac. axla Cven SeveCvieT am harmonias, iseve rogorc SeveCvieT pit samprasis pirovnebisa da misi miRwevebis araerT araCveulebriv aspeqts. magram SeuZlebelia gaviazroT Tu rogor gaxda samprasi, Tu ar gavixsenebT or SemTxvevas, romelic mas Tavisi karieris dasawyisSi gadaxda. im dros jer kidev ar iyo savsebiT cxadi, gaxdeboda Tu ara es uaRresad niWieri, magram aSkarad upretenzio axalgazrda, erT_erTi wamyvani moTamaSe. 1991 wels, rodesac samprasi mxolod 20 wlis iyo, magram ukve wina wlis amerikis Ria CempionatSi gamarjvebulis tituls icavda, is jim kuriesTan damarcxda “US OPEN”_is meoTxedfinalSi. wagebis Semdeg samprasma iqneb daufiqreblad, magram gulwrfelad aRiara “TiTqos erTi tona aguri momxsnes mxrebidano”. sxvadasxva moTamaSeebma, dawyebuli samprasis megobar jim kuriedan da misi ufrosi Tanamemamule jimi konorsiT damTavrebuli, aranakleb mZime tvirTi akides samprass, rodesac gaakritikes misi amgvari damokidebuleba warmatebisadmi. dRes, rodesac am incidents ixsenebs, samprasi ambobs: “Tuki arsebobs raime, rac me miTqvams Cemi karieris ganmavlobaSi da minda axla ukan davibruno, swored es gamonaTqvamia. magram saqme is aris, rom im etapze me pirovnuladac da TamaSiTac jer kidev sakmaod nedli viyavi. maSin marTlad vTqvi is, rasac ganvicdidi. me ar viyavi darwmunebuli, rom namdvilad SemeZlo momego momdevno didi slemis tituli.” amerikis momdevno Ria Cempionatze samprasma finaluri Sexvedra Stefan edbergTan waago, adamianTan, romelic im dros Tavisi SesaZleblobebis mwvervalze imyofeboda. misTvis es iyo ara mxolod cudi, aramed gamanadgurebeli damarcxebac. “am dromde finalSi gasvlas warmatebad aRviqvamdi”, ambobs samprasi, “magram, am TamaSis wagebis Semdeg me gavocdi, rodesac vigrZeni, Tu rogor viwvodi Sinaganad. vixsenebdi matCs da mivxvdi, rom 21 raRac momentSi davnebdi. es iyo wamierad, magram es wami sakmarisi aRmoCnda wagebisaTvis. “me kvlav da kvlav vfiqrobdi: isini xom mxolod erT saxels tvifraven saCempiono prizze. es Rrmad Camijda gulSi. me mivedi im Segnebamde, rom ukve aRar aris sakmarisi finalamde misvla. sul erTi iyo, vis davamarcxebdi an rogori iqneboda kortis safari. me momiwia wagebis Sokis gadatana imisaTvis, rom mivmxvdariyavi – naxevarfinalebi da finalebi aRar damakmayofilebda. am matCma Cemi kariera Secvala. marTlac rom Secvala”. “aqedan moyolebuli, me vicodi rac mindoda da mis mopovebas veswrafvodi. me mivxvdi, rom erTaderTi namdvili mizani aris is romelsac Sen Tavs TviTon dausaxav. CemTvis es mizani aris ara upiratesoba angariSSi calkeul moTamaSeebTan, aramed didi titulebis mopoveba. axla me mowadinebuli var movigo yvela TamaSi. es aris da es. nu ggoniaT, rom rames vameteb. me sulac ar mainteresebs Tu ras ityvian Cemze eqspertebi, an mass_media, ara imitom rom me maT azrebs pativs ar vcem, aramed imitom rom me, martivad rom vTqvaT, vakeTeb imas rac msiamovnebs. Tqven SeiZleba TqvaT, rom me mosawyeni var, magram, SexedeT Cems titulebs! me arasdros msurda vyofiliyavi didi, an araordinaruli, an saintereso kaci, aramed msurda vyofiliyavi kaci, romelic did titulebs igebs.” edbergTan am damarcxebis Semdeg samprasi TiTqmis uZleveli gaxda didi slemis yvela im turnirze, romelic miwis safarze ar imarTeba. da, rac aseve niSandoblivia, igi uvneblad gadaurCa yvela im xafangs, romelic Tan sdevs aseT maRal statuss. Cvens droSi mxolod edbergs da SiSismomgvrel ivan lendls hqondaT msgavsi unari Tavi daecvaT kmayofilebisagan da zrda gaegrZelebinaT. magram arc erTs ar aqvs samprasisTana Sedegebi. boris bekerma Tqva: “pits aqvs unikaluri, iqneb gaucnobierebeli, meTodi, Tu rogor auqcios gverdi sxvadasxva ormoebs, romlebSic sxva bevri moTamaSe vardeba. mas aqvs Tavisi xerxi, Tu rogor daiWiros Tavi Sors im sakiTxebisagan, romlebic mis CogburTisadmi siyvaruls da ganwirvas emuqrebian. es bevrs ambobs misi, rogorc CogburTelis, sufTa gatacebaze, da es mis, rogorc moTamaSis, cxovrebas aadvilebs”. marTlac, rodesac 1996 wlis dasawyisSi, tragikulad daiRupa misi mwvrTneli tim galiksoni, samprasma mamacurad gadaitana am danakargisagan gamowveuli Soki. man naxevarfinalamde miaRwia safrangeTis Ria Cempionatze da Semdeg ki amerikis Ria Cempionati moigo. amis Semdeg, Semodgomaze, mxolod ori kviris Tavze mas Semdeg, rac delina mulkahisTan urTierToba gawyvita, samprasma boris bekeri daamarcxa germanelis mSobliur kortze da ATP_s msoflio turis Cempionati moigo. “mTeli am xnis ganmavlobaSi piti marTlac guldaTuTquli iyo,” _ ambobs samprasis axali mwvrTneli, pol anakone, _ “magram mas aqvs unari siZneleebi gadalaxos da winsvla ganagrZos. mas SeuZlia siZneleebis daZleva rogorc mopaeqres, Tumca yoveldRiur cxovrebaSi erTi Cveulebrivi biWiviT ganicdis maT. SesaZloa erT_erTi mizezi imisa, rom 25 wlis asakSi sportisaTvis Tavis danebeba iseT moTamaSes mouwia, rogorica biorn borgia, is iyo, rom borgs ar aRmoaCnda zrdis unari mas Semdeg, rac umaRles dones miaRwia. albaT swored am uunarobam gaamwvava misi krizisi.” ra Tqma unda dro Seicvala mas Semdeg, rac borgi didebis zenitSi iyo. am cvlilebebma mxolod gaarTula viTareba rogorc kortze, ise kortis gareT. magram 26 wlis samprasi ara mxolod “mxeciviT” warmate22 bulia, mis TamaSs sixalisec axlavs. rogorc avstralieli mwvrTneli bob breti SeniSnavs: “piti imis mtkicebiTaa dakavebuli, rom is SezRudvebi da dabrkolebebi, romlebzec xalxma laparaki mas Semdeg daiwyo, rac borgma sporti miatova da mas Semdeg, rac makinrou gauCinarda jer kidev mwvervalze yofnis dros, sulac ar aris yvelas aucilebeli bediswera. i poveT vinme, vinc sakmaod magaria da Sinaganadac momzadebulia mxari aubas dRevandeli sportis ganviTarebas, da ra daabrkolebs mas iTamaSos 30 an 32 wlamde da 15 “Grand Slam”_is tituli moigos?!”. Tuki arsebobs vinme, visac SeuZlia kliSeebi daamsxvrios, romlebiTac SezRudulia dRevandeli CogburTi, es aris samprasi. miT umetes rom misi TamaSi cincxalia da evoluciis stadiaSi imyofeba. rogorc breti ambobs, “profesionali biWebis umetesoba did CogburTSi, ukve Camoyalibebuli TamaSiT Semodis da ucvlelad iyenebs mas. piti im TamaSiT Semovida romelsac is aviTarebs da romelic, kidev ufro meti, sivrces Seicavs ganviTarebisaTvis. pits sxva biWebisagan ara mxolod talanti ganasxvavebs, aramed unaric, rom Tavisi talanti aamoqmedos da ganavrcos”. samprasi profesionalur turnirebSi Semovida SesaniSnavi ZiriTadi arsenaliT, magram mas Semdeg misma TamaSma mzardi toni SeiZina. adreul periodSi misi TamaSis fundamenti iyo agresiuli TamaSi ukana xazidan, gamaognebeli CawodebiT da momakvdinebeli marjvena dartymiT. am dartymis SesaZleblobebi mcirdeboda imis gamo, rom samprass uxdeboda amiT Tavisi Zvelmoduri marcxena datrialebuli dartymis kompensacia gaekeTebina (topspinis). male samprasma sagrZnoblad gaaumjobesa Tavisi marcxena dartyma, ise rom ukve aRar sWirdeba misi marjvenaTi Canacvleba. aman misi marjvena dartyma kidev ufro gamacamtverebeli gaxada. xolo brtyelma an moWrilma marcxena dartymam da burTis dabrunebis “CaWeri_da_datenes” taqtikam saSualeba misca ufro efeqturad da mzardi sixSiriT mietana ieriSi mowinaaRmdegeze. Tumca “Grand Slam”_is emersoniseuli rekordi gansacvifrebelia, kaci, visac samprasi SeiZleba SevadaroT, aris is meore avstralieli, romlis mibaZvasac mas aswavlidnen – rod leiveri. “am bolo dros piti akeTebs imis realizacias, rac Cven, beberma mglebma, gamovimuSaveT Cveni karierebis dros”, ambobs leiveri, romelic savsebiT darwmunebulia, rom samprasi emersonis rekords moxsnis. “Tu gaqvs saukeTeso ileTebi, maSin mowinaaRmdeges advilad aiZuleb ufro meti Secdoma dauSvas. amiT Sen ara marto bevrs igeb, aramed ufro ioladac igeb”. anakones azriT, samprass aqvs CogburTis moTamaSisaTvis umniSvnelovanesi da udidesi ganZi _ sakuTari TamaSis siRrmiseuli codna. “pits SeuZlia umaRles doneze iTamaSos sxvadasxva stilSi. is icnobs Tavis ileTebs da icis, romeli maTgani gamoiyenos. amitomac sapasuxo TamaSebs is axla ise marTavs, rogorc arasdros aqamde. pitis TamaSi imdenad kargad aris gamTlianebuli, rom SeuZlebelia ieriSi miitano mis erT komponentze da amiT danarCenebic gamoiyvano mwyobridan. axla SeuxameT amas misi Tandayolili siyvaruli Sejibrisadmi, misi unari gonebis mTliani CarTulobiT da Zalebis sruli mobilizaciiT iTamaSos nebismier dRes nebismier, rac ginda gamaRizianebel mowinaaRmdegesTan, da Tqvens winaSea Tvisebebis marTlacda gautexeli kona.” istoriuli TvalsazrisiT, leiveris statusi, rogorc erTaderTi adamianisa, romelmac orjer moigo “Grand Slam”_i (1962 da 1969 wlebSi) SesaZloa daupyrobadi simaRle aRmoCndes TviT samprasisTvisac. magram axlandeli “Grand Slam”_ic xom gansxvavdeba oci wlis winandelisagan. leiveris dros didi slemis turnirebidan oTxidan sami TamaSdeboda 23 balaxze, rac yvelaze metad xelsayreli iyo ara mxolod leiveris, aramed samprasis TamaSis stilisTvisac. rogorc uimbldonis da amerikis Ria Cempionatis yofili Cempioni, sten smiti ambobs: “oTxidan sami didi turniri axlac rom balaxze tardebodesTqven namdvilad datkbebodiT pitis didi slemis mogebis SansebiT – am safarze TamaSisas igi marTlac magaria. da kidev: cxadia, rod leivers gasaSterebeli miRwevebi hqonda, magram sanaZleos davdeb Tu vinme SesZlebs orive xelis TiTebze mainc CamoTvalos mis mier naTamaSebi krizisuli matCebi, im ori wlis ganmavlobaSi rodesac man slemi moigo. dRes ki, pitma SeiZleba waagos TiTqmis yoveli matCi, romelsac TamaSobs. me sulac ar vfiqrob imas, rom pitma aucileblad unda moigos “Slam”_i imisaTvis, rom msoflios yvela drois saukeTeso CogburTeli gaxdes, magram me diaxac vfiqrob, rom man erTxel mainc unda gaimarjvos parizis miwis safarze imisaTvis, rom zustad leivers amoudges gverdSi.” aravin eWvobs, rom samprasi yovelgvarad aRWurvilia saimisod, rom gamarjvebuli svla nebismier safarze ganagrZos, miuxedavad imisa rom angariSgasawevi metoqeebis ricxvi izrdeba. yvelas sjera, rom erTxelac iqneba da samprasi parizSi gaimarjvebs, ara Tavisi sidiadis saboloo damtkicebisaTvis, aramed imisaTvis, rom rogorc moTamaSem, srulyofilebas miaRwio. Tavisi karieris dasawyisSi samprasi raRac ucnaur kataTagvobanas eTamaSeboda im gamowvevas, rom “roland garosi” moego – swored zemoTnaxsenebi axalgazrduli Tavqarianoba unda yofiliyo misi adaulaxavi dabrkoleba. “me ar viyavi momwifebuli imisTvis, rom safrangeTis Ria Cempionati momego”, aRiarebs samprasi. “simarTle rom vTqva, rodesac rvasaaTian finalur TamaSs lendlsa da maTs vilanders Soris vuyurebdi, sadac monotonuri gadagdeba_gadmogdebis mets arafers akeTebdnen, aseTi kiTxva gamiCnda: “ki magram, saerTod ratom unda mindodes aseTi turniris mogeba”. axla me sxvanairad vuyureb am ambavs. Tumca akviatebuli ar maqvs azrad parizSi mogeba, codva gamxelili sjobs, me, ra Tqma unda gamexardeboda, rom mqonoda es titulic. es daagvirgvinebda Cems sportul gzas. ise ki, es survili verasdrosac rom ver avisrulo, ar CavTvli, rom Cems karieraSi xelmocaruli viyavi. miuxedavad amisa, me mexamuSeba mqondes yvela didi turniris tituli da an is, rom gamayvedron : “mas safrangeTis Ria Cempionati ar mougia” samprass aSkarad araerTgvarovani gancda aqvs safrangeTis Ria Cempionatis mniSvnelobasa da RirebulebasTan mimarTebiT. anakones azriT, es SesaZloa misi saukeTeso iaraRic iyos. “umTavresi mizezi imisa, Tu ratom SeuZlia mas moigos “rolan garosi” aris is, rom samprasi am turniris mo-gebas Seecdeba, imisgan gansxvavebulad Tu rogor cdilobda – da ver axerxebda – ivan lendli uimbldonis mogebas. pitma icis ra unda gaakeTos. Zalian kargad icis. magram is Tavs zomaze metad ar daitvirTavs da arc Sepyrobili iqneba am turniris mogebis ideiT. is, rac ori wlis win moxda, rodesac timis sikvdilis cota xnis Semdeg da saTanado momzadebis gareSe pitma sami didi moTamaSe ( jim kurie, serjio brugeira da tod martini) daamarcxa da gavida naxevarfinalSi, saukeTeso iyo rac ki SeiZleba mas gaekeTebina. gulSi pitma icis, rom mas “safrangeTis Rias” ZaluZs mogeba. am codnam im rwmenamde unda migiyvanos, rom Sen moigeb kidec ! “. Semdeg wels parizSi, samprasi albaT meti emociiT iTamaSebs, rac albaT waadges. miuxedavad imisa, rom igi inarCunebs Sinaganad uaryofiT damokidebulebas yovelgvari keklucobisa da publikaze TamaSisadmi – da, aseve, im kritikosebisadmi, romlebsac dauJiniaT, rom samprasma ufro 24 xSirad unda gamoaTavisuflos Tavisi grZnobebi – mainc, cnobilia, rom rac ufro asakSi Sedian moTamaSeebi, miT ufro iolad gamodian mwyobridan da metad veRar ikaveben Tavs imisgan, rom Riad gamoxaton TavianTi emociebi. miuxedavad amisa, nu eliT, rom male samprasi Cognebis daxeTqebas da burTebis tribunebisken srolas daiwyebs. “xalxs iseTi gancda aqvs” – ambobs is – “rom rodesac me did turnirebs vigeb, amis Semdeg maincdamainc aRtacebulad ar gamoviyurebi. me vfiqrob, ubralod is, rac maT hgoniaT, aRtacebis Cemi varianti ar aris. Tqven rom naxoT, ris daTmoba da ra msxverplis gaReba mixdeba me Cems yoveldRiur cxovrebaSi, imisaTvis rom aseT doneze viasparezo, Zalian ucnauri iqneboda, rom me gamarjvebis Semdeg Tavi Cemeburad aRtacebulad ar megrZno.” sabednierod, sul ufro meti da meti damkvirvebeli ambobs uars Tavis mikerZoebul azrebze da mcdar Sexedulebebze, rodesac samprasi Tavis sasargeblod ganawyobs maT erTi yvelaze mZlavri da Seuvali argumentiT: Tavisi rekordiT. aq upriania aRniSnva, rom swored aseT damokidebulebas miiCnevda imedismomcemad rod leiveri, romlis erTaderTi garegnuli gamoxatva raime emociisa burTis gafuWebis Semdeg civi amreza iyo. “me es adrec vTqvi da kvlavac vityvi”, ambobs leiveri. “adamians mravalnairad SeuZlia yuradReba miiqcios, magram namdvili saxelis moxveWa da masTan dakavSirebuli pativiscemis damsaxureba drozea damokidebuli. ase Seqmnil saxels veravin Camoglejs an daiviwyebs. es saxeli pit samprasia. is darCeba”. Jurnali ““TENNIS”” USA,, 1997 wlis, dekemberi. P.S. es statia iyo momzadebuli 1997 wels. 1998 wels pit samprasi zedized meeqvsed gaxda pirveli Cogani msoflioSi da 2000 wels uimbldonze gamarjvebiT r. emersonis Zveli rekordi moxsna!... Leiton Hewitt, Pete Sampras, Marat Safin 25 Grand Slam - is mogebuli finali - 14 1990 US O pen (1) Andre Agassi 6 -4 6 -3 6 -2 1993 Wimbledon (1) Jim K urier 7 -6 7 -6 3-6 6-3 1993 UA O pen (2) Sedrik Piolin 6 -4 6 -4 6 -3 1994 Australian O pen (1) Tod Martin 7 -6 6 -4 6 -4 1994 Wimbledon (2) Goran Ivanishevic 7 -6 7 -6 6 -0 1995 Wimbledon (3) Boris Becker 6 -7 6 -2 6 -4 6 -2 1995 US O pen (3) Andre Agassi 6-4 6-3 3-6 7 -5 1996 US O pen (4) Mikl Chang 6 -1 6 -4 7 -6 1997 Australian O pen (2) K arlos Moja 6 -2 6 -3 6 -3 1997 Wimbledon (4) Sedrik Piolin 6 -4 6 -2 6 -4 1998 Wimbledon (5) Goran Ivanishevic 6 - 7 7 - 6 6 - 4 3- 6 6 - 2 1999 Wimbledon (6) Andre Agassi 6 -3 6 -4 7 -5 2 000 Wimbledon (7) Patrick Rafter 6 -7 7 -6 6 -4 6 -2 2 002 US O pen (5) Andre Agassi 6-3 6-4 5-7 6-4 Grand Slam - is wagebuli finali - 4 1992 US Open - Stephan Edberg 63 46 67 26 19 9 5 Australian Open - Andre Agassi 64 16 67 46 2 000 US Open - Marat Safin 46 36 36 2001 US Open - Leiton Hewitt 67 16 16 Masters Series - mogebuli finali - 11 19 9 2 Tsintsinati Ivan Lendl 63 36 63 19 9 3 Maiami Malivai Washington 63 62 19 9 4 Indian Wells Peter K orda 46 63 36 63 62 19 9 4 Maiami Andre Agassi 57 63 63 19 9 4 Roma Boris Becker 61 62 62 19 9 5 Indian Wells Andre Agassi 75 63 75 19 9 5 Paris Boris Becker 75 64 64 19 9 7 Tsintsinati Thomas Muster 63 64 19 9 7 Paris Jonas Bjorkman 63 46 63 61 19 9 9 Tsintsinati Patrick Rafter 76 63 2 000 Maiami Gustavo K uerten 61 67 76 76 26 Masters Series wagebuli finali - 8 19 9 1 Tsintsinati Gi Forge 26 76 64 19 9 1 Paris Gi Forge 76 46 57 64 64 19 9 5 Maiami Andre Agassi 36 62 76 19 9 5 Montreal Andre Agassi 36 62 63 19 9 6 Stutgart Boris Becker 36 63 36 63 64 19 9 8 Tsintsinati Patrick Rafter 16 7 6 6 4 19 9 8 Paris Greg Rusedsky 64 76 63 2 001 Indian Wells Andre Agassi 76 75 61 gansakuTrebuli matCebi US Open 1990 1/4-I v an L e nd l - 6-4,7-6,3-6,4-6 US Open 1990 Final - Andre Agassi - 6/4 6/2/ 6/3 US Open 1992 Runner-up - Stefan Eedberg - 3-6, 6-4, 7-6, 6-2 Wimbledon 1993 1/4 -Andre Agassi - 6-2, 6-2, 3-6, 3-6, 6-4 Wimbledon 1993 Final - Jim Kurier - 7-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-3 Australian Open 1995 1/4 - Jim Kurier - 6-7(4), 6-7(3), 6-3, 6-4, 6-3 Australian Open 1995 - Runner-up - Andre Agassi - 4-6, 6-1, 7-6, 6-4 Wimbledon 1995 Final - Boris Becker - 6-7, 6-2, 6-4, 6-2 US Open 1995 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-4 6-3 4-6 7-5. Wimbledon 1996 1/4 - Richard Kraichek - 7-5, 7-6, 6-4 (loses) US Open 1996 1/4 - Alex Koretxa 7-6, 5-7, 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 ATP World Championships 1996 Final - Boris Beckr 3-6, 7-6(5), 7-6(4), 6-7(11), 6-4 US Open 1997 1/8 - Peter Korda - 6-7, 7-5, 7-6, 3-6, 7-6 (Loses) Wimbledon 1998 Final - Goran Ivanicevic - 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 Wimbledon 1999 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 Australian Open 2000 1/2 - Andre Agassi - 6-4, 3-6, 6-7, 7-6, 6-1 (Loses) Wimbledon 2000 Final - Patrick Rafter 6-7(10), 7-6(5), 6-4, 6-2 US Open 2000 Runner-up - Marat Safin - 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 Wimbledon 2001 1/8- Roger Federer - 7-6(7), 5-7, 6-4, 6-7(2), 7-5 (loses) US Open 2001 1/4 - Aandre Aagassi - 6-7, 7-6, 7-6, 7-6 US Open 2002 1/16 - Greg Rusedsky - 7-6, 4-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-4 US Open 2002 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4 Stefi grafi daibada 14/06/1969. 1982 wlidan profesionalebSia. simaRle _ 175 sm., wona _ 59 kg. 1987_1991, 1993_1995 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. aqvs mogebuli “Grand Slam”_is 22 tituli erTeulTa TanrigSi. 1988 wels moigo “Grand Slam”i da olimpiuri TamaSebi. sul mogebuli aqvs 100_ze meti turniri. gaTxovilia andre agasize. hyavs Svili jaden_gili. wlebis ganmavlobaSi Stefi grafs cnobili Sveicarieli CogburTeli hainc giunhardi wvrTnida. bevria Zlieri, magram Stefi grafi ubadloa. misi Sromis da Rvawlis litania vagneriseuli “Gotterdammerung”_is1 msgavsi ram unda iyos, magram axla modiT es mogugune ariebi davadumoT da saSualeba mivceT rogorc mis gamaognebel Sedegebs, ise misgan gaognebul moTamaSeebs mis sidiadeze ilaparakon. grafma, romelic ukanaskneli aTwleulis umetes dros, nomeri 1 iyo 27 rodesac igi mesame qali gaxda, romelmac “Grand Slam”_i” (avstraliis da safrangeTis Ria Cempionatebi, uimbldoni da amerikis Ria Cempionati) moi pova 1988 wels, rasac olimpiuri oqroc daumata seulSi. Semdeg wels grafi margaret kortis rekords daemuqra erTeulTa TanrigSi “Grand Slam”-is 24 turnirSi gamarjvebisa, rac ukanaskneli ricxvobrivi dabrkoleba iyo imisaTvis, rom igi yofiliyo yvela drois saukeTeso moTamaSed aRiarebuli. marTlac STambeWdavia grafis mier erTeulTa TanrigSi 22 “Grand Slam”_is titulis es titulebi. igi TiToeul “Grand Slam”_is turnirs oTx_oTxjer, an metjer igebda, xSirad ise, rom brZola uwevda travmebTan, avadmyofobasTan, an rogor igebda igi am prizebs. kris everti everti: umetesoba Cempionebisa TamaSis yvela aspeqtSi saukeTeso ar aris. me maklda fizikuri momzadeba, martina navratilovas nervebi mtyunobda, xolo bili jin kings yovelTvis aklda Zala. magram Stefis yvelaferi aqvs – nervebi, fizikuri momzadeba da siswrafe. igi CogburTis saukeTeso aTletia da yvela sxvaze kargad moZraobs. man aseve gamoavlina ufro didi gataceba am sportiT, vidre nebismierma sxva moTamaSem sakmaod xangrZlivi drois periodSi. da igi ubralod ver itans marcxs. treisi ostini ostini: Stefi grafs ori didi iaraRi aqvs CogburTSi: marjvena dartyma da Cawodeba. amave dros, igi yvelaze swrafi moTamaSea. magram umTavresi mizezi Stefis sidiadisa aris misi unari ZiriTadi qulebi moigos did TamaSebSi. travmebis drosac ki, mis ubralo survils da unars saqme bolomde miiyvanos Tundac didi zewolis qveS myofma, gamouyvania igi mdgomareobidan da misTvis titulebic mougebinebia. martina hingisi hingisi: rac Tavi maxsovs, Stefi yovelTvis nomeri 1 iyo. rodesac me mas badis meore mxares vxedav, did pativiscemas vgrZnob. hainc giunhardi: (xangrZlivi drois ganmavlobaSi grafis mwvrTneli): vmuSaob ra grafTan wlebis ganmavlobaSi, me gaocebuli var, rom igi kvlav aseTi SemarTebulia da kvlav mowadinebulia ganviTardes. mas uyvars varjiSi. magram is, rac ganasxvavebs mas yvela sxva Cempionisagan es aris misi unari gaukeTos mTeli Tavisi energiis mobilizacia erT mocemul momentSi mxolod erTi mizniT – gaimarjvos. mas aqvs unari koncentracia gaakeTos mxolod erT gadamwyvet dartymaze da matCi moigos. martina navratilova navratilova: grafis marjvena dartyma erT_erTi saukeTesoa CogburTis istoriaSi. masSi albaT raRac Zrava devs, ramac mas saSualeba misca didi gamarjvebebi did turnirebze moepovebina. man ubralod erTi TaviT gauswro yvelas. iana novotna novotna: man qalTa CogburTi sxva safexurze aiyvana Tavisi ukeTesi moZraobiT da ufro Zlieri dartymebiT da ubralod ufro meti aTleturobiT kortze. monika seleSi seleSi: me verasdros daviviwyeb Stefis asparezobas am bolo wlebSi. CemTvis sakvirveli iyo, rom mTeli am wlebis Semdeg mas saasparezod aseTi SemarTeba da aseTi gataceba SerCa. me erT dResac rom mqondes msgavsi ganwyoba, imasac warmatebad CaviTvli. swored esaa misi siZlieris mizezi. igi arasdros ar dundeba, arasdros. 28 mar iana mariana lukiCi lukiCi: me vaRmerTebdi grafs, rodesac vizrdebodi da mindoda ise meTamaSa, rogorc is TamaSobda. igi udidesi mopaeqrea da arasdros ar nebdeba. yvelaze ufro is momwonda, rom igi yovelTvis mebrZoli iyo. Jurnali ““TENNIS”” USA,, 1997 wlis, dekemberi gotterdammerung (germanuli) _ RmerTebis mwuxri Grand Slam - is mogebuli finali - 22 19 87 French O pen Martina N avratilova 64 46 86 19 88 Australian O pen K ris Evert 61 7 6 19 88 French O pen N atasha Zvereva 6 0 6 -0 19 88 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 57 62 61 19 88 US O pen Gabriela Sabatini 63 36 61 19 89 Austalian O pen Elen Sukova 64 64 19 89 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 62 67 61 19 89 US O pen Martina N avratilova 36 7 5 61 19 9 0 Australian O pen Mary Fernandez 63 64 19 9 1 Wimbledon Gabriela Sabatini 64 36 86 19 9 2 Wimbledon Monika selesh 62 61 19 9 3 French O pen Mary Fernandez 46 6 2 6 4 19 9 3 Wimbledon Jana N ovotna 7 6 16 64 19 9 3 US O pen Elen Sukova 63 63 19 9 4 Australian O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 60 62 19 9 5 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 7 5 46 6 0 19 9 5 Wimbledon Arantxa Sanches Vikario 46 6 1 7 5 19 9 5 US O pen Monika Selesh 7 6 06 63 19 9 6 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 63 67 108 19 9 6 Wimbledon Arantxa Sanches Vikario 63 7 5 19 9 6 US O pen Monika Selesh 7 5 64 19 9 9 French O pen Martina Hingis 46 7 5 6 2 Grand Slam - is wagebuli finali - 8 19 8 7 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 75 63 19 8 7 US O pen Martina N avratilova 76 61 19 8 9 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 76 36 75 19 9 0 French O pen Monika Selesh 76 64 19 9 0 US O pen Gabriela Sabatini 62 76 19 9 2 French O pen Monika Selesh 62 36 108 19 9 3 Australian O pen Monika Selesh 46 63 62 19 9 4 US O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 29 16 7 6 6 4 Ken Rosewall, Pancho Gozalez, Jack Kramer gamoCenili ucxoeli CogburTelebi Tbilisis kortebze Cems ojaxSi sportis Tema yovelTvis aqtualuri iyo. Wadraki, fexburTi, kalaTburTi, CogburTi _ es im sportis saxeobebia, romelTanac Cemi bavSvobis mogonebebi aris dakavSirebuli. Wadrakis TamaSi 5 wlis asakSi viswavle, fexburTTan damakavSira ezom da iman, rom Tbilisis ~dinamos~ da ~spartakis~ TamaSebs veswrebodi, kalaTburTTan _ dauviwyarma TamaSebma veris parkSi Tbilisis ~dinamos~ da Tbilisis oficerTa saxlis gundebs Soris, CogburTTan ki _ Cveni Tanamemamulis eduard negrebeckis gamarjvebam nikolai ozerovTan sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis finalSi 1949 wels. gamoCenil CogburTelebze pirvelad Cem mSoblebisagan gavige.GgansakuTrebiT damamaxsovrda gvarebi baji da koSe. bajze ambobdnen, rom is aris wiTuri, 30_iani wlebis daumarcxebeli Cempioni, koSe ki Turme TbilisSia namyofi da yvelaze didi STabeWdileba mouxdenia . 1951 wels CogburTis TamaSi daviwye da Cveni mwvrTneli aram xanguliani yovelTvis gviyveboda gamoCenil frangze. Zalian gamimarTla, rom 50_ian wlebSi cnobilma Wadrakis ostatma nikolai sorokinma saintereso wigni maCuqa _ ~Tanamedrove CogburTi~. am ilustrirebul wignSi moTxrobili iyo didi CogburTis Cempionebze. bunebrivia, anri koSes didi adgili ekava wignSi. vin aris es anri koSe, romelic gamodioda Tbilisis kortebze da romlis TamaSis stilze aqamde kamaToben CogburTis Teoretikosebi. anri koSeH(Henri Cochet) daibada lionSi, 1901 wlis 14 dekembers. misi mama mdivnad muSaobda adgilobriv saCogburTo klubSi. iq iswavla anrim CogburTis TamaSi. Tavisi karieris manZilze man oTxjer moigo safrangeTis Cempionati (1926, 1928, 1930, 1932), orjer uimbldoni (1927, 1929) da erTxel aSS_is Cempionati (1928), eqvsjer (1927_1932) anri koSem rene lakostTan, Jan borotrasTan da Jak briunionTan erTad ~Davis Cup~_i moi pova, oTxi wlis ganmavlobaSi (1928_1931) igi saTaveSi edga msoflios uZlieresi 30 CogburTelebis aTeuls. 1933 wels anri koSem daasrula Tavisi kariera moyvarulebs Soris da profesionalebSi gadavida. profesionalur turnirebSi is iSviaTad iRebda monawileobas, ZiriTadad CogburTis popularizacias da mwvrTnelobas eweoda. im wlebSi man dawera mSvenieri wigni ~CogburTi~, romelmac dRevandlamde ar daukargavs Tavisi aqtualoba CogburTis taqtikis nawilSi. 1936 wels koSe pirvelad Camodis sabWoTa kavSirSi, sadac is atarebs mTel rig saCvenebel gamosvlebs moskovSi, leningradsa da kievSi. am TamaSebSi monawileoba miiRes Cvenma Tanamemamuleebma e. negrebeckim da a. mdivanma. 1937 wels zafxulSi koSem moskovSi saCogburTo skola Camoayaliba. am skolaSi monawileobdnen qarTveli mwvrTnelebi da CogburTelebi _ ian homeri, aram xanguliani, vaxtang (guguli) didiZe, vano elerdaSvili, daviT guliaSvili, boris krupenikovi, pavle podporini, nunu xelaia. da ai Cven vkiTxulobT Tbilisis gazeTebSi, rom 1937 wlis 22_24 agvistos 17 saaTze Joresis quCaze mdebare kortebze (dRes marjaniSvilis quCa) Sesdgeba anri koSes da wamyvani sabWoTa CogburTelebis boris novikovis, eduard negrebeckis, evgeni kudriavcevis da nikolai jaksonis gamosvlebi. samwuxarod, monawileebs Soris aRar iyo represirebuli brwyinvale arCil mdivani. erTeulebSi koSem advilad mougo negrebeckis da novikovs, xolo wyvilTa TanrigSi jaksonTan erTad man gamarjveba moi pova negrebeckize da kudriavcevze. 1976 wels anri koSe arCeul iqna CogburTis didebis darbazSi (Hall of Fame). gardaicvala anri koSe 1987 wlis 1 aprils, safrangeTSi, daba St.Germain_en_Laye_Si. mxolod 24 wlis Semdeg, 1961 wlis ivlisSi TbilisSi isev asparezoben msoflios uZlieresi CogburTelebi. 50_ian wlebSi nawilobriv gaixsna rkinis farda. sabWoTa kavSirSi Camodis leonard bernstaini niu_iorkis simfoniur orkestrTan erTad. Camodian ganTqmuli jazmenebi, beni gudmeni da maqs gregeri. 1959 wels moskovs ewvia ganTqmuli profesionaluri sakalaTburTo gundi ~harlem globtrotersi~, romelsac saTaveSi edga udidesi uilt Cemberleni. 1961 wels sabWoTa kavSirSi turnes atarebs jek krameris ganTqmuli profesionaluri saCogburTo dasi. TviTon krameri 40_iani wlebis gamoCenili CogburTeli iyo. 1946 _ 1947 wlebSi aSS_s Cempioni, 1947 wlis uimbldonis turniris gamarjvebuli. is maSinve gadadis profesionalebSi da 1948 wels msoflio Cempioni xdeba. krameris dasis SemadgenlobaSi Sediodnen gamoCenili CogburTelebi liu houdi (1934_1994), toni traberti, panCo segura, kurt nilseni, bari makkei da batC buhgolci. samwuxarod TbilisSi ver Camovidnen panCo gonzalesi da ken rozuoli. bunebrivia mTeli yuradReba mi pyrobili iyo or gamoCenil CogburTelze – avstraliel liu houdze da amerikel toni trabertze. houds 1956 wels cota daaklda, rom “Grand Slam”_i moepovebina. man zedized gaimarjva avstraliis, safrangeTis da uimbldonis CempionatebSi, magram aSS_is Cempionatis finalSi Tavis megobarTan _ ken rozuolTan waago. toni trabertsac 1955 wels ~Grand 31 Slam~_is mogebis SesaZlebloba hqonda, magram avstraliis Cempionatis naxevarfinalSi man isev ken rozuolTan waago. amJamad traberti aSS_is televiziis erT_erTi wamyvani komentatoria. 1978 wels is arCeuli iqna CogburTis “didebis darbazSi”. krameris dasis TamaSebi Catarda ~sportis sasaxleSi~ xis safarze da sportis moyvrulTa didi interesi gamoiwvia. Zalian STambeWdavi iyo Sexvedra liu houdsa da toni traberts Soris. metoqeebma mwvave, Semtevi CogburTi aCvenes. gamarjveba liu houds ergo angariSiT 11:9, 9:7. 1973 wels ~dinamo~_s kortebze ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebis farglebSi sabWoTa kavSiris da rumineTis CogburTelebi Sexvdnen. rumineTis gundis SemadgenlobaSi gamodioda aSS_is 1972 wlis Cempioni, safrangeTis 1973 wlis Cempionatis gamarjvebuli da 1973 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani ilie nestase. maRali, kargad ganviTarebuli muskulaturiT, man didi STabeWdileba moaxdina CogburTis moyvarulebze. saukeTeso teqnikis mflobeli, nestase qadagebda mwvave kombinaciur CogburTs. maSin ruminelebma moiges, angariSiT 3:2. nestsem gaimarjva a. metrevelTan da T. kakulisTan, xolo wyvilSi ion ciriakTan erTad a. metrevels da s. lixaCovs mouges. 1976 wels ~sportis sasaxleSi~ Sedga sabWoTa kavSiris da aSS_is gundebs Soris amxanaguri Sexvedra. aSS_is gundis SemadgenlobaSi gamodioda ganTqmuli CogburTeli bili jin kingi ~Grand Slam~_is turnirebis 12 titulis mflobeli erTeulTa TanrigSi. TamaSebi Catarda xaliCis safarze da bili jin kingma ganTqmul rus CogburTels olRa morozovas sZlia. TbilisSi sxvadasxva dros sxva cnobili CogburTelebic TamaSobdnen. 1961 wels Tbilisis saerTaSoriso turnirSi gaimarjva cnobilma ungrelma CogburTelma iStvan guiaSma. 1962 wels amxanaguri Sexvedrebi qarTvel CogburTelebTan Caatares ~Grand Slam~_is turnirebis gamarjvebulebma wyvilTa da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi bob hiuitma da ouen devidsonma. 1985 wels ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi sabWoTa kavSiris da Cexoslovakiis gundebs Soris Sexvedra Tbilisis ~sportis sasaxleSi~ Catarda. SexvedraSi monawileobda 80_ani wlebis msoflios erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli, 1988 wlis olimpiuri Cempioni miroslav meCiri. Tavisuflebis mopovebis Semdeg, saqarTveloSi ganTqmuli CogburTelis leila mesxis iniciativiT 1997 wlidan tardeba saerTaSoriso turnirebi. am turnirebze Tbilissa da baTumSi gamodiodnen bevri cnobili CogburTelebi. maT Soris uTuod unda aRvniSnoT dRes ukve ganTqmuli elene dementieva _ 2008 wlis olimpiuri Cempioni da aSS_is Cempionatis priziori da anastasia miskina 2004 wlis safrangeTis Cempioni. CogburTis turnirebi, romlebic saqarTveloSi TandaTan met popularobas iZenen, vimedovneb, rom sul male saqarTvelos kortebze Tanamedrove CogburTis gamoCenil ostatebs vixilavT. Henri Cochet Ken Rosewell, Lew Hoad 32 Tony Trabert gamoCenili ucxoeli CogburTelebi Tbilisis kortebze anri kiSe - safrangeTi (1901-1987) MAJOR TITLES (15)-French singles, 1926, ’28, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon singles, 1927, ’29; U.S. singles, 1928; French doubles, 1927, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon doubles, 1926, ’28; French mixed, 1928, ’29; U.S. mixed, 1927. DAVIS CUP-1922, ’23, ’24, ’26, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’33; record: 34-8 in singles, 10-6 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (38-4), Wimbledon (43-8), U.S. (15-3). Henri Cochet visited Tbilisi in 1937 Henri Cochet - Eduard Negrebetsky - 3-0 jek kramer - SeerTebuli Statebi (1921-2009 ) MAJOR TITLES (10)-Wimbledon singles, 1947; U.S. Singles, 1946, 1947; Wimbledon doubles, 1946, 1947; U.S. doubles, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1947; U.S. mixed, 1941. Pro singles, 1948; Pro doubles, 1948, 1955, with Pancho Segura; DAVIS CUP1939, 1946, 1947; record: 6-0 in singles, 1-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Wimbledon (10-1), U.S. (24-5). Jack Kramer visited Tbilisi in 1961 liu houdi - avstralia (1934-1994) MAJOR TITLES (13) - Australian singles, 1956; French singles, 1956; Wimbledon singles, 1956, 1957; Australian doubles, 1953, 1956, 1 957; French doubles, 1953; Wimbledon doubles, 1953, 1955, 1956; U.S. doubles, 1956; French mixed, 1954. DAVIS CUP-1953, 1954, 1955, 1956; record: 10-2 in singles, 7-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS :Australian (15-5), French (17-5), Wimbledon (32-7), U.S. (21-5). Lew Hoad visited Tbilisi in 1961 Lew Hoad - Tony Trabert - 6-4 11-9 toni traberti - SeerTebuli Statebi (1930- ) MAJOR TITLES (10) -French singles, 1954, 1955; Wimbledon singles, 1955; U.S. singles, 1953, 1955; Australian doubles, 1955; French doubles, 1950, 1954, 1955; U.S. doubles, 1954. DAVIS CUP (As player)-1951, 1952, 1953,1954,1955; record: 16-5 in singles, 11-3 in doubles; (As captain)-1953, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; Record: 14-3, 2 Cups. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (4- 2), French (18-2), Wimbledon (13-2), U.S. (23-5). Tony Trabert visited Tbilisi in 1961 bili jin kingi - SeerTebuli Statebi (1943- ) MAJOR TITLES (39) - Australian singles, 1968; French singles, 1972; Wimbledon singles, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975; U.S. singles, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974; French doubles, 1972; Wimbledon doubles, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1979; U.S. doubles, 1964, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980; Australian mixed, 1968; French mixed, 1967, 1970; Wimbledon mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1974; U.S. mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1976. FEDERATION CUP(As player)-1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979; record 25-4 in singles, 27-0 in doubles; (As captain)-1965, 1976, 1995, 1996; record: 12-2, 2 Cups. WIGHTMAN CUP-1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1977, 1978; record: 14-2 in singles, 7-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (17-4), French (21-6), Wimbledon (95-15), U.S. (58-14). Billie Jean King - Olga Morozova - 2-0 bob hiuiti - avstralia (1940-) MAJOR TITLES (15) - Australian doubles, 1963,1964; French doubles, 1972, Wimbledon doubles, 1962, 1964,1967, 1972,1978; US Open doubles 1977; Mixed - 8. “Davis Cup” - 1967,1968,1969,1974,1978; record - 22-3 in singles, 16-1 in doubles. Bob Hewitt visited Tbilisi in 1962 Bob Hewitt - Nugzar Mdzinarishvili - 2- 0 ilie nastase - rumineTi (1946-) MAJOR TITLES (7)-French singles -1973, US singles - 1972, French doubles - 1970, Wimbledon doubles - 1975, Wimbledon mixed - 1970,1972. “Davis CuP” - 1966-1985. Record 74-22 in singles, 35-15 in doubles. Ilie Nastase visited Tbilisi in 1972 Ilie Nastase - Alex Metreveli - 3-0 (Davis Cup) Ilie Nastase Teimuraz Kakulia - 3-0(Davis Cup) ouen davidson - avstralia (1943-) MAJOR TITLES(10) - Auatralian mixed -1, French mixed - 1, Wimbledon mixed - 4, US Open mixed - 4 Owen Davidson visited Tbilisi in 1962 Owen Davidson - Aleksi Verulava - 2-0 olga morozova - ruseTi (1949-) Finalist Roland Garros(1974), Finalist Wimbledon (1974), mixed finalist Wimbledon (1968,1970) panCo segura - ekvadori (1921-) U.S. TITLES - Indoor singles,1946. Clay court singles,1944. Pro singles,1950,1951,1952 Pancho Segura visited Tbilisi in 1961 33 Henri Cochet Bob Hewitt Jack Kramer Olga Morozova, Billie Jean King Pancho Segura Lew Hoad Owen Davidson Tony Trabert Ilie Nastase Jean Borotra, Henri Cochet, Rene Lacoste 34 Tanamedrove CogburTis saukeTeso CogburTelebi azarenka viktoria (belorusia) daibada 31.07.1989. simaRle - 180, wona - 60, 8 tituli. N3 (01.12.2011) bartoli marion (safrageTi) daibada 02.10.1984, 1.70, 63, 7 , #9 (01.12.2011) berdix Tomas (CexeTi) daibada 17.09.1985, 196, 83, 315-191, 7 , #7(01.12.2011) davidenko mikola (ruseTi) daibada 02.06.1981. simaRle 177. wona 70. moigo 21 tituli. 430-274. N6(28.12.2009), N42 (01.12.2011) del potro huan martin (argentina) daibada 23.09.1988. simaRle 198. wona 82. moigo 7 tituli. 189-88. N5 (28.12.2009), N11(01.12.2011) eneni jastin (belgia) daibada 01.06.1982, simaRle 167, wona 57, moigo 43 tituli, #1 (2006,2007), N12 (01.12.2010) jokovoCi nivak (serbeTi) daibada 22.05.1987. simaRle - 187. wona-80. moigo 28 tituli 394-111. N3(.2009.2010),#1(01.12.2011) zvonarieva vera (ruseTi) daibada 07.09.1984. simaRle 172,wona 59. moigo 12 tituli. 453-210), N2 (01.12.2010), #7(01.12.2011) iankoviCi elene (serbeTi) daibada 28.02.1985. simaRle 177. wona 59. moigo 12 tituli. 425-235, N1(2008), N14 (01.12.2011) ivanoviCi ana (serbeTi) daibada 06.11.1987. simaRle 184, wona 69. moigo 11 tituli. 302-129, N22 (01.12.2011) klaistersi kimi (belgia) daibada 08.06.1983, simaRle 174, wona 66, moigo 41 tituli. 303-121, N3 (2010), N13(01.12.2011) kvitova petra (CexeTi) daibada 08.03.1990, 182, 70, 7, 201-94, #2 (01.12.2011) kuznecova svetlana (ruseTi) daibada 27.06.1985. simaRle 174, wona 73. moigo 13 tituli. 447-199, #19 (01.12.2011) li na (CineTi) daibada 28.02.1982, 1.72, 65, 5, 389-150, #5 (01.12.2011) mari endi (inglisi) daibada 15.05.1987. simaRle 190. wona 84. moigo 21 tituli. 323-107. N4 (28.12.2009), (01.12.2011) nadali rafael (espaneT) daibada 03.06.1986.simaRle-185, wona - 85. moigo 46 tituli. 539-116. N1(2008,2010), #2(01.12.2011) radvanska agneSka (poloneTi) daibada 06.03.1989. simaRle 172, wona 56. moigo 7 tituli. 289-134, N8 (01.12.2011) simoni Jil (safrangeTi) daibada 27.12.1985. simaRle 180. wona 69. moigo 9 tituli. 223-158. N12 (28.12.2011) rodiki endi (aSS) daibada 30.08.1982. simaRle 185, wona 83. moigo 29 tituli. 589-191. N1(01.12.2008)), N14 (01.12.2011) safina dinara (ruseTi) daibada 27.04.1986. simaRle 182. wona 70. moigo 12 tituli, 360-173, N1(20-apr-2009),N63 (01.12.2010). soderlingi roben (SvedeTi) daibada 14.08.1984. simaRle 192, wona - 87. moigo 4 tituli. 310-170, N5 (01.12.2010),N13(01.12.2011) Sarapova maria (ruseTi) daibada 19.04.1987, simaRle 188, wona - 59. moigo 24 tituli, 412-104, N1(22.08.2005), N4(01.12.2011). uiliamsi venus (aSS) daibada 17.06.1980. simaRle 186, wona 72. moigo 43 tituli. olimpiuri Cempioni (2000,2008) uimldoni(4), US Open(2). N5 (28.12.2010), N103 (01.12.2011) uiliamsi serena (aSS) daibada 26.09.1981. simaRle 178 sm., wona 65 kg. moigo 37 tituli. olimpiuri Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi, Australian Open(3), Roland Garros(1), Wimbledon(4) , US Open(3). N1(2002,2009). N12(01.12.2011) federeri rojer (Sveicaria) daibada 09.08.1981. simaRle 185 sm., wona 78 kg. moigo 70 tituli. 807-186. N1( 2004,2005,2006,2007,2009). N3 (01.12.2011) ferero xuan karlosi (espaneTi) daibada 12.02.1980. simaRle 180 sm., wona 73 kg. moigo 16 tituli. 474-250. N1(08.09.2003), N50(01.12.2011) fereri daviT (espaneTi) daibada 29.02.1992, 172, 73, tituli (11), 411-231, #4 (25.02.2008), #5 (01.12.2011) vozniacki karolin (dania) daibada 11.07.1990. simaRle 177, wona 58. moigo 18 tituli. N1 (2010,2011) 35 CakveTaZe ana (ruseTi) daibada 05.03.1987. simaRle 170, wona 58. moigo 8 tituli. 225-114. N5(10.09.2007), N56 (28.12.2010) conga jo uilfrid (safrangeTi) daibada 17.04.1985. simaRle 187. wona 90. moigo 7 tituli. 189-87. N6(01.12.2008), N6 (01.12.2011)N stosur samanta (avstralia) daibada 30.03.1984, 172,65, 3, 358-249, #6 (01.12.2011) CiliCi milan (xorvatia) daibada 28.09.1988, 198, 82, 5, 188-115, #9(22.02.2010), #22 (01.12.2011) New-York, West side Tennis Club - Forest Hills yvela drois saukeTeso CogburTelebi agasi andre (aSS) daibada 29.04.1970. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (avstraliis 3, uimbldonis 1, safrangeTis 1, amerikis 2), msoflios 1-li Cogani (1999). moigo 60 tituli. olimpiuri Cempioni (1996). 87--274. alisoni uilmer lou soni (aSS) lousoni 08.12.1904_10.04.1977. 1935 wlis amerikis Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi, 1931 da 1935 wlebSi wyvilebSi, 1929_1930 wlebSi uimbldonis Cempioni wyvilebSi. aSboti iozefi (ungreTi) daibada 18.09.1917. 1947 wlis safrangeTis Cempioni. 1938_1957 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is gaTamaSebaSi 30 erTeulidan 18 moigo. baji jon donaldi (aSS) 11.10.1915_28.01.2000. 1938 wels pirvelad CogburTis istoriaSi moigo ~Grand Slam~_i. 7 turniri moigo (avstraliis_1, safrangeTis_1, uimbldonis_2, amerikis_2). ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. 1938 wlidan profesionali. bekeri boris franci (germania) daibada 22.11.1967. 1985 wels 17 wlis asakSi moigo uimbldonis turniri. es miRweva gaimeora 1986 da 1989 wlebSi. 2_jer moigo avstraliis pirveloba da erTxel amerikis. 1992 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi (mixael StixTan erTad). betci poulin mei (aSS) daibada 06.08.1919. 1942_1944 da 1946 wlebis amerikis Cimpioni. 1946 wels moigo uimbldoni. borgi biorni (SvedeTi (SvedeTi) daibada 06.06.1956. ukana xazis Seudarebeli moTamaSe. 1975, 1978_1981 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 1976_1980 wlebSi _ uimbldonis turniri. 1981 wels waago istoriuli finali 36 uimbldonze jon makenrousTan. 1977_1980 wlebSi pirveli Cogani msoflioSi. didi gavlena moaxdina CogburTis ganviTarebaze. borotra Jan roberti (safrangeTi) 13.08.1898_17.07.1994. Semtevi CogburTis mimdevari. brwyinvaled TamaSobda badesTan. 1927_1932 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli safrangeTis gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1924 da 1926 wlebis uimbldonis turniris gamarjvebuli, 1924 da 1931 wlebSi safrangeTis Cempioni. briunioni Jaki (toto) (safrangeTi) 13.05.1915_28.01.1978. Seudarebuli CogburTeli wyvilTa TanrigSi. a. koSesTan da J. borotrasTan erTad 1926, 1928, 1932, 1933 wlebSi moigo uimbldoni, 1927, 1930, 1933 wlebSi a. koSesTan gaxda safrangeTis Cempioni. ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. bromviCi jon edvardi (avstralia) 14.11.1918_21.10.1999. CogburTis istoriaSi erT_erTi uZlieresi moTamaSe wyvilTa TanrigSi. uimbldonis da amerikis mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilebSi adrian kvisTan da frenk sejmenTan erTad. brou luiz alTea (aSS) daibada 11.03.1923. 1947_1955 wlebSi moigo avstraliis, amerikis da 4_jer uimbldonis turniri. 24_jer gaimarjva ~Grand Slam~_is turnirebSi wyvilTa da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi. bruqsi norman edvardi (avstralia) 14.11.1877_28.09.1968. 1907 da 1914 wlebSi moigo uimbldonis turniri, 1911 wels avstraliis pirveloba. pirveli msoflio omis dros franguli legionis wevri. bueno maria esteri (brazilia) daibada 11.10.1939. 1959_1960 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1959, 1960 da 1964 wlebSi moigo uimbldoni, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1966 wlebSi amerikis pirveloba. gibsoni alTea (aSS) daibada 25.08.1927. 1957_1958 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 5 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_1, uimbldoni_2, amerikis_2). gonzalesi rikardo alonso (panCo) (aSS) 09.05.1928_03.07.1995. 1949 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 2_jer moigo amerikis pirveloba. 1949 wlidan _ profesionalebSi. 1953_1959, 1961 wlebSi msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris. gori arturi (inglisi) 02.01.1968_01.12.1928. 1901, 1908_1909 wlebis uimbldonis Cempioni. 1888_1922 wlebSi 29_jer miiRo monawileoba uimbldonis turnirSi. grafi Stefi maria (germania) daibada 14.06.1969. 1987_1989, 1993, 1995, 1996 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. moigo ~Grand Slam~_is 22 turniri moigo avstraliis_4, safrangeTis_6, uimbldoni_7, amerikis_5). 1988 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempioni. 1988 wels moigo ~Grand Slam~_i. gamokiTxvis safuZvelze aRiarebulia me_20 saukunis saukeTeso moTamaSed. gulagongi ivon fei (avstralia) daibada 31.07.1951. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (avstraliis_4,safrangeTis_1, amerikis_2). devisi duaiti (aSS) 05.07.1879_28.11.1945. ~Davis Cup~_is fuZemdebeli (1900). amerikis mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi. aSS_is CogburTis federaciis prezidenti iyo. 1925_1929 wlebSi general_gubernatori fili pinebze. dekiuJi maqsimi (safrangeTi) 24.09.1882_06.09.1978. 1903, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1914 wlebis safrangeTis Cempioni. dodi Sarlota (inglisi) 24.09.1871_27.06.1960. 1887, 1888, 1891, 1892, 1893 wlebis uimbldonis Cempioni. doherti lour ensi (inglisi) lourensi 08.10.1875_21.08.1919. 1902_1906 wlebSi uimbldonis Cempioni. doherti rejinaldi (inglisi) 14.10.1972_29.12.1910. 1897_1900 wlebSi uimbldonis Cempioni. lourens dohertis Zma. drobni iaroslavi (inglisi) daibada 12.10.1921. CogburTeli Cexoslovakiidan. 1949 wlis gadatrialebis Semdeg cxovrobda jer egvi pteSi, SemdgomSi ki miiRo inglisis moqalaqeoba. 1954 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 3 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_2, uimbldonis_1). waago or_or_jer finali safrangeTis pirvelobaze da uimbldonze. iyo Cexoslovakiis nakrebis wevri hokeiSi. 1947 wlis msoflio Cempioni da 1948 olimpiuri TamaSebis priziori hikeiSi. edbergi Stefani (SvedeTi) 37 daibada 19.01.1966. 1990_1991 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 6 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, uimbldoni_2, amerikis_2). everti kris mari (aSS) daibada 21.12.1954. 1975_1977, 1980 wlebis msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 18 moigo turniri (avstraliis_2, safrangeTis_7, uimbldoni_3, amerikis_6). 1973_1979 wlebSi evertma Tixnarze zedized 125 TamaSi moigo. ekharsti dafni jesi (avstralia) 22.04.1903_10.01.1933. 1925_1929 wlebSi avstraliis pirveloba moigo. emersoni roi stenli (avstralia) daibada 03.11.1936. 1964_1965 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 12 turniri moigo (avstrlaliis_6, safrangeTis_2, uimbldoni_2, amerikis_2). eSi arturi (aSS) 10.07.1943_13.02.1993. pirveli Savkaniani CogburTeli, romelmac 1968 wels moigo amerikis pirveloba da 1975 wels _ uimbldonis turniri. 1963_1978 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is gaTamaSebaSi 32 erTeulidan 27 moigo. vainsi anri elsvorti (aSS) 28/09/1911_17/03/1994 ~Grand Slam~_is 3 turniri moigo (uimbldoni_1, amerikis_2). 1934 wlidan profesionali. debiuti, rogorc profesionalis, Sedga ~Madison Square Garden~_Si b. tildenis winaaRmdeg. e. vainsma waago Sexvedra 6:8, 3:6, 2:6. magram SemdgomSi moigo msoflio turne angariSiT 47:26. 1935_1937 wlebis msoflio Cempioni profesionalebSi. 50_ian wlebSi erT_erTi uZlieresi moTamaSe golfSi. vilasi gilermo (argentina) daibada 17/08/1952. ~Grand Slam~_is 4 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, safrangeTis_1, amerikis_ 1). 1974 da 1977 wlebSi msoflios me_2 Cogani. vilanderi maTsi (SvedeTi) daibada 22/08/1964. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (avstraliis_3, safrangeTis_3, amerikis _ 1). 1988 wels msoflios pirveli Cogani. kvisti adrian karli (avstralia (avstralia) 23.01.1913_17.01.1991. 1935 da 1950 wlebSi moigo uimbldonis turniri wyvilebSi. 1936_1959 wlebSi avstraliis ucvleli Cempioni wyvilTa da Sereul SyvilTa TanrigSi. kingi bili jin (aSS) daibada 22.11.1943. 1971_1972, 1974 wlebSi _ msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is moigo 12 turniri moigo (avstraliis_1, safrangeTis_1, uimbldoni_6, amerikis_4). kodeSi iani (Cexoslovakia) daibada 01.03.1946. 1970_1971 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 1973 wlis uimbldonis Cempioni. 1971 da 1973 wlebSi amerikis pirvelobis finalisti. 1994_1998 wlebSi CexeTis respuqlikis CogburTis federaciis prezidenti. 1971 wels msoflios me_5 Cogani (niukombi, smiti, rozuoli, leiveri). konoli mourin katerin (~ ~) (aSS) (~LITTLE MO~) 17.09.1934_21.06.1969. 1951_1954 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1953 wels ~Grand Slam~_i moigo (pirvelad qalTa Soris). ~Grand Slam~_is 9 turniri moigo. konorsi jeims skoti (aSS) daibada 02.09.1952. 1974 da 1977 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 8 turniri moigo(avstraliis_1, uimbldoni_2, amerikis_5). koJeluxi kareli (Cexoslovakia) 1895_1950. 30_ian wlebSi erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli profesionalTa Soris. koSe anri Jani (safrangeTi) 14.12.1901_01.04.1987. 1928_1931 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_4, amerikis_1, uimbldoni_2. 1927_1932 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. 1937 wlis agvistoSi imyofeboda TbilisSi, sadac Caatara ramdenime saCvenebeli matCi. krameri jon (jek) alberti (aSS) daibada 01.08.1920. 1946_1947 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1946_1947 wlebSi amerikis pirveloba moigo, 1947 wels _ uimbldonis turniri. 1948 wels gaxda profesonali. 1948 wels gaxda msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris da SemdgomSi Seqmna cnobili profesionaluri dasi ~krameris cirki~. 1961 wels Tbilisis sportis sasaxleSi Caatares ramdenime saCvenebeli matCi. 1972_1975 wlebSi ATP turis pirveli direqtori. kuperi eSli (avstralia) daibada 15.09.1936. 1957_1958 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1957_1958 wlebSi moigo avstraliis pirveloba, 1958 wels amerikis. 1958 wels gaxda profesionali. kroufordi jek herberti (avstralia) 38 22.03.1908_10.09.1991. 1933 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 6 turniri moigo (avstraliis_4, safrangeTis_1, amerikis_1). kuperi Sarlota (aSS) 22.09.1870_10.10.1966. 1895, 1896, 1898, 1901, 1908 wlebSi uimbldonis turniri moigo. kurie jeimsi (aSS) daibada 17.08.1970. 1992 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1991_1992 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba, 1992_1993 wlebSi _ avstraliis Cempionati. lakosti Jan rene (safrangeTi) 02.07.1904_12.10.1996. 1926_1927 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_3, uimbldoni_2, amerikis _2). 1927_1928 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. Seqmna cnobili sportuli inventaris firma. larnedi uiliami (aSS) 30.12.1872_16.12.1926. 1901_1902, 1907_1911 wlebSi amerikis Cimpioni. leiveri rodnei jorji (avstralia) daibada 09.08.1938. 1961_1962, 1968_1969 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand slam~_is 11 turniri moigo (avstraliis_3, safrangeTis_2, uimbldoni_4, amerikis_2). 1962 da 1969 wlebSi moigo ~Grand Slam~_i. 1964, 1966_1967 wlebSi _ msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris. lendli ivane (aSS) daibada 07.03.1960 ostravaSi (Cexoslovakia). 1992 wels miiRo amerikis moqalaqeoba. 1985_1987 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogania. ~Grand Slam~_is 8 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, safrangeTis_3, amerikis_3). sul 94 turniri moigo. (W-1071, L-239). 21,262,417 US$. lengleni siuzani (safrangeTi) 24.05.1899_04.07.1938. 1921, 1925_1926 wlubSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 8 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_2, uimbldoni_6). 1926 wels gaxda profesionali. makenrou joni (aSS) daibada 16.02.1959. simaRle 183 sm., wona 75 kg. ~Grand Slam~_is 7 turniri moigo (uimbldoni _ 3, amerikis_4). 1981, 1983_1984 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. sul moigo 77 turniri. m akluglini morisi (aSS) 18.11.1890_10.12.1957. ~kalifornieli kometa~. pirvelad CogburTis istoriaSi gamoiyena Cawodebidan gasvla badesTan. 1914 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1912_1913 wlebSi moigo amerikis pirveloba. musteri Tomasi (avstria (avstria) daibada 02.10.1967. 1996 wels 6 kviris ganmavlobaSi msoflios pirveli Cogani iyo. 1995 wels safrangeTis pirveloba moigo. sul aqvs 38 turniri mogebuli. ukana xazis Seudarebeli ostati. navratilova martina (aSS) daibada 18.10.1956. CogburTeli Cexoslovakiidan. 1981 wels miiRo amerikis moqalaqeoba. 1978_1979, 1982_1986 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is turnirebSi 18 turniri moigo (avstraliis, safrangeTis_2, uimbldoni_9, amerikis_4). sul 167 turniri moigo erTeulebSi da 165 wyvilebSi. Semtevi, kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. nestase ilie (rumineTi) daibada 19.07.1946. 1973 wlis msoflioSi pirveli Cogani. 1972 wels amerikis pirveloba moigo, 1973 wels _ safrangeTis. sul aqvs 57 turniri mogebuli. neukombi jon daviTi (avstralia) daibada 23.05.1944. 1967, 1970, 1971 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is turnirebSi 7 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, uimbldoni_3, amerikis_2). novotna iana (CexeTi) daibada 01.10.68. 1998 wels uimbldonis turniri moigo. 90_ian wlebSi mudmivad iyo msoflios aTeulis moTamaSe. orantesi manueli (espaneTi (espaneTi) daibada 06.02.1994. 70_iani wlebis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli msoflioSi. 1975 wels gaxda amerikis Cempioni. ostini treisi (aSS) 12.12.1962. 1979 wels 16 wlis asakSi amerikis pirvelobis finalSi daamarcxa kris everti da gaxda Cempioni. es miRweva gaimeora 1981 wels. mZime travmis gamo adre daasrula sportuli kariera. parkeri frenki (aSS) 31.01.1916_24.07.1997. ~Grand Slam~_is 4 turniri moigo (amerikis_2, safrangeTis_2). 1944_1945 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. peri frederik joni (inglisi) 18.05.1909_02.02.1995. ~Grand Slam~_is 8 turniri moigo (avstraliis_1, safrangeTis_1, uimbldoni _3, amerikis_3). 1934_1936 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1929 wels gaxda msoflio Cempioni 39 magidis CogburTSi. 1936 wlidan profesionali. SemdgomSi Seqmna komerciuli sportuli inventaris firma ~Fred Perry~. petra ivoni (safraegeTi) 8.03.1916_12.09.1884. 1946 wels uimbldonis turniri moigo. 1938 wlis safrangeTis Cempioni wyvilebSi. pietranJeli nikola (italia) daibada 11.09.1933. SesaniSniavi moTamaSe Tixnaris kortebze. 1959_1960 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 1954_1972 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_ze Catarebuli aqvs 164 Sexvedra. rigsi roberti (bobi) (aSS) 25.02.1918_25.10.1995. 1939 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1939 wels moigo uimbldoni da amerikis pirveloba. 1941 wels gaxda profesionali. 1946_1947, 1949 wlebSi msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris. 1971 wels, 53 wlis asakSi Caatara saCvenebeli matCi margaret kortTan da moigo angariSiT 6:2, 6:1, magram 1973 wels 30 aTasi mayureblis TandaswrebiT waago bili jin kingTan 4:6, 3:6, 3:6. raiani elizabeti (aSS) 05.02.1892_06.07.1979. Seudarebeli moTamaSe wyvilTa TanrigSi. 1914_1934 wlebSi moigo uimbldonis 19 tituli wyvilTa da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi. rozuoli kenet roberti (avstralia) daibada 02.11.1934. ~Grand Slam~_is 6 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, safrangeTis_2, amerikis_ 2). 1957 wels gaxda profesionai. 1963 da 1965 wlebis msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris (orive finalSi mougo r. leivers). roCi entoni (avstralia) daibada 15.05.1945. 1969 wlis msoflios me_2 Cogani. gansakuTrebiT didi miRwevebi hqonda wyvilTa TanrigSi (niukombTan erTad). 1966 wels moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. sabatini gabriela (argentina) daibada 16.05.1970. 1986_1995 wlebSi msoflios aTeulis moTamaSe (saukeTeso meore adgili 1990 wels). 1990 wlis aSS_is Cempioni. santana manueli (espaneTi) daibada 10.05.1938. 1966 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1966 wels moigo uimbldoni, 1965 wels _ aSS_is Cempionati, 1961 wels_safrangeTis pirveloba. segura francisko (panCo) (ekvadori) daibada 30.06.1921. 1950_1952 wlebSi msoflio Cempioni profesionalTa Soris. 1961 wels jek krameris jgufTan erTad ewvia Tbiliss da Caatara ramdenime saCvenebeli TamaSi. sejmeni frensis arturi (franki) (avstralia) daibada 29.10.1927. 1951_1952 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 5 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, uimbldoni_1, amerikis_2). 1950_1952 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. 1953 wlidan profesionali. 1953 wels mougo jek kramers angariSiT 54: 41. pirveli profesionali CogburTeli, romelmac erT sezonSi (1953) 102 aTasi amerikuli dolari moigo. sirsi riCardi (aSS) 16.10.1861_08.04.1943. aSS_is pirveli Cempioni (1881 weli). 1882_1887 wlebSi es miRweva gaimeora. smiti margareti (avstralia) daibada 16.07.1942. 1962_1965, 1969_1970, 1973 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1970 wels moigo ~Grand Slam~_i. ~Grand Slam~_is 24 tituli moigo (avstraliis_11, safrangeTis_5, uimbldoni_3, amerikis_5). smiti stenli rojeri (sten) daibada 14.12.1946. 1972 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1971 wels moigo amerikis pirveloba, 1972 wels _ uimbldoni. tildeni uiliam tatemi (didi bili) (aSS) 10/02/1893_05/06/1953. erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli msoflios CogburTis istoriaSi. ~Grand Slam~_is 10 turniri moigo (uimbldoni_3, amerikis_7). 1920_1926 wlebSi ~Davis Cup~_is mflobeli. 1931 wlidan profesionali. traberti marion entoni (toni) daibada 16/08/1930. ~Grand Slam~_is 5 turniri moigo (safrangeTis_3, uimbldoni_1, amerikis_2). 1953, 1955 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1961 wels imyofeboda TbilisSi j. krameris jgufTan erTad da l. xoudTan brwyinvale Sexvedra Caatara. ualdingi entoni (axali zelandia) 31/10/1883_09/05/1915. ~Grand Slam~_is 6 turniri moigo (avstraliis_2, uimbldoni_4). 1913 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. daiRupa belgiaSi 1_li msoflio omis dros. uilsi heleni (aSS) 40 06/10/1905_01/01/1998. 20_ian da 30_ian wlebSi ~Grand Slam~_is 19 turniri moigo safrangeTis _ 4, uimbldoni_8, amerikis_7). 1927_1933, 1935, 1938 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. fon krami baron gotfridi (germania) 07/07/1909_09/11/1976. 1934, 1936 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 1936_1937 wlebSi msoflios me_2 Cogani. 1932_1953 wlebSi gamodioda ~Davis Cup~_is gaTamaSebaSi. frezeri nil endriu (avstralia) daibada 03.10.1933. 1959_1960 wlebSi msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 3 tituli moigo (uimbldoni_1, amerikis_2). Srederi frederik rudolfi (tedi) (aSS) daibada 20.07.1921. 1942 wlis aSS_is Cempioni da 1949 wlis uimbldonis gamarjvebuli. 1946_1951 wlebSi msoflios aTeulis moTamaSe. Stixi mixaeli (germania) daibada 18/10/1968. 1991 wlis uimbldonis Cempioni. 1992 wels b. bekerTan erTad moigo olimpiuri TamaSebi wyvilTa TanrigSi. 1993 wels moigo ATP turis Cempionati. Cambersi doroTea (inglisi) 03.09.1878_07.01.1960. 1903, 1904, 1906, 1910, 1913, 1914 wlebSi moigo uimbldonis turniri. xarti doris jeini (aSS) daibada 20.06.1925. 1951 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 6 turniri moigo (avstraliis_1, safrangeTis_2, uimbldoni_1, amerikis_2). jakobsi helen (aSS) 06.08.1908_01.06.1997. 1936 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. 1936 wels moigo uimbldoni. 1932_1935 wlebSi amerikis ucvleli Cempioni. jonstoni uiliami (aSS) 01.11.1894-01.05.1946.1915-1919 wlebSi amerikis Cempioni. aSS “Davis Cup”-is gundis ucvleli wevri. 1920-1926 wlebSi Tasis mflobeli. hopmani anri kristiani (avstralia) 12.08.1906_27.12.1985. gamoCenili avstralieli mwvrTneli da moTamaSe. 1939_1967 wlebSi iyo ucvleli kapitani ~Davis Cup~_is gaTamaSebaSi. hormanis mowafeebi iyvnen: sajmeni, houdi, rozuoli, emersoni, stole, kuperi, niukombi, roCi da bevri sxva. 1930_1932 wlebSi avstraliis pirvelobis finalisti. houdi liu alani (avstralia) 23.11.1934_03.07.1994. 1956 wlis msoflios pirveli Cogani. ~Grand Slam~_is 4 turniri moigo (avstraliis_1, safrangeTis_1, uimbldoni_2). 1961 wels zafxulSi j. krameris profesional jgufTan erTad TbilisSi Caatara ramdenime saCvenebeli matCi. hiuiti robert (samxreTi afrika) daibada 12.01.1940. erT-erTi uZlieresi moTamaSe wyvilTa TanrigSi. moigo 15 tituli wyvilebSi Suzane Lenglen 41 vin wavida CogburTidan XXI saukuneSi eneni jastini (belgia) daibada 01.06.1982. moigo 41 tituli. olimpiuri Cempioni (2004). eskude nikolasi (safrageTi) daibada 03.04.1976. 2003 wels safrageTis gundis SemadgenlobaSi moigo orive Sexvedra erTeulebSi “Davis Cup”-is gaTamaSebaSi avstraliis gundis winaaRmdeg da gaxda Tasis mflobeli. sul aqvs sami tituli mogebuli. vudbriji todi (avsralia) daibada 02.04.1971. mark vudfordTan erTad moigo 9 “Grand Slam”-is turniri. vudfordTi marki (avstralia) daibada 23.09.1965. tod vudbrijTan erTad moigo 9 “Grand Slam”-is turniri kapriati jeniferi (aSS) daibada 29.03.1976. moigo “Grand Slam”-is 3 turniri. 1992 wlis olimpiuri Cempioni. sul aqvs mogebuli 14 tituli. kafelnikovi evgeni (ruseTi) daibada 18.02.1974. moigi “Grand Slam” - is 2 turniri. 2000 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempioni. kraiCeki rixardi (holandia) daibada 06.12.1971. 1996 wels moigo uimbldonis turniri. sul aqvs 17 tituli mogebuli. kuerteni gustavo (brazilia) daibada 10.09.1976. 1997, 2000, 2001 wlebSi moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 2000 wels moigo Masters Cup-i martini todi (aSS) daibada 08.07.1970. avstraliisa da amerikis pirvelobebis finalistia. sul aqvs 8 tituli mogebuli. martinesi konCita (espaneTi) 1994 wels moigo uimbldonis turniri. sul aqvs 30 tituli mogebuli. piolini sedriki (safrangeTi) daibada 15.06.1969. amerikis pirvelobis da uimbldonis turnirebis finalistia. 2001 wlis “Davis Cup” - is mflobeli. pirsi mari (safrangeTi) daibada 15.05.1975. avstraliisa da safrangeTis Cempioni. rafteri patriki (avstralia) daibada 28.12.1972. 1997-1998 wlebSi moigo aSS pirveloba. riosi marselo (Cile) daibada 26.12.1975. simaRle 175 sm., wona 70 kg. 1998 wels moigo ~Grand Slam~_is Tasi. 23.04.1998 pirveli Cogani msoflioSi. samprasi piti (aSS) daibada 12.08.1971 vaSingtonSi. mwvrTneli _ pol anakon. 1988 wlidan profesionalebSi. simaRle 185 sm., wona 79 kg. reitingi: 1988_97, 1989_81, 1990_5, 1991_6, 1992_3, 1993_1, 1994_1, 1995_1, 1996_1, 1997_1, 1998_1, 1999_3, 2000_3, 2001_10. ~Grand Slam~_is 14 turniri moigo (uimbldonis_7, amerikis_5, avstraliis_2), mastersis 11, ~Grand Slam CUP~_is 2. aRiarebulia me_20 saukunis saukuTuso CogburTelad. sul aqvs 64 turniri mogebuli. seleSi monika (aSS) daibada 02.12.1973. simaRle 179 sm., wona 70 kg. profesionalebSi 1989 wlidan. reitingi: 1988_86, 1989_6, 1990_2, 1991_1, 1992_1, 1993_8, 1995_1, 1996_2, 1997_5, 1998_6, 1999_6, 2000_4. moigo avstraliis pirveloba_4, safrangeTis_3, amerikis_2, da mastersis turniri_3. aqvs 47 tituli mogebuli. fili pou sisi marki (avstralia) pousisi daibada 07.11.1976. simaRle 196 sm., wona 95 kg. profesionalebSi 1994 wlidan. saukuTeso reitingi 2000_11. Cangi maiqli (aSS) daibada 22.02.1972. simaRle 175 sm., wona 72 kg. 1989 wels moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. 1996 wels amerikis pirvelobis finalisti. sul aqvs 34 tituli mogebuli. henmeni timi (inglisi) daibada 06.09.1974. simaRle 185 sm., wona 76 kg. profesionalebSi 1993 wlidan. saukeTeso reitingi 2001_9. 42 hingisi martina (Sveicaria) daibada 30.09.1980. simaRle 170 sm., wona 59 kg. profesionalebSi 1994 wlidan. reitingi: 1994_87, 1995_16, 1996_4, 1997_1, 1998_2, 1999_1, 2000_1, 2001_2. moigo avstraliis pirveloba _ 3, uimbldoni_1, groJani sebastiani (safrangeTi) daibada 29.05.1978. simaRle 175 sm., wona 66 kg. profesionalebSi 1996 wlidan. saukeTeso reitingi 2001_7. 2001 wlis avstraliis pirvelobis naxevarfinalisti. safrangeTis gundis SemadgenlobaSi 2001 wlis ~DDavis Cup_is mflobeli. N677(28.12.2009) devenpo rti lindsei (aSS) devenporti daibada 08.06.1976. simaRle 189 sm., wona 79 kg. profesionalebSi 1993 wlidan. reitingi: 1991_339, 1992_159, 1993_20, 1994_6, 1995_12, 1996_9, 1997_ 3, 1998_1, 1999_2, 2000_2, 2001_1. “Grand Slam” _is 3 turniri moigo (avstraliis pirveloba_1, uimbldoni_1, amerikis_1). 1996 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis Cempioni. sul aqvs 30 tituli mogebuli. moia karlosi (espaneTi) daibada 27.08.1976. simRle 190 sm., wona 81 kg. 1998 wels moigo safrangeTis pirveloba. sul aqvs 7 tituli mogebuli. moresmo ameli (safrangeTi) daibada 05.07.1979. simaRle 186 sm., wona 60 kg. profesionalebSi 1996 wlidan. saukeTeso reitingi 1999 _ 10. 1999 wlis avstraliis pirvelobis finalisti. safini marati (ruseTi) daibada 27.01.1982 moskovSi. simaRle 193 sm., wona 81 kg. moigo 15 tituli. 422-267. 2000 wels moigo amerikis porveloba, 2005 wels avstraliis pirveloba. N1(20.11.2000), N61(28.12.2009) dementieva elen (ruseTi) daibada 15.10.1981. simaRle 178, wona 60. olimpiuri Cempioni (2008). moigo 16 tituli. N9 (01.12.2010) Wimbledon 2010 43 ssr kavSiris gamoCenili CogburTelebi da mwvrTnelebi andreevi sergei (ruseTi) 25.04.1923-18.01.1995. ssr kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni (1952, 1954_958). sportis damsaxerebuli ostati (1963), ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1970). sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis mTavari mwvrTneli (1960_1974). sxvadasxva dros wvrTnida a. dimitrievas da l. mesxs. baqSeeva galina (ukraina) daibada 24.07.1945. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1967_1968). sabWoTa kavSiris aTeulis moTamaSe (1960_1981). uimbldonis Cempioni gogonaTa Soris (1961_1962). sxvadasxva saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli. “ufro niWieri moTamaSe, vidre baqSeeva me ar minaxavs Cemi grZeli saCogburTo cxovrebis ganmavlobaSi” (fred peri, 1934_1936 wlebis uimbldonis Cempioni). balva vladimeri (ukraina) 01.17.1907_31.12.1983. ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli _ 1961. ukrainis damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli _ 1947. g. baqSeevas, v. kuzmenkos, m. mozeris mwvrTneli. belic_geimani semioni (ruseTi) 26.02.1921_2001. 40_50_ian wlebSi ssr kavSiris erT_erTi wamyvani CogburTeli. 1943_1953 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1970). moskovis fizikuri kulturis institutis CogburTis kaTedris gamge, profesori dimitrieva ana (ruseTi) daibada 10.12.1940. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1959, 1961_1964). sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1964). 1958 wels pirvelma (a. potaninTan erTad) sabWoTa spotsmenebidan iTamaSa uimbldonis kortebze. saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da priziori. daamTavra moskovis saxelmwifo universiteti. muSaobs telekomentatorad. zvereva natalia (belorusia) daibada 16.04.1971. wyvilTa Soris erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli msoflioSi. 20_jer gaimarjva “Grand Slam”_is turnirebze wyvilebSi da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi. 1988 wlis safrangeTis pirvelobis finalisti, uimbldonis _ 1986_1987, safrangeTis _ 1987 da amerikis _ 1987 Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. umaRlesi reitingi _ 7 (1988). 1992 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis priziori (l. mesxTan erTad). kree evaldi (estoneTi) 11.06.1918_05.03.1995. ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1957). estoneTis olimpiuri komitetis wevri (1992_1995). daamTavra politeqnikuri instituti da tartus universiteti. T.leiusis mwvrTneli. kedriavcevi evgeni (ruseTi) 21.02.1898_16.07.1973. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1927_1928,1934). sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1934). 1927_1938 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. kuzmenko_titova valeria (ukraina) daibada 28.02.1934. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1956,1958,1960). 1954_1967 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da priziori. daamTavra kievis saxelmwifo universiteti. leiusi Tomasi (estoneTi) daibada 28.08.1941. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1963_1965, 1968). sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1964). 1957_1973 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. mravali saerTaSoriso tur niris gamarjvebuli. 1985_1987 wlebSi muSaobda saqarTvelos nakrebis mwvrTnelad. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli _ 1985. lixaCiovi sergei (azerbajani) daibada 20.03.1940. ssr kavSiris mravalgzis Cempiono wyvilTa da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi (1959_1974). 1958_1974 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. mravali saerTaSoriso turniris gamarjvebuli. daamTavra baqos fizkulturis instituti. maniukova evgenia (ruseTi) daibada 17.05.1968. ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1988, 1990). 1989 wlidan profesionalebSia.Ll. mesxTan erTad moigo ramodenime turniri wyvilTa TanrigSi. saukeTeso reitingi – 66 (1992). daamTavra moskovis fizkulturis instituti. mozeri mixeili (ukraina) 22.06.1935_28.10.1993. 50_60_ian wlebSi ssr kavSirSi erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni (1959-1960). 1956_1967 wlebSi Sedioda ssr kavSeris uZlieres aTeulSi. Semtevi stilis moTamaSe. DdaamTavra kievis fizkulturis instituti. saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da priziori. 44 morozova olga (ruseTi) daibada 22.02.1949. 70_iani wlebis ssr kavSiris uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni (1969_1971,1976,1980). sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1971), ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1991). uimbldonos Cempioni gogonaTa Soris (1965), uimbldonis da safrangeTis Cempionatebis finalisti (1974), safrangeTis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi (1974). 1981_1991 wlebSi ssr kavSiris qalTa gundis mTavari mwvrTneli. muSaobs inglisSi. novikovi borisi (ruseTi) 19.11.1909_29.08.1989. 30_50_ian wlebSi ssr kavSirSis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogberTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi (1935_1939, 1940). sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1938). ruseTis damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1963). ozerovi nikolai (ruseTi) 11.12.1922_02.06.1997. 40_50_ian wlebSi sabWoTa kavSirSi erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1947), ruseTis damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1995), ruseTis saxalxo artisti (1973). brwyinvale sportuli komentatori. 1944_1946, 1951, 1953 wlebSi ssr kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. 1940_1959 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. potanini andrei (ruseTi) daibada 19.02.1940. pirveli sabWoTa CogburTeli mamakacTa Soris 1958 wels iTamaSa uimbldonis balaxis kortebze. 50_60_ian wlebSi ssr kavSirSis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1962 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni. daamTavra leningradis universiteti. fizika_maTematikis mecnierebaTa kandidati. savCenko_neilandi lar isa (ukraina_latvia) larisa daibada 21.07.1966. 6_jer gaimarjva “Grand Slam”_is turnirebSi wyvilebSi da Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi. 2_jer gaimarjva erTeulTa TanrigSi “WTA” turnirebze. Mogebuli aqvs 61 tituli wyvilTa TanrigSi. sivoxini rudolfi (ruseTi_ukraina) daibada 28.06.1938. 60_ian wlebSi ssr kavSirSi erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1961 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni. ssr kavSiris pirveli “Davis Cup”-is gundis wevri (1962). tarpiSCevi Samili (ruseTi) daibada 07.03.1948. ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1985), ruseTis damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1981), ruseTis fizkulturisa da sportis komitetis Tavmjdomare (1994_1996), saerTaSoriso olimpiuri komitetis wevri(1996), ruseTis CogburTis asociaciis prezidenti(1996). 1972_1973_ian wlebSi Sedioda ssr kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. 1974_1991 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris “Davis Cup”_is gundis kapitani. amJamad ruseTis “Davis Cup”_is gundis xelmZRvaneli. tepliakova nina (ruseTi) 10.11.1904_22.07.1983. 30_iani wlebis ssr kavSiris uZlieresi CogburTeli. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1934), sabWoTa kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1957). ssr kavSiris Cempioni (1927, 1934_1939). a. dmitrievas da o. morozovas mwvrTneli. “dinamos” nakrebi gundi ssr kavSiris pirvelobaze. kenigsbergi, 1961 weli. v.gogliZe.a.metreveli,n.mZinariSvili,v.egorovi,a.nivikovi,v.egorovi.r.sivoxini 45 Paris XV centuries MM The patent of tennis game Major Wingfild Brothers Renshow 46 The form of tennis players during different epoch Evolution of tennis rackets 47 Tony Wilding Moris McLuglin William - Bill Tilden 48 Newport - US OPEN, 1891 Elsvorth Vines Godfried von Kramm 49 Suzan Lenglen N New York, Forrest Hills, US OPEN, 1921 Bill Tilden Jack Crouford 50 Henri Cochet Bill Tilden, Henri Cochet. 1930 Jean Borotra 51 Donald Budge, Ricardo(Pancho) Gonzalez, Lew Hoad, Ken Rosewell 52 PPancho Gozalez’s tennis racket Gary Hopman and Ken Rosewell 53 Frank Sedgman Henri Cochet. Nina Tepliakova. Moskow, 1936 Tony Trabert Arthur Ashe Jaroslav Drobny F Ivon Gulagong 54 55 Kris Evert Sten Smith Bjorn Borg Gabriela Sabatini 56 Yevgeny Kafelnikoff Thomas Muster Goran Ivanisevic Marat Safin Historic Stadium - Kooyong - Melbourne 57 Andre Agassi Andre Agassi, Rod Laver Gustavo Kuerten Patrick Rafter Ilie Nastase Kim Klijsters 58 A.Stivenson, M.Higins, L.Devenport, M.Seles Ana Chakvetadze Lindsei Deveport 59 Jim Kurier Mikola Davidenko Martina Hingis 60 Andy Murrey Elena Dementieva Spain - Davis Cup 2008 Svetlana Kuznetsova Ana Ivanovic Anastasia Miskina Elena Jankovic 61 62 Sisters Williams Roger Federer, Serena Williams - Wimbledon 2009 63 64 65 66 Nina Tepliakova Boris Novikov Yevgeny Kudrivtsev Nikolai Ozeroff 67 A. Dimitrieva,A. Potanin, S. Belits-Geiman Thomas Leius, Rod Leiver Mikhail Mozer, Sergei Lixachov, Rudolf Sivokhin, Thomas Leius, Sergei Andreev Valeria Kuzmenko Sergei Andreev 68 Galina Baksheeva Kris Evert, Olga Morozova 69 Justin Henin Andy Roddick LLeiton Hewitt 70 Medison-square-garden Medison-square-garden (Madison Square Garden), also known under names - MSG) a legendary sports complex in New York, the USA, a place of carrying out of the international competitions by several kinds of sports and house arena for commands of NHL and NBA. The complex has been constructed in the end of XIX century in a northeast corner of Medison-square (on crossing of the Medison-avenue and 26th street) and the name has received from the square name. For the history the Medisonsquare-garden has been reconstructed three times (in 1890, 1925 81968 years) and now takes places on the Seventh avenue between 31st and 33rd streets. Annually on arena passes an order of 320 various actions. The Medison-square-garden is house arena for New York (NHL), New York (NBA), New York Liberty (WNBA). Sometimes here there pass concerts. For example, John Lennon has given here a concert in 1972 (later this concert left in 1986), or Elton John in 1974 also has given here a concert. On arena passed the Match of all stars of NHL in 1994, the Match of all stars of NBA in 1998 and the Match of all stars WNBA in 1999, 2003 and 2006. Tennis 1939 - Vines - Perry, 1940 - Budge - Perry, 1942 - Budge - Riggs, 1946,1947,1949 - Budge - Riggs, 1948Kramer - Riggs, 2008 - Sampras - Frderer Masters Cup - 1977 - 1989 Sony Ericsson Championships - 1979 - 2001 71 CogburTis saerTaSoriso organizaciebi CogburTis saerTaSoriso federacia CogburTis saerTaSoriso federacia (International Tennis Federation) dafuZnebulia 1913 wels parizSi da aris erT_erTi uZvelesi sportuli organizacia msoflioSi. 1977 wlamde federacias erqva International Lawn Tennis Federation. amJamad saerTaSoriso federacia aerTianebs 163 nacionalur federaciebs xmis uflebiT da 36 nacionalur federacias xmis uflebis gareSe. saerTaSoriso federaciis umaRlesi organoa _ yovelwliuri generaluri asamblea. generaluri asamblea Tavis sxdomaze irCevs or weliwadSi erTxel egreTwodebul marTvelobiT komitets. generaluri asamblea or weliwadSi erTxel irCevs CogburTis federaciis prezidents. saqarTvelos CogburTis federacia 1992 wlidan aris saerTaSoriso federaciis sruluflebiani wevri. saerTaSoriso federaciis Stab_bina imyofeba londonSi. CogburTis evropuli asociacia CogburTis evropuli asociacia (European Tennis Association) saerTaSoriso federaciis iniciativiT dafuZnebulia 1975 wels romSi. amJamad igi aerTianebs 43 nacionalur federacias. asociaciis umaRlesi organoa yovelwliuri generaluri asamblea. generaluri asamblea sam weliwadSi erTxel irCevs mmarTvelobiT komitets da asociaciis prezidents. saqarTvelos CogburTis federacia 1992 wlidan aris evropuli asociaciis sruluflebiani wevri. evropuli asociaciis Stab_bina imyofeba bazelSi. P professi onal CCogburTelTa ogburTelTa asociacia (ATP) professional professional CogburTelTa asociacia (Association of Tennis Professionals) dafuZnebulia 1972 wels da aris erT-erTi gavleniani organizacia saerTaSoriso CogberTSi. asociaciis umaRlesi organoa _ saTaTbiro. saTaTbiros SemadgenlobaSi Sedian : prezidenti, vice_prezidenti, direqtori da 10 wevri. Aasociacia kviraSi erTxel aqveynebs profesional CogburTelTa klasifikacias. qal CCogburTelTa ogburTelTa asociacia ((WTA) qal CogburTelTa asociacia (Women’s Tennis Association) dafuZnebulia 1973 wels amerikis cnobili sazogado moRvawis g.heldmanis mier. asociaciis umaRlesi organoa _ saTaTbiro. saTaTbiros SemadgenlobaSi Sedian : prezidenti, vice_prezidenti, direqtori da 15 wevri. asociacia kviraSi erTxel aqveynebs profesional CogburTelTa klasifikacias. Bristol - Real - tennis Court 72 saqarTvelos CogburTis istoriidan CogburTis ganviTareba saqarTveloSi dasabams me-19 saukunis damlevidan iRebs. WiaTuraSi inglisuri firma ~Forward and Salinas~-is mmarTvelma jon tarseim (romelsac meuRle qarTveli hyavda) manganumis qalaqSi axali TamaSi laun-tenisi Semoitana gamoCenili qarTveli CogburTeli da pedagogi ian homeri (1898-1981) Tavis mogonebebSi aRniSnavs, rom wereTlebis ojaxi da TviT ukvdavi mgosani _ akaki adevnebda Tvals saCogburTo sanaxaobas. WiaTuridan CogburTma gavrceleba Tbilissa da baTumSi hpova. 1913 wels gamocemul qalaq Tbilisis cnobarSi Tu CaixedavT, iq sxva informaciasTan erTad Tbilisis pirveli CogburTis klubis misamarTs wavawydebiT (amJamindeli CitaZis quCaze, sagareo saqmeTa saministros win). 1915 wels skeiting ringis adgilze plexanovis 117 nomerSi (maSindeli mixeilis prospeqti) axali saCogburTo klubi gaixsna. male homeris ojaxi TbilisSi gadmovida da CogburTis kortebis ezoSi dasaxlda. WiaTuraSi miRebuli pirveli gakveTilebis Semdeg, ian homerma Tavisi ostatobis daxvewa ganagrZo da imavdroulad muSaoba mwvrTnelad daiwyo. me-20 saukunis 50-ian wlebamde (pirvel naxevarSi) sporti saqarTveloSi, iseve rogorc mTel sabWoTa kavSirSi, garda zogierTi gamonaklisisa, karCaketil mdgomareobaSi imyofeboda. im Soreuli wlebis qarTvel CogburTelTa siZlieris Sefaseba praqtikulad SeuZlebelia. magram miuxedavad yvelafrisa, CogburTi saqarTveloSi viTardeboda, da TamaSis stiliT yovelTvis SeiZleboda qarTveli CogburTelis amocnoba _ mTel moedanze kombinaciuri TamaSis upiratesobaSi gamoixateboda. mravali wlis manZilze qarTul CogburTs sabWoTa kavSirSi erT-erTi wamyvani adgili ekava. pirvelad qarTul CogburTze, rogorc movlenaze, 1928 wels ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze alaparakdnen. im dros gundi ian homerma moamzada (mwvrTnelis movaleobis garda is SejibrebaSic monawileobda). yvelasaTvis moulodnelad amierkavkasiis gundma, romelic mTlianad saqarTvelos CogburTelebiT dakompleqtebuli iyo, marto erTi Sexvedra waago isic, finalSi, moskovis gundTan da me-2 adgili daikava. udidesi STabeWdileba moaxdina eduard negrebeckis (1908-1985) TamaSma. SemdgomSi e.negrebecki sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni gaxda sxvadasxva TanrigSi. im wlebSi TbilisSi axali CogburTis kortebi Sendeba: marjaniSvilis quCaze (1930), veris parkSi (amJamad iq kalaTburTis darbazia) da 1939 wels yofil madaTovis kunZulze sportsazogadoeba ~dinamo~-s saCogburTo stadioni. me-20 saukunis 30-ian wlebSi did warmatebebs miaRwia arCil mdivanma (1911-1937) (cnobili bolSevikis budu mdivanis Svili). is mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi ssr kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedioda da e. negrebeckisTan erTad wyvilTa TanrigSi ssr kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni iyo. arCil 73 mdivanis sicocxle tragikulad dasrulda. is 1937 wels represirebuli iqna. qalTa Soris 30-ian wlebSi Tavisi TamaSiT gamoirCeoda Tamar gogolauri (1908-1990), romelic im periodSi ssr kavSiris erT-erT uZlieres CogburTelad iyo aRiarebuli. 1936 wels pirvelad qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi saqarTvelos warmomadgenlebi nunu xelaia (1918) da soxumeli pavle podporini (1918-1943) iuniorTa Soris sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionebi gaxdnen. gansakuTrebiT unda aRiniSnos aram xangulianis (1901-1974), rogorc mwvrTnelis damsaxureba. 1932 wlidan 1969 wlamde is Tavis meuRlesTan evgenia vermiSevasTan (1901-1988) erTad sazogadoeba ~dinamo~-s mTavar mwvrTnelad muSaobda da CogburTelTa mravali Taoba aRzarda. mis aRzrdilTa Soris yvelaze cnobili aleqsandre metreveli gaxda. 30-ian wlebSi marjaniSvilis kortebze nayofierad muSaobda ian homeris mowafe vaxtang (guguli) didiZe (1912-1991) _ vano elerdaSvilis, givi kokaias da viqtor uraevskis pirveli mwvrTneli. batoni vaxtangi saqarTveloSi pirveli sakavSiro kategoriis msajia (1938). me-20 saukunis 40-50-ian wlebSi Tavisi TamaSiT gamoirCeodnen boris krupenikovi (1918), vano elerdaSvili (1920), givi kokaia (1929) da, ra Tqma unda, viqtor uraevski (1930-1979). viqtoris TamaSis stili harmoniuli iyo. is yvelaferSi araCveulebrivad niWieri iyo. samwuxarod, viqtori naadrevad wavida cxovrebidan. am wlebSi didi warmatebiT gamodiodnen mozardebi, rogorc vaJebi, aseve gogonebi. 1956 wels isini qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi pirvelad gaxdnen sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionebi rogorc zamTris, aseve zafxulis TamaSebSi. im periodSi a. xangulianis gverdiT warmatebiT moRvaweobdnen sabWoTa kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTnelebi mariam kldiaSvili (1914-1995) da vladimer serebrenikovi (1912-1967). maT aRzardes qarTvel CogburTelTa mTeli pleada. mwvrTnelTa kadrebis momzadebaSi didi wvlili miuZRvis saqarTvelos damsaxurebul mwvrTnels arCil elerdaSvils (1920-1987). igi mravali wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda saqarTvelos fizikuri kulturis institutSi. institutis kedlebSi aRizardnen cnobili mwvrTnelebi marlen qobalia, guram ToxaZe, rena abJandaZe, oTar WarxalaSvili, givi axalaZe, niko elerdaSvili, suliko Tuxareli da bevri sxva, romlebmac winamorbedTa dawyebuli saqmianoba 50-90 wlebSi gaagrZeles. 60-70 wlebSi a. metrevelis garda, sakavSiro da saerTaSoriso sarbielze did warmatebebs miaRwies irina ermolovam, rena abJandaZem (1940-1995), ala ivanovam, nino Tuxarelma, nugzar mZinariSvilma (1943), Teimuraz kakuliam (1947). 80-ian wlebSi qarTuli CogburTis damsaxurebuli veteranebi CogburTelTa axalma Taobam Secvala, romelTa Soris gansakuTrebiT gamoirCeodnen leila mesxi, irina malaciZe, vladimer gabriCiZe, daviT kaWarava. leila mesxi 1989 wels sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda, iyo olimpiuri TamaSebis priziori, 90-ian wlebSi ki msoflioSi erTerT uZlieres CogburTelad iTvleboda. 1991 wels saqarTvelos saCogburTo cxovrebaSi mniSvnelovani movlena moxda, Seiqmna saqarTvelos CogburTis damoukidebeli federacia. 1992 wlis oqtomberSi ki saqarTvelo CogburTis saerTaSoriso gaerTianebis sruluflebiani wevri gaxda, Sevida ra CogburTis saerTaSoriso federaciaSi (ITF) da CogburTis evropis asociaciaSi (ETA). 1993 wels qarTvelma gogonebma da vaJebma pirvelad miiRes monawileoba evropis CempionatSi. 1994 wlidan saqarTvelo “devisis Tasis” da “federaciis Tasis” gaTamaSebis monawilea. 1993 wels CogburTis saerTaSoriso federaciis mier nino luarsabiSvili msoflio Cempionad gogonaTa Soris aRiarebuli iqna. 74 1996 wels rena abJandaZis mowafe irakli labaZe iuniorTa Soris, evropis Cempioni gaxda. 1998 wels uimbldonis turniris finalSi gavida, axla ki profesionalur CogburTSi imkvidrebs poziciebs. 1997 wlidan leila mesxis TaosnobiT Tbilissa da baTumSi qalTa saerTaSoriso turnirebi tardeba, 2000 wlidan ki TbilisSi mamakacTa profesionaluri turnirebi TamaSdeba. qarTulma CogburTma rTuli da saintereso gza ganvlo. TaobaTa Soris kavSiri ar gawyvetila da is tradiciebi, romelTac dasabami me-20 saukunis dasawyisSi miecaT,1viTardeba da zogjer sruliad gansxvavebul formas Rebulobs, vinaidan dRes Cven sul sxva saxelmwifoSi vcxovrobT, romelsac axali ekonomikuri safuZvlebi da urTierTobebi aqvs. qarTuli CogburTis bedi axalgazrda Taobaze damokidebulia, romelmac Zveli gamocdilebis gaTvaliswinebiT qarTuli CogburTi ganviTarebis axal safexurze unda aiyvanos. CogburTelebi mtkvris marcxena napiridan ian homeri – inteligenti, brwyinvale sportsmeni, pedagogi, 1918-1927 wlebSi saqarTvelos ucvleli Cempioni. mis saxelTan dakavSirebulia pirveli mniSvnelovani miRwevebi qarTul CogburTSi. ukve 1928 wels mowafeebTan erTad e. negrebeckisTan, T. gogolaerTan, b. serebrenikovTan, saqarTvelos nakrebi ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadeze me-2 adgils ikavebs. 1931 wels ki saqarTvelodan oTxi moTamaSe – T. gogolauri, e. negrebecki, a. mdivani, b. serebrenikovi ssr kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sevidnen. 1932 wels e. negrebecki sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni xdeba. im Soreul wlebSi i. homeris xelmZRvanelobiT mtkvris marcxena napirze _ marjaniSvilis quCaze axali kortebi Sendeba, sadac iwyebs muSaobas misi mowafe guguli (vaxtangi) didiZe (v. elerdaSvilis, g. kokaias, v. uraevskis pirveli mwvrTneli). sportul sarbielze gamoCndnen i. homeris axali mowafeebi – daviT guliaSvili, lena maieri, tatiana baqraZe, boris krupenikovi, romlebic warmatebiT gamodiodnen sxvadasxva SejibrebebSi. SeiZleba vTqvaT, rom CogburTis ganviTarebis pirveli etapi saqarTveloSi 1937 wels dasrulda i. homeris dapatimrebiT. is brundeba TbilisSi mxolod 1955 wels. Semdeg iyo omi. da mxolod 1944 wels kortebze isev gamoCndnen CogburTelebi. miuxedavad omisSemdgomi umZimesi wlebisa, cxovreba nelnela Tavis kalapotSi dgeboda. aRorZinda sportuli cxovrebac. Tbilisis ~dinamos~ fexburTelebi bolos da bolos ugeben Tavis yvelaze rTul metoqes _ moskovis ~dinamos~ gunds. Tbilisis oficerTa saxlis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ kalaTburTelebi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionebi xdebian. evropis CempionatebSi ssrk-s gundis SemadgenlobaSi imarjveben oTar qorqia,nodar jorjikia, nino dumbaZe, avTandil qoriZe. 1952 wlis oli piur 75 mzia juReli, galina SarabiZe, rafiel CimiSkiani, daviT cimakuriZe, arsen mekokiSvili. saqarTveloSi Camodis legendaruli estoneli moWadrake paul keresi. TandaTanobiT fexze dgeba saCogburTo cxovrebac. magram amasTanave qarTulma CogburTma udidesi danaklisi ganicada. absurduli braldebiT daxvrites sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni arCil mdivani, frontze iRupebian niWieri qarTveli CogburTelebi daviT guliaSvili da pavle podporini. 1945 wlidan moyolebuli saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTelebi monawileoben sxvadasxva SejibrebebSi. vano elerdaSvili da boris krupenikovi sportis ostatebi xdebian da sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi SehyavT. WabukTa asparezobebSi warmatebiT gamodian givi kokaia, viqtor uraevski, revaz fancxava, givi CaxunaSvili, rem aivazovi, rita pugaeva, lamara kokaia, mzia baqraZe, elene radkeviCi. 1949 wels ~dinamos~ aRdgenil kortebze, saqarTveloSi pirvelad, tardeba sabWoTa kavSiris pirveloba. magram Tu vaJTa CogburTSi saqme ase Tu ise kargad midioda, qalTa CogburTze igives ver vityviT. omisSemdgom wlebSi gamosvlas ganagrZoben nunu xelaia, Tamar Cimerina, mariam kldiaSvili, tatiana baqraZe, elene maieri, lika zaqsi, romlebic klasiT Camouvardebodnen ruseTis da ukrainis CogburTel qalebs. da ai, 50-ian wlebSi Tbilisis kortebze gamoCnda tanadi, mSvenieri da araCveulebrivad mizandasaxuli ira riazanova (gaTxovebis Semdeg _ ira ermolova). CogburTis moyvarulebi didi xani elodnen iseTi moTamaSe qalis gamoCenas, romelic qalTa CogburTs sul sxva doneze aiyvanda. male ira sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSi xvdeba. pirveli didi warmateba ki 1960 welma moitana, moskovis saerTaSoriso turniris finalSi ira gamoCenil Cex CogburTels vera puJeiovas amarcxebs. im droisTvis ira ukve aris saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni, da agreTve sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi ana dimitrievasTan erTad. Semdeg wlebSi ira universiadis Cempioni, erTeulTa TanrigSi sabWoTa kavSiris pirvelobis finalisti da mravali saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da priziori. igi saqarTvelodan pirveli CogburTeli qalia, romelmac inglisis balaxis kortebze iaspareza. axla ira nayofierad muSaobs mwvrTnelad. Tu irinam CogburTis TamaSi plexanovis kortebze iswavla, meore gamoCenili CogburTeli qali ala ivanova marjaniSvilis quCis kortebze gaizarda. ala swrafi, uaRresad teqnikuri CogburTeli iyo. misi TamaSis Semtevi stili mamakacuri ieriT gamoirCeoda, rac CogburTis moyvarulebs siamovnebas aniWebda. aTi wlis ganmavlobaSi (1964-1973) ala ivanova sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSia, 1973 wlis ssr kavSiris Cempionatis finalistia, saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da prizioria. amJamad ala saCogburTo klub ~dinamo~--s mwvrTnelia. irinas da alas gverdiT aRizardnen da TamaSobdnen iseTi cnobili CogburTeli qalebi, rogorebic iyvnen Jeniko verulava, aza saRriSvili, ofelia papaiani, tatiana farsadanova. yvela maTgans kargi miRwevebi hqonda iuniorTa SejibrebebSi, magram sxvadasxva mizezebis gamo ver SeZles Tavisi TamaSi ufro maRal doneze aeyvanaT. Tumca, ofelia papaianma 60-ian wlebSi bevri CogburTeli qalis damarcxeba SeZlo. maT Soris im drois erT-erTi uZlieresi moTamaSe rauza islanova (cnobili CogburTelis marat safinis deda). mamakacTa CogburTi mtkvris marcxena napirze yovelTvis gacilebiT mravalricxovani iyo. omisSemdgomi wlebis saqarTvelos CogburTis 76 ganviTarebaSi mniSvnelovani roli Seasrula elerdaSvilebis ojaxma. saqarTvelos damsaxurebulma mwvrTnelma arCil elerdaSvilma (19201987) mTeli Tavisi cxovreba axalgazrda CogburTelTa da mwvrTnelTa aRzrdas Sewira. leningradis lesgaftis saxelobis fizkulturis institutis damTavrebis Semdeg igi wlebis ganmavlobaSi Tbilisis fizkulturis institutSi muSaobda, sadac iseTi cnobili mwvrTnelebi aRizardnen, rogorebic arian: marlen qobalia, oTar WarxalaSvili, guram ToxaZe, rena abJandaZe, marina, gia, niko da gela elerdaSvilebi, suliko Tuxareli, givi axalaZe, Tengiz yarsimaSvili, debi marina da irina malaciZeebi da bevri sxva, romlebmac 50-90-ian wlebSi winamorbedTa dawyebuli saqme ganagrZes. vano elerdaSvili (1922) (1922), sruli am sityvis mniSvnelobiT, marjaniSvilis kortebze aRizarda. warmatebebic male ewvia _ 12 wlis ymawvili Tavis asakobriv jgufSi saqarTvelos Cempioni xdeba. 1938 wels mwvrTnelebis guguli didiZisa da aram xangulianis xelmZRvanelobiT saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi WabukTa Soris sabWoTa kavSiris Tasi moi pova. Semdeg iyo omi. da mxolod 1944 wels mZime Wrilobis Semdeg SeZlo dabruneboda CogburTs. 1945 wels saqarTvelos Cempioni xdeba da 19461947 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedis. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi (viqtor uraevski, givi kokaia, grigol RaribaSvili, oleg TinikaSvili) vano elerdaSvili sakavSiro Tasis ~vercxlis~ prizioria. xolo 1956 wels warmatebiT monawileobs sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. 1958 wels vano elerdaSvilma daasrula Tavisi sportuli kariera da axalgazrda Taobis aRzrdas Seudga. 1967 wels mas saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTnelis wodeba mieniWa. batoni vano axlac, energiiT aRsavse, mTeli arsebiT emsaxureba qarTul CogburTs. arCilisa da vanos biZaSvili gogi elerdaSvili (1923-1993) mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi nayofierad muSaobda mwvrTnelad soxumSi da tragikulad daiRupa dabombvis dros. vano elerdaSvilis ZiriTadi metoqe 40-ian wlebSi mSvenieri stilis moTamaSe boris krupenikovi (1918) iyo.. rogorc vano, isic 1937 wels ganTqmul anri koSes skolaSi mecadineobda. 1945 wels borisi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedis. samwuxarod, omisSemdgom wlebSi igi CogburTs nakleb dros uTmobda da ver SesZlo Tavisi didi potencialis bolomde gamomJRavneba. amJamad borisi moskovSi cxovrobs. vano elerdaSvilis da boris krupenikovis Semcvlelad movidnen SesaniSnavi axalgazrda CogburTelebi givi kokaia (1929) da viqtor uraevski (19301979). givi kokaia 1946 wels sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda iuniorTa Soris da es warmateba momdevno welsac gaimeora. 1948-1949 wlebSi givi amarcxebs saqarTvelos yvela Zlier CogburTels da saqarTvelos Cempioni xdeba. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis ~vercxlis~ prizioria. 1956 wels warmatebiT TamaSobs (imav dros is gundis kapitanicaa) sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. givi kokaia qarTuli CogburTis brwyinvale warmomadgenelia. is TamaSobda gaazrebul, kombinaciur CogburTs, arasodes agebda taqtikas sxvis Secdomebze da yovelTvis cdilobda Tavisi aqtiuri TamaSiT mieRwia warmatebisTvis. cxovrebaSic iseTivea, rogorc kortze iyo _ ukompromiso da sicocxliT savse. batoni givi teqnikur mecnierebaTa doqtoria, profesori, sainJinro 77 akademiis wevri, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo premiis laureati. bavSvobidan vocnebobdi Sevxvedrodi viqtor uraevskis. es pirvelad da ukananasknelad 1960 wels moxda. magram maSin es is viqtori aRar iyo, romelsac yvela icnobda misi mSvenieri TamaSiT. 1948 wels igi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni xdeba WabukTa Soris, sul male ki _ saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTeli. 50-ian wlebSi viqtori sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSia. swrafi da amtani, Tavis saukeTeso wlebSi lamaz da kombinaciur CogburTs TamaSobda. viqtori uaRresad niWieri pirovneba iyo _ mSvenivrad TamaSobda biliards, brwyinvaled gamoiyureboda samTo TxilamurebSi. bolos, 1956 wels warmatebiT gamovida sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. magram sportuli reJimis mudmivad darRvevebma umZimes Sedegebamde miiyvana. sicocxlis bolo wlebSi is ubralod arsebobda da Zalian savalalo iyo aseTi kacis xilva, romelic Tavis droze amden siamovnebas aniWebda CogburTis mravalricxovan gulSematkivars. givi kokaias da viqtor uraevskis gverdiT TamaSobdnen iseTi cnobili CogburTelebi, rogorebic iyvnen oleg TinikaSvili (1928), rezo fancxava (1931), oTar WarxalaSvili (1932-1984), grigol RaribaSvili (1933), guram ToxaZe (1934), aleqsi verulava (1936-2000). oleg TinikaSvili _ kargi fizikuri monacemebis mqone CogburTeli iyo. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis gaTamaSebaSi me-2 adgili daikava. olegi profesiiT Jurnalistia da axlac Cven xSirad vkiTxulobT niWieri kalmosnis saintereso statiebs sxvadasxva Temaze. rezo fancxava _ 1948 wels sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda WabukTa Soris. magram SemdgomSi Tavisi cxovreba rusTavis metalurgiul qarxanas daukavSira, sadac didxans muSaobda wamyvan specialistad. oTar WarxalaSvili SesaniSnavi sportsmeni da pedagogi iyo, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli, klasikuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. man bevri gaakeTa mwvrTnelTa kadrebis mosamzadeblad. grigol RaribaSvili _ SesaniSnavi taqtikosi da strategi iyo. sabWoTa kavSiris 1952 wlis Tasis gaTamaSebis ~vercxlis~ priziorma, saqarTvelos damsaxurebulma mwvrTnelma bevri kargi sportsmeni aRzarda. misi Segirdi _ nino luarsabiSvili 1993 wels msoflio Cempioni gaxda gogonaTa Soris. guram ToxaZe _ saqarTvelos mwvrTnelTa skolis SesaniSnavi warmomadgenelia. misi saukeTeso moswavleebi qarTuli CogburTis tradiciebis Rirseuli memkvidreebi gaxdnen. esenia: daviT kaWarava, maka CaxnaSvili, irakli uSangiSvili da, ra Tqma unda, leila mesxi, romelic msoflios erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali gaxda. aleqsi verulava _ erT-erTi yvelaze kolorituli figuraa qar-Tul CogburTSi. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. gansakuTrebuli medgrobiT da gamarjvebisadmi ltolviT gamoirCeoda. bevri gaakeTa Teimuraz kakulias ostatobis ComoyalibebaSi. wlebis ganmavlobaSi mwvrTnelad muSaobisas man bevri kargi CogburTeli aRzarda. CogburTelebis Semdegi Taobebidan gansakuTrebiT unda aRvniSno merab 946), vladimer osi povi egudovi (1 939), vladimer per eseliZe (1 ker (1946), peregudovi (1939), kereseliZe Teimuraz kakulia (1952), gia elerdaSvili (1958) da, ra Tqma unda, (1947). merab kereseliZe _ sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris iyo Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. gaxldaT teqnikur mecnierebaTa kandidati. 78 vladimer peregudovi _ saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni, sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli. sensaciuri gamarjveba moi pova 1975 wlis saqarTvelos spartakiadaze, sadac SejibrebaSi aleqsandre metreveli da Teimuraz kakulia monawileobdnen. vladimer osi povi _ moZravi da fizikurad Zlieri moTamaSe, saqarTvelos Cempioni da sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli. sxvadasxva mizezebis gamo adre daasrula Tavisi sportuli kariera. gia elerdaSvili _ vano elerdaSvilis Svili. yvela saCogburTo ileTs bunebrivad da Zaldautaneblad asrulebda. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni, sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris, sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli, sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi warmatebiT gamodioda saerTaSoriso SejibrebebSi. bolomde ver gamoavlina Tavisi bunebrivi niWi. Teimuraz kakulia _ universaluri, klasikuri stilis moTamaSe. sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi, 1976 wlis evropis Cempioni. ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi moi pova ramdenime sensaciuri gamarjveba. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi leila mesxis piradi mwvrTneli. aq ar SemiZlia ar aRvniSno Cemi baTumeli megobrebi niaz Jordania (1943-1995) da vladimer asaTiani (1948). TbilisSi swavlisas isini marjaniSvilis kortebze varjiSobdnen da karg Sedegebs miaRwies. niazi sportis ostati gaxda, 1966 wels Tbilisis zamTris Cempionati moigo, sadac TiTqmis yvela uZlieresi CogburTeli monawileobda. vova iyo sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis wevri WabukTa Soris. axla nayofierad muSaobs mwvrTnelad baTumSi. samwuxarod, erTi statiis farglebSi SeuZlebelia dawvrilebiT giamboT yvela im CogburTelze, romelic mtkvris marcxena napirze gaizarda. yvela is qarTuli CogburTis amagdari warmomadgenelia – margo ianvaraSvili, neli Selia, liudmila r iazanova, neli zambaxiZe, tatiana elCaninova, riazanova, ada burjanaZe, lili airapetova, Zmebi duglas da vaJa omiaZeebi, arCil kiknaZe, leo vaCeiSvili, dima axvlediani, volodia kolmanovi, nodar saRaraZe, dito SalamberiZe, omar kereseliZe, Tengiz yarsimaSvili, volodia panasiani, nodar barnabiSvili, erik ivanovi, guram laiTaZe, aleqsi baqraZe, badr i surmava, arTem malaianci, badri suren xaCaturiani, dima uraevski, Zmebi petre da viqtor abaSkinebi, viqtor baqSi, valera gunCini, goga egnataSvili, ivane gogilaSvili, guguli sabaSvili. axla CogburTis moyvarulebi axali niWieri CogburTelebis gamoCenas elodebian, romlebic Rirseulad gaagrZeleben winamorbedebis saamayo tradiciebs. vgrZnob, es male unda moxdes, gvarebs ar davasaxeleb. yvelafers Tavi rom davaneboT _ saCogburTo cxovreba mtkvris marcxena napirze grZeldeba. dabolos kidev erTxel unda gavixsenoT is adamianebi, romlebsac didi Rvawli miuZRviT mtkvris marcxena napirze saCogburTo cxovrebis damkvidrebaSi _ ian homeri (1898-1981), aram xanguliani (1901-1974), vaxtang didiZe (1912-1991), viqtor kandelaki (1906-1988), mariam kldiaSvili (1914-1995), vladimer serebrenikovi (1912-1967), arCil elerdaSvili(1920-1987), iuri gegelaSvili (1917-1999), esper merekiuli (1907-1966). suraTze-esper mereliuli,ian homeri,daviT guliaSvili,boris krupenikovi,vladimer serebrenikovi. 1936 79 dinamoelebi mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi ~dinamos~ CogburTi wamyvan rols asrulebda qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebaSi. misi rigebidan gamovidnen sportsmenebi, romlebmac SesaniSnav CogburTels aleqsandre metrevels otatobis daxvewaSi xeli Seuwyves. am publickiciaSi Sevecade gamexsenebina is dinamoelebi, romlebic mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi Tavisi TamaSiT kortebze izidavdnen CogburTis mraval mayurebels da ~dinamos~ stadionze ganumeorebul megobrul viTarebas hqmnidnen. sportuli sazogadoeba ~dinamo~ 1923 wels Seiqmna. SeiZleba iTqvas, rom 1932 wlamde Zalebis intensiuri dagroveba mimdinareobda. am wlebis ganmavlobaSi infrastruqturis SeqmnasTan erTad, dinamoelebi TandaTan wamyvan poziciebs ikavebdnen qarTul sportSi. ukve 30-ian wlebSi sabWoTa sportis mowinave poziciebze gamodian dinamoeli fexburTelebi da kalaTburTelebi. Tbilisis “dinamos” fexburTelebs 30-ian wlebSi m r a v a l r i c x o v a n i Tayvanismcemeli hyavda. boris paiWaZem, gaioz jejelavam, SoTa SavguliZem, aleqsandre dorixovma, grigol gaguam, mixeil minaevma, boris frolovma, mixeil berZeniSvilma da sxvebma saZirkveli Caukares qarTuli fexburTis mdidar tradiciebs. “dinamos” kalaTburTis gundma, romlis SemadgelobaSi iyvnen namdvili korifeebi: levan falavandiSvili, arCil wereTeli, aleqsandre elenski, robert mdivani, volodia mdivani, suren oganezovi, sxvadasxva SejibrebaSi did warmatebebs miaRwia. im Soreul wlebSi quxda dinamoelebis _ WadrakSi pirveli ostatis viqtor gogliZis, mZleosnebis _ nino dumbaZis da elene gokielis, mokriveebis-aleqsandre baqraZis, Salva gorgasliZis, andro navasardovis, levan RuduSauris da sxva mravali dinamoelis saxeli. ~dinamos~ CogburTi adreul stadiaze ver daitrabaxebda didi gamarjvebebiT. 20-30-ian wlebSi CogburTis ganviTarebis ZiriTadi centrebi TbilisSi da mTel saqarTveloSi plexanovis gamzirze 117 nomerSi da marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare moednebi iyo. 1932 wels CitaZis quCaze ori kortis bazaze ~dinamo~-s saCogburTo seqcia Seiqmna. mas saTaveSi Caudga axalgazrda col-qmari evgenia vermiSeva (1901-1988) da aram xanguliani (19011974). pirveli warmateba xvda nunu xelaias, romelic 1936 wels sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda gogonaTa Soris. 1937 wels miRebuli gadawyvetilebiT ~madaTovis kunZulze~ axali, Tanamedrove saCogburTo stadionis mSenebloba daiwyo da ukve 1939 wels 9 kortiani stadioni mwyobrSi Cadga, magram seriozuli muSaobis gaSlas omma SeuSala xeli. 1949 weli. es TariRi SeiZleba CaiTvalos rogorc gardatexis weli. saqarTvelos sportul cxovrebaSi didi movlena moxda, romelmac gansazRvra saqarTvelos CogburTis ganviTarebaSi axali etapi. saqarTveloSi, ~dinamo~s kortebze pirvelad Catarda sabWoTa kavSiris pirveloba. ufros Taobas kargad axsovs Tu rogor daamarcxa Cvenma Tanamemamulem eduard negrebeckim (1908-1985) dramatul xuTsetian matCSi axalrazrda nikolai ozerovi (19221997). Cempionatis damTavrebis Semdeg, gamocdili pedagogebis evgenia 80 vermiSevas da aram xangulianis xelmZRvanelobiT stadionze muSaoba gaCaRda. bavSvebTan savarjiSod miiwvies a. xangulianis mowafe marlen qobalia, romelmac Zalian bevri gaakeTa ~dinamos~ CogburTis ganviTarebisTvis. ar SemiZlia ar aRvniSno SesaniSnavi adamianebi da gamoCenili sportuli moRvaweebi giorgi merkvilaZe da vaxtangi (guguli) didiZe. maTi mudmivi daxmareba rom ara, vin icis Tu rogor ganviTardeboda ~dinamos~ CogburTi. TamaSi daviwye 1951 wels, 11 wlis viyavi, da maSin Zalian mikvirda, rom Cems gverdiT TanatolebTan erTad gamocdili CogburTelebi TamaSobdnen. rogorc maxsovs, seqciaSi yvelas iRebdnen, miuxedavad asakisa, sadRac 9-10dan 20 wlamde. Cven ufros mwvrTnels a. xangulians sportsmenis aRzrdis saintereso Teoria hqonda. is Zalian did yuradRebas aqcevda wvrTnis saorganizacio sakiTxebs. zamTris periodSi, magaliTad, xdeboda kortebis gadaxurva specialuri ~cinovkebiT~. mkacrad adevnebda Tvals moswavlis daswrebas skolaSi da rac saintereso iyo, Wadrakis siyvaruls unergavda. Wadraki saaTTan erTad CogburTis pavilionis mudmivi atributi iyo. profesionaluri TvalsazrisiT a. xanguliani uRrani tyis Teoriis momxre iyo. am Teoriis arsi SemdegSi mdgomareobda _ yvela CogburTeli uRran tyeSi xvdeboda da is, vinc Tavs daaRwevda, namdvili CogburTeli gaxdeboda. es Teoria uTuod sakamaToa. magram a. xanguliani yovelTvis zrunavda TaobaTa memkvidreobis SenarCunebaze. vin arian CogburTeli-dinamoelebi, romlebmac didi wvlili Seitanes qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebaSi? daviwyoT qalTa CogburTiT. upervelesyovlisa, es iyo klavdia minaeva (1919-1992). qalbatoni klavdia iyo SesaniSnavi sportsmeni, saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni sxvadasxva TanrigSi, mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi TamaSobda frenburTs ~dinamos~ SemadgenlobaSi. sportuli karieris damTavrebis Semdeg muSaobda mwvrTnelad da araerTi kargi CogburTeli aRzarda. rena abJandaZe (1940-1995), saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. dRevandlamde Tavisi miRwevebiT uTuod yvelaze Zlieri dinamoeli CogburTeli-qali. renam umaRles warmatebebs 60-an wlebSi miaRwia. 19611968 wlebSi is TiTqmis ucvlelad Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres CogburTelTa aTeulSi. 1966 wels sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis finalisti iyo. r. abJandaZe warmatebiT gamodioda saerTaSoriso SejibrebebSi. SemdgomSi rena mwvrTnelad muSaobda da CogburTelTa mTeli Taoba aRzarda. maT Soris saukeTesoa irakli labaZe, romelic warmatebiT gamodis profesionalur CogburTSi. nino Tuxareli Zalian niWieri CogburTeli gaxldaT. miuxedavad imisa, rom gansakuTrebuli fizikuri monacemebi ar hqonda, SeZlo sabWoTa kavSiris pirveli aTeulis moTamaSe gamxdariyo. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. ninom gamarjvebebi moi pova sabWoTa kavSiris wamyvan CogburTelebTan. misi TamaSi burTis araCveulebriv grZnobaze da kortze swori poziciis SerCevaze dafuZnebuli iyo. gadavideT vaJ CogburTelebze. SeiZleba yvelani ver gaxdnen gamoCenili sportsmenebi, magram maT CogburTis didi siyvaruli aerTianebda. guram kapanaZe (1933-1998). guramma CogburTis TamaSi gvian daiwyo, 1949 wels. skola oqros medalze daamTavra, SemdgomSi, saqarTvelos erT-erTi wamyvani kardiologi gaxda. g. kapanaZe pirveli dinamoeli iyo, romelic saqarTvelos Cempioni gaxda (1957 wels). is iyo erT-erTi pirvelTagani, romelmac CogburTSi profesionalizmi Semoitana. Tavis mwvervals dam81 qancveli 5-6 saaTiani yoveldRiuri varjiSebiT miaRwia. gurami SesaniSnavad moZraobda kortze, hqonda brwyinvale dartyma marjvnidan. Cven, maSindeli axalgazrda Taoba, vemadlierebiT mas rCevebisaTvis, romelsac CvenTvis ar iSurebda. samwuxarod, Tavisi sportuli kariera janmrTelobis problemebis gamo, man 1958 wels Sewyvita. unda aRvniSnoT, rom gurami iyo mSvenieri mwerali da Cempioni WadrakSi CogburTelTa Soris. Tengiz kereseliZe (1929). Tengizi iyo araCveulebrivad udreki CogburTeli. masTan mogeba imas niSnavda, rom Sen CogburTSi maRal dones miaRwie. yvela dinamoeli Tengizis madlieri unda iyos im daxmarebisaTvis, romelsac igi uwevda CogburTelTa axalgazrda Taobas. givi CaxunaSvili (1932). givi rem aivazovTan erTad iuniorTa Soris sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iyo da saqarTvelos Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi. givi aRWurvili iyo kargi teqnikiT, magram did warmatebebs ver miaRwia. amis mizezi sakmaod susti fizikuri momzadeba iyo. SemdgomSi givi wlebis ganmavlobaSi ~dinamos~ mTavari mwvrTneli iyo da SesaniSnavi CogburTeli vladimer gabriCiZe aRzarda. suliko Tuxareli (1932-1986). Tamamad SeiZleba iTqvas, rom suliko gamorCeuli pirovneba iyo. rogorc CogburTeli is ar gamoirCeoda siZlieriT, magram SesaniSnav mwvrTnelad Camoyalibda. aRzarda bevri kargi sportsmeni _ xaTuna kekelia, lali zerikiZe, debi marina da irina malaciZeebi, xaTuna trapaiZe, debi oliko da veriko Tuxarelebi, arCil kekelia, paata sexniaSvili, soso siamaSvili da bevri sxva, romlebic dRes TavianTi pedagogis saqmes Rirseulad agrZeleben. kote timoSCuki (1937). erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli saqarTveloSi WabukTa Soris. man bevri gaakeTa axalgazrda Taobis aRzrdisaTvis. Tbilisis ~dinamos~ SemadgenlobaSi iyo sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis priziori WabukTa Soris. leonard mZinariSvili (1938). 1960 wels pirvelad gaxda saqarTvelos Cempioni da es miRweva 11 wlis Semdeg TviT T. kakuliaze gamarjvebiT gaimeora. iyo sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi, sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Siris wyvilTa TanrigSi givi lukaSvilTan erTad. sabWoTa kavSiris spartakiadebis monawile. leonardi aris fizikamaTematikis mecnierebaTa doqtori, saqarTvelos politeqnikuri universitetis maTematikis kaTedris gamge. 938). sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi givi lukaSvili (1 (1938). gundis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi l. mZinariSvilTan da i. ermolovasTan erTad. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris spartakiadis monawile. Zlieri nebisyofis moTamaSe. grant musaeliani (1940-1997). sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatebis priziori WabukTa Soris. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi p. metrevelTan erTad. 1958-1959 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSi. SemdgomSi wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda mwvrTnelad, iyo saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mwvrTneli, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. g. musaeliani klasikuri CogburTis Rirseuli warmomad82 geneli iyo. tragikulad daiRupa. vladimer gogliZe (1940). saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi g. axalaZesTan erTad. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatebis priziori WabukTa Soris. klasikuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. 80-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mwvrTneli. mravali wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda gamoTvliTi teqnikisa da programirebis dargSi. 1991-1996 wlebSi saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis vice-prezidenti. givi axalaZe (1941). saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi v.gogliZesTan erTad. sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadebis monawile. TamaSobda teqnikur da gaazrebul CogburTs. SesaniSnavi taqtikosi da strategi, swrafi da SesaniSnavi reaqciis mqone moTamaSe. saxeli gaiTqva 1966 wels, roca saCvenebel TamaSSi aleqsandre metrevels mougo. givi mravali wlis manZilze muSaobs mwvrTnelad. bevri SesaniSnavi CogburTeli aRzarda. amave dros, g. axalaZe germanuli filologiis specialistia. petre metreveli (1941). saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni da priziori wyvilTa TanrigSi g. musaelianTan erTad. ti piuri klasikuri CogburTis warmomadgeneli. petre iyo SesaniSnavi teqnikis mqine CogburTeli. p. metrevels didi wvlili miuZRvis umcrosi Zmis aleqsandres daostatebaSi. petre fizika-maTematikis mecnierebaTa kandidati. nugzar mZinariSvili (1943). nugzari pirveli qarTveli CogburTelia, romelmac warmatebiT iTamaSa inglisis balaxis kortebze. Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSi da uZlieres aTeulSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris, saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. n. mZinariSvili brwyinvaled moZraobda kortze, hqonda kargi dartyma marjvnidan da Semtev CogburTs qadagebda. 80-ian wlebSi iyo saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mTavari mwvrTneli. amJamad mwvrTnelad muSaobs latviaSi. boris senCurovi (1946). 60-70-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. qadagebda Semtev, kombinaciur CogburTs. amJamad nayofierad muSaobs mwvrTnelad ~dinamos~ klubSi. da ai Cven mivediT ~dinamo~-s CogburTis mTavar moqmed piramde - aleqsandre metrevelamde (1944). rodesac a. metrevelis niWi gaifurCqna, Zalian bevri, romlebmac qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebis istoria ar icodnen, kiTxvas svamda, Tu rogor moevlina qarTul CogburTs a. metreveli. qarTul CogburTs didi fesvebi aqvs. aleqsandre pirdapiri memkvidrea SesaniSnavi qarTveli CogburTelebisa, rogorebic iyvnen ian homeri, eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani, ivane elerdaSvili, boris krupenikovi, viqtor uraevski, givi kokaia da yvela is dinamoeli biWi, romlebmac monawileoba miiRes mis daostatebaSi. a. metrevelis warmatebebze didxans ar SevCerdebi. marto misi gamarjvebebi msoflio CogburTis iseT korifeebze, rogorebic iyvnen liu houdi, rikardo (panCo) gonzalesi, jimi konorsi, ilie nestase, manolo santana, nikolo pietranJeli, manolo orantesi, marti maligani, jon niukombi, ian kodeSi da bevri sxva gamoCenil CogburTelebTan TavisTavad metyveleben mis ostatobaze. aleqsandre 1973 wlis uimbldonis turniris finalistia. man 105 matCi Caatara devisis Tasze da 80-Si gaimarjva. 12-jer iyo sabWoTa kavSiris 83 Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. a. metreveli qarTuli saCogburTo skolis ti piuri warmomadgenelia. man srulyofamde aiyvana xis Cognis floba. is iyo klasikuri CogburTis mimdevari. erTxel gamoCenilma arqiteqtorma lado aleqsi-mesxiSvilma aleqsandre metrevelis TamaSi lamaz arqiteqtorul nagebobas Seadara, romlis elementebs misi brwyinvale teqnika warmoadgens. aq ar SeiZleba ar movixsenio moyvaruli CogburTelebi. isini, romlebic ganumeorebel megobrul garemos qmnidnen da wlebis ganmavlobaSi xels uwyobdnen dinamoeli CogburTelebis ostatobis zrdas. eseni iyvnen mecnierebi, musikosebi, mxatvrebi, kinoreJisorebi, sportsmenebi da sxva specialobis adamianebi. CogburTisadmi Cveni vneba cnobilma qarTvelma Zalosanma valiko kalmaxeliZem ase daaxasiaTa : ~Tqven, megobrebo, daavadebulni xarT ganukurnavi avadmyofobiT da Tqveni avadmyofoba – CogburTia~. 1969 wels dasrulda albaT yvelaze mniSvnelovani etapi ~dinamos~ CogburTis istoriaSi. sruliad mourideblad moxsnes samsaxuridan ~dinamos~ mTavari mwvrTneli aram xanguliani. “dinamos” CogburTis istoriaSi axali etapi daiwyo. ies P.S. 2010 wels dinamos kertebi daangr daangries ian homeri .saqarTvelos damsaxur ebuli mwvrTneli, saqarTvelos damsaxu(31.03.1898-12.11.1981).saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli rebuli moRvewe fizkulturisa da sportis dargSi. saqarTvelos saCogburTo skolis fuZemdebeli. 1918-1927 wlebSi saqarTvelos ucvleli Cempioni. 1928 wels i.homeris meTaurobiT saqarTvelos nakrebma me-2 adgili daikava ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. eduard negrebeckisa da arCil mdivanis pirveli mwvrTneli. yvelasTvis moulodnelad, 1964 wels maestro iani (bevri ase eZaxda ian homers) Tavisi dis ivonas miwveviT SeerTebul StatebSi, niu-iorkSi gaemgzavra. im dros sazRvargareT gamgzavreba mTel rig siZneleebTan iyo dakavSirebuli da yvelas Zalian gagvexarda, rom batoni iani aTeuli wlebis ganmavlobaSi unaxav dedmamiSvils Sexvdeboda. viziti gagrZelda, dairxa xmebi, rom maestro niu-iorkSi darCa da TbilisSi dabrunebas aRar fiqrobs. magram, rasakvirvelia, is dabrunda da ai Cven ~dinamos~ kortebze vsxedvarT da maestro Tavis mogzaurobaze StatebSi gviyveba. is mSvenieri mTxrobeli, araCveulebrivad cnobismoyvare, cocxali da naTeli gonebis pirovneba iyo. CvenTvis, axalgazrda TaobisTvis amerika sadRac Zalian Sors, miuwvdomeli ram iyo. saerTod yvelaferi Semoifargleboda imiT, rom Cven vusmendiT rentgenis firfitebze lui armstrongis da ela fitjeraldis Canawerebs, ~amerikis xmis~ uxarisxo gadacemebs da ganTqmuli uilis kanoveris gadacemebs jazze. maestrom mogviTxro Tu rogor daexeteboda niu-iorkSi, rogor daaTvaliera muzeumebi, brodveize mousmina miuzikls, iyo ~medison skver gardenSi~, ~karnegi holSi~. da maSin vkiTxe Tu sad wavida niu-iorkSi Casvlisas upervelesad. ian homerma gaiRima da miTxra – rasakvirvelia ~forest xilzSi~ (ganTqmuli CogburTis kortebi, sadac 1978 wlamde Statebis Ria pirvelobas atarebdnen). maSin 84 saemigracio samsaxurma mas amerikis moqalaqeoba SesTavaza. ~rodesac warmovidgine Tbilisi, plexanovis kortebi, megobrebi, axloblebi am macdunebel winadadebaze dauyovnebliv uari vTqvi~. qarTul miwaze aRzrdils, Seisisxlxorcebuli hqonda qarTuli kultura, iyo saqarTvelos didi patrioti, uyvarda Tbilisi, Tavisi saxli, fanatikurad erTguli iyo sayvareli sportisa, da am kavSiris gawyveta mas ar SeeZlo. ian homeris cxovreba gaJRenTili iyo dramatuli movlenebiT. advokatis Svili, warmoSobiT berZeni, is Tavis ojaxTan erTad Camovida WiaTuraSi, sadac maestros mamam jon tarseis xelmZRvanelobiT muSaoba daiwyo inglisur kompaniaSi “Forward and Salinas~. maSin ingliselebma, WiaTuraSi, saqarTvelos teritoriaze CogburTis pirveli korti aaSenes. ian homeri swored iq gaecno CogburTs. ~TamaSi Zalian momewona, gansakuTrebiT TeTri burTebi, romlebic haers tyviasaviT miapobdnen~ _ ixsenebda ian homeri. “CogburTis TamaSi bevrma daiwyo, mas ~WaSniki~ wereTlebis ojaxSic gausinjes. akaki wereTlis biZaSvilis liza wereTlis ezoSi saxeldaxelo kortic moawyves. TamaSs xSirad TviTon akaki wereTelic eswreboda, romelic kviraSi erTxel mainc modioda aq. sayvareli mgosnis gamoCena mudam gvixaroda _ igi xom Zalze mxiaruli adamiani iyo da dausruleblad gviambobda sasacilo ambebs. 13 wlis asakSi qalaqis oficialur SejibrebaSi vcade Zala da mozrdilebs Soris Cempionoba movi pove”. male ojaxi TbilisSi gadasaxlda mixeilis (mixailovis), axlandeli daviT aRmaSeneblis prospeqtze 117 nomerSi, sadac im drosTvis cnobili saCogburTo klubi iyo. WiaTuraSi miRebuli gakveTilebis Semdeg, ian homeri Tavis ostatobasac xvews da imavdroulad mwvrTnelobasac eweva. 10 wlis ganmavlobaSi (1918-1927) maestro iani Tbilisis da saqarTvelos ucvleli Cempioni iyo. mere is misma mowafeebma Secvales, gamoCenilma CogburTelebma eduard negrebeckim da arCil mdivanma. 1928 wels ian homers wilad xvda pirveli warmateba, rogorc mwvrTnels _ pirvel sakavSiro spartakiadaze amierkavkasiis gundma, romelic mTlianad saqarTvelos CogburTelebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli, me-2 adgili daikava. ian homeri ixsenebda: ~saspartakiado moskovSi xma gavarda e.w. CerniSevskis yazarmebSi (amJamindeli komunis moedani, sadac Cveni gundi moaTavses), uZleveli CogburTelebi cxovroben. yvelas undoda Tbilisel CogburTelTa xilva. isini xom kortebis aRiarebul ostatebTan _ moskovelebTan erTad spartakiadis finalSi gavidnen. es faqti maSin pirdapir sensaciurad miiCnies. unda iTqvas, rom Cveni CogburTelebi ramdenime dReSi moskovel mayurebelTa favoritebad iqcnen~. qarTvelma CogburTelebma mxolod 39 wlis Semdeg SeZles 1928 wlis Sedegis gameoreba. ukve 30-ni wlebis dasawyisisTvis ian homerma CogburTelebis mTeli pleada aRzarda, romlebic sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieresi CogburTelebis siaSi moxvdnen. ai isini: Tamar gogolauri, eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani, boris serebrianikovi. SemdgomSi ki eduard negrebecki da arCil mdivani mravalgzis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionebi gaxdnen. da kidev maestro ianis erTi mowafe, boris krupenikovi 40-an wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres CogburTelTa aTeulSi imkvidrebs adgils. maRali klasis sportsmenebis aRzrdis garda, ian homeri agreTve mwvrTnelebsac amzadebs. aram xanguliani (romelmac aleqsandre metreveli aRzarda) muSaobas iwyebs ~dinamos~ kortebze (yofili e.w. petersonis kortebi CitaZis quCaze), vaxtang (guguli) didiZe ki (vano elerdaSvilis, givi kokaias, viqtor uraevskis pirveli mwvrTneli) marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare kortebze. maestro ianis moRvaweobis sfero 30-an wlebSi profesionaluri moRvaweobis CarCoebs 85 cildeba _ is bevrs mogzaurobs saqarTveloSi, misi statiebi, romlebic sportis ganviTarebis problemebs exeba, presaSi ibeWdeba. magram ulmoblad axlovdeboda 1937 weli, romelmac didi gardatexa Seitana ian homeris cxovreba- im wels man bevri megobari, axlobeli da mowafe dakarga. arCil mdivani aprilSi daapatimres. maestro inerciiT ganagrZobs muSaobas. ivnisSi wamyvan mwvrTnelebTan da CogburTelebTan erTad, moskovs Sekrebaze miemgzavreba. moskovSi Cadis ganTqmuli frangi CogburTeli anri koSe, romelic 2 Tvis ganmavlobaSi intensiur varjiSebs atarebs da saCvenebel TamaSebSi monawileobs. agvistoSi ki didi frangi Tbiliss ewvia da marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare kortebze sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres CogburTelebs Sexvda. ian homeri mSvenivrad flobda frangul enas da anri koSesTan mudmivi urTierTobis dros sportsmenebis momzadebis axali, fasdaudebeli codna SeiZina. maSin aCuqa didma frangma ian homers Tavisi foto avtografiT: ~ian homers, CogburTis simpaTiur da momTmen profesors, Cemi saukeTeso survilebiT~. magram amaod, axali codna man veRar gamoiyena praqtikaSi. 1937 wlis miwuruls erT Rames ian homeri Tavis ZmebTan marselTan da JorJTan erTad daapatimres. maT absurduli braldeba wauyenes: SpionaJi sazRvargareTis saxelmwifos sasargeblod. sameulis gadawyvetilebiT maestros miusajes 10 weli sabanako reJimi da Semdeg 5 weli gadasaxleba. banakSi 10 wlis yofnisa, man jojoxeTis yvela wre gaiara. moxvda ra kolimis banakSi, man moyinvis Sedegad ramodenime TiTi dakarga xelze da mxolod bednieri SemTxveviTobis gamo darCa cocxali. da iq, Soreul kolimaze mas isev CogburTma uSvela. sruliad SemTxveviT banakis sawyobSi is Cognebs waawyda da ufrosobas SesTavaza CogburTis korti aeSenebinaT. daTanxmdnen. es moxda gadasaxlebis me-4 Tu me-5 wels, janmrTeloba Zalian Seryeuli hqonda da erT an or weliwadSi SeiZleba yvelaferi tragikulad damTavrebuliyo. ian homers ~daufases~ misi moRvaweoba CogburTSi da kunZul saxalinze, sxva banakSi, gadaiyvanes, sadac is ukeTesi klimaturi pirobebis gamo sikvdils gadaurCa. mxolod 1948 wels, amden tanjvagamovlils, neba darTes quTaisSi dasaxlebuliyo. aq ian homerma pedagogiur institutSi asfaltis korti moawyo da urTules pirobebSi kargi CogburTelebi aRzarda. misi saukeTeso moswavle cezar megeneiSvili saqarTvelos Cempioni gaxda WabukebSi. cezari dResac ganagrZobs quTaisSi Tavisi didi maswavleblis mier wamowyebul saqmes. reabilitaciis Semdeg, TbilisSi dabrunebul, ian homers gulgrilad Sexvdnen isini, vinc im drosTvis xelmZRvanelobda 86 qarTul sports da kerZod CogburTs. didi maestrosTvis adgili ar moinaxa kortebze. magram ian homeri ar CamoSorda CogburTs. msajobs Sejibrebebs, atarebs veteranTa turnirebs, CogburTelebs konsultaciebs uwevs. 70an wlebSi man bevri gaakeTa quTaisis sportuli infrastruqturis SeqmnaSi, is iRebda aqtiur monawileobas sportuli nagebobebis mSeneblobaSi. ian homeris damsaxureba qarTuli sportis winaSe mxolod mravali wlis Semdeg, yvelaze maRali partiul xelmZRvanelobis Carevis Semdeg dafasda Rirseulad. mas jer saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTnelis, Semdeg ki fezkulturisa da sportis damsaxurebuli moRvawis wodeba mieniWa. ian homeris gardacvalebamde cota xniT adre Cven vsaubrobdiT plexanovis Zvel kortebze. maestro, rogorc yovelTvis, energiuli, lazaTiani da optimizmiT aRsavse iyo. me es aRvniSne da batonma ianma mi pasuxa, rom saidumloeba romaelebis formulaSi imaleba _ unda icode awmyos dafaseba, Tavi ar unda Seiwuxo momavalze fiqriT da miT umetes daubrunebeli warsuliT. ~patimrobaSi es formula damexmara da sikvdils gadamarCina. sicocxlisadmi interesi yvelaze rTul cxovrebiseul situaciebSic ki ar damikargavs~. ramdenime dRis Semdeg maestro iani gardaicvala. axla, roca saqarTveloSi CogburTis danergvidan ukve asi weli gavida, uneblied vufiqrdebiT, Tu ra roli Seasrula ian homerma saqarTveloSi CogburTis ganviTarebaSi. im Soreul 20-30-an wlebSi man uzarmazari Sroma gaswia. da, is rom Cvenma ganTqmulma CogburTelebma aleqsandre metrevelma da leila mesxma did warmatebebs saerTaSoriso asparezze miaRwies, ian homeris didi damsaxurebaa. roca aanalizeb qarTuli CogburTis genealogias, giCndeba azri, rom yvela gza erT mwvervalisken midis da es mwvervali maestro iani. Aram Khangulian, Yevgenia Vermisheva, Jan Homer 87 eduard negrebecki 24.11.1908_30.01.1985 (24.11.1908_30.01.1985 24.11.1908_30.01.1985).. 30-50 wlebSi ssr kavSiris erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iyo. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati (1948). 1954-1960 wlebSi ssr kavSiris nakrebis mTavar i mwvrTneli. 11960 960 wlidan leningradis nakr ebis mTavar i mwvrTneli. daamTavra vari nakrebis mTavari lesgafTis saxelobis fizkulturisa da sportis instituti da musikaluri teqnikumi. swavlobda leningradis konservato riaSi vokalis fakultetze konservator CogburTis TamaSi daiwyo 12 wlis asakSi cnobil mwvrTnelTan ian homerTan. 1922-1926 wlebSi Tbilisis Cempioni me-2 TanrigosnebSi. 1927 amierkavkasiis respublikebis Cempioni gaxda. 1928 wlis ssr kavSiris spartakiadaze saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi me-2 adgili daikava. pirad pirvelobaze ki 1/4 finals miaRwia. 1932 wlidan leningradSi cxovrobda. 1932 wels erTeulTa TanrigSi pirvelad gaxda sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni. es miRweva e.negrebeckim 1947, 1949 da 1950 wlebSi gaimeora. arCil mdivanTan erTad 1934-1936 wlebSi ssr kavSiris Cempionia wyvilebSi. sxavadasxva partniorebTan e. negrebecki ssr kavSeris Cempionia wyvilTa TanrigSi (1934-1940, 1950-1952) da Sereul wyvilebSi (1938-1939, 1947, 1950-1952).* 1931-1953 wlebSi e. negrebecki sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedioda. saerTaSoriso matCebis monawilea – TurqeTTan (1935), CexoslovakiasTan (1937-1938, 1949), iugoslaviasTan (1946), ungreTTan (1949) da poloneTTan. 1937-1938 wlebSi anri koSes cnobil skolaSi swavlobda. aTleturi aRnagobis, fizikurad kargad momzadebuli, eduard negrebecki kombinaciur CogburTs TamaSobda. MmZlavri Cawodeba, brwyinvale dartyma marjvnidan, kargi TamaSi haeridan da unikaluri smeSi – ai, e. negrebeckis TamaSis ZiriTadi kozirebi. eduard negrebecki gardaicvala 1985 wels 30 ianvars leningradSi. * wyvilTa TanrigSi 1937-1940 wlebSi e. negrebeckis partniori iyo ssr kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni evgeni kudriavcevi, 1950-1952 wlebSi ki _ nikolai ozerovi. * Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi 1938-1939 wlebSi e. negrebeckis partniori iyo zinaida kloCkova, 1950-1952 wlebSi ki _ sportis damsaxurebuli ostati tatiana nalimova. Eduard Negrebetsky - the captain of a national team of the USSR 88 CogburTis erTi furceli ian homeris xsovnas TviTon gvewvia redaqciaSi...daupatiJeblad. misma vizitma yvela gagvaxara. 82 wlis miaxloebuli, igi sabWoTa sportis kerZod qarTuli sportis erTerTi amagdari warmomadgeneli gaxlavT, misi cocxali matiane, misi, Tu gnebavT, is erTi furcelia – didi CogburTi rom aweria. es gasul wels iyo...iani homeri!… misi saxeli erT dros quxda CogburTis kortebze – Tbilissa da moskovSi, leningradSi, baqoSi gamarTuli asparezobis dros. Mman Cauyara safuZveli did qarTul CogburTs, swored maT Taobas unda vumadlodeT imasac, rom Cvens respublikaSi Cognis saucxoo ostatebi aRizardnen aleqsandre metrvelis “TamadobiT”. redaqciaSi vizitis meore dRes ukve Cven mivediT masTan im saxlSi, yvelaze ‘saCogburTo’ ezo rom aqvs ara marto TbilisSi, albaT mTel kavSirSi. magram amaze cota qvemoT. maSin bevri visaubreT sportze, cxadia, ufro CogburTze. xmeli, keTili, zogjer gulubryvilo gamometyvelebis maspinZeli aRelvebuli gviambobda sabWoTa qveynis pirvel did sportul dResaswaulze, 1928 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis saxeliT rom aris Sesuli sportis istoriaSi. saukunis damlevs WiaTuraSi firma “forvard da selanis” mmarTvelma 45 wlis ingliselma jon tarseim, romelic qarTvel asulze iyo daqorwinebuli, marganecis qalaqSi axali TamaSi “laun-tenisi’ Semoitana. - TamaSi Zalian momewona , gansakuTrebiT TeTri burTebi, romlebic tyviasaviT miapobdnen haers. – ixsenebda i.homeri, - CogburTis TamaSi bevrma daiwyo, mas “WaSniki” gausinjes wereTlibis ojaxSic – akaki wereTlis biZaSvilis liza wereTlis ezoSi saxeldaxelo kortic moawyves. maSin me 5-6 wlisa gaxldiT da …wereTlianT bnel sardafSi Sevardnili patara burTebis povnis did ostatad viyavi aRiarebuli. CogburTis burTebi maSin Rirda 50 kapiki oqroTi da, cxadia moasparezeT mudam uxarodaT Cemi gamoCena. TamaSs xSirad eswreboda TviTon akaki wereTelic, romelic kviraSi erTxel mainc modioda aq. sayvareli mgosnis gamoCena mudam gvixaroda – igi xom Zalze mxiaruli adamiani iyo da dausruleblad gviambobda sasacilo ambebs. Ggadioda wlebi, axla me TviTon mqonda sakuTari Cogani da burTebi. erTi orjer SejibrebaSic vcade gamosvla, magram ar gamiSves – patara xaro. Da ai rogorc iqna ,13 wlisam qalaqis oficialur SejibrebaSi vcade Zala da... Cempionoba movi pove mozrdilebs Soris. Ees iyo …1910 wels. ‘’rezinis’ biWs meZaxdnen – iseTi moqnili da sxarti viyavi. Uufro adre, 1909 wlis zafxulSi me da Cemi da ivona(igi 2 wliT ufrosia) tradiciisamebr patara cemSi visvenebdiT. iq imxanad cnobili qarTveli sazogado moRvawe, sportis SesaniSnavi enTuziasti giorgi nikolaZe imyofeboda dasTan – rusudanTan erTad. Aiqve iyo cnobili kritikosi kita abaSiZe. nikolaZem CogburTis korti moawyo cemSi da e,w. giganturi nabijebiT sasiaruloc gaakeTa. cxadia, im zafxuls CogburTsac xSirad vTamaSobdiT, mere ki yvelani gemriel nanadirevs SeveqceodiT. EerT dRes batonma giorgim cemis tyeSi daTvi mokla, Zalian gemrieli xorci hqonda, Tumca sakmaod mlaSe.... 1912 wels kojris axlos, tabaxmelaSi enTuziastTa jgufma kortebi moawyo, romlebic “tenis klubebis” kavSiris nusxaSic Sevida. gadioda wlebi, kortebi ukve TbilisSic gaCnda – sololakSi e.w. “petersonis kortebi”. Kkirxis moedanze (axla marjaniSvilis moedani), “stelas’ baRSi 89 (axlandeli a.xoravas saxelobis msaxiobis saxli), plexanovis prospeqtze mdebare #117 saxlis ezoSi. albaT, droa oriode sityva vTqvaT am yvelaze “saCogburTo” ezoze. Svidi aTeuli wlis manZilze aq gaizarda CogburTis imdeni SesaniSnavi ostati, erT saxelmwifos rom eyofoda. Ppirvel rigSi es TviTon ian homeria, mere ki – ssr kavSiris mravalgzis Cempionebi eduard negrebecki da arCil mdivanis, portis ostati boris kpupenikovi, saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni , 1928 wlis spartakiadis monawile Tamar gogolauri, ssr kavSiris aTeulis moTamaSe da 1928 wlis spartakiadis monawile boris serebrenikovi, misi Zma vladimeri – ssr kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli, respublikis yofili Cempionebi tatiana baqraZe da asmaT akopova, momdevno wlebis Cempionebi – irina riazanova-ermolova, da-Zma aleqsi da evgenia verulavebi, g r i g o l RaribaSvili, T e i m u r a z kakulia... ian Hhomeri c x o v r e b i s ukanasknel dRemde Tavs e v l e b o d a , p i r d a p i r Sescicinebda Tavisi ezos k o r t e b s , d i l i d a n saRamomde iq trialebda, a y v a r e b d a axalgazrdebs am saintereso TamaSs, aswavlida CogburTis saidumloebas. ... 1918-1927 wlebSi i.homeri saqarTvelos da Tbilisis ucvleli Cempioni iyo sxvadasxva TanrigSi da mxolod 1928 wels waago Tavis mowafesTan, 10 wliT umcros eduard negrebeckisTan da saqarTvelos gundis meore nomeri gaxda. ... saspartakiado moskovSi xma dairxa e.w. CerniSevskis yazarmebSi (amJamindeli komunis moedanze, sadac moaTavses Cveni delegacia), uZleveli CogburTelebi cxovrobeno, yvelas undoda Tbilisel CogburTelTa xilva. isini xom kortebis aRiarebul ostatebTan – moskovelebTan erTad spartakiadis finalSi gavidnen, es faqti maSin pirdapir sensaciad miiCnies (maSin ian homeri iyo nakrebi gundis moTamaSe – mwvrTneli). cska – s axal kortebze Sekrebili 6 aTasi mayurebeli didi orTabrZolis molodinSi iyo. Ppirdapir unda iTqvas, Cveni CogburTelebi ramdenime dReSi moskovel mayurebelTa favoritebad iqcnen. marTalia, Cvenebma waages finali am Zlier gundTan (masSi gamodiodnen iseTi aRiarebuli ostatebi, rogoric iyvnen nina tepliakova, sofia malceva, nikoloz ivanovi, aleqsandre pravdini, evgeni tixonovi da boris ulianovi, magram homerma mougo moskovis Cempions tixonovs. sainteresoa, rom CogburTelTa gundis 6 wevridan (4 vaJi, 2 qali) oTxi ukve xsenebuli ezos mkvidri iyo. Aaqve unda aRvniSnoT, rom 1931 wels 90 Tbilisis kortebze Sedga revanSi, sadac Tbilisis gundma angariSiT 7:5 mougo moskovis nakrebs. 1937 wels sabWoTa kavSirSi Camovida saxelganTqmuli CogburTeli, msoflios udidesi moTamaSe frangi anri KkoSe (Henri Cochet).. imdroindeli presa aRfrTovanebuli moixseniebs “CempionTa Cempions”. koSem moskovSi erTi Tvis ganmavlobaSi ramdenime saCvenebeli gamosvlagamarTa, varjiSebsac atarebda sabWoTa ostatebTan da saerTod didi gavlena moaxdina CogburTis ganviTarebaze. Cognis virtuozi Tbilissac ewvia, sadac mTeli erTi kvira dahyo. koSe gansakuTrebiT daaxlovda homers, albaT imitomac, rom Tbilisili Tavisuflad flobda franguls (ian homeri daibada parizSi da didiT iyo frangi Bono-Grimaldi).. - maxsovs, imxanad yvelas baski fexburTelebi ekera pirze da vinc ki bileTi iSova, cxadia “dinamos” stadionisaken gaeSura – igonebda homeri. – me da koSem ki “saxlSi” darCena vamjobineT. Ddiax, CogburTze uzomod Seyvarebulni, orive kortze wavediT da... bavSvebi vavarjiSeT. ras izam, stadionze iyvnen wasuli. Aai, swored maSin maCuqa anri koSem (romlisganac CogburTis saukeTeso gakveTilebi miviRe) Tavisi fotosuraTi franguli avtorgafiT. Hhomers – CogburTis simpaTiur da momTmen profesors – Cemi saukeTeso survilebiT !’ Tu raoden Zlieri CogburTeli iyo anri koSe, amaze metyvelebs Tundac es faqti: qveynis Cempion eduard negrebeckisTan Sexvedras igi agebda angariSiT 2:5. “sasife!’ (“kmara!”) – uecrad wamoiZaxa koSem da... gaimarjva 7:5. ian Hhomeri erT dros TbilisSi gamarTul CogburTelTa yvela Sejibrebis mTavari msaji iyo. Mmaxsovs, misi gvaris amokiTxva afiSaze CvenSi, axalgazrdebSi gaocebasa da Rimils iwvevda: homeri, e.i. homerosi, iliadisa da odiseas avtori – kortze?! Aam “saCogburTo homerosma” gazarda niWieri ostatebis mTeli pleada. .... wavida Cvengan ian Hhomeri, keTili adamiani, SesaniSnavi sportsmeni. igi Cveni sportis cocxali matiane iyo, misi, Tu gnebavT, is erTi furceli, didi CogburTi rom aweria.... oTar nozaZe, “lelo” – 1981 weli 91 arCil mdivani esi CCogburTeli ogburTeli qarTuli CCogburTis ogburTis isto(30.06.1911-13.09.1937).. erT-erTi uZlier uZlieresi riaSi. 1934-1936 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi eduard negrebeckisTan erTad. 1931-1935 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedioda. pirveli mwvrTneli ian homeri. 1937 wels represirebulia rodesac vlaparakobT komunisturi reJimis represiebze saqarTveloSi, iseTi xalxi gvagondeba, rogorebic iyvnen mixeil javaxiSvili, evgeni miqelaZe, paolo iaSvili, tician tabiZe, sandro axmeteli da bevri sxva, romlebic bolSevikuri GULAG-is sivrcem STanTqa. arCil mdivanis (1911-1937) saxeli, samwuxarod sportuli da ara mxolod sportuli Jurnalistebis yuradRebis miRma darCa. Tumca giorgi bezirgani gazeT ~asaval dasavalSi~ 1998 wlis 21-27 seqtembris nomerSi am Temas Seexo, magram, dasanania, rom gamoqveynebuli masalebi Sorsaa sinamdvilisgan da mxolod lamaz legendas warmoadgens. arCil mdivani ganTqmuli qarTveli sportsmeni iyo, is iyo pirveli qarTveli, romelmac sportis ostatis wodeba moi pova CogburTSi, is iyo pirveli CogburTeli_qarTveli, romelic sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni gaxda. misi sicicxle mokle da tragikuli iyo. am werilSi, romelsac safuZvlad daedo Sexvedrebi im adamianebTan, romlebic axlos icnobdnen arCil mdivans erToblivi varjiSebiT da SejibrebebiT, me Sevecade meCvenebina misi sportuli da nawilobrivad cxovrebiseuli gza. Tbilisi, 1969 wlis Semodgoma. es-esaa Sejibreba sabWoTa kavSiris da Cexoslovakiis ~dinamos~ nakreb gundebs Soris damTavrda. gamarjvebis Semdeg karg xasiaTze viyavi da Sin wasvlas vapirebdi. gasaxdelidan gamovedi da centraluri kortis dasavleT tribunaze martod mjdomi Cveni nakrebis mwvrTneli eduard negrebecki davinaxe. mivujeqi, vesaubre dasrulebul TamaSebze. mere movagone 20 wlis winandeli matCi, romelic am kortze Sedga. maSin sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis finalSi, uamravi gulSematkivris TanadgomiT, 5-setian dramatul brZolaSi eduard negrebeckim nikolai ozerovs sZlia. batonma eduardma SeniSna, rom dro ulmoblad garbis, magram mas yvelaferi kargad axsovs, axsovs rogor daiwyo 1920 wels TamaSi asfaltis kortebze, plexanovis prospeqtze 117-Si. Cven wamovdeqiT da me momeCvena, rom saubari damTavrda. uecrad man SemomTavaza fexiT gagvevlo Zvel plexanovis kortebze da misi SeuZlod myofi maswavlebeli gvenaxa. me kargad vicodi, rom Cven ian homerTan mivdivarT, adamianTan, romelic qarTuli CogburTis saTaveebTan idga. 1918-1927 wlebSi ian homeri saqarTvelos ucvleli Cempioni iyo, vidre is misma mowafeebma ar Secvales. im mniSvnelovan saRamos maestro ianma (rogorc mas uwodebdnen) da batonma eduardma 1928 weli moigones, rodesac maestrom Tavis uflebamosileba Segirds gadaabara. moigones, rogor wavidnen sabWoTa kavSiris pirvel spartakiadaze, sadac amierkavkasiis gundma, romelic mTlianad saqarTvelos CogburTelebiT iyo dakompleqtebuli, me-2 adgili daikava da ra STabeWdileba datova mayurebelze 20 wlis eduard negrebeckis TamaSma. bolos, roca bevri Tema amoiwura, maestros 92 arCil mdivanze SevekiTxe, romlis bedi me yovelTvis maRelvebda. arCilis Tema aRmoCnda Zalian mtkivneuli rogorc mis mwvrTnelisTvis ian homerisTvis, ise misi partniorisaTvisac wyvilTa TamaSSi, eduard negrebeckisaTvis. ian homeri: ~Tu negrebeckim CogburTis TamaSi 1920 wels daiwyo, arCili kortebze ufro adre movida, 1918 wels, magram araregularulad varjiSobda. sistematurad man varjiSi 1923 wels daiwyo. cnobili bolSevikis budu mdivanis (1877-1937) ojaxSi gazrdilma arCilma, bavSvobaSi kargi ganaTleba miiRo, flobda germanul da frangul enebs (TviTon batoni iani mSvenivrad laparakobda frangulad, ris Sedegadac SemdgomSi mas safrangeTis jaSuSobaSi dasdes brali), magram veravin ifiqrebda, rom misi xanmokle cxovrebis yvelaze did gatacebad CogburTi iqceoda. arCils hqonda araCveulebrivi refleqsebi, is iyo swrafi, gamZle, rac xels uwyobda misi TamaSis progress. 20-iani wlebis dasasruls marto edurd negrebeckis SeeZlo misTvis moego. 1932 wels arCili da eduardi sacxovreblad leningradSi gadavidnen (leningradi maSin sabWoTa CogburTis centrad iTvleboda). iwyeba arCil mdivanis niWis gafurCqnis xana. wyvili mdivani-negrebecki sabWoTa CogburTis simbolod iqca~. eduard negrebecki: ~es iyo Cemi cxovrebis umSvenieresi wlebi. arCilTan erTad TamaSis dros Cven warmovadgendiT erT mTlianobas. Cvens megobrobas bevri Suris TvaliT uyurebda. rodesac Camovdivar tiflisSi (ase eZaxda is Tbiliss) da Sevdivar ~plexanovis~ kortebze, sul mgonia, rom esesaa gamoCndeba arCili, mTxovs gitaris motanas da romelime simReris Sesrulebas Cemi repertuaridan (baton eduards kargi baritoni hqonda da mxolod omma ar misca mas saSualeba daemTavrebina leningradis konservatoria). arCili namdvili Soumeni iyo. gulSematkivarTa grova yovelTvis Tan axlda. misi TamaSi wyvilSi saocari ram iyo _ swrafi, STagonebuli, is TamaSs araCveulebriv sanaxaobas aniWebda. gansakuTrebiT mas exerxeboda TevzeviT dartymebi maRal naxtomSi, rasac mayurebeli aRtacebaSi mohyavda. TamaSSi me TiTqos asistentobas vuwevdi da saSualebas vaZlevdi Tavisi saukeTeso Tvisebebi gamoemJRavnebina. kortze is mdgradi, Seupovari, cxovrebaSi ki rbili, Rimiliani da iumoriT savse pirovneba iyo. arCilis dakargvis Semdeg me myavda sxva partniorebi (evgeni kudriavcevi, nikolai ozerovi, evggeni korbuti), magram arCili CemTvis ubadlo da saukeTeso iyo. ukve 1931 wels arCilTan erTad sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi movxdiT, xolo 1932 wels erTeulTa TanrigSi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gavxdi. imave Sejibrze Cven pirvelad da ukanasknelad wavageT finali evgeni kudriavcevTan da viaCeslav multinosTan daZabul 5 setian brZolaSi. Cven vfiqrobdiT, rom mTeli Cveni sportuli kariera aRmavlobis gziT wavidoda, magram cxovrebaSi yvelaferi ise ar xdeba, rogorc gsurs. axalgazrdoba da Tbilisur-plexanovuri Cveulebebi ar gvaZlevda saSualebas mTlianad ~gadavyolodiT~ varjiSs. magram arafers vnanob, es Cemi saukeTeso wlebi iyo~. es wlebi arCil mdivanisaTvis male gailia, axlovdeboda 1937 weli. ai arCil mdivanis 1931 _ 1937 wlebis cxovrebis mTavari movlenebis mokle qronologia: 1931 _ 1935 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris aTeulis moTamaSe (saukeTeso: me-5 adgili 1935 wels); 1934 _ 1936 wlebSi _ sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilebSi; 1935 wlis leningradis Cempioni erTeulebSi da 1932, 1935, 1936 wlebSi - wyvilTa TanrigSi; 1935 wels e. negrebeckisTan da b. novikovTan erTad monawileobs samatCo SexvedraSi Turq CogburTelebTan da yvela Sexvedras (ankara, stamboli) igebs, 1936 wels _ sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi, 2 seqtembers 93 moskovSi e. negrebeckisTan da e. kudriavcevTan erTad legendarul frang CogburTels anri koSes xbdeba. arCils mieniWa sportis ostatis wodeba. apatimreben mamas _ budu mdivans. arCili TbilisSi brundeba. 1937 weli, ianvari. ian homerTan erTad Camoayaliba niWier CogburTelTa jgufi. varjiSebs atareben plexanovis prospeqtze mdebare ~pisCevikis~ darbazSi. arCili boris krupenikovTan da daviT guliaSvilTan erTad aqve emzadeba axali sezonisaTvis. ianvris bolos moskovSi da leningradSi arCili warmatebiT monawileobs wyvilTa TamaSebSi e. negrebeckisTan da saxelganTqmul Cex CogburTel ioJef sibasTan erTad. martSi arCilma monawileoba miiRo sabWoTa kavSiris zamTris CempionatSi moskovSi. mxolod naxevarfinalSi daZabul brZolaSi agebs sabWoTa kavSiris CempionTan boris novikovTan (1909-1989). gazeTi “Red Sport”-i werda: ~Cven vicnobdiT a. mdivans, rogorc brwyinvale moTamaSes wyvilSi, magram exla CempionTan boris novikovTan Sexvedris Semdeg, sadac man umaRlesi klasis TamaSi gviCvena, arCil mdivani 1937 wlis Cempionis wodebaze SeiZleba erT-erT mTavar pretendentad CaiTvalos~. magram am winaswarmetyvelebas asruleba ar ewera. boris novikovTan Sexvedra, romelic 1937 wlis 21 marts Sedga, qarTveli CogburTelis bolo gamosvla aRmoCnda kortze. Cempionatis dasrulebisTanave arCili TbilisSi brundeba da CogburTis skolaSi agrZelebs muSaobas. ~ Red Sport”” -ma Semdeg movlenebi tragikulad viTardeboda. gazeTma gamoaqveyna cnoba, rom 20 aprilidan moskovSi ~dinamos~ daxurul kortebze Sedgeba samatCo Sexvedrebi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres CogburTelTa Soris. SejibrebaSi monawileobas miiReben novikovi, kudriavcevi, mdivani, misCenko, Cistovi da Saieri. 20 aprils daniSnuli iyo Sexvedra mdivanikudriavcevi. matCi ar Sedga. arCils apatimreben da mis magivrad dimitri siniuCkovi TamaSobs. ixsenebs warsulSi cnobili rusi CogburTeli dimitri siniuCkovi (1907-?): ~Cven vcxovrobdiT sastumro ~CSKA~-Si arCilTan da guguli didiZesTan (erT-erTi saukeTeso arbitri im drosaTvis) erTad, vdgebodiT adre da yovelTvis arCilis xma gvaRviZebda, romelic popularul saopero ariebs mReroda. amjerad Cven TviTon gaviRviZeT da arCili versad vnaxeT. rogorc mere gamoirkva Rame wauyvaniaT da man mxolod is moaswro rom morigesTan eduard negrebeckisTvis gramfirfitebi da Cognebi datova~. 15 maisi. gazeTi ~Red Sporti~-i: ~saqarTvelos fizkulturis muSakTa aqtivze sityviT gamosulma sportkomitetis Tavmjdomare semion milSteinma gvacnoba, rom gauvnebelyofilia xalxis mteri _ mavnebeli arCil mdivani~. da ai amonaweri misi ~sisxlis samarTlis saqmidan~: ~ssrk umaRlesi sasamarTlos samxedro kolegiis 1957 wlis 5 ivlisis 4n-024887/56 ganCinebiT sisxlis samarTlis saqme moq. arCili budus Ze mdivanis mimarT, dab. 1911 w. q. TbilisSi, romelic gasamarTlebeli iqna ssrk umaRlesi sasamarTlos samxedro kolegiis gamsvleli sesiis mier sisxlis samarTlis kodeqsis 58-8 (terori) da 58-11 (yovelgvari organizebuli qmedeba mimarTuli danaSaulis momzadebisa da CatarebisaTvis) muxlebiT 1937 w. 13 seqtembers da miesaja sasjelis umaRlesi zoma (daxvreta), warmoebiT Sewyda mis qmedebaSi danaSaulis Semadgenlobis gamo da igi reabilitirebulia. ganaCeni sisruleSi iyo moyvanili 1937 w. 13 seqtembers~. ase tragikulad dasrulda gamoCenili qarTveli CogburTelis sicocxle. is mxolod 26 wlis iyo. arCilis mTeli ojaxi ganadgurebuli iqna _ mama budu, deda cucunia, Zmebi giorgi, vano, daviTi, da _ meri. mxolod ~bedis wyalobiT~ misi Zma Salva, romelic mfrinavi-gamomcdeli iyo, 1933 wels daiRupa TviTmfrinavis gamocdis dros. arCilis biZam _ simonma, romelic im droisTvis parizSi cxovrobda, budus ojaxis daRupvis Sesaxeb gaigo 94 Tu ara, Tavi moikla. 1937 wlis bolos daapatimres mwvrTneli ian homeri, romelic mxolod 1955 wels dabrunda TbilisSi. dasasruls mogiyvanT arCil mdivanis TamaSis daxasiaTebas, romelsac mas aZleven ~The encyklopedia of the Russian Tennis~, gamoCenili rusi CogburTeli, sportis damsaxurebuli ostati evgeni kudriavcevi (1898-1973) da 30-ani wlebis cnobili sportuli Jurnalisti mixeil romi. ~The encyklopedia of the Russian Tennis~: “a. mdivanis TamaSi gamoirCeoda siswrafiT. araCveulebrivi reaqcia, Seukavebeli Seteva, is mSvenivrad TamaSobda haeridan, iyo Zlieri wyvilTa TanrigSi. Tavis temperamentiT is amxnevebda Tavis partniors da Semtevi TamaSiT mayurebels did sixaruls aniWebda”. evgeni kudriavcevi: ~arCili dabadebuli iyo CogburTisTvis. rodesac me is pirvelad vnaxe kortze, man Cemze didi STabeWdileba moaxdina. Tbilisis swraf kortebze aRzrdili arCili totalur, Semtev CogburTs qadagebda. rodesac 1961 wels pirvelad vnaxe liu houdis (50_60 wlebis gamoCenili CogburTeli) TamaSi, misi taqtikiT Cawodeba-gasvla badesTan, maSinve arCili momagonda, romelic jer maSin, Soreul 30_ian wlebSi iyenebda am taqtikas. im dros sazRvargareT ostatobis daxvewis SesaZlebloba rom yofiliyo, arCili Tavisi unikaluri mixeil monacemebiT SeiZleba saerTaSoriso klasis moTameSe gamxdariyo~.mixeil romi romi: ~mdivanis TamaSSi siswrafe mTavari Tvisebaa, negrebeckis erTguli amxanagis da Tanamgzavris. reaqciis saocari siswrafe, mCqefare temperamenti, TamaSis simwvave, dauokebeli ltolva badisaken, iqeT, sadac SeiZleba veluri naxtomiT eZgeros burTs da Caklas. arCilis yoveli dartyma _ iqneba es yumbarisebuli Cawodeba, smeSi, romelic ar Camouvardeboda negrebeckisas, badesTan, Cogani mdivanis xelSi gvagonebs rapiras” vano elerdaSvili sportis moyvarulTa ufrosi Taobis mogonebebi xSirad qarTuli sportis iseT centrebs ukavSirdeba, rogorebicaa veris parki da CogburTis kortebi marjaniSvilis quCaze. veris parkTanaa wilnayari qarTuli kalaTburTis, CogburTis, frenburTis Rirsaxsovari movlenebi. alpuri klubis simpaTiuri Senoba ara marto alpinistebs izidavda, aramed moWadrakeebsac. rac Seexeba marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare kortebs, is mravali wlebis manZilze qarTvel CogburTelTa mosamzadebel erT-erT ZiriTad kerad iTvleboda. am ori sportuli centris damakavSirebeli rgoli iyo elerdaSvilebis ojaxi. Zmebi gabo da niko, romlebic warmoSobiT kaxeTis sofel patarZeulidan iyvnen. isini didxans am sportuli bazebis zedamxedvelebad muSaobdnen _ gabo veris parkSi, niko marjaniSvilis quCis kortebze. gabos Svilma gogim da nikos Svilebma arCilma da vanom, TavianTi cxovreba CogburTs daukavSires da didi wvlili Seitanes qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebaSi. gabos vaJi _ gogi soxumSi muSaobda da tragikulad daiRupa qalaqis dabombvisa 1993 wels. damsaxurebulma mwvrTnelma arCil elerdaSvilma (1920-1987), Zlierma CogburTelma, mTeli Tavisi cxovreba axalgazrda CogburTelTa da mwvrTnelTa aRzrdas Sewira. vano elerdaSvili 1922 daibada wels da, sruli am sityvis mniSvnelobiT, marjaniSvilis kortebze aRizarda. CogburTis TamaSi 8 wlis asakSi daiwyo vaxtang (guguli) didiZesTan (SemdgomSi qarTuli sportis cnobili moRvawe). warmatebebic male ewvia – 12 wlis ymawvili Tavis asakobriv jgufSi saqarTvelos Cempioni xdeba. 30-iani wlebis Sua xanebSi anri koSes ganTqmul daibada 1922 wels 22 aprils. 95 skolaSi varjiSobda. 1938 wels, mwvrTnelebis guguli didiZisa da aram xangulianis xelmZRvanelobiT saqarTvelos nakrebma, romelSia vano iricxeboda, iuniorTa Soris sakavSiro Tasi moi pova. meore msoflio omma misi cxovrebac Secvala – naRmtyorcnis specialoba aiTvisa da CrdiloeT kavkasiis frontis wina xazze ibrZoda. mZimed daiWra. da mxolod 1944 wels SeZlo dabrundeboda CogburTs. 1945 wels vano elerdaSvili saqarTvelos Cempioni xdeba. 1946-1947 wlebSi ssr kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSia, sportis ostatis wodebas aniWeben da sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSi SehyavT. 40-ian wlebSi kontaqtebi sazRvargareTis sportsmenebTan Zalze SezRuduli iyo. miuxedavad amisa, vano elerdaSvils mainc eZleva SesaZlebloba erTobliv SekrebebSi miiRos monawileoba iseT ganTqmul CogburTelebTan, rogorebic iyvnen iaroslav drobni (safrangeTis Cempioni 1951-1952 wlebSi da 1954 wlis uimbldonis gamarjvebuli) da iugoslavel franio punCesTan (1939 wlis msoflios me-4 Cogani). 50-ian wlebSi batonma vanom estafeta axalgazrda Taobis warmomadgenlebs gadasca _ viqtor uraevskis (1930-1979) da givi kokaias. Tumca, gamocdilebisa da TamaSis klasis SemweobiT, Tavadac inarCunebs karg formas. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi (viqtor uraevski, givi kokaia, oleg TinikaSvili, gogi RaribaSvili) vano elerdaSvili sakavSiro Tasis “vercxlis” prizioria, xolo 1956 wels warmatebiT monawileobs ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. batonma vanom Seisisxlxorca qarTuli CogburTis saukeTeso tradiciebi, romelsac safuZveli Cauyares ian homerma (1898-1981), aram xangulianma (1901-1974), arCil mdivanma (1911-1937), eduard negrebeckim (1908-1985) da mis mierve gamdidrebuli igi CogburTis Semdgom Taobebs gadasca. misTvis damaxasiaTebeli romantiuli, Semtevi stili iyo. TamaSobda kombinaciur CogburTs, sadac aqcenti yovelTvis badesTan gaWraze iyo gadatanili. es Cinebulad gamosdioda, rodesac mowinaaRmdeges klasikuri slaisiT (moWrili dartyma) marcxnidan utevda. wyvilTa TamaSSi vano elerdaSvili xom marTlac Seucvleli iyo. haeridan da TavzemoT dayenebuli dartymebiT, im dros yvelaze saxelganTqmul wyvilebsac ki ususurs xdida da CixSi aqcevda. 1958 wels, sportuli karieris dasrulebis Semdeg, batonma vanom axal-gazrda Taobis aRzrdas mohkida xeli. didxans iyo saqarTvelos nakrebis mwvrTneli. 1967 wlis ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze warmatebiT monawileobisaTvis (me-2 adgili) saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTnelis wodeba mieniWa. bevri CogburTeli aRzarda, magram gansakuTrebiT Tavisi SvilebiT _ marinaTi da giaTi amayobs. orive sportis ostati da saqarTvelos Cempioni iyo, gia ki 70-ian wlebSi ssr kavSiris erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli iyo. amJamad isini mwvrTnelebad muSaoben da elerdaSvilebis ojaxis didebul tradiciebs agrZeleben. Tavad batoni vano ki, axlac, energiiT aRsavse, mTeli arsebiT emsaxureba qarTul CogburTs, muSaobs mTavar specialistad leila mesxis akademiaSi. mravalJamier dRegrZelobas vusurvebT baton vanos qarTuli CogburTis sakeTildReod. 96 givi kokaia aram xangilian mwvrTneli viqtor uraevski givi kokaia 13.05.1929-07.10.2009. me-20 saukunis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli saqarTveloSi. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. 1946-1947 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. 1952 wels ssr kavSiris Tasis gaTamaSebis “vercxlis” priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis kapitani. teqnikur mecnierebaTa doqtori. politeqnikuri universitetis profesori maxsendeba Soreuli 1961 wlis papanaqeba zafxuli _ baTumSi sabWoTa kavSiris zonaluri Cempionati tardeboda. maSin SesaZlebloba momeca legendarul CogburTels nikolai ozerovs Sevxvedrodi. miuxedavad daZabuli Sexvedrisa nikolai ozerovma profesionaluri CogburTis gakveTili Camitara, romelic mTeli sicocxle damamaxsovrda. matCis damTavrebis mere ozerovma Cveni Sexvedris garCeva SemomTavaza, mere ki moulodnelad mkiTxa _ givi kokaia ras Svebao. me movaxsene, rom givi CogburTs aRar TamaSobs da axla mTlianad samecniero muSaobaze aris gadarTuli. ozerovma sinanuliT aRniSna, rom givis gamoTiSva saCogburTo cxovrebidan Zalian sawyenia da daumata, rom givim da misma Taobam Zalian bevri gaakeTes qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebisaTvis da Rirseulad miiRes estafeta iseTi gamoCenili qarTveli CogburTelebisgan, rogorebic arian eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani da vano elerdaSvili. aqve gaixsena 1951 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris pirveloba TbilisSi. man aRniSna, rom mas meniskis operacia hqonda gakeTebuli da jer eqvsi Tvec ar iyo gasuli. daukavSirda givis, raTa CaetarebinaT erToblivi varjiSebi. igi ori kviris ganmavlobaSi givisTan erTad varjiSobda da mere finalSi damajereblad daamarcxa cnobili CogburTeli sergei andreevi da sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda. mxolod, rodesac aleqsandre metrevelis varsklavi amobrwyinda, mivxdi ozerovis sityvebis sibrZnes, rom givi kokaia mniSvnelovani figuraa qarTu-li CogburTis istoriaSi, rogorc SemaerTebeli rgoli 40-iani wlebis CogburTelTa Taobisa mis Semdgom TaobebTan. givi kokaiam CogburTis TamaSi mwvrTnelTan vaxtang (guguli) didiZesTan (SemdgomSi cnobili moRvawe sportSi) daiwyo marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare 97 kortebze. 1945 wlidan givis mwvrTnelebi iyvnen aram xanguliani da mariam kldiaSvili. 1946 wels givi sabWoTa kavSiris absoluturi Cempioni gaxda mozardTa Soris da es miRweva 1947 wels gaimeora. 1948-1949 wlebSi givi kokaia amarcxebs saqarTvelos yvela Zlier CogburTels _ vano elerdaSvils, boris krupenikovs, boris serebrenikovs. im periodSi CogburTelebi sazRvargareT ar dadiodnen. saerTaSoriso Sexvedrebi, ZiriTadad poloneTis, Cexoslovakiis, ungreTis nakrebebTan imarTeboda. givi kokaia 1948 wlidan ukve sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSia. sawvrTneli Sekrebebi ucxoel Cogbur-TelebTan erTad imarTeba leningradSi, moskovSi, rigaSi, talinSi. aTi wlis manZilze, 1949-1958 wlebSi nebayoflobiTi sportuli sa-zogadoebebis (“nauka”, “burevestniki”) sakavSiro sabWos pirvelobebi ZiriTadad misi gamarjvebebiT mTavrdeboda. Tavisi karieris manZilze givi kokaia araerTgzis saqarTvelos Cempioni iyo, amierkavkasiis respublikebis xalxTa spartakiadebis samgzis Cempioni. 1952 wels Tbilisma sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis gaTamaSebas umaspinZla. Cveni gun-dis (viqtor uraevski, vano elerdaSvili, gogi RaribaSvili, oleg Ti-ni-kaSvili) kapitani givi kokaia gaxldaT. saqarTvelos CogburTelebma mxolod finaluri Sexvedra daTmes moskovelTa Zlier gundTan da pirvelad qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi sakavSiro arenaze vercxlis medlebi moi poves. 1956 wels givi sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze isev saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis kapitania. givi kokaia aris qarTuli CogburTis brwyinvale warmomadgeneli. is TamaSobda gonebamaxvil, kombinaciur CogburTs mTel moedanze, Sexvedris warmatebas arasdros agebda sxvis Secdoebze da yovelTvis cdilobda Tavisi aqtiuri TamaSis xarjze moego, rac ase damaxasiaTebelia qarTuli CogburTis saukeTuso warmomadgenlebisaTvis. cxovrebaSic iseTivea, rogorc kortze – gonebamaxvili, ukompromiso da sicicxliT savse adamiani. givi kokaiam sportuli kariera 1958 wels daasrula. dRes batoni givi, teqnikur mecnierebaTa doqtori, profesori, sainJinro akademiis wevri, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo premiis laureatia mecnierebasa da teqnikaSi. igi 105 samecniero Sromis avtoria, maT Soris 25 saavtoro mowmoba gamogonebebze. 45 wlis manZilze igi ikvlevs, qmnis da nergavs warmoebaSi saqarTvelos mTagorian tyeebis eqspluataciis ekologiurad sufTa, bunebisaTvis uvnebel teqnologiur procesebs, rac ase aqtualuria satyeo meurneobis kompleqsisaTvis teqnikuri progresis ganviTarebaSi. mas gverds umSveneben meuRle ineza sanadiraZe – musikaTmcodne, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli pedagogi, ori vaJi _ merabi da zaza, biologiur mecnierebaTa doqtorebi, niu-iorkis mecnierebaTa akademiis namdvili wevrebi, beritaSvilis saxelobis fiziologiis institutis TanamSromlebi. baton givis hyavs oTxi SviliSvili: Tea, giviko, giorgi da luka, romlebic Zalian enatreba givi babuas. givi kokaia amJamad saqarTvelos sazogadoeba ~merqnis~ viceprezidentia da aqac tradiciulad, erTgulad emsaxureba Tavis saqmes. 98 aleqsandre metreveli daibada 01.11.1944. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati. 1973 wlis uimbldonis turniris finalisti erTeulTa TantigSi da 1968,1970 wlebSi Sereul wyvilebSi. 1972 wlis avstraliisa da safrangeTis Cempionatebis naxevarfinalisti. 1966-1967, 1969-1976,1078,1980 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. 1970-1971, 1973, 1977-1978 wlebis evropis Cempioni. ““Davis Cup””- ze 105 TamaSidan moigo 78 Semodgoma, 1980 weli. am wels da am dros dasrulda didi qarTveli CogburTelis aleqsandre metrevelis sportuli kariera. taSkentSi, sadac tardeboda sabWoTa kavSiris rigiTi porveloba, qveynis CogburTis elita Seikriba da CogburTis Cinovnikebi daufaravi gulaxdilobiT ambobdnen, rom gamoCndnen moTamaSeebi, romlebic male mouReben bolos a. metrevelis hegemonias. magram alikas (rogorc Cven yvelani mas veZaxdiT) sruliad sawinaaRmdego azrisa iyo. miuxedavad imisa, rom muxlis travma awuxebda, am SejibrebisTvis ise emzadeboda, rogorc arasodes. Sedegmac ar daayovna. mTeli Cempionati ise Caatara, rogorc Tavis saukeTeso wlebSi sCveoda _ arc erTi seti ar waugia, finalSi moskoveli konstantine pugaevi (romelic warmoSobiT Tbilisidan iyo) sam setSi gaanadgura da erTeulTa TanrigSi meTormeted moi pova sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionis wodeba. amas alikam daamata meTerTmete tituli wyvilTa TanrigSi rostovel CogburTelTan evgeni boboedovTan erTad. ase brwyinvaled daamTavra Tavisi kariera aleqsandre metrevelma 36 wlis asakSi. am CogburTelis fenomenze bevri daiwera Cvens presaSi, magram, samwuxarod am publikaciebSi ar iyo imis analizi, Tu ra xdeboda qarTul CogburTSi metrevelis misvlamde. qarTuli CogburTi aigo im mZlavr balavarze, romelic dades iseTma qarTvelma CogburTelebma, rogorebic iyvnen ian homeri, eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani, boris serebrianikovi, ivane elerdaSvili, boris krupe-nikovi, viqtor uraevski, givi kokaia da sxv. didi Rvawli miuZRvis agreTve qarTveli CogburTelebis pirveli generaciis mwvrTnelebs ian homers, aram xangulians, guguli (vaxtang) didiZes. ase rom, aleqsandre metrevelis ostatoba im seriozul safuZvelze da im did tradiciebze ixveweboda, romelic ukve hqonda qarTul CogburTs. yvelaferi ki ase daiwyo. Soreul 1954 w. ~dinamos~ CogburTis stadionze, jgufSi Casawerad movidnen Zmebi metrvelebi _ petre (romelic 60-an wlebSi sportis ostati gaxda da saqarTvelos araerTgzis Cempioni iyo wyvilTa TanrigSi) da aleqsandre. alika maSin 10 wlisa iyo da, dRevandeli moTxovnebis mixedviT, albaT arc miiRebdnen savarjiSod. magram gamocdili mwvrTneli da pedagogi aram xanguliani iSviaTad cdeboda, man am gamxdar da araCveulebrivad moZrav biWunaSi didi niWi dainaxa. alika mSvenier ojaxSi izrdeboda. mamamisi irakli da deda ana mkacri da momTxovni mSoblebi iyvnen. magram arasodes ereodnen TavianTi bavSvebis saswavlosawvrTnel procesSi. 99 100 CogburTis kortebzec Zalian iSviaTad Tu movidodnen, isic mxolod did Sejibrebebze. maT icodnen, rom ~dinamos~ kortebze bavSvebi megobrebisa da momTxovni mwvrTnelis garemocvaSi iyvnen. unda aRiniSnos, rom aleqsandre metrevels, rogorc sportsmenis CamoyalibebaSi didi Rvawli miuZRvis ~dinamos~ niWier CogburTelebs guram kapanaZes, Tengiz kereseliZes, leonard mZinariSvils, nugzar mZinariSvils, petre metrevels, kote timoSCuks, grant musaelians, givi CaxunaSvils, givi lukaSvils, givi axalaZes, leonid koCubeis (yvela CamoTvlili CogburTeli ramodenime wliT alikaze ufrosi iyo) da bevr sxvasac, romlebic xan siamovnebiT, xan ki mwvrTnelis aram xangulianis davalebiT sparingobdnen alikas. alikas xSiri partniori viyavi, da pirve-lad misi Zala 1960 w. Semodgomaze vigrZeni. saerTod, aram xanguliani garkveuli wvrTnis Semdeg sakontrolo Sejibrebebs gviniSnavda. da ai mwvrTnelma 5-setiani TamaSi daminiSna alikasTan. manamde cota xniT adre, saqarTvelos pirvelobaze me Zalian advilad movuge, axla ki, sul raRac sami Tvis Semdeg sul sxva CogburTeli vixile. me SevZeli daZabul 4-setian TamaSSi damemarcxebina igi. magram yvelam, vinc am Sexvedras eswreboda, erTxmad aRniSna araCveulebrivi swrafi progresi mis TamaSSi. Seupovari varjiSebi, araCveulebrivi mizanswrafva xels uwyobda mis fantastikur zrdas. magram, namdvilad, aravin eloda imas, rac sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatze 1961 wels kaliningradSi moxda. maSin Cven, dinamoeli CogburTelebi, alika metreveli da am striqonebis avtori, did imedebs vamyarebdiT nugzar mZinariSvilze, romelmac sul oriode Tvis win, inglisSi, balaxis kortebze daamarcxa CexeTis pirveli Cogani irJi iavorski. axla Cempionatis sensaciad alikas gamarjveba iqca sabWoTa kavSi-ris pirvel CoganTan mixeil mozerTan pirvel wreSi. alikas bevri TamaSi minaxavs, magram es damamaxsovrda yvelaze metad. matCi m.mozerTan 6 saaTs gagrZelda, im Sesvenebebis gaTvaliswinebiT, romelic wvimam gamoiwvia. da rodesac kulminaciis momenti dadga, gairkva, rom arc alikas da arc Cven aRar gagvaCnda araviTari resursebi _ yvela Cogani dawyvetili iyo (Cveni Taobis CogburTelebma ician, rom Cven naturaluri, magram, Zalze uxarisxo larebiT vTamaSobdiT). es dramatuli TamaSi man daamTavra CogniT, romelic iwonida 14 uncias (daaxloebiT 400 grams). es Cogani mas cnobilma mosko-velma CogburTelma da Jurnalistma boris borovskim aTxova. nebismierma CogburTelma icis Tu ras niSnavs sxvisi CogniT TamaSi, magram alikam aqac gamoavlina adaptaciis saocreba. 10 saaTisTvis man me-5 seti moigo da masTan erTad Sexvedrac. SeiZleba iTqvas, rom kenigsbergis Zvel kortebze mayurebelTa aplodismentebis da gareuli mxecebis gniasis TanxlebiT (Soriaxlo kenigsbergis hagenbekis ganTqmuli zooparki iyo) qarTuli CogburTis axali varsklavi akaSkaSda. maSin aleqsandre metreveli 17 wlisac ki ar iyo. Semdeg ramodenime wlis manZilze Seupovari, ukompromiso brZola pirvelobisaTvis SesaniSnav estonel CogburTelTan Tomas leiusTan. es iyo gamarjvebis da damarcxebis Zneli gza. da ai, 1966 w. alika sabWoTa kavSiris orgzis Cempioni (zamTris da zafxulis) da qveynis pirveli Cogani xdeba. iwyeba misi araCveulebrivi talantis ayvaveba. aleqsandre metrevelma ori aTeuli wlis ganmavlobaSi gamarjvebebi moi pova CogburTis iseT korifeebTan, rogorebic iyvnen liu houdi, panCo (rikar-do) gonsalesi, jon niukombi, marti maligani, vilhelm bengerti, jimi konorsi, manolo santana, manolo orantesi, ian kodeSi, nikola pietranJeli, tom okeri da sxva CogburTelebi, moigo 8 prfesionaluri turniri erTeulTa TanrigSi da 2 wyvilTa TanrigSi. “devisis Tasis” gaTamaSebaSi (msoflio 101 gunduri pirveloba) man 105 matCi Caatara (aqedan 56 gamarjveba erTeulTa TanrigSi da 24 gamarjveba wyvilTa TanrigSi). aleqsandre metrevelma 6jer moi pova evro-pis Cempionis tituli da 29-jer iyo sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni (12-jer erTeulTa TanrigSi, 11-jer wyvilebSi, 6-jer Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi). didi gulistkiviliT minda aRvniSno alikas damarcxeba uimbldonis turniris finalSi 1973 w. Cex CogburTelTan ian kodeSTan. ianTan aleqsandre yovelTvis warmatebiT TamaSobda, magram amjerad alikas TamaSi ar gamouvida. Tavs nebas mivcem iq momxdari gavaanalizo. Cveni Taoba komunisturi ideologiis epoqaSi gaizarda. yvelaferi uaryofiTi, rac axlda am ideologias, gadatanili iyo sportul moZraobaSic. alika, cxadia, misda uneburad, iSviaTad monawileobda maRali rangis saerTaSoriso turnirebSi. Arsebobda gansazRvruli wesi, rom sabWoTa sportsmens ar SeeZlo sazRvargareT gansazRvrul droze met xans yofna. yvelaferi es gavlenas axdenda masze da araTanabar pirobebSi ucxoel metoqeebTan ayenebda. misi damarcxeba marto imiT aixsneba, rom maRali rangis turnirebis gamocdileba ar eyo. sxvaTa Soris, ian kodeSs yovelTvis gacilebiT meti SesaZlelobebi hqonda didi saerTaSoriso turnirebi eTamaSa, vidre Cven CogburTelebs. dasasruls, minda wminda profesionaluri TvalTaxedviT Sevafaso aleqsandre metrevelis TamaSi. CogburTelTa 80-90-iani wlebis axalgazrda Taobas, samwuxarod, ar unaxavs am udidesi qarTveli CogburTelis TamaSi. magram man unda icodes, Tu ras warmoadgenda kortze aleqsandre metreveli. ar veTanxmebi CogburTis enciklopediis avtors bad kolins, romelic axasiaTebs a. metrevels, rogorc moTamaSes (SERVE-AND-VOLLEYER) taqtikiT: Cawodeba-badesTan gasvla (TamaSi haeridan). aleqsandre metreveli iyo qarTuli saCogburTo skolis ti piuri warmomadgeneli, romlis saukeTeso warmomadgenlebi qadagebdnen kombinaciur CogburTs mTel moedanze, aqcentiT _ badesTan gasvlaze. ase TamaSobda, magaliTad, misi gamoCenili winamorbedi eduard negrebecki. TamaSis es stili alikam srulyofamde aiyvana. amitom is SesaniSnavi iyo rogorc ukana xazze, ise badesTan. mTel TamaSs aqtiur moqmedebebze agebda. dacvaSi igi uamrav xerxs flobda badesTan gamosul metoqesTan saTamaSod. Cawodeba mizanmimarTuli hqonda, ris Semdegac is qulas igebda, Tu ara, aqtiur moqmedebebze gadadioda.Aa. metrevelis fizikuri da fsiqologiuri momzadeba yovelTvis gamorCeuli iyo maRali doniT. man srulyo xis Cognis floba da ostatobiT msoflio CogburTis yvelaze gamorCeul da udides xelovanTa mwkrivSi SeiZleba davayenoT. 102 Alexander Metreveli Foremost Georgian man, Alexander Metreveli gained prominence open era, beating Pancho Gonzalez, Wimbledon, 1968. Georgian RH, b. Nov. 02, 1944, Tblisi. Atypical Soviet, serve-and-volleyer, poised 5-10. Only USSR male in major F, until Yevgeny Kafelnikov (French 1996), lost Wimbledon, 1973. Also, with Olga Morozova, lost F Wimbledon mixed, 1968, 1970. In career overlapping amateur, open eras, QF or better all majors. Davis Cup standout, 14 years, spanning 1963 to 1980, one of select few to have played 100 matches or more (56-14, singles; 24-11, dou-bles). Best World rank, No.9-03.08.1974. Won eight singles, two doubles pro titles. Bad Collins - Tennis encyclopedia Birthplace and residence: Tbilisi, Georgia, Wife, Natella; Sons Irakli and Alexander Metreveli was the USSR Champion 29 times. Grand Slam results: 1973 Wimbledon runner-up, quarterfinalist in 1974 and ’72, Runner-up in Mixed doubles in 1970 and 1968 (w/ Olga Morozova).French Open semifinalist in 1972, doubles semifinalist in 1974 (w/Borg),doubles quarterfinalist in 1975 (w/Nastase).Australian Open semifinalist in 1972, quarterfinalist in 1975 and ’73,Doubles semifinalist in 1973 (w/Kakulia). U.S. Open quarterfinalist in 1974.Other results include: Singles winner at 1966 Bastad; Runnerup at 1974 WCT St. Petersburg, WCT St. Louis; Semifinalist at 1974 WCT Hempsted;Quarterfinalist at 1974 and ’72 Italian Open. www, Grand Slam singles final Runner-up (1) Year Championship Opponent in Final Score in Final 1973 Wimbledon Jan Kodesh 6–1, 9–8, 6–3 Best Grand Slam results Australian Open Semifinal (1971) French Open Semifinal (1972) Wimbledon Final (1973) U.S. Open Quarterfinal (1974) Tournaments – Single Winners (5) Year 1966 Bastad 1972 Adelaida 1972 Hobart 1972 Sidney N.S.W 1974 South Orange Runner up (6) Year 1968 Monte-Carlo 1973 Wimbledon 1974 Nottinham 1974 Sait-Louis 1974 Sankt-Petersberg WCT 1976 Klivlend Monte-Carlo Wokipedia Enciklopedia8 1973 Wimbledon 1974 Nottinham 1974 Sait-Lous 1974 Sankt-Petersberg WCT 1976 Klivlend 103 Teimuraz kakulia .sportis damsaxurebuli ostati. 1976 wlis evropis Cempioni (24.04.1947-26.08.2006).sportis erTeulTa TanrigSi da 1974, 1976-1977 wlebSi wyvilebSi. 1973 wlis “universiadis” Cempioni. 1975-1976 sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli “dinamo”-s da saqarTvelos nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. ““Davis Cup”-is ”-is gaTamaSebaSi 32 Sexvedridan moigo 17. saqarTvelos damsaxur ebuli mwvrTneli. 80-ian wlebSi l. mesxis mwvrTneli. damsaxurebuli Teimuraz kakulias saxelTan qarTuli CogburTis araerTi SesaniSnavi furceli aris dakavSirebuli. brwyinvale stilisti, igi gvevlineba gamagrZeleblad im tradiciebisa, romlebsac safuZveli Cauyares misma winamorbedebma plexanovis kortebidan _ ian homerma, eduard negrebeckim, arCil mdivanma da sxvebma. Soreul 1962 wels qalaqis Cempionatze unda Sevxvedrodi Teimuraz kakulias ymawvils plexenovis kortebidan. im wlebSi bavSvebs iSviaTad aTamaSebdnen ufrosTa turnirebze da amis misaRwevad gansakuTrebiT unda gamogeCina Tavi. am Sexvedramde Teimurazi arasodes menaxa. mxolod msmenoda, rom 15 wlis biWis kvalobaze is Zalian kargad TamaSobda. da ai, marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare kortebis pirvel moedanze moTelva daviwyeT. maSinve mivaqcie yuradReba imas, Tu ra Tavisuflad, Zaldautaneblad asrulebda Teimurazi sxvadasxva teqnikur ileTebs. es klasikuri, lamazi stili TamaSisa praqtikulad ucvleli darCa misi karieris bolomde. axla mravali wlis Semdeg im daskvnamde mivdivar, rom es stili damaxasiaTebelia qarTuli CogburTis saukeTeso warmomadgenlebisaTvis. ase kombinaciurad, aqtiur qmedebebze aqcentirebiT TamaSobdnen eduard negrebecki, arCil mdivani, vano elerdaSvili, givi kokaia, viqtor uraevski, aleqsandre metreveli da sxvebi. 15 wlis Teimurazma TiTqmis yvelafris gakeTeba icoda kortze da didi STabeWdileba moaxdina Cemze, rogorc legendarul galina bakSeevas TamaSma, roca igi pirvelad vnaxe kortze. Teimurazis ostatoba swrafad izrdeboda. 1965 wels igi ukve sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionia iuniorTa Soris, xolo 1966 wels _ sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi SehyavT. am periodSi mas avarjiSebda ssrk-s damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli vladimer serebrenikovi (1912_1967), magram aqve unda aRvniSnoT, rom didi wvlili Teimurazis daostatebaSi SesaniSnavma qarTvelma CogburTelma, amavdroulad misma mezobelma aleqsi verulavam (1936_2000) Seitana. Teimurazi SehyavT sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebSi da aqedan iwyeba misi nayofieri TanamSromloba nakrebis maSindel mwvrTnelTan _ sergei andreevTan (1923_1995), romelic mraval wels gastans. Teimurazi warmatebiT gamodis araerT saerTaSoriso turnirSi, xolo 1968 wels monawileobs saCvenebel TamaSebSi, romlebic mexikos olimpiuri TamaSebis farglebSi gaimarTa. momdevno wlebSi Teimurazis TamaSSi Tavs iCens erTgvari krizisi, romelic saqarTvelos politeqnikur institutSi 104 105 swavlasTan iyo dakavSirebuli. samTo fakultetis studenti raRac periodSi dilemis winaSe aRmoCndeba: bolomde gahyves mamis kvals da profesionali inJineri gaxdes, Tu CogburTis karieraze gaamaxvilos yuradReba. sportis siyvarulma sZlia da 1972 wels Cvens winaSe warmodga axali Teimuraz kakulia _ fizikurad SesaniSnavad momzadebuli, aRWurvili brwyinvale teqnikiT da, rac yvelaze mTavaria, fsiqologiurad momzadebuli rTuli amocanebis gadasawyvetad. qarTul CogburTSi oqros xana daiwyo. wlebis ganmavlobaSi Teimuraz kakulia aleqsandre metrevelTan erTad umaRles saerTaSoriso doneze warmoadgenda qarTul sports. 1972 wels Teimurazi sabWoTa kavSiris me2 Cogani xdeba, 1973 wels _ universiadis Cempioni, xolo 1976 wels _ evropis Cempioni, finalSi Tavad aleqsandre metrevels amarcxebs. sxvadasxva wlebSi igi warmatebiT gamodis prestiJul turnirebSi _ avstraliis, safrangeTis, didi britaneTis, aSS-is Ria Cempionatebze da yvelgan 1/8 finalamde aRwevs. a. metrevelTan erTad Teimurazi ramdenjerme xdeba ssrk-s Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi. 1977 wels Temurazs sportis damsaxurebuli ostatis wodeba mieniWa. a. metrevelTan erTad igi Rirseulad gamodis ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSic. mopovebuli iyo gamarjvebebi safrangeTis, espaneTis, Cexoslovakiis, ungreTis, germaniis, iugoslaviis da sxva qveynebis nakreb gundebTan. gansakuTrebiT warmatebuli iyo nakrebisaTvis 1976 weli. Casatarebeli rCeboda mxolod ori matCi. naxevarfinaluri – Ciles nakrebTan da gamarjvebis SemTxvevaSi italiis gundTan Tbilisis kortebze. samwuxarod, Ciles nakrebTan TamaSis win sadRac miRebuli iyo gadawyvetileba, general pinoCetis reJimis warmomadgenlebTan Sexvedraze uari eTqvaT. zustad ver vityvi, magram rogorc sCans, es gadawyvetileba ssrks partiuli xelmZRvanelobis doneze miRebuli iyo da metad ucnaurad gamoiyureboda, vinaidan sabWoTa fexburTelebma Sexvedra Caatares ara marto Ciles, aramed saberZneTis nakrebTanac (saberZneTs maSin ~Savi polkovnikebis~ xunta marTavda). SeiZleba viRacas ar awyobda nakrebi gundis Semadgenloba. wlebis ganmavlobaSi SesaZlebloba momeca ramdenime matCi meTamaSa TeimurazTan (dRemde vamayob masTan gamarjvebiT 1969 wels) da mayureblis adgilidanac medevnebina Tvalyuri misi TamaSisaTvis. gansakuTrebiT damamaxsovrda sami Sexvedra _ frang patrik pruazisTan 1973 wels ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebis farglebSi, 1974 wels – Cexoslovakel frantiSek palasTan da 1976 wels _ vadim borisovTan ssrk-s Tasze. pruazisTan Sexvedramde gunduri angariSi 2:2 iyo da yvelafers es TamaSi wyvetda. matCi moskovSi tardeboda da damswreTagan aRaravis hqonda ssrk-s nakrebis gamarjvebis imedi. mxolod Teimuraz kakulia ar iziarebda saerTo azrs. man es Sexvedra umaRles doneze Caatara da saxelovani metoqe gaanadgura, am sityvis sruli mniSvnelobiT angariSiT 6:3, 6:3, 6:4 (pruazi iyo 1973 wlis safrangeTis Ria Cempionatis finalisti). Teimurazma, rogorc kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSem, TamaSi swraf da uwyvet Setevaze aago. aseTi taqtikiT man sruliad mospo pruazis dacva. analogiuri situacia ganmeorda 1974 wels doneckSi, sadac ssrk-s nakrebi Cexoslovakiis gunds xvdeboda. angariSi kvlav 2:2 iyo da matCis beds Teimuraz kakulias da frantiSek palas Sexvedra wyvetda. manamde a. metrevelma xuTsaaTian SexvedraSi SesZlo ian kodeSis damarcxeba (me-5 gadamwyvet partiaSi igi 1:4 agebda) da gunduri angariSis gaTanabreba. Teimurazma iZala da urTulesø 106 5 setian SexvedraSi gaimarjva angariSiT 6:3, 4:6, 6:4, 2:6, 6:4. es matCi 2 dRes gagrZelda, vinaidan sibnelis gamo gadaido. arsebobs fantastikuri foto, romelzedac aRbeWdilia am Sexvedris finali. da bolos matCi vadim borisovTan TbilisSi. TamaSis win SemTxveviT yuri movkari moskovelTa mwvrTnelis slava mirzas saubars. ganixilavda ra momaval Sexvedras, igi aRniSnavda, rom vadimi SesaniSnav formaSia, aRmavlobas ganicdis, Teimurazi ki daRlili sCans da etyoba farxmalis dayra mouwevso. sanaxaoba gansacvifrebeli aRmoCnda. sul raRac erT saaTSi Teimurazma sZlia metoqes angariSiT 6:0, 6:0, 6:0. zemoganxiluli samive SexvedraSi Teimurazma Tavisi saukuTeso Tvisebebi gamoavlina _ brwyinvale teqnika, SesaniSnavi fizikuri momzadeba da, rac yvelaze mniSvnelovania, araCveulebrivi brZolisunarianoba. dasasruls minda Cveni SesaniSnavi CogburTelis aleqsandre metrevelis sityvebi moviyvano: ~kakuliasTan TamaSi ar iyo advili. kortze mas TiTqmis yvelaferi exerxeboda. misnair CogburTels universalebs uwodeben. mis TamaSs ganasxvavebda maRali teqnika, mravalferovani taqtika da Zlieri nebisyofa. mas SeeZlo swrafad gamoecno mowinaaRmdegis Canafiqri da droulad mieRo kontrzomebi. garda erTeulTa Tanrigisa, Teimurazi brwyinvaled gamodioda wyvilTa SejibrebebSi, sadac mxolod partniorobas ki ar uwevda, aramed TamaSi Tavis Tavze SeeZlo aeRo. es ki yvelas rodi ZaluZs~. 1980 wels Teimurazma Tavisi sportuli kariera daasrula da mTlianad sawvrTnel saqmianobaze gadaerTo. 1984 wels mas saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTnelis wodeba mieniWa. leila mesxi rom msoflio donis CogburTeli gaxda, didi wvlili Teimuraz kakulias miuZRvis, romelic wlebis ganmavlobaSi misi piradi mwvrTneli iyo. miuxedavad imisa, rom ukve mravali weli gavida, siamovnebiT vixseneb Cvens Sexvedrebs kortze da mis gareT, roca Cvens Soris megobruli damokidebuleba sufevda. Teimuraz Kakulia, Alexsandr Metreveli 107 leila mesxi daibada 05.01.1968. uZlieresi CogburTeli qali qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi. moigo xuTi profesionaluri turniri erTeulTa TanrigSi da rva wyvilebSi. 1989 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulebSi da wyvilebSi. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciisa da CogburTis akademiis prezidenti. saukeTeso reitingi msoflio klasifikaciaSi _ #12 /08.1991/ qarTul CogburTis istoriaSi bevri saxelovani sportsmenia, romelic Tavisi TamaSiT mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi did siamovnebas aniWebda sportis moyvarulebs. magram, maT Soris yvelaze mniSvnelovan figurebs gamovyofdi. eseni arian: ian homeri (1898-1981)_qarTuli saCogburTo skolis fuZemdebeli, eduard negrebecki (1908-1985) _ sabWoTa kavSiris pirveli Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi, arCil mdivani (1911-1937) _ sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi, aleqsandre metreveli – uimbldonis turniris finalisti, sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni, CogburTeli, romelmac 1968 wels uimbldonis pirvel Ria turnirze legendarul rikardo (panCo) gonzaless mougo da leila mesxi _ pirveli qarTveli CogburTeli qali sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi, CogburTeli, romelmac 1991 wels martina navratilovas mougo. leila mesxi CogburTis kortebze im periodSi movida, rodesac Cvenma ganTqmulma CogburTelebma irine ermolovam, rena abJandaZem, ala ivanovam da nino Tuxarelma praqtikulad daasrules Tavisi gamosvlebi. samwuxarod, me20 saukunis 70-iani wlebis CogburTelTa Taobam ver SeZlo Tavisi saxelovan winamorbedTa tradiciebis gagrZeleba. da ai, 80-ian wlebSi gamoCnda mTeli jgufi ambiciuri CogburTelebisa, romlebmac sxvadasxva Sejibrebebze karg Sedegebs miaRwies. leila mesxis garda, aq unda aRvniSnoT debi marine da irine malaciZeebi, karine petrosiani, lali metreveli, inga antoniani, xaTuna trapaiZe, ada poRosova, irine geraZe, eka bokuCava, eka ToxaZe. gansakuTrebiT did imedebs amyarebdnen brwyinvale irina malaciZeze. irina sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gaxda gogonaTa Soris, Sevida sabWoTa kavSiris nakreb gundSi. magram sxvadasxva garemoebaTa gamo man ver SeZlo Tavisi potencialis gamovlena da sportuli sarbieli adre miatova. leila mesxma TamaSi 9 wlis asakSi daiwyo da Zlier CogburTelTa garemocvaSi moxvda, romlebic leilaze ufrosebi iyvnen. sakavSiro sarbielze pirveli miRweva 1980 wels movida. leila me-2 adgils ikavebs sabWoTa kavSiris pirvelobaze gogonaTa Soris. ukve maSin gamovlinda l. mesxis ZiriTadi maxasiaTeblebi _ SesaniSnavi orxeliani dartyma marcxnidan, kargi TamaSi haeridan, araCveulebrivi mdgradoba kortze. leila CogburTis TamaSis ZiriTadi arsis mimdevari iyo – nebismieri burTis gadagdeba mowinaaRmdegis mxareze da aqtiuri moqmedebebi Tu saTanado situacia iqmneboda. sakavSiro SejibrebebSi pirveli warmatebis Semdeg leila mesxi ssr kavSiris nakrebis mwvrTnelebis xedvis areSi xvdeba. maSin nakrebSi Zalze Zlieri Semadgenloba Seikriba da l. mesxs Tavisi 108 upiratesoba iseT CogburTelebTan unda daemtkicebina, rogorebic iyvnen svetlana Cerneva, larisa savCenko, iulia salnikova, elene riJikova, viqtoria milvidskaia, nataSa bikova, nataSa zvereva, evgenia maniukova. 80-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos nakrebis mwvrTnelobisas, me Tvals vadevnebdi leila mesxis ostatobis swraf zrdas. TandaTanobiT man gaaumjobesa Tavisi teqnikuri arsenali, mniSvnelovnad aamaRla fizikuri momzadeba da, rac mTavaria, leilam iswavla daskvnebis gakeTeba Tavisi wagebis Semdeg. ase iyo 1984 wels moswavleTa sakavSiro spartakiadaze, roca nataSa fateevasTan gundur pirvelobaze wagebis Semdeg, leila pirad pirvelobaze gaxda absoluturi Cempioni. 1985 wels viqtoria milvidskaiasTan wagebis Semdeg gundur pirvelobaze, pirad pirvelobaze leila isev brwyinvaled TamaSobs da sabWoTa kavSiris absoluturi Cempioni xdeba gogonaTa Soris. 1986 wels xalxTa spartakiadaze iulia salnikovasTan wagebis Semdeg meore dRes SesaniSnav stilSiDamarcxebs nataSa zverevas. maSin leila brwyinvale formaSi Sevida da samive TanrigSi naxevarfinalSi gavida. samwuxarod, erT TamaSSi, roca saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis bedi wydeboda, leilam fexis mZime travma miiRo. aq SegviZlia paraleli gavavloT, roca 1959 wels sakavSiro spartakiadaze 3 qarTvelma kalaTburTelma latviis nakrebs mougo. am SemTxvevaSic leilas da vladimer gabriCiZis mowinaaRmdegebi iyvnen latviis warmomadgenlebi agnesa blumberga da girds Zelde. mesxma da gabriCiZem pirveli seti Zalze advilad moiges _ 6:0, mere wvima wamovida da moedani, cxadia, dasvelda. meore setSi, roca angariSi 6:6 gaxda, leila daeca da sakmaod mZimed daSavda. TamaSi Sewyda. eqimebma daaskvnes, rom sportsmeni brZolis gagrZelebas ver SeZlebda... magram am Sexvedris wageba Cvens CogburTelebs gundur CaTvlaSi ukan daxevda. TamaSi mainc gagrZelda da mesame gadamwyvet setSi Cvenebma gaimarjves angariSiT 7:5. es WeSmariti gmiroba iyo _ gmiroba mesxisa, romelmac autaneli tkivilis miuxedavad mainc SeZlo eTamaSa cal fexze da gmiroba gabriCiZisa, romelic principul brZolaSi or metoqes umklavdeboda. sakavSiro arenaze miRwevebTan erTad, leila mesxi pirvel mniSvnelovan Sedegebs saerTaSoriso sarbielzec aRwevs. 1983 wels sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi leila ~helveciis Tasis~ mflobeli xdeba (evropis gunduri pirveloba gogonaTa Soris), 1985 wels _ evropis Cempionatis finalisti erTeulTa TanrigSi da 1986 wels _ evropis da msoflios Cempioni gogonaTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi. 80-ian wlebSi sabWoTa kavSirSi didi cvlilebebi xdeba da 1988 wlis maisSi leila mesxi oficialurad xdeba profesionali CogburTeli. imave wels is olimpiuri TamaSebis monawilea. olimpiur TamaSebze leila me-3 wreSi agebs Stefi grafTan angariSiT 5:7, 5:7. im wels grafi Seudarebeli iyo da gaakeTa pokeri – “Grand Slam”-is oTxive turniri da olimpiuri TamaSebi moigo. 19861988 wlebSi leila mesxis ostatoba araCveulebrivad swrafad viTardeba (241 nomridan 1986 wels, 46 nomramde 1988 wels). leila mesxi TandaTanobiT msoflio CogburTis elitaSi Sedis. kolosaluri konkurenciis pirobebSi 1991 wels agvistoSi leila mesxi msoflio reitingSi me-12 poziciaze dgeba. sanam leilam 1995 wels fexis mZime travma ar miiRo, is warmatebiT gamodioda yvelaze prestiJul turnirebSi. damarcxebulTa Soris mravali ganTqmuli CogburTelia _ anka xuberi, gabriela sabatini, meri jo fernandesi, jenifer kapriati, pem Sraiveri, nataSa zvereva, komiko date, zina harisoni, helena sukova da bevri sxva. magram yvelaze xmauriani mogeba 1991 wels iyo miRweuli cnobil xilton-xedis turnirze, sadac 109 leilam diad martina navratilovas mougo. es iyo meoTxedfinaluri Sexvedra. pirveli seti leilam advilad moigo 6:2, meore sets navratilova igebs, angariSiT 6:4 da ai, roca mesame setSi angariSi 5:4 iyo mesxis sasargeblod, wvimis gamo TamaSi Sewyvites. Semdeg, TamaSis gagrZeleba da 20 wuTiani bolo geimis gaTamaSeba da sanatreli mogeba 6:4. sul Tavisi saCogburTo karieris ganmavlobaSi leila mesxma moigo 5 tituli erTeulTa TanrigSi (1987_tarzana-aSS, 1989_neSvili-aSS, 1990_oklendi-axali zelandia, moskovi, 1991_velingtoni), 7 wyvilTa TanrigSi (1986_betxesda-germania-n. zverevasTan, 1987_taranto-aSS n.zverevasTan, 1990_oklendi n. medvedevasTan, velingtoni medvedevasTan, 1993_amelia-island-aSS m. maleevasTan, linci e. maniukovasTan, 1994_linci e. maniukovasTan), 4-jer iyo erTeulTa Tanrigis finalSi (1989_oklaxoma aSS, 1990_velingtoni, 1991_xolton-xedi, baioni) da 8-jer wyvilTa Tanrigis finalSi. 1992 wels olimpiur TamaSebze barselonaSi n.zverevasTan erTad l. mesxi brinjaos priziori gaxda. 1989 wels leila _ sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionia erTeulTa TanrigSi. saqarTvelos damoukideblobis aRdgenis Semdeg, leila mesxi warmatebiT gamodioda saqarTvelos saxeliT msoflio gundur pirvelobaze (Fed Cup). aq unda aRvniSnoT, rom leila federacias problemebs ar uqmnida da saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi upirobod monawileobda SejibrebebSi. axla Znelia naklebad titulovani sportsmenebis gamarTleba, romlebic sxvadasxva mizezebis gamo saqarTvelos nakrebSi monawileobaze uars acxadeben. CogburTelTa 80-90-iani wlebis axalgazrda Taobas, samwuxarod, ar unaxavs am gamoCenili CogburTelis TamaSi. magram maT unda icodnen, Tu ras warmoadgenda kortze leila mesxi. leila kontrSeteviT moTamaSeebis ricxvs miekuTvneboda. misi TamaSi Zlier TamaSs ukana xazidan efuZneboda. situaciidan gamomdinare is dauyovnebliv gadioda badesTan. fexebis muSaoba da misi fizikuri momzadeba umaRles standartebs Seesabameboda, xolo araCveulebrivi nebisyofa da moraluri simtkice mas rTuli viTarebidan gamosvlaSi exmareboda. unda aRvniSnoT, rom leila mTeli Tavisi sportuli karieris manZilze Zalian seriozulad muSaobda teqnikuri aRWurvilobis srulyofaze. miuxedavad imisa, rom leila mesxi ar gamoirCeoda gansakuTrebuli fizikuri monacemebiT, man SeZlo msoflio donis CogburTeli gamxdariyo. da es, upirveles yovlisa, TviT leila mesxis gansakuTrebuli talantisa da misi mwvrTnelebis _ guram ToxaZis, Teimuraz kakulias, olga morozavas, sergei andreevis da niko elerdaSvilis damsaxurebaa. 110 rena abJandaZe (24,06.1940-10.07.1995).. rena abJandaZem SeZlo Soreul 50-60 wlebSi Tavis kolegebTan irina ermolovasTan, ala ivanovasTan da nino TuxarelTan erTad qarTuli qalTa CogburTi Tvisobrivad axal doneze aeyvana, miaRwia warmatebebs sxvadasxva sakavSiro da saerTaSoriso SejibrebebSi. me Sevecade Tvali gadamevlo am niWieri sportsmenis da pedagogis mier ganvlil gzisTvis da erTxel kidev Semexsenebina mkiTxvelisaTvis qarTuli CogburTis SesaniSnavi tradiciebi saqarTvelos sportul cxovrebaSi 1949 wels mniSvnelovani movlena moxda, romelmac SemdgomSi axali etapi qarTuli CogburTis ganviTarebaSi gansazRvra. im wels ganaxlebul ~dinamos~ CogburTis stadionze, saqarTveloSi pirvelad Catarda sabWoTa kavSiris pirveloba. ufrosi Taobis warmomadgenlebs kargad axsovT Tu rogor mougo Cvenma Tanamemamulem, dauviwyarma eduard negrebeckim (1908-1985), axalgazrda nikolai ozerovs (1922-1997). ~dinamos~ CogburTis stadionis gaxsnamde Tbilisis da saerTod saqarTvelos CogburTis centrebi iyo plexanovis prospeqtis 117-is kortebi da marjaniSvilis quCaze mdebare moednebi. marTalia, ~dinamos~ CogburTsac hqonda garkveuli tradiciebi. jer kidev 30-an wlebSi CitaZis quCaze mdebare kortebze CogburTis seqcia funqcionirebda. magram mxolod maSin, rodesac Cadga mwyobrSi CogburTis stadioni, romelzec 9 korti iyo, ~dinamos~ CogburTs meore sunTqva gaexsna. gamoCenili pedagogebis aram xangulianis (1901-1974) da evgenia vermiSevas (1901-1988) xelmZRvanelobiT ~dinamos~ kortebze muSaoba gaCaRda. piradad me CogburTis TamaSi 1951 wels daviwye da maSinve gamikvirda, rom CemTan erTad, rogorc Cemi Tanatolebi, ise gamocdili CogburTelebi varjiSobdnen. da erT mSvenier dRes (es iyo 1954 weli) dinamos kortebze maRali, tanadi gogona gamoCnda, romelmac wamsve miiqcia Cveni yuradReba. es iyo rena abJandaZe. gamocdilma mwvrTnelma da pedagogma a. xangulianma CogburTis niWi SeamCnia da arc Semcdara. renas mTelma sportulma cxovrebam Cems Tvalwin gaiara. misi niWis gaxsnaSi Zalian didi wvlili miuZRvis Cem kolegebs: klavdia minaevas, Zmebs leonard da nugzar mZinariSvilebs, Zmebs petre da aleqsandre metrevelebs, grant musaelians, givi axalaZes, givi CaxunaSvils, Tengiz kereseliZes, givi lukaSvils da bevr sxvas. ukve 1955 wels sabWoTa kavSiris pirvelobaze gogonaTa Soris r. abJandaZe 8 uZlieresis Soris imkvidrebs adgils. momdevno wels, saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi is warmatebiT TamaSobs sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze, Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi, zamTris da zafxulis Cempionatebze sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni xdeba iuniorTa Soris. miuxedavad rTuli sawvrTneli pirobebisa (maSin TbilisSi daxuruli kortebi ar arsebobda) renas ostatoba swrafad izrdeboda. ukve 1958 wels sabWoTa kavSiris moswavleTa spartakiadaze is 111 mxolod finalSi agebs SesaniSnav ana dimitrievasTan. male r. abJandaZes sportis ostatis wodebas aniWeben da 1961-1968 wlebSi praqtikulad Seucvlelad Sedis sabWoTa kavSiris 10 uZlieres CogburTelis SemadgenlobaSi. rena abJandaZis mTavari sportuli warmatebebi 60-an wlebze modis. is ramdenimejer xdeba saqarTvelos Cempioni, 1966 wels TamaSobs sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis finalSi, 1967 wels imarjvebs sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres CogburTelTa turnirSi, warmatebiT monawileobs saerTaSoriso turnirebSi ungreTSi, indoeTSi, moskovsa da TbilisSi. sportuli karieris damTavrebis Semdeg rena abJandaZe mwvrTnelad muSaobas iwyebs. wlebis manZilze man bevri CogburTeli aRzarda, romlebic saqarTvelos CogburTis saukeTeso tradiciebs agrZeleben. maT Soris saukeTesoni arian viqtor xurda, eka bokuCava, irina geraZe, daviT gogilaSvili da, ra Tqma unda, irakli labaZe, romelic gavida saerTaSoriso farTo asparezze. ori Svilis deda, rena abJandaZe yovelTvis aswrebda Tavisi rTuli ojaxuri valdebulebebis Sesrulebas da arasodes iviwyebda Tavis megobrebs, romlebTanac erTad rTuli cxovrebis gza gaiara. ukanasknelad, renas misi gardacvalebis wina dRes Sexvdi. man kargad icoda Tavisi mdgomareoba, magram Zala gamonaxa, rom CemTan erTad axaldamTavrebuli uimbldonis turniris Sedegebze da misi sayvareli mowafis _ irakli labaZis perspeqtivebze emsjela. CogburTelTa 80-90-iani wlebis axalgazrda Taobas, samwuxarod ar unaxavs am gamoCenili CogburTelis TamaSi. magram man unda icodes, Tu ras warmoadgenda kortebze rena abJandaZe. rena kontrSeteviT moTamaSeebis ricxvs miekuTvneboda. misi TamaSi ukana xazze Zlieri TamaSiT iyo bazirebuli. situaciidan gamomdinare, is dauyovnebliv gadioda badesTan. fexebis muSaoba da misi fizikuri momzadeba umaRles standartebs Seesabameboda, xolo araCveulebrivi nebisyofa da moraluri simtkice mas rTuli situaciebidan gamosvlaSi exmareboda. Cven yovelTvis unda gvaxsovdes rena abJandaZe _ misi TamaSi, pedagogiuri niWi da misi yvelaze mTavari Rirseba _ im xalxisa Tanadgoma, romelic rTul cxovrebiseul situaciebSi daxmarebas da mxardaWeras saWiroebda vin vin aris qarTul CogburTSi abaSkini viqtor (1950) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 60-70-ian wlebSi. 1967 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadis monawile. muSaaobs mwvrTnelad doneckSi. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. abaSkini petre (1948) 60-70-ian wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. Semtevi, Zalismieri stilis moTamaSe. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. profesiiT inJiner_mSenebeli. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. abJandaZe rena (1940-1995) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 50-60-ian wlebSi. 1961-1968 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi Sedioda. 1966 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatis finalistia. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. warmatebiT gamodioda saerTaSoriso SejibrebebSi. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. aRzarda bevri niWieri CagburTeli: viqtor xurda, eka bokuCava, irine geraZe, irakli labaZe. ukana xazis moTamaSe. gamoirCeoda kargi fizikuri momz-adebiT. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. andriaZe mirian (1950) 90-ian wlebSi klub “dinamo”-s prezidenti. antoniani inga (1967) 80-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1980 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuni112 orTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. ukana xazis moTamaSe. daamTavra Tbilisis samedicino instituti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad israelSi. mwvrTneli _ r. abJandaZe. anTaZe Tamaz (1936) gamoCenili qarTveli xelburTeli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. Ddidi Rvawli miuZRvis Televis kortebis mSeneblobaSi. aivazovi rem (1932) 1948 sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi iuniorebSi da 1952 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni wyvilebSi g.CaxunaSvilTan erTad. asaTiani vladimer (1948) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 60-ian wlebSi. sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis wevri WabukTa Soris. nayofierad muSaobs mwvrTnelad baTumSi. mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. axalaZe anatoli (1972) 90-ian wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1994 wels saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri devisis Tasis gaTamaSebaSi(1994-1995-6-3). muSaobs mwvrTnelad egvi pteSi. mwvrTneli _ g. axalaZe. axalaZe givi (1941) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 60-70-ian wlebSi. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi v. gogliZesTan erTad. sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadebis monawile. brwyinvale taqtikosi da strategi. germanuli filologiis specialisti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. mwvrTneli _ m. qobalia. airapetova lili (1 929_1 995) (1929_1 929_1995) 40-50-ian wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. iyo saqarTvelos Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. baqraZe aleqsi (1943) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 60-ani wlebis dasawyisSi. aTleturi da Semtevi CogburTis mimdevari. inglisuri filologiis specialisti. muSaobs egvi pteSi saqarTvelos sakonsuloSi. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. baqraZe mzia (1930) 40-50 wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorebSi Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi v. uraevskisTan erTad. franguli filologiis specialisti. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. baqraZe-krupenikova tatiana (1920) 30-50-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. aleqsi baqraZis deda. profesiiT filologi. mwvrTneli _ i. homeri. baqSi viqtor (1955) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 70-80-ian wlebSi. 1983 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadis monawile. muSaobs mwvrTnelad ~dinamos~ klubSi. mwvrTneli - T. Cimerina. barnabiSvili nodar (1940-1988) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 50-60-ian wlebSi. 1957-1958 wlebis moswavleTa spartakiadebis priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. tragikulad daiRupa. mwvrTneli - a. elerdaSvili. baxtaZe viqtoria (1978) saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri “federaciis Tasis” gaTamaSebaSi (1994-1995-2-4). mwvrTneli-d.nozaZe. beriZe Tamar (1974) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli gogonaTa Soris. sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis wevri. muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~geimi-90~-Si. mwvrTneli _ g. axalaZe. buTxuzi mixeil (1964) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~geimi-90~-Si. mwvrTneli _ r. abJandaZe. bokuCava eka (1970) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 80-ian wlebSi. 1986 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. 1985 wlis axalgazrduli TamaSebis Cempioni saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1986 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadis monawile. kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti, inglisuri filologiis fakulteti. mwvrTneli - r. abJandaZe. gabriCiZe vladimer (1968) saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTeli 80-90-ian wlebSi. Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. sabWoTa kavSiris da saqarTvelos nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi warmatebiT TamaSobda ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi(1995-1999 - 21-9). kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. 113 mwvrTneli _ g. CaxunaSvili. gevorqiani roman (1960) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris iuniorTa nakrebis wevri. sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadis monawile saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. mwvrTneli - g. CaxunaSvili. gegelaSvili iuri (1917-1999) sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1956). mravli wlebis ganmavlobaSi iyo sabWoTa kavSiris da saqarTvelos wamyvani msaji. muSaobda docentis Tanamdebobaze saqarTvelos politeqnikur institutSi. teqnikur mecnierebaTa kandidati. gegeWkori aleqsandre (1956) 2007 wlis uZlieresi CogburTeli veteranTa Soris. mwvrTneli T.Cimerina gelaSvili levan (1 977) (1977) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. ssr kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. 1994 wlis “devisis Tasis” gaTamaSebis monawile . geraZe irina (1969) 1985 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris axalgazrduli TamaSebis Cempioni saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. axalgazrduli TamaSebis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi l. mesxTan erTad. 1986 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris spartakiadis brinjaos priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. gigineiSvili levan (1 972) (1972) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. mwvrTneli _ r. abJandaZe. gogliZe viqtor (1964) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. daamTavra saqarTvelos fizkulturis da zooveterinariis institutebi. muSaobs mwvrTnelad sacxenosno sportSi. mwvrTneli _ r. abJandaZe. gogliZe vladimer (1940) 50-70 wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi g. axalaZesTan erTad. 1957 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamo~-s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatebis priziori WabukTa Soris. klasikuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1984). 80-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mwvrTneli. 1991_1996 wlebSi saqarTvelos pirveli damoukidebeli CogburTis federaciis vice_prezidenti. daamTavra Tbilisis universitetis meqanika-maTematikis fakulteti. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. gogilaSvili ivane (1941) sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1969). muSaobs mwvrTnelad “dinamos” klubSi. gogilaSvili daviT (1976 - 2005) 90-ani wlebis dasawyisis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1994 wlis saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi. mwvrTneli _ r. abJandaZe. gogolauri Tamar (1908-1990) 20-ani da 30-ani wlebis uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1931_1932 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieresi aTeulis moTamaSe. saqarTvelos da somxeTis mravalgzis Cempioni. mwvrTneli _ i.homeri. goSaZe marina(1962) 70-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris guliaSvili daviT (1911-1943) 30-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. kombinaciuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. 1937 wels varjiSobda gamoCenili frangi CogburTelis anri koSes skolaSi. daiRupa me-2 msoflio omSi. mwvrTneli - i. homeri. gunCini valeri (1952-1985) 70-ian wlebSi erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli saqarTveloSi. muSaobda mwvrTnelad olimpiuri rezervis skolaSi. dalevski aleqsandre (1931) 1947 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi r. fancxavasTan erTad. didiZe vaxtang (1912-1991) gamoCenili mwvrTneli da sportuli moRvawe. saqarTvelodan pirveli sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1938). vano elerdaSvilis, givi kokaias, viqtor uraevskis pirveli mwvrTneli. mravali wlebis ganmavlomaSi sportuli sazogadoeba ~dinamo~ _s Tavmjdomaris pirveli moadgile. deviZe salome (1986) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~Fed Cup~-is gaTamaSebaSi. cxovrobs da varjiSobs aSS-i. pirveli mwvrTneli _ a. yarangoziSvili. 114 egnataSvili giorgi (1946-2001) 1970 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi T. kakuliasTan erTad. respublikuri kategoriis msaji. kargad TamaSobda haeridan. mwvrTneli - m. kldiaSvili. elerdaSvili arCil (1920-1987) 40-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. daamTavra leningradis lesgaftis saxelobis fizkulturis instituti. mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda Tbilisis fizkulturis institutSi. institutis kedlebSi aRizardnen iseTi cnobili mwvrTnelebi, rogorebic arian: marlen qobalia, oTar WarxalaSvili, guram ToxaZe, rena abJandaZe, marina, gia, niko, gela elerdaSvilebi, suliko Tuxareli, givi axalaZe, Tengiz yarsimaSvili, debi marina da irina malaciZeebi da bevri sxva. elerdaSvili gela (1965) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli. 1986 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis monawile saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. daamTavra Tbilisis fizkulturis instituti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad l. mesxis akademiaSi. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis msajTa kolegiis Tavmjdomare. mwvrTneli _ a. elerdaSvili. elerdaSvili gia (1958) vano elerdaSvilis Svili. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni, sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris, sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli, sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi warmatebiT gamodioda saerTaSoriso SejibrebebSi. bolomde ver gamoavlina Tavisi bunebrivi niWi. mwvrTneli - v. elerdaSvili. elerdaSvili giorgi (1923-1993) wlebis ganmavlobaSi nayofierad muSaobda mwvrTnelad soxumSi. tragikulad daiRupa dabombvis dros. elerdaSvili ivane (1922) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 40_50-ian wlebSi. 1938 wels saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi moi pova sabWoTa kavSiris Tasi WabukTa Soris. 1946_1947 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris aTeulis moTamaSea. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi (viqtor uraevski, givi kokaia, grigol RaribaSvili, oleg TinikaSvili) sakavSiro Tasis ~vercxlis~ prizioria. 1956 wels warmatebiT monawileobs sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. didiZe. sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1959). elerdaSvili marina (1955) vano elerdaSvilis qaliSvili. 70-80-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. klasikuri saCogburTo skolis Rirseuli warmomadgeneli. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. mwvrTneli _ v. elerdaSvili. elerdaSvili niko (1959) arCil elerdaSvilis Svili. erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli 70_80-an wlebSi. daamTavra Tbilisis fizkulturis instituti. muSaobda mwvrTnelad TelavSi. mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi saqarTvelos nakrebis mTavari mwvrTneli. 1992 wlidan l. mesxis piradi mwvrTneli. 1995-1996 wlebSi da 2001 wels gundis kapitani ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis mwvrTnelTa sabWos Tavmjdomare. mwvrTneli _ a.elerdaSvili. elCaninova tatiana (1940) 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. enuqiZe oTar (1983) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi. ermolova irina (1938) 50-60-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi a. dmitrievasTan erTad, universiadis Cempioni, mravali saerTaSoriso turniris gamarjvebuli da priziori. ira ermolova pirveli qarTveli CogburTeli qalia, romelmac inglisis balaxis kortebze iaspareza. nayofierad muSaobs mwvrTnelad. mwvrTneli _ v. serebrenikovi. esebua nino (1984) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. 2000 wlis aRmosavleT evropis qveynebis Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~Fed Cup~”is gaTamaSebaSi. mwvrTneli _ d. islamovi. vermiSeva evgenia (1901-1988) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali 20_30-ian wlebSi. GgamoCenili mwvrTnelis a. xangulianis coli. mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi nayofierad muSaobda mwvrTnelad ~dinamo~_s sportul sazogadoebaSi. 115 verulava aleqsi (1936-2000) erT-erTi yvelaze kolorituli figura qarTul CogburTSi. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. 1954 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. gamoirCeoda gansakuTrebuli medgrobiT da gamarjvebisadmi ltolviT. bevri gaakeTa T. kakulias ostatobis ComoyalibebaSi. wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda mwvrTnelad. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. mwvrTneli _ v. serebrenikovi. verulava evgenia (1938) sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gogonaTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi i.ermolovasTan erTad (1955). sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi (1955). zaqsi lika (1 916) (1916) 30-40-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. 1947 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. profesiiT inJineri. zenaiSvili emzar (1944) 1996 wlidan saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis vice_prezidenti. zer ekiZe lali (1 959) zerekiZe (1959) 80-ani wlebis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. saqarTvelos qalTa nakrebis mwvrTneli, saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidiumis wevri, leila mesxis CogburTis akademiis vice_prezidenti. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. pirveli mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. TaqTaqiSvili irakli (1935) 1951 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi b. maruginTan erTad. fizika-maTematikis mecnierebaTa doqtori. mwvrTneli - a. xanguliani. 986) 966-1 TofCiSvili levan (1 966-1986) (1966-1 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. tragikulad daiRupa. mwvrTneli - s. Tuxareli. TinikaSvili oleg (1928) 50-iani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli. 1952 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis ~vercxlis~ priziori. profesiiT Jurnalisti. ToxaZe guram (1934) saqarTvelos mwvrTnelTa skolis SesaniSnavi warmomadgeneli. misi saukeTeso moswavleebi qarTuli CogburTis tradiciebis Rirseuli gamgrZeleblebi gaxdnen. esenia: d. kaWarava, m. CaxnaSvili, i. uSangiSvili, T. miqaZe. l. mesxis pirveli mwvrTneli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. ToxaZe ekaterine (1969) 1985 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1986 wlis xalxTa spartakiadis ~brinjaos~ priziori gundur CaTvlaSi. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. Tuxareli nino (1946) 60-80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. miuxedavad imisa, rom mas ar hqonda gansakuTrebuli fizikuri monacemebi, man SeZlo sabWoTa kavSiris pirveli aTeulis moTamaSe gamxdariyo. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. ninom sabWoTa kavSiris mraval wamyvan CogburTelebTan moi pova gamarjvebebi. misi TamaSi dafuZnebuli iyo burTis araCveulebriv grZnobaze da kortze swori poziciis SerCevaze. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. Tuxareli veriko (1972) 80-90-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. kombinaciuri CogburTis mimdevaria. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli Tuxareli oliko (1968) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. 1984 wlis moswavleTa spartakiadis priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. Tuxareli solomoni (1932-1986) erT-erTi wamyvani mwvrTneli saqarTveloSi. aRzarda bevri SesaniSnavi sportsmeni _ xaTuna kekelia, lali zerekiZe, debi marina da irina malaciZeebi, xaTuna trapaiZe, debi oliko da veriko Tuxarelebi, arCil kekelia, paata sexniaSvili, soso siamaSvili da bevri sxva. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. muSaobda ~dinamo~ _s sportul sazogadoebaSi. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. Txinvaleli vaxtang (1935) cnobili mwvrTneli. aRzarda bevri maRali klasis CogburTeli. wlebis ganmavlobaSi 116 muSaobada mSeneblobis dargSi. 80-iani wlebidan muSaobs mwvrTnelad. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti da fizikuri kulturis instituti. ianvaraSvili margo ((1929-1995) 50-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. 1956 wlis xalxTa spartakiadis saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri. muSaobda mwvrTnelad i. WavWavaZis saxelobis ucxo enaTa institutSi. ivanova ala (1946) swrafi, uaRresad teqnikuri CogburTeli. misi TamaSis Semtevi stili mamakacuri ieriT gamoirCeoda. aTi wlis ganmavlobaSi (1964-1973) Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi, 1973 wlis ssr kavSiris Cempionatis finalistia, saerTaSoriso turnirebis gamarjvebuli da priziori. muSaobs mwvrTnelad ~dinamo~-s klubSi. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. ivanov erast (1940) 1957-1958 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris pirvelobebis priziori iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. inglisuri filologiis specialisti. mwvrTneli _ m.kldiaSvili. islamov daviT (1963) erT-erTi wamyvani mwvrTneli saqarTveloSi. 80-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. amJamad mwvrTnelad muSaobs kvi prosze. mwvrTneli_m. kldiaSvili. kandelaki viqtor (1906-1988) 50-70-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidenti da vice-prezidenti. sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1954). kakulia vladimer (1984) 2002 wlis saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri “Davis Cup”-is gaTamaSebaSi. kakulia irina (1978) saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (1997 - 1-3). kakulia Teimuraz (1947-2006) Teimuraz kakulia - universaluri, klasikuri stilis moTamaSe. sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi, 1976 wlis evropis Cempioni. ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi ramdenime sensaciuri gamarjveba moi pova. sportis damsaxurebuli ostati, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. wlebis ganmavlobaSi l. mesxis piradi mwvrTneli. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. serebrenikovi. kapanaZe guram (1933-1998) 50-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1957 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. daamTavra Tbilisis samedicino instituti. medicinis mecnierebaTa kandidati. guram kapanaZe iyo erT_erTi pirvelTagani, romelmac Semoitana profesionalizmi CogburTSi. g. kapanaZe iyo mSvenieri mwerali da Cempioni WadrakSi CogburTelTa Soris. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. kaWarava daviT (1969) 80-90-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris aTeulis moTamaSe (19891990). sabWoTa kavSiris iuniorTa nakrebis wevri. saqarTvelos nakrebis mTavari mwvrTneli (1997-2000). “davisi Tasi” (11-4). mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. kiuregiani karen (1948) dinamoeli CogburTeli. somxeTis mravalgzis Cempioni. somxeTis damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli kekelia arCil (1957) 70-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. klasikuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. profesiiT mSenebeli. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. kekelia xaTuna (1955) 70-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. kombinaciuri CogburTis tipiuri warmomadgeneli. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad l.mesxis akademiaSi. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. kereseliZe dimitri (1936-1993) erT-erTi wamyvani msaji yofil sabWoTa kavSirSi. sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1967). wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda mwvrTnelad. kereseliZe Tengizi (1929) 50-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris iuniorTa pirvelobis priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. profesiiT filosofosi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. didiZe. kereseliZe merab (1939) sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris Tbilisis (1956 wels) da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ (1956) nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. teqnikur mecnierebaTa kandidati. mwvrTneli _ m.kldiaSvili. 117 kvaracxelia daviT (1969) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri 1986 wlis xalxTa spartakiadaze. ganaTleba amerikis SeerTebul StatebSi miiRo. cxovrobs aSS-i. kldiaSvili konstantine (1936-1980) cnobili mwvrTnelebis v. serebrenikovis da m. kldiaSvilis Svili. 1953 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris a. verulavasTan erTad. muSaobda sportkomitetSi mTavar mwvrTnelad CogburTSi, ragbSi da badmintonSi. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. kldiaSvili mariam (1914-1995) saqarTvelos da sabWoTa kavSiris (1971) damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. wlebis ganmavlobaSi saqarTvelos nakrebis mTavari mwvrTneli kobaiZe aleqsandre (1940) 70-80-ian wlebSi Telavis raikomis pirveli mdivani. 80-ian wlebSi a. kobaiZis TaosnobiT TelavSi CogburTis kortebi aSenda. kokaia givi (1929) 1946-1947 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. 1952 wels saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis ~vercxlis~ priziori. 1956 wels warmatebiT iTamaSa kapitnis rolSi sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. teqnikur mecnierebaTa doqtori, profesori, sainJinro akademiis wevri, saxelmwifo premiis laureati. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. didiZe. kokaia lamara (1 933) (1933) givi kokaias da. sabWoTa kavSiris mravalgzis Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi g. CaxunaSvilTan erTad (1948, 1949, 1950). profesiiT qimikosi. cxovrobs moskovSi. 940) koCubei leonid (1 (1940) 50-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. 1958 wlis moswavleTa spartakiadis ~vercxlis~ priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. daamTavra saqarTvelos politeqnikuri instituti. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. krupenikovi boris (1918) mSvenieri stilis moTamaSe. 1945 wels Sevida sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieres aTeulSi. Semdgom wlebSi igi CogburTs nakleb dros uTmobda da ver SesZlo Tavisi didi potencialis bolomde gamomJRavneba. cxovrobs moskovSi. mwvrTneli – i. homeri. kupreiSvili giorgi (1971) 80-ian wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. mwvrTneli _ T. kakulia. muSaobs mwvrTnelad egvi pteSi. labaZe irakli (1981) saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1997 wlis evropis Cempioni iuniorTa Soris, 1998 wlis uimbldonis turniris finalisti iuniorTa Soris. pirveli mwvrTneli _r. abJandaZe. lobJaniZe Tengizi (1936) mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi l. mesxis akademiis kortebis direqtori. kargi specialisti kortebis mSeneblobis dargSi. luarsabiSvili nino (1977) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. 1993 wlis msoflio Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. 90-an wlebSi msoflio reitingis me_2 aseulSi Sedioda. amJamad cxovrobs aSS-i. pirveli mwvrTneli _ g. RaribaSvili. lukaSvili givi (1938) 1954 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi l. mZinariSvilTan da i.ermolovasTan erTad. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris spartakiadis monawile. Zlieri nebisyofis moTamaSe. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. cxovrobs aSSi. malaianc artem (1946) sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1980). saqarTvelos msajTa kolegiis wevri. malaciZe irina (1965) 80-iani wlebis erT-erT uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi (1980). sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gogonaTa Soris (1983). warmatebiT TamaSobda saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi xalxTa spartakiadebze (1983, 1986). kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. muSaobs mwvrTnelad ~dinamo~_s klubSi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. malaciZe marina (1963) irina malaciZis da. 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. sabWoTa kavSiris 118 Cempioni saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi (1980). xalxTa spartakiadis monawile (1983). muSaobs mwvrTnelad l. mesxis akademiaSi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. managaZe sofia (1978) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~Fed Cup~-is gaTamaSebaSi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. baqSi. margalitaZe vladimer (1976) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1995_1998 wlebis saqarTvelos Cempioni. saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi(9-7). mwvrTneli _ T. kakulia. marugin boris (1935) sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi iuniorTa Soris (1951). sabWoTa kavSiris pirvelobis priziori iuniorTa Soris (1951, 1953). mwvrTneli _ a .xanguliani. mgalobliSvili lamara (1 947) (1947) 60-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. muSaobs mwvrTnelad quveiTSi. mwvrTneli _ m. qobalia. mdivani arCil (1911-1937) 30-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli sabWoTa kavSirSi. e. negrebeckisTan erTad 1934-1936 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi. 1931-1935 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieresi aTeulis moTamaSe. Semtevi stilis moTamaSe. cnobili bolSevikis budu mdivanis Svili. 1937 wels represirebulia. pirveli mwvrTneli _ i. homeri. megeneiSvili cezar (1937) quTaiseli CogburTeli. 1953 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. muSaobs mwvrTnelad quTaisSi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ i. homeri meliqiSvili sofia (1987) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. warmatebiT gamodis saerTaSoriso sxvadasxva SejibrebebSi. kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. pirveli mwvrTneli – m. malaciZe. merekiul esper (1907-1966) 20-30 wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. respublikuri kategoriis msaji. 968) mesxi leila (1 (1968) uZlieresi CogburTeli qali qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi. msoflios me-12 moTamaSe (05-11/ 08/1991). moigo 4 turniri erTeulTa TanrigSi da 7 turniri wyvilebSi. 1992 wlis olimpiuri TamaSebis priziori wyvilTa TanrigSi (n. zverevasTan). 1989 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni. kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. mwvrTnelebi – g. ToxaZe, T. kakulia, s. andreevi, n. elerdaSvili. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidenti. 1995 wlidan CogburTis akademiis prezidenti. metreveli aleqsandre (1944) uZlieresi CogburTeli qarTuli CogburTis istoriaSi. 1973 wlis uimbldonis turniris finalisti. man 105 matCi Caatara devisis Tasze, aqedan 80-Si gaimarjva. 12-jer iyo sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. klasikuri CogburTis warmomadgeneli. mwvrTneli a. xanguliani. metreveli aleqsandre – umcrosi (1976) a. metrevelis Svili. 80-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. metreveli irakli (1967) a. metrevelis Svili. 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1985 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1986 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis priziori. 80-ian wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis wevri. mwvrTneli m.qobalia metr eveli lali (1 965) metreveli (1965) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. mwvrTneli - r. abJandaZe. metreveli petre (1941) saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni da priziori wyvilTa TanrigSi g. musaelianTan erTad. ti piuri klasikuri CogburTis warmomadgeneli. aRWurvili iyo SesaniSnavi teqnikiT. bevri aqvs gakeTebuli Tavisi umcrosi Zmis a. metrevelis daostatebaSi. Ffizika _ maTematikis mecnierebaTa kandidati. mwvrTneli _ a.. xanguliani. meZmariaSvili nodari (1933) 70-80-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidenti. 80_ian wlebSi saqarTvelos mSeneblobis ministri. n. meZmariaSvilis TaosnobiT saqarTveloSi daxuruli kortebi aSenda.N minaeva klavdia (1919-1992) saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni sxvadasxva TanrigSi. wlebis ganmavlobaSi TamaSobda 119 frenburTs ~dinamo~-s SemadgenlobaSi. muSaobda mwvrTnelad da aRzarda araerTi kargi CogburTeli. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani musaeliani grant (1940-1996) 1957 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamo~_s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. sabWoTa kavSiris Cempionatebis priziori WabukTa Soris. saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi p. metrevelTan erTad. 1958_1959 wlebSi Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis SemadgenlobaSi. SemdgomSi mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda mwvrTnelad, iyo saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mwvrTneli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1984). trgikulad daiRupa. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. mirianaSvili giorgi (1967) 1985 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidiumis wevri. mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. mirianaSvili guram (1930-1999) saqarTvelos pirveli damoukidebeli CogburTis federaciis prezidenti (1991_1994). 90-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos mSeneblobis ministri. mZinar iSvili leonard (1 938) mZinariSvili (1938) 1960 wels pirvelad gaxda saqarTvelos Cempioni da es miRweva gaimeora 11 wlis Semdeg. 1954 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi, 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis ~dinamos~ nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi (g. lukaSvilTan erTad). sabWoTa kavSiris spartakiadebis monawile. fizika-maTematikis mecnierebaTa doqtori, saqarTvelos politeqnikuri universitetis maTematikis kaTedris gamge. mwvrTneli - a. xanguliani. mZinariSvili nugzar (1943) pirveli qarTveli CogburTeli, romelic warmatebiT TamaSobda inglisis balaxis kortebze (1961). Sedioda sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi da uZlieres aTeulis siaSi (1962-1964). 1959 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni WabukTa Soris, saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni. brwyinvaled moZraobda kortze, hqonda kargi dartyma marjvnidan da Semtev CogburTs qadagebda. 80-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mTavari mwvrTneli iyo. amJamad muSaobs mwvrTnelad latviaSi. mwvrTneli - a. xanguliani. mZinariSvili rusudan (1973) 70-iani wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli gogonaTa Soris. muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~geimi-90~_Si. mwvrTneli - g. musaeliani. nadibaiZe pavle (1963) l.mesxis CogburTis akademiis vice_prezidenti (1995–2007) negrebecki eduard (1908-1985) 20-50 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1932, 1947, 1949 da 1950 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni erTeulTa TanrigSi. 1928 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis ~vercxlis~ priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1955-1960 wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis mTavar mwvrTnelad muSaobda. pirveli mwvrTneli _ i. homeri. nozaZe daviT (1962) erT-erTi namyvani mwvrTneli. gazarda bevri kargi CogburTeli. muSaobs mwvrTnelad egvipteSi. oCiauri xaTuna (1962) 70-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris papunaSvili revaz (1954) 1991-1997 wlebSi saqarTvelos CogburTis federaCiis prezidiumis wevri kaxeTis regionidan. bevri gaakeTa TelavSi CogburTis ganviTarebaSi. peregudovi vladimer (1946) saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni, sabWoTa kavSiris Tasis mflobeli. moi pova sensaciuri gamarjveba moi pova 1975 wlis saqarTvelos spartakiadaze, roca SejibrebaSi monawileobdnen a.metreveli da T. kakulia. muSaobs mwvrTnelad quveiTSi. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. petrosiani karina (1962) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qali. 1980 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. mwvrTneli _g. RaribaSvili. podporini pavle (1918-1942) soxumeli CogburTeli. iuniorTa Soris sabWoTa kavSiris pirveli Cempioni saqarTvelodan (1936). daiRupa me-2 msoflio omSi. pugaeva margarita (1935) 1950, 1951 da 1953 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi. . 120 Jordania niaz (1943-1995) baTumeli CogburTeli. warmatebiT TamaSobda sportuli sazogodoeba ~burevestniki~_s nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. daamTavra saqarTvelos fizkulturis instituti. nayofierad muSaobda mwvrTnelad baTumSi. mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. Jukovski evgeni (1911-1998) sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1965). radkeviCi elene (1928) 1946 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. razmaZe levan (1 966) (1966) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis prezidiumis wevri. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. revaziSvili giorgi (1982) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1998 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi(1999-1-2). mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. r iazanova liudmila (1 943-2000) (1943-2000) 1962 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi gogonaTa Soris. mwvrTneli _ v. serebrenikovi. ruxaZe naTela (1948) 60-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~mziurSi~. mwvrTneli _ m. qobalia. sabaSvili gaioz (1941) mwvrTneli. muSaobs klub “CoganSi”. sabaSvili guguli (1938-1990) mwvrTneli. nayofierad muSaobda gldanis sportul internatSi. samxaraZe givi (1978) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. monawileobda ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi (1997-1998 - 1-5). mwvrTneli _ p. sexniaSvili. sanTelaZe giorgi (1968) mwvrTneli. muSaobs l. mesxis akademiaSi. saRaraZe mamuka (1963) 80-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. mwvrTneli _ m. kldiaSvili. saRaraZe nodar (1935-1995) 1955 wlis saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ssr kavSiris gundur pirvelobaze. gansakuTrebiT kargad TamaSobda wyvilSi. saRriSvili aza (1939) 1956 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis gundis SemadgenlobaSi. seniuki-maieri elene (1920) 30-50 wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos Cempionatebis mravalgzis priziori. mwvrTneli _ i. homeri. germanuli filologiis specialisti. cxovrobs germaniaSi. senCurovi boris (1946) 60-70 wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1966 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni ~dinamo~s nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. mwvrTneli - a. xanguliani. muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~dinamo~_Si. serebrenikov boris (1908-1965) 20-30 wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1931 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieresi aTeulis moTamaSe. 1928 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis ~vercxlis~ priziori. mwvrTneli _i. homeri. serebrenikov vladimeri (1912-1967) 30-40 wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. sabWoTa kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1971). pirveli mwvrTneli _ i. homeri. sexniaSvili paata (1962) 70-80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1982 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. siamaSvili ioseb (1976) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1994 wels saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi. Zalismieri stilis moTamaSe. pirveli mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. simoniani aleqsandre (1970) 80-90-iani wlebis erT_erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. mwvrTneli _ g. axalaZe. surmava badri (1943) 121 60-an wlebSi warmatebiT TamaSobda sportuli sazogadoeba ~burevestnikis~ nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. trapaiZe xaTuna (1967) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. 1985 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. klasikuri CogburTis warmomadgeneli. profesiiT eqimi. mwvrTneli _ s. Tuxareli. tamirova lika (1 972) (1972) 1989 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi gogonaTa Soris. amJamad muSaobs mwvrTnelad klub ~dinamo~-Si. uraevski dimitri (1943-1987) 50-ian wlebSi erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris saqarTveloSi. muSaobda mwvrTnelad olimpiuri rezervis skolaSi. uraevski viqtor (1930-1979) 50-ani wlebis saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1948 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. 50-ian wlebSi sabWoTa kavSiris uZlieresi aTeulis moTamaSe. swrafi da amtani, Tavis saukeTeso wlebSi igi lamaz da kombinaciur CogburTs TamaSobda. 1956 wels warmatebiT gamovida sabWoTa kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze. pirveli mwvrTneli _ v. didiZe. uSangiSvili irakli (1982) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi (1999-2005-29-15). kombinaciuri stilis moTamaSe. mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. fancxava revaz (1931-1995) 1947 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris, 1947 da 1948 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris wyvilTa TanrigSi. muSaobda wamyvan specialistad rusTavis metalurgiur qarxanaSi. qacarava zurab (1958) 80-ian wlebSi muSaobda sportkomitetSi mTavar mwvrTnelad CogburTSi. 1991 wlidan saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis generaluri mdivani. qobalia marlen (1927) erT-erTi wamyvani mwvrTneli. bevri saxelganTqmuli CogburTeli gazarda. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1965). muSaobs mwvrTnelad ganaTlebis saministros sistemaSi. mwvrTneli - a. xanguliani. RaribaSvili grigol (1933) sabWoTa kavSiris 1952 wlis Tasis gaTamaSebis ~vercxlis~ priziori, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. aRzarda bevri kargi sportsmeni. saukeTeso-nino luarsabiSvili, romelic 1993 wels msoflio Cempioni gaxda gogonaTa Soris. RonRaZe nukri (1946) wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda sportkomitetSi samedicino sammarTvelos ufrosad. saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis samedicino komisiis Tavmjdomare. yavlaSvili TinaTin (1987) 90-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli qali. 2000 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. 2001 wlis aRmosavleT evropis qveynebis Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. mwvrTneli _ m. malaciZe yarangoziSvili aleqsandre (1961) 70-ian wlebSi erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli iuniorTa Soris. muSaobs mwvrTnelad. s. deviZis pirveli mwvrTneli. yarsimaSvili Tengiz (1937) 50-ani wlebis erT-erTi wamyvani CogburTeli. muSaobs saqarTvelos fizkulturis institutSi sportuli TamaSebis kaTedraze. SalamberiZe dimitri (1934) sakavSiro kategoriis msaji. profesiiT istorikosi. mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi muSaobs skolis direqtorad. CargeiSvili giorgi (1939-1992) soxumeli CogburTeli. erT-erTi wamyvani iuniori 50-ian wlebSi. wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda ganaTlebis saministros sportul sammarTveloSi wamyvan specialistad. C aduneli mixeil (1980) 2000 wlis saqarTvelos Cempioni. 2001 wlis saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi. Caqseliani sozari (1939-1992) biWvinTaSi CogburTis kortebis ucvleli direqtori. tragikulad daiRupa. CaCua murman (1951-2009) sportuli Jurnalisti. pirveli saCogburTo gazeTis ~CogburTis~ damaarsebeli da gamomcemeli (1997). 122 CaxnaSvili margalita (1982) saqarTvelos erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. warmatebiT TamaSobs saerTaSoriso sxvadasxva profesionalur turnirebSi. iyo saqarTvelos nakrebis lideri ~Fed Cup~-is gaTamaSebaSi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ g. ToxaZe. CaxunaSvili givi (1933) 1948 sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi iuniorTa Soris. 1948, 1949 da 1950 wlebis sabWoTa kavSoris Cempioni Sereul wyvilTa TanrigSi iuniorTa Soris. muSaobda klub ~dinamo~_Si mTavar mwvrTnelad. v. gabriCiZis mwvrTneli. mwvrTneli _ a. xanguliani. Cimerina Tamar (1912-2002) 30-40-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. wlebis ganmavlobaSi muSaobda ganaTlebis saministoros sportul skolaSi. Coxeli mixeil (1981) 90-iani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. saqarTvelos nakrebis wevri ~devisis Tasis~ gaTamaSebaSi (1999-2000-2-5). mwvrTneli _ T. kakulia. WarxaliSvili oTar (1932-1984) SesaniSnavi sportsmeni da pedagogi. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. klasikuri CogburTis ti piuri warmomadgeneli. bevri gaakeTa mwvrTnelTa kadrebis momzadebaSi. xangulian aram (1901-1974) 20-30-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1928 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis ~vercxlis~ priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1932_1969 wlebSi klub ~dinamo~_s mTavari mwvrTneli. saqarTvelos da sabWoTa kavSiris damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli (1967). sakavSiro kategoriis msaji (1973), a. metrevelis mwvrTneli. xelaia nunu (1918) 1936 wlis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni gogonaTa Soris. xurda viqtor (1965) 80-ani wlebis erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 1978, 1982 da 1983 wlebis sabWoTa kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris. sabWoTa kavSiris nakrebis wevri. 1983 da 1986 wlebSi warmatebiT TamaSobda saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadebze. mwvrTneli - r. abJandeZe. muSaobs moskovSi. jafariZe aleqsandre (1959) 70-ian wlebSi erT-erTi uZlieresi iuniori ssr kavSirSi. profesiiT iuristi. pirveli mwvrTneli _ g. RaribaSvili jorbenaZe guram (1935-1997) klub “geimi-90”-is damaarsebeli da ucvleli prezidenti. homer ian (1898-1981) qarTuli saCogburTo skolis fuZemdebeli. 1918_1927 wlebis saqarTvelos Cempioni. 1928 wlis sakavSiro spartakiadis ~vercxlis~ priziori saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. e. negrebeckis, a. mdivnis, b. serebrenikovis, T. gogolauris, b. krupenikovis pirveli mwvrTneli. saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli. vin vin aris qarTul CogburTSi (XXI XXI saukune saukune) basilaSvili nikoloz (1992) saqarTvelos uZlieresi CogburTeli. saukeTeso reitingi - 21.12.09 - N558 burWulaZe konstantin (1983) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2000 - 2-2) gegeWkori aleqsandre (1956) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli veteran CogburTelTa Soris gorgoZe ekaterine (1991) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli. 2006 wels 1-li nomeri reitingSi 16 wlamde evropel CogburTelTa Soris. WTA TOUR - N623 (01.02.2011) deviZe salome (1996) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2000 - 2003 - 18-11) diasamiZe ednar (1961) aWaris CogburTis federaciis prezidenti enuqiZe oTar (1981) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2000 - 2001 - 2-4) esebua nino (1984) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2000 - 2001 - 5-0) iToniSvili nodar (1986) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2008 - 0-3) kalaSnikova oqsana (1990) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2007 - 2008 - 2-5). WTA TOUR N193 (01.02.2011) kvernaZe daviT (1986) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2003 - 2005 - 0-3) 123 kuxalaSvili lazar e (1 991) lazare (1991) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup”-is gaTamaSebaSi (2000-2-2).ATP TOUR -21.12.09-N1099 labaZe givi (1947) uZlieresi CogburTeli veteran da moyvarul CogburTelTa Soris (2008) labaZe irakli (1981) uZlieresi CogburTeli mamakacTa Soris XXI saukuneSi. saukeTeso Sedegi - 05.07.04 - NN45. saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2003 - 2008 - 23-7). meliqiSvili sofia (1987) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2004 - 4-1). WTA TOUR -01.12.08 - N921 metreveli sandro (1993) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli vaJTa Soris. miqaZe TaTia (1988) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2005 - 2006 - 2-5).. WTA TOUR- N291 (01.02.2011) murRulia omar (1982) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2003 - 0-2) osaZe revaz (1990) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2008 - 0-1) oqruaSvili magda (1990) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qalTa Soris. WTA TOUR - 21.12.09 - N1022 paiWaZe revaz (1992) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli vaJTa Soris. tatiSvili ana (1990) uZlieresi CogburTeli qalTa Soris (2010). WTA TOUR - N129 (01.02.2011) qvacabaia sofia (1988) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2007 - 2008 - 0-3). WTA TOUR N413 (01.02.2011) yavlaSvili TinaTin (1987) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2003 - 2005 - 8-9). WTA TOUR 19.05.08 - N479 SafaTava sofia (1989) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qalTa Soris. WTA TOUR - N278 (01.02.2011) SafaqiZe manana (1989) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli qalTa Soris. WTA TOUR - N591 (01.02.2011) CaCxunaSvili salome (1989) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2005 - 1-1) CaxnaSvili margalita (1982) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Fed Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (1998-2006 - 20-11). WTA TOUR - N239. saukeTeso Sedegi - 30.07.07 - N134 CixlaZe lado (1 985) (1985) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2004 - 2008 - 10-15). ATP TOUR 21.12.09 - N1006. saukeTeso Sedegi - 15.10.07 - N350 civaZe giorgi (1993) erT-erTi uZlieresi CogburTeli vaJTa Soris. 2010 wlis saqarTve;os Cempioni Wanturia giorgi (1989) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2007 - 0-2). saqarTvelos 2006 da 2007 wlis Cempioni. xrikaZe giorgi (1988) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri “Davis Cup” - is gaTamaSebaSi (2007 - 2008 - 0-3). saqarTvelos 2008 wlis Cempioni. jiqia ana (1991) saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis wevri.. WTA TOUR - N1149 (01.02.2011) 124 saqarTvelo ssr kavSiris xalxTa spartakiadaze 1928 weli – 1. moskovi, 2. saqarTvelo (mwvrTneli _ i.homeri) 1956 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. estoneTi, 4. leningradi, 5. saqarTvelo (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldaSvili, v.serebrenikovi) 1959 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. estoneTi, 4. saqarTvelo, 5. ruseTis federacia (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldiaSvili, v.serebrenikovi) 1963 weli _ 1. estoneTi, 2. moskovi, 3. ukraina, 4. ruseTis federacia, 5. saqarTvelo (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldiaSvili, v.serebrenikovi) 1967 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. saqarTvelo, 3. ukraina, 4. estoneTi, 5. Latvia (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldiaSvili, i.elerdaSvili, m.qobalia) 1975 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. estoneTi, 4. saqarTvelo, 5. ruseTis federacia (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldiaSvili, i.elerdaSvili) 1979 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. ruseTis federacia, 4. belorusia, 5.saqarTvelo (mwvrTnelebi _ a.metreveli, m.kldaSvili, o.WarxalaSvili) 1983 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. belorusia, 4. latvia, 5. ruseTis federacia, 6. saqarTvelo (mwvrTnelebi _ m.kldiaSvili, n.mZinariSvili) 1986 weli _ 1. moskovi, 2. ukraina, 3. saqarTvelo, 4. latvia, 5. belorusia (mwvrTnelebi _ v.gogliZe, T.leiusi, g.musaeliani) saqarTvelo ssr kavSiris Tasis gaTamaSebaSi (mamkacebi) 1952 1972 1975 1976 1978 1979 weli weli weli weli weli weli _ 1. moskovis nakrebi, 2. saqarTvelos nakrebi _ 1. Tbilisis “dinamo” , 2. wiTeli armiis sportuli klubi _ 1. saqarTvelos nakrebi, 2. moskovis nakrebi _ 1. saqarTvelos nakrebi, 2. moskovis nakrebi _ 1. saqarTvelos nakrebi, 2. belorusiis nakrebi _ 1. Tbilisis “dinamo”, 2. talinis “dinamo” C ogburTis terminebis inglisur-qarTuli leqsikoni 1923 wels Jurnal “SevardenSi” (N1) daibeWda statia saqarTveloSi CogburTis ganviTarebis Sesaxeb. statiis avtorma, albaT, pirvelad gaakeTa qarTuli saCogburTo terminologiis sistematizaciis mcdeloba. CamoTvli ramdenime saintereso termins : - out _ garna; - advantage _ jobi (meti); - backhand _ Sigmklavuri (dartyma marcxvnidan); - game _ Tali (TamaSi); - deuce _ tola (Tanabari); - volley _ narekni (TamaSi haeridan); - set _ gebi (seti, partia); - ocdaaTi _ samaTi; - varjiSi _ wurTi; - forehand _ ganmklavuri (dartyma marjvnidan); - serve _ wodi (Cawodeba). Dda a.S. 1992 wlamde msajoba saqarTveloSi xorcieldeboda rusul enaze. magram unda gvaxsovdes, rom saqarTvelos damsaxurebulma mwvrTnelma a.elerdaSvilma 60_ian wlebSi saqarTvelos fizikuri kulturis institutis naSromebSi Camoayaliba Tavisi xedva qarTuli saCogburTo terminologiis Sesaxeb da xSirad institutis kortebze msajoba mimdinareobda qarTul enaze. SemoTavazebuli saCogburTo terminologiis varianti ar warmoadgens srul CamonaTvals. magram, me mimaCnia, rom es leqsikoni uTuod daexmareba mwvrTnelebs da msajebs Tavis profesionalur moRvaweobaSi. 125 Sejibrebebi Competition player moTamaSe beginner damwyebi moTamaSe professional player (a pro) profesionali moTamaSe coach mwvrTneli tournament turniri satellite sateliti (yvelaze dabali donis turniri moTamaSeebisaTvis, romlebic axlaxan iwyeben profesionalur karieras) challenger Celenjeri (doniT Semdgomi turniri ufro didi saprizo fondiT) tournament director turniris direqtori superviser ATP turnirze umaRlesi warmomadgeneli exhibition match saCvenebeli TamaSi, romelSic moTamaSeebi Rebulo-ben winaswar Sepirebul gonorarebs ATP profesional CogburTelTa asociacia WTA qal CogburTelTa asociacia Grand Slam Grand Slam Australian Open avstraliis Ria Cempionati French Open safrangeTis Ria Cempionati Wimbledon uimbloni, inglisis Ria Cempionati US Open amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis (aSS)Ria Cempionati Davis Cup devisis Tasi home field sakuTari moedani ATP tour ATP turi to toss a coin monetis agdeba (matCis dawyebis win) defending champion titulis SarSandeli mflobeli to hold onto the title titulis SenarCuneba semi-finalist naxevarfinalisti quarterfinal meoTxedfinalisti runner-up, syn. finalist finalisti tennis venue turniris Catarebis adgili organizers organizatorebi spectators mayurebeli draw 1) turniris “bade” 2) kenWisyra draw tampering “badis” araobieqturi, tendenciuri Sedgena main draw ZiriTadi “bade” disqualification diskvalifikacia tough draw / easy draw rTuli “bade” / advili “bade” first-seed pirveli nomriT ganTesili moTamaSe second-seed meore nomriT ganTesili moTamaSe unseeded moTamaSe, romelic ar iyo ganTesili top seed pirveli ganTesili top ten pirveli aTeuli top player maRali reitingis mqone moTamaSe qualifier “kvalifikanti”(moTamaSe, romelmac gaiara SesarCevi TamaSebi) lucky loser “bednieri uiRblo” (moTamaSe, romelmac waago matCi SesarCevi Sejibrebis damamTavrebel stadiaze, magram Seyvanil iqna ZiriTad badeSi) to give a wild card “uaild kardis” micema (“SemTxveviTi” baraTi waredgineba moTamaSes organizatorebis Sexedulebebisamebr uSualod Sejibrebis win am turnirze misi Sede-ge-bis gaTva-lis-wi-ne-biT) to turn pro profesionalebSi gadasvla to spend 8 years on the circuit 8 wlis ganmavlobaSi TamaSi profesionalTa turnirebSi prize money saprizo Tanxa earnings gamomuSavebuli Tanxa to earn $600,000 in prize money aSS 600 000 dolaris saprizo Tanxis miReba commitment agreement moTamaSeebis kontraqti turnirze direct acceptance list moTamaSeTa sia, romlebic pirdapir monawileoben turnirze teqnika Techniques grip Coganis moWera Eastern grip aRmosavluri moWera-Widi 126 Western grip continental grip ball sense stance the ready position footwork front foot back foot knee bend to bend knees crossover step sidestep to keep the racket head firm to keep the wrist firm to keep your eye on the ball gausvlelad to take the ball early the followthrough the trajectory of the ball body body rotation spin Strokes passing shot disguised shot crowd pleaser topspin sidespin crosscourt shot down-the-line shot to hit a shot down the line lob to lob an opponent over short ball half-volley to half-volley volley net game to advance to the net low volley backhand volley forehand volley volleying position ground strokes bounce low bounce high bounce double-bounce slice forehand backhand double-handed backhand single-handed backhand left-hander (syn. lefty) right-hander (syn. righty) to hit a ball to hit a forehand into the net winner favorite shot dasavluri moWera-Widi kontinentaluri moWera-Widi burTis SegrZneba sawyisi mdgomareoba (zogadi termini) sawyisi mdgomareoba (burTis miRebis dros) fexebis muSaoba wina fexi ukana fexi moRunuli muxlebi muxlebis moRunva jvaredina nabiji (smeSis Sesrulebis dros) midgmuli nabiji Cognis Tavis magrad daWera majis xistad daWera burTis Tvalyuris devna misi mxedvelobis aridan burTze adre gasvla burTis gacileba (burTis Tanxleba CogniT) burTis traeqtoria korpusi – tani korpusis brunva brunva (burTis) dartymebi SemovlebiTi dartyma SeniRbuli dartyma-maluli efeqturi dartyma datrialebuli dartyma gverduli brunva krosi dartyma xazze xazze Sesrulebuli dartyma burTis maRla agdeba burTis TavszeviT gadagdeba mokle dartyma xavvolei dartyma xavvolei dartyma haeridan badesTan TamaSi badesTan gasvla dartyma haeridan dabal wertilSi dartyma haeridan marcxnidan dartyma haeridan marjvnidan haeridan dartymisTvis mosaxerxebeli pozicia asxletaze dartyma asxleta dabali asxleta maRali asxleta ormagi asxleta slaisi, moWrili dartyma forhendi, marjvnidan dartyma bekhendi, marcxnidan dartyma orxeliani bekhendi erTxeliani bekhendi cacia memarjvene burTis dartyma badeSi marjvnidan dartymis “gafuWeba” gamarjvebis, damamTavrebeli dartyma sagvirgvino, sayvareli dartyma 127 to hit a winner overhead leaping overhead drop shot anticipation to anticipate to return attacking return to return at the feet the returner / the receiver the Serve first serve second serve ace big server devastating serve huge serve, power serve serve-and-volley style flat serve slice serve topspin serve gamarjvebis, damamTavrebeli dartymis Sesruleba smeSi, TavszeviT dartyma, zemklavuri smeSi naxtomSi Semoklebuli dartyma mowinaaRmdegis moqmedebebis prognozireba mowinaaRmdegis moqmedebebis gamocnoba ( Cawodebis miReba SeteviTi miReba fexebSi miReba mimRebi moTamaSe Cawodeba pirveli Cawodeba meore Cawodeba eisi yembarisebuli Cawodebis mqone moTamaSe gamangreveli Cawodeba Zlieri Cawodeba TamaSis stili “Cawodeba badesTan gasvliT” brtyeli Cawodeba(rogorc wesi, pirveli Cawodeba) moWrili Cawodeba datrialebuli Cawodeba to vary the spin brunvis variireba netrusher Tavdadebuli badis moTamaSe to hold serve sakuTari Cawodebis “daWera” to break serve mowinaaRmdegis Cawodebis mogeba ATP tour service speed record ATP turSi Cawodebis siCqaris rekordi service-hold percentage sakuTari Cawodebis mogebis procenti situational serving Cawodeba situaciis mixedviT placement of serve Cawodebis mimarTuleba (adgiliT) break point breikpointi (angariSi, romliTac mimReb moTamaSes SeuZlia erTi dartymiT moigos mowinaaRmdegis Cawodeba) set point setboli (angariSi, romliTac erT-erT moTamaSes SeuZlia erTi dartymiT moigos mTeli seti) match point matCboli (angariSi, romliTac erT-erT moTamaSes SeuZlia erTi dartymiT moigos mTeli matCi) to save a match point matCbolis gadarCena to save a break point breikpointis gadarCena to lose serve sakuTari Cawodebis wageba to hit a deep serve Cawodeba siRrmiT, Cawodebis siRrmis dacva toss Cawodebisas burTis agdeba to put in a first service Cawodeba pirveli burTiT to get in a serve kvadratSi moxvedra double fault ormagi Secdoma to make a double fault ormagi Secdomis gakeTeba serving stance sawyisi mdgomareoba Cawodebis dros travmebi Injuries elbow idayvi ankle goji wrist mtevani shoulder mxari back zurgi spine xerxemali shoulder blade beWi thorax gulmkerdi hip TeZo abdomen muceli waist weli 128 arm leg knee foot toes muscle pectoral muscles abdominal muscles bone tennis elbow dislocation sunburn to be sick tonsillitis flu cough hemorrhage bleeding fever cold radiculitis rheumatism I am not well I caught cold nasal cold medicine pills pain killer fracture closed (open) fracture lumbago thigh injury keep joint injury meniscus injury shoulder joint injury back injury foot injury swelling cramps upset stomach inflammation to tear the muscle to tear the tendons Achilles tendon sprain strain pain (ache) fatigue treatment to relieve the pain massage masseur to ice the injured area pain killer liniment bandage to dress dressing compress ointment xeli fexi muxli terfi TiTebi kunTebi mkerdis kunTebi muclis presis kunTebi Zvali CogburTis idayvi amovardna mzis damwvroba avadmyofoba angina gri pi xvela sisxlis Caqceva sisxlis dena maRali temperatura gaciveba radikuliti revmatizmi Tavs cudad vgrZnob gavcivdi surdo wamali abebi tkivilgamayuCebeli motexiloba daxuruli (Ria) motexiloba welis tkivilebi TeZos travma muxlis saxsris travma meniskis travma mxris saxsris travma zurgis travma terfis travma Sesieba krunCxvebi kuWis aSliloba anTeba kunTis Cawyveta myesis Cawyveta aqilesis myesi saxsrebis gaWimva iogebis gaWimva tkivili daRliloba mkurnaloba gayuCeba, tkivilis moxsna masaJi masaJisti sxeulis tramvirebul adgilze yinulis dadeba gamayuCebeli saSualeba dazilva gadaxveva bintis dadeba bintis dadeba kompresi malamo 129 to withdraw from a match matCis gagrZelebaze uaris Tqma withdrawal uaris Tqma (matCis gagrZelebaze) to undergo an operation operaciis gadatana to get operated operaciis gakeTeba recovery gamojamrTeleba to recover gamojamrTeleba rehabilitation aRdgena, reabilitacia fitness fizikuri mzadyofna endurance gamZleoba pushups iatakidan aWimva stretching gaWimva to ask for a towel pirsawmendis moTxovna acclimatization aklimatizireba to acclimatize aklimatizireba msajoba Refereeing referee Sejibrebis mTavari arbitri umpire arbitri koSkurze linesman arbitri xazze service judge arbitri Cawodebis xazze net judge arbitri badesTan foot fault judge arbitri ukana xazze ball boy (ball girl) gogona an biWi, romlebic miawodeben burTebs to retrieve a ball burTis akrefa to ask the umpire to see the mark eTxovos arbitrs Sexedos burTis nakvalevs to call a ball out gamocxaddes burTi “gareT” shot going wide (syn. long) autSi mimavali burTi close call arbitris sakamaTo gadawyvetileba what’s the call? rogori iyo burTi? the ball was in burTi moedanze bad call arbitris araswori gadawyvetileba score angariSi scoreboard tablo changeover mxareebis gacvla fifteen love TxuTmetiT _ nuli fifteen all TxuTmetiT _ TxuTmeti fifteen thirty TxuTmetiT _ ocdaaTi thirty fifteen ocdaaTiT _ TxuTmeti forty fifteen ormociT – TxuTmeti fifteen forty TxuTmetiT _ ormoci thirty all ocdaaTiT _ ocdaaTi deuce Tanabari let ori burTi net bade double-bounce gviania (2 asxleta) Advantage Sampras metia (samprasis - Tu is miawvdis - an “naklebi” misi mowinaaRmdegis miwodebaze) Game, set and match Sampras samprasis geimi, seti da matCi Mrs Graff leads 5 games to 2 in the first set grafi winaa pirvel setSi angariSiT 5:2 Tie-break tai-breiki (buliti) Time dro First serve pirveli Cawodeba Second serve meore Cawodeba Foot fault gadabijeba (Cawodebis dros) Mrs Graff to serve awvdis grafi New balls axali burTebi Quiet, please! gTxovT, (daicaviT) siCume The match is suspended Sejibreba gadatanilia to fine a player moTamaSis dajarimeba unsportsmanship behavior arasportuli saqcieli 130 abusive on-court behavior warning point penalty immediate default miniWebiT) no show doubles single Mixed Tennis equipment tennis ball cannon ball machine / ball machine tennis cap ball basket racket shaft shoulder head frame strings to string a racket guts type of string stringing machine handle grip oversize longbody Tennis count surface clay grass cement asphalt concrete hard lawn slow court fast court baseline service line back court forecourt singles sideline left service court right service court tramlines (syn. alley) doubles sideline foot fault judge net center service line service line center mark net band center strap singles pole doubles pole Tennis idioms brilliant performance first career title kortze uxeSi moqceva gafrTxileba mowinaaRmdegisTvis qulis miniWeba saswrafo gaZeveba kortidan(mowinaaRmdegisTvis mogebis gamoucxadebloba wyvilTa TamaSi erTeulTa TamaSi miqsti (Sereul wyvilTa TamaSi) CogburTis inventari CogburTis burTi burTis gadasagdebi (amosagdebi) CogburTis qudi (kepi) burTebis kalaTa Cogani tari mxari TavTavi, saTave CarCo, rama, larebi Coganis daWimva naturaluri larebi larebis saxeoba larebis dasaWimi mowyobiloba saxeluri 1)Cognis moWera 2) saxeluris saxvevi “oversaizi”, Cogani, gazrdili zomis CarCoTi dagrZelebuli Cogani CogburTis korti zedapiri grunti balaxi cementi asfalti betoni xardi gazoni - balaxi neli korti swrafi korti ukana xazi miwodebis xazi kortis ukana nawili kortis wina nawili gverduli xazi erTeulTa TamaSisaTvis marcxena kvadrati marjvena kvadrati wyvilTa TamaSisaTvis derefani gverdiTi xazi wyvilTa TamaSisaTvis ukana xazis arbitri (msaji) bade Cawodebis centraluri xazi Cawodebis xazi centraluri aRmniSvneli badis zeda bolo badis damWeri erTeulTa TamaSisaTvis sveti (anZa) anZa wyvilTa TamaSebisaTvis CogburTis idiomebi brwyinvale gamosvla karieris ganmavlobaSi miRebuli pirveli tituli 131 first career title on clay clay-court specialist hard court specialist career highlights to defend a title to warm up he is at his best to be in good shape to be in bad shape mid-level player rankings to be ranked 1st. (2-d, 3-d, 4-th) rally long rally to regain the number one ranking teammate team spirit athleticism to beat a player to lose a match to win a match to put pressure on the adversary decisive shot competitiveness to be match-tough mental skills mental training concentration poor concentration all-round player fighting spirit weak point defensive play attacking play to miss a chance to win in three straight sets positional play combination counter-attack control the ball to win the deciding match karieris ganmavlobaSi miRebuli pirveli tituli gruntze gruntis kortebis specialisti xisti kortebis specialisti yvelaze TvalsaCino gamosvlebi, karieris brwyinvale saaTebi sakuTari titulis dacva moTelva is Tavis saukeTeso formaSia karg formaSi yofna cud formaSi yofna saSualo donis moTamaSe msoflio klasifikaciaSi adgili pirveli Cogani (meore, mesame, meoTxe) dartymebis gacvla xangrZlivi gaTamaSeba pirveli Coganis titulis dabruneba gundis amxanagi (Tanagundeli) gundis suli atletizmi moTamaSes ajobo matCis wageba matCis mogeba mowinaaRmdegeze zewola gadamwyveti dartyma Sejibrebis forma SejibrebebisTvis mzad yofna fsiqologiuri potenciali fsiqologiuri momzadeba yuradReba mcire yuradReba universaluri moTamaSe mebrZoli suli susti wertili TamaSis dacviTi stili TamaSis SeteviTi stili saSualebis gaSveba yvela sami setis zedized mogeba kombinaciuri TamaSi kombinacia kontrieriSi burTis kontrolireba gadamwyveti matCis (TamaSis) mogeba C o g b u r T i s T a m a S i s w e s e b i (RULES OF TENNIS) erTeulTa TamaSi (THE SINGLES GAME) 1. korti (THE COURT) korti unda iyos marTkuTxa 23,77 m. sigrZisa da 8,23 m. siganisa. igi Suaze gayofili unda iyos badiT, romelic damagrebulia 0,8 sm. maqsimaluri diametris trosze. trosis boloebi damagrebulia an gadaWimulia or boZze, romlebic, Tu oTxkuTxaa, unda iyos araumetes 15kv. smisa, da Tu mrgvalia, araumetes 1,5 sm. diametrisa. boZebis centrebi unda iyos dacilebuli kortisagan 0,914 m-iT orive mxares, xolo maTi simaRle unda iyos iseTi, rom trosis wveri kortis zedapiridan 1,07 m. simaRleze aRmoCndes. roca wyvilisaTvis da erTeulisaTvis gankuTvnil kortze erTeulebs TamaSoben, maSin bade 1,07 m. simaRleze unda dayendes ori sayrdeni joxis meSveobiT da maTi sifarTove ar unda iyos 7,5 kv. sm-ze an 7,5 sm. diametrze meti. sayrdeni joxebis centrebi unda iyos 0,914 sm-is daSorebiT erTeulis kortis xazidan. bade or boZs Soris mTel manZilze aris gadaWimuli, xolo badis ujredebi sakmaod patara unda iyos imisaTvis, rom SigniT ar gaZvres burTi. 132 badis simaRle centrSi unda iyos 0,914 m. am adgilas trosze gadaWimulia ara umetes 5 sm siganisa da mTlianad TeTri feris lenti, romelic kortis zedapirzea damagrebuli. trosis mTel gayolebaze masze Semoxveulia arSia, ara nakleb 5 sm. da araumetes 6,3 sm. siganisa da mTlianad TeTri ferisa. dauSvebelia iyos sareklamo niSani an warwera badeze, arSiaze da sayrden joxebze. korti SemosazRvrulia sabazo (ukana) xazebiT /base lines/ da gverdiTi xazebiT. kortis orive mxares badidan 6,4 m dacilebiT da badis paralelurad gavle-bulia xazebi, romlebic Suaze iyofian badisken aSvebuli vertikaluri xaziT. am xazebiT Semofarglulia are sadac unda moxvdes Cawodebuli burTi - ~Cawodebis moedani~ /service court/. sabazo xazebis centrSi vertikalurad kortis SigniT ixazeba 10 sm sigrZisa da 5 sm siganis ~centris niSani~ /centre mark/. kortis xazebi unda iyos ara nakleb 2,5 sm da araumetes 5 sm sifarTovisa, garda sabazo xazisa, romlis sifarTovec SeiZleba iyos 10 sm xazebi unda iyos TeTri ferisa. Tu kortis ukan dayenebulia, an dakidebulia reklamebi, an raime sxva sagnebi, isini ar unda Seicavdnen TeTr, yviTel an nebismier kaSkaSa fers. aseve dauSvebelia es ferebi Tu reklamebi ganlagebulia sabazo xazebis ukan mjdomi msajebi skamebze. SeniSvna: CogburTis saerTaSoriso Cempionatis (“devisis Tasi”) an ITF (CogburTis saerTaSoriso federacia) oficialuri Sejibrebebis dros sabazo xazebis ukan saTamaSo sivrce ar unda iyos 6,4 m.-ze naklebi, xolo gverdiTi xazebidan 3,66 m.-ze naklebi. 2. kortis mudmivi atributebi (PERMANENT FIXTURES) garda badisa, boZebisa, samagri joxebisa da sxva, korts aqvs ukana da gverdiTi zRudeebi, stendebi, kortis garSemo damagrebuli moZravi skamebi mayureblebisaTvis, sxvadasxva sagnebi kortis zeviT Tu garSemo. korts yavs mTavari msaji /the Umpire/, agreTve badis, gadabijebisa da xazebis makontrolebeli msajebi, burTebis mimwodebeli biWebi – yvela eseni maTTvis specialurad gankuTvnil adgilebze. 3. burTi (THE BALL) burTi unda iyos dafaruli TeTri an yviTeli feris erTgvarovani safariT. Tu igi aris gakerili,ar unda emCneodes nakerebi. burTis diametri unda iyos aranakleb 6,35 sm-isa da araumetes 6,67 sm.-isa,xolo wona ara nakleb 56,7 gramisa da ara umetes 58,5 gramisa. 254 sm. simaRlidan dagdebuli burTi betonis safarze dacemis Semdeg unda axtes 135 sm-ze met da 147 sm-ze nakleb simaRleze. 8,165 kg-is dawolisas pirdapiri deformacia unda iyos 0,56-0,74 sm-is farglebSi, xolo ukudeformacia 0,89-1,08 sm-is farglebSi. es ori deformacia unda iyos saSualo maCvenebeli burTis 3 damoukidebeli gazomvisa burTis 3 RerZze da TiToeuli cdis Soris gansxvaveba ar unda aRematebodes 0,08 sm-s.. 4. Cogani (THE RACKET) im CognebiT, romlebic ar akmayofileben Semdeg wesebs, moTamaSeebi Sejibrebaze ar daeSvebian; a) Cognis dasartyami zedapiri unda iyos brtyeli da unda Sedgebodes gadajvaredinebuli larebisagan romlebic dakavSirebulia CarCosTan (karkasTan) da rigrigobiTaa erTmaneTze gadatarebulebi qvemodan da zemodan, an dabmulia erTmaneTis gadakveTis adgilas. sazogadod larebis sixSire daaxloebiT erTnairi unda iyos Cognis mTel zedapirze. b) Cognis CarCo ar unda iyos sigrZeSi 81,28 sm-ze meti saxeluris CaTvliT da siganeSi 31,75 sm-ze meti, xolo simebis zedapiris sigrZe ar unda iyos 39,37 sm-ze da sigane 29,21 sm-ze meti. g) Cognis CarCo, saxelurisa da larebis CaTvliT. þþ (i) unda iyos Tavisufali yovelgvari damagrebuli sagnebisa da gamaZliereblebisagan, garda imaTi, romlebic gamoiyenebian specialurad Cognis an larebis male gacveTis da gafuWebis sawinaaRmdegod, vibraciis Sesamcireblad da simZimis gasanawileblad. yvela es danamati unda iyos zomierebis farglebSi sididiT da mdebareobiT am miznebisaTvis; (ii) unda iyos Tavisufali yovelgvari mowyobilobisagan, romliTac moTamaSes SeuZlia Secvalos Cognis forma. ITF-ma unda gadawyvitos akmayofilebs Tu ara Cogani an misi prototipi zemoT CamoTvlil normebs da dauSvas Tu ara Sejibrebaze. es normebi unda iyos saxelmZRvanelo, magram Tu gadawyveten cvlilebis Setanas an raime damatebas mxolod im SemTxvevaSi Tu miudgomlad iqneba gaTvaliswinebuli moTamaSeebis, inventaris mwarmoeblebis, erovnuli asociaciisa da cvlilebis Semtani jgufis interesebi. 5. Camwodebeli da mimRebi (SERVER AND RECIEVER) moTamaSeebi badis sapirispiro mxareebze unda idgnen. moTamaSes, romelic pirveli agzavnis burTs, hqvia Camwodebeli, mis mowinaaRmdeges ki mimRebi. SemTxveva 1: kargavs Tu ara qulas moTamaSe, Tu igi gadakveTs warmosaxviT xazs badis gayolebaze a) dartymamde b) dartymis Semdeg? pasuxi: igi arcerT SemTxvevaSi ar kargavs qulas, Tu ar iWreba mowinaaRmdegis kortis farglebSi (wesi 20 e). xolo Tu igi xels SeuSlis mowinaaRmdeges, ukanasknels SeuZlia mimarTos msajs 21 da 25 wesebis Sesabamisad. 133 SemTxveva 2: SeuZlia Tu ara Camwodebels moiTxovos, rom mimRebi dadges Tavisi kortis farglebSi? pasuxi: ara, es aucilebeli ar aris, mimRebs SeuZlia idges nebismier adgilas Tavis naxevarze. 6. mxareebisa da Cawodebis arCeva (CHOICE OF ENDS & SERVICE) kortis mxareebisa da Cawodebis an miRebis arCeva xdeba kenWisyriT. moTamaSes, romelic moigebs kenWisyras SeuZlia airCios an dauTmos arCevani Tavis oponents. a) Tu moTamaSe airCevs Cawodebas an miRebas, maSin misi mowinaaRmdege irCevs mxares. b) Tu igi irCevs mxares, maSin mis mowinaaRmdeges ufleba aqvs airCios iyos Camwodebeli an mimRebi. 7. Cawodeba (THE SERVICE) Cawodeba unda Sesruldes amgvarad: zustad Cawodebis win Camwodebeli unda idges sabazo xazis ukana sivrceze (anu badidan ufro moSorebiT, vidre sabazo xazia) da centraluri xazisa da gverdiTi xazis warmosaxviT gagrZelebebs Soris. Camwodebelma haerSi xeliT unda aagdos burTi nebismieri mi-marTulebiT da sanam igi miwaze daecema daartyas CogniT. Cawodeba damTavrebulad unda CaiTvalos Cognisa da burTis Sexebis momentSi. Tu moTamaSes marto cali xeliT SeuZlia moqmedeba, maSin mas ufleba aqvs burTi aagdos CogniT. SemTxveva 1: SeuZlia Tu ara Camwodebels erTeulebis dros dadges sabazo xazis monakveTSi erTeulebisa da wyvilebis gverdiT xazebs Soris? pasuxi: ara. SemTxveva 2: Tu moTamaSe Cawodebis dros agdebs or an met burTs erTis magivrad, CaeTvleba Tu ara mas es Cawodeba wagebad? pasuxi: ara. SeiZleba burTi gadaTamaSdes, Tu es SemTxveviT moxda magram Tu msaji moqmedebas ganzraxulad miiCnevs mas SeuZlia imoqmedos 21 wesis Sesabamisad. 8. gadabijeba (FOOT FAULT) Cawodebis dros Camwodebelma: a) ar unda Seicvalos pozicia siaruliT an sirbiliT. b) ar unda gadakveTos romelime fexiT sabazo xazi da centraluri da gverdiTi xazebis warmosaxviTi gagrZelebebi. SeniSvna: 8-e wesis Semdegi interpretacia daamtkica CogburTis saerTaSoriso federaciam 1958 w. 9 ivliss: a) moTamaSes ar CaeTvleba poziciis SecvlaSi (sirbiliT an siaruliT) terfebis mcire moZraoba, romelic ar cvlis moTamaSis pozicias. 9. rogor xdeba Cawodeba (DELIVERY OF SERVICE) a) Cawodebis dros Camwodebeli unda dgebodes Tavisi kortis rigrigobiT marjvena da marcxena naxevrebze da yovel geimSi Cawodeba iwyeba marjvena naxevridan. Tu Camwodebeli SecdomiT aurevs Cawodebebis Tanmimdevrobas da qula gaTamaSdeba, gaTamaSebis Sedegi ZalaSi rCeba, magram Secdoma unda gamoswordes aRmoCenisTanave. b) Cawodebuli burTi unda gadascdes bades da daeces Cawodebis moednis farglebSi, ro-melic diagonalurad sapirispiroa Cawodebis adgilisa. 10. Cawodebis wageba (SERVICE FAULT) Cawodeba wagebulia, Tu: a) Camwodebeli arRvevs 7, 8 an 9 wesebs; b) igi acdens burTs dartymis cdisas; g) burTi miwaze dacemamde Seexeba kortis romelime mudmiv atributs (garda badis arSiisa da lentisa). SemTxveva 1. Tu Camwodebeli burTis agdebis Semdeg gadawyvets rom aRar daartyas da amis magivrad kvlav daiWers mas, CaeTvleba Tu ara es Secdomad? pasuxi: ara. SemTxveva 2. Tu erTeulebi TamaSdeba wyvilebis kortze sayrdeni joxebiT da Cawodebis dros burTi xvdeba sayrden joxs da Semdeg vardeba Cawodebis moedanSi. CaiTvleba Tu ara es wagebad, Tu burTi gadaTamaSdeba? pasuxi: Cawodebis dros es CaiTvleba Secdomad, radgan wyvilebis kortis boZebi, sayrdeni joxebi da maT Soris badis monakveTi ganixileba erTeulebisaTvis, rogorc mudmivi atributebi (wesebi 2 da 10, da SeniSvna 24 wesisaTvis). 134 11 11.. meore Cawodeba (SECOND SERVICE) pirveli Cawodebis gafuWebis Semdeg Camwodebelma kvlav unda Caawodos kortis imave naxevridan, saidanac pirveli Caawoda, xolo Tu SecdomiT pirveli araswori naxevridan Ca-awoda, man, me-9 wesis Tanaxmad, meore mxolod da mxolod sapirispiro mxridan unda Caawodos. 12. rodis SeiZleba Cawodeba (WHEN TO SERVE) SemTxveva 1. moTamaSe awvdis araswori mxridan, agebs burTs da Semdeg Civis rom Secdoma imitom mouvida, rom araswori mxridan Caawoda. pasuxi: am SemTxvevaSi gafuWebuli burTi ar gadaTamaSdeba, xolo meore burTis Cawodeba unda moxdes swori naxevridan, angariSis Sesabamisad. SemTxveva 2. angariSia 15:15. Camwodebeli SecdomiT awvdis kortis marcxena mxridan, igebs qulas, Semdeg 30:15-ze awvdis marjvena mxridan, pirvel Cawodebas afuWebs da am dros gairkveva Secdoma. Seexeba Tu ara es wina qulas da romeli mxridan unda Caawodos meore burTi? pasuxi: wina qula ucvlelad rCeba. meore Cawodeba unda Sesruldes marcxena mxridan. angariSi 30-15 rCeba. pirveli Cawodeba gafuWebulad iTvleba. moTamaSes ar aqvs ufleba Caawodos manam, sanam mowinaaRmdege mzad ar iqneba misaRebad. Tu ki am SemTxvevaSi mainc moxda Cawodeba da mimRebi moTamaSe Seecdeba burTis aRebas, maSin misi marcxis SemTxvevaSi gadaTamaSeba ar moxdeba. Tuki mimRebi aCvenebs, rom ar aris mzad da pirveli burTi ukve Cawodebulia, maSin mas ar aqvs ufleba Cawodebis gafuWebis SemTxvevaSi moiTxovos rom Cawodeba gafuWebulad gamocxaddes. am SemTxvevaSi burTi gadaTamaSdeba. 13. gadaTamaSeba (THE LET) yvela SemTxvevaSi, roca gadaTamaSebas unda mimarTon an wesebis mixedviT, an maSin Tu TamaSs raime mizezma xeli SeuSala mas unda hqondes Semdegi interpretaciebi: a) roca gadaTamaSebas mimarTaven mxolod CawodebasTan mimarTebaSi marto erTi Cawodeba gadaTamaSdeba. b) roca mimarTaven nebismier sxva SemTxvevaSi, mTeli qula gadaTamaSdeba. SemTxveva 1. Cawodebas xeli SeuSala raime gare mizezma, romelic ar aris gaTvaliswinebuli 14-e wesiT. marto erTi Cawodeba gadaTamaSdeba, Tu mTeli qula? pasuxi: gadaTamaSdeba mTeli qula. SemTxveva 2. Tu burTi TamaSis dros gaskdeba, gafuWdeba, gadaTamaSdeba Tu ara qula? pasuxi: ki. 4. gadaTamaSeba Cawodebis dros (THE ‘LET’ IN SERVICE) Cawodeba gadaTamaSdeba: a) Tu Camowodebuli burTi Seexeba bades, arSias an lents da an Cawodebis moedanSi Cavardeba, anda miwaze dacemamde moxvdeba mimReb moTamaSes an nebismier rames rac ki mas uWiravs an acvia. b) Tu Cawodeba, miuxedavad imisa Cavardeba Tu ara igi moedanSi, Sesrulda maSin, roca mowinaaRmdege mzad ar iyo (ix. 12-e wesi) qulis gadaTamaSebis SemTxvevaSi, miuxedavad imisa romeli Cawodeba iyo, pir-veli Tu meore, moTamaSes ufleba eZleva xelaxlad daiwyos Cawodeba, magram Cawodebis gadaTamaSebis SemTxvevaSi wina Secdoma ar uqmdeba. 15. Cawodebis wesi (ORDER OF SERVICE) pirveli geimis dasrulebis Semdeg mimRebi xdeba Camwodebeli, Camwodebeli ki - mimRebi, da ase rigrigobiT mTeli matCis ganmavlobaSi. Tu SecdomiT Cawodeba-miRebis Tanmimdevroba dairRveva, TamaSi unda Sewydes da swori Tanmimdevroba aRdges Secdomis aRmoCenisTanave, magram am dros ZalaSi rCeba yvela qula, romelic manamde gaTamaSda. Tuki Secdomas ver aRmoaCenen, maSin TamaSi Cveulebriv gagrZeldeba swori Tanmimdevrobis dacviT ise, TiTqos Secdoma ar daSvebula. 16. rodis icvlian moTamaSeebi mxar eebs (WHEN PLAYERS CHANGE ENDS) mxareebs moTamaSeebi mxareebs icvlian pirveli geimis Semdeg, mesame geimis Semdeg da ase miyolebiT, roca geimebis raodenoba kent ricxvs Seadgens. setis gaTavebisas moTamaSeebi Seicvlian mxareebs Tu geimebis raodenoba kentia, Tu geimebis raodenoba luwia, maSin mxareebis Secvla moxdeba momdevno setis pirveli geimis dasrulebis Semdeg. Tu SecdomiT mxareebis Secvlis swori Tanmimdevroba dairRva Secdoma unda gamoswordes aRmoCenisTanave. 17. burTi TamaSSi (THE BALL IN PLAY) burTi TamaSSia Cawodebis momentidan, Tu Secdoma an gadaTamaSeba ar gamocxaddeba da igi TamaSSi rCeba manam, sanam erT-erTi moTamaSe ar moigebs qulas. SemTxveva 1. erT-erTi moTamaSe afuWebs burTs, magram Secdoma ar gamocxadda da gaTamaSeba grZeldeba. SeuZlia Tu ara mis mowinaaRmdeges moiTxovos gadaTamaSeba qulis wagebis SemTxvevaSi? 135 pasuxi: ara. Tu Secdomis daSvebis Semdeg gaTamaSeba gagrZelda maSin misi Se-de-gi aRar gadaisinjeba, garda im SemTxvevisa, Tu moTamaSes xels SeuSlis raime gareSe mizezi. 18 18.. qulas igebs Camwodebeli (SERVER WINS POINT) Camwodebeli igebs qulas: a) Tu Camowodebuli burTi, romelic ar eqvemdebareba gadaTamaSebas 14-e wesis Tanaxmad, miwaze dacemamde moxvdeba mimReb moTamaSes, an nebismier rames, rac ki mas acvia, anda uWiravs. b) Tu mimRebi sxvanairad waagebs qulas, rogorc es gaTvaliswinebulia 20-e wesSi. 19. qulas igebs mimRebi (RECEIVER WINS POINT) 19.qulas mimRebi igebs qulas: a) Tu Camwodebeli orjer zedized gaafuWebs Cawodebas. b) Tu mimRebi sxvanairad waagebs qulas, rogorc es gaTvaliswinebulia 20-e wesSi. 20. moTamaSe agebs qulas (PLAYER LOSES POINT) moTamaSe agebs qulas: a) Tu igi droze ver moaswrebs dartymas da burTi mis naxevarze orjer daecema kortis zedapirze; b) Tu misi dartymuli burTi xvdeba mowinaaRmdegis kortis farglebs gareT; g) Tu igi afuWebs burTs haeridan TamaSis dros, im SemTxvevaSic Tu igi dartymis dros kortis gareT idga; d) Tu igi gaTamaSebis dros ganzrax daiWers an gaatarebs Coganze burTs, an ganzrax daartyams burTs erTze metjer; e) Tu misi Cogani an nebismieri ram, rac acvia an uWiravs, gaTamaSebis dros Seexeba bades, sayrden joxebs, boZebs, tross, arSias, lents, an mowinaaRmdegis kortis zedapirs; v) Tu haeridan iTamaSebs burTs im momentSi roca is jer kidev ar aris badeze gadmosuli; z) Tu burTi gaTamaSebis dros Seexeba mas, an nebismier rames, rac acvia an uWiravs, garda Cognisa; T) Tu burTs, romelsac ver wvdeba esvris Cogans da ise daartyams; i) Tu ganzrax Secvlis Cognis formas gaTamaSebis dros. SemTxveva 1. Camwodebeli awvdis pirvel burTs da igi cdeba Cawodebis moedans, Cawodebis dros Camwodebels xelidan usxdeba Cogani da mifrinavs badisaken. agebs Tu ara igi am SemTxvevaSi qulas? pasuxi: Tu Cogani bades manamde moxvdeba, sanam burTi TamaSSia (e.i. jer ar Sexebia arafers) maSin Camwodebeli agebs qulas. SemTxveva 2. Camowodebuli burTi mowinaaRmdegis kortSi swored vardeba, xolo Camwodebels usxlteba Cogani da xvdeba bades im dros, roca burTi- miwaze jer ar dacemula. miecema Tu ara moTamaSes meore Cawodebis ufleba, Tu igi waagebs qulas? pasuxi: moTamaSe agebs qulas, imitom, rom Cogani exeba bades im dros, rodesac burTi TamaSSia (20-e wesi). SemTxveva 3. A-B wyvili TamaSobs C-D wyvilis winaaRmdeg. awvdis D-s. am dros, roca burTi jer kidev haerSia, C exeba bades. Cawodeba fuWdeba da acxadeben Secdomas. waago Tu ara ukve C-D wyvilma qula Secdomis gamocxadebamde? pasuxi: Secdoma arasworad iqna gamocxadebuli. C-D wyvils ukve wagebuli aqvT qula, rad-gan C Seexo bades maSin, roca burTi TamaSSi iyo. SemTxveva 4. SeiZleba, Tu ara, im dros, roca burTi TamaSSia moTamaSe gadaxtes mowinaaRmdegis kortSi da ar dajarimdes? pasuxi: ara. is agebs qulas (20-e <e> wesi). SemTxveva 5. uSvebs moWril burTs badis Tavze, burTi vardeba mowinaaRmdegis kortze da Semdeg, ise, rom mas aravin ar Sexebia, brundeba isev A-s mxares, am dros moTamaSe, romelic ver eweva burTs isvris Cogans da artyams burTs, burTica da Coganic vardebian A-s kortSi badis Seuxeblad, artyams burTs da uSvebs autSi. moigebs Tu ara qulas? pasuxi: agebs qulas (wesi 20-e <e> da <T>). SemTxveva 6: moTamaSes, romelic Cawodebis moednis miRma dgas, miwaze daucemlad xvdeba Cawodebuli burTi, agebs Tu ara is qulas? pasuxi: moTamaSe, romelsac xvdeba burTi agebs qulas (20-e <z> wesi), Tu aRniSnuli SemTxveva ar Seesabameba 14-e <a> wess. SemTxveva 7: moTamaSe kortis gareT dgas da haeridan artyams burTs, an iWers mas xeliT da moiTxovs qulas, imitom, rom burTi aSkarad autSi midioda. pasuxi: mas ar SeuZlia moiTxovos qula arcerT SemTxvevaSi, radgan: (i) Tu is iWers burTs, is agebs qulas 20-e <z> wesis Sesabamisad; (ii) Tu haerSi artyams da afuWebs, is agebs qulas 20-e <g> wesis Tanaxmad; (iii) Tu is haerSi artyams burTs da axvedrebs, gaTamaSeba grZeldeba. 136 21. moTamaSe xels uSlis mowinaaRmdeges (PLAYER HINDERS OPPONENT) Tu moTamaSe moimoqmedebs rames, rac xels uSlis mis mowinaaRmdeges dartymis SesrulebaSi, maSin, Tu man es ganzrax gaakeTa is agebs qulas, Tu uneblieT - qula gadaTamaSdeba. SemTxveva 1. daisjeba, Tu ara moTamaSe Tu igi dartymis dros Seexeba mowinaaRmdeges? pasuxi: ara, Tu mTavari msaji ar miiCnevs saWirod imoqmedos 21-e wesis Tanax-mad. SemTxveva 2. rodesac moWrili burTi kortis zedapirze dacemis mere axteba ukan da gadmoscdeba bades, moTamaSes aqvs ufleba gadaswios Cogani badis iqiT da ise daartyas, daisjeba Tu ara misi mowinaaRmdege Tu xels SeuSlis amaSi? pasuxi: 21-e wesis Sesabamisad msaji an dazaralebul moTamaSes mianiWebs qulas, an gada-aTamaSebs. SemTxveva 3. CaiTvleba, Tu ara uneblie ormagi dartyma moqmedebad, romelic xels uSlis mowinaaRmdeges 21-e wesis Sesabamisad? pasuxi: ara. 22 22.. burTi ecema xazze (BALL FALLS ON LINE) xazze dacemuli burTi moedanSi Cavardnilad iTvleba. 23 23.. burTi exeba kortis erT-erT mudmiv atributs (BALL TOUCHES PERMANENT FIXTURES) Tu burTi Seexeba kortis raime mudmiv atributs garda boZebis, sayrdeni joxebis, badis, lentisa da arSiisa, maSin Tu es burTis kortSi Cavardnis Semdeg moxda, qulas moigebs is, vinc daartya, Tu manamde, maSin qulas igebs misi mowinaaRmdege. SemTxveva 1. dartymuli burTi xvdeba mTavar msajs, mis skams an sadgoms da moTamaSe Civis, rom burTi moedanSi midioda. pasuxi: igi agebs qulas. 24. kargi sapasuxo dartyma (A GOOD RETURN) sapasuxo dartyma kargia: (a) Tu burTi Seexeba bades, sayrden joxebs, tross, arSias an lents ise, rom is- gadascdeba romelime maTgans da Cavardeba kortSi; (b) Tu Cawodebuli an dartymuli burTi mowinaaRmdegis kortSi Cavardnis Semdeg ukan axteba, an qari mas ukan wamoiRebs da is bades gadmoscdeba, xolo is moTamaSe, romlis dartymis jeric iyo, burTs badis iqiT miswvdeba da ise daartyams, maSin es mas Secdomad ar CaeTvleba, im pirobiT, rom igi ar Seexeba arc CogniT da arc tansacmliT bades, tross, boZebs an mowinaaRmdegis kortis zedapirs; (g) Tu burTi daartyes boZebis, anda sayrdeni joxebis garedan, gindac badis wverze dabal doneze mifrinavdes, Tu is mowinaaRmdegis kortSi Cavardeba, Secdoma ar gamocxaddeba; (d) Tu moTamaSis Cogani gadascdeba bades burTis dartymis Semdeg, da zustad aris dafiqsirebuli, rom dartymamde burTi badeze gadmocilebuli iyo; (e) Tu moTamaSe SesZlebs dabrunebas burTisa, romelic moxvda mis kortze mdebare meore burTs. SeniSvna 24-e wesisaTvis: Tu erTeulebi TamaSdeba wyvilebis kortze sayrdeni joxebis gamoyenebiT, maSin boZebi da badis nawili sayrden joxebsa da boZebs Soris kargaven funqcias da ganixilebian, rogorc gareSe sagnebi. Tu burTi gaZvreba badeSi sayrden joxebsa da boZebs Soris da Cavardeba mowinaaRmdegis moedanSi, maSin igi CaiTvleba. SemTxveva 1. burTi, romelic autSi mifrinavs xvdeba boZs an erTeulebis joxs da var-deba mowinaaRmdegis moedanSi. CaiTvleba, Tu ara es burTi. pasuxi: Tu es aris Cawodeba, maSin ara 10-e (g) wesis Tanaxmad; sxva nebismieri dartymis dros aseTi burTi CaiTvleba 24-e (a). SemTxveva 2. SeuZlia Tu ara moTamaSes dartyma ori xeliT Seasrulos? pasuxi: ki. SemTxveva 3: Cawodebuli, an gaTamaSebuli burTi xvdeba kortze mdebare meore burTs. unda Sewydes gaTamaSeba Tu ara? pasuxi: ara, gaTamaSeba ar Sewydeba. mxolod maSin gadaTamaSdeba burTi, rodesac msaji ar aris darwmunebuli Tu romeli burTi daartya moTamaSem. SemTxveva 4. SeuZlia, Tu ara moTamaSes erTdroulad ori CogniT TamaSi? pasuxi: ara. SemTxveva 5. SeuZlia, Tu ara moTamaSes moiTxovos rom mowinaaRmdegis korts moacilon zedmeti burTi Tu burTebi? pasuxi: ki, oRond ara gaTamaSebis dros. 137 25 25. moTamaSes eSleba xeli (HINDDRANCE OF A PLAYER) Tu moTamaSes xels SeuSlis raime, rac mis kontrols ar eqvemdebareba, garda kortis mudmivi atributebisa, an garda 21-e wesSi gaTvaliswinebuli SemTxvevisa, qula gadaTamaSdeba. SemTxveva 1. mayurebeli xels SeuSlis moTamaSes da is afuWebs burTs, SeiZleba moTamaSem moiTxovos gadaTamaSeba? pasuxi: ki, Tu mTavari msajis azriT mas xeli SeuSala garemoebam, romelic misze ar iyo damokidebuli. SemTxveva 2. moTamaSes eSleba xeli imave mizeziT, iniSneba gadaTamaSeba. aqvs Tu ara ufleba Camwodebels, romlis pirveli Cawodebac gafuWda, ori burTi Caawodos? pasuxi: ki. radganac burTi TamaSSi iyo, unda gadaTamaSdes mTeli qula. SemTxveva 3. moTamaSe romelic fiqrobs, rom mis mowinaaRmdeges xeli SeeSala aCerebs burTs da moiTxovs gadaTamaSebas. aqvs Tu ara mas amis ufleba? pasuxi: ara. SemTxveva 4. dartymul burTs haerSi ejaxeba sxva burTi, gadaTamaSdeba, Tu ara qula am SemTxvevaSi? pasuxi: qula gadaTamaSdeba im SemTxvevaSi, Tu zedmeti burTi erT erTma moTamaSem ar daartya, winaaRmdeg SemTxvevaSi msaji imoqmedebs 21-e wesis Sesabamisad. SemTxveva 5. msaji arasworad acxadebs Secdomas da iqve auqmebs Tavis gadawyvetilebas. pasuxi: qula unda gadaTamaSdes, xolo im SemTxvevaSi, Tu mTavari msaji CaTvlis, rom arc erT moTamaSes xeli ar SeSlia, maSin Sesworeba ZalaSi rCeba da gaTamaSeba grZeldeba. SemTxveva 6. Tu Cawodebuli pirveli burTi gafuWdeba, burTi Segordeba mimRebis kortze da im dros, rodesac Camwodebeli meore burTs awvdis mimRebi moiTxovs gadaTamaSebas. aqvs Tu ara mas amis ufleba? pasuxi: ki. magram Tu mas manamde hqonda saSualeba moecilebina burTi da daudevrobiT ar gaakeTa es, maSin mas amis ufleba aRar eqneba. SemTxveva 7. CaiTvleba, Tu ara dartyma, Tu burTi moxvdeba gaCerebul an moZrav sagans kortis zedapirze an zeviT? pasuxi: dartyma CaiTvleba im SemTxvevaSi, Tu sagani gaTamaSebis dawyebamdec moedanze iyo, xolo im SemTxvevaSi, Tu burTi gaTamaSebis dros Seexeba raime gareSe moZrav sagans kortis zedapirze, an haerSi, qula gadaTamaSdeba. SemTxveva 8. ra zomebs mimarTaven, Tu pirveli Cawodeba gafuWda, meore Cavarda, magram saWiro Seiqneba burTis gadaTamaSeba an 25-e wesis mixedviT, an maSin, Tu msajs ar SeuZlia gadawyvitos qula? pasuxi: pirveli Cawodebis Secdoma anulirdeba da mTeli qula gadaTamaSdeba. iSi geimSi (SCORE IN A GAME) 26. angar angariSi Tu moTamaSe igebs pirvel qulas geimSi, maSin angariSi cxaddeba 15:0 mis sasargeblod, Tu moigebs meore qulas igi gaxdeba 30-s, Tu mesames - 40-s, meoTxe qulis mogebis Semdeg moTamaSe igebs geims, garda im SemTxvevisa, roca orive moTamaSes sam-sami qula aqvT mogebuli, am SemTxvevaSi cxaddeba ~Tanabari~. Tu angariSi aris ~Tanabari~ da qulas moigebs Camwodebeli, cxaddeba ~meti~ mis sasargeblod, xolo Tu Camwodebeli waagebs qulas cxaddeba ~naklebi~ mimRebis sasargeblod. Tu ~Tanabaris~ dros moTamaSe zedized or qulas moigebs is igebs geims. Tu ~Tanabaris~ SemTxvevaSic pirvel burTs erTi moTamaSe moigebs, meores ki meore, maSin angariSi isev ~Tanabari~ xdeba da ase gagrZeldeba sanam erT-erTi moTamaSe zedized or burTs ar moigebs. 27. angar iSi set Si (SCORE IN A SET) angariSi setSi a) moTamaSe (an wyvili), romelic pirveli moigebs eqvs geims, igebs sets im SemTxvevaSi, Tu mas aqvs mogebuli mowinaaRmdegeze ori geimiT meti. winaaRmdeg SemTxvevaSi seti gagrZeldeba manamde, sanam es upiratesoba ar iqneba miRweuli. b) setis zedmetad gagrZelebis Tavidan asacileblad SeiZleba mimarTon ~tai-breikis~ (e.w. grZeli geimi) sistemas im SemTxvevaSi, Tu TamaSis dawyebamde iyo amaze SeTanxmeba. ~tai-breiki~ cxaddeba, rodesac angariSia eqvsiT-eqvsi, yovel setSi, garda gadamwyveti mesame an mexuTe setebisa, Tu TamaSis dawyebamde sxvanairad ar iyo daTqmuli. ~tai-breikis~ wesebi (RULES OF THE TIE-BREAK) (I) moTamaSe, romelic ~tai-breikSi~ pirveli moigebs 7 qulas ori qulis upiratesobiT, igebs ~tai-breiks~ da mTel sets. Tu angariSi ~tai-breikSi~ aris eqvsiT-eqvsi, maSin qulebis gaTamaSeba gagrZeldeba manamde, sanam erT-erTi moTamaSe ar miiRebs ori qulis upiratesobas. ~tai-breikis~ dros ar cxaddeba ~Tanabari~, ~meti~ an ~naklebi~, aramed bolomde gvaqvs angariSis numeruli sistema. (II) ~tai-breikSi~ Cawodebas iwyebs is moTamaSe visi Cawodebis jeric aris, meore-mesame qulebisaTvis awvdis misi mowinaaRmdege da amis Semdeg mowinaaRmdegeebi ucvlian erTmaneTs Cawodebebs yoveli ori qulis gaTamaSebis Semdeg. 138 (III) ~tai-breikSi~ Cawodeba iwyeba marjvena mxares. Cawodebis mxareebi rigrigobiT icvleba yoveli qulis gaTamaSebis Semdeg. Tu swori Tanmimdevroba dairRva angariSi ucvleli rCeba, xolo Secdoma aRmoCenisTanave unda gaswordes. (IV) yoveli eqvsi qulis gaTamaSebis Semdeg moTamaSeebma unda Seicvalon mxareebi. mxareebi icvleba ~tai-breikis~ dasrulebis Semdegac, rodesac angariSia 7:6. (V) Tu ~tai-breikis~ dawyebamde geimebis iseTi raodenobaa, rom saWiroa burTebis Secvla, maSin axali burTebis Setana gadaideba momdevno setis meore geimamde. ~tai-breiki~ angariSSi Cveulebriv geimad iTvleba. ~tai-breiki~ wyvilebis dros: aq igive wesebi moqmedebs, rac erTeulebSi. pirveli qulisaTvis awvdis moTamaSe, visi Cawodebis jeric iyo, amis Semdeg yoveli moTamaSe rigrigobiT awvdis or-ori qulisaTvis imave TanmimdevrobiT, rogoric es iyo setis ganmavlobaSi, manamde, sanam setis momgebi ar gamovlindeba. Cawodebis monacvleoba: moTamaSem an wyvilma, romelmac ~tai-breikSi~ pirvelma daiwyo Cawodeba, unda miiRos Cawodeba momdevno setis pirvel geimSi. SemTxveva 1. angariSia eqvsiT-eqvsi, TamaSdeba ~tai-breiki~ miuxedavad imisa, rom TamaSis dawyebamde gamocxadda, rom seti ~tai-breikis~ gareSe gaimarTeboda. CaiTvleba Tu ara gaTamaSebuli qulebi? pasuxi: Tu Secdomas aRmoaCenen manamde, sanam meore qulis gaTamaSeba jer ar dawyebula, maSin pirveli qula ZalaSi rCeba da gaTamaSdeba Cveulebrivi geimi. Tu Secdomas aRmoaCenen maSin, rodesac ~tai-breikis~ meore qulisaTvis gaTamaSeba dawyebulia, maSin ~tai-breiki~ unda gagrZeldes. SemTxveva 2. TamaSis dawyebamde gamocxadda, rom gaTamaSdeboda ~tai-breiki~ magram eqvsiTeqvsze moTamaSeebma daiwyes Cveulebrivi geimi. CaiTvleba, Tu ara gaTamaSebuli burTebi? pasuxi: Tu Secdomas aRmoaCenen manamde, sanam geimis meore qulas gaaTamaSebdnen, maSin pirveli qula CaiTvleba da Secdoma maSinaTve gamoswordeba. Tu Secdomas aRmoaCenen geimis meore qulis gaTamaSebis Semdeg maSin ~tai-breiki~ aRar Sedgeba da seti Cveulebrivi geimebiT gagrZeldeba. SemTxveva 3. Tu ~tai-breikis~ ganmavlobaSi wyvilebis TamaSis dros erT-erTi partniori Cawodebas iRebs maSin, roca misi jeri ar aris, an ireva Cawodeba-miRebis Tanmimdevroba; darCeba Tu ara Cawodeba-miRebis Tanmimdevroba ~tai-breikSi~ iseTi, rogoric es gamoiwvia Secdomam? pasuxi: ki. 28 28.. setebis maqsimaluri raodenoba (MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SETS) TamaSi SeiZleba Sedges maqsimum xuTi setidan, xolo Tu qalebi TamaSoben - samidan. 29. kortis msajebis roli (ROLE OF COURT OFFICIALS) OF matCebSi, romlebSic mowveulia mTavari msaji /Umpire/, misi gadawyvetileba sabolooa. xolo matCebSi, romlebSic mowveulia referi /Referee/ (matCis komisari), maSin mas SeiZleba, mTavari msajis gadawyvetilebiT, mimarTon apelaciiT im sakiTxebTan dakavSirebiT romlebic exeba TamaSis wesebs da yvela am SemTxvevaSi referis gadawyvetileba iqneba saboloo. matCebSi, sadac mowveulni arian damxmare msajebi (xazebis, badis, gadabijebis makontrolebeli msajebi), maSin im sakiTxebSi, romlebic exebian faqtsda ara wesebs, maTi gadawyvetileba sabolooa, garda im SemTxvevisa, rodesac mTavari msaji xedavs, rom aSkara Secdomaa daSvebuli; am dros mas SeuZlia Secvalos damxmare msajis gadawyvetileba an gamoacxados gadaTamaSeba. rodesac damxmare msajs ar SeuZlia gadawyvetilebis miReba igi maSinaTve ucxadebs amas mTavar msajs da igi miiRebs gadawyvetilebas. rodesac mTavar msajs ar SeuZlia gadawyvetilebis gamotana dakavSirebiT im sakiTxTan, romelic exeba faqts, maSin man unda gamoacxados gadaTamaSeba. “devisis Tasis” matCebis, an sxva gunduri turnirebis dros, rodesac kortze imyofeba referi, mas SeuZlia Secvalos nebismieri gadawyvetileba, mas SeuZlia agreTve miuTiTos mTavar msajs rom gamoacxados gadaTamaSeba. referis Tavisi Sexedulebisaebr SeuZlia Sewyvitos matCi sibnelis, amindis, an kortis zedapiris mdgomareobis gamo. TamaSis Sewyvetis dros, nebismier SemTxvevaSi, wina angariSi da msajTa Semadgenloba ucvleli rCeba, garda im SemTxvevisa, rodesac referi da moTamaSeebi erTxmad gadawyveten sxvanairad. SemTxveva 1. mTavari msaji acxadebs gadaTamaSebas, magram moTamaSe Civis, rom qula ar SeiZleba gadaTamaSdes, SeiZleba, Tu ara am SemTxvevaSi mimarTon referis gadawyvetilebis misaRebad? pasuxi: ki. sakiTxi, dakavSirebuli raime wesTan, romelic exeba specifikur faqts, pirvelad unda gadawydes mTavari msajis mier, magram, Tu mTavari msaji orWofs, an Tu moTamaSe Civis da 139 moiTxovs Tavisi poziciis ganxilvas, maSin SeiZleba mimarTon referis, raTa man gamoitanos gadawyvetileba, romelic saboloo iqneba. SemTxveva 2. burTi vardeba autSi, cxaddeba ~auti~, magram moTamaSe Civis, rom burTi Cavarda. SeuZlia Tu ara referis am SemTxvevaSi raime gadawyvetilebis gamotana? pasuxi: ara. vinaidan aq saqme gvaqvs faqtTan da ara wesebTan da kortis msajebis gadawyvetileba am SemTxvevaSi sabolooa. SemTxveva 3. SeuZlia, Tu ara mTavar msajs Secvalos damxmare msajis gadawyvetileba burTis gaTamaSebis Semdeg, Tu mas miaCnia, rom erT-erTma moTamaSem gaTamaSebis dros Secdoma dauSva? pasuxi: ara, garda im SemTxvevebisa, Tu, misi azriT, erT-erT moTamaSes gaTamaSebis dros xeli ar SeeSala; sxva SemTxvevaSi mTavar msajs damxmare msaji-sagan damoukidebeli gadawyvetileba SeuZlia gamoitanos mxolod maSin, Tu amas gaakeTebs Secdomis aRmoCenisTanave. SemTxveva 4. gverdiTi xazis msaji acxadebs auts. mTavar msajs ar SeeZlo aSkarad daenaxa, magram mainc fiqrobs, rom burTi Cavarda. SeuZlia, Tu ara mas Secvalos gverdiTi msajis gadawyvetileba? pasuxi: ara. mTavar msajs mxolod maSin SeuZlia damxmare msajis gadawyvetilebis Secvla, Tu darwmunebulia, rom es gadawyvetileba aris mcdari da ar aqvs raime safuZvliani eWvi Tavisi sisworisa. Tu gverdiTi msaji miiCnevs, rom burTi Cavarda, maSin mTavar msajs am gadawyvetilebis Secvla SeuZlia mxolod im SemTxvevaSi, Tu man aSkarad dainaxa sivrce burTis dacemis adgilsa da xazs Soris; xolo Tu gverdiTi msaji gamoacxadebs auts, maSin mTavar msajs SeuZlia Secvalos es gadawyvetileba mxolod im SemTxvevaSi, Tu man dainaxa, rom burTi moxvda xazs an Cavarda xazis SigniT. SemTxveva 5. SeuZlia, Tu ara xazis msajs Secvalos Tavisive gadawyvetileba imis Sem-deg, rac msaji gamoacxadebs angariSs? pasuxi: ara. Tu xazis msaji mixvdeba, rom Secdoma dauSva, man maSinaTve unda daiZaxos ~Sesworeba~, ise, rom mTavarma msajma da moTamaSeebma manamde Seityon misi Secdoma, sanam angariSi jer ar aris gamocxadebuli. SemTxveva 6. damxmare msaji acxadebs ~auts~, moTamaSe ki Civis, rom misi burTi kortSi Cavarda. SeiZleba Tu ara mTavarma msajma moTamaSis Civilis safuZvelze Secvalos damx-mare msajis gadawyvetileba? pasuxi: ara. mTavari msajis mier damxmare msajis gadawyvetilebis Secvla araviTar SemTxvevaSi ar unda iyos gamowveuli moTamaSis CiviliTa Tu protestiT. 30 30.. matCis xangrZlivoba da dasvenebis periodebi (CONTINUOUS PLAY & REST PERIODS) TamaSi unda grZeldebodes pirveli Cawodebidan matCis bolomde. (a) Sexvedra ar SeiZleba Sewydes, Seferxdes an gadaidos im mizeziT, rom saSualeba miscen moTamaSes aRidginos dakarguli energia an sunTqva. (b) maqsimum 20 wami SeiZleba gavides erTi qulis gaTamaSebis dasasrulidan momdevno qulis gaTamaSebis dasawyisamde. Tu pirveli Cawodeba gafuWda, meore burTi moTamaSem dauyovnebliv unda Caawodos. mimRebma moTamaSem unda imoqmedos CamwodeblisaTvis misaReb tempSi, unda iyos mzad miRebisaTvis, roca Camwodebeli aris mzad CawodebisaTvis daSvebuli drois farglebSi. roca CogburTelebi icvlian mxareebs, maqsimum wuTnaxevari SeiZleba gavides wina geimis ukanasknel da momdevno geimis pirvel dartymebs Soris. mTavar msajs Sexedulebisamebr SeuZlia Secvalos es wesi, Tu moxda raime, ramac xeli SeuSala Camwodebels droze Caewodebina burTi. es pirobebi mkacrad unda iyos daculi. mTavari msaji erTaderTi piria, romel-mac unda gadawyvitos yovelgvari kamaTi, TamaSis Seferxebisa da xelis SeSlis sakiTxebi da Sesabamisi gafrTxilebis Semdeg diskvalifikacia misces wesebis damrRvev moTamaSes. SeniSvna: moTamaSeTa matCiswina moTelvisaTvis gankuTvnili dro SeuZlia daadginos turniris momwyob komitets. mizanSewonilia, rom es periodi ar aRematebodes 5 wuTs. SemTxveva 1. moTamaSis tansacmeli, fexsacmeli an raime, rac Sedis mis aRWurvilobaSi (garda Cognisa) gamodis wyobidan imgvarad, rom mas aRar SeuZlia an ar unda ase gaagrZe-los TamaSi. gadaideba, Tu ara, TamaSi manamde, sanam moTamaSe ar Cadgeba sasurvel mdgomareobaSi? pasuxi: Tu aRWurvilobis wyobidangamosvla moTamaSisagan damoukidebeli mizeziT moxda, maSin TamaSi gadaideba. mTavari msaji erTaderTi piria, visac SeuZlia gadawyvitos aris, Tu ar aris TamaSis gadadeba mizanSewonili da gansazRvros gadadebis periodi. SemTxveva 2. raime mizezis gamo moTamaSes ar SeuZlia maSinaTve gaagrZelos TamaSi, aris Tu ara limitirebuli is dro romlis ganmavlobaSic SeiZleba TamaSi SeCerebuli iyos? 140 pasuxi: TamaSi ar SeiZleba Sewydes, Tu moTamaSe wyobidan gamovida bunebrivi fizikuri daRlis gamo. Tu is miiRebs SemTxveviT travmas, mTavar msajs SeuZlia neba darTos, rom moTamaSes aRmouCinon erTjeradi daxmareba sami wuTis farglebSi. Cveulebriv TamaSi sam wuTSi unda gagrZeldes, Tumca ITF-is mier cnobili saerTaSoriso Sexvedrebsa da gunduri turnirebis organizatorebs SeuZliaT gazardon es dro, Tu daxmarebis gaweva aucilebelia. SemTxveva 3. SeiZleba wyvilebis dros erT-erTma partniorma datovos korti sanam burTi TamaSSia? pasuxi: ki, Tu mTavar msajs miaCnia, rom TamaSi grZeldeba wesebis mixedviT da ar aris darRveuli 35-e da 36-e wesebi. 31. mwvrTnelebi (COACHING) gunduri Sejibrebis dros moTamaSes SeiZleba rCevebiTa da miTiTebebiT daexmaros mwvrTneli (kapitani), romelic inyofeba kortze, mxareebis Secvlis dros, oRond ara taibreikis dros. aragunduri TamaSebis dros moTamaSes mTeli TamaSis manZilze ar SeuZlia vinmesgan rCevebisa da miTiTebebis miReba. es piroba mkacrad unda iyos daculi. saWiro SeniSvnis mere damrRvev moTamaSes SeiZleba diskvalifikacia miscen. SemTxveva 1. miecema Tu ara moTamaSes SeniSvna, an diskvalifikacia, Tu mas gkarnaxoben signalebiT, an raime faruli saSualebiT? pasuxi: mTavarma msajma zomebi unda miiRos maSinTve, roca is darwmundeba, rom moTamaSes gkarnaxoben signalebiT, an raime faruli saSualebiT. SemTxveva 2. SeiZleba, Tu ara, moTamaSes miscen rCevebi da miTiTebebi xuTsetiani TamaSis aTwuTiani Sesvenebis dros, an Tu TamaSi wydeba da is tovebs korts? pasuxi: ki. am SemTxvevaSi, rodesac moTamaSe ar imyofeba kortze akrZalva ixsneba. 32. burTebis Secvla (BALL CHANGE) Tu burTebis Secvla xdeba molaparakebiT gansazRvruli geimebis Semdeg da Tanmimdevroba aireva, maSin Secdoma unda gamoswordes maSinve, roca im moTamaSis, an wyvilis Cawodebis jeri mova, romelsac pirvels unda Caewodebina axali burTebiT. 33. wyvilTa TamaSi (THE DOUBLES GAME) zemoT moyvanili wesebi vrceldeba wyvilebzec, garda Semdegisa: 34. wyvilebis korti (THE DOUBLES COURT) wyvilebis korti unda iyos 10,97 m. siganisa, anu 1,37 mitriT ufro farTe yovel mxares, vidre erTeulebis korti. erTeulebis kortis gverdiTi xazebis is nawilebi, romlebic Cawodebis moedans Seadgenen, wyvilebSic imave funqciiT rCebian, xolo am xazebis is nawilebi, romlebic mdebareoben ukana (sabazo) xazsa da Cawodebis moednebs Soris, wyvilebSi ufunqciod rCebian. 35. Cawodebis wesi wyvilebis dros (ORDER OF SERVICE IN DOUBLES) Cawodebis wesi unda gadawydes yoveli setis dasawyisSi. amgvarad: wyvili, romelic iwyebs Cawodebas nebismier setSi, wyvets, romeli partniori Caawvdis pirveli, aseve maTi mowinaaRmdege wyvili wyvets romeli partniori Caawvdis setis meore geimSi. partniorma im moTamaSisa, romelmac Caawoda pirvel geimSi, unda Caawodos mesame geimSi, xolo partniorma im moTamaSisa romelmac Caawoda meore geimSi, unda Caawodos meoTxeSi da amgvari Tanmimdevroba unda iyos daculi mTeli setis ganmavlobaSi. SemTxveva 1. wyvilebSi erT-erTi moTamaSe matCze droze ar gamocxadda, SeuZlia mis partniors moiTxovos, rom ufleba miscen martom iTamaSos mowinaaRmdege wyvilis winaaRmdeg? pasuxi: ara. 36. miRebis wesi wyvilebSi (ORDER OF RECEIVING IN DOUBLES) Cawodebis miRebis Tanmimdevroba unda gairkves yoveli setis dasawyisSi. amgvarad : pirvel geimSi mimRebi wyvili wyvets, romeli partniori miiRebs pirvel Cawodebas, aseve wyvili, romelic setis meore geimSi iRebs Cawodebas, wyvets romeli partniori miiRebs pirvel Cawodebas. Semdeg mTeli setis ganmavlobaSi Cawodeba-miRebis es Tanmimdevroba ar unda Seicvalos, partniorebma rigrigobiT unda miiRon Cawodebebi yoveli geimis dros. SemTxveva 1. SeiZleba wyvilebSi Camwodeblis partniori Cawodebis dros dadges ise, rom mimReb MmoTamaSes xels uSlides ? pasuxi : ki. Camwodeblis partniors SeuZlia miiRos nebismieri pozicia badisa iqiTa mxares, sulerTia kortis SigniT Tu gareT. 37. Cawodebis Tanmimdevrobis darRveva wyvilebSi (SERVICE OUT OF TURN IN DOUBLES) Tu erT_erTi partniori awvdis, maSin roca misi jeri ar aris, partniori, romelsac unda Caewodebina Caawvdis Secdomis aRmoCenisTanave.Mmagram manamde gaTamaSebuli yvela qula, yvela daSvebuli Secdoma CaiTvleba. Tu geimi ise dasrulda,rom Secdoma ar iqna aRmoCenili, Cawodebis Tanmimdevroba iseTi darCeba, rogorc es gamoiwvia Secdomam. 141 38. miRebis Tanmimdevrobis darRveva wyvilebSi (ERROR IN ORDER OF RECEIVING IN DOUBLES) Tu geimis ganmavlobaSi partniorebma SecdomiT daarRvies miRebis Tanmimdevroba, im geimSi Secdomis gamosworeba ar moxdeba da geimi iseTi TanmimdevrobiT gagrZeldeba, rogorc es Secdomam gamoiwvia, magram partniorebma unda aRadginon sWori Tanmimdevroba, rogorc imave setSi kvlav dadgeba maTi miRebis jeri. 39. Cawodebis wageba wyvilebSi (SERVICE FAULT IN DOUBLES) wyvilebSi Cawodeba wagebulad iTvleba im SemTxvevebis dros, romlebic aRwerilia me-10 wesSi, an Tu Cawodebuli burTi moxvdeba Camwodeblis partniors, an raimes rac mas acvia an uWiravs. magram Tu Cawodebuli burTi miwaze dacemamde Seexeba mimRebi moTamaSis partniors, an raimes, rac mas acvia, an uWiravs da Tu am SemTxvevaSi burTi ar eqvemdebareba gadaTamaSebas 14 (a) wesis Tanaxmad, Camwodebeli igebs qulas. 40. burTis gaTamaSeba wyvilebSi ((PLAYING THE BALL IN DOUBLES) mowinaaRmdege wyvilebi burTs artyamen rigrogobiT da Tu moTamaSe Seexeba Tavisi partnioris dartymul burTs maSin es wyvili agebs qulas. 142 Thus, indeed, is the poet, and his poem is proof of his prowess When Georgian words elude him He will not weaken nor profane the poem’s worth; He will skillfully strike the ball and score the goal like a dexterous player. Shota Rustaveli From Author At the end of 20th century Georgian tennis celebrated its 100th anniversary. For years tennis used to hold one of the leading places with its achievements among such kinds of sports like football and basketball in Georgia. In early period while formation Georgian tennis, already in 20s of last century Georgian tennis players attained great success. In 1928 transcaucasian team being totally staffed with Georgian tennis players held the second place at Sports and Athletics Meeting for Players of Soviet Union. During those years in Soviet Union sounded the names of such players like Jan Homer, Edward Negrebetski, Archil Mdivani, Tamar Gogolauri and David Guliashvili. Besides the case that at those early times sport used to be closed structure in Soviet Union and players had a limited possibility to relate with foreign sportsmen, tennis still was developing in Georgia. Moreover, it used to develop as it had to be and when leading tennis players had an opportunity of playing at foreign courts, most of them showed quite a worthy play. The first generation of tennis players under the leadership of Jan Homer managed to base tennis for the success of following generations. The names of Ivane Elerdashvili, Boris Krupenikov, Givi Kokaia, Victor Uraevski, Alexander Metreveli, Nugzar Mdzinarishvili, Teimuraz Kakukia, Irina Riazanova-Ermolova, Rena Abzhandadze, Ala Ivanova, Nino Tukhareli, Leila Meskhi, Vladimer Gabrichidze, David Kacharava are scripted with golden letters in Georgian sport history. Due to the successes of Georgian tennis players, tennis appeared to be as one of the most popular kind of sports in Georgia. So many individuals with various professions used to show their power by playing tennis for different periods of our lives?! They were: outstanding pianisit Marina Mdivani, famous composers – Grigol Kiladze and Gia Kancheli, painters – Gigla Pirtskhalava, Zurab Nizharadze, Oleg Kochakidze, Jemal Lolua, Gogi Meskhishvili, violinist – Kote Vardeli, film directors – brothers Eldar and Giorgi Shengelaias, Lana Gogoberidze, scientists – Mate Mirianashvili, Kote Bakradze, Vahan Mamasakhlisov, Irakli Gverdtsiteli, Kuji Dzidzishvili, Irakli Gudushauri, Vazha Lekishvili, brothers Vazha and Archil Okujavas, Tamaz Gamkrelidze, Iura Kapanadze, Guram Dondua, Archil Begiashvili, Vakhtang Gomelauri, Sandro Menabde, Giorgi Jabua, Mikhail Omiadze,Khvedri Inasaridze, Heydar Palavandishvili, Guram Berishvili, Perando Maisadze, Irakli Geleishvili, Duglas Ugulava, Omar Komurjishvili, Nodar Khomeriki, Lia Makharadze, Sergo Chobanian, Keto Meskhi, scientist, sportsman and singer Grigol Mamardashvili, famous architect Lado Alex- Meskhishvili, well-known actor Ramaz Chkhikvadze, actor and writer Givi Sikharulidze and such great sportsmen as: Victor Sanaev, Slava Metreveli, Guram Minashvili, Levan Sanadze, Tamaz Antadze, Alexander Buslaev, Valiko Kalmakhelidze and many others. Their presence on courts enabled to have unusual atmosphere that itself had a positive influence on training talents in tennis. In 1991 remarkable case took place into the lives of Georgian tennis players. There was founded independent Georgian Tennis Federation. Together with the foundation of federation it was possible to enter into international tennis organizations. Since 1982 Georgia is plenipotentiary member of ITF (International Tennis Federation) and ETA (European Tennis Federation). 143 From 1994 our sportsmen regularly participate in “Davis Cup” and “Fed Cup” (team championships among boys and girls) tournaments. Junior tennis players regularly participate in European team and individual championships. Since 1997 under the leadership of the president of Georgian Tennis federation – Leila Meskhi are held professionals’ tournaments in Tbilisi and Batumi, as among girls and as among boys. It enabled to junior Georgian tennis players to show their powers in professional tennis. Idea on publishing this book was hit in 1997, when a famous journalist Murman Chachua suggested cooperation in newly formed magazine “TENNIS”. Later published publications in the newspaper “LELO” were the basis for the edition of book on tennis. I would like to express my gratitude towards well-known pedagogue Sardion Shapatava, who took major part into the development of this project. The first part of book is dedicated to world tennis. It includes major events of this play development, its main heroes and quite notable results of tournaments. The second part includes difficult ways for the development of Georgian tennis, about those persons who brought glory to Georgian sport in the 20th century. Separate chapter is dedicated to the best tennis players and coaches of USSR with whom we had as creative as personal friendship. The book for the first time provides trial on composition Georgian tennis terminology and generally adopted English terminology. The final part of book is dedicated to main rules of play. I express my gratitude towards editors - Tamaz Chantladze and Koka Tskhakaia, my friends – L. Gigineishvili, O. Rukhadze, . A.Baidashvili, N.Khantadze, N. Koshkelashvili, G. Kenchoshvili, G. Mosashvili, G. Khomeriki, Kh. Kekelia, who assisted me in making technical decisions of this project. Also I am thankful to G. Kokaia, O. Tinikashvili, S. Menabde’s family and Russian encyclopaedist B. Phomenko for the delivery of unique photo material. The second edition of the book includes main changes. Many things have changed in tennis – there are found new talented players. All of this was caused by edition 2nd part of book. It is very important that the major chapters of book are translated in the English language. In my opinion it will widen readers’ environment. Alexsander Metreveli 144 History of Tennis Tennis can be traced as far back as the ancient G reek game of sphairistike , and is mentioned in literature as far back as the Middle Ages in The Second Shepherds’ Play, in which shepherds gave three gifts, including a tennis ball, to the newborn Christ.Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur’s round table, plays tennis with a group of giants in The Turke and Gowin. The Medieval form of tennis is termed real tennis. Real tennis evolved over three centuries from an earlier ball game played around the 12th century in France. This had some similarities to palla, fives, pelota, or handball, involving hitting a ball with a bare hand and later with a glove. One theory is that this game was played by monks in monastery cloisters, based on the construction and appearance of early courts. By the 16th century, the glove had become a racquet, the game had moved to an enclosed playing area, and the rules had stabilized. Real tennis spread in popularity throughout royalty in Europe and reached its peak in the 16th century. In France, François I (1515-47) was an enthusiastic player and promoter of real tennis, building courts and encouraging play among the courtiers and commoners. His successor, Henri II (154759) was also an excellent player and continued the royal French tradition. During his reign, the first known book about tennis, Trattato del Giuoco della Palla was written in 1555 by an Italian priest, Antonio Scaino da Salo. Two French kings died from tennis related episodes—Louis X of a severe chill after playing and Charles VIII after being struck with a ball. King Charles IX granted a constitution to the Corporation of Tennis Professionals in 1571, creating the first pro tennis ‘tour’, establishing three levels of professionals— apprentice, associate, and master. The first codification of the rules of real tennis was written by a professional named Forbet and published in 1599. Royal interest in England began with Henry V (1413-22) but it was Henry VIII (1509-47) who made the biggest impact as a young monarch, playing the game with gusto at Hampton Court on a court he had built in 1530, and on several other courts in his palaces. It is believed that his second wife Anne Boleyn was watching a game of real tennis when she was arrested and that Henry was playing tennis when news was brought to him of her execution. During the reign of James I (1603-25), there were 14 courts in London. Real tennis is recorded in literature by William Shakespeare who mentions “tennis balles” in his play Henry V, when a basket of them is given to King Henry as a mockery of his youth and playfulness.[6]. One of the most striking early references to the game of tennis appears in a painting by Giambattista Tiepolo entitled The Death of Hyacinth (17521753) in which a stringed raquet and three tennis balls are depicted. The theme of the painting is the mythological story of Apollo and Hyacinth, written by Ovid and translated into Italian in 1561 by Giovanni Andrea dell’Anguillara who replaced the ancient game of discus throwing of the original text by that of pallacorda or tennis, which had achieved a high status as a form of physical exercise at the courts in the middle of the sixteenth century. Tiepolo’s painting, displayed at the Museo Thyssen Bornemisza in Madrid, was ordered in 1752 by a German counts Wilhelm Friedrich Schaumburg Lippe, who was known to be an avid tennis player. The game thrived among the 17th century nobility in France, Spain, Italy, and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but suffered under English Puritanism. By the Age of Napoleon, the royal families of Europe were besieged and real tennis was largely abandoned. [7]Real tennis played a minor role in the history of the French Revolution, through the Tennis Court Oath, a pledge signed by French deputies in a real tennis court, which formed a decisive early step in starting the revolution. In England, during the 18th century and early 19th century as real tennis died out, three other racquet sports emerged - racquets, squash racquets, and lawn tennis (the modern game). Birth of modern game Its establishment as the modern sport can be dated to two separate inventions.Between 1859 and 1865, in Birmingham, England, Major Harry Gem, a solicitor, and his friend Augurio Perera, a Spanish merchant, combined elements of the game of rackets and the Spanish ball game Pelota and played it on a croquet lawn in Edgbaston.In 1872, both men moved to Leamington Spa and in 1874, with two doctors from the Warneford Hospital, founded the world’s first tennis club.[10] The Courier of 23 July 1884 recorded one of the first tennis tournaments, held in the grounds of Shrubland Hall. In December 1873, Major Walter Clopton Wingfield devised a similar game for the amusement of his guests at a garden party on his estate of Nantclwyd, in Llanelidan, Wales. He based the game on the older Real tennis. At the suggestion of Arthur Balfour, Wingfield named it “lawn tennis,” and patented the game in 1874 with an eight-page rule book, titled “Sphairistike or Lawn Ten-nis,”. But he failed to succeed, in enforcing his patent. The toughness of tennis has always been up for debate. So why has tennis received such a bad wrap as a less-thanmanly sport? A featured article in takeout magazine discusses several reasons, including attire, the scoring system and the participants themselves. 145 Wingfield borrowed both the name and much of the French vocabulary of real tennis: Tennis comes from the French tenez, the imperative form of the verb tenir, to hold: This was a cry used by the player serving in royal tennis, meaning “I am about to serve!” (rather like the cry “Fore!” in golf).Racquet comes from raquette, which derives from the Arabic rakhat, meaning the palm of the hand. Deuce comes from à deux le jeu, meaning “to both is the game” (that is, the two players have equal scores). Love is widely believed to come from “l’oeuf”, the French word for “egg”, representing the shape of a zero. The convention of numbering scores “15”, “30” and “40” comes from quinze, trente and quarante, which to French ears makes a euphonious sequence, or from the quarters of a clock (15, 30, 45) with 45 simplified to 40. A.D. 1874, 23rd February. N° 685. À Portable Court for Playing Tennis. LETÒERS PATENT TO WALTER CLOPTON WINGFIELD, OF BELGRAVE Road, Pimlico, in the County of Middlesex, for the Invention of “A New AND IMPROVED PORTABLE COURT FOR ABCIENT GAME OF TENNIS” Scaled the 24th July 1874, and dated the 23rd February 1874 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left bó thî said Walter Clopton Wingfield at the Office of the Ñommisiioners of Patents, with his Petition, on the 23rd Februaró 1874. I, Walter Ñlopton Wingfield,, of Belgrave Road, Pimlico, in the 5 County of Middlesex, do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for “A New and Improved Portable Court for Playing the Absieny Game of Tennis” to be as follows : The object and intention of this Invention consists in constructing a portable court by means of which the ancient game of tennis is much 10 simplified, can be played in the open air and dispenses with the necessity of having special courts erected for that purpose. Formation of Grand Slams Tennis spread rapidly among the leisured classes in Britain and the United States. It was first played in the U.S. at the home of Mary Ewing Outerbridge on Staten Island, New York in 1874. In 1881, the desire to play tennis competitively led to the establishment of tennis clubs, which led to the four Grand Slams, which are regarded as the most prestigious events in tennis circuit. The Wimbledon, the US Open, the French Open, and the Australian Open became and have remained the most prestigious events in tennis.Together these four events are called the Grand Slam (a term borrowed from bridge). 1877: Wimbledon The Championships, Wimbledon were founded by the All England Club in 1877 to raise money for the club. The first Championships were contested by 22 men and the winner received a silver guilt cup proclaiming the winner to be “The All England Lawn Tennis Club Single Handed Champion of the World”.The following year it was recognised as the official British Championships, although it was open to international competitors. In 1884 the Ladies Singles and Gentlemans Doubles Championships were inaugurated, followed by the Ladies and Mixed Doubles in 1913. 1881: U.S. Open The U.S. National Men’s Singles Championship, now the U.S. Open, was first held in 1881 at Newport, Rhode Island. The U.S. National Women’s Singles Championships were first held in 1887.[26] On 21 May 1881, the United States National Lawn Tennis Association (now the United States Tennis Association) was formed to standardize the rules and organize competitions. 1891: The French Open Tennis was predominantly a sport of the English-speaking world, dominated by the United States and Britain. It was also popular in France, where the French Open dates to 1891 as the Championat de France International de Tennis. 146 1905: Australian Open The Australian Open was first played in 1905 as The Australasian Championships. Because of its geographic remoteness, historically, the event did not gain attendance from the top tennis players consistently. As late as 1980s, the event lacked participating from top ranked tennis professionals. Since its move to Melbourne Park in 1988, the Australian Open has been widely regarded as a Grand Slam. History of Davis Cup In 1899, Dwight F. Davis of the Harvard University tennis team designed a tournament format with the idea of challenging the British to a tennis showdown. The first match, between the United States and Great Britain was held in Boston, Massachusetts in 1900. The American team, of which Dwight Davis was a part, surprised the British by winning the first three matches. By 1905 the tournament expanded to include Belgium, Austria, France, and Australasia, a combined team from Australia and New Zealand that competed together until 1913. The tournament was initially known as the International Lawn Tennis Challenge. It was renamed the Davis Cup following the death of Dwight Davis in 1945. The tournament has vastly expanded and, on its 100th anniversary in 1999, 129 nations competed for the prestigious Davis Cup. Formation of ITF From the roots of Davis Cup and the need to establish an international tennis federation, in 1913, twelve National Tennis Associations agreed at a Paris Conference to form the International Lawn Tennis Federation, which was renamed in 1977 as the current International Tennis Federation (ITF). The comprehensive International Lawn Tennis Federation rules promulgated in 1924 have remained remarkably stable in the ensuing eighty years, the one major change being the addition of the tie-breaker system designed by James Van Alen. Tennis Hall of fame In 1954, James Van Alen founded the International Tennis Hall of Fame, a non-profit museum in Newport, Rhode Island. The building contains a large collection of tennis memorabilia as well as a hall of fame honoring prominent members and tennis players from all over the world. Each year, a grass-court tournament is hosted on its grounds, as well as an induction ceremony honoring new Hall of Fame members. Pro Tournaments The main events of the professional circuit comprised head-to-head competition and Pro Championships, which are regarded as Grand Slam tournaments till Open Era in 1968. The popular tennis professional players were under contract with a professional promoter during the pre-Open Era. For example, popular players like Suzanne Lenglen and Vincent Richards were engaged by Charles C. Pyle to tour in North America. The professionals under contract were controlled by their promoters and could not always play the tournaments they wanted while the amateur players followed their national (and international) federation. For example, In 1939, Norman Brookes, president of the Australian Federation, decided not to send Australian players to Wimbledon because he wanted them to prepare for the Davis Cup. Therefore, great Aussie players as John Bromwich or Adrian Quist went to the USA to capture the Cup but didn’t play Wimbledon. Consequently during the first century of tennis the players had absolutely no power. Pro tours Most professionals played in separate professional events, mostly on tours in head-to-head competition referred as pro tours. In 1926, promoter C.C. Pyle established the first professional tennis tour with a group of American and French tennis players playing exhibition matches to paying audiences.The most notable of these early professionals were the American Vinnie Richards and the Frenchwoman Suzanne Lenglen.Once a player turned pro he or she could not compete in the major (amateur) tournaments.[23] In the years before the open era, male professionals often played more frequently in tours than in tournaments because a head-to-head tour between two tennis stars was much more remunerative than a circuit of pro tournaments and the number of professional tournaments was small. For example, Fred Perry earned U.S. $91,000 in a 1937 North American tour against Ellsworth Vines but won only U.S. $450 for his 1938 victory at the U.S. Pro Tennis Championships. Vines probably never entered a tournament between the London Indoor Professional Championship in October 1935, which he won, and the May 1939 edition of that tournament, which he lost. In 1937, Vines played 70 matches on two tours and no matches in tournaments. Even in the 1950s, some professionals continued to play numerous tour matches. During his first five months as a professional (January through May 1957), Ken Rosewall played 76 matches on a tour against Pancho Gonzales but only 9 matches in tournaments. As an example of the small number of professional tournaments held before the open era, Joe McCauley has determined that for 1952, only 7 professional tournaments were played by the top international players, and 2 other professional tournaments (the British Pro and the German Pro) were reserved for domestic players. It was only during the 1960s that professional 147 tournaments became more significant than tours. Pro Championships In addition to head-to-head events there were several annual professional tournaments that were called championship tournaments. The most prestigious was the Wembley Professional Championship at Wembley in England, played between 1934 and 1990, that was unofficially considered the world’s championship through 1967. The oldest was the United States Professional Championship, played between 1927 and 1999. Between 1955 and 1962, it was played indoors in Cleveland and was called the World Professional Championships. The third major tournament was the French Professional Championship, played between 1930 and 1968. The British and American championships continued into the Open era but devolved to the status of minor tournaments. These three tournaments until 1967 are referred as the professional Grand Slam tournaments by tennis historians such as Robert Geist and Raymond Lee . Open Era In 1968, commercial pressures led to the abandonment of the distinction between professionals and amateurs, inaugurating the Open era, in which all players could compete in all tournaments, and top players were able to make their living from tennis. Thus, the open era in tennis began in 1968, when the Grand Slam tournaments, such as Wimbledon, abandoned the longstanding rules of amateurism and allowed professionals to compete. The first Grand Slam tournament to go “open” was the French Open (Roland Garros). The main events of the world Tennis 1874 -English gentleman with time on his hands, Major Wingfield, devises and patents the game, makes small change selling sets, and somebody - take your pick of claimants and candidates - starts it off in the U.S. 1877 - Wimledon is launched (first, still foremost), and even shows a profit of a few pounds. 1881 and 1887 - Inaugural U.S. Champi-onships for men, then women. The world will follow. 1900 - Harvard rich kid Dwight Davis donates sterling punch bowl for an international team competition, eventually known as Davis Cup. Davis and college pals beat Brits in leadoff finale. Only two countries interested then; more than 100 now. 1905 and 1907—Californian May Sutton and Aussie Norman Brookes, respectively, are first alien winners of WimÛedon, a place no longer safe from barbarians for the English homebodies. 1919—France’s Suzanne Lenglen wins WimÛedon, scandalously, showing thighs and unbeatable strokes, vanquishing corsets and everyone opposing her. English are so shocked by her flaunting of female assets that the “new” [present] WimÛedon must be built in 1922 to ac-commodate increasing hordes of disapproving ticket purchasers. 1920—Big Bill Tilden, arrogant, artistic, all-conquering Philadelphian, takes over, dominates game in the twenties, makes U.S. tennis-con-scious, inspires construction of Forest Hills Stadi-um for championships, keeps Davis Cup at home. 1923—Unflappable “Little Miss Poker Face,” Helen Wills, wins first of seven U.S. titles, succeeds Lenglen as dominatrix, wins eight Wim-edons from baseline. 1926—Långlån goes for the dough, signs as first to tour professionally, opens new avenues, job opportunities in an infant sport. 1927—Four hands are finally better than one: the Four Musketeers—Rån¸ Lacoste, Henri Cochet, Jean Borotra, Jacques Brugnon—bring down Tilden and Co., carting Davis Cup to France, necessitating the building of Stàdå Roland Garros in Paris. 1932—English Davis Cupper Bunny Austin liberates male legs by showing up in shorts. 1933—Last known Englishman—as far as many are concerned—to play tennis, Fred Perry, lifts Davis Cup from French, wins WimÛedon 1934-36, turns pro, joining Tilden, who did so in 1931. 1938—Don Budge, having retrieved Davis Cup, wins Australian, French, Wimbledon, U.S. titles, thus doing the never-before-done Grand Slam. 1946 - World War II over, Jack Kramer spearheads recovery of Davis Cup from Australia. In 1947 he’s first to win Wimbledon in shorts, also captures U.S., turns pro to swipe that crown from Bobby Riggs. 1950—Frank Sådgman and Ken McGregor heist Davis Cup from U.S., the beginning of the Australian Dynasty that will make Wimbledon and Forest Hills hostage to such Down Undertakers as Lew Hoad, Ken Rosewall, Rod Laver, Neale Fraser, Roy Emerson, Fred Stolle, John Newcombe, Tony Roche for a quarter-century. 1953—Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly, 18, navigates first female Grand Slam. 1961-Billie Jean King, 17, wins Wimble-dîn doubles with Karen Hantze, the first of B. J. ’s record 20 titles at the Big W, 6 in singles. 1962—Laver, after following Budge and Connolly as third member of Grand Slam club, turns pro. 1965—Jimmy Van Alen, father of tie-breaker, shows it off at small Newport, R.I., pro tourney, but it won’t be accepted until 1970. 148 1968—Open tennis dawns. Prize money is out on the tam e. Commercialization blooms and tennis begins metamorphosis from sort of amateur sport to big-business game. But amateur Arthur Ashe stuns the tennis world by winning first U.S. Open, leads U.S. to Davis Cup success and five-year hold. Back from isolated life as out-cast professionals, Rosewall at French, Laver at Wimbledon, win first major opens. 1969 - Laver repeats as Grand Slammer, this time a pro. 1970 - Aussie Margaret Smith Court, all-time winner of major titles, 62 (24 in singles), goes Grand Slamming, fourth member of club. 1971—Schoolgirl Christine Evert, 16, ar-rives at Forest Hills, coolly goes to semis, and the Chrissie craze is on. 1973—Labor problems. ATP boycotts Wimbledon. Most top men don’t play, including Open-era champs Laver, Newcombe, Stan Smith. Show goes on but ATP becomes a force. Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in mixed singles schlockathon. 1974—”Lovebirds Double” at Wimbledon. Then affianced Chris Evert and Jimmy Connors triumph, begin cutting long championship swaths, pay 33-to-1 with London bookies. Bjorn Borg, 18, wins French, and the three of them change the game, guiding the world to two-fisted backhandedness. 1976 - High-tech rackets are here to stay, supplanting wood, as Howard Head puts the Prince Classic oversized club into play, drawing initial laughs, but commencing serious alteration of the game. 1977 - Birgiastic period is under way at Wimbledon’s Centenary celebration as Bjorn wins second of five straight. But show is stolen by last known Englishwoman - or so it seems - to play tennis. Virginia Wade, 32, accepts championship prize from the other queen in the house, Elizabeth II. 1978 - Martina Navratilova beats Evert to win first of record nine Wimbledons, the last in 1990. 1979 - John McEnroe, 20, wins first of four U.S. titles while Tracy Austin, 16, becomes youngest to rule her country. 1980 - Borg holds off McEnroe to win a wowser of a Wimbledon, highlighted by the Battle of 18-16 (fabulous fourth-set tie-breaker). McEnroe will win 1981 rematch. 1983 - Yannick Noah sets off rejoicing across France as first citizen in 37 years to win French men’s title. 1984 - Ivan Lendl, from twî sets back, beats McEnroe for French title, establishes himself as major figure who will win three U.S. titles. 1985 - Blasting Boris Becker, 17, is youngest and first unseeded Wimbledon victor. 1988 - Steffi Graf, 19, not only crashes Grand Slam club as fifth member, but embellishes it with a gold medal as tennis returns to the Olympics. 1989 - Drought-buster Michael Chang, 17, seizes French, first American man to do so in 34 years. 1990 -Cool summer for the callow: Monica Seles, 16, youngest winner of a major in this century, takes French; Pete Sampras, 19, is youngest U.S. champ. 1993 - Seles, stabbed by loony Guenther Parche during match at Hamburg, will lose 26 months of a career already embracing seven major titles. 1995 - Seles resurfaces to win Toronto, al-most beats Graf in splendid U.S. Open final, but Steffi, with fourth title, becomes only one to hold all four majors four times. 1996 - Winning a fifth French and seventh Wimbledon, Steffi eclipses Evert and Navratilova (18), and Helen Wills (19), in major singles, and with her 20th is hot on the track of Margaret Court’s 24. 1997 - The beginning of an era of sisters Williams 1998 - Pit Sampras in sixth time becomes the first racket of the world successively. 2000 - Pit Sampras’s 13-th victory over tournaments “ Grand Slam “. 2002 - Pit Sampras’s 14-th victory over tournaments “ Grand Slam “, Pit Sampras leaves the big sports. 2004 - 2007 - Roger Federer dominates over world tennis, Roger Federer the best sportsman of the world. 2005 - 2008 - Raphael Nadal wins “Roland Garros”. 2004 - MMaria Sharapova wins Wimbledon. 2005 - 2007 - Justin Henin dominates over world tennis. 2008 - Justin Henin leaves the big sports. 2008 - Raphael Nadal wins Wimbledon and becomes the first racket of the world. 2009 - Roger Federer wins “Roland Garros”. 2010 - Rafael Nadal wins Roland Garros ,Wimbledon and US OPEN 2011 - Novak Djokovic becomes the first racket of the world The “Greats” Debate WHEN IT COMES TO PICKING THE CENTURY’S TOP TENNIS PLAYERS, TENNIS WRITERS AND FANS don’t Always see eye to eye. That became apparent after analyzing the results of an online readers poll we conducted in September. The criteria given to readers were the same for our writers (choices were to be based solely on talent and on-court accomplishments), but the similarities ended there. Readers showed a stronger taste for the contemporary: Andre Agassi, fresh off his 1999 French and U.S. Open victories, finished second in the men’s voting, right behind Pete Sampràs and ahead of Rod Laver. Yet Agàssididn’t make the writers’ Top 10 list. In addition, Ivan Lendl (No. 6), 149 Arthur Ashe (No. 8), and Boris Becker (No. 9)—none of whom made the writers’ Top 10—all were on the fans’ list, while Bill Tilden, tennis’ legendary player of the 1920s, wasn’t. There was less of a discrepancy on the women’s side, where eight players made both Top 10 lists. The two exceptions: Readers included Tracy Austin and Margaret Osborne DuPont and left off Maureen Connolly (No.11), the first woman to win the Grand Slam, and Althea Gibson (No. 12), the first African-American to win Wimbledon and the U.S. Championships. Recently retired Steffi Graf and Monica Seles were the readers’ top vote-getters N Men N Wome n 1 Pe te Sampras 1 Ste ffi Graf 2 Andre Agas s i 2 M onica Se le s 3 R od Lave r 3 M artina N avratilova 4 Bijorn Borg 4 He le n Wills M oody 5 John M ce nroe 5 Billie Je an King 6 Ivan Le ndl 6 Chris Eve rt 7 R oy Eme rs on 7 M argare t Court 8 Arhur As he 8 Suzanne Le ngle n 9 Boris Be cke r 9 Tracy Os tin 10 Jimmy Connors 10 M argare t Os borne D upont Donald Budge CLASS OF 1964 (Hall of Fame) Born: June 13, 1915, Oakland, California, US, Died: January 26, 2000, Citizenship: US, Handed: Right, Nickname: Don BIOGRAPHY In sheer achievement, John Donald Budge accomplished what nobody before 1938 had been able to do--he won the Grand Slam of tennis, capturing the championships of Australia, France, Wimbledon and the United States in the same year. People were suddenly speaking of Budge in the same breath with the already immortal Bill Tilden. Born June 13, 1915, in Oakland, CA, Budge had been less interested in tennis than in baseball, basketball and football while growing up in the California City where his Scottish-born father, a former soccer player, had settled. When the 6-foot-1, 160-pound right-hander turned to tennis, his strapping size enabled him to play a game of maximum power. His service was battering his backhand considered perhaps the finest the game has known, his net play emphatic his overhead drastic. Quick and rhythmic, he was truly the all-around player and, what is more, was temperamentally suited for the game. Affable and easygoing, he could not be shaken from the objective of winning with the utmost application of hitting power. The red-haired young giant was a favorite wherever he played, and he quickly moved up the tennis ladder. At the age of 19, he was advanced enough to be named to the Davis Cup team. The next year, 1936, he lost at Wimbledon and Forest Hills to Fred Perry, the world's No.1 amateur, but beat Perry in the Pacific Southwest tournament. In 1937 Perry turned pro and Budge became the world's No. 1. He won at Wimbledon and Forest Hills and led the U.S. to its first Davis Cup in 11 years, 4-1 over Britain. The most brilliant act therein was his famous revival in the fifth set of the fifth match against Germany in the person of the stylish Baron Gottfried von Cramm to win the interzone final at neutral Wimbledon. He had already beaten Henner Henkel and won the doubles with Gene Mako over Henkel-von Cramm, so, with the score knotted, 2-2, up came the decisive test, another of his classic jousts with von Cramm. Not only was Budge far back, by two sets, but he had to rise from 1-4 in the fifth to win on a sixth match point, 6-8, 5-7, 64, 6-2, 8-6, and tip the series to the U.S., 3-2. After that the Challenge Round against Britain, also at Wimbledon, was relatively easy, though Don had to beat lefty Charlie Hare in a rugged first set, and take him, 15-13, 6-1, 6-2, to offset Frank Parker's lead-off loss to Bunny Austin. Budge and Mako won the doubles, and Don beat Austin on the third day, his 18th successive singles win on his seeming home turf. Culminating a fantastic year, Budge received the Sullivan Award as America's top amateur athlete, the first tennis player to be so honored. The high regard in which Budge was held by fellow players, spectators and officials was reflected by the loyalty 150 he demonstrated in 1937. He was a big attraction for pro tennis but decided against leaving the amateur ranks for another year. The United States had the Davis Cup and he decided that, in return for all tennis had done for him, he must help in the defense of the Cup for at least another year. So he turned down the professional offers, aware that poor fortunes in 1938 could hurt, if not end, his earning power as a pro. As it turned out, 1938 would be his most glorious year. He defeated John Bromwich, 6-4, 6-2, 6-1, in the Australian final, losing only one set in the entire tournament. In the French championship he beat Roderich Menzel of Czechoslovakia in the final, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4, and yielded three sets in the tournament. At Wimbledon he did not lose a single set, beating Bunny Austin of Britain, 6-1, 6-0, 6-3, for the title, and at Forest Hills he gave up but one set-to Gene Mako in the final--in winning the U.S. crown, 6-3, 6-8, 6-2, 6-1. Budge had won the Grand Slam and was the toast of the tennis world. After helping the U.S. retain the Davis Cup over Australia, beating Adrian Quist and Bromwich, and after four years in the World Top Ten, No. 1 in 1937-38, and five years in the U.S. Top Ten, he left the amateur ranks. He did so with the blessing of the USTA president, Holcombe Ward, and the Davis Cup captain, Walter L. Pate, who wished him well in his pro career. Budge's 1938 season was limited to eight tournaments, of which he won six on 43-2 in matches. His incredible 92-match, 14-tournament winning streak that began after a January 1937 loss to Bitsy Grant was ended by Quist in four sets at the Pacific Southwest. His farewell to amateurism was a defeat by Bromwich in his home territory, Berkeley, in the Pacific Coast tourney. He made his professional debut at Madison Square Garden in New York early in 1939 and, before a crowd of 16,725, defeated Ellsworth Vines, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2. On tour, Budge defeated Vines, 21 matches to 18, and also defeated Perry, 18-11. On tour with the 47-year-old Tilden, Budge beat him, 51-7. Budge won two U.S. pro titles at Forest Hills before entering the Air Force in 1942: 1940 over Perry, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4, 6-3, and 1942 over Bobby Riggs, 6-2, 6-2, 6-2. A shoulder injury suffered in military training reduced his post-war effectiveness, and he lost the pro tour hegemony to challenger Riggs in a close journey of one-nighters, 24-22. Still, he battled to the U.S. Pro tourney finals of 1946,'47,'49, and '53, losing the first three to Riggs and the last to 25-year-old Pancho Gonzalez, 13 years his junior, and left little doubt as to his greatness. "I consider him," said Bill Tilden, "the finest player 365 days a year who ever lived." He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1964. Grand Slam singles finals Wins (6) Year Championship Opponent in Final 1937 Wimbledon Championships Gottfried von Cramm 1937 U.S. Championships Gottfried von Cramm 1938 Australian Championships John Bromwich 1938 French Championships Roderik Menzel 1938 Wimbledon Championships 2 Bunny Austin 1938 U.S. Championships 2 Gene Mako Runner-ups (1) Year Championship Opponent in Final 1936 U.S. Championships Fred Perry US PRO Wins (2) Year Opponent in Final Score in Final 1940 Fred Perry 6-3, 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 1942 Bobby Riggs 6-2, 6-2, 6-2 Runner-ups (4) Year Opponent in Final Score in Final 1946 Bobby Riggs 6-3, 6-1, 6-1 1947 Bobby Riggs 3-6, 6-3, 10-8, 4-6, 6-3 1949 Bobby Riggs 9-7, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3 1953 Pancho Gonzalez 4-6, 6-4, 7-5, 6-2 151 Score in Final 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 6-1, 7-9, 6-1, 3-6, 6-1 6-4, 6-2, 6-1 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 6-1, 6-0, 6-3 6-3, 6-8, 6-2, 6-1 Score in Final 2-6, 6-2, 8-6, 1-6, 10-8 Pancho Gonzales Ricardo Alonso Gonzalez (May 9, 1928 - July 3, 1995), generally known as Richard “Pancho” Gonzales (or, less often, as Pancho Gonzalez) was an American tennis player. He was the World No. 1 professional tennis player for an unequalled eight years in the 1950s and early 1960s.Largely self-taught, Gonzales was a successful amateur player in the late-1940s, twice winning the United States Championships. He is still widely considered to be one of the greatest players in the history of the gameA 1999 Sports Illustrated article about the magazine’s 20 “favorite athletes” of the 20th century said about Gonzales (their number 15 pick): “If earth was on the line in a tennis match, the man you want serving to save humankind would be Ricardo Alonso Gonzalez.” The American tennis commentator Bud Collins echoed this in an August 2006 article for “If I had to choose someone to play for my life, it would be Pancho Gonzalez.” Hall of Fame-1968 Career Amateur Gonzales was given a 51-cent racquet by his mother when he was 12 years old. He received some tennis analysis from his friend, Chuck Pate, but mostly taught himself to play by watching other players on the public courts at nearby Exposition Park in Los Angeles. Once he discovered tennis, he lost interest in school and began a troubled adolescence in which he was occasionally pursued by truant officers and policemen. He was befriended by Frank Poulain, the owner of the tennis shop at Exposition Park, and sometimes slept there. Because of his spotty school attendance and occasional minor brushes with the law, he was ostracized by the overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon, and predominantly upper-class, tennis establishment of 1940s, which was headquartered at the Los Angeles Tennis Club and which actively trained other top players such as the youthful Jack Kramer. During that time, the head of the Southern California Tennis Association, and the most powerful man in California tennis (and much of the country, given the way weather gave that region a head start in tennis) was Perry T. Jones, described an autocratic leader who embodied much of the exclusionary sensibilities that governed tennis for decades. Although Gonzalez was a promising junior, once Jones discovered that the youth was truant from school, he banned him from playing tournaments. Eventually he was arrested for burglary at age 15 and spent a year in detention. He then joined the Navy just as World War II was ending and served for two years, finally receiving a bad-conduct discharge in 1947. According to his autobiography, Gonzales stood 6’3" (1.91 m) and weighed 183 pounds (83 kg) by the time he was 19 years old. Other sources generally credit him as being an inch or two shorter but in any case he would enjoy a clear advantage in height over a number of his most prominent rivals, particularly Pancho Segura, Ken Rosewall, and Rod Laver, all of whom were at least 5 or 6 inches shorter. Tony Trabert, who was badly beaten by Gonzales on their 101-match tour and who disliked him intensely, nevertheless once told the Los Angeles Times: “Gonzales is the greatest natural athlete tennis has ever known. The way he can move that 6-foot3-inch frame of his around the court is almost unbelievable. He’s just like a big cat... Pancho’s reflexes and reactions are God-given talents. He can be moving in one direction and in the split second it takes him to see that the ball is hit to his weak side, he’s able to throw his physical mechanism in reverse and get to the ball in time to reach it with his racket.”] The flamboyant Gussie Moran, who briefly toured with the Gonzales group, said that watching Gonzales was like seeing “a god patrolling his personal heaven.” In spite of his lack of playing time while in the Navy, and as a mostly unknown 19year-old in 1947, Gonzales achieved a National Ranking of No. 17 by playing primarily on the West Coast. He did, however, go East that year to play in the United States Championships at Forest Hills. He surprised the British Davis Cup-player Derek Barton, then lost a five-set match to the number-3 seed, Gardnar Mulloy. Following that, in the last major tournament of the year, the Pacific Southwest, played at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, he beat three internationally known names, Jaroslav Drobny, Bob Falkenburg, and Frank Parker, before losing in the finals to Ted Schroeder. The following year, 1948, Perry T. Jones relented in his opposition to Gonzales and sponsored his trip East to play in the major tournaments. The top-ranked American player, Ted Schroeder, decided at the last moment not to play in the United States Championships and Gonzales was seeded number 8 in the tournament. To the surprise of most observers, he won it fairly easily by a straight-set victory over the South African Eric Sturgess in the finals with his powerful serve-and-volley game. As The New York Times story of that first win began, “The rankest outsider of modern times sits on the tennis throne.” His persona at the time was strikingly different from what it would become in future years. American Lawn Tennis wrote that “the crowd cheered a handsome, dark-skinned MexicanAmerican youngster who smiled boyishly each time he captured a hard-fought point, kissed the ball prayerfully 152 before a crucial serve, and was human enough to show nervousness as he powered his way to the most coveted crown in the world.” This was Gonzales’s only major tournament victory of the year, but it was enough to let him finish the year ranked as the number one American player. In 1949, Gonzales did badly at Wimbledon and was derided for his performance by some of the press. A British sportswriter called him a “cheese champion” and, because of his name, his doubles partner of the time, Frank Parker, began to call him “Gorgonzales”, after Gorgonzola, the Italian cheese. This was eventually shortened to “Gorgo”, the nickname by which he was later known by his colleagues on the professional tour. (Jack Kramer, in his autobiography, says that it was Jim Burchard, the tennis writer for the New York World-Telegram who first called him a “cheese champ”.)” When Gonzales returned to the United States Championships in 1949, once again to the surprise of many observers, he repeated his victory of the previous year. Ted Schroeder, the No. 1 seed, had beaten Gonzales eight times in nine matches during their careers and was heavily favored â•” the single time Gonzales had beaten Schroeder, he was playing with a nose that had been broken the day before by his doubles partner’s tennis racquet during a misplayed point at the net. In a tremendous final that has been called the 11th greatest match of all time”, Gonzales lost a 1-hour and 15-minute first set 16-18 but finally managed to prevail in the 5th set. Once again he finished the year as the number-one ranked U.S. amateur. Gonzales also won both his singles matches in the Davis Cup finals against Australia. Having beaten Schroeder at Forest Hills, he was clearly the best amateur in the world. Bobby Riggs, who had been counting on signing Schroeder to play Kramer on the professional tour, was then forced to reluctantly sign Gonzales instead. Professional Kramer Gonzales was badly beaten in his first year on the professional tour, 96 matches to 27, by the reigning king of professional tennis, Jack Kramer. During this time, Gonzales’s personality apparently changed from that of a friendly, happy-go-lucky youngster to the hard-bitten loner he became known as for the rest of his life. According to Kramer in his 1979 autobiography, “The worst thing that ever happened to Gonzales was winning Forest Hills in 1949... At a time when Gorgo wasn’t mature as a player he was pitted against Kramer, an established pro at his peak.” Moreover, says Kramer, “Pancho had no idea how to live or take care of himself. He was a hamburger-and-hot-dog guy to start with and had no concept of diet in training... On the court Gorgo would swig Cokes through a match... Also Gorgo was a pretty heavy cigarette smoker. He had terrible sleeping habits made even worse by the reality of a tour.” Kramer won 22 of the first 26 matches and 42 of the next 50. Gonzales improved enough to win 15 of the remaining 32 but it was too late. Bobby Riggs, the tour promoter, told Gonzales that he was now “dead meat”: Kramer would need a new challenger for the next tour. As compensation, however, Gonzales had made $75,000 in his losing efforts. Kramer also said that “his nature had changed completely. He became difficult and arrogant. Losing had changed him. When he got his next chance, he understood that you either win or you’re out of a job.” He was now “a loner”, said Ted Schroeder, “and always the unhappiest man in town.” Hoad The most difficult challenge that Gonzales faced during those years came from Lew Hoad, the very powerful young Australian who had won five Grand Slam titles as an amateur. In the 1958 tour, Gonzales and Hoad played head-to-head 87 times. Hoad won 18 of the first 27 matches and it appeared that he was about to displace Gonzales as the best in the world. Gonzales, however, revamped and improved his backhand during the course of those first matches, just as Bill Tilden had to do in 1920 in order to become the best in the world, and then he won 42 of the next 60 matches to maintain his superiority by a margin of 51 wins to 36 wins for Hoad. Much of Gonzales’s competitive fire during these years derived from the anger he felt at being paid much less than the players he was regularly beating. In 1955, for instance, he was paid $15,000 while his touring opponent, the recently turned professional Tony Trabert, had a contract for $80,000. He had an often bitter adversarial relationship with most of the other players and generally travelled and lived by himself, showing up only in time to play his match, then moving on alone to the next town. Gonzales and Jack Kramer, the longtime promoter of the tour, were also bitter enemies dating to the days when Kramer had first beaten the youthful Gonzales on his initial tour. Now they fought incessantly about money, while Kramer openly rooted for the other players to beat Gonzales. As much as he disliked Gonzales, however, Kramer knew that Gonzales was the star attraction of the touring professionals and that without him there would be no tour at all. Regarding the tour, Kramer writes that “even though Gonzales was usually the top name, he would almost never help promote the Tour. The players could have tolerated his personal disagreeableness, but his refusal to help the group irritated them the most. Frankly, the majority of players disliked Gonzales intensely. Sedgman almost came to blows with Gonzales once. Trabert and Gorgo hated each other. The only player he ever tried to get along with was Lew Hoad.” Open tennis Most of Gonzales’s career as a professional fell before the start of the Open Era of tennis in 1968, and he was therefore ineligible to compete at the Grand Slam events between 1949 (when he turned pro) and 1967. As has been observed about other great players such as Rod Laver, Gonzales almost certainly would have won a number of additional Grand Slam titles had he been permitted to compete in those tournaments during that 18-year period. 153 Jack Kramer, for instance, has speculated in an article about the theoretical champions of Forest Hills and Wimbledon that Gonzales would have won an additional 11 titles in those two tournaments alone.The first major Open tournament was the French Championships in May 1968, when Gonzales had just turned 40. In spite of the fact that he had been semi-retired for a number of years and that the tournament was held on slow clay courts that penalize serve-and-volley players, Gonzales beat the 1967 defending champion Roy Emerson in the quarterfinals. He then lost in the semi-finals to Rod Laver. He lost in the third round of Wimbledon but later beat the second-seeded Tony Roche in the fourth round of the United States Open before losing an epic match to Holland’s Tom Okker. One of the greatest matches ever played In 1969, however, it was Gonzales’s turn to prevail in the longest match ever played till that time, one so long and arduous that it resulted in the advent of tie break scoring. As a 41-year-old at Wimbledon, Gonzales met the fine young amateur Charlie Pasarell, a Puerto Rican younger than Gonzales by 16 years who revered his opponent. Pasarell won a titanic first set, 24-22, then with daylight fading, the 41-year-old Gonzalez argued that the match should be suspended. The referee didn’t relent and thus the petulant Gonzalez virtually threw the second set, losing it 6-1. At the break, the referee agreed the players should stop. Gonzalez was booed as he walked off Centre Court. The next day, the serves, the volleys and all the prowess that made Gonzales a fiery competitor surfaced with trademark vengeance. Pasarell, seeking to exploit Gonzalez’s advanced years, tried to aim soft service returns at Gonzalez’s feet and tire him with frequent lobs. Barked Gonzalez on a changeover, “Charlie, I know what you’re doing â•“ and it’s not working!” Gonzalez rebounded to win three straight sets, 16-14, 6-3, 11-9. In the fifth set, Gonzales won all seven match points that Pasarell had against him, twice coming back from 0-40 deficits, to walk off the court from the 5-hour, 12-minute epic. The final score was an improbable 22-24, 1-6, 16-14, 6-3, 11-9. Gonzales went on to the fourth round of the championship, where he was beaten in four sets by Arthur Ashe. The match with Pasarell, however, is still remembered as one of the highlights in the history of tennis and has been called one of “The Ten Greatest Matches of the Open Era” in the November/December 2003 issue of TENNIS magazine.] But it was not this match alone which gave Gonzales the reputation, among the top players, of being the greatest long-match player in the history of the game. The match would (largely due to the introduction of the tie break) remain the longest in terms of games played until the historic, 11 hours and 183 games long Isnerâ-Mahut match at the 2010 Wimbledon Championships. Final professional years Roy Emerson, the fine Australian player who won a dozen Grand Slam titles during the 1960s as an amateur when most of the best players in the world were professionals, turned pro in 1968 at the age of 32, having won the French Open the year before. Gonzales, eight years older, immediately beat him in the quarter-finals of the French championships. In the following years, Gonzales beat Emerson another 11 times, apparently losing very few matches to him. In the Champions Classic of 1970 in Miami, Florida, however, Emerson did beat Gonzales in straight sets, 6/2, 6/3, 6/2. Another great Australian player was Ken Rosewall, who won eight Grand Slam titles during his long career, first as an amateur, then as a professional in the early years of Open tennis. Gonzales played 160 matches against Rosewall, winning 101 and losing 59. In late 1969, Gonzales won the Howard Hughes Open in Las Vegas and the Pacific Southwest Open in Los Angeles, beating, among others, John Newcombe, Ken Rosewall, Stan Smith (twice), Cliff Richey, and Arthur Ashe. He was the top American money-winner for 1969 with $46,288. If the touring professionals had been included in the United States rankings, it is likely he would have been ranked number one in the country, just as he had been two decades earlier in 1948 and 1949. Gonzales continued to play in the occasional tournament in his 40s. He could also occasionally beat the clear number-one player in the world, Rod Laver. Their most famous meeting was a $10,000 winner-take-all match before a crowd of 15,000 in Madison Square Garden in February 1970. Pancho Gonzales career statistics Amateur career (1948-1949) : 17 NN D ate N ame of Tourname nt R unne r - up Score 1 1948 5- 11/01 USA Tampa Dixie Championships Gardner Larned 2- 6 3- 6 6- 2 7- 5 6- 2 2 1948 19- 25/01 O rlando Florida Championships Enrique Buse 6- 2 3- 6 6- 3 6- 3 3 1948 6- 12/06 Berkeley California Championships Earl Cochell 1- 6 10- 8 6- 3 6- 4 4 1948 21- 27/06 Maplewood N .J. Championships Don McN eil 6- 3 4- 6 2- 6 6- 4 6- 0 5 1948 5- 11/07 Indianapolis Western Championships Jack Tuero 6- 3 6- 1 6- 3 6 1948 12- 18/07 River Forest U.S. Clay Court Clarence Carter 7- 5 6- 2 6- 3 7 1948 2- 7/08 Sauthhampton Budge Patty 6- 3 6- 0 6- 3 8 1948 6- 19/09 U.S. N ationals Forest Hills Eric Sturgess 6- 2 6- 3 14- 12 9 1949 5- 12/02 La Jolla Beach Classic Ted Schroeder 6- 2 6- 8 9- 7 10 1949 14- 20/02 Los Angeles Metropolitan Seymour Greenberg 6- 1 8- 6 11 1949 17- 26/03 N ew York U.S. Indoor Bill Talbert 10- 8 6- 0 4- 6 9- 7 12 1949 25- 30/04 O jai Valley California Championships Bob Falkenburg 7- 5 6- 3 154 NN 13 D ate N ame of Tourname nt R unne r - up 1949 11- 18/07 Forest U.S. Clay Court Frank Parker Score 6- 1 3 - 6 8 - 6 6- 3 14 1949 19- 23/07 Haverford Pennsylvania Grass Court Vic Seixas 6- 4 6- 1 6- 0 15 1949 15- 22/08 N ewport Casino Invitational Gardnar Mulloy 10- 8 9- 11 6- 3 6- 4 16 1949 31/08- 15/09 U.S. N ational Forest Hills Ted Schroeder 16- 18 2- 6 6- 1 6- 2 6- 4 17 1949 12- 18/09 Los Angeles Pacific Southwest Ted Schroeder 6- 3 9- 11 8- 6 6- 4 Professional career (1950-1967) : 85 NN D ate N ame of Tourname nt R unne r - up Score 1 1950 22- 26 /03 Philadelphie Pro Championships Jack K ramer 7- 5 6- 3 6- 4 2 1950 25- 30 /09 Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor Welby Van Horn 6- 3 6- 3 6- 2 3 1951 24- 28 /09 Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor Pancho Segura 6- 2 6- 2 2- 6 6- 4 4 1952 25- 29 /03 Philadelphie Pro Championships Pancho Segura 6- 2 6- 3 5 1952 28 /07- 02/08 Scarborough Slazenger Pro Pancho Segura 15- 13 6- 3 6- 3 6 1952 30- 31/08 Berlin Rot Weiss Club Pro Donald Budge 8- 6 7- 5 7 1952 25- 28 /09 Wembley pro Jack K ramer 3- 6 3- 6 6- 2 6- 4 7- 5 8 1953 16- 21/06 U.S. Pro Championships Cleveland Donald Budge 4- 6 6- 4 7- 5 6- 2 9 1953 11- 16/08 Los Angeles California State Donald Budge 5- 7 6- 3 6- 4 10- 8 10 1953 16- 20/09 Q uebec Canadian Pro Bobby Riggs 6- 0 6- 4 6- 4 11 1954 3- 4 /01 N ew York (M.S.G.) Pro Pancho Segura 7- 9 6- 4 6- 4 12 1954 12/01 N orfolk Pro Champonships Pancho Segura 8- 5 (pro set) 13 1954 13/01 Charlottesville Pro Champ Pancho Segura 11- 9 (pro set) 14 1954 15/01 N ew Haven Pro Championships Pancho Segura 9- 7 (pro set) 15 1954 17/01 Buffalo Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 11- 9 (pro set) 16 1954 19/01 Toronto Canadian Pro Chmpionships Pancho Segura 8- 5 (pro set) 17 1954 25/01 Saint- Louis Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 10- 8 (pro set) 18 1954 27/01 Cincinnati Pro Championships Pancho Segura 9- 7 (pro set) 19 1954 30/01 White Plains Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 2 (pro set) 20 1954 2/02 Rochester Pro Championships Pancho Segura ? 21 1954 3/02 Albany Pro Championships Pancho Segura 10- 8 (pro set) 22 1954 4/02 Boston Pro Indoor Championships Pancho Segura 9- 7 (pro set) 23 1954 8/02 O ttawa Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 6 (pro set) 24 1954 9/02 Ithaca Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 4 (pro set) 25 1954 12/02 Fort Wayne Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 28- 26 (pro set) 26 1954 14/02 K ansas Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 4 (pro set) 27 1954 23/02 Sacramento Pro Championships Pancho Segura ? 28 1954 3/03 San Antonio Pro Chamionships Pancho Segura ? 29 1954 5/03 Dallas Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 3 (pro set) 30 1954 20/03 N ew York Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 5 (pro set) 31 1954 29/03 El Paso Pro Championships Pancho Segura ? 32 1954 3- 4/04 Mexico Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 9- 7 6- 4 33 1954 7/04 O klahoma City Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 6 (pro set) 34 1954 28/04- 2/05 U.S. Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 6- 3 9- 7 3- 6 6- 2 35 1954 12/05 Grand Forks Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 36 1954 25/05 Palo Alto Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 8- 4 (pro set) 37 1954 8- 13/06 Los Angeles U.S. Pro Hard Court Pancho Segura 6- 4 4- 6 2- 6 6- 2 6- 4 38 1955 4- 8/03 Pro Championchip Cleveland Segura 21- 16 19- 21 21- 8 20- 22 21- 19 39 1955 24- 30/07 24- 30/07 Scarborough Slazenger Pro Pancho Segura 6- 2 7- 5 8- 6 155 ? NN D ate N ame of Tourname nt R unne r - up Score 40 1955 20- 23/08 O stende Pro Championships (Belgique) Pancho Segura 6- 1 6- 1 41 1955 9- 14/11 Los Angeles U.S. Pro Hard Pancho Segura 21- 19 6- 3 6- 4 42 1956 2- 6/06 U.S. Pro Champships Cleveland Pancho Segura 21- 15 13- 21 21- 14 22- 20 43 1956 30/06- 3/07 Buenos Aires Argentina Pro Frank Sedgman 7- 9 6- 2 6- 1 7- 9 10- 8 44 1956 15- 16/07 Chicago Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 2 sets zero 45 1956 27/07- 5/08 Los Angeles T.O .C Frank Sedgman 9- 7 3- 6 6- 1 46 1956 17- 20/09 Milan Trophy of Champions Frank Sedgman 6- 4 6- 4 6- 3 47 1956 26- 29/09 Wembley pro (London Indoor Frank Sedgman 4- 6 11- 9 11- 9 9- 7 48 1957 8- 12/04 U.S. Pro Championships Cleveland Pancho Segura 6- 3 3- 6 7- 5 6- 1 49 1957 20- 21/04 Hamilton Bermuda Pro Pancho Segura 7- 9 6- 4 6- 3 50 1957 23- 24/05 San Francisco Cow- Palace Pro Pancho Segura 6- 4 6- 4 51 1957 14- 21/07 Forest Hills T.O .C. R.R Frank Sedgman 5- 7 7- 5 3- 6 6- 3 6- 3 52 1957 26/07- 3/08 Los Angeles Pro Masters R.R. Frank Sedgman 6- 1 3 - 6 6- 1 53 1958 1- 5/05 U.S. Pro Championchips Cleveland Pancho Segura 3- 6 4- 6 14- 12 6- 1 6- 4 54 1958 26/05 Salt Lake City Pro Championships K en Rosewall 10- 8 (pro set) 55 1958 27/05 Boise Pro Championships K en Rosewall 8- 4 (pro set) 56 1958 28 /05 Spokane Pro Championships Tony Trabert 8- 5 (pro set) 57 1958 30/05 Vancuver Pro Championships Tony Trabert 8- 2 (pro set) 58 1958 2/05 Brsfield Pro Championships Pancho Segura 8- 6 (pro set) 59 1958 3/05 Palo Alto Pro Championships Frank Sedgman 8- 6 (pro set) 60 1958 16- 24/06 Forest Hills T.O .C. K en Rosewall 19- 17 5- 7 6- 4 61 1959 4- 8/02 Sydney N .S.W. Pro Championships 62 1959 22- 26/04 U.S. Pro Championships Cleveland Lew Hoad 6- 4 6- 2 6- 4 63 1959 5- 14/06 Los Angeles Masters Lew Hoad ? 64 1959 16- 21/06 Toronto O 'K eefe Pro Championship Frank Sedgman 6- 1 6- 4 6- 1 65 1959 8- 13/12 Sydney N .S.W. Pro Championship Lew Hoad 6- 1 6- 1 66 1960 11- 16/05 Tuscaloosa Pro Championships (USA) Sammy Giammalva 6- 1 6- 4 6- 4 67 1961 29/04- 3/05 U.S. Pro Championships Cleveland Frank Sedgman 6- 3 7- 5 68 1961 16- 20/08 Geneve Gold Trophy K en Rosewall 8- 6 6- 0 69 1961 27/09- 2/10 Copenhagen Scandinavian Pro Alex O lmedo 4- 6 7- 5 8 - 6 7- 5 70 1961 3- 7/10 Milan Pro Championships Ashley Cooper 6- 3 6- 2 71 1961 16- 20/10 Vienne Austrian Pro Indoor Barry MacK ay 6- 2 6- 4 6- 4 72 1964 12- 16/05 Cleveland Pepsi Cola World Pro Andres Gimeno 6- 2 1 5 - 1 3 73 1964 26- 31/05 White Plains U.S. Pro indoor K en Rosewall 8- 6 74 1964 20- 21/07 Wembley Pro (London Golden Racket ) Lew Hoad 0- 6 6- 4 9- 7 75 1964 22- 24/07 K nokke- le- Zoute Pro (Belgique) Rod Laver 6- 3 8 - 6 Frank Sedgman 7- 5 6- 4 0- 6 6- 4 76 1964 8- 13/12 Hollywood Florida Pro Bernard Bartzen 6- 4 8 - 6 77 1965 18- 23/01 Sydney N .S.W. Pro Championships K en Rosewall 8 - 6 3 - 6 6- 4 78 1965 6- 11/04 O rlando Florida Pro Pancho Segura 6- 1 6- 1 79 1965 5/05 Dallas CBS TV Pro Series K en Rosewall 8- 10 7- 5 12- 10 80 1965 2- 6/06 Seattle Seafirst Greater Pro Rod Laver 6- 3 6- 4 81 1966 1- 6/02 Hollywood Florida Pro Warren Woodcock 6- 2 6- 0 82 31/03 31/03 Wembley (London) BBC- 2 Trophy Rod Laver 6- 3 5 - 7 1 2- 1 0 83 1966 14- 18/09 Birmingham Pro Classic (USA) Crawford Henry 6- 2 7- 5 84 1966 29/11- 4/12 Hollywood Pro Challenge Cup Rod Laver 6- 4 6- 2 85 1967 2- 7/05 Birmingham Pro Classic (USA) Alan Mills 6- 4 6- 2 156 Open Era (1968-1972) : 11 NN D ate N ame of Tourname nts R unne -up Score 1 1968 15- 21/07 Los Angeles N ational Tennis Ligue Pro Rod Laver 1- 6 6- 3 6- 4 2 1968 28/09- 1/10 Midland Pro Championships Roy Emerson 7- 5 6- 3 3 1969 15- 21/09 Los Angeles Pacific Southwest O pen Cliff Richey 6- 0 7- 5 4 1969 15- 21/09 Los Angeles Pacific Southwest O pen Cliff Richey 6- 0 7- 5 5 1970 12- 17/05 Las Vegas Howard Hughes O pen ) Rod Laver 6- 1 7- 5 5- 7 6- 3 6 1971 3- 9/05 Los Angeles Southern California Jimmy Connors 6- 4 4- 6 6- 1 7 1971 20- 26/09 Los Angeles Pacific Southwest O pen Jimmy Connors 3- 6 6- 3 6- 3 8 1971 13- 16/12 K ingston Rothmans International Clark Graebner 6- 4 4- 6 6- 3 9 1972 31/01- 6/02 Des Moines Iowa International Georges Goven 3- 6 4- 6 6- 3 6- 4 6- 2 10 1972 20- 26/09 Los Angeles Southern California Alex O lmedo 6- 3 6- 2 11 1972 11- 14/12 K ingston Rothmans International Clark Graebner 6- 3 6- 4 157 Rod Laver Rodney George "Rod" Laver (born 9 August 1938, in Rockhampton, Australia) is a former tennis player from Australia who was the World No. 1 player for seven consecutive years, from 1964 to 1970. He is the only tennis player to have twice won all four Grand Slam singles titles in the same year — first as an amateur in 1962 and second as a professional in 1969. He is the only male player during the open era to have won a calendar year Grand Slam. Laver has been rated as the greatest male tennis player of all time by several experts and polls Playing style Although of a slightly short and medium build (1.72m), Laver developed a technically complete serve-and-volley game, with aggressive groundstrokes to back it up. As Dan Maskell put it, he was "technically faultless, from his richly varied serve to his feather-light touch on drop volleys plus a backhand drive carrying destructive topspin when needed or controlling slice when the situation demanded it." His left-handed serve was well disguised and wide swinging. His wristy groundstrokes on both flanks were hit with topspin, an innovation in the 1960s, as was the attacking topspin lob, which Laver developed into a weapon. His stroke technique was based on quick shoulder turns, true swings, and exquisite timing. His backhand, often hit on the run, was a point-ender that gave him an advantage. Laver was very quick and mobile and had a gigantic left forearm. Rex Bellamy wrote, "The strength of that wrist and forearm gave him blazing power without loss of control, even when he was on the run and at full stretch. The combination of speed and strength, especially wrist strength, enabled him to hit ferocious winners when way out of court." At the net, he had forcing volleys, often hit as stroke volleys. Especially on the backhand, he could hit sharp underspin angles as well. Julius Heldman pointed out, "He is competent on low balls, handling them with underspin for control, but he will cream any ball at waist level or higher." He was difficult to lob, because of his springing agility, and when forced to retreat, he could come up with a vicious counterpunch. As an amateur, Laver was a somewhat flashy player, often a late starter. He had to learn to control his adventurous shotmaking and integrate percentage tennis into his game when he turned professional. In his prime, he could adapt his style to all surfaces and to all conditions. Laver had a great record in five-set-matches, often turning things around with subtle changes of tactics or by simply hitting his way out of danger. When he got into the "zone", he went for broke. Then he would, as Heldman explains, "literally jump and throw his racket at the ball with all the force he could muster, wrist and arm snapping over at the hit." Amateur career Laver was a young boy when he left school to pursue a tennis career that lasted 23 years. He was coached in Queensland by Charlie Hollis and later by the Australian Davis Cup team captain Harry Hopman, who gave Laver the nickname "Rocket." Laver was the U.S. junior champion in 1956 and the Australian junior champion in 1957. He had his breakthrough on the world stage in 1959, when he reached all three finals at Wimbledon, winning the mixed doubles titlewith Darlene Hard. As an unseeded player, he lost the singles final to Peruvian Alex Olmedo after surviving an 87-game semifinal against American Barry MacKay. His first major singles title was the Australian Championships in 1960, where he defeated fellow Australian Neale Fraser in a five-set final. He then captured his first Wimbledon singles crown in 1961. In 1962, Laver became only the second male player after Don Budge in 1938 to win all four Grand Slam singles titles in the same year and won an additional 17 titles. Among those titles were the Italian Championships and the German Championships, giving Laver the "clay court triple" of Paris, Rome, and Hamburg that had been achieved previously only by Lew Hoad in 1956. The biggest hurdle to Laver's winning the Grand Slam was the French Championships on slow clay, where Laver won three consecutive five-setters beginning with the quarterfinals. In his quarterfinal with Martin Mulligan, Laver saved a matchpoint in the fourth set with a backhand volley after coming to the net behind a second serve. In the final, Laver lost the first two sets and was down 0–3 in the fourth set before coming back to defeat Roy Emerson. At Wimbledon, his progress was much easier. Laver lost only one set the whole tournament, to Manuel Santana in a quarterfinal, who held a set point for a two set lead. At the U.S. Championships, Laver lost only two sets during the tournament and defeated Emerson again in the final. 158 At the time, the Grand Slam events were open only to amateur players, who were given (under the table) little more than cost-of-living money for their appearances in tournaments. Professional career Before the open era Laver turned professional after completing the Grand Slam in 1962. He quickly established himself among the leading professional players such as Pancho Gonzales and Ken Rosewall. During the next seven years, Laver won the U.S. Pro Championships five times, including four in a row beginning in 1966. In the first half of 1963, Laver was beaten badly by both Rosewall and Hoad. Hoad won the first 8 matches against Laver, and Rosewall won 11 out of 13. By the end of the year, however, with 6 tournament titles, Laver had become the No. 2 professional player behind Rosewall.[9] In 1964, Laver and Rosewall both won seven important titles (plus four minor events), but Laver won 12 of 15 matches against Rosewall and captured the two most prestigious titles, the U.S. Pro Championships over Gonzales and the Wembley Pro Championship over Rosewall. In tennis week, Raymond Lee has described the Wembley match, where Laver came from 5-3 down in the fifth set to win 8-6, as possibly their best ever and one that changed tennis history. Lee regards this win as the one that began and established Laver’s long reign as world number one. The other prestige title, the French pro, was won by Rosewall. In 1965, Laver was clearly the No. 1 professional player [10], winning 17 titles and 13 of 18 matches against Rosewall. In ten finals, Laver won eight against the still dangerous Gonzales. In 1966, Laver won 16 events, including the U.S. Pro Championships, the Wembly Pro Championship, and eight other important tournaments. In 1967, Laver won 19 titles, including the Wimbledon Pro, the U.S. Pro Championships, the Wembley Pro Championship, and the French Pro Championship, which gave him a clean sweep of the most important professional titles. The tournament in 1967 on Wimbledon’s Centre Court was the only professional event ever staged on that court before the open era began. Laver beat Rosewall in the final 6–2, 6–2, 12–10. In 1967, Rod Laver won the three tournaments which were unofficially called the “Professional Grand Slams” (Wembley Championships, US Professional Championships and the French Professional Championships). During the open era With the dawn of the open era in 1968, professional players were once again allowed to compete in Grand Slam events. Laver became Wimbledon’s first open era champion in 1968, beating the best amateur, American Arthur Ashe, in a semifinal and fellow-Australian Tony Roche in the final, both in straight sets. Laver was also the runner-up to Ken Rosewall in the first French Open. In this first “open” year, there were only eight open events besides Wimbledon and the French Open, where professionals, registered players, and amateurs could compete against each other. The professionals mainly played their own circuit, with two groups - National Tennis League (NTL) and World Championships Tennis (WCT) - operating. Laver was ranked No. 1 universally, winning the U.S. Professional Championships on grass and the French Pro Championship on clay (both over John Newcombe). Laver also won the last big open event of the year, the Pacific Southwest in Los Angeles on hard courts. Ashe regarded Laver’s 4–6, 6–0, 6–0 final win over Rosewall as one of his finest performances.[11] Laver’s post match comment was, “This is the kind of match you always dream about. The kind you play at night in your sleep.” In 1969, Laver won all four Grand Slam tournaments in the same calendar year for the second time, sealing the achievement with a four-set win over Roche in the U.S. Open final. He won 18 of the 32 singles tournaments he entered and compiled a 106-16 win-loss record. In beating Newcombe in four sets in the Wimbledon final, he captured the title at the All England Club for the fourth consecutive time that he had entered the tournament (and reached the final for the sixth consecutive time as he had been runner-up in 1959 and 1960). He set a record of 31 consecutive match victories at Wimbledon between 1961 and 1970, which lasted until 1980 when it was eclipsed by Björn Borg. Unlike his first Grand Slam year in 1962, Laver in 1969 played in events open to all the best professional and amateur players of the world. In the year’s Grand Slam tournaments, Laver had five five-set-matches, twice coming back from two sets down in early rounds. In the four finals, however, he lost a total of only two sets. His hardest match was a marathon 90-game semifinal against Roche at the Australian Open under tropical hot conditions. Other opponents at the Australian Open included Roy Emerson, Fred Stolle, and Andres Gimeno. At the French Open, Laver beat Gimeno, Tom Okker, and Rosewall. At Wimbledon, Laver overcame strong challenges from Stan Smith, Cliff Drysdale, Ashe, and Newcombe. At the U.S. Open on slippery grass courts, Laver defeated Dennis Ralston, Emerson, Ashe, and Roche. Laver proved his versatility by winning the Grand Slam tournaments on grass and clay, plus the two most important hard court titles (South African Open at Ellis Park, Johannesburg and the U.S. Professional Championships at Boston) 159 and the leading indoor tournaments (Philadelphia U.S. Pro Indoor and Wembley British Indoor). With US$124,000 in prize money, he was also the first player to break the US$100,000 barrier in a year. In the early 1970s, Laver lost his grip on the major tournaments. He played only five Grand Slam tournaments from 1970 through 1972. This was partly due to his contracts with NTL and WCT. But on the WCT tours, he remained the leading player and by far the leading prize money winner. In 1970, Laver won 15 titles and US$201,453 in prize money, including the rich ‘Tennis Champions Classic’ and five other big events (Sydney Dunlop Open, Philadelphia, Wembley, Los Angeles, South African Open). Those were the equivalent of the modern day ATP Masters Series. With only two majors played by all the best players (Wimbledon and the U.S. Open), there was no clear-cut World No. 1 in 1970. Wimbledon champion Newcombe, U.S. champion Rosewall, and Laver (who won the most titles and had a 3–0 win-loss record against Newcombe and a 5–0 record against Rosewall) were ranked the highest by different journalists and expert panels. Although Newcombe was top ranked by Lance Tingay, Newcombe wrote later in his autobiography “Newk-Life on and off the Court” (2002) that the top honour in 1970 belonged to Laver. In 1971, Laver successfully defended his title at the “Tennis Champions Classic”, winning 13 consecutive winner-takeall matches against top opponents and US$160,000. He also won seven tournaments, including the Italian Open in Rome on clay over Jan Kodeš, the reigning French Open champion. For the year, Laver won a then-record US$292,717 in tournament prize money and became the first tennis player to surpass US$1 million in career prize money. In 1971 and 1972, Laver finished as the points leader of the WCT tournament series but lost the playoff finals at Dallas to Rosewall. The last match is rated as one of the best of all time and drew a TV audience of over 20 million. Beginning in 1972, Laver cut back his tournament schedule, partly due to back and knee injuries and his tennis camp businesses. In 1973, Laver won seven tournaments and successfully participated in the semifinals and final of the Davis Cup, where he won all six of his rubbers for Australia. The following year, Laver won six of 13 tournaments and ended the year as World No. 4 on the computer. At 36, he was the oldest player during the open era to have been included in the yearending top five. In 1975, Laver set a record for WCT tournaments by winning four titles and 23 consecutive matches but in 1976, Laver semi-retired from the main tour, playing only a few selected events. He also signed with World Team Tennis, where he became “Rookie of the Year” at the age of 38. Laver won a record 45 open titles after he turned 30 years old. And despite his relatively advanced age, his win-loss percentage during the open era was around 80%, which places him fifth on the open era list behind Borg, Jimmy Connors, Ivan Lendl, and John McEnroe but ahead of Pete Sampras and Roger Federer. Davis Cup Laver helped Australia win the Davis Cup four consecutive times from 1959-62. In 1973, professionals were permitted to play in the Davis Cup for the first time, and Laver was on a winning team for the fifth time, claiming two singles and a doubles rubber in the final as Australia beat the United States 5–0. Rivalry with Ken Rosewall Laver had a long-running, friendly rivalry with Rosewall between 1963, when he started out as a pro, and 1976, when both were semi-retired from the main tour. Including tournaments and one-night stands, they played over 130 matches, all of them as professionals, with some results from the barnstorming pro tours lost or badly recorded. According to “Total Tennis”, Laver won 62 of their matches while losing 49. Other counts and estimations by the tennis historian Robert Geist give possible results of 76-66 or 100-85 in favor of Laver. The bulk of Rosewall’s wins came in the first half of 1963, when Laver was a rookie pro. Except the first year (1963) and the last year they played (1976), Laver always had a positive record against Rosewall. In the open era, a match score of 23-9 in favor of Laver can be documented, overall a score of 77-62 (see the details in Ken Rosewall). Laver had another, even longer rivalry with his fellow Queenslander Roy Emerson. They met first on the senior amateur tour in 1958 and dominated the amateur circuit until 1962, before Laver turned pro. When open tennis arrived in 1968, Emerson joined the pro tour, and had many new battles with Laver. Overall the score is 47-18 in favor of Laver, with 7-2 in major Grand Slam tournaments. Against the older Pancho Gonzales, whom he played 1964 to 1970 on the pro tour, Laver had a lead of 35-19 or 37-21, depending on the source. Laver had also many battles with Lew Hoad in his first years on the pro circuit 1963-1965. Although he lost the first 8 matches in January 1963, Laver later in the year began to turn around their rivalry, and until 1965, he had built a 37-16 lead. Against Arthur Ashe, Laver had a head-to-head lead of 21-3, winning all of the first 18 matches. Ashe’s first win only came in 1974, when Laver was 35. Another younger rival in the open era was John Newcombe, whom Laver lead 16-5 their head-to-head score. 160 Amateur career (1956-1962) : 54 1 1956 Brisbane Queensland Metropolitan (Australie) 2 1957 2-3 mars Redcliffe Queensland Bay (Australie) B. Green 6-1, 6-4 3 1957 19-22 avril Rockhampton Queensland Central (Australie) Ken Fletcher 7-5, 6-3 4 1958 1-2 mars Redcliffe Queensland Bay (Australie) G. Gaydon 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 5 1958 4-6 mai Nambour Maroochy Championships (Australie) Malcolm Anderson 6-3, 6-2 6 1958 9-12 octobre Southport South Coast Championships (Australie) Neil Gibson 7-9, 6-3, 6-4 7 1959 27-30 mars Rockhampton Queensland Central (Australie) Frank Gorman 6-1, 6-2 8 1960 20 jan-2 fev. Australian Championships (Brisbane) (Australie) Neale Fraser 5-7, 3-6, 6-3, 8-6, 8-6 9 1960 2-3 avril Wynnum Queensland Championships (Australie) Neil Gibson 6-3, 6-0 10 1960 30 avril-2 mai Nambour Maroochy Championships (Australie) Ken Fletcher 3-6, 7-5, 6-3 11 1960 30 mai-6 juin Lausanne Vaud International (Suisse) Ronald Barnes 6-4, 6-2, 6-4 12 1960 25 juillet-1er aout Haverford Merion Club (Etats-Unis) Ron Holmberg 9-7, 8-6, 6-3 13 1960 2-7 aout Southampton Meadow Club (Etats-Unis) Ron Holmberg 12-10, 6-3, 3-6, 2-6, 6-3 14 1960 8-15 aout South Orange Eastern Grass Court (Etats-Unis) Donald Dell 6-1, 10-8, 6-4 15 1960 17-23 aout Newport Casino Invitation (Etats-Unis) Butch Buchholz 6-1, 6-8, 6-1, 6-2 16 1960 18-23 octobre Kingaroy Queensland Hard Court (Australie) Neil Gibson 2-6, 6-4, 6-2 17 1961 9-14 janvier Adelaide South Australian Championships (Aus) Mike Sangster 11-9, 3-6, 4-6, 14-12, 6-3 18 1961 9-13 fevrier Auckland N.Z. Championships (Nouvelle-Zelande) Roy Emerson 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 7-5 19 1961 21-26 fevrier Kingston Saint Andrews Invitation (Jamaique) Roy Emerson 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 20 1961 2-6 mars Caracas Altamira International (Venezuela) Luis Ayala 4-6, 6-4, 6-3, 4-6, 8-6 21 1961 11-17 avril Houston River Oaks (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 7-5, 7-5, 1-6, 6-3 22 1961 26 juin-8 juillet Wimbledon (Angleterre) Chuck McKinley 6-3, 6-1, 6-4 23 1961 25-31 juillet Deauville Centennial Cup (France) Jaroslav Drobny 6-2, 6-4 24 1961 25-31 juillet Deauville Colonel Kuntz Cup (France) Michel Leclerc 6-2, 6-3 25 1961 1-7 aout Bad Neuenahr International (Allemagne) Luis Ayala 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 26 1961 9-15 aout Hambourg German Championships (Allemagne) Luis Ayala 6-2, 6-8, 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 27 1961 21-27 aout Poertschach Austrian Championships (Autriche) Roy Emerson 2-6, 6-3, 7-5 28 1961 9-15 octobre Sydney N.S.W. Metropolitan (Australie) Bob Hewitt 1-6, 6-2, 6-3 29 1961 26-30 octobre Gladstone Queensland Hard Court (Australie) Roy Emerson 7-5, 6-3 30 1961 2-11 novembre Brisbane Queensland Championships (Australie) Roy Emerson 4-6, 4-6, 6-0, 8-6, 6-3 31 1961 4-9 decembre Melbourne Victorian Championships (Australie) Roy Emerson 4-6, 8-6, 9-7, 6-3 32 1961 17-24 decembre Sydney N.S.W. Championships (Australie) Roy Emerson 8-6, 6-3, 3-6, 4-6, 6-4 33 1962 26 dec-1er jan. Sydney (Manly) Seaside (Australie) Bob Hewitt 6-3, 6-3 34 1962 4-15 janvier Australian Championships (Sydney) (Australie) Roy Emerson 8-6, 0-6, 6-4, 6-4 35 1962 22-30 janvier Hobart Tasmanian Championships (Tasmanie) Neale Fraser 7-5, 0-6, 0-6, 6-1, 6-2 36 1962 19-25 mars Caracas Altamira International (Venezuela) Roy Emerson 9-7, 6-2, 6-0 37 1962 9-15 avril Houston River Oaks Championships (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-1, 7-5, 7-5 38 1962 17-21 avril Connaught Rothmans (Irlande) Martin Mulligan 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 39 1962 21-28 avril Bournemouth British Hard Court (Angleterre) Ian Crookenden 6-3, 6-3, 6-3 40 1962 30 avril-5 mai Palerme Torneo Internazionale (Italie) Neale Fraser 6-4, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1 41 1962 7-13 mai Rome Italian Championships (Italie) Roy Emerson 6-2, 1-6, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1 42 1962 14-20 mai Lugano Swiss International (Suisse) Ramanathan Krishnan 6-4, 6-2 43 1962 21 mai-3 juin French Championships (France) Roy Emerson 3-6, 2-6, 6-3, 9-7, 6-2 44 1962 5-7 juin Oslo International Hard Court (Norvege) Jan-Erik Lundqvist 6-1, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 45 1962 18-23 juin Queen's (Londres) Grass Court (Angleterre) Roy Emerson 6-4, 7-5 46 1962 25 juin-7 juillet Wimbledon (Angleterre) Martin Mulligan 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 47 1962 9-15 juillet Dublin Irish Championships (Irlande) Robert Wilson Forfait 48 1962 16-22 juillet Gstaad Swiss Championships (Suisse) Neale Fraser 6-4, 6-4, 8-6 49 1962 23-29 juillet Hilversum Dutch Championships (Pays-Bas) Ramanathan Krishnan 4-6, 6-3, 6-3, 7-5 50 1962 30 juillet-5 aout Hambourg German Championships (Allemagne) Manuel Santana 8-6, 7-5, 6-4 51 1962 29 aout-10 sep. US Championships (Forest Hills) (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-2, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4 52 1962 8-14 octobre Warwick Queensland Hard Court (Australie) Ken Fletcher 8-6, 6-3 53 1962 16-23 octobre Sydney Australian Hard Court (Australie) Fred Stolle 6-2, 2-6, 6-4, 4-6, 8-6 54 1962 15-22 decembre Melbourne Victorian Championships (Australie) Neale Fraser 3-6, 9-7, 6-1, 6-8, 6-0 161 Professional career (1963-21 avril 1968) : 72 1 1963 7-12 aout Kitzbuhel Pro Championships (Autriche) Ken Rosewall 6-3 6-4 6-4 2 1963 13-19 aout Cannes Pro Championships (France) Ken Rosewall 6-2 6-3 6-4 3 1963 19-25 aout Noordwijk Dutch Pro Championships (Pays-Bas) Butch Buchholz 6-2 6-3 6-3 4 1963 5-6 octobre Salisbury Rhodesian Pro Championships (Rhodesie) Alex Olmedo 6-3 10-8 5 1963 10-12 octobre Johannesburg Pro Championships (Afrique du Sud Mike Davies 4-6 8-6 6-2 6 1963 19-25 octobre Le Cap Western Province Pro (Afrique du Sud) Alex Olmedo 6-0 6-4 7 1964 1-4 janvier Perth Western Australia Pro R.R. (Australie)1 Ken Rosewall 6-2 6-1 8 1964 17-21 juin Monterey Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Alex Olmedo 10-8 6-1 9 1964 7-12 juillet U.S. Pro Championships Chestnut Hill (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 4-6 6-3 7-5 6-4 10 1964 7-8 aout Biarritz Pro Championships (France) Lew Hoad 6-3 3-6 6-3 11 1964 25-30 aout Geneve Pro Championships (Suisse) Pancho Gonzales 4-6 6-3 6-1 12 1964 14-19 sep. Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 7-5 5-7 4-6 8-6 8-6 13 1964 octobre Salisbury Rhodesian Pro Championships (Rhodesie) Butch Buchholz 6-3 4-6 10-8 14 1964 octobre Johannesburg Pro Championships (Afrique du Sud) Lew Hoad 10-8 6-3 15 1964 octobre Port Elizabeth Eastern Province Pro (Afrique du Sud) Frank Sedgman 8-6 (pro set) 16 1964 14-15 nov. Le Caire Egyptian Pro Championships (Egypte)1 Andres Gimeno 6-3 6-3 17 1964 novembre Marseille Pro Championships (France) Butch Buchholz 6-2 6-4 18 1965 26-31 janvier Adelaide South Australian Pro (Australie) Ken Rosewall 6-3 6-4 19 1965 1-7 fevrier Perth Western Australian Pro (Australie) Pancho Gonzales 7-5 11-9 20 1965 8-13 fevrier Melbourne Victorian Pro (Australie) Ken Rosewall 2-6 6-1 6-4 21 1965 18-20 fevrier Hobart Tasmanian Pro Championships (Tasmanie) Lew Hoad 3-6 8-6 7-5 22 1965 22-25 avril Oklahoma City Pro Championships (Etats-Unis)1 Pancho Gonzales 6-3 6-4 23 1965 26 avril-2 mai U.S. Pro Indoor Championships New York (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-3 6-1 24 1965 19-25 mai Los Angeles Masters Pro (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 3-6 6-3 7-5 25 1965 26-31 mai San Rafael Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-1 6-4 26 1965 15-20 juin Lake Tahoe Tahoe Racquet Club Pro (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-3 2-6 6-4 27 1965 6-12 juillet Newport Pro Round Robin (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 2e 31-28 28 1965 26-27 juillet Belfast Pro Championships (Ulster)1 Andres Gimeno 6-4 6-4 29 1965 24-28 aout Cannes Pro Championships (France) Andres Gimeno 7-5 7-5 6-3 30 1965 13-18 sep. Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor (Angleterre) Andres Gimeno 6-2 6-3 6-4 31 1965 octobre Nairobi Pro Championships (Kenya) Ken Rosewall 6-1 4-6 6-2 32 1965 octobre Bulawayo et Salisbury Rhodesian Pro (Rhodesie) Ken Rosewall 3-6 6-4 6-1 33 1965 octobre Durban Natal Pro Championships (Afrique du Sud) Ken Rosewall 6-2 8-6 34 1965 1-4 novembre Le Cap Western Province Pro (Afrique du Sud) Ken Rosewall 4-6 6-3 6-3 35 1966 16-19 janvier Brisbane Queensland Pro (Australie) Andres Gimeno 6-3 6-4 36 1966 20-22 janvier Melbourne Victorian Pro (Australie) Ken Rosewall 6-3 6-0 37 1966 27-29 janvier Perth Western Australian Pro (Australie) Ken Rosewall 6-2 10-8 38 1966 3-4 avril Nancy Indoor Pro Championships (France)Andres Gimeno 7-5 6-3 39 1966 9-10 avril Cannes Pro Championships (France) Andres Gimeno 7-5 6-3 40 1966 8-12 juin Forest Hills Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 31-29 41 1966 12-16 juillet U.S. Pro Championships Chestnut Hill (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-4 4-6 6-2 8-10 6-3 42 1966 juillet Binghamton Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Segura 31-18 31-18 43 1966 18-22 aout Porto Pro Championships (Portugal) Pierre Barthes 6-4 8-6 44 1966 12-17 sep. Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 6-2 6-2 6-3 45 1966 5-8 octobre Milan Pro Championships (Italie) Andres Gimeno 4-6 6-1 9-7 46 1966 12-15 octobre Johannesburg South African Pro (Afrique du Sud) Andres Gimeno 6-4 6-2 47 1966 21-23 octobre Le Cap Western Province Pro (Afrique du Sud) Ken Rosewall 5-7 6-4 7-5 48 1966 26-28 octobre Durban Natal Pro Championships (Afrique du Sud) Andres Gimeno 6-1 6-3 49 1966 8-10 novembre Abidjan Pro Championships (Cote d'Ivoire)1 Andres Gimeno 2-6 6-4 6-0 50 1966 12-14 novembre Dakar Pro Championships (Senegal)1 Andres Gimeno 2-6 6-1 9-7 51 1967 1-5 mars New York Indoor Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 7-5 14-16 7-5 6-2 52 1967 8-12 mars San Juan Pro Championships (Porto Rico) Andres Gimeno 6-4 3-6 6-1 53 1967 15-19 mars Orlando Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-4 2-6 6-0 54 1967 21-26 mars Miami Beach Pro Challenge Cup (Etats-Unis) Andres Gimeno 6-3 6-3 55 1967 30 mars-2 avril Boston Garden Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-4 6-0 56 1967 6-9 avril Paris Indoor Pro Championships) (France) Ken Rosewall 6-0 10-8 10-8 57 1967 avril Montreal Canadian Pro Championships (Canada) Dennis Ralston 17-15 6-0 58 1967 avril Marseille Pro Championships (France) Dennis Ralston 6-4 6-3 162 59 1967 10-14 mai San Diego Pacific Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Dennis Ralston 6-4 12-10 60 1967 6-9 juin New York (M.S.G.) Pro (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-4 6-4 61 1967 1-4 juillet Oklahoma City World Pro (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-2 3-6 6-4 62 1967 11-16 juillet U.S. Pro Championships Chestnut Hill (Etats-Unis) Andres Gimeno 4-6 6-4 6-3 7-5 63 1967 18-23 juillet Newport Casino Pro Round Robin (Etats-Unis) Andres Gimeno 31-27 64 1967 27-30 juillet Binghamton Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Andres Gimeno 6-1 6-3 65 1967 9-13 aout Fort Worth Colonial Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Dennis Ralston 8-6 6-0 66 1967 25-28 aout Wimbledon World Pro Championships (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 6-2 6-2 12-10 67 1967 19-23 sep. Johannesburg Pro Championships (Afrique du Sud) Ken Rosewall 6-1 8-6 68 1967 11-16 octobre Paris-Coubertin French Pro (France) Andres Gimeno 6-4 8-6 4-6 6-2 69 1967 23-28 octobre Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 2-6 6-1 1-6 8-6 6-2 70 1968 19-21 mars Sao Paulo NTL Pro Championships (Bresil) Pancho Gonzales ? 71 1968 23-25 mars Buenos Aires South American Pro (Argentine)1 Pancho Gonzales 7-5, 5-7, 6-4 72 1968 17 avril (1 jour) Londres BBC-2 World Invitation (Angleterre)1 Ken Rosewall 6-3, 10-8 Open Era (22-27 avril 1968-1976) : 73 1 1968 3-6 mai Wembley NTL Pro Championships (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 6-0, 6-1, 6-0 2 1968 13-18 mai New York (M.S.G.) Pro (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 4-6, 6-3, 9-7, 6-4 3 1968 24 juin-6 juillet Wimbledon (Angleterre) Tony Roche 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 4 1968 9-15 juillet Internationaux de France de tennis Pro Championships (France) John Newcombe 6-2, 6-2, 6-3 5 1968 12-16 juin et 10 sep. U.S. Pro Championships Chestnut Hill (Etats-Unis) John Newcombe 6-4, 6-4, 9-7 6 1968 14-22 septembre Los Angeles Pacific Southwest (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 4-6, 6-0, 6-0 7 1968 4-7 octobre Corpus Christi South Texas Pro (Etats-Unis) Andres Gimeno 6-2, 6-4 8 1968 novembre Sao Paulo Pro Championships R.R. (Bresil)1 Emerson, Gimeno, Stolle ex aequo 9 1968 novembre La Paz Pro Championships R.R. (Bolivie)1 Emerson, Gimeno, Stolle ex aequo 10 1968 decembre Nashville (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-2, 6-3 11 1969 20-27 janvier Open d'Australie (Brisbane) (Australie) Andres Gimeno 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 12 1969 3-9 fevrier Philadelphie Indoor Open (Etats-Unis) Tony Roche 7-5, 6-4, 6-4 13 1969 10-11 fevrier Orlando Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-3, 6-2 14 1969 3-9 mars Los Angeles South California (Etats-Unis) Marty Riessen 6-4, 10-8 15 1969 1-12 avril Johannesburg S.A. Championships (Afrique du Sud) Tom Okker 6-3, 10-8, 6-3 16 1969 21-27 avril Anaheim Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Ron Holmberg 31-16, 31-28 17 1969 12-18 mai New York (M.S.G.) Pro (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-2, 4-6, 6-1 18 1969 24 mai Wembley (Londres) Invitational (Angleterre) Ken Rosewall 8-6, 6-0 19 1969 26 mai-8 juin Internationaux de France de tennis French Open (France) Ken Rosewall 6-4, 6-3, 6-4 20 1969 23 juin-5 juillet Wimbledon (Angleterre) John Newcombe 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4 21 1969 9-15 juillet U.S. Pro Championships Chestnut Hill (Etats-Unis) John Newcombe 7-5, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1 22 1969 aout Saint-Louis Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Fred Stolle 7-5, 3-6, 7-5 23 1969 13-17 aout Fort Worth Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-3, 6-2 24 1969 aout Binghamton Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-1, 6-2 25 1969 aout Baltimore Pro Championships (Etats-Unis) Pancho Gonzales 6-3, 3-6, 7-5, 4-6, 8-6 26 1969 29 aout-9 sep. US Open (Forest Hills) (Etats-Unis) Tony Roche 7-9, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 27 1969 17-23 novembre Londres British Covered Court (Angleterre) Tony Roche 6-4, 6-1, 6-3 28 1969 1-? decembre Madrid Pro Championships (Espagne) Roger Taylor 6-3, 6-2 29 1970 2-8 fevrier Philadelphie Indoor Open (Etats-Unis) Tony Roche 6-3, 8-6, 6-2 30 1970 16-22 mars Sydney/WCT Dunlop Slazenger (Australie) Ken Rosewall 3-6, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 31 1970 30 mars-3 avril Johannesburg S.A. Championships (Afrique du Sud) Frew McMillan 4-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-2 32 1970 27 mai-1er juin Saint-Louis/WCT Rawlings Classic (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-1, 6-4 33 1970 15-20 juin Tournoi du Queen's (Londres) Open (Angleterre) John Newcombe 6-4, 6-3 34 1970 16 juillet New York Champions Classic (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 35 1970 27 juillet-2 aout Louisville First National Classic (Etats-Unis) John Newcombe 6-3, 6-3 36 1970 7-9 aout ? Bretton Woods Mount Washington (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-3, 6-3 37 1970 10-16 aout Toronto Rothmans Canadian Open (Canada) Roger Taylor 6-0, 4-6, 6-3 38 1970 19-23 aout Fort Worth/WCT National Invitation (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-3, 7-5 39 1970 26 aout-1er sep. South Orange Marlboro Open (Etats-Unis) Robert Carmichael 6-4, 6-2, 6-2 40 1970 19-27 septembre Los Angeles Pacific Southwest (Etats-Unis) John Newcombe 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 41 1970 29 sep-4 oct. Vancouver/WCT Rothmans Open (Canada) Roy Emerson 6-2, 6-1, 6-2 42 1970 octobre Berlin & Bonn & Sarrebruck R.R. (Allemagne) Tom Okker 2eme 6-3, 6-7, 6-2 43 1970 16-21 novembre Wembley pro (Londres) Indoor (Angleterre) Cliff Richey 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 163 44 1971 26 fevrier-2 mars Londres Rothmans International (Angleterre) Nikola Pilic 6-4, 6-0, 6-2 45 1971 19 mars New York Champions Classic (Etats-Unis) Tom Okker 7-5, 6-2, 6-1 46 1971 3-9 mai Rome Italian Open (Italie) Jan Kodes 7-5, 6-3, 6-3 47 1971 16-22 aout Fort Worth/WCT Colonial (Etats-Unis) Marty Riessen 2-6, 6-4, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3 48 1971 27-29 aout Hilton Head CBS Classic (Etats-Unis)1 John Newcombe 6-2, 7-5 49 1971 27 sep-3 oct. Berkeley Pacific Coast Open (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 50 1971 7-14 novembre Bologne/WCT Rothmans Open (Italie) Arthur Ashe 6-3, 6-4, 6-4 51 1972 2-6 fevrier Richmond WCT Fidelity Open (Etats-Unis) Cliff Drysdale 2-6, 6-3, 7-5, 6-3 52 1972 7-13 fevrier Philadelphie/WCT U.S. Pro Indoor (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 4-6, 6-2, 6-2, 6-2 53 1972 14-20 fevrier Toronto/WCT Rothmans International (Canada) Ken Rosewall 6-1, 6-4 54 1972 3-9 avril Houston/WCT River Oaks (Etats-Unis) Ken Rosewall 6-2, 6-4 55 1972 24-30 avril Denver/WCT United Bank Classic (Etats-Unis) Marty Riessen 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 56 1973 15-21 janvier Miami/WCT Saga Bay Classic (Etats-Unis) Dick Stockton 7-6, 6-3, 7-5 57 1973 30 jan-4 fev. Richmond WCT Fidelity Open (Etats-Unis) Roy Emerson 6-4, 6-3 58 1973 11-18 fevrier Toronto/WCT Rothmans International (Canada) Roy Emerson 6-3, 6-4 59 1973 13-17 mars Hilton Head CBS Classic (Etats-Unis) Stan Smith 6-2, 6-4 60 1973 septembre Hilton Head W.I.T.C. (Etats-Unis)1 Tb Stan Smith 7-6, 7-5 61 1973 29 oct-4 nov. Hong Kong Viceroy Classic (Chine) Charlie Pasarell 6-3, 3-6, 6-2, 6-2 62 1973 4-11 novembre Sydney Australian Indoor Championships John Newcombe 3-6, 7-5, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4 63 1974 21-27 janvier Philadelphie/WCT U.S. Pro Indoor (Etats-Unis) Arthur Ashe 6-1, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 64 1974 25-31 mars Palm Desert/WCT Tennis Classic (Etats-Unis) Roscoe Tanner 6-4, 6-2 65 1974 8-14 avril Tokyo/WCT Kawasaki Classic (Japon) Juan Gisbert 5-7, 6-2, 6-0 66 1974 15-21 avril Houston/WCT River Oaks (Etats-Unis) Bjorn Borg 7-6, 6-2 67 1974 13-19 mai Las Vegas Alan King Caesars (Etats-Unis) Marty Riessen 6-2, 6-2 68 1974 5-11 aout Bretton Woods Volvo International (Etats-Unis) Harold Solomon 6-4, 6-3 69 1975 13-19 janvier San Juan CBS Classic (Porto Rico) Arthur Ashe 6-3, 7-5 70 1975 17-23 fevrier La Costa/WCT Pro Celebrity (Etats-Unis) Allan Stone 6-2, 6-2 71 1975 10-16 mars Sao Paulo/WCT Copersucar (Bresil) Charlie Pasarell 6-4, 6-4 72 1975 17-23 mars Caracas/WCT Altamira International (Venezuela) Raul Ramirez 7-6, 6-2 73 1975 24-30 mars Orlando/WCT Classic (Etats-Unis) Vitas Gerulaitis 6-3, 6-4 74 1976 23-25 janvier Detroit Michigan Invitational (Etats-Unis) Mark Cox 6-3, 6-4 164 Symbolical Club of "Grand Slam" Donald Budge (1938) Class of 1964 (Hall of Fame) Born: June 13, 1915, Oakland, California, US, Died: January 26, 2000, Citizenship: US, Handed: Right, Nickname: Don GRAND SLAM RECORDS : Australian singles,1938; French singlm es,1938; Wimbledon singles,1937,1938; U.S. singles,1937,1938; Pro singles,1940,1942; Davis Cup - 1935,1936,1937,1938; record: 19-2 singles, 6-2 doubles. Maureen Connolly (1953) Class of 1968 (Hall of Fame) Born: September 17, 1934, San Diego, California, United States. Died: June 21, 1969. Handed: Right. Nickname: Little Mo. GRAND SLAM RECORDS: Wimbledon : Singles 1952-54, Doubles finalist 1952, 53, U.S. Singles 1951-53, Doubles finalist 1952. Australian : Singles 1953, Doubles 1953, Mixed finalist 1953. French : Singles 1953-54, Doubles 1954, Doubles finalist 1953, Mixed 1954, Mixed finalist 1953. Italian Singles 1954, Singles finalist 1953, Doubles 1953, Mixed finalist 1953, Mixed 1954 Rodney George Laver (1962,1969) Class of 1981 (Hall of Fame) Born: August 9, 1938, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Handed: Left. Nickname: Rocket. GRAND SLAM RECORDS: Australian Singles 1960, 62, 69, Singles finalist 1961, Doubles 1959-61, 69, Mixed finalist 1959. French Singles 1962, 69, Singles finalist 1968, Doubles 1961, Doubles finalist 1968, 69, Mixed 1961 Mixed finalist 1959. Wimbledon Singles 1961, 62, 68, 69, Singles finalist 1959-60, Doubles 1971, Doubles finalist 1959, Mixed finalist 1959, 60. U.S. Singles 1962, 69, Singles finalist 1960-61, Doubles finalist 1960, 70, 73, Italian Singles 1962, 71, Singles finalist 1961, Doubles 1962. Davis Cup Team Member 1959-62, 73 Margaret Court (1970 Class of 1979 (Hall of Fame) Born: July 16, 1942, Albury, N.S.W, Australia, Handed: Originally Left then Right. Nickname: The Arm. GRAND SLAM RECORDS: Australian Singles 1960-66, 69-71, 73, Singles finalist 1968, Doubles 1961-63, 65, 69-71, 73. Doubles finalist 1960, 64, 66, 75. Mixed 1963-65, 69, Mixed finalist 1968. French Singles 1962, 64, 69, 70, 73, Singles finalist 1965, Doubles 1964-66, 73, Doubles finalist 1962, 63, 69, Mixed 1963-65, 69. Wimbledon Singles 1963, 65, 70, Singles finalist 1964, 71, Doubles 1964, 69, Doubles finalist 1961, 63, 66, 71, Mixed 1963, 65-66, 68, 75, Mixed finalist 1964, 71. U.S. Singles 1962, 65, 68, 69 (amateur), 69 (open), 70, 73, Doubles 1963, 68 (amateur), 68 (open), 69 (amateur), 70, 73, 75. Doubles finalist 1964, 69 (open), 72, Mixed 1961-65, 69-70, 72, Mixed finalist 1973. Italian Singles 1962-64, Singles finalist 1968, Doubles 1963, 64, 68, Doubles finalist 1961, Mixed 1961, 64, 68. Fed Cup 1963-65, 1968-69, 71 Stefanie ("Steffi") Maria Graf (1988) Class of 2004 (Hall of Fame) Born:June 14, 1969 in Mannheim, Germany. Handed:Right. GRAND SLAM RECORDS: Australian Singles 1988, '89, '90, '94, French Singles 1987, '88, '93, '95, '96, '99, Wimbledon Singles 1988, '89, '91, '92, '93, '95, '96, U.S. Singles 1988, '89, '93, '95, '96. Graf made nine additional Grand Slam final appearances: 1993 Australian; 1989, '90, '92 French; 1987, '99 Wimbledon; and 1987, '90, '94 U.S Olimpic Games : Golden Medal 1988 (Seul) , Silver 1992 (Barcelona). WTA Chapionships : 1987-'90, '93, '95, '96 Modern strongest tennis players Azarenka Victoria Born 31.07.1989. 180 cm, 60 kg. 8 titles. 279-122, N10 (01.12.2010), N3(01.12.2011) Berdych Tomas (CSE) Born 17.09.1985, 196 cm, 91 kg, titles 6, 315-191, N6 (01.12.2010),N7 (01.12.2011) Cilic Milan (Croatia) Born 28.09.1988, 198 cm, 82 kg. 5 titles, 188-115, N9 (22.02.2010), N22(01.12.2011) 165 Bartoli Marion (France) Born 02.10.1984, 170, 63, titles 7, 427-260, N9 (01.12.2011) Clijsters Kim (Belgium) Born 08.06.1983. 175 cm., 65 kg. 41 titles. 503-121. N1(11.08.2003), N3(01.12.2010) Davidenko Nikolai (Russia) Born 02.06.1981. 179 sm. 70 kg. 21 titles . 430-274, N3(06.11.2006), N22 (01.12.2010), N42(01.12.2011) Del Potro Juan Martin (Argentina) Born 23.09.1988, 198, 82, 7 titles, 189-88, N4 (11.01.2009), N11 (01.12.2011) Djokovic Novak (Serbja) Born 22.05.1987. 187 cm. 80 kg. 28 titles. 394-111, N3 (28.12.2009), N3 (01.12.2010), N1(01.12.2011) Federer Roger (Swizerland) Born 09.08.1981. 185 cm., 78 kg. 70 titles. 807-186. N1(2004-2007, 2009), N3 (01,12.2011) Ferrer David (Spain) Born 29.02.1982, 173,73, titles 11, 411-231, N4 (25.02.2008), N5 (01.12.2011) Ferrero Juan Carlos (Spain) Born 12.02.1980, 180,73, titles 16, 474-250, N1(08.09.2003), N50 (01.12.2011) Henin Justin (Belgium) Born 01.06.1992. 170 cm, 55 kg. 43 titles. 525-115. Australian Open - 1, Roland Garros - 4, US Open - 2. Won Olimpic Games (2004). Best renking N1(2006,2007), N12(01.12.2010) Hewitt Lleyton (Australa) Born 24.02.1981. 180 cm. 77 kg. 28 titles, 551-204. Wimbledon - 1, US Open - 1. N1(2001,2002), N189 (01.12.2011) Ivanovic Ana (Serbja) Born 06.11.1987. 184 cm, 69 kg. 11 titles. 302-129. N5 (01.12.2008), N22(01.12.2011) Jankovic Elen (Serbja) Born 28.02.1985. 177 cm. 59 kg. 12 titles. 425-235. N1 (01.12.2008), N8 (28.12.2009), N14 (01.12.2010) Kuznetsova Svetlana (Russia) Born 27.06.1985. 174 cm, 73 kg. 13 titles. 447-199. US Open (2004). French Open (2009) N3 (21.12.2009),N19(01.12.2011) Kvitova Petra (Czech Republic) Born 08.03.1990, 182, 70, titles 7, 201-94, Wimbledon (2011), N2 (01.12.2011), WTA Championships (2011) Li Na (Chaina) Born 28.02.1982, 172, 65, titles 5, 389-150, N5 (01.12.2011) Murray Andi (England) Born 15.05.1987. 190 cm. 84 kg. 21 titles. 323-107 , N3(01.10.2011), N4 (01.12.2011) Nadal Rafael (Spain) Born 03.06. 1986. 185 cm, 85 kg. 46 titles. 539-116, Won Olimpic Games (2008), Roland Garros (2005-2008), Wimbledon (2008). N1 (01.12..2008). N2 (28.12.2009), N1 (01.12.2010), N2 (01.12.2011) Petkovic Anrea (Germany) Born 09.09.1987, 180, 69, titles 2, 268-153, N10 (01.12.2011) Radvanska Agneshka (Poland) Born 06.03.1989. 172 cm, 56 kg. 7 titles. 189-134, N10 (28.12.2009), N18(01.12.2011) Roddick Andy (Us) Born 30.08.1982. 185 cm, 83 kg. 30 titles. 589-197, N1(2003), N7( 28.12.2009), N8 (01.12.2010), N14 (01.12.2011) Safina Dinara (Russia) Born 27.04.1986. 182 cm. 70 kg. 12 titles. 360-173, N1 (20.04.2009), N62 (2010) Simon Jil (France) Born 27.12.1985. 180 cm. 69 kg. 9 titles, 223-158, N7 (01.12.2008), N12 (01.12.2011) Sharapova Maria (Russia) Born 19.04.1987. 188 cm. 59 kg. 24 titles. 412-104. Wimbledon -1, US Open - 1, Australian Open - 1, N1(22.08.2005), N4 (01.12.2011) Soderling Robin Born 14.08.1984, 192cm,87 kg, titles 10 , 310-170, N5 (28.12.2010), N13 (01.12.2011), Stosur Samanta (Australia) Born 30.03.19984. 172cm, 65 krg. 3 titles, 358-249, N6 (01.12.2011) Tsonga Jo Wilfrid (France) Born 17.04.1985. 187 cm. 90 kg. 7 titles. 189-87, N10 (28.12.2009), N7 (01.12.2011) Williams Venus (US) Born 17.06.1980. 186 cm, 72 kg . 43 titles. 598-147, Won Olimpic Games (2000,2008), Wimbledon - 4, US Open - 2, N1 (25.02.2002), N103 (01.12.2011) Williams Serena (US) Born 26.09.1981. 178 cm., 65 kg. 39 titles. 496-104, Australian Open - 5, Roland Garros - 1, Wimbledon - 2, US Open - 3. N1(2002,2009), N12(01.12.2011) 166 Wozniacki Caroline (Danmark) Born 11.07.1990, 177 cm, 58 kg, Titles 18, 298-107, N1(2010,2011) Zvonarieva Vera (Russia) Born 07.09.1984. 172 cm, 59 kg. 12 titles, 453-210, N2(01.12.2010), N7 (01.12.2011) All - Time Greats (1914-1945) Jean Borotra France (13.08.1898-17.07.1994) MAJOR TITLES (16)-Australian singles, 1928; French singles, 1931; Wimbledon singles, 1924, ’26; Australian doubles, 1928; French doubles, 1925, ’28, ’29, ’34, ’36; Wimbledon doubles, 1925, ’32, ’33; French mixed, 1927, ’34; Wimbledon mixed, 1925; U.S. mixed, 1926. DAVIS CUP-1922, ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36, ’37, ’47; record: 19-12 in singles, 17-6 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-Australian (5-0), French (30--6), Wimbledon (55-10), U.S. (13-6). Norman Brookes Australia (14.11.1877-28.09.1968) MAJOR TITLES (7)-Australian singles, 1911; Wimbledon singles, 1907, ’14; Australian doubles, 1924; Wimbledon doubles, 1907, ’14; U.S. doubles, 1919. DAVIS CUP-1905, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’11, ’12, ’14, ’19, ’20; record: 18-7 in singles, 10-4 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS-Àustãàlian (5-0), Wimbledon (25-2), U.S. (4-2). Don Budge United States (13.05.1915-28.12.2002) MAJOR TITLES (14)-Australian singles, 1938; French ,1938; Wimbledon singles, 1937, ’38;U.S. singles, ’38; Wimbledon doubles, 1937, ’38; U.S. doubles, 38; Wimbledon mixed, 1937, ’38; U.S. mixed, 1937, OTHER U.S. TITLES-Clay Court doubles, 1934, with Mako; Pro singles, 1940, ’42; Pro doubles, 1940, ’41,with Fred Perry; 1942, ’47, with Boby Riggs; 1949, with Frank Kovacs; 1953, with Richard (Pancho) Gonzalez. DAVIS CUP - 35, ’36, ’37, ’38; record: 19-2 in singles, 62 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS- Australian (5-0),French (6-0), Wimbledon (24-2), U.S. (23-3). Dorothea Chambers Great Britain (03.09.1878-17.01.1960) MAJOR TITLES (7)-Wimbledon singles, 1903, ’04, ’06, ’10, ’11, ’13, ’14. WIGHTMAN CUP-1925, ’26; record: 1-1 in doubles.SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS- Wimbledon (32-8), U.S. (3-1). Henri Cochet France (14.12.1901-01.04.1987) MAJOR TITLES (15)-French singles, 1926, ’28, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon singles, 1927, ’29; U.S. singles, 1928; French doubles, 1927, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon doubles, 1926, ’28; French mixed, 1928, ’29; U.S. mixed, 1927. DAVIS CUP-1922, ’23, ’24, ’26, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’33; record: 34-8 in singles, 10-6 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (38-4), Wimbledon (43-8), U.S. (15-3). Sarah Palfrey Cooke United States (18.09.1912-27.02.1996) MAJOR TITLES (18) -U.S. singles, 1941, ’45; Wimbledon doubles, 1938, ’39; U.S. doubles, 1930, ’32, ’34, ’35, ’37, ’38, ’39, ’40, ’41; French mixed, 1939; U.S. mixed, 1932, ’35, ’37, ’41. OTHER U.S. TITLES—Ñlàó Court singles, 1945; 1ndoor singles, 1940; 1ndoor doubles, 1928, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’33, with Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman; indoor mixed, 1931, with Larry Rice; 1933, with C. Holmes Perkins; Clay Court mixed, 1945, with Elwood Cooke. WIGHTMAN CUP - 1930, ’31, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36, ’37, ’38, ’39; record: 7-4 in singles, 7-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (2-2), Wimbledon (16-6), U.S. (41-14). Jack Crauford Australia (22.03.1908-10.09.1991) MAJOR TITLES (17) -Australian singles, 1931, ’32, ’33, ’35; French singles, 1933; Wimbledon singles, 1933; Wimbledon doubles, 1935; Aèstralian doubles, 1929, ’30, ’32, ’35; French doubles, 1935; Australian mixed, 1931, ’32, ’33; French mixed, 1933; Wimbledon mixed, 1930. DAVIS ÑUÐ-1928, ’30, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36, ’37; record: 23-16 in singles, 13-5 in doèbles. SINGLES RECORD IN ÒÍÅ MAJORS-Australian (52-15), French (19-4), Wimbledon (36-8), U.S. (10-4). Kitty Godfree Great Britain (07.05.1896-19.06.1992) MAJOR TITLES (7) -Wimbledon singles, 1924, ’26; U.S. doubles, 1923, ’27; U.S.. mixed, 1925; Wimbledon mixed, 1924, ’26. WIGÍTÌAN CUP-1923, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27, ’30, ’34; record: 5-5 in singles, 2-5 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-French (6-2), Wimbledon (38-11), U.S. (7-2). Helen Jacobs United States (06.08.1908-02.06.1997 ) MAJOR ÒlÒLES (10) -Wimbledon singles, 1936; U.S. singles, ]932, ’33, ’34, ’35; U.S. doubles, 1932, ’33, ’34, ’35; U.S. mixed, 1934. WIGHTMAN -1927, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36, ’37, ’39; record: 14-7 in singles, 5-4 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-French (21-7), Wimbledon (55-11), U.S. (64-11). Bill Johnston United States (02.11.1894-01.05.1946) MAJOR TITLES (7) -Wimbledon singles, 1923; U.S. singles, 1915, ’19; U.S. doubles, 1915, ’16, ’20; U.S. mixed, 1921. OTHER U.S. TITLES-Clay Court singles, 1919, ’20;Clay Court doubles, 1919, with Sam Hardy. DAVIS CUP-1920, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27; record: 14-3 in singles, 4-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS- Wimbledon (81), U.S. (59-11). 167 Rene Lacoste France (02.07.1904 –12.10. 1996) MAJOR TITLES (10) -French singles, 1925, ’27, ’29; U.S. singles, 1926, ’27; Wimbledon singles, 1925, ’28; French doubles,, 1925, ’29; Wimbledon doubles,’ 1925. DAVIS CUP- 1923, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27, ’28; record: 32-8 in singles, 8-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (29-3), Wimbledon (28-5), U.S. (19-3). Suzanne Lenglen France (24.05.1899 –04.07.1938) MAJOR TITLES (21)-French singles, 1925, ’26; Wimbledon singles, 1919, ’20, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’25; French doubles, 1925, ’26; Wimbledon doubles, 1919, ’20, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’25; French mixed, 1925, ’26; Wimbledon mixed, 1920, ’22, ’25. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (10-0), Wimbledon (32-0),U.S. (0-1). Molla Mallory Norway/United States MAJOR TITLES (13) -U.S. singles, 1915, ’16, ’17, ’18, ’20, ’21, ’22, ’26; U.S. doubles, 1916, ’17; U.S. mixed, 1917, ’22, ’23. OTHER U.S. TITLES-indoor singles; 1915, ’16, ’18, ’21, ’22; indoor doubles, 1916, with Marie Wagner; indoor mixed, 1921, ’22, with Âill Tilden; Clay Court singles, 1915, ’16; Clay Court mixed, 1916, with George Church. WIGHTMAN CUP1923, ’25, ’27, ’28; record: 5-5 in singles, 1-1 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (1-1), Wimbledon (19-9), U.S. (67-7). Alice Marble United States (1913-1990) MAJOR TITLES (18) - Wimbledon singles, 1939; U.S. singles, 1936, ’38, ’39, ’40; Wimbledon doubles, 1938, ’39; U.S. doubles, 1937, ’38, ’39, ’40; Wimbledon mixed, 1937, ’38, ’39; U.S. mixed, 1936, ’37, ’38, ‘40. OTHER U.S. TITLES- - Clay Court singles, 1940; Clay Court doubles, 1940, with Mary Arnold. WIGHTMAN CUP -1933, ’37, ’38, ’39; record: 5-1 in singles, 3-1 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - Wimbledon (14-2), U.S. (31-4). Maurice McLoughlin United States (18.11.1890 – 10.12.1957) MAJOR TITLES (5)-U.S. singles, 1912, ’13;U.S. doubles, 1912, ’13, ‘14. DAVIS CUP-1909, ’11, ’13, ’14; record: 9-4 in singles, 3-4 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS- Wimbledon (7-1), U.S. (49-9). Helen Wills Moody United States (06.10.1905-01.01.1998) MAJOR TITLES (31)-French singles, 1928, ’29, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon singles, 1927, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’32, ’33, ’35, ’38; U.S. singles, 1923, ’24, ’25, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’31; French doubles, 1930, ’32; Wimbledon doubles, 1924, ’27, ’30; U.S. doubles, 1922, ’24, ’25, ’28; Wimbledon mixed, 1929; U.S. mixed, 1924, ’28 WIGHTMAN CUP-1923, ’24, ’25, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’38; record: 18-2 in singles, 3-7 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-French (20-0), Wimbledon (55-1), U.S. (51-2). Betty Nuthall Great Britain (23.05.1911-08.11.1983) MAJOR TITLES (9) -U.S. singles, 1930; French doubles, 1931; U.S. doubles, 1930, ’31, ’33; French mixed, 1931, ’32; U.S. mixed, 1929, ’31 WIGHTMAN CUP-1927, ’28, ’29, ’31, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’39; record: 3-5 in singles, 3-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-French (13-5), Wimbledon (27-13), U.S. (24-6). Fred Perry Great Britain (18.05.1909-02.02.1995) MAJOR TITLES (14)-Australiaï singles, 1934; French singles, 1935; Wimbledon singles, 1934, ’35, ’36; French singles, 1933, ’34, ’36; Australian doubles, 1934; French doubles, 1933; French mixed, 1932; Wimbledon mixed, 1935, ’36; U.S. mixed, 1932. DAVIS CUP-1931, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36; record: 34-4 in singles, 11-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD MAJORS-Australian (7-1), French (22-5), Wimbledon (35-5), U.S. (34-4). Bobby Riggs United States (25.02.1918-25.10.1995) MAJOR TITLES (6)-Wimbledon singles, 1939; U.S. singles, 1939, ’41; Wimbledon doubles, 1939; Wimbledon mixed, 1939; U.S. mixed, 1940; OTHER U.S. TITLES -indor singles, 1940; Clay Court singles, 1936, ’37, ’38; indoor doubles, 1940, with E1wood Cooke; Clay Court doubles, 1936, with Wayne Sabin; indoor mixed, 1940, with Pauline Betz; Pro singles, 1946, ’47, ’49; Pro doubles, 1942, ’47, with Don Budge. DAVIS CUP-1938, ’39; record: 2-2 in singles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS-French (5-1), Wimbledon (7-0),U.S. (27-4). Dorothy Round Great Britain (13.07.1909-12.11.1982) MAJOR TITLES (6)-Australian singles, 1935; Wimble-don singles, 1934, ’37. Wimbledon mixed, 1934, ’35, ’36 WIGHTMAN CUP-1931, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36; record: 4-7 in singles, 0.2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS-Australian (4-0), Wimbledon (35-9), U.S. (6-2). Bill Tilden United States (10.02.1893-05.06.1953) MAJOR TITLES (21)-Wimbledon singles, 1920, ’21, ’30; U.S. singles, 1920, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’24, ’25, ’29; Wimbledon doubles, 1927; U.S. doubles, 1918, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’27; French mixed, 1930; U.S. mixed, 1913, ’14, ’22, ’23. OTHER U.S. titles - iïdoîr singles, 1920; indoor doubles, 1919, ’20, with Vinñånt Richards; 1926, with Frank Anderson; 1929, with Frank Hunter; indoor mixed, 1921, ’22, with Molla Mallory; 1924, with Hazel Hotchkiss Wightòan; Clay Court singles, 1918, ’22, ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27; Pro singles, 1931, ’35; Pro doubles, 1932, with Bruce Barnes; 1945, with Vincent Richards. DAVIS CUP-1920, ’21, ’22, ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27,’28, ’29, ’30; record: 25-5 singles, 9-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-French (14-3), Wimbledon (30-3), U.S. (69-7). 168 Ellsworth Vines United States (28.09.1911-17.03.1994) MAJOR TITLES (6)-Wimbledon singles, 1932; U.S. singles, 1931, ’32; Australian doubles, 1933; U.S. doubles, 1932; U.S. mixed, 1933. OTHER U.S. TITLES-Clay Court singles, 1931; Clay Court doubles, 1931, with Keith Gledhill; Pro singles, 1939. DAVIS CUP-1932, ’33; record: 13-3 in singles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-Australian (2-1), Wimbledon (13-1), U.S. (16-2). Baron Gottfried von Cramm Germany (07.07.1909-08.11.1976) MAJOR TITLES (5)-French singles, 1934, ’36; French doubles, 1937; U.S. doubles, 1937; Wimbledon mixed, 1933. DAVIS CUP-1932, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’36, ’37, ’51, ’52, ’53; record: 58-10 in singles, 24-11 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-Australian (3-1), French (18-1), Wimbledon (26-7), U.S. (5-1). Tony Wilding New Zeeland (31.10.1883-09.05.1915) MAJOR TITLES (11)-Australian singles, 1906, ’09; Wimbledon singles, 1910, ’11, ’12, ’13; Australian doubles,1906; Wimbledon doubles, 1907, ’08, ’10, ’14. DAVIS CUP-1905, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’14; record: 15-6 in singles, 6-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS-Australian (10-0), Wimbledon (23-6). Dick Williams United States(1891-1968) MAJOR TITLES (6)-U.S. singles, 1914, ’16; Wimbledon doubles, 1920; U.S. doubles, 1925, ’26; U.S. mixed, 1912. OTHER U.S. TITLES-Clay Court singles, 1912, ’15; intercollegiate singles, 1913, ’15; intercollegiate doubles, 1914, ’15 with Dick Harte. DAVIS CUP-1913, ’14, ’21, ’23, ’25, ’26; record: 6-3 in singles, 4-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS- Wimbledon (10-3), U.S. (65-19). All - Time Greats (1946-1999) Andre Agassi United States (29.04.1970 - ) Height: 5’11'’ (180 cm), Weight: 177 lbs (80 kg), Plays: Right-handed, Turned Pro: 1986, Singles Record: 860 - 266, Singles Titles: 60, Double Titles: 1, Prize Money: $30,996,275, MAJORS TITLES (8), Australia(4), French (1), Wimbledon (1), U.S. (2) Arthur Ashe United States (10.07.1943-13.02.1993) MAJOR TITLES (5)-Australian singles, 1970; Wimbledon singles, 1975; U.S. singles, 1968; Australian doubles, 1977; French doubles, 1971. OTHER U.S. TITLES (8)-Àmàteur singles, 1968; Clay Court singles, 1967; Hard Court singles, 1963; intercollegiate singles, 1965; indoor doubles, 1967, with Charles Pasarell; 1970, with Stan Smith; Clay Court doubles, 1970, with Clark Graebner; intercollegiate doubles, 1965, with Iàn Crookenden. DAVIS GUP (As player)-1963, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1978; record: 27-5 in singles, 1-1 in doubles; (As captain) -1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985; record: 13-3, 2 Cups. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (25-5), French (25-8), Wimbledon (35-11), U.S. (53-17). Boris Becker Germany (22.11.1967- ) Height: 6’3'’ (190 cm), Weight: 187 lbs (85 kg), Plays: Right-handed, Turned Pro: 1984, Singles Record: 713 - 214, Singles Titles: 49, Double Titles: 15, Prize Money: $25,080,956, MAJOR TITLES(6)Australian (2), Wimbledon (3), U.S. (1) Pauline Betz United States (06.08.19919 - ) MAJOR TITLES (6)-Wimbledon singles, 1946; U.S. singles-1942,1943,1944,1946; French mixed, 1946. OTHER TITLES(15) - indoor singles, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1947; indoor doubles, 1941, with Dorothy Bundy; 1943, with Hazel; indoor mixed, 1939, with Wayne Sabin; 1940, with Bobby Riggs; 1941,1943, with Al Stitt; Clay Court singles 1941,1943; Clay Court doubles, 1943, with Nancy Corbett; 1944, 1945, with Doris Hart. WIGTHAM CUP - 1946; record: 2-0 in singles, 1-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS : French (4-1), Wimbledon (6-0), U.S. (33-4). Bjorn Borg Sweden (06.06.1956- ) BAJOR TlTLES (11)-French singles, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979,1980, 1981; Wimbledon singles, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979,1980. DAVIS CUP-1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979,1980; record: 37-3 in singles, 8-8 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (1-1), French (49-2), Wimbledon (51-4), U.S. (40-10). Louise Brough United States (11.03.1923- ) MAJOR TITLES (35) -Australian singles; 1950; Wimbledon singles, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1955; U.S. singles, 1947; Australian doubles, 1950; French doubles, 1946, 1947, 1949; Wimbledon doubles, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1954; U.S. doubles, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1956, 1957; Wimbledon mixed, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950; U.S. mixed, 1942, 1947, 1948, 1949. Other U.S. title- Hard Court doubles; 1948, with du Pont. WIGHTMAN CUP-1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, ]957; record: 12-0 in singles, 10-0 in doubles. 169 Maria Bueno Brasil (11.10.1939- ) MAJOR TITLES (18) -Wimbledon singles, 1959, 1960, 1964; U.S. singles, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1966; Australian doubles, 1960; French doubles, 1960; Wimbledon doubles, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1965; U.S. doubles, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1968; French mixed, 1960. FEDERATION CUP-1965; record: 1-0 in singles, 0-1 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS :Australian (6-2), French (33-10), Wimbledon (50-9), U.S. (48-7). Maureen Connolly United States (17.09.1934-21.06.19691969) MAJOR TITLES (12)-Australian singles, 1953; French singles, 1953, 1954; Wimbledon singles, 1952, 1953, 1954; U.S. singles, 1951, 1952, 1953; Australian doubles, 1953; French doubles, 1954; French mixed, 1954. OTHER U.S. TIÒLÅS (Ç)Ñlay Court singles, 1953, 1954; Clay Court doubles, 1954, with Doris Hart. WIGHTMAN CUP-1951, 1952, 1953, 1954; record: 7-0 in singles, 2-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD MAJORS :Australian (5-0), French (10-0), Wimblådon (18-0), U.S. (19-2). Jimmy Connors United States (01.09.1952- ) MAJOR TITLES (10)-Australian singles, 1974; Wimbledon singles, 1974, 1982; U.S. singles, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1982, 1983; French doubles, 1973; U.S. doubles, 1975. OTHER U.S. TITLES (15) – indoor singles, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1984; Clay Court singles, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979; indoor doubles, 1974, with Frew McMillan; 1975, with Ilie Nastase; Clay Court doubles, 1974, with Nastase; Pão singles, 1973. DAVIS CUP-1976, 1981, 1984; record: 10-3 in singles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (11-1), French (40-13), Wimbledon (84-18), U.S. (98-17). Jim Courier United States (17.08.1970- ) Height: 6’1'’ (185 cm), Weight: 182 lbs (82 kg), Plays: Right-handed, Turned Pro: 1988, Singles Record: 506 – 237, Singles Titles: 23, Double Titles: 6, Prize Money: $14,034,132. MAJOR TITLES (4): Australian singles(2), French singles(2) Margaret Smith Court Australia (16.07.1942- ) MAJOR TITLES (62)-Australian singles, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973; French singles, 1962, 1964, 1969, 1970, 1973; Wimbledon singles, 1963, 1965, 1970; U.S. singles, 1962, 1965, 1969, 1970, 1973; Australian doubles, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1969,1970,1971, 1973; French doubles, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1973; Wimbledon doubles, 1964, 1969; U.S. doubles, 1963, 1968, 1970, 1973, 1975; Australian mixed, 1963, 1964; French mixed, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1969; Wimbledon mixed, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1975; U.S. mixed, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1970, 1972. FEDERATION CUP-1963, 1964,1965,1968,1969,1971; record: 22-0 in singles, 15-5 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (60--3), French (20-1), Wimbledon (51-9), U.S. (51-6). Jaroslav Drobny Czechoslovakia/Great Britain (12.10.1921- 13.09.2001) MAJOR TITLES (5)-French singles, 1951, 1952; Wimbledon singles 1954; French doubles, 1948, French mixed, 1948. DAVIS CUP-1946, 1947, 1948, 1949; record: 24-4 in singles, 13-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (0-1), French (47-13), Wimbledon (50-16)U.S. (15-5). Margaret Osborne Dupont United States (04.03.1918- ) MAJOR TITLES (37)-French singles, 1946, 1949; Wimbledon singles, 1947; U.S. singles, 1948, 1949,1950; French doubles, 1946, 1947, 1949; Wimbledon doubles, 1946,1948, 1949, 1950, 1954; U.S. doubles, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1956, 1957; Wimbledon mixed, 1962; U.S. mixed, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1950, 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960. OTHER U.S. TITLES (2)-Hard Court doubles, 1948, with Louise Brough, Hard Court mixed, 1948 with Tom Brown. WIGHTMAN CUP-1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1961, 1962; record: 10-0 in singles, 9-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: French (5-0), Wimbledon (34-8), U.S. (54-14). Stefan Edberg Sweden (19.01.1966- ) MAJOR TITLES (8)-Australian singles, 1985, 1987; Wimbledon singles, 1988, 1990; U.S. singles, 1991, 1992, Australian doubles,1987; U.S. doubles, 1987. DAVIS CUP- 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996; record: 34-14 in singles, 12-8 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (56-11), French (30-13), Wimbledon (49-12), U.S. (39-11). Roy Emerson Australia (03.11.1936- ) MAJOR TITLES (28)-Australian singles, 1961, 1963, 1964,1965, 1966, 1967; French singles, 1963, 1967; Wimbledon singles, 1964, 1965; U.S. singles, 1961, 1964; Australian doubles, 1962, 1966, 1969; French doubles, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965; Wimbledon doubles, 1959, 1961, 1971; U.S. doubles, 1959, 1960, 1965, 1966. DAVIS ÑUÐ- 1959, 1960, 1961,1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967; record: 21-2 in singles, 13-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (478), French (43-10), Wimbledon (60-14), U.S. (59-14). Chris Evert United States (12.12.1954- ) MAJOR TITLES (21)-Australian singles, 1982, 1984; French singles, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986; Wimbledon singles, 1974, 1976, 1981; U.S. singles, 1975, 1976,1977,1978,1980, 1982; French doubles, 1974, 1975; Wimbledon doubles, 1976. OTHER U.S. TITLES (6)-Clay Court singles, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980. FEDERATION CUP-1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1989; record: 40-2 in singles, 17-2 in doubles. WIGHTMAN CUP (As player)-1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980,1981, 1982, 1984, 1985; record: 26-0 in singles, 8-4 in doubles; (As captain)- 170 1980, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1986; record: 5-0, 5 Cups. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (30-4), French (72-6) Wimbledon (96-15), U.S. (101-12). Shirley Fry United States (30.06.1927- ) MAJOR TITLES (l7)-Australian singles, 1957; French singles, 1951; Wimbledon singles, 1956; U.S. singles, 1956; Australian doubles, 1957; French doubles, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953; U.S. doubles, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954; Wimbledon doubles, 1951, 1952, 1953; Wimbledon mixed, 1957. OTHER U.S. TITLES (4)-Clay Court singles, 1956; Clay Court doubles, 1946, with Maãó Arnold Prentiss; 1950, with Doris Hart; 1956, with Dorothy Head Knode. WIGHTMAN CUP1949, 1951,1952,1953,1955, 1956; record: 4-2 in singles, 6-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS: Australian (5-0), French (23-4), Wimbledon (34-7), U.S. (38-14). Althea Gibson United States (25.08.1927-28.09.2003) MAJOR TIÒLES (l1)-French singles, 1956; Wimbledon singles, 1957, 1958; U.S. singles, 1957, 1958; Australiaï doubles, 1957; French doubles, 1956; Wimbledon doubles, 1956, 1957, 1958; U.S. mixed, 1957. OTHER U.S. TITLES (2)-Clay court singles, 1957; Clay Court doubles, 1957, with Hard. WIGHTMAN CUP-1957, 1958; record: 3-1 in singles, 2-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS: Australian (4-1), French (6-0) Wimbledon (16-1), U.S. (27-7). Ricardo Alonso Pancho Gonzales United States (09.05.1928-03.07.1995) MAJOR TITLES (4)-U.S. singles, 1948, 1949; French doubles, 1949; Wimbledon doubles, 1949. OTHER U.S. TIÒLES (17)-indoor singles, 1949; Ñlàó Court singles, 1948, 1949; indoor mixed, 1949, with Gertrude Moran; Pro singles, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961; Pro doubles, 1953, with Don Budge; 1954, 1958, with Pancho Segura; 1957, with Êån Rosewall; 1969, with Rod Laver. DAVIS CUP-1949; record: 2-0 in singles. SINGLES RECORD IN ÒÍÅ MAJORS: Austraian (2-1), French (9-2), Wimbledon (10-5), U.S. (23-7). Evonne Goolagong Australia (31.07.1951- ) MAJOR TITLES (13) -Australian singles, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977; French singles, 1971; Wimbledon singles, 1971, 1980; Australian doubles, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1976; Wimbledon doubles, 1974; French mixed, 1972. FEDERATION CUP-1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1982; record: 21-3 in singles, 11-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN ÒÍÅ MAJORS:Australia - (39-9), French (16-3), Wimbledon (49-9), U.S. (26-6). Doris Hart United States (20.06.1925- ) MAJOR TITLES (35)-Australian singles, 1949; French singles, 1950, 1952; Wimbledon singles, 1951; U.S. singles, 1954, 1955; Australian doubles, 1950; French doubles, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953; Wimbledon doubles, 1947, 1951, 1952,1953; U.S. doubles, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954; Australian mixed, 1949, 1950; French mixed, 1951, 1952, 1953; Wimbledon mixed, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955; U.S. mixed, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955. WIGHTMAN CUP-1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955; record: 14-0 in singles, 8-1 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN ÒÍÅ MAJORS:Australian (81), French (28-5), Wimbledon (43-8), U.S. (57-13). Martina Hingis Switzerland (30.09.1980- ) Height 5’7'’ (1.70 m). Weight 130 lbs. (59 kg). Plays Right-handed (two-handed backhand). Status Pro Oct. 14, 1994/ Retired 2002. Sony Ericsson WTA Tour singles titles 40, Sony Ericsson WTA Tour doubles titles 36. Prize Money $18,345,825. Win Loss Record - Singles 471-101. Win Loss Record - Doubles 273-50. MAJORS TITLES (5), Australian 3, Wimbledon 1, U.S. 1. WTA Championships(4), singles 2, doubles 2. Lew Hoad Australia (23.11.1934-03.07.1994) MAJOR TITLES (13) - Australian singles, 1956; French singles, 1956; Wimbledon singles, 1956, 1957; Australian doubles, 1953, 1956, 1957; French doubles, 1953; Wimbledon doubles, 1953, 1955, 1956; U.S. doubles, 1956; French mixed, 1954. DAVIS ÑUÐ-1953, 1954, 1955, 1956; record: 10-2 in singles, 7-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS :Australian (15-5), French (17-5), Wimbledon (32-7), U.S. (21-5). Goran Ivanisevic Croatia (13.09.1971) Ranking - Singles: 2 (7/4/1994) Career High ATP Entry Ranking - Doubles: 20 (1/6/1992) Singles Record: 599 – 333 Singles Titles: 22 Double Titles: 9 Prize Money: $19,876,579 Yevgeny Kafelnikov Russia (18.02.1974- ) Birthdate: 18-Feb-74, Birthplace: Sochi, Russia, Residence: Sochi, Russia, Height: 6’3'’ (190 cm), Weight: 185 lbs (84 kg), Plays: Right-handed, Turned Pro: 1992, Singles Record: 609 - 306, Singles Titles: 26, Double Titles: 27, Prize Money: $23,883,797. MAJOR TITLES (2) : Australian singles, 1999, French singles, 1996. OLIMPIC GOLD MEDAL, 2000, DAVIS CUP, 2002. Billie Jean King United Ststes (22.11.1943- ) MAJOR TITLES (39)-Australian singles, 1968; French singles, 1972; Wimbledon singles, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975; U.S. singles, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974; French doubles, 1972; Wimbledon doubles, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1968,1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1979; U.S. doubles, 1964, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980; Australian mixed, 1968; French mixed, 1967, 1970; Wimbledon mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1974; U.S. mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1976. FEDERATION CUP(As player)-1963, 1964, 171 1965, 1966, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979; record 25-4 in singles, 27-0 in doubles; (As captain)-1965, 1976, 1995, 1996; record: 12-2, 2 Cups. WIGHTMAN CUP-1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1977, 1978; record: 14-2 in singles, 7-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (17-4), French (21-6), Wimbledon (95-15), U.S. (58-14). Jack Kramer United States (01.08.1921 - 2009) MAJOR TITLES (10)-Wimbledon singles, 1947; U.S. Singles, 1946, 1947; Wimbledon doubles, 1946, 1947; U.S. doubles, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1947; U.S. mixed, 1941. Pro singles, 1948; Pro doubles, 1948, 1955, with Pancho Segura; DAVIS CUP1939, 1946, 1947; record: 6-0 in singles, 1-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Wimbledon (10-1), U.S. (24-5). Gustavo Kuerten Brasil (10.09.1976- ) Height: 6’3'’ (190 cm). Weight:183 lbs (83 kg). Plays: Right-handed. Turned Pro: 1995. Singles Record: 356 - 183. Singles Titles: 20. Double Titles: 8. Prize Money: $14,699,343. MAJOR TITLES (3), French, 1997, 2000, 2001 Rod Laver Australia (09.08.1938- ) MAJOR TITLES (20)-Australian singles, 1960, 1962, 1969; French singles, 1962, 1969; Wimbledon singles, 1961, 1962, 1968, 1969; U.S. singles, 1962, 1969; Australian dou-bles, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1969; French doubles, 1961; Wimble-don doubles, 1971; French mixed, 1961; Wimbledon mixed, 1959, 1960. DAVIS CUP-1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1973; record: 16-4 in singles, 4-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (21-6), French (25-6), Wimbledon (50-7), U.S. (44-10). Ivan Lendl Czechoslovakia/United States (07.03.1960- ) MAJOR TITLES (8)-Australian singles, 1989, 1990; French singles, 1984, 1986, 1987; U.S. singles, 1985, 1986, 1987. Pro singles, 1992, 1993,1994. DAVIS ÑUÐ-1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985; record: 18-11 in singles, 4-4 in dou-bles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (48-10), French (53-12), Wimbledon (48-14), U.S. (73-13). John McEnroe United States (1959- ) MAJOR TITLES (17)-Wimbledon singles, 1981, 1983, 1984; U.S. singles, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984; Wimbledon doubles, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1992; U.S. doubles, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984; French mixed, 1977. DAVIS CUP-1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982,1983,1984,1987,1988,1989,1991,1992; record: 41--8 in singles, 18-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (18-5), French (25-10), Wimbledon (59-11), U.S. (65-12). Ilie Nastase Romania (19.07.1946- ) MAJOR TITLES (7)-French singles, 1973; U.S. singles, 1972; French doubles, 1970; Wimbledon doubles, 1973; U.S. doubles, 1975; Wimbledon mixed, 1970, 1972. DAVIS Cup- 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985; record: 74--22 in singles, 35-15 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS :Australian (0-1), French (33-13), Wimbledon (35-15), U.S. (29-14). Martina Navratilova Czechoslovakia/United States (18.10.1956- ) Birthdate October 18, 1956, Birthplace Prague, Czech Republic, Residence Sarasota, FL, USA. Height 5’8'’ (1.73 m). Weight 145 lbs. (65 kg). Plays Left-handed. Status Pro 1975. Sony Ericsson WTA Tour singles titles 167. Sony Ericsson WTA Tour doubles titles 174. Prize Money $21,400,871. Win Loss Record – Singles 1440-213. Win Loss Record – Doubles 667-102. MAJOR TITLES (56)-Australian singles, 1981, 1983, 1985; French singles, 1982, 1984; Wimbledon singles, 1978, 1979,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1990; U.S. singles, 1983,1984, 1986, 1987; Australian doubles, 1980, 1982,1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989; French doubles, 1975, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988; Wimbledon doubles, 1976, 1979,1981,1982,1983,1984,1986; U.S. doubles, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990; French mixed 1974, 1985; Wimbledon mixed; 1985, 1993, 1995; U.S. mixed 1985, 1987. WTA CHAMPIONSHIPS (13), singles(4), doubles (9) John Newcombe Australia (23.05.1944- ) MAJOR TITLES (25)-Australian singles, 1973, 1975; Wimbledon singles, 1967, 1970, 1971; U.S. singles, 1967, 1973; Australian doubles, 1965, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1976; French doubles, 1967, 1969,1973; Wimbledon doubles l965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1974; U.S. doubles, 1967, 1971, 1973; U.S. mixed, 1964. DAVIS CUP-1963,1964,1965,1966,1967,1973,1975,1976; record: 16-7 in singles, 9-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (45-14), French (17-9), Wimbledon (45-11), U.S. (45-9). Patrick Rafter Australia (28.12.1972- ) Birthdate: 28-Dec-72 Birthplace: Mount Isa, QSLD, Australia Residence: Pembroke, Bermuda Height: 6’1'’ (185 cm) Weight: 190 lbs (86 kg) Plays: Right-handed Turned Pro: 1991 Singles Record: 358 – 191 Singles Titles: 11 Double Titles: 10 Prize Money: $11,127,058. MAJOR TITLES (2) : U.S. Ken Rosewall Australia (02.11.1934- ) MAJOR TITLES (18)-Australian singles, 1953, 1955, 1971,1972; French singles, 1953, 1968; U.S. singles, 1956, 1970; Australian doubles, 1953, 1956, 1972; French doubles, 1953,1968; Wimbledon doubles, 1953, 1956; U.S. doubles, 1956, 1969; U.S. mixed, 1956. DAVIS CUP-1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1973, 1975; record: 17-2 in singles, 2-1 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (45-10), French (24-3), Wimbledon (47-11), U.S. (57-10). Manolo Santana Spain (10.05.1938- ) 172 MAJOR TITLES (5)-French singles, 1964, 1964; Wimbledon singles, 1966; U.S. singles, 1965; French doubles, 1963. DAVIS CUP-1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, ]962, 1963, 1964,1965,1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1973; record: 69--17 in singles, 2311 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS-French (33-6), Wimbledon (22-9), U.S. (25-7). Frank Sedgman Australia (29.10.1927- ) MAJOR TITLES (22)-Australian singles, 1949, 1950; Wimbledon singles, 1952; U.S. singles, 1951, 1952; Australian doubles, 1951, 1952; French doubles, 1951, 1952; Wimbledon doubles, 1948, 1951, 1952; U.S. doubles, 1950, 1951; Australian mixed, 1949, 1950; French mixed, 1951, 1952; Wimbledon mixed, 1951, 1952; U.S. mixed, 1951,1952. DAVIS CUP-1949, 1950, 1951, 1952; record: 16-3 in singles, 9-0 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (19-5), French (13-4), Wimbledon (26-6), U.S. (20-3). Fracisco Olegario Pancho Segura Ecuador (20.06.1921- ) U.S. TITLES (14)-Intercollegiate singles, 1943, 1944, 1945; indoor singles, 1946; Clay Court singles, 1944; Pro singles, 1950, 1951, 1952; Clay Court doubles, 1944, 1945 with Bill Talbert; Pro doubles, 1948, 1955 with Jack Kramer; 1954, 1958 with Pancho Gonzalez. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS :French (2-1), Wimbledon (2-2), U.S. (21-7). Monica Seles Yugoslavia/United States (02.12.1973- ) Height 5’10 1/2'’ (1.79 m). Weight 154 lbs. (70 kg)Plays Left-handed (two-handed both sides). Status Pro (Feb. 13, 1989). Sony Ericsson WTA Tour singles titles 53. Sony Ericsson WTA Tour doubles titles 6. Prize Money $14,891,762. Win Loss Record – Singles 595-122. Win Loss Record – Doubles 89-45. MAJOR TITLES (9), Australian 4, French 3, U.S. 2. WTA CHAMPIONSHIPS (3). Stan Smith United States (14.12.1946- ) MAJOR TITLES (7)-Wimbledon singles, 1972;U.S.. singles, 1971; Australian doubles, 1970; U.S. doubles, 1968, 1974,1978,1980. DAVIS CUP-1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972,1973,1975,1977,1979,1981; record; 15-5 in singles, 20.3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (5-3),French (23-9), Wimbledon (45-17), U.S. (39-19). Tony Trabert United States (16.08.1930- ) MAJOR TITLES (10) -French singles, 1954, 1955; Wimbledon singles, 1955; U.S. singles, 1953, 1955; Australian doubles, 1955; French doubles, 1950, 1954, 1955; U.S. doubles, 1954. DAVIS CUP (As player)-1951, 1952, 1953,1954,1955; record: 16-5 in singles, 11-3 in doubles; (As captain)-1953, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; Record: 14-3, 2 Cups. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (4- 2), French (18-2), Wimbledon (13-2), U.S. (23-5). Mats Wilander Sweden (22.08.1964) MAJOR TITLES (8)-Australian singles, 1983, 1984, 1988; French singles, 1982, 1985, 1988; U.S. singles, 1988; Wimbledon doubles, 1986. DAVIS CUP-1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986,1987,1988, 1989, 1990; record: 36-14 in singles, 7-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS :Australian (36-7), French (47-9), Wimbledon (25-10), U.S. (36-11). Jack Kramer and Lew Hoad in Tbilisi. 1961 173 Who has abandoned the big tennis in XXI century ? Agassi Andre (US) Born 29.04.1970. 180 cm, 80 kg. 60 titles. 870-274. Australin Open - 3, Roland Garros -1, Wimbledon - 1, US Open - 2. Won Olimoic Games(1996). Best ranking N1 (1999) Dementieva Elen (Russia) Born 15.10.1981. 178 cm, 60 kg. 14 titles, won Olimpic Games (2008) . 480-237. N5 (28.12.2009), N9(01.12.2010) Woodbrige Tood (Australia) Born 02.04.1971. 171 cm., 68 kg. Doubles record with Mark Woodforde - Australian Open - 2, Roland Garros - 1, Wimbledon - 2, US Open - 2. Woodforde Mark (Australia) Born 23.09.1965. 183 cm., 78 kg. Doubles record with Todd Woodbrige - Australian Open - 2, Roland Garros - 1, Wimbledon - 2, US Open - 2. Capriati Jennifer (USS) Born 29.03.1976. 175 sm., 60 kg. 14 titles. 430-176. Australian Open - 2, Roland Garros - 1. Won Olimpic Games (1992). Kafelnikov Yevgeny (Russia) Born 18.02.1974. 190 cm. 84 kg. 26 titles. 609-306. Roland Gerros - 1, Australian Open - 1. Won Olimpic Games(2000). Ivanisevic Goran (Croatia) Born 13.09.1971. 193 cm, 81 kg. 22 titles, 599-333. Wimbledon - 1. Best ranking N2(04.07.1994) Krajicek Richard (Netherlands) Born 06.12.1971. 196 cm., 93 kg. 17 titles. 411-219. Wimbledon -1. Best ranking N4(29.04.1999) Martin Todd (US) Born 08.07.1970. 198 cm, 92 kg. 8 titles, 411-234. “Davis Cup’s” owner (1995). Martinez Konchita (Spain) Born 16.04.1972. 170 cm., wona 59 kg. 33 titles, 739-297. Wimbledon - 1. Best ranking N1(30.10.1995) Piolin Sedric (France) Born 15.06.1969. 185 cm., 80 kg. 5 titles, 389-318. “Davis Cup’s” owner (2001). Best ranking N5(08.05.2000). Piers Mary (France) Born 15.05.1975. 180 cm., 64 kg. 18 titles, 511-237. Australian Open -1, Rolans Garros -1. Best ranking N3(30.01.1995). Rafter Patrick (Australia) Born 28.12.1972. 183 cm., 86 kg. 11 titles, 358-191. US Open - 2. Best Best ranking N1(26.07.1999) Pete Sampras (USA) ( Page 32) Seles Monika (US) Born 02.12.1973. 179 cm., 70 kg. 53 titles, 592-122. Australian Open - 4, Roland Garros - 3, Us Open - 2. Best ranking N1(1991,1992,1995). Philippoussis Mark (Australia) Born 07.11.1976. 196 cm., 95 kg. Best ranking N11 - 2000 Chang Michael (US) Born 22.02.1972. 175 sm., 72 kg. 34 titles, 662-312. Roland Garros - 1. Best ranking N2(09.09.1996) Henmen Tim (Emgland) daibada 06.09.1974. 185 cm., 76 kg. 11 titles, 496-274. Best ranking N4(08.07.2002) Hingis Martina (Swizerland) Born 30.09.1980. 170 cm., 59 kg. 43 titles, 548-133. Australian Open - 3, Wimbledon - 1, Us Open - 1. Besr ranking N1(1997,1999,2000) Steffi Graf (Germany) (Page 51) Becker Boris (Germany) Born 22.11.67. 190 cm, 85 kg. 49 titles. 713-214. Australian Open - 2, Wimbledon - 3, US Open -1. Best ranking N1(28.01.1991) Rios Marselo (Chilie) Born 26.12.1975. 175 cm., 70 kg. 18 titles. Won “GranSlam Cup” (1998). Best ranking N1(30.03.1998) Grosjan Sebastian (France) Born 29.05.1978. 175 cm., 66 kg. 340-244. N4 (28.10.2002). “Davis Cup” owner (2001).N677(28.12.209) Moresmo Ameli (France) Born 05.07.1979. 175 cm., 69 kg. 24 titles. 521-214. Australian Open (2006), Wimbledon (2006),N1(13.09.2004), N22(01.12.2008) Safin Marat (Russia) Born 27.01.1980, 193cm, 88 kg, titles 15,Davis Cup - 2002,2006, N1 (20.11.2000), US Open(200),Australian Open(2004) Davenport Lindsei (US) Born 08.06.1976. 189 cm., 79 kg. Titles - 55. 753-194. Australian Open - 1(2000), US Open - 1(1998). Best ranking N1(1998,2001,2004,2005). Won Olimpic Games (1996) 174 Pete Sampras TEN YEARS AGO, WHEN TENNIS POLLED ITS readers on the best in tennis, you voted the best tip as “watch the ball” and Steffi Graf, who had won but one major at the time, as the woman player with the best forehand. A decade later, those two answers held firm, but the land-scape of what’s tops in tennis has changed considerably. We take an in-depth look at the best in tennis in this special section, which is divided into three parts: the Pro Game, with survey results and tributes to possibly the two best players ever, Pete Sampras and Steffi Graf; Our Game, TENNIS editors ’ own selections of bests; and Your Game, which focuses on the recreational player and the way to get the best out of your own game. HI IS DIFFERENT now, this man who was once a mere kid named Pete Sampras. Different from the genial, lanky youth who so non-chalantly sowed aces on the tennis courts of four continents, different from the boy who met the world with an unfurrowed brow, a slightly crooked grin and a mild air of wonder that occasionally bordered on bafflement. These days, there is an aura about him - a gravity that makes it impossible e not to watch and study Pete Sampras as he strolls from his chair to the base line between games. It is as if one of those highlight dots used in TV permanent-ly surrounds him, demanding your attention, insisting that as unlikely as it may seem and as difficult as it may be to grasp, this man is different from you and me. With 10 Grand Slam sin-gles titles in hand at the age of 26, just two shy of the all-time record held by Roy Emerson, Sampras is on the fast track to becoming the best player ever, period. Of course, three Grand Slam titles are no gimme for any player. So we shall see. But as we wait for Sampras’s quest to contin-ue at the Australian Open in January, we might stop to consider a richer and more complex issue: Just what exactly has made Sampras the most prolific male winner of major titles in 25 years, during an era when the conventional wis-dom suggests that no man can ever dominate the con-temporary game in the manner of a Don Budge, a Roy Emerson or a Rod Laver? One key lies in the thoughts on greatness ar-ticulated by Big Bill Tilden, no slouch at tennis himself, in his fascinating book, Tennis A-Z. In à chapter titled simply “Courage,” Tilden wrote: “Confidence and belief in one’s self are almost essential to success, but conceit is the one certain poison to kill all chance of it. Take your victories and defeats in your stride, and keep your feet on the ground and your head à trifle smaller than your hat. “ Pete Sampras has lived those words; it is the flip side of that so-called “boring” personality that few pundits have bothered to explore. But humility alone will not win you even one Grand Slam title, as any number of egomaniacs have demonstrated. To win 10 requires not only a game touched by genius, but by a capacity for greatness. True greatness is never about humility, or craftsmanship, or even talent. It is first and foremost about vision, the acute long-distance vision that enables a genius to pursue his art with the patience of a laborer, the vision that remains safe from corrup-tion. Fame or fortune are destina-tions; true greatness is a journey. And it is a voyage to which Pete Sampras, the insouciant son of a hard-working Greek immigrant, is especially well-suited. Say what you will about the thun-derbolt forehand, or that service action of unsurpassed grace and sim-plicity. Lots of guys have big strokes and earth-shaking serves. Pete Sampras’s greatest gift, and his great-est weapon, is his capacity for evolu-tion, for taking the journey to great-ness, if you will. Barbra Streisand may have been correct in calling Andre Agassi a “highly evolved” human being, but Pete Sampras is à different breed of cat. He is a highly evolved tennis player, in utter harmo-ny with his life’s work. We take this harmony for granted now, as we take for granted so many extraordinary aspects of Sampras’s record and person. But it is impossi-ble to appreciate what Sàmpras has become without contemplating two incidents that transpired early in his career, when the jury was still out on whether this enormously talented but apparently nonchalant youth would become a dominant player. In 1991, just 20 years old but already the defending champion at the U.S. Open, Sampras surrendered his title to Jim Courier in the quarter-finals at Flushing Meadows. Follow-ing the loss, Sampras truthfully if unwisely conceded that he felt as if “à ton of bricks” had been lifted from his shoulders. All kinds of players, from Sampras’s friend Courier to the elder statesman Jimmy Connors, dropped no less a heavy load on Sampras in the form of stinging criticism of his attitude. Looking back on the inci-dent, Sampras now says: “If therå’s one quote in my career that I wish I could take back, it’s that one. But the truth is that at that stage my game and certainly my personality were pretty undeveloped. That quote reflected the truth of how I felt. I wasn’t sure then that I really could win another Grand Slam title.” 175 AT THE NEXT U.S. OPEN, Sampras lost in the title match to a man at the absolute peak of his con-siderable powers, Stefan Edberg. It wasn’t a bad loss for Sampras; it was a devastating one. “Up to that point, getting to the finals was a good result for me,” Sampras says. “But when I lost that match, I was surprised to feel how it burned inside of me. I kept thinking about that match, and I realized that I had given up in it. Just a touch, but enough to lose. “And I kept thinking of the fact that they only engrave one name on the championship trophy. It all sank in there, pretty deep. I came to this realization that getting to finals wouldn’t be good enough anymore. It didn’t matter who I beat, or what sur-face the match was on. I had to go through the shock of that loss to realize that semifinals or finals would never be good enough for me anymore. That match changed my career. It really did. “ From then on, I knew what I wanted and I went about getting it. I’ve come to låàrn that the only real pressure is the pressure you put on yourself, and for me that’s the pressure of winning big titles, not beating this guy or that guy on a match - to-match basis. Now I expect to win every match I play, period. That’s it. I’m not kidding. And I don’t really care what the experts or analysts or media say, not because I don’t respect their opinions, but because I kind of have what I want. You can say I’m boring or whatever, but the titles are there. I never wanted to be the great guy or the colorful guy or the interesting guy. I wanted to be the guy who won the titles.” Since that loss to Edberg, Sampras has been nearly invincible in nonclay Grand Slam events. And just as significantly, he has been nearly impervious to all of the heralded pitfalls and dangers created by his swelling status. In our time, only Edberg and the re-doubtable Ivan Lend! had comparable capacities for resisting conceit and continuing to grow. But neither of them have Sampras’s record. Reflecting on this condition, Boris Becker says: “Pete has a unique, perhaps unconscious, way of dealing with all of the distractions that cause problems for some of the rest of us. He has this way of keeping at arm’s length the issues that could threaten his love for the game, and his dedication to it. That says a lot about his pure passion as a tennis player. And it makes life as a tennis player easier for him.” Indeed. Early in 1996, following the tragic death of his coach, Tim Gullikson, Sampras held firm against the shock and sorrow of that loss. He reached the semifinals of the French Open, and later he won the U.S. Open. Later in the fall, two weeks after severing his longtime relationship with Delaina Mulcahy, Sampras beat Boris Becker on the German’s home court to win the ATP Tour World Championship. “ Through all that time, Pete was truly hurting,” says Gullikson’s successor, Paul Annacone. “But he has a way of sifting through things and moving on. He can shut things out as a competitor, even though as a regular, everyday guy he is just as affected by them as anyone else would be. An inability to grow while playing at the highest level may have been one rea-son that a guy like Bjorn Borg felt compelled to quit at age 25. 0r maybe the lack of growth ended up exacerbating the pressure.” If times have changed for tennis players since the heyday of Borg, they have only gotten more difficult and complicated, both on and off the court. Yet at age 26, Sampras is not only wildly successful, he also appears to be fresh. As Aus-tralian coach Bob Brett observes, “Pete is busy proving that all the limitations and distractions people began talking about when Borg quit, and when McEnroe more or less disappeared while he was still on top, aren’t necessarily legitimate concerns. Get somebody good enough and mentally capable of handling the climate in today’s game and there’s no reason why he can’t play until age 30 or 32, and win 15 Grand Slam titles.” If anyone appears designed to shatter the cliches surround-ing the game today it is Sampras. Even his game is resilient, and in a state of evolution. As Brett says, “Most of the guys out there bring a game that they keep and use. Pete brought a game that he’s developed, and one that contains even more room for develop-ment. It isn’t just talent that distances Pete from the other guys. It’s his ability to use and expand his talents.” Sampras joined the pro tour with a formidable basic arsenal, but since then his game has taken on increasing tone. Early on, he was fundamentally an aggressive baseliner who relied on a booming serve and a lethal forehand whose potency was slightly diminished by the need to protect a conservative top-spin backhand. Since then, Sampras has improved his backhand substantially, freeing it up from the worthy but narrow task of setting up a forehand placement. This has only made his forehand even more devastating. And using the flat or sliced backhand or the chip-and-charge return strategy has allowed Sampras to attack opponents more effectively and with increasing frequency. Although Emerson’s Grand Slam record is formidable, the man against whom Sampras will be measured is that other Aussie that he was taught to emulate: Laver. “Lately, Pete has been realizing the same thing that us old guys worked out in our careers,” says Laver, who fully expects Sampras to break Emerson’s record. “If you have superior tools, putting pressure on opponents causes them to make more mistakes. Then you not only win more, you win more easily.” According to Annacone, Sampras possesses the greatest form of knowledge available to a tennis player: a deep understanding of his own game. “Pete can play different styles at the highest of levels. He knows his tools and he knows his options. So he plays his return games better than ever before. And his game is so well integrated that you can’t attack one aspect of it and cause the rest to break down. Combine that with Pete’s basic love of competition, his ability to play a third-rounder against an annoying guy on a lousy day with his own mind completely and totally there, and it’s a pretty unbeatable package.” FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES, Layer’s status as the only man ever to win the Grand Slam twice (1962 and 1969) may be unassailable, even for Sampras. But then the Grand Slam is different today from what it was even 20 years ago. In Layer’s time, three of the four Grand Slam titles were played on the grass that was most suitable not only to the game of Laver, but Sampras as well. As former Wimbledon and U.S. Open champion Stan Smith says, “If three of the four majors were still played on grass, you’d actually have to like Pete’s chances to get a Grand Slam. He’s that good on the stuff. The other thing is that while Rod’s achievements were awesome, I bet that in either year that he won the Grand Slam you could count on the fingers of both 176 hands the number of tough matches he had to play. Today, almost every match Pete plays is los-able. I don’t think Pete has to get a Grand Slam to be considered the greatest player ever. But I do think that he has to win at least one title on the clay in Paris to be put right up there with Laver.” Nobody doubts that Sampras has the tools to continue winning on any surface, despite the growing, diverse number of legitimate challengers. And pretty much everyone believes that Sampras must win in Paris at some point not merely as a final proof of his greatness, but because it would represent his completion as a player. Sampras himself has played a curious catand-mouse game with the challenge of winning at Roland Garros, and the issue represents one of the few key areas in which the insou-ciance of his youth was a handicap. “ I didn’t grow up thinking I could win the French,” Sampras concedes. “In fact, watching Ivan Lendl and Mats Wilander play a match for eight hours, doing nothing with the ball, made me feel like, `Why would I even want to win this event?’ I see it differ-ently now, even though I refuse to get obsessive about winning in Paris. I would love to have it, I admit that. It would complete my career, even though I don’t think I’ll feel that I had a lousy career if I never accomplish that. Still, I would hate to have all these majors and then a big, fat asterisk: ‘Did Not Win French.’ “ Sampras obviously feels ambivalence about the importance and value of the French Open. According to Annacone, that may be his best weapon. “The biggest reason that he may go on to win Roland Garros is because he will go about it exactly the opposite way that Lendl went about trying-and failing - to win Wimledon. Pete knows what he has to do; how could he not? But he won’t put extra pressure on himself or obsess about it. What happened two years ago, when shortly after Tim’s death and with no real preparation, Pete beat three great players [Courier, Sergi Bruguera and Todd Martin] to get to the semifinals, was the best thing that could have happened. In his heart, Pete knows he can win the French. That’s got to make you confi-dent that you will.” NEXT YEAR IN PARIS, SAMPRAS may be prone to show more emotion, which may help him. Despite sustaining his basic antipathy to showmanship - and to the critics who insist that Sampras should more frequently vent his feelings-it is also true that as players get older they tend to draw more and more on every potential reserve of emotion, and selfexpression on the court is one such resource. Still, do not expect Sampras to begin hurling his racquets or sniping with the gallery any time soon. “ People,” he says, “have this perception when I win majors that I don’t look like I’m very ecstatic about it. I guess it isn’t my way to look ecstatic. By the same token, if you just look at what I have to give up and sacrifice in my daily life to compete at this level, it would be very weird if in my own way I wasn’t feeling ecstatic about winning.” Fortunately, more and more observers are letting go of their pre-conceptions and misconceptions as Sampras continues to win them over to his cause with the most powerful and absolute argument of all: his record. Fittingly enough, this was something that Laver, whose only noticeable emotion on the court was a frosty disdain for the expression of emotion, saw coming. “ I said it early on and I keep saying it,” Laver says. “You can get attention lots of ways, but the best way to build a name and the respect that comes with it is over time. The name you end up with then is something nobody can ever tear down, or forget.” The name is Pete Sampras. It will last. 177 Wins of the Gran Slam - 14 1990 US O pen (1) Andre Agassi 6 -4 6 -3 6 -2 1993 Wimbledon (1) Jim K urier 7 - 6 7 - 6 3- 6 6 - 3 1993 UA O pen (2) Sedrik Piolin 6 -4 6 -4 6 -3 1994 Australian O pen (1) Tod Martin 7 -6 6 -4 6 -4 1994 Wimbledon (2) Goran Ivanishevic 7 -6 7 -6 6 -0 1995 Wimbledon (3) Boris Becker 6 -7 6 -2 6 -4 6 -2 1995 US O pen (3) Andre Agassi 6-4 6-3 3-6 7 -5 1996 US O pen (4) Mikl C hang 6 -1 6 -4 7 -6 1997 Australian O pen (2) K arlos Moja 6 -2 6 -3 6 -3 1997 Wimbledon (4) Sedrik Piolin 6 -4 6 -2 6 -4 1998 Wimbledon (5) Goran Ivanishevic 6 - 7 7 - 6 6 - 4 3- 6 6 - 2 1999 Wimbledon (6) Andre Agassi 6 -3 6 -4 7 -5 2 000 Wimbledon (7) Patrick Rafter 6 -7 7 -6 6 -4 6 -2 2 002 US O pen (5) Andre Agassi 6-3 6-4 5-7 6-4 Runner-up of the Grand Slam - 4 1992 US Open - Stephan Edberg 63 46 67 26 19 9 5 Australian Open - Andre Agassi 64 16 67 46 2 000 US Open - Marat Safin 46 36 36 2001 US Open - Leiton Hewitt 67 16 16 Wins Master Series - 11 19 9 2 Tsintsinati Ivan Lendl 63 36 63 19 9 3 Maiami Malivai Washington 63 62 19 9 4 Indian Wells Peter K orda 46 63 36 63 62 19 9 4 Maiami Andre Agassi 57 63 63 19 9 4 Roma Boris Becker 61 62 62 19 9 5 Indian Wells Andre Agassi 75 63 75 19 9 5 Paris Boris Becker 75 64 64 19 9 7 Tsintsinati Thomas Muster 63 64 19 9 7 Paris Jonas Bjorkman 63 46 63 61 19 9 9 Tsintsinati Patrick Rafter 76 63 2 000 Maiami Gustavo K uerten 61 67 76 76 178 Runner-up of the Master Series - 8 19 9 1 Tsintsinati Gi Forge 26 76 64 19 9 1 Paris Gi Forge 76 46 57 64 64 19 9 5 Maiami Andre Agassi 36 62 76 19 9 5 Montreal Andre Agassi 36 62 63 19 9 6 Stutgart Boris Becker 36 63 36 63 64 19 9 8 Tsintsinati Patrick Rafter 16 7 6 6 4 19 9 8 Paris Greg Rusedsky 64 76 63 2 001 Indian Wells Andre Agassi 76 75 61 Outstanding games US Open 1990 1/4-Ivan Lend l - 6-4,7-6,3-6,4-6 , 6/4 US Open 1990 Final - Andre Agassi - 6/4 6/2/ 6/3 US Open 1992 Runner-up - Stefan Eedberg - 3-6, 6-4, 7-6, 6-2 Wimbledon 1993 1/4 -Andre Agassi - 6-2, 6-2, 3-6, 3-6, 6-4 Wimbledon 1993 Final - Jim Kurier - 7-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-3 Australian Open 1995 1/4 - Jim Kurier - 6-7(4), 6-7(3), 6-3, 6-4, 6-3 Australian Open 1995 - Runner-up - Andre Agassi - 4-6, 6-1, 7-6, 6-4 Wimbledon 1995 Final - Boris Becker - 6-7, 6-2, 6-4, 6-2 US Open 1995 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-4 6-3 4-6 7-5. Wimbledon 1996 1/4 - Richard Kraichek - 7-5, 7-6, 6-4 (loses) US Open 1996 1/4 - Alex Koretxa 7-6, 5-7, 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 ATP World Championships 1996 Final - Boris Beckr 3-6, 7-6(5), 7-6(4), 6-7(11), 6-4 US Open 1997 1/8 - Peter Korda - 6-7, 7-5, 7-6, 3-6, 7-6 (Loses) Wimbledon 1998 Final - Goran Ivanicevic - 6-7, 7-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 Wimbledon 1999 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-3, 6-4, 7-5 Australian Open 2000 1/2 - Andre Agassi - 6-4, 3-6, 6-7, 7-6, 6-1 (Loses) Wimbledon 2000 Final - Patrick Rafter 6-7(10), 7-6(5), 6-4, 6-2 US Open 2000 Runner-up - Marat Safin - 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 Wimbledon 2001 1/8- Roger Federer - 7-6(7), 5-7, 6-4, 6-7(2), 7-5 (loses) US Open 2001 1/4 - Aandre Aagassi - 6-7, 7-6, 7-6, 7-6 US Open 2002 1/16 - Greg Rusedsky - 7-6, 4-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-4 US Open 2002 Final - Andre Agassi - 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4 Steffi Graf WHILE OTHERS MIGHT have come unraveled, Steffi Graf became unrivaled. The litany of her toil and trouble is the stuff of Wag-nerian Gotterdammerung, but for now let’s silencethosehowling arias and let both the staggering nèò-bers of her record and the players she left staggering speak to her greatness. The reigning world No. 1 for the better part of the last decade, Graf assured her place in tennis history early in her 15-year career, when she became the third woman to capture the Grand Slam (Australian and French Opens, Wim-bledon and U.S. Open) in 1988, adding an Olympic gold medal in Seoul. Next year, Graf will threaten Margaret Court’s record of 24 Grand Slam singles titles, the last numerical obstacle to her elevation as the best player of all time. While Graf’s 21 Grand Slam singles wins are impressive, perhaps more stunning is the way she accomplished them, win-ning each major four times or more, ofttimes battling injury, illness or even insult tossed at her by personal demons. (See box at right for more numbers.)Now listen to the chorus of players she has beaten—and those close to her who have watched in amaze-ment-as she won those titles. Chris Evert: Most champions can’t be the best in every aspect of the game. I lacked the physical, Mar-tina Navratilova had diffi-culty with the mental and Billie Jean King never had the power. But Steffi has it all-the mental, physical, power and speed. She is the best athlete in the game and moves better than any-one. She has shown more intensity and passion for the sport than any other player over such a long 179 period of time. She simply hates to lose. Tracy Austin: Steffi Graf has two of the biggest weapons in the game with her forehand and serve. She is also the fastest player in the game. But the biggest reason Steffi is so great is her ability to win the big points in the big matches. Even with all her injuries, her sheer desire and ability to get the job done under pressure has pulled her through so many matches and won her many titles. Martina Hingis: Steffi has always been No. 1 since I remember. When I see her from the other side of the net, I feel a lot of respect. Heine Gunthardt (Graf’s longtime coach): Having worked with Steffi for years, I am amazed that she is still so intense and eager to improve. She loves to practice. But what sepa-rates her from other champions is her ability to mobilize all of her energies into a single moment for one goal - to win. She is able to concentrate solely on hitting the ball and winning the match. Mary Carillo: Graf’s forehand is the single best stroke in the history of the game. It’s the engine inside her that’s made her produce big wins on the big occasions. She simply has outclassed everyone. Jana Novotna: She brought women’s tennis to another level by moving better and hitting harder and simply being a better athlete on court. Monica Seles: I will never forget watching Steffi practice the last few years. It was amazing to me that she had such intensity and desire to practice even after all these years. I could never do that every single day. It’s what makes her so tough. She just never lets down, ever. Mirjana Lucic: I idolized Steffi when I was growing up and wanted to play like her. She is such a great competitor and never gives up. I most admired that she was always a fighter. And the opera ain’t over yet Wins of the Gran Slam - 22 1987 French O pen Martina N avratilova 64 46 86 1988 Australian O pen K ris Evert 61 7 6 1988 French O pen N atasha Zvereva 6 0 6 -0 1988 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 57 62 61 1988 US O pen Gabriela Sabatini 63 36 61 1989 Austalian O pen Elen Sukova 64 64 1989 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 62 67 61 1989 US O pen Martina N avratilova 36 7 5 61 1990 Australian O pen Mary Fernandez 63 64 1991 Wimbledon Gabriela Sabatini 64 36 86 1992 Wimbledon Monika selesh 62 61 1993 French O pen Mary Fernandez 46 6 2 6 4 1993 Wimbledon Jana N ovotna 7 6 16 64 1993 US O pen Elen Sukova 63 63 1994 Australian O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 60 62 1995 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 7 5 46 6 0 1995 Wimbledon Arantxa Sanches Vikario 46 6 1 7 5 1995 US O pen Monika Selesh 7 6 06 63 1996 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 63 67 108 1996 Wimbledon Arantxa Sanches Vikario 63 7 5 1996 US O pen Monika Selesh 7 5 64 1999 French O pen Martina Hingis 46 7 5 6 2 180 Runner-up of the Grand Slam - 8 19 8 7 Wimbledon Martina N avratilova 75 63 19 8 7 US O pen Martina N avratilova 76 61 19 8 9 French O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 76 36 75 19 9 0 French O pen Monika Selesh 76 64 19 9 0 US O pen Gabriela Sabatini 62 76 19 9 2 French O pen Monika Selesh 62 36 108 19 9 3 Australian O pen Monika Selesh 46 63 62 19 9 4 US O pen Arantxa Sanches Vikario 16 7 6 6 4 Outstanding Tennis Players on Tbilisi Courts The theme of sport always used to be topical in my family. Following kinds of sports alike: chess, football, basketball and tennis are related to my childhood memories. At the age of 5 I learnt playing chess, to football I had relation via my yard and attendance at the plays of Tbilisi “Dinamo” and “Spartaki”, to basketball – unforgettable plays in Vera park between the teams of Tbilisi Officers’ House and Tbilisi “Dinamo”, but to tennis by the victory of our compatriot Edward Negrebetski against Nikolai Ozerov in the final play of Soviet Union Championship in 1949. For the first time I got information about famous tennis players from my parents. My major importance was drawn and remembered the surnames Baji and Cochet. Baji was said to be red boy, unbeaten champion of 30s, though Cochet is said to be once in Tbilisi by deeply impressing everybody. In 1951 I launched playing tennis and our couch, Aram Khanguliani always used to narrate us about outstanding French man. I was very lucky when famous chess master, Nikolai Sorokin granted me an interesting book “Modern Tennis” in 50s. This illustrated book included some stories about champions of great tennis. 181 It is natural that Henri Cochet was also widely mentioned in this book. Who is this Henri Cochet, playing on Tbilisi courts and about his style of playing is still argued by tennis theorists. Henri Cochet was born in Lion in December 14, 1901. His father was employed as a secretary at the local tennis club. There Henri learnt playing tennis. Throughout his career for the four times he had won French Championship (1926, 1928, 1930, and 1932), twice Wimblendon (1927, 1929) and once USA Championship (1928). He got “Davis Cup” for six times with Rene Lacosta, Jan Borotras and Jack Brewknew. For four years (1928-1931) he used to lead to the squad of world greatest tennis players. In 1933 Henri Cochet ended his career among amateur players and passed to professionals. He had seldom participated in professional tournaments, mainly he used to popularize tennis and coaching. During those years he wrote a perfect book – tennis, to present being topical one in tennis tactics section. In 1936 Cochet for the first time arrives in Soviet Union, where he provides demonstrative plays in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. Our compatriots: E. Negrebetski and A. Mdivani had also participated in mentioned plays. In summer 1937, Cochet had established Tennis School in Moscow. Georgian coaches and players: Jan Homer, Aram Khanguliani, Vakhtang (Guguli) Dididze, Vano Elerdashvili, David Guliashvili, Boris Krupenikov, Paul Podporin and Nunu Khelaia had also participated in the mentioned school. So, Tbilisi newspapers publish information that in August 2224, 1937 at 17:00 the courts located in Jores street (present Marjanishvili street) will host play participated by Henri Cochet and leading soviet tennis players: Boris Novikov, Edward Negrebetski, Evgeni Kudriavtsev and Nikolai Jackson. Unfortunately, repressed perfect tennis player Archil Mdivani was not included among other players. Cochet had simply won between singles against Negrebetski and Novikov, but between doubles he had won with Jackson against Negrebetski and Kudriavcev. In 1976 Henri Cochet had been selected at the hall of fame of Tennis. In April 1, 1987 Henri Cochet died in France at the borough of St. Germain-en Laye. Only after 24 years, In July 1961 world greatest tennis players again lead in Tbilisi. In 50s partly opened iron curtain. Together with the New-York Symphonic Orchestra Leonard Bernstein arrives in Soviet Union. Famous jazzmen, Benny Goodman and Max Greger also arrive. In 1959 famous professional basketball team “Harlem Globtrotersi” leaded by greatest Wilt Chamberlain visited Moscow. In 1961 Jack Kramer’s outstanding professional tennis group holds tournament in Soviet Union. Himself Kramer was outstanding tennis player of 40s. In 1946-1947 champion of USA, winner of Wimblendon Tournament in 1947. Immediately he passes to professionals and in 1948 becomes world champion. Among Kramer group were outstanding tennis players Lew Hoad (1934-1994), Tony Trabert, Pancho Segura, Kurt Nilseni, Bari Mackye and Butch Buhgoltz. Unfortunately, Pancho Gonzales and Ken Rosewell had not arrived in Tbilisi. It is Natural that entire attention was drawn towards two outstanding tennis players – Australian Lew Hoad and American Tony Trabert. Hoad had left a bit to win “Grand Slam”. He had simultaneously won at Australian, French and Wimblendon Championships, though in the final of USA Championship he had lost the game with his friend – Ken Rosewell. Tony Trabert had also a chance of winning “Grand Slam” in 1955, in the semifinal of Australian championship he had again lost with Ken Rosewell. Currently, Trabert is one of the leading commentators of USA broadcasting company. In 1978 he was selected at tennis “Fame Hall”. The plays of Kramer Group had been held at “Sports Palace” on wooden surface drawing greater interest of sport amateurs. Meeting between Lew Hoad and Tony Trabert was very impressionable. Competitors had showed deep and onrushing tennis. Lew Hoad was the winner by the score 11:9, 9:7. In 1973 within the frameworks of “Davis Cup” tennis players from Soviet Union and Romania have played against each other. Among Romanian team was USA champion in 1972, winner of French Championship in 1973 and the first world tennis player in 1973 Ilie Nestase. With high, well-developed muscles he greatly impressed tennis amateurs. Owner of best techniques, Nestase used to play deep combined tennis. That time Romanians had won under the score 3:2. Nestase won against A. Metreveli and T. Kakulia, though in doubles together with the Ion Ciriac they have won A. Metreveli and S. Likhachov. Unofficial match had been held between USA and Soviet Union Teams at “Sports Palace” in 1976. USA team included outstanding tennis player Billie Jean King, owner f 12 titles of “Grand Slams” among singles. The plays were held on carpet, where Billie Jean King has won against outstanding Russian tennis player Olga Morozova. Other outstanding tennis players have also played at various times in Tbilisi. In 1961 famous Hungarian tennis player Ishtvan Guiash had won at Tbilisi International Tournament. Unofficial matches with Georgian tennis players have been held by the winners of “Grand Slam” Bob Hewit and Owen Devidson in singles and doubles in 1962. In 1985 at Tbilisi “Sports Palace” was held the “Davis Cup” tournament between the teams of Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. One of the greatest tennis players of 80s, Olympic champion of 1988 Miroslav Mechir participated in this tournament. Under the initiative of outstanding Georgian tennis player, Leila Meskhi, after declaring independent Georgia, since 1997 there are held international tournaments. Many outstanding tennis players used to participate in these tournaments held in Tbilisi and Batumi. Among them are to be mentioned already famous player Elena Dementieva – winner of Olympic games and runner-up USA Championship in 2000 and Anastasia Miskina Champion of France in 2004. I hope that in the nearest future on Georgian courts will be found outstanding masters of modern tennis, and tennis tournaments time by time gaining much fame in Georgia 182 Outstanding Tennis Players on Tbilisi Courts Henri Cochet France (1901-1987) MAJOR TITLES (15)-French singles, 1926, ’28, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon singles, 1927, ’29; U.S. singles, 1928; French doubles, 1927, ’30, ’32; Wimbledon doubles, 1926, ’28; French mixed, 1928, ’29; U.S. mixed, 1927. DAVIS CUP-1922, ’23, ’24, ’26, ’27, ’28, ’29, ’30, ’31, ’32, ’33; record: 34-8 in singles, 10-6 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS - French (38-4), Wimbledon (43-8), U.S. (15-3). Henri Cochet visited Tbilisi in 1937 Henri Cochet - Eduard Negrebetsky - 3-0 Jack Kramer United States (1921-2009 ) MAJOR TITLES (10)-Wimbledon singles, 1947; U.S. Singles, 1946, 1947; Wimbledon doubles, 1946, 1947; U.S. doubles, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1947; U.S. mixed, 1941. Pro singles, 1948; Pro doubles, 1948, 1955, with Pancho Segura; DAVIS CUP1939, 1946, 1947; record: 6-0 in singles, 1-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Wimbledon (10-1), U.S. (24-5). Jack Kramer visited Tbilisi in 1961 Lew Hoad Australia (1934-1994) MAJOR TITLES (13) - Australian singles, 1956; French singles, 1956; Wimbledon singles, 1956, 1957; Australian doubles, 1953, 1956, 1 957; French doubles, 1953; Wimbledon doubles, 1953, 1955, 1956; U.S. doubles, 1956; French mixed, 1954. DAVIS CUP-1953, 1954, 1955, 1956; record: 10-2 in singles, 7-2 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN THE MAJORS :Australian (15-5), French (17-5), Wimbledon (32-7), U.S. (21-5). Lew Hoad visited Tbilisi in 1961 Lew Hoad - Tony Trabert - 6-4 11-9 Tony Trabert United States (1930- ) MAJOR TITLES (10) -French singles, 1954, 1955; Wimbledon singles, 1955; U.S. singles, 1953, 1955; Australian doubles, 1955; French doubles, 1950, 1954, 1955; U.S. doubles, 1954. DAVIS CUP (As player)-1951, 1952, 1953,1954,1955; record: 16-5 in singles, 11-3 in doubles; (As captain)-1953, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980; Record: 14-3, 2 Cups. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (4- 2), French (18-2), Wimbledon (13-2), U.S. (23-5). Tony Trabert visited Tbilisi in 1961 Billie Jean King United Ststes (1943- ) MAJOR TITLES (39) - Australian singles, 1968; French singles, 1972; Wimbledon singles, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975; U.S. singles, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974; French doubles, 1972; Wimbledon doubles, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1968,1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1979; U.S. doubles, 1964, 1967, 1974, 1977, 1980; Australian mixed, 1968; French mixed, 1967, 1970; Wimbledon mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1974; U.S. mixed, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1976. FEDERATION CUP(As player)-1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979; record 25-4 in singles, 27-0 in doubles; (As captain)-1965, 1976, 1995, 1996; record: 12-2, 2 Cups. WIGHTMAN CUP-1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1977, 1978; record: 14-2 in singles, 7-3 in doubles. SINGLES RECORD IN MAJORS: Australian (17-4), French (21-6), Wimbledon (95-15), U.S. (58-14). Billie Jean King - Olga Morozova - 2-0 Bob Hewitt (1940-) MAJOR TITLES (15) - Australian doubles, 1963,1964; French doubles, 1972, Wimbledon doubles, 1962, 1964,1967, 1972,1978; US Open doubles 1977; Mixed - 8. “Davis Cup” - 1967,1968,1969,1974,1978; record - 22-3 in singles, 16-1 in doubles. Bob Hewitt visited Tbilisi in 1962 Bob Hewitt - Nugzar Mdzinarishvili - 2- 0 Ilie Nastase (1946-) MAJOR TITLES (7)-French singles -1973, US singles - 1972, French doubles - 1970, Wimbledon doubles - 1975, Wimbledon mixed - 1970,1972. “Davis CuP” - 1966-1985. Record 74-22 in singles, 35-15 in doubles. Ilie Nastase visited Tbilisi in 1972 Ilie Nastase - Alex Metreveli - 3-0 (Davis Cup) Ilie Nastase Teimuraz Kakulia - 3-0(Davis Cup) Owen Davidson (1943-) MAJOR TITLES(10) - Auatralian mixed -1, French mixed - 1, Wimbledon mixed - 4, US Open mixed - 4 Owen Davidson visited Tbilisi in 1962 Owen Davidson - Aleksi Verulava - 2-0 Olga Morozova (1949-) Finalist Roland Garros(1974), Finalist Wimbledon (1974), mixed finalist Wimbledon (1968,1970) Pancho Segura Ecuador (1921-) U.S. TITLES - Indoor singles,1946. Clay court singles,1944. Pro singles,1950,1951,1952 Pancho Segura visited Tbilisi in 1961 183 Novak Djokovic Biography Novak was born 22 May 1987, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to father Sran (Ñð•àí) and mother Dijana (Äè¼àíà). His two younger brothers, Marko and ore (•îð•å), are also tennis players with professional aspirations. Since the end of 2005, Novak has dated Jelena Risti. He started playing tennis at the age of four. In the summer 1993, the six-year-old was spotted by Yugoslav tennis legend Jelena Gen at Mount Kopaonik where Djokovic’s parents ran a fast-food parlour.[6] Upon seeing the dedicated and talented youngster in action, she stated: “This is the greatest talent I have seen since Monica Seles.” Gen i worked with young Djokovic over the following six years before realizing that, due to his rapid development, going abroad in search of increased level of competition was the best option for his future. To that end, she contacted Nikola Pili, and in September 1999, the 12year-old moved to the Pili tennis academy in Oberschleißheim, Germany, spending four years there. At age 14, he began his international career, winning European championships in singles, doubles, and team competition. He resides in Monte Carlo, Monaco and has been coached since 2006 by a former Slovak tennis player, Marián Vajda. Djokovic is known for his often humorous off-court impersonations of his fellow players, many of whom are his friends. This became evident to the tennis world after his 2007 US Open quarterfinal win over Carlos Moyà, where he entertained the audience with impersonations of Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova. He also did an impression of American tennis great John McEnroe after his final preliminary game at the 2009 US Open, before playing a brief game with McEnroe, much to the delight of the audience. It is because of this jovial personality that he earned the nickname “Djoker”, a portmanteau of his surname and the word joker. Novak Djokovic is a member of the “Champions for Peace” club, a group of famous elite athletes committed to serving peace in the world through sport, created by Peace and Sport, a Monaco-based international organization. Similar to fellow pro Roger Federer, Djokovic is a self-described fan of languages, speaking four himself: his native Serbian, English, German, and Italian The finals of tournaments of a Grand Slam in single category (6) Wins (4) Ye ar Tourname nt Compe titor in final Score 2008 Australian O pen Jo Vilfried Tsonga 4/6 6/4 6/3 7/6 2011 Australian O pen Andy Murray 6/4 6/2 6/3 2011 Wimbledon Raphael N adal 6/4 6/1 1/6 6/3 2011 US O pen Raphael N adal 6/2 6/4 6/7 6/1 Defeats (2) Year Tournament C ompetitor Score 2007 US O pen Roger Federer 6/7 6/7 4/6 2010 US O pen Raphael N adal 4/6 7/5 4/6 2/6 Davis Cup 2010 Serbia - Argentina 3/2, 2009 184 The Finals of tournament of ATP tour Wins - 28, Loss - 14 Year Tournament Competitor in finl Score 23/072006 Amersfort N .Massu 7/6 6/4 28/10/2006 Mets U.Meltser 4/6 6/3 6/2 07/01/2007 Adelaida K .Guchione 6- 3 6/7 6/4 01/04/2007 Miami G.Canias 6/3 6/2 6/4 06/05/2007 O irash R.Gaske 7/6 0/6 6/1 12/08/2007 Montreal- Masters R.Federer 7/6 2/6 7/6 14/10/2007 Viena S.Wawrinka 6/4 6/0 27/01/2008 Australin O pen Jo Vilfried Tsonga 4/6 6/4 6/3 7/6 23/03/2008 Indian Wells- Masters M.Fish 6/2 5/7 6/3 11/05/2008 Roma- Masters S.Wawrinka 4/6 6/3 6/3 16/11/2008 Shankhai- Masters Cup N .Davidenko 6/1 7/5 28/02/2009 Dubai D.Ferer 7/5 6/3 10/05/2009 Beograd L.K ubot 6/3 7/6 11/10/2009 Beijin M.Cilic 6/2 7/6 08/11/2009 Bazel R.Federer 6/4 4/6 6/2 15/11/2009 Paris - Masters G.Monfils 6/2 5/7 7/6 28/02/2010 Dubai M.Yuzhny 7/5 5/7 6/3 11/10/2010 Beijin D.Ferer 6/2 6/4 30/01/2011 Australian O pen A.Murray 6/4 6/2 6/3 27/02/2011 Dubai R.Federer 6/3 6/3 21/03/2011 Indiana Wells- Masters R.N adal 4/6 6/3 6/2 03/04/2011 Miami- Masters R.N adal 4/6 6/3 7/6 01/05/2011 Beograd F.Lopes 7/6 6/2 08/05/2011 Madrid- Masters R.N adal 7/5 6/4 15/05/2011 Roma- Masters R.N adal 6/4 6/4 03/07/2011 Wimbledon R.N adal 6/4 6/1 1/6 6/3 15/08/2011 Montreal M.Fish 6/2 3/6 6/4 12/09/2011 US O PEN R.N adal 6/2 6/4 6/7 6/1 30/072006 Umag S.Wawrinka 6/6 18/03.2007 Indiana Wells- Masters R.Nadal 2/6 5/7 09/09/2007 US Open R.Federer 6/7 6/7 4/6 15/06/2008 London R.Nadal 6/7 5/7 03/08/2008 Cincinatti A.Murray 6/7 6/7 28/09/2008 Bangkok Jo Vilfried Tsonga 6/74/6 05/04/2009 Miami- Masters A.Murray 2/6 5/7 19/04/2009 Monte Carlo- Masters R.Nadal 3/6 6/2 1/6 03/05/2009 Roma- Masters R.Nadal 6/7 2/6 14/06/2009 Halle T.Haas 3/6 7/6 1/6 23/08/2009 Cincinatti- Masters R.Federer 1/6 5/7 13/09/2010 US Open R.Nadal 4/6 7/54/6 2/6 07/11/2010 Basel R.Federer 4/6 6/3 1/6 21/08/2011 Cincinatti- Masters A.Murray 4/6 0/3 Rafael Nadal Biography This name uses Spanish naming customs; the first or paternal family name is Nadal and the second or maternal family name is Parera. Rafael "Rafa" Nadal Parera (born 3 June 1986) is a Spanish professional tennis player and a former World No. 1. As of 24 October 2011, he is ranked No. 2 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). He is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time; his success on clay has earned him the nickname "The King of Clay", and has prompted many experts to regard him as the greatest clay court player of all time. Nadal has won ten Grand Slam singles titles, including six French Open titles, the 2008 Olympic gold medal in singles, a record 19 ATP World Tour Masters 1000 tournaments, and also was part of the Spain Davis Cup team that won the finals in 2004, 2008 and 2009. He completed the career Grand Slam by winning the 2010 US Open, being the seventh player in history, and the youngest in the open era, to achieve it. He is the second male player to complete the Career Golden Slam (winner of the four grand slams and the Olympic Gold medal) after only Andre Agassi. Nadal had a 32-match winning streak in 2008, starting at the 2008 Masters Series Hamburg to the 2008 Western & Southern Financial Group Masters and Women's Open, which included titles at Hamburg, the French Open (where he did not drop a set), Queen's Club, his first title at Wimbledon, and the Rogers Cup. In 2011, by winning the Monte Carlo Masters, he became the only player to have won seven editions of a tournament in a row at the ATP level. Nadal was ranked world No. 2, behind Roger Federer, for a record 160 consecutive weeks before earning the top spot, which he held from 18 August 2008 to 5 July 2009. He regained the world No.1 ranking on 7 June 2010, after winning his fifth French Open title. He held it until 3 July 2011, when Novak Djokovic replaced him as world No. 1. The finals of tournaments of a Grand Slam in single category (14) Wins (10) Year Tournament C ompetitor in final 2005 French O pen Mariano Puerta Score 6/7 6/3 6/1 7/5 2006 French O pen Roger Federer 1/6 6/1 6/4 7/6 2007 French O pen Roger Federer 6/3 4/6 6/3 6/4 2008 French O pen Roger Federer 6/1 6/3 6/0 2008 Wimbledon Roger Federer 6/4 6/4 6/7 6/7 9/7 2009 Australian O pen Roger Federer 7/5 3/6 7/6 3/6 6/2 2010 French O pen Robin Soderling 6/4 6/2 6/4 2010 Wimbledon Tomash Berdich 6/3 7/5 6/4 2010 US O pen N ovak Djokovic 6/4 5/7 6/4 6/2 2011 French O pen Roger Federer 7/5 7/6 5/7 6/3 Runner-ups (4) Ye ar Tourname nt Compe titor Score 2006 Wimbledon Roger Federer 0/6 6/7 7/6 3/6 2007 Wimbledon Roger Federer 6/7 6/4 6/7 6/2 2/6 2011 Wimbledon N ovak Djokovic 4/6 1/6 6/1 3/6 2011 US O pen N ovak Djokovic 2/6 4/6 7/6 1/6 The finals of tournaments of ATP tour (66) Wins - 46 Runner-ups -20 2008 Beijing Olimpics - Fernando Gonzales 6/3 7/6 6/3 Davis Cup 2004 Spain - USA 3/2, 2009 Spain - Ceska Republika 5/0 186 ATP TOUR Wins (46) ¹ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Date Tournament 15 aug 2004 Sopot,Polad 19 feb 2005 Brasil 26 feb 2005 Akapulko,Mexico 17 apr 2005 Monte Carlo,Monaco 24 apr 2005 Barcelona,Spain 08 may 2005 Roma,Italy 05 yun 2005 Roland Garros 10 yul 2005 Stutgart,Germany 14 aug 2005 Montreal,Canada 18 sep 2005 Beijin,Chaina 23 oct 2005 Madrid,Spain 04 mar 2006 Dubai 23 apr 2006 Ì îíòå-Êàðë î , Ìî í à êî (2) 30 apr 2006 Barcelona,Spain (2) 14 may 2006 Roma,Italy 11 yun 2006 Roland Garros 18 mar 2007 Indian Wells,USA 22 apr 2007 Monte Carlo,Monaco(3) 29 apr 2007 Barcelona,Spain(3) 13 may 2007 Roma Italy (3) 10 yun 2007 Roland Garros 22 yul 2007 Stutgart,Germany (2) 27 apr 2008 Monte Carlo,Monaco (4) 04 may 2008 Barcelona,Spain (4) 18 may 2008 Hamburg,Germany 08 yun 2008 Roland Garros, (4) 15 yun 2008 London,England 06 yul 2008 Wimbledon 27 yul 2008 Toronto,Canada (2) 17 aug 2008 Olympic Games,Beijin .01 feb 2009 Australian Open 22 mar 2009 Indian Wells,USA (2) 19 apr 2009 Monte Carlo,Monaco (5) 26 apr 2009 Barcelona,Spain (5) 03 may 2009 Roma,Italy (4) 18 apr 2010 Monte Carlo,Monaco (6) 02 may 2010 Roma,Italy (5) 16 may 2010 Madrid,Spain (2) 06 yun 2010 Roland Garros (5) 04 yul 2010 Wimbledon, England (2) 13 sep 2010 US Open 10 oct 2010 Tokio, Japan 17 apr 2011 Monte Carlo,Monaco (7) 24 apr 2011 Barcelona,Spain (6) 05 yun 2011 Roland Garros (6) 187 Opponent in Final Jose Acasuso Albero Martin Alberto Montanies Guilermo Coria Juan C.Ferrero Guilermo Coria Mariano Puerta Gaston Gaudio Andre Agassi Guilermo Coria Ivan Lubicic Roger Federer Roger Federer Tommy Robredo Roger Federer Roger Federer Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Guilermo Canjas Fernando Gonzales Roger Federer Stanislas Wawrinka Roger Federer David Ferrer Roger Federer Roger Federer Novak Djokovic Roger Federer Nikolas Kifer Fernando Gonzales Roger Federer Andy Murray Novak Djokovic David Ferrer Novak Djokovic Fernando Verdasko David Ferrer Roger Federer Robin Soderling Tomash Berdich Novak Djokovic Gael Monfils David Ferrer David Ferrer Roger Federer Score 6-3 6-4 6-0 6-7 6-1 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-1 0-6 7-5 6-1 7-6 6-3 6-4 3-6 6-3 4-6 7-6 6-7 6-3 6-1 7-5 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-3 4-6 6-2 5-7 6-1 6-2 3-6 2-6 6-3 6-4 7-6 2-6 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-7 6-3 7-6 6-4 6-4 6-0 6-7 7-6 6-4 2-6 7-6 1-6 6-1 6-4 7-6 6-2 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 7-5 7-5 7-5 6-1 4-6 6-1 7-5 6-7 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-0 7-6 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-7 6-7 9-7 6/3 6/2 6-3 7-6 6-3 7-5 3-6 7-6 3-6 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 2-6 6-1 6-2 7-5 7-6 6-2 6-0 6-1 7-5 6-2 6-4 7-6 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-4 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-2 6-1 7-5 6-4 7-5 6-2 6-4 7-5 7-6 5-7 6-1 ¹ Date 1. 12 jan 2004 2. 03 apr 2005 3. 09 yul 2006 4. 20 may 2007 5. 08 yul 2007 6. 04 nov 2007 7. 06 jan 2008 8. 06 apr 2008 9. 15 feb 2009 10.17 may 2009 11.18 oct 2009 12.09 jan 2010 13.28 nov 2010 14.20 mar 2011 15.03 apr 2011 16.08 may 2011 17.15 may 2011 18.03 yul 2011 19.12 sep 2011 20.09 oct 2011 Tournament Auklend, New Zeeland Miami,USA Wimbledon Hamburg,Germany Wimbledon(2) Paris, France Chenai,India Miami,Usa (2) Rotterdam, Holland Madrin, Spain Shankhai,Chaina Dokha, Katar Masters Cup Indian Wells,USA Miami,USA, (3) Madrid,Spain (2) Roma,Italy Wimbledon US Open Tokio,Japan Opponent in Final Dimenic Xrbati Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer David Nalbandjan Michail Yuzhny Mikola Davidenko Andy Murray Roger Federer Mikola Davidenko Mikola Davidenko Roger Federer Novak Djokovic Novak Djokovic Novak Djokovic Novak Djokovic Novak Djokovic Novak Djokovic Andy Murray 188 Score 4-6 6-2 7-5 2-6 6-7 7-6 6-3 6-1 6-0 7-6 6-7 6-3 2-6 6-2 6-0 7-6 4-6 7-6 2-6 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-0 6-4 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-0 6-4 6-4 7-6 6-3 6-0 6-7 4-6 3-6 6-3 1-6 6-4 3-6 2-6 6-4 3-6 6-74 5-7 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 1-6 6-1 3-6 2-6 4-6 7-6 1-6 6-3 2-6 0-6 Roger Federer Roger Federer (born 8 August 1981) is a Swiss professional tennis player who held the ATP number one position for a record 237 consecutive weeks. As of 28 November 2010, he is ranked World No. 2 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Federer has won a male record 16 Grand Slam singles titles. He is one of seven male players to capture the career Grand Slam and one of three (with Andre Agassi and Rafael Nadal) to do so on three different surfaces (clay, grass and hard courts). Federer has appeared in an unprecedented 22 career Grand Slam finals. He holds the record of reaching the semi-finals or better of 23 consecutive Grand Slam tournaments over five and a half years from the 2004 Wimbledon Championships through the 2010 Australian Open. Federer also holds the record of reaching 10 consecutive Grand Slam finals and appeared in 18 of 19 over four and a half years from the 2005 Wimbledon Championships through the 2010 Australian Open, excluding the 2008 Australian Open. Federer has won a record 5 ATP World Tour Finals (shared with Ivan Lendl and Pete Sampras) and 17 ATP Masters Series tournaments. He also won the Olympic Gold Medal in doubles with his compatriot Stanislas Wawrinka at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. He has been year-end top 2 in the rankings, 8 years in a row (2003-2010). Tennis career Federer’s main accomplishment’s as a junior player came at Wimbledon, where he won both the singles tournament over Irakli Labadze 64, 6-4 and in doubles teamed up with Olivier Rochus, in which they defeated the team of Michal Llodra and Andy Ram 6-4, 6-4. In addition, Federer lost the US Open Junior tournament in 1998 to David Nalbandian in 3-6, 5-7. He won four other ITF junior singles tournaments in his career, including the prestigious Orange Bowl where he defeated Guillermo Coria 7-5, 6-3 in the finals. He ended 1998 as the junior World Number One. Roger Federer’s first tournament as a professional was Gstaad in 1998, which he faced Lucas Arnold Ker in the Round of 32, and he lost 4-6, 4-6. Federer’s first final came at the Marseille Open, which was in 2000, and he lost to fellow Swiss Marc Rosset 6-2, 3-6, 6-7(5).Federer won in 2001 the Hopman Cup representing Switzerland, with Martina Hingis. Federer’s first win was at the 2001 Milan Indoor tournament, which he defeated Julien Boutter by a score of 6-4, 6-7(7), 6-4. In 2001, Federer made his first Grand Slam quarterfinal at the French Open, and at Wimbledon that same year defeated four-time defending champion Pete Sampras to reach the quarterfinals. The most prestigious event final he reached during this period was the 2002 Miami Masters event, where he lost to Andre Agassi in 3-6, 3-6, 6-3, 4-6 on hardcourt. In addition, Federer won his first Master Series event at the 2002 Hamburg Masters on clay in 6-1, 6-3, 64 over Marat Safin; the victory made him a top-10 player for the first time.] Federer made ten singles finals during this time in his career between 1998 and 2002, of which he won four and lost six.From 1998 to 2002, Federer made six finals in doubles. Of note are Federer and partner Max Mirnyi’s defeat in the final of the Indian Wells Masters in 2002, and their victory in the same year in the final of the and their victory in the same year in the final of the Rotterdam 500 series event. Federer had won the latter the year earlier with partner Jonas Bjorkman. In 2003, Federer won his first Grand Slam singles title at Wimbledon, beating Mark Philippoussis 7-6(5), 6-2, 7-6(3). Federer won his first and only doubles Masters Series 1000 Event in Miami with Max Mirnyi, and made it to one singles Masters Series 1000 Event in Rome on clay, which he lost. Federer made it to nine finals on the ATP Tour and won seven of them, including the 500 series events at Dubai and Vienna. Lastly, Federer won the Year-End Championships over Andre Agassi. During 2004, Federer won three Grand Slam singles titles for the first time in his career, and became the first person to do so since Mats Wilander in 1988. His first Grand Slam hard court title came at the Australian Open over Marat Safin 7-6(3), 6-4, 6-2. He then won his second Wimbledon crown over Andy Roddick 4-6, 7-5, 7-6(3), 6-4. Federer defeated the 2001 US Open champion, Lleyton Hewitt, at the US Open for his first title there 6-0, 7-6(3), 6-0. Federer won three ATP Masters Series 1000 events. One was on clay in Hamburg, and the other two were on hard surfaces in Indian Wells and Canada.[41] Federer took the ATP 500 series event at Dubai, and wrapped up the year by winning the year-ending championships for the second time. In 2005, Federer failed to reach the finals of the first two Grand Slam tournaments, losing the Australian Open semifinal to eventual champion Safin and the French Open semifinal to champion Rafael Nadal. However, Federer quickly reestablished his dominance on grass, winning the Wimbledon Championships over Andy Roddick 6-2, 7-6(2), 6-4. At the US Open, Federer defeated Andre Agassi in the latter’s last Grand Slam final 6-3, 2-6, 7-6(1), 6-1. Federer would also take four ATP Masters Series 1000 wins: Indian Wells, Miami, and Cincinnati (on hard court) and Hamburg (on clay). Furthermore, Federer won two ATP 500 series events at Rotterdam and Dubai. Federer lost the yearending championships to David Nalbandian in the final. In 2006, Federer won three Grand Slam singles titles and reached the final of the other, with the only loss coming against Nadal in the French Open 1-6, 6-1, 6-4, 7-6(4). This was the two men’s first meeting in a Grand Slam final.Federer defeated Nadal in the Wimbledon Championships final 6-0, 7-6(5), 6-7(2), 6-3, which was the start of their storied rivalry. In the Australian Open, Federer defeated Marcos Baghdatis 5-7, 7-5, 6-0, 6-2 and at the US Open, Federer defeated Roddick (2003 champion) 6-2, 4-6, 7-5, 6-1.In addition, Federer made it to six ATP Masters Series 1000 finals, winning four on hard surfaces and losing two on clay to Nadal. Federer won one ATP 500 series event in Tokyo, and captured the year-end championships for the third time in his career. In 2007, Federer reached all four Grand Slam singles finals, winning three of them. He won the Australian Open over Fernando Gonzalez 7-6(2), 6-4, 6-4, the Wimbledon Championships over Rafael Nadal for the second time 7-6(7), 4-6, 7-6(3), 2-6, 6-2, and the US Open over Novak Djokovic 7-6(4), 7-6(2), 6-4. Federer lost the French Open to Nadal 6-3, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. Federer made five ATP Masters Series 1000 finals, but won only in Hamburg and Madrid. Federer won one 500 series event in Dubai and won the year-ending championships. In 2008, Federer won one Grand Slam singles title, which came at the US Open over Briton Andy Murray 6-2, 7-5, 6-2. Federer was defeated by Nadal in two Grand Slam finals, at the French Open 6-1, 6-3, 6-0 and at Wimbledon 6-4, 6-4, 6-7(5), 6-7(8), 9-7, when he was going for six straight wins to break Bjorn Borg’s record. In the Australian Open, Federer lost in the semifinals to Djokovic, which ended his record of 10 consecutive finals. Federer lost twice in Master Series 1000 Finals on clay to Nadal at Monte Carlo and Hamburg. However, Federer captured two titles in 250 level events at Estoril, Halle and one title in 500 level events in Basel. In doubles, Federer and Stanislas Wawrinka won the gold medal at the Olympic Games. 189 In 2009, Federer won two Grand Slam singles titles, which were the French Open over Robin Soderling 6-1, 7-6(1), 6-4 and the Wimbledon Championships over Andy Roddick 5-7, 7-6(6), 7-6(5), 3-6, 16-14. Federer reached two other Grand Slam finals, losing to Nadal at the Australian Open 7-5, 3-6, 7-6(3), 3-6, 6-2 and to Juan Martin del Potro at the US Open 3-6, 7-6(5), 4-6, 7-6(4), 6-2.Federer won two more events, the first at the Madrid Masters over Nadal in the final, which was on clay, 6-4, 6-4. The second was in Cincinnati over Djokovic 6-1, 7-5, although Federer lost to Djokovic in Basel 6-4, 4-6, 6-2 later in the year. Federer completed a career grand slam by winning his first French Open title and won a men’s record fifteenth Grand Slam singles title, which is one more than Pete Sampras’s mark of fourteen. In 2010, Federer continued to reach milestones and achievements. He won the Australian Open. In the final, Federer defeated Andy Murray 6-3, 6-4, 7-6(11), whom he also beat in the 2008 US Open final.At the French Open, Federer failed to reach a Grand Slam semifinal for the first time since the 2004 French Open, losing to Soderling 3-6, 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 in the quarterfinals, and losing his number 1 ranking.However, at the French Open Federer won his 700th tour match and 150th tour match on clay. Federer was just one week away from equalling Pete Sampras’s record of 286 weeks as World No. 1. This is the first time since 2001 that Federer has entered Wimbledon having won only one title for the year. In a big surprise, Federer lost in the quarter final to Tomash Berdych 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4, and fell to World No. 3 in the rankings for the first time in nearly seven years, but he did win his 200th grand slam match in the first round. At the 2010 U.S. Open, Federer reached the semifinals, avenging his French Open loss to Soderling in the quarterfinals. Federer lost a five-set match to number three seed and 2008 Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic 7-5, 1-6, 7-5, 2-6, 5-7. Federer made it to four Masters 1000 finals, losing three of them and winning one. At the Madrid Open, he lost to Nadal 6-4, 7-6. At the Canadian Masters, Federer lost to Murray. At the Cincinnati Masters, Federer won his first title in eight months as he became the first player since Agassi to retain the title, as he beat Fish in the final. He also equaled Agassi for the number of Masters wins at 17 and tied Borg’s mark for number of total titles won and moved to just one behind Sampras. His next appearance was in Shanghai, where he lost to Andy Murray for the second time this year in a Masters’ Series final. Towards the middle of July, Federer hired Pete Sampras’ old coach Paul Annacone to put his tennis game and career on the right path on a trial period basis. Federer won two straight titles at the Stockholm Open a ATP-250 level event, and in Basel, an ATP-500 level contest, which brought his tally to 65 career titles, equalling and surpassing Pete Sampras’ total of 64 titles on the ATP Tour. Lastly, Federer won the Year-End Championships (now known as the World Tour Finals) by beating rival Rafael Nadal, for his fifth title at the event. He showed much of his old form, beating all contenders except Nadal in straight sets. After hiring Paul Annacone as his coach, Federer has entered nine tournaments, won five of them, was runner up in two, and reached the semifinals of the other two. Since Wimbledon 2010, Federer has a win loss record of 34-4, and has had multiple match points in two of his losses: to Novak Djokovic in the semifinal of the US Open, and Gael Monfils in the semifinal of the Paris Masters. Federer did not play in the 2010 Davis Cup. Also Roger Federer said, “ I don’t know why other sports don’t have technology because it improves the game” . At the start of the 2011 season, Federer beat Nikolay Davydenko 6-3 6-4 to win the Qatar ExxonMobil Open without dropping a set. It was his third title in Doha following wins in 2005 and 2006. His next tournament will be the 2011 edition of the Australian Open. Roger Federer career statistics Garand Slam Tournaments - WIN - 16 , Runner-up - 6 ATP MASTERS CUP - WIN - 5 Runner-up - 1 ATP MASTERS - WIN - 17, Runner-up - 12 190 ATP TOUR Wins (69) N D ate Tourname nt Oppone nt in final Score 1 04- feb- 2001 Milano,Italy Julien Butte 6/4 6/7 6/4 2 13- jan- 2002 Sidney,Australia Juan Ignasio C hela 6/3 6/3 3 19- may- 2002 Hamburg,,Germany,Masters (1) Marat Safin 6/1 6/3 6/4 6/4 6/1 3/6 6/4 4 13- oct- 2002 Wien,Austria Yrji N ovak 5 16- feb- 2003 Marcelle,France Jonas Bijorkman 6/2 7/6 6 02- mar- 2003 Dubai Yrji N ovak 6/1 7/6 7 04- may- 2003 Munich,Germany Jarko N ieminen 6/1 6/4 8 15- yun- 2003 Halle,Germany N ikolas K ifer 6/1 6/3 9 06- yul- 2003 Wimbledon,London, (1) Mark Filipoussis 7/6 6/2 7/6 10 12- oct- 2003 Wien,Austria C arlos Moja 6/3 6/3 6/3 11 16- nov- 2003 Huston,USA,Masters C up (1) Andre Agassi 6/3 6/0 6/4 12 01- feb- 2004 Australian O pen,Melburne (2) Marat Safin 7/6 6/2 6/4 13 07- mar- 2004 Dubai Felesiano Lopez 4/6 6/1 6/2 14 21- mar- 2004 Indian Wells,USA,Masters (2) Tim Henman 6/3 6/3 15 16- may- 2004 Hamburg, Germany,Masters(3) Guilermo C oria 4/6 5/4 6/2 6/3 16 13- yun- 2004 Halle, Germany Mardi Fish 6/0 6/3 17 04- yul- 2004 Wimbledon, London (3) Andy Rodick 4/6 7/5 7/6 6/4 18 11- yul- 2004 Sashtad, Siuss Igor Andreeff 6/2 6/3 5/7 6/3 19 01- aug- 2004 Toronto, C anada, Masters (4) Andy Rodick 7/5 6/3 20 12- sep- 2004 US O pen, N ew- York (4) Lleiton Hiuitt 6/0 7/6 6/0 21 03- oct- 2004 Bangkok, Tailand Andy Rodick 6/4 6/0 22 21- nov- 2004 Huston,USA, Masters C up (2) Lleiton Hiuitt 6/3 6/2 23 09- jan- 2005 Doha, K atar Ivan Lubicic 6/3 6/1 24 20- feb- 2005 Rotterdam, Holland Ivan Lubicic 5/7 7/5 7/6 25 27- feb- 2005 Dubai Ivan Lubicic 6/1 6/7 6/3 26 27- mar- 2005 Indian Wells, USA, Masters (5) Lleiton Hiuitt 6/2 6/4 6/4 27 03- apr- 2005 Miami, USA, Masters (6) Rafael N adal 2/6 6/7 7/6 6/3 6/1 28 15- may- 2005 Hamburg, Germany, Masters (7) Rishar Gaske 6/3 7/5 7/6 29 13- Yun- 2005 Halle, Germany Marat Safin 6/4 6/7 6/4 30 03- yul- 2005 Wimbledon, London (5) Andy Rodick 6/2 7/6 6/4 31 21- aug- 2005 C incinatti, USA, Masters (8) Andy Rodick 6/3 7/5 32 11- sep- 2005 US O pen, N ew Yurk (6) Andre Agassi 6/3 2/6 7/6 6/1 33 02- oct- 2005 Bangkok, Tailand Andy Murray 6/3 7/5 34 08- jan- 2006 Doha, K atar Gael Monfils 6/3 7/6 35 29- jan- 2006 Australian O pen, Melburne (7) Markos Bagdadis 5/7 7/5 6/0 6/2 36 19- mar- 2006 Indian Wells, USA, Masters (9) James Blake 7/5 6/3 6/0 37 02- apr- 2006 Miami,USA, Masters (10) Ivan Lubicic 7/6 7/6 7/6 38 18- yun- 2006 Halle,Germany Tomash Berdich 6/0 7/6 6/2 39 09- yul- 2006 Wimbledon, London (8) Rafael N adal 6/0 7/6 6/7 6/3 40 13- aug- 2006 Toronto, C anada, Masters (11) Rishar Gaske 2/6 6/3 6/2 41 10- sep- 2006 US O pen, N ey York (9) Andy Rodick 6/2 4/6 7/5 6/1 42 08- oct- 2006 Tokio, Japan Tim Henman 6/3 6/3 43 22- oct- 2006 Madrid, Spain, Masters (12) Fernando Gozales 7/5 6/1 6/0 44 29- oct- 2006 Bazel, Suiss Fernando Gozales 6/3 6/2 7/6 45 21- nov- 2006 Shankhai, Masters C up (3) James Blake 6/0 6/3 6/4 46 28- jan- 2007 Australian O pen, Melburne (10) Fernando Gozales 7/6 6/4 6/4 47 03- mar- 2007 Dubai Mikhail Yuzhny 6/4 6/3 2/6 6/2 6/0 48 20- may- 2007 Hamburg, Germany, Masters (13) Rafael N adal 49 08- yul- 2007 Wimbledon, London (11) Rafael N adal 7/6 4/6 7/6 2/6 6/2 50 19- aug- 2007 USA ,C incinatti, Masters (14) James Blake 6/1 6/4 51 09- sep- 2007 US O pen, N ew York (12) N ovak Djokovic 7/6 7/6 6/4 52 28- oct- 2007 Bazel, Suiss Yarko N ieminen 6/3 6/4 191 53 18- nov- 2007 Shankhai, Masters C up (4) David Ferrer 6/2 6/3 6/2 54 20- apr- 2008 Eshtorial, Portugal Mikola Davidenko 7/6 1/2 55 15- yan- 2008 Halle, Germany Filipp K olshraiber 6/3 6/4 56 09- sep- 2008 US O pen,N ew York (13) Andy Murray 6/2 7/5 6/2 57 26- oct- 2008 Bazel, Suiss David N albandijan 6/3 6/4 58 17- may- 2009 Madrid, Spain, Masters (15) Rafael N adal 6/4 6/4 59 07- yun- 2009 Roland Garros, Paris (14) Robin Soderling 6/1 7/6 6/4 60 05- yul- 2009 Wimbledon, London (15) Andy Rodick 5/7 7/6 7/63/6 16/14 61 23- aug- 2009 C incinatti, USA (16) N ovak Djokovic 6/1 7/5 62 31- jan- 2010 Australian O pen, Melburne (16) Andy Murray 6/3 6/4 7/6 63 22- 08- 2010 C incinatti, USA (17) Madi Fish 6/7 7/6 6/4 64 22- oct- 2010 Stkholm, Sweden Florian Meier 6/3 6/4 65 07- nov- 2010 Bazel, Suiss N avak Djokovic 6/4 3/6 6/1 66 28- nov- 2010 London,, Masters C up (5) Rafael N adal 6/3 3/6 6/1 67 08- jan- 2011 Dokha, K atar Mikola Davidenko 6/3 6/4 68 06- nov- 2011 Bazel, Suiss K ay N ishikori 6/1 6/3 69 13- nov- 2011 Paris,France, Masters (18) Jo V.Tsonga 6/1 7/6 70 27- nov- 2011 London, Masters C up (6) Jo V.Tsonga 6/3 6/7 6/3 Runner up (30) 1 13- feb- 2000 Marcelle,France Mark Rosse 2/6 6/3 7/6 2 29- oct- 2001 Bazel,Suisse Tomas Endkvist 6/2 4/6 7/61/6 6/1 3 25- feb- 2001 Roterdam,Holand N ikolja Eskude 7/5 3/6 7/6 4 28- oct- 2001 Bazel,Suisse Tim Henman 6/3 6/4 6/2 5 31- mar- 2002 Milano,Italy David Saginetti 7/6 4/6 6/1 6 31- mar- 2002 Miami, USA, Masters Andre Agassi 6/3 6/3 3/6 6/4 7 11- may- 2003 Roma, Italy, Masters Felix Mantija 7/5 6/2 7/6 8 13- yul- 2003 Gashtadt, Suiss Irjy N ovak 5/7 6/36/3 1/6 6/3 9 30- nov- 2005 Shankhai, Masters C up David N albandjan 6/7 6/7 6/2 6/1 7/6 10 25- mar- 2006 Dubai Rafael N adal 2/6 6/4 6/4 11 23- apr- 2006 Monte C arlo, Monaco Rafael N adal 6/2 6/7 6/3 7/6 12 14- may- 2006 Roma, Italy Rafael N adal 6/7 7/6 6/42/6 7/6 13 11- yun- 2006 Roland Garros, Paris Rafael N adal 1/6 6/1 6/4 7/6 14 23- apr- 2006 Monte C arlo, Monaco Rafael N adal 6/4 6/4 15 11- yun- 2006 Roland Garros, Paris Rafael N adal 6/3 4/6 6/3 6/4 16 12- aug- 2007 Montreal, C anada N avak Djokovic 7/6 2/6 7/6 17 21- oct- 2007 Paris, France David N albanijan 1/6 6/3 6/3 18 27- apr- 2008 Monte C arlo, Monaco Rafael N adal 7/5 7/5 19 18- may- 2008 Hamburg, Germany Rafael N adal 7/5 6/7 6/3 20 09- yun- 2008 Roland Garros, Paris Rafael N adal 6/1 6/3 6/0 21 06- yul- 2008 Wimbledon, London Rafael N adal 6/4 6/4 6/7 6/7 6/2 22 01- feb- 2009 Australian O pen, Melburne Rafael N adal 7/5 3/6 7/6 3/6 6/2 23 14- sep- 2009 US O pen, N ew York Juan M. del Potro 3/6 7/6 4/6 7/6 6/2 24 08- nov- 2009 Bazel, Suiss N avak Djokovic 6/4 4/6 6/2 25 16- may- 2010 Madrid, Spain Rafael N adal 6/4 7/6 26 13- yun- 2010 Halle, Germany Lleiton Hiuitt 3/6 7/6 6/4 27 15- aug- 2010 Toronto, C anada Andy Murray 7/5 7/5 28 17- oct- 2010 Shankhai, C haina Andy Murray 6/3 6/2 29 26- feb- 2011 Dubai N avak Djokovic 6/3 6/3 30 05- yun- 2011 Roland Garros, Paris Rafael N adal 7/5 7/6 5/76/1 192 From the History of the Georgian Tennis Development of tennis has taken basis since the end of XlX century. Manager of the English Company “Forward and Salinas” John Tarsey (married to a Georgian) brought into Chiatura-city of manganese a new game – Lawn Tennis. Georgians liked the game. Outstanding tennis player and coach Jan Homer (1898-1981) wrote in his recollections that Tsereteli’s whole family and famous poet himself was gladly enjoying tennis performance. This sport spread later from Chiatura in Tbilisi and Batumi. The history is nothing but relationship between various generations. During 1960-1970s all of us were proud with the success of a remarkable tennis player Alexander Metreveli. He amalgamated all the positive qualities which actually were brought together along for tenth years by previous generations and those values became real basis for his numerous wins. Regretfully with the time passing we often forget wonderful generations of the men players who put basis to the history of Georgian tennis. Hence, let’s recall herein well known men tennis players. Before 50s sport in Georgia, likewise the rest of the former USSR, expect several exceptions, was in the isolated position. Estimation of Georgian tennis players of the past times is practically impossible. Nevertheless, tennis was still developing in Georgia and Georgian player was always easily recognized with his style basically expressed in the priority of combined game on the entire court. First achievements in Georgian tennis are generally connected with Ian Homer, who has been champion of Tbilisi and Georgia for 10 years (1918-1927). In 1928 Ian Homer achieved his first success as a coach at the First Union Spartakiad, where Georgian team ranked the second. Player Eduard Negrebetski (1908-1985) was rather impressive at the Spartakiad with his play. Later he became many time USSR champion in various categories. A player Archil Mdivani (1911-1937) was very successful during 30s . He has ranked for many years among USSR top ten tennis players being many time USSR champion together with E. Negrebetski in doubles. Archil Mdivani had a tragic end, as he was a victim of repression in 1937. Distinguished male tennis players of 40-50ss were Boris Krupenikov, Ivane Elerdashvili, Givi Kokaia and of course Victor Uraevski (1930-1979). The latter was gifted with multiple talents. Unfortunatly Victor passed away in his early ages. Great contribution of Aram Khangulian (1901-1974) as of a coach is also worth of special notice. He brought up many generations of tennis players. The most well known amongst his trainees was Alexander Metreveli, who has won for twenty years such tennis stars as Lu Hoad, Pancho (Ricardo) Gonzales, John Newcomb, Marty Maligan, Vilhelm Bungert, Jimmy Conors, Manollo Santana, Manolo Orantes, Jan Kodesh, Nikola Pietrangelli, Tom Oker and other outstanding players. Alexander Metreveli won 8 professional tournaments among singles and 2 - among doubles. In 1973 he became Wimbledon finalist. Metreveli played total 105 Davis Cup Ties (World Team Championship) winning 56 of them in singles and 24 - in doubles. Alexander Metreveli obtained the title of European Champion 6 times being also 29 time USSR champion (12 - singles, 11 - doubles and 6 mixed matches). He was a typical representative of Georgian tennis, best ones of which were preaching combinative tennis on the entire court focusing on moving to the net. For instance, it was exactly the way his well-known ancestor Eduard Negrebetski used to apply. Metreveli has refined his style making it perfect. He was wonderful not only at the back lines but also at the net. In 60- 70ss besides A. Metreveli Georgian male tennis players Nugzar Mdzinarishvili and Teimuraz Kakulia were rather successful both on the Union and International arena. The former was the first Georgian player competing on the garss courts of England. The latter being a universal tennis player became USSR champion in doubles (1972-1976, 1978),finalist in singles (1972-1976,1978), winner of the European Championships in 1976 and having played total 32 Davis Cup Ties. In 80s distinguished Georgian veteran players were/replaced with a new generation of successful players such as Gia Elerdashvili, Vladimir Gabrichidze and David Kacharava. As for Irakli Labadze, who started his career along the hard path of professional tennis, will have to prove that successes achieved in junior tennis are only commence of the rise leading to the summit. In 1992 Georgia became a plenipotentiary member of the international tennis organizations affiliating in the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and European Tennis Association (ETA). Georgia is taking part in the Davis Cup Ties since 1994. Georgian tennis has passed a hard and interesting way. Relations between generations are still continuing and the tradition taking basis at the beginning of this century proceed progressing sometimes forming entirely different shape as today we live in a renovated state with new economic roots and relations. Destiny of Georgian tennis totally depends on young generation, who must bring it to a new stage of development considering past experience we acquire. The first success of women players is connected with Tamar Gogolauri. In 1931-32 she acquired ranking among the top ten of the USSR players being extremely humble and open hearted personality in everyday life, playing great, exciting tennis by that time. 193 Jan Homer (31.03.1998, Paris – 12.11.1981, Tbilisi) Jan Homer’s life was full of dramatic events. Son of lawyer, on the one hand of Greece origin and on the other hand Franco-Italian (Mother Elisabeth Bono-Grimald) together with his family arrived in Chiatura, where the master’s (many of them used to call him this way) father launched employment at English Company “Forward and Salinas” under the leadership of John Tarsey. That time Englishmen had constructed the first tennis court on the territory of Georgia, namely in Chiatura. This was the very place, where Jan Homer first was introduced to tennis. At the age of 13 Jan Homer becomes city champion. Soon his family moved to Tbilisi at Mikheil (Mikhailov), present # 117 David Agmashenebeli Avenue, where there was placed famous tennis club. Having being introduced to tennis in Chiatura, Jan Homer becomes more skillful and at the same time is occupied as a coach. For 10 years (1918-1927) master Jan had been unchanged champion in Tbilisi and throughout Georgia. Then he had been changed by his disciples, famous tennis players Edward Negrebetski and Archil Mdivani. In 1928 Jan Homer first become successful as a coach – at the first union game Transcaucasian Team staffed with Georgian tennis players held the first place. In 1937 Jan Homer met with famous French tennis player Anri Koshe in Tbilisi and Moscow. There he granted to Jan Homer his photo with autograph: “To Jan Homer, attractive and patient professor of tennis, with my best wishes”. By the end of 1937 one night Jan Homer had been arrested together with his brothers Marsel and George. Brothers had been executed, but he was sentenced for 10 years at the camp and 5 years only in 1948. Having passed so much misery, then he had been allowed to be settled in Kutaisi. There Jan Homer applied asphalt court at Institute of Pedagogics and in the hardest conditions managed to train good tennis players. Jan Homer’s merit in Georgian sport had been meritoriously esteemed only after several years after participation of party leadership. In 1998 memorial tablet had been opened for the celebration 100 years anniversary of Master Jan Homer (# 117 David Agmashenebeli Avenue), but in 2006 was opened new Jan Homer Tennis Stadium. Archil Mdivani (30.06.1911, Tbilisi – 13.09.1937, Tbilisi, Repressed) One of the greatest tennis player in Georgian tennis history. In 1934-1936 Soviet Union Champion in doubles with Edward Negrebetski. In 1931-1936s he used to be listed among greatest ten players of USSR. USSR Champion in “DINAMO” team. Four times champion in Leningrad (1932-1936). The first Georgian master of sport in tennis (1936). Since his childhood Jan Homer used to train him. Archil, grown up in famous Bolshevik Budu Secretary’s family (1877-1936) was well educated in his childhood. He knew the English and French languages, though nobody could have thought that the greatest interest would be tennis. In 1932 Archil and Edward Negrebetski moved to settle in Leningrad (that time Leningrad used to be considered as a center of soviet tennis). Here Archil’s talent begins blooming. Mdivani and Negrebetski’s double play became as a symbol soviet tennis. In 1936 Archil Mdivani returns to Tbilisi – his father is arrested. At the end of 1937 Archil is also arrested in CSKA HOTEL in Moscow. Such a tragic end of life had Archil. He was only 26 years old. Entire family of Archil had been devastated – father Budu, mother Tsutsunia, brothers George, Vano, David, and a sister – Mary. At the end of 1937 coach Jan Homer was arrested, who returned in Tbilisi only in 1955. In June 30, 2001 memorial tablet had been placed on the wall of Archil Mdivani’s residential building with inscription: “Here was living legendary Georgian tennis player Archil Mdivani.” 194 1936 was notable by a significant event. Nunu Khelaia trainee of a famous coach Aram Khangulian became USSR champion among girls for the first time in the history of Georgian tennis. Later she trained in the well known Anri Koshe school giving great hopes, but the Second World War crashed everything. Actually after 1945 she still participated in the competitions but the best time was already missed out. The distinguished players of 40s were Lamara Kokaia, Mzia Bakradze, Margarita Pugaeva, who acquired USSR champion’s title among girls in doubles. Klavdia Minaeva was the player who prevailed on the courts in Georgia in 50s. She was many time champion of Georgia and a famous athlete. Besides tennis she played volleyball being member of Georgian unified team for years. Late 50s and early 60s was specially noteworthy with the women tennis advancement in Georgia. New generation appeared on the courts in the face of Irina Riazanova-Ermolova, Rena Abzhandadze, Ala Ivanova, Nino Tukhareli. Irina Riazanova-Ermolova (coach V. Serebrennikov) ranked among top ten women tennis players of the USSR in 1958-1966 being many time champion in doubles as well as champion of the university games. She is the first woman tennis player from Georgia having competed at the Wimbledon Tournament. Up to date Mrs. Irina is actively involved in Georgian tennis training young, promising players at sport club “Game-90”. Rena Abjandadze ( coach A. Khangulian) has unexpectedly entered tennis world. She started playing at 14 and 6 years later already ranked among the USSR top ten players. In 1966 Rena entered USSR Championship final where she lost in a tough match with Ana Dmitrieva. Rena Abjandadze has considerably succeeded in her training activities with the best trainees such as Victor Khurda and Irakli Labadze. Unfortunately she passed away and left us quite unexpectedly. Ala Ivanova (coach M. Kldiashvili) was quick technical player with her attacking way which could be easily compared to the male play style that was so enjoyable for the tennis fans. For ten years (1964-1973) Ala Ivanova ranked among the USSR top ten players. In 1973 she entered USSR Championship final, took part in the international competitions. Currently she accomplishes coaching activities at the tennis club “Dinamo”. Nino Tukhareli (coach A. Khangulian) was the player with an exceptional instinct of selecting position without acquiring special physical qualities. However the letter has never hampered her to achieve great success .She ranked among top ten one time. Currently works at sport club “Dinamo”. Since the above remarkable players left tennis long time have passed till the next worthy substitution arrived. Only in 80s appeared the players who could renovate and develop Georgian women tennis players traditions. I mean such players as Irina Malatsidze and of course Leila Meskhi. Irina Malatsidze being USSR , champion among girls was member of the USSR unified team having defeated numerous strongest players. She could undoubtedly reach better performance but due to I various circumstances failed to reveal her full potential giving up sport arena in an early stage. Leila Meskhi succeeded in realizing completely what her predecessor generations failed to attain. I’ll abstain from nominating all her achievements and only mention that she became the USSR champion, Olympic Games prize winner and entered in the elite world top players. At present development of Georgian tennis in XXI c. basically depends on her. Accomplishing her responsibilities as President of Georgian Tennis Federation she’ll definitely find every means for the harmonious development of Georgian tennis. Promising generation is coming on the arena with new talents such as Maka Chakhnashvili, Salome Devidze, Sophia Melikishvili, Tinatin Kavlashvili, Tata Mikadze, Ana Tatishvili , Salome Chachkhunashvili, Ia Jikia, Sofiko Kvatsabaia, Manana Shapakidze, Sofiko Shapatava, Oksana Kalashnikova, Eka Gorgodze, Giorgy Khrikadze, Nika Kurdadze, Lazare Kukhalashvili, Giorgy Khmiadashvili, Nika Basilashvili, Giorgy Chanruria, Revaz Osadze an others. Abijan - Davis Cup, 1994,Arsen Ngovu,L.Gelashvili,I.Siamashvili,A.Akhaladze,D.Gogilashvili,V.Goglidze 195 The Greatest Players of Georgia Rena Abjandadze (1940-1995) One of the strongest players of the USSR in 60’s. The deserved trainer of Georgia. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR (1961-1968). The finalist of the championship of the USSR of 1966. The multitime champion of Georgia. Successfully acted in the international competitions. Has brought up many known tennis players such as Victor Hurda, Eka Bokuchava, Irina Geradze, Irakly Labadze. First trainer A.Hanguljan Gia Elerdashvili (1958) Ivan Elerdashvili’s son. The multitime champion of Georgia. The owner of the Cup of the USSR. The champion of the USSR among juniors. In the combined team of the USSR acted in international competitions. First trainer I.Elerdashvili Ivan Elerdashvili (1923) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 40-50 years. The deserved trainer of Georgia. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR (1946-1947). In the combined team of Georgia won a silver medal on draw of the Cup of the USSR in 1952. First trainer V.Dididze Irina Ermolova (1938) One of the strongest players in the history of the Georgian tennis. The multitime champion of Georgia. Champion of the USSR in the pair category together with A.Dmitrieva (1959,1961). Prize-winner the championship of the USSR in single category (1962,1963). Champion of University games, the winner and the prize-winner of many international competitions. The first Georgian player who acted on the courts of Wimbledon. First trainer V.Serebrennikov Vladimir Gabrichidze (1968) The strongest tennis player in Georgia of the end of 80 and beginnings of 90 years. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR (1987,1988,1990,1991). Successfully acted in competitions on Davis Cup in the combined team of the USSR and Georgian National team . First trainer G.Chakhunashvili Tamar Gogolauri (1908-1990) The strongest tennis player of Georgian in 20-30 years. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR (1931-1932). Has successfully acted in the Games of peoples of the USSR in 1928. The multitime champion of Georgia and Armenia. First trainer J.Homer Jan Homer (1898-1981) The founder of the Georgian tennis. The deserved trainer of Georgia. The champion of Georgia in 1918-1927. The playing trainer in the Games of peoples of the USSR in 1928,when the team of Georgia was the second. First trainer of Eduard Negrebetsky and Archil Mdivani Victor Hurda (1965) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in 1978, 1982 and 1983. Was member of the combined team of the USSR. 1983 and 1986 successfully acted in the Games of Peoples of the USSR. First trainer R.Abjandadze Ala Ivanova (1946) One of the strongest players of USSR in 60-70 years. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR (1964-1973).The runner up of the championship of the USSR in 1973. Successfully acted in international competitions. First trainer M.Kldiashvili David Kacharava (1969) One of leading players of Georgia in 80-90 years. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR(1989-1990). The main trainer of the combined team of Georgia in 1997-2000. First trainer G.Tokhadze Teimuraz Kakulia (1947-2006) One of the strongest tennis players of the USSR in 60-70 years. The deserved master of sports of the USSR. The deserved trainer of Georgia. The champion of Europe in 1976. The multitime champion of the USSR in the pair category. Successfully represented combined team of the USSR in draw of Davis CUP First trainer V.Serebrennikov Givi Kokaja (1929-2009) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 40-50 years. The multitime champion of Georgia. The champion of the USSR among juniors (1947). In the combined team of Georgia won a silver medal on draw of the Cup of the USSR in 1952. Dr.Sci.Tech., professor. First trainer V.Dididze Irakli Labadze (1981) The strongest tennis player of Georgia today. The champion of Europe and the finalist of the Wimbledon tournament among juniors. In professional tennis since 1998. The best place in rating ATP N42 (05.07.2004). First trainer R.Abjandadze Nino Luarsabishvili (1977) One of the strongest players of Georgian in 90 years. Champion of the world among girls in 1993. Successfully acted in National Georgian team in the competition for the Cup of Federations. First trainer G.Garibashvili 196 Irina Malatsidze (1965) The champion of the USSR among girls (1983). The champion of the USSR in structure of the combined team of Georgia among juniors (1980). Successfully acted in the Games of Peoples of the USSR (1983,1986). Successfully acted in the international competitions in combined team of the USSR. First trainer S.Tukhareli Archil Mdivani (1911-1937) One of the strongest tennis players in the history of the Georgian tennis. The champion of the USSR in the pair category together with E.Negrebetsky in 1934-1936. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR(1931-1936). In 1937 hi was repressed. First trainer J.Homer Leila Meskhi (1968) The strongest player in the history of the Georgian tennis. Has won 5 tournaments WTA in the single category and 7 tournaments in pair. The prize-winner of Olympic games (1992) in the pair category. Champion of the USSR of 1989 in the single category. N12 in rating WTA (05.11.1991). The president of Tennis Federation of Georgia. The president of Tennis Academy. First trainer G.Tokhadze Alexander Metreveli (1944) The strongest tennis player in the history of the Georgian tennis. The deserved master of sports of the USSR. The finalist of the Wimbledon tournament (1973). The multitime champion of Europe. Has gained 80 victories in 105 matches on Davis Cup. First trainer A.Hanguljan Foremost Soviet man, Alexander Metreveli gained prominence open era, beating Pancho Gonzales, Wimbledon, 1968. Georgian RH, b. Nov, 3, 1944, Tbilisi. Atipical Soviet, serve-and-volleyer. Only USSR male in major F, until Yevgeny Kafelnikov (French 1996), lost Wimbledon, 1973. Also, with Olga Morozova, lost F Wimbledon 1968,1970. In career overlapping amateur, open eras, QF or better all majors. Davis Cup standout, 14 years, spanning 1963 to 1980, one of select few to have played 100 matches or more (56-14, singles; 24-11, doubles). Won eight singles, two doubles pro titles. (Bud Collins, Tennis encyclopedia) ATP TOUR- Singles Record : 183-89, Singles Titles: 5 ( Hobart (1971), Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney (1972), South Orange (1974)). Doubles Record : 78-84, Doubles Titles - 2 (Monte Carlo (1968), Stockholm (1976)). RU(6) – Monte Carlo (1968), Wibledon(1973), Nittingham, St. Louis, St. Petrsburg (1974), Clivlend (1976). Career High ATP Ranking - N9 (3Jun-74) Eduard Negrebetsky (1908-1985) Born in Tbilisi. One of the strongest tennis players of the USSR in 30-50 years. The deserved master of sports of the USSR. The main trainer of a combined team of the USSR in 1954-1960. The champion of the USSR in the single category (1932, 1947, 1949, 1950). The multitime champion of the USSR in the pair and mixed categories. First trainer J.Homer. Vladimir Peregudov (1946) The owner of the Cup of the USSR. The multitime champion of Georgia. In 1975 gained sensational victory in the Games of Georgia in which all the strongest tennis players participated. First trainer M.Kldiashvili Nino Tukhareli (1946) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60-70. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR(1970). Multitime champion of Georgia. First trainer A.Hanguljan Victor Uraevsky (1930-1979) The strongest tennis player of Georgia of fifties. The multitime champion of Georgia. Was one of the ten strongest players of the USSR(1951,1952,1954,1955). The champion of the USSR among juniors (1948) . Successfully acted in the Games of the Peoples of the USSR (1956). First trainer V.Dididze Nikolai Ozerov, Nugzar Mdzinarishvili. Batumi,1958 197 Who is who in the Georgian tennis Abashkin Peter (1948) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 60 years. Was part of the united team of the USSR. The trainer M.Kldiashvili Abashkin Victor (1950) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 60-70 years. In structure of the united team of Georgia the prize-winner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in 1967. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Akhaladze Anatoli (1972) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 90 years. Was part of united team of Georgia on debut in draw of Davis Cup in 1994. The trainer - G.Akhaladze Akhaladze Givi (1941) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60-70 years. The multitime champion of Georgia in the pair category together with Vladimir Goglidze. In structure of united team of Georgia has taken the second place on the Games of Peoples of the USSR in 1967. The trainer - M.Kobalija Antadze Tamaz (1936-2002) The well-known Georgian handballer. The deserved trainer of Georgia. T.Antadze belongs the big merit in construction of tennis stadium in the city of Telavi Antonjan Inga (1967) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in structure of united team of Georgia in 1980. The trainer - R.Abjandadze Asatiani Vladimir (1948) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60 years. Was part of united team of the USSR. Successfully works as the trainer in city Batumi. The trainer - G.Tokhadze Bakradze Aleksi (1943) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60 years. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Bakradze Mzia (1930) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 40-50 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in the mixed category together with Victor Uraevsky. The trainer A.Hanguljan Bakradze-Krupennikova Tatiana (1920) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 30-50 years. The trainer - J.Homer Bakshi Victor (1955) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 70-80 years. Now successfully works as the trainer. The trainer T.Chimerina Barnabishvili Nodar (1940-1988) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 60 years . The prize-winner of the Games of schoolboys of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1957-1958. Tragically was lost on duty. The trainer A.Elerdashvili Bokuchava Eka (1970) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in 1985 and the prizewinner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1986. The trainer - R.Abzhandadze Burchuladze Konstantin (1982) One of the strongest player of the modern Georgia. Participated in competitions on Davis Cup in structure of the united team of Georgia Chachua Murman (1951-2009) The sports journalist. The founder and the publisher of the first tennis newspaper in the Georgian language “Chogburti” (1997) Chaduneli Mikhail (1980) The champion of Georgia in 2000. In 2001 participated in competitions on Davis Cup in structure of the united team of Georgia Chakhnashvili Margalita (1982) One of the strongest players of the modern Georgia. The leader of the united team of Georgia in draw of the Cup of Federations. The first trainer - G.Tokhadze Chakhunashvili Givi (1933-2003) 198 The champion of the USSR among juniors in the pair category in 1948. The champion of the USSR among juniors in the mixed category in 1948-1950. Last years worked as the main trainer of a sports society of the Dynamo. The trainer - A.Hanguljan Chakseliani Sozar (1939-1993) During many years director of tennis courts in the city Pitsunda. It is killed by the Abkhazian separatists Chanturia George (1989) The champion of the Georgia in 2005. Charkhalashvili Otar (1932-1984) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 50-60 years. The deserved trainer of Georgia. The trainer V.Serebrennikov Chikhladze Lado (1985) One of the most perspective tennis players of Georgia. Member of the united team in draw of Davis Cup . First trainer T.Kakulia Chimerina Tamar (1912-2002) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 30-40 years. The trainer - J.Homer Devidze Salome (1986) One of the strongest players of the modern Georgia. Many times took part in draw Fed Cup . Lives in the USA. First trainer - A.Karangozishvili Dididze Vakhtang (Guguli) (1912-1991) The known sports figure and the trainer. The judge of the All-Union category (1938). First trainer Ivan Elerdashvili, Givi Kokaia, Victor Uraevsky and many others Elerdashvili Archil (1920-1987) The deserved trainer of Georgia. Has finished the Petersburg institute of physical culture and sports. During many years worked in the Georgian institute physical culture and sports. Has brought up known trainers on tennis such as - Marlen Kobalia, Rena Abjandadze, Marina, Niko, Gela, Gia Elerdashvili, Guram Tokhadze, Givi Akhaladze, Alexi Verulava, Otar Charkhalashvili, sister Marina and Irina Malatsidze. The trainer J.Homer Elerdashvili Gela (1965) Archil Elerdashvili’s son. One of the strongest players in 80 years. Has finished the Georgian institute of the physical culture and sports. Works as the trainer in L.Meskhi’s Tennis Academy. Chairman of board of judges of the Georgian Tennis Federation. The trainer - A.Elerdashvili Elerdashvili Gia (1958) Ivan Elerdashvili’s son. The multitime champion of Georgia, The champion of the USSR among juniors, the owner of the Cup of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia. Was part of combined team of the USSR. The trainer I.Elerdashvili Elerdashvili Marina (1955) Ivan Elerdashvili’s daughter. One of leaders players of Georgia in 70-80 years. The trainer - I.Elerdashvili Elerdashvili Niko (1959-2003) Archil Elerdashvili’s son. Has finished the Georgian institute of the physical culture and sports. Worked as the trainer in Telavi. During many years worked as the main trainer of the united team of Georgia. The captain of national Georgian teams on draw of Davis CupIn in 1995-1996 and 2001-2003. L.Meskhi’s personal trainer in 1992-1995. The trainer A.Elerdashvili Esebua Nino (1984) One of the strongest players in 90 years. The champion of the countries of the East Europe in 2000. Member of the united team of Georgia in draw of the Cup of Federations. The trainer - D.Islamov Garibashvili Grigol (1933) The deserved trainer of Georgia. One of the strongest players in 50-60 years. In the united team of Georgia won a silver medal on draw of the Cup of the USSR in 1952. His best player Nino Luarsabishvili - champion of the world among girls in 1993. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Gegelashvili Yuri (1917-1999) The judge of the All-Union category (1956). During many years was one of leading judges of the USSR Gelashvili Levan (1977) One of leading players of Georgia in 90 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors. The participant of draw of Davis Cup in 1994. The trainer - T.Lejus Geradze Irina (1969) The champion of youth games in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1985. The champion of youth games in the pair category together with Leila Meskhi in 1985. The prize-winner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1986 . The trainer R.Abjandadze 199 Gevorkjan Roman (1960) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. Member of the united team of the USSR. The participant of the Games of Peoples of the USSR. The trainer - G.Chakhunashvili Gigineishvili Levan (1972) One of the strongest juniors in 80 years. The champion of Georgia among juniors. The trainer R.Abjandadze Gogelia Konstantin (1970) One of the strongest juniors in 80 years. The trainer - T.Kakulia Gogilashvili David (1976) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 90 years. Member of the united team of Georgia on draw of Davis Cup 1994. The trainer - R.Abjandadze Gogilashvili Ivan (1941) The judge of the All-Union category (1969) Gongadze Nukri (1946) During many years worked in Sports committee of Georgia as the chief of the medical management. Now in Federation of Tennis of Georgia heads a medical board Goshadze Maja (1962) One of the strongest juniors in 70 years. The trainer - M.Kobalia Guliashvili David (1911-1943) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 30 years. The champion of Georgia in 1936. Trained under the direction of well-known French tennis player Henri Cochet in 1937. Was lost during war. The trainer J.Homer Gunchin Valery (1952-1985) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 70 years. The trainer M.Kldiashvili Islamov David (1963) The well-known trainer. One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia among juniors in 80 years . The trainer M.Kldiashvili Itonishvili Nodar (1986) One of the strongest players of the modern Georgia. Multitime Champion of the Georgia among juniors Jorbenadze Nodar (1935-1997) The founder and the President of tennis club “ Geimi-90 “ Jordania Niaz (1943-1995) The tennis player from city Batumi. Worked as the trainer in Batumi. The trainer - G.Tokhadze Jukovski Evgeni (1911-1998) The judge of the All-Union category (1965) Kandelaki Victor (1906-1988) The president and vice-president of Federation of Tennis of Georgia in 50-70 years. The judge of the All-Union category (1954) Kapanadze Guram (1933-1998) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 50 years. The champion of Georgia in 1957. Further the known doctor and the writer. The candidate of medical sciences. Trainer A.Hanguljan Karangozishvili Alexsandr (1961) One of the strongest juniors of Georgia in 70 years. Works as the trainer. First trainer S.Devidze. The trainer G.Chakhunashvili Katsarava Zurab (1958) Worked in Sports committee of Georgia as the main trainer of tennis in 80 years. Since 1991 the general secretary of Georgian Tennis Federation Kavlashvili Tinatin (1987) One of the strongest player of the modern Georgia. The champion of Georgia in 2000. The champion of the countries of the East Europe in 2001. Participated in competitions on Fed Cup in structure of the united team of Georgia. The trainer - M.Malatsidze Kekelia Archil (1957) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 70 years. Vice-president of the L.Meshi’s Tennis Academy. One of the leading sports commentators of Georgia. Trainer S.Tukhareli Kekelia Khatuna (1955) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 70 years. Trainer S.Tukhareli Kereselidze Dimitry (1936-1993) The Gudge of all - union category (1967) 200 Kereselidze Merab (1939) The champion of the USSR among juniors as a member of united teams of city of Tbilisi and Dinamo (Tbilisi) (1956). Candidate of the technical sciences. The trainer M.Kldiashvili Kereselidze Tengiz (1929) One of the strongest tennis players in 50 years. The trainer - V.Dididze Khanguljan Aram (1901-1974) The deserved trainer of Georgia and the USSR (1967). One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 20-30 years. In structure of united teams of Georgia has taken the second place on the Games of Peoples of the USSR in 1928. With 1932 for 1969 the main trainer of the sports society of the Dynamo. The judge of the All-Union category (1973). A.Metreveli’s trainer Khelaia Nunu (1918) The champion of the USSR among girls in 1936. The trainer A.Hanguljan Kldiashvili Mariam (1914-1995) The deserved trainer of Georgia and the USSR (1971). During many years was the senior trainer of united teams of Georgia Kobaidze Alexsandr (1940) The first secretary of a district committee of the CPSU of city Telavi in 70-80 years. Under his management in the city of Telavi the tennis stadium has been constructed Kobalia Marlen (1927) One of well-known trainers of Georgia. The deserved trainer of Georgia. The judge of the All-Union category (1965). The trainer - A.Hanguljan Kokia Lamara (1933) The champion of the USSR among girls in the mixed category together with Givi Chakhunashvili (1948,1949,1950) Krupennikov Boris (1918) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 40 years. In 1945 has come in ten the strongest tennis players of the USSR. The trainer J.Homer Kupreishvili Giorgi (1971) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 80 years. Was part of a united team of the USSR among juniors.The trainer - T.Kakulia Kvaratskhelia David (1969 One of the strongest tennis players in 80 years. The prize-winner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1986. Lives and works in the USA. The trainer G.Akhaladze Kvatsabaia Sophia (1988) The champion of the Georgia in 2005. Lejus Thomas (1941) The multitime champion of the USSR. The deserved trainer of Georgia. Worked as the trainer in the city of Telavi in 1983-1984. Worked as the trainer of the united team of Georgia 1985-1987 years Lejava Gia (1967) One of the strongest players among juniors in 80 years. The trainer - G.Garibashvili Lukashvili Givi (1938) The champion of the USSR in the structure of the united team of the Dynamo in 1954, the champion of the USSR among juniors in structure of the united team of city Tbilisi (the winter championship) and the united team of the Dynamo (Tbilisi) (the summer championship) in 1956. The champion of the USSR among juniors in the pair and mixed categories together with Leonard Mdzinarishvili and Irina Riazanova - Ermolova in 1956. The trainer A.Hanguljan Malaiants Artem (1946) The judge of the All-Union category (1980) Malatsidze Marina (1963) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in the structure of the united team of Georgia in 1980. Successfully works as the trainer in L.Meskhi’s Tennis Academy. The trainer - S.Tukhareli Margalitadze Vladimir (1976) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia of the beginning in 90 years. The champion of Georgia 1994 - 1995. Member of the united team of Georgia in competitions on Davis Cup. The train Mdzinarishvili Leonard (1938) The champion of the USSR in structure of the united team of the Dynamo in 1954. The champion of the USSR among juniors in structure of the united team of city Tbilisi (the winter championship) and in structure of the united team of the Dynamo (Tbilisi) (the summer championship) in 1956. The champion of Georgia 1960 and 1971. The doctor of 201 Medzmariashvili Nodar (1933) Minister of construction in 70-80 years and the President of Georgian Tennis Federation. Under his management in Georgia the first winter courts have been constructed Megeneishvili Cezar (1937) The trainer from city Kutaisi. The champion of Georgia among juniors in 1953. The trainer - J.Homer Melikishvili Sophia (1987) One of the strongest players of the modern Georgia. Member of the united team of Georgia in competitions on the Cup of Federations. The first trainer - M.Malatsidze Merekiul Esper (1907-1966) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 20-30 years Meskhi Victor (1987) One of the strongest players of the modern Georgia. Member of the united team of Georgia in competitions on the “Davis Cup” (2005) Metreveli Alexsander - junior (1976) A.Metreveli’s son. One of the strongest players of Georgia among juniors in 80 years. The trainer - V.Bakshi Metreveli Irakli (1967) A.Metreveli’s son. The champion of the USSR among juniors in the structure of united team of Georgia in 1985. The prize-winner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in 1986. The first trainer - M.Kobalia Metreveli Lali (1965) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The trainer R.Abjandadze Metreveli Peter (1941) A.Metreveli’s brother. One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 60-70 years. The multitime champion of Georgia in the pair category together with Grant Musaeljan. The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The deputy of parliament of Georgia. The trainer - A.Hanguljan Mgaloblishvili Lamara (1947) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60 years. The trainer - M.Kobalia Mikadze Tatia (1988) One of the strongest players of modern Georgia. The champion of Georgia in 2002-2003. The trainer - G.Tokhadze Minaeva Klavdia (1919-1992) Multitime champion of Georgia. The trainer - A.Hanguljan Mirianashvili George (1967) The champion of the USSR in 1985 among juniors in structure of united team of Georgia in 1985. The trainer - G.Tokhadze Mirianashvili Guram (1930-1999) The first president of independent Georgia Tennis Federation (1991-1994). Minister of construction in 90 years Musaeljan Grant (1940-1996) The deserved trainer of Georgia (1984). The champion of the USSR as a member of the “Dynamo” team (1957). The champion of the USSR among juniors as a member of united teams of city of Tbilisi and Dinamo (Tbilisi) (1956). The multitime champion of Georgia in the pair category together with Peter Metreveli. The trainer of the national team of Georgia in 80 years. Was part of the united team of the USSR in 1958-1959. Tragically was lost. The trainer A.Hanguljan Nadibaidze Pavle (1963) 1995-2006 - Vice-president of the L.Meskhi’s Tennis Academy. L. Meskhi’s Husband Nozadze David (1962) One of the leading trainers of Georgia. Many years worked as the trainer in Egypt. Now works in Moscow. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Ochiauri Khatuna (1959) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 70 years. The trainer - M.Kobalia Osipov Vladimir (1952) The champion of Georgia in 1972. The owner of the Cup of the USSR. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Pantskhava Revaz (1931-1995) The champion of the USSR among juniors in 1947, the champion of the USSR among juniors in the pair category in 1947-1948 Papunashvili Revaz (1954) Member of Federation of Tennis of Georgia in 1991-1997. Has much made for development of tennis in the city of Telavi Parsadanova Tata (1948) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60 years. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili 202 Podporin Pavel (1918-1942) The champion of the USSR among juniors in 1936. Was lost in the second world war Pugaeva Margarita (1935) The champion of the USSR in mixed category among juniors in 1950, 1951 and 1953 Radkevich Elen (1928) The champion of the USSR among girls in 1946 Razmadze Levan (1966) One of the strongest tennis players among juniors in 80 years. Vice-president of Georgian Tennis Federation. The trainer - S.Tukhareli Revazishvili Giorgi (1982) The champion of Georgia in 1998. In structure of the national team of Georgia participated in competitions on Davis Cup. The trainer - G.Tokhadze Riazanova Liudmila (1943-2000) The champion of the USSR in the pair category in 1962. The trainer - V.Serebrennikov Rukhadze Natela (1948) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 60 years. The trainer - M.Kobalia Sagaradze Mamuka (1963) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia among juniors in 80 years. The trainer M.Kldiashvili Samkharadze Givi (1978) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 90 years. In structure of the national team of Georgia participated in competitions on Davis Cup. The trainer - P.Sekhniashvili Santeladze Giorgi (1968) The trainer. Successfully works in L.Meshi’s Tennis Academy Sekhniashvili Paata (1962) One of the strongest tennis players in 70-80 years. The champion of Georgia in 1982. Works as the trainer. The trainer S.Tukhareli Senchurov Boris (1946) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 60-70 years. The champion of the USSR as a member of the “Dynamo” team (1966). Works as the trainer. The trainer - A.Hanguljan Serebrennikov Boris (1908-1965) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 20-30 years. Has come in ten the strongest tennis players of the USSR in 1931. Has taken the second place on the Games of Peoples of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1928. The trainer - J.Homer Serebrennikov Vladimir (1912-1967) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia in 30-40 years. The deserved trainer of the USSR. The trainer - J.Homer Shalamberidze Dimitry (1934-2004) The judge of the All-Union category (1968) Siamashvili Joseb (1976) One of the strongest players in 90 years. In 1994 participated in competitions on Davis Cup in structure of the united team of Georgia. Trainer S.Tukhareli Simonjan Alexander (1970) One of the strongest players in 80-90 years. The trainer - G.Akhaladze Tamirova Lika (1972) Champion of the USSR in the pair category among girls in 1989. Was a member of a united team of the USSR Tatishvili Ana (1990) One of the strongest players in the modern Georgia. Lives and trains in the USA. First trainer - A.Pogosova Tinikashvili Oleg (1928-2011) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 50 years. The finalist of the Cup of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1952. The trainer - M.Kldiashvili Tkhinvaleli Vakhtang (1935) The well-known trainer. Has brought up many good tennis players Tokhadze Guram (1934) The deserved trainer of Georgia. Has brought up many class players, such as - D.Kacharava, M.Chahnashvili, I.Ushangishvili, T.Mikadze and many others. L.Meskhi’s first trainer Tokhadze Ekaterina (1969) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in structure of united team of Georgia in 1985. The prize-winner of the Games of Peoples of the USSR in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1986 . Works as the trainer. The trainer - G.Tokhadze 203 Topchishvili Levan (1966-1986) One of the strongest juniors Georgia 80 years. The champion of Georgia among juniors in 1984. The trainer - S.Tukhareli Trapaidze Khatuna (1967) One of the strongest player of Georgia in 80 years. The champion of the USSR among juniors in structure of the united team of Georgia in 1985 . The trainer - S.Tukhareli Tukhareli Oliko (1968) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80 years. The prize-winner of the Games of schoolboys of the USSR in structure of the united team Georgia in 1984. The trainer - S.Tukhareli Tukhareli Solomon (1932-1986) The deserved trainer of Georgia. Has brought up many known sportsmen, such as Khatuna and Archil Kekelia, Lali Zerekidze, sisters Oliko and Veriko Tukhareli, Khatuna Trapaidze, sisters Irina and Marina Malatsidze, Joseph Siamashvili, Paata Sekhniashvili and many others Tukhareli Veriko (1973) One of the strongest players of Georgia in 80-90 years. The trainer - S.Tukhareli Uraevsky Dimitry (1943-1987) One of the strongest players among juniors in 50 years. Worked as the trainer. The trainer - V.Serebrennikov Urotadze Nana (1986) One of the strongest players in the modern Georgia. Participated in competitions on Fed Cup in structure of the united team of Georgia. The trainer - L.Meskhi Ushangishvili Irakly (1982) One of the strongest players in the modern Georgia. Member of a national team of Georgia in competitions on Davis Cup. The first trainer - G.Tokhadze Vermisheva Yevgenia (1901-1988) One of the strongest players of Georgia 20-30 years. The known trainer. The wife of Aram Khanguljan. During many years successfully worked in a sports society of the Dynamo Verulava Alexi (1936-2000) The multitime champion of Georgia. The champion of the USSR among juniors in 1954. Successfully worked as the trainer. The trainer - V.Serebrennikov Zerekidze Lali (1959) One of the strongest players 80 years. The deserved trainer of Georgia. The captain of the united team of Georgia in draw of the Cup of Federations. Vice-president of L.Meskhi’s Tennis Academy. The trainer S.Tukhareli Alexsandr Metreveli, Aram Khangulian, Nugzar Mdzinarishvili. Peterburg,1961 204 Who is who in the Georgian tennis (XXI XXI century) Basilashvili Nikoloz (1992) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia Burchuladze Konstantin (1983) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2000 - 2-2) Gegetchkori Alexandre (1956) One of the strongest tennis player among veterans and amateurs Gorgodze Ekaterine (1991) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2007,2008), WTA TOUR - N623 (31.01.2011) Devidze Salome (1996) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2000 - 2003 - 18-11) Diasamidze Ednar (1961) Prezident tennis Federation of Ajara. Enukidze Otar (1981) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2000 - 2001 - 2-4) Esebua Nino (1984) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2000 - 2001 - 5-0) Itonishvili Nodar (1986) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2008 - 0-3) Kalashnikova Oksana (1990) (2007 - 2008 - 2-5). WTA TOUR - N193 (31.01.2011) Kvernadze David (1986) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2003 - 2005 - 0-3) Kukhalashvili Lazare(1991) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2000 - 2-2). ATP TOUR -01.12.08 N920 Labadze Givi (1947) The strongest tennis player of Georgia among veterans and amateurs(2008) Labadze Irakli (1981) The strongest tennis player of Georgia in XXI century. ATP TOUR - 01.12.08-N531. Best ranking - 05.07.04 - NN45. Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup( 2003 - 2008 - 23-7). Melikishvili Sophia(1987) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2004 - 4-1). WTA TOUR -01.12.08 - N921 Metreveli Sandro (1993) The strongest tennis player of Georgia among juniors Mikdze Tatia (1988) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2005 - 2006 - 2-5), WTA TOUR - N291 (31.01.2011) Murgulia Omar (1982) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2003 - 0-2) Osadze Revaz (1990) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2008 - 0-1) Paichadze Revaz (1992) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia Tatishvili Ana (1990) The strongest tennis player of Georgia (2008). WTA TOUR - N129 (31.01.2011) Kvatsabaia Sophia (1988) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2007 - 2008 - 0-3). WTA TOUR - N413 (31.01.2011) Kavlashvili Tinatin (1987) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2003 - 2005 - 8-9). WTA TOUR - 19.05.08 - N479 Shapatava Sophia (1989) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia. WTA TOUR - N278 (31.01.2011) Sapakidze Manana (1989) One of the strongest tennis players of Georgia. WTA TOUR - N591 (31.01.2011) Chachkhunashvili Salome (1989) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2005 - 1-1) Chakhnashvili Margalita (1982) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (1998-2006 - 20-11). WTA TOUR - N239 (31.01.2011). Best ranking - 30.07.07 - N134 Chkhladze Lado (1985) 205 Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2004 - 2008 - 10-15). ATP TOUR - 01.12.08 - N1159. Best ranking 15.10.07 - N350 Tsivadze George (1993) One on the strongest tennis plsyer of Georgia Chanturia George (1989) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2007 - 0-2). Champion of Georgia (2006,2007). Khrikadze George (1988) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Davis Cup” (2007 - 2008 - 0-3). Champion of Georgia (2008) Jikia Ia (1989) Member of combined team of Georgia in draw “Fed Cup” (2006 - 1-5). WTA TOUR N1149 (31.01.2011) Salukvadze Ia (1964) The strongest tennis player of Georgia among veterans and amateurs (2008) Tournament of memory Jan Homer. Tbilisi, 10.10.1999 Jan Homer stadium 206 s T Jan Homer Archil Mdivani J.Homer, E.Meier, ? ,T.Bakradze,A.. Elerdashvili F First E.Negrebetsky, third - Archil Mdivani. 1936 Tbilisi - Moscow - 7:5 Tamar Gogolauri Yevgenia Vermisheva Boris Serebrenikov Jan Homer Archil Mdivani Aram Khangulian Tbilisi - 1931 207 Opening Memory boards of Jan Homer. Tbilisi, 09.10.1999 Opening Memory boards of Archil Mdivani. Tbilisi, 01.07.2001 208 Givi Kokaia - 2009 Winners of tournament - G.Kereselidze,A.Chekulaev( 1 ),Z.Makharoblidze,A.Lomidze( 2 ) 209 GEORGIAN OPEN TOURNAMENT OF MEMORY GIVI KOKAIA (1929-2009) MAY 02-09-2010 TBILISI Winners of tournament - D.Katsarava, G.Gelashvilii (1), S.Berdzenishvili, M.Fridman (2) 210 Monte Carlo Tennis Club Miami Tennis Centre 211 Steffi Graf Maria Sharapova Wimbledon, 2004 212 Roger Federer, Diego Maradona. London, 2010 Davis Cup 2010 - Serbia - France : 3-2 213 Bijorn Borg, Pete Sampras, Roger Federer, Rod Laver Fred Stolle, Ken Rozewall, Rod Laver, John Newcomb, Tony Roch 214 Madrid Tennis Centre Novak Djokovic Caroline Wozniacki 215 216 Alexsadr Metreveli 217 Pete Sampras 218 DINAMO TENNIS STADIUM (1939-2010). TBILISI, 1976, DAVIS CUP 219 Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Roland Garros 220 Wimbledon, Londom Flushing Meadows, New York 221 OCT 20 2010 DINAMO TENNIS STADIUM FROM COSMOS 222 Jan Homer Tennis Stadium Courts in Telavi 223 Courts in Batumi Tennis Academy of Leila Meskhi 224 Transcaukasus Spartakiada. Tbilisi, 1927 Tbilisi - Moscow. 1931 225 Tbilisi -1927. At the left the second Jan Homer, at the left the third Eduard Negrebetsky Dinamo tennis courts-1935. In center Aram Khangulian and Guram Dondua Vladimir Serebrenikov, champion of Georgia 1938 Esper Merrekul,champion of Georgia 1918-1927 Jan Homer and champion of Georgia 1936 David Guliashvili National team of Tbilisi among juniors-1958. A.Ivanova, D.Dediashvili, A.Metreveli, L.Stvilia, N.Novoseltseva, G.Musaelian,Y.Peregudov, R.Abzhandadze, N.Mdzinarishvili, V.Goglidze 226 Parade of tennis players. Tbilisi, 1927 Parade of tennis players. Tbilisi, avenue Rustaveli.1934 I.Elerdashvili, M.Kobalia, R.Rafaelian, ? . 1947 T.Kakulia, V.Goglidze. Sochi, 1966 227 R.Abzhandadze, V.Goglidze. 1960 D.Ugulava, V.Goglidze, D.Bronshtain. 1969 The final match - Nikolai Ozeroff vs Sergey Andreeff. Tbilisi, Dinamo Tennis Statium,1951 My wife Ina Didebulidze and my niece Katarina. 1967 228 Eduard Negrebetsky. Moscow, 1928 Eduard Negrebetsky, Archil Mdivani Henri Cochet, Eduard Negrebetsky. Tbilisi, 1937 229 Y.Kudriavtsev, E.Negrebetsky, Henri Cochet, A.Mdivani. Moscow, 1936 Eduard Negrebetsky, Henri Cochet. Moscow, 1937 230 Yevgenia Vermisheva Aram Khangulian The Transcaucasian games. In the foreground Aram Khangulian and Yevgenia Vermisheva. Tbilisi, 1927. Plekhanoff ave. 117 231 Vakhtang Dididze George Merkviladze Mariam Kldiashvili A.Khangulian,N.Ivanov,V.Kandelaki,Y.Kochetkov,Y.Gegelashvili V.Dididze, A.Khangulian, ? ,Y.Vermisheva, A.Pravdin, J.Homer, N.Ivanov 232 The big friends to tennis players Lili Iashvili and Grigol Mamardashvili Eduard Negrebetsky, Archil Mdivani, Tbilisi - 30.12.1931 The restored photo.Archil Mdivani has been covered by a black paint. Eduard Negrebetsky the second on a picture, Archil Mdivani the third. Peterburg, 1936 233 Vano Elerdashvili, Jan Homer. Sokhumi, 1953 Archil Mdivani. Kobuleti, 1931 Tournament of memory Archil Mdivani.In the centre winners of tournament - Victor Bakshi and Givi Sikharulidze. On the right nephew Vakhtang Mdivani 234 Parcho Cup 2010 - Telavi 235 Vladimir Goglidze, Alex Kobaidze, Ermile Chichinadze, Zaza Bokeria. Telavi, 2009 L Lado Antadze, Alex Kobaidze, Sandro Antadze. Telavi, 2009 236 Ala Salnikova,Vladimir Goglidze, Yulia Salnikova. Tbilisi, 2011 At me on a visit Victor Saneev. Tbilisi, 2005 237 Tournament of memory Tamaza Antadze. Telavi, 2009 V.Goglidze and Olimpic Champion V.Fetisoff My Friend Zurab Rtskhiladze V.Goglidze, my sister Marina, K.Tskhakaia.Moscow,1980 238 Alexsandr Metreveli, Nugzar Ebralidze My school friends - Yuri Diachkoff and Tengiz Karbelashvili, Tbilisi, 13.03.2005 - Pupils of 41 schools of a city of Tbilisi - champions of the USSR Tengiz Karbelashvili (Gymnastics), V.Goglidze(Tennis), Stanislav Buinoff , Tofik Aliev, Yevgeny Sakvarelidze (Volleyball).On a photo there is Jury Djachkov - the multitime champion of the USSR in decathlon, participant of Olympic games in Roma 239 National team of Georgia among juniors - the winner of a cup of the USSR. Coach Vakhtang Dididze. 1938 V.Uraevsky,D.Akhvlediani,O.Tinikashvili,D.Shalamberidze,L.Airapetova,R.Pantskhava, M.Kobalia.O.Charkhalashvili, 240 The champion of the USSR of 1946 among juniors The champion of the USSR of 1936 among juniors Lilia Radkevich Pavel Podporin Dynamo courts in the street Chitadze.Tbilisi, 1934 241 The championship of the USSR of 1949 in Tbilisi. The final - E.Negrebetsky - N.Ozerov (4-6,6-3,6-1,3-6,6-3) National team of Georgia the runner-up of champiochips the USSR of 1952. G.Garibashvili, V.Uraevsky,O.Tinikashvili,I.Elerdashvili, G.Kokaia 242 Games of 1956.I.Elerdashvili, L.Mdzinarishvili,R.Abzhandadze,G.Lukashvili,M.Ianvarashvili, G.Kokaia,I.Riazanova, V.Uraevsky, K.Minaeva Gemes of 1967. M.Kldiashvili,L.Mgaloblishvili,O.Bichinashvili,A.Ivanova,R.Abzhandadze,A.Khangulian, T.Kakulia,A.Metreveli,V.Peregudoff,V.Abashkin,G.Akhaladze 243 Games of the Transcaucasian republics. Tbilisi 1951.L.Airapetova K.Minaeva O.Tinikashvili I.Elerdashvili V.Serebrenikoff G.Garibashvili A.Elerdashvili I.Elerdashvili,G.Elerdashvili,M.Elerdashvili Gia Elerdashvili Givi Kokaia, Nikolai Ozeroff. Tbilisi, 1951 244 Victor Uraevsky Victor Uraevsky, Givi Kokaia Rezo Pantskhava Givi Chakhunashvili 245 Youth national team of Georgia. M.Kldiashvili(coach), V.Khurda, K.Petrosjan, I.Metreveli, L.Metreveli, G.Elerdashvili, M.Malatsidze, P.Sekhniashvili, I.Malatsidze. Donetsk, 1982 Guram Tohadze with pupils 246 National team of Tbilisi - the champion of the USSR among juniors. R.Abzhandadze, I.Riazanova T.Elchaninova, A.Sagrishvili, Y.Verulava, L.Mdzinarishvili, G.Lukashvili, V.Goglidze, M.Kereselidze, G.Musaeljan. Moscow, 1956 National team of Georgia on Games of schoolboys. A.Dediashvili, I.Kharchilava, R.Abzhandadze, N.Novoseltseva, N.Zambakhidze, T.Elchaninova, M.Badalova, G.Musaeljan, V.Goglidze, I.Naumoff, Y.Vermisheva (Coach), A.Khangulian (Coach), E.Ivanoff, N.Barnabishvili, N.Mdzinarishvili, L.Kochubei. Riga, 1957 247 Violin maestro - Yuri Oganezov, Marlen Kobalia, the known French conductor Pierre Dervaux, Vladimir Goglidze, violoncelo - maestro German Kiriloff. Tbilisi, 1961 Ala Salnikova, Khatuna Trapaidze, Irakli Metreveli. Tbilisi, 1985 248 The Team - the Dynamo of Tbilisi - the champion of the USSR among juniors. R.Abzhandadze, I.Riazanova, T.Elchaninova, T.Balaia, L.Mdzinarishvili, E.Ivanoff, G.Lukashvili, M.Kereselidze, V.Goglidze, N.Mdzinarishvili, G. Musaeljan, Rostov, 1956 A.Khangulin, G.Akhaladze, A.Metreveli, V.Goglidze, R.Akopov (the known boxer). Tbilisi, 1960 249 Irina Riazanova-Ermolova Thomas Leius, Irina Riazanova-Ermolova Georgian National Team. Aleksi Verulava, Rena Abzhandadze, Irina Ermolova, Leo Mdzinarishvili, Nugzar Ndzinarishvili, Grigol Garibashvili. Moscow, 1959 250 Games of juniors of the USSR. In the first row L.Moseshvili, V.Altabaev, J.Djachkov, K.Jijikhia, K.Meskhishvili. The tenth at the left V.Goglidze. Riga, 1957 Vladimir Goglidze, Ina Didebulidze, Rena Abzhandadze 251 Vladimir Goglidze, Natasha Bikova - the well-known Russian tennis-player, Eduard Khanjan. Tashkent, 1984 My Friends - Vadim Malovichko, Tamaz (Parcho) Antadze 252 Ina Didebulidze, David Meskhi My friend Iva Gelashvili.Bakuruani 1960 Goga Shkhvatsabaia, Marina Mdivani Vladimir Goglidze. 1958 253 J.Siamashvili,V.Goglidze,D.Gogilashvili,A.Akhaladze Bill Cortny (US Ambassador in Georgia), Oleg Tinikashvili Abijan,1994. DAVIS CUP Right - my son Victor 254 Victor Goglidze, Ina Didebulidze, Vladimir Goglidze, Jna Khvatskja, Victor Saneev. Tbilisi, 2005 Archil Kekelia, Vladimir Goglidze, Victor Goglidze. Tbilisi, 2006 255 Georgian National Team. L.Oganezova, A.Ivanova, N.Katsia, R.Abzhandadze, V.Abashkini,V.Goglidze,V.Asatiani. Batumi, 1966 Irina Riazanova-Ermolova, Ala Ivanova 256 Alexsandr Metreveli with sons Alexandr and IrakliA Alexsandr Metreveli, Margaret Smith Vladimir Goglidze, Alexsandr Metreveli. Erevan, 1965 257 Davis Cup - the USSR - Germany. Alexandr Metreveli has won solving game. Dusseldorf, 1967 Alexandr Metreveli has won at Ricardo Gonzalez. First open Wimbledon - 1968 258 National team of Georgia the owner of a cup of the USSR. Gia Elerdashvili, Vladimir Peregudoff, Teimuraz Kakulia, Alexandr Metreveli, Mariam Kldiashvili (Coach) M.Kereselidze, V.Kandelaki, Y.Gegelashvili, T.Kakulia, G.Egnatashvili, D.Kereselidze, G.Sabashvili, I.Gogilashvili 259 Nino Tukhareli Rena Abzhandadze Irina Malatsidze Ana Dimitrieva, Irina Riazanova Victor Khurda Paata Sekhniashvili 260 Guram Kapanadze Oleg Tinikashvili Vladimir Gabrichidze 261 Marlen Kobalia, Avtandil Tsibadze Tengiz Lobzhanidze Rena Abzhandadze, Zureb Nizharadze, Ina Didebulidze Solomon Tukhareli Petre Metreveli Vladimir Peregudoff 262 National team of Georgia among juniors.D.Kacharava, V.Khurda, V.Gabrichidze, M.Sagaradze, M.Malatsidze, I.Malatsidze, I.Antonjan ,I.Geradze, R.Abzhandadze(Coach), G.Musaeljan(Coach).1981 National team of Georgia - the champion of the USSR among youth. I.Geradze, L.Meskhi, Kh.Trapaidze, E.Bokuchava, E.Tokhadze, I.Metreveli, V.Gabrichidze ,G.Mirianashvili, D.Kacharava, D.Kvaratsejhelia, G.Musaeljan, (Coach), V.Goglidze (Coach), A.Khutsishvili (Coach), T.Leius (Coach). 1985 263 Tennis players celebrate a victory of a national team of Georgia on youth games. 1985, DINAMO STADIUM National team of Georgia on Games of schoolboys Tashkent-1984. The first row V.Gabrichidze, D.Kacharava I.Metreveli, G.Mirianashvili, D.Kvaratskhelia, The second row G.Musaelian (Coach), O.Tukhareli, I.Geradze, L. Meskhi, Kh.Trapaidze, E.Bokuchava, V.Goglidze (Coach) 264 Nugzar Mdzinarishvili Leo Mdzinarishvili, Vladimir Serebrenikov, Irina Ermolova Teimuraz Kakulija has won a decisive match with the command of Czechoslovakia. Donetsk, 1974 265 Ala MIvanova, Margaret Smith. Moscow,1966 Marina Goglidze, Vladimir Goglidze.1961 Vladimir Goglidze. Peterburg,1969 V.Goglidze, T.Leius. Peterburg, 1969 Givi Akhaladze and australian Bob How.Tbilisi,1967 266 National team of academy of sciences of Georgia. Tallinn, 1970 Spectators on the international tournament 267 The championship of Georgia. 1953 Lado Meshishvili with a family The big friend to tennis players Valiko Kalmakhelidze V.Goglidze, P.Metreveli, L.Mdzinarishvili 268 Leila Meskhi Nino Luarsabishvili Ana Tatishvili 269 Davit Kacharava Roger Federer, Sandro Metreveli Nika Basilashvili Giorge Chanturia Eka Gorgodze 270 V.Goglidze, D.Gogilashvili, I.Siamashvili,A.Akhaladze,L.Gelashvili Abijani, 1994 . Davis Cup N.Esebua, M.Chaxkhnashvili, L.Zerekidze, S.Devidze 271 Irakli Ushangishvili Maka Chakhnashvili N.Elerdashvili, I.Labadze , N.Mdzinarishvili, I.Ushangishvili. Riga, 2003 George Khrikadze Lazare Kukhalashvili 272 Tinatin Kavlashvili Sofia Shapatava Sofia Kvatsabaia L Manana Shapakidze Oksana Kalashnikova Lado Cikhladze 273 Opening of tennis stadium in Telavi. 1982 Khatuna Kekelia The Olympic champion Elen Petushkova and Vladimir Goglidze L.Metreveli, I.Sikharulidze, Kh.Trapaidze, I.Geradze. Sukhumi, 1983 274 Marina Malacidze Givi Labadze, Vladimer Goglidze Grigol Garibashvili Khatuna Salukvadze Ana Tatishvili, Kris Evert, Sandro Metreveli 275 PPeugeot Cup - 2007, 2008 Irina Malatsidze, David Lanchava Lali Meskhi, Valery Chechelashvilii. Tbilisi, 2008 Irina Malatsidze, David Lanchava O.Tukhareli, M.Fridman, V.Chechelashvili Nukri Gongadze, Khatuna Kekelia 276 Ednar Diasamidze Alexsandr Gegechkori G..Khomeriki, T.Antadze, I.Antadze, K.Tskhakaia Zurab Kipiani D.Akhvlediani,T.Antadze,A.Gerasimov,I.Didebulidze,G.Khomeriki Nugzar Mdzinarishvili, Tamaz Gamkrelidze 277 Beso Chichinadze A.Gegetchkori, V.Goglidze, G.Gelashvili David Asatiani Mikhail Fridman, Geidar Palavandishvili Givi Kokaia, Leo Mdzinarishvili Zaur Kalichava, Gia Kinkladze. 2011 My Son - Victor Goglidze Powerful the tennis-player among amateurs Ia Salukvadze 278 The journalist Murman Chachua Veterans and amateurs, Masters 2010. I.Glonti, D.Oboladze, M.Fridman, G.Gelashvili. Vladimir Goglidze and Olimpic champion Sergei Bubka. Tbilisi, 2005 279 Givi Akhaladze, Leo Mdzinarishvili, Vladimir Goglidze Archil Kekelia with pupils Archil Kekelia 280 My friend chess maestro Shura Buslaev (1931-1981) My niece Katerina. 1967 Dinamo Stadium. Court N2. 1961 Multitime Champion of Armenia from Georgia Rafo Rafaeljan. Erevan,1965 281 My Sohn Victor Goglidze. 2011 My friend George Shkhvatsbaia My Grandsons Irakli (Bombor) and Gabriel. Dec 2011 282 The first rackets of the world (Men) Year Second name Year Second name 1913 Toni Wilding - Australia 1914 Moris Mcluglin - USA 1919 Jerarard Patersson - Ausvstralia 1920 Bill Tilden - USA 1921 Bill Tilden - USA 1922 Bill Tilden - USA 1923 Bill Tilden - USA 1924 Bill Tilden - USA 1925 Bill Tilden - USA 1926 Rene Lacoste - France 1927 Rene Lacoste - France 1928 Henri C ochet - France 1929 Henri C ochet - France 1930 Henri C ochet - France 1931 Henri C ochet - France 1932 Elsworth Vins - USA 1933 Jeck C rouford - Australia 1934 Fred Perry - England 1935 Fred Perry - England 1936 Fred Perry - England 1937 Don Budge - USA 1938 Don Budge - USA 1939 Bobby Riggs - USA 1946 Jack K ramer - USA 1947 Jack K ramer - USA 1948 Frank Parker - USA 1949 Ricardo (Pancho) Gonzalez - USA 1950 Edvard Patty - USA 1951 Frank Sajman - Australia 1952 Frank Sajman - Australia 1953 Tony Trabert - USA 1954 Jaroslav Drobny - England 1955 Tony Trabert - USA 1956 Lew Hoad - Australia 1957 Eshly C ooper - Australia 1958 Eshly C ooper - Australia 1959 N il Frazer - Australia 1960 N il Frazer - Australia 1961 Rod Laver - Australia 1962 Rod Laver - Australia 1963 Raphael O suna - Mexico 1964 Roy Emerson - Australia 1965 Roy Emerson - Australia 1966 Manolo Santana - Spain 1967 John N ewcomb - Australia 1968 Rod Laver - Australia 1969 Rod Laver - Australia 1970 John N ewcomb - Australia 1971 John N ewcomb - Australia 1972 Stan Smith - USA 1973 Ilie N astase - Romania 1974 Jimmy C onnors - USA 1975 Arthur Ashe - USA 1975 Jimmy C onnors - USA 1977 Bjorn Borg - Sweden 1978 Bjorn Borg - Sweden 1979 Bjorn Borg - Sweden 1980 Bjorn Borg - Sweden 1981 John Mcenroy - USA 1982 Jimmy C onnors - USA 1983 John Mcenroy - USA 1984 John Mcenroy - USA 1985 Ivan Lendl - USA 1986 Ivan Lendl - USA 1987 Ivan Lendl - USA 1988 Mats Wilander - Sweden 1989 Boris Becker - Germany 1990 Stefan Edbergi - Sweden 1991 Stefan Edbergi - Sweden 1992 Jim K urier - USA 1993 Pete Sampras - USA 1994 Pete Sampras - USA 1995 Pete Sampras - USA 1996 Pete Sampras - USA 1997 Pete Sampras - USA 1998 Pete Sampras - USA 1999 Andre Agassi - USA 2000 Gustavo K uerten - Brasil 2001 Leiton Hewitt - Australia 2002 Leiton Hewitt - Australia 2003 Andy Roddick - USA 2004 Roger Federer - Swizerland 2005 Roger Federer - Swizerland 2006 Roger Federer - Swizerland 2007 Roger Federer - Swizerland 2008 Raphael N adal - Spain 2009 Roger Federer - Swizerland 2010 Raphael N adal - Spain 2011 N ovak Djokovic - Serbia 2012 283 The first rackets of the world (Women) Year Second name Year Second name 19 2 1 Suzan Lenglen - France 1922 ------- 19 2 3 ------- 1924 ------- 19 2 5 Suzan Lenglen - France 1926 Suzan Lenglen - France 19 2 7 Helen Wills - USA 1928 Helen Wills - USA 19 2 9 Helen Wills - USA 1930 Helen Wills - USA 19 3 1 Helen Wills - USA 1932 Helen Wills - USA 19 3 3 Helen Wills - USA 1934 Doroti Round - England 19 3 6 Helen Wills - USA 1936 Helen Jakobs - USA 19 3 7 Anita Lizana - Chilie 1938 Helen Wills - USA 19 3 9 Elis Marbl - USA 1946 Poulin Betz - USA 19 4 7 Margaret O sborn Dupon - USA 1948 Margaret O sborn Dupon - USA 19 4 9 Margaret O sborn Dupon - USA 1950 Margaret O sborn Dupon - USA 19 5 1 Doris Hart - USA 1952 Mourin Connoly - USA 19 5 3 Mourin Connoly - USA 1954 Mourin Connoly - USA 19 5 5 Luiz Brow - USA 1956 Shirley Fri - USA 19 5 7 Althea Gibson - USA 1958 Althea Gibson - USA 19 5 9 Maria Bueno - Brasil 1960 Maria Bueno - Brasil 19 6 1 Anjela Mortimer - England 1962 Margaret Smith - Australia 19 6 3 Margaret Smith - Australia 1964 Margaret Smith - Australia 19 6 5 Margaret Smith - Australia 1966 Billy K ing - USA 19 6 7 Billy K ing - USA 1968 Billy K ing - USA 19 6 9 Margaret Smith - Australia 1970 Margaret Smith - Australia 19 7 1 Billy K ing - USA 1972 Billy K ing - USA 19 7 3 Margaret Smith - Australia 1974 Billy K ing - USA 19 7 5 K ris Evert - USA 1976 K ris Evert - USA 19 7 7 Martina N avratilova - USA 1978 Martina N avratilova - USA 19 7 9 Martina N avratilova - USA 1980 Martina N avratilova - USA 19 8 1 Treisi O stin - USA 1982 Martina N avratilova - USA 19 8 3 Martina N avratilova - USA 1984 Martina N avratilova - USA 19 8 5 Martina N avratilova - USA 1986 Martina N avratilova - USA 19 8 7 Steffi Graf - Germany 1988 Steffi Graf - Germany 19 8 9 Steffi Graf - Germany 1990 Monika Selesh - USA 19 9 1 Monika Selesh - USA 1992 Monika Selesh - USA 19 9 3 Steffi Graf - Germany 1994 Arantxa Sanches Vikario - Spain 19 9 5 Steffi Graf - Germany 1996 Steffi Graf - Germany 19 9 7 Martina Hingis - Swizerland 1998 Martina Hingis - Swizerland 19 9 9 martina hingisi - Sveicaria 2000 Martina Hingis - Swizerland 2001 Martina Hingis - Swizerland 2002 Serena Williams - USA 2003 Jastin Henin - Belgium 2004 Lindsey Davenport - USA 2005 Lindsey Davenport - USA 2006 Jastin Henin - Belgium 2007 Jastin Henin - Belgium 2008 Elen Jankovic - Serbia 2009 Serena Williams - USA 2 0 10 Caroline Wozniacki - Danmark 2011 Caroline Woziacki 2 0 12 284 Results of tournamens “Grand Slam” The Australian Open is managed by Tennis Australia, formerly the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia (LTAA), and was first played at the Warehouseman's Cricket Ground in St Kilda Road, Melbourne in 1905. This facility is now known as Albert Reserve Tennis Centre. The tournament was first known as the Australasian Championships and then became the Australian Championships, in 1927, and the Australian Open in 1969. Since 1905, the Australian Open has been staged in five Australian and two New Zealand cities as follows: Melbourne (54 times), Sydney (17 times), Adelaide (14 times), Brisbane (7 times), Perth (3 times), Christchurch (in 1906), and Hastings (in 1912). In 1972, when it was decided to stage the tournament in the same city each year, the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club was selected because Melbourne attracted the biggest patronage.Trough started in 1905, the tournament was not designated as being a major championship until 1924, by the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF) in a 1923 meeting. The tournament committee changed the structure of the tournament to include seeding at that time. Melbourne Park (formerly Flinders Park) was constructed for the 1988 tournament to meet the demands of a tournament that had outgrown Kooyong's capacity. The move to Melbourne Park was an immediate success, with a 90 per cent increase in attendance in 1988 (266,436) on the previous year at Kooyong (140,000). List of Australian Open Men's Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Rodney Heath Anthony Wilding Horace Rice Fred Alexander Anthony Wilding Rodney Heath Norman Brookes Cecil Parke E. F. Parker Arthur O’Hara Wood Francis Lowe no competition no competition no competition A. R. F. Kingscote Pat O’Hara Wood Rhys Gemmell James Anderson Pat O’Hara Wood James Anderson James Anderson John Hawkes Gerald Patterson Jean Borotra John Gregory Gar Moon A. H. Curtis F. M. B. Fisher H. A. Parker A. W. Dunlop E. F. Parker Horace Rice Horace Rice A. E. Beamish H. A. Parker Gerald Patterson Horace Rice World War I World War I World War I E. O. Pockley R. V. Thomas A. Hedeman Gerald Patterson C. B. St John R. E. Schlesinger Gerald Patterson J. Willard John Hawkes R. O. Cummings R. E. Schlesinger Harry Hopman 285 Score 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-0 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-4 3-6 3-6 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-1 7-5 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 3-6 6-3 1-6 6-1 7-5 2-6 6-1 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-3 5-7 6-1 4-6 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-0 6-3 6-3 4-6 6-8 6-1 6-3 7-5 6-1 6-4 6-0 3-6 3-6 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-4 3-6 5-7 6-3 11-9 2-6 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-1 3-6 6-4 3-6 18-16 6-3 6-4 6-1 4-6 5-7 6-3 6-2 6-2 5-7 7-5 6-3 6-1 6-3 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 Jack Crawford Jack Crawford Jack Crawford Fred Perry Jack Crawford Adrian Quist V. B. McGrath Don Budge John Bromwich Adrian Quist no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition John Bromwich Dinny Pails Adrian Quist Frank Sedgman Frank Sedgman Dick Savitt Ken McGregor Ken Rosewall Mervyn Rose Ken Rosewall Lew Hoad Ashley Cooper Ashley Cooper Alex Olmedo Rod Laver Roy Emerson Rod Laver Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Roy Emerson Bill Bowrey Rod Laver Arthur Ashe Ken Rosewall Ken Rosewall John Newcombe Jimmy Connors John Newcombe Mark Edmondson Roscoe Tanner Vitas Gerulaitis Guillermo Vilas Harry Hopman Harry Hopman K. Gledhill Jack Crawford Fred Perry Jack Crawford John Bromwich John Bromwich Adrian Quist Jack Cawford World War II World War II World War II World War II World War II Dinny Pails John Bromwich John Bromwich John Bromwich Ken McGregor Ken McGregor Frank Sedgman Mervyn Rose R. N. Hartwig Lew Hoad Ken Rosewall Neale Fraser M.J. Anderson Neale Fraser Neale Fraser Rod Laver Roy Emerson K. N. Fletcher Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Arthur Ashe Arthur Ashe J. M. Gisbert Andrés Gimeno R. D. Crealy Arthur Ashe Mal Anderson O. Parun P. Dent Jimmy Connors John Newcombe Guillermo Vilas John Lloyd J. Marks 286 6-4 6-2 2-6 6-1 4-6 6-3 3-6 6-3 2-6 7-5 6-3 6-2 6-3 7-5 6-1 2-6 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-3 4-6 3-6 9-7 6-3 1-6 6-0 2-6 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-1 6-2 5-7 6-3 7-5 3-6 6-2 4-6 6-4 3-6 7-5 8-6 6-4 3-6 6-3 2-6 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-4 4-6 6-1 6-3 2-6 6-3 6-1 7-5 12-10 2-6 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-4 6-2 0-6 6-4 6-2 9-7 6-4 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-4 7-5 6-3 9-11 6-4 6-2 7-5 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-2 3-6 6-3 5-7 3-6 6-3 8-6 8-6 1-6 6-3 7-5 6-4 8-6 0-6 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-2 7-9 2-6 6-4 7-5 6-1 6-4 6-8 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-4 7-5 2-6 9-7 6-4 6-3 6-4 7-5 6-4 9-7 6-2 6-1 7-5 6-3 7-6 6-3 7-5 6-3 6-7 7-5 6-1 7-6 6-4 4-6 6-3 7-5 3-6 6-4 7-5 6-7 6-3 7-6 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-3 (January) 6-3 7-6 5-7 3-6 6-2 (December) 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-3 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Guillermo Vilas Brian Teacher Johan Kriek Johan Kriek Mats Wilander Mats Wilander Stefan Edberg no competition Stefan Edberg Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Boris Becker Jim Courier Jim Courier Pete Sampras Andre Agassi Boris Becker Pete Sampras Petr Korda Yevgeny Kafelnikov Andre Agassi Andre Agassi J. Sadri K. Warwick S. Denton S. Denton Ivan Lendl Kevin Curren Mats Wilander Date change Pat Cash Pat Cash Miloslav Mecir Stefan Edberg Ivan Lendl Stefan Edberg Stefan Edberg Todd Martin Pete Sampras Michael Chang Carlos Moyá Marcelo Ríos Thomas Enqvist Yevgeny Kafelnikov Arnaud Cleman 2002 2003 2004 Thomas Johansson Andre Agassi Roger Federer Marat Safin Rainer Schuttler Marat Safin 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Marat Safin Roger Federer Roger Federer Novak Djokovic Raphael Nadal Roger Federer Lleiton Hewitt Marcos Bagdadis Fernando Gonzales Jo Wilfrid Tsonga Roger Federer Andy Murrey 2011 Novak Djokovic Andy Murrey 7-6 6-3 6-2 7-5 7-6 6-3 6-2 7-6 6-7 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-7 6-4 7-6 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-4 3-6 5-7 6-3 6-3 6-7 3-6 6-1 8-6 6-2 6-2 6-2 4-6 7-6 5-2 RET 1-6 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-3 3-6 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-1 2-6 7-5 7-6 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-1 7-6 6-4 6-2 6-4 2-6 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-2 4-6 6-0 6-3 7-6 3-6 6-3 6-2 6-4 6/4 6/2 6/2 3- 6 6-4 7-6 7-6 6-2 6-2 6-1 7-6 6-4 6-2 5-7 6-4 6-0 6-4 7-6 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-4 6-3 7-6 7-5 3-6 7-6 3-6 6-3 6-3 6-4 7-6 6/4 6/2 6/3 List of Australian Open Women’s Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up Score 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Margaret Molesworth Margaret Molesworth Sylvia Lance Harper Daphne Akhurst Cozens Daphne Akhurst Cozens Esna Boyd Robertson Daphne Akhurst Cozens Daphne Akhurst Cozens Daphne Akhurst Cozens Coral McInnes Buttsworth Esna Boyd Robertson Esna Boyd Robertson Esna Boyd Robertson Esna Boyd Robertson Esna Boyd Robertson Sylvia Lance Harper Esna Boyd Robertson Louise Bickerton Sylvia Lance Harper Marjorie Cox Crawford 6-3, 10-8 6-1, 7-5 6-3, 3-6, 8-6 1-6, 8-6, 6-4 6-1, 6-3 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 7-5, 6-2 6-1, 5-7, 6-2 10-8, 2-6, 7-5 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 287 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Joan Hartigan Nancye Wynne Dorothy Bundy Emily Wood Westacott Nancye Wynne no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition Nancye Wynne Bolton Nancye Wynne Bolton Nancye Wynne Bolton Doris Hart Louise Brough Nancye Wynne Bolton Thelma Coyne Long Maureen Connolly Thelma Coyne Long Beryl Penrose Mary Carter Shirley Fry Angela Mortimer Mary Carter Reitano Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Nancy Richey Billie Jean King Margaret Smith Court Margaret Smith Court Margaret Smith Court Virginia Wade Margaret Smith Court Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Kerry Melville Reid Evonne Goolagong Cawley Christine O’Neill Barbara Jordan Hana Mandlikova Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Lloyd Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Lloyd Nancye Wynne Emily Hood Westacott Dorothy Stevenson Nell Hall Hopman Thelma Coyne World War II World War II World War II World War II World War II Joyce Fitch Nell Hall Hopman Marie Toomey Nancye Wynne Bolton Doris Hart Thelma Coyne Long Helen Angwin Julie Sampson Jenny Staley Thelma Coyne Long Thelma Coyne Long Althea Gibson Lorraine Coghlan Renee Schuurman Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Jan Lehane Lesley Turner Maria Bueno Nancy Richey Lesley Turner Margaret Smith Billie Jean King Kerry Melville Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Chris Evert Martina Navratilova Renata Tomanova Dianne Fromholtz Balestrat Helen Gourlay Cawley Betsy Nagelsen Sharon Walsh Wendy Turnbull Chris Evert Lloyd Martina Navratilova Kathy Jordan Helena Sukova 288 6-4 6-4 6-3 5-7 6-4 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-2 5-7 6-4 6-0 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-4 6-1 7-5 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-3 3-6 6-2 9-7 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-3 7-5 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-2 5-7 6-4 5-2 RET w/o 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-3 2-6 7-6 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-4 7-5 7-6 4-6 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-2 7-5 6-2 (Jan) 6-3 6-0 (Dec) 6-3 7-6 6-3 6-3 6-0 7-5 6-7 6-4 7-5 6-3 2-6 6-3 6-2 7-6 6-7 6-1 6-3 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Martina Navratilova no competition Hana Mandlikova Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Mary Pierce Monica Seles Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Lindsay Davenport Jennifer Capriati Jennifer Capriati Serena Williams Justine Henin-Hardenne Serena Williams Amelie Mauresmo Serena Williams Maria Sharapova Serena Williams Serena Williams Kim Clijsters Chris Evert Lloyd Date change Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Helena Sukova Mary Joe Fernández Jana Novotna Mary Joe Fernández Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Anke Huber Mary Pierce Conchita Martínez Amélie Mauresmo Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Venus Williams Kim Clijsters Lindsay Davenport Justine Henin-Hardenne Maria Sharapova Ana Ivanovic Dinara Safina Justine Henin Li Na 6-2 4-6 6-2 7-5 7-6(1) 6-1 7-6(3) 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 5-7 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-3 6-1 7-5 6-4 6-3 4-6 7-6(7) 6-2 7-6(4) 3-6 6-4 6-3 4-6 6-3 2-6 6-3 6-0 6-2 2-0... 6-1 6-2 7-5 6-3 6-0 6-3 6-4 3-6 6-2 3/6 6/3 6/3 French Champioships This article is about the tennis tournament. For the French aviator for whom it is named, see Roland Garros (aviator).. The French Open (French: Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros or Tournoi de Roland-Garros, is a major tennis tournament held over two weeks between late May and early June in Paris, France, at the Stade Roland Garros. It is the second of the Grand Slam tournaments on the annual tennis calendar and the premier clay court tennis tournament in the world. Roland Garros is the only Grand Slam still held on clay and ends the spring clay court season. 289 the Grand Slam tournaments on the annual tennis calendar and the premier clay court tennis tournament in the world. Roland Garros is the only Grand Slam still held on clay and ends the spring clay court season. It is one of the most prestigious events in tennis, and it has the widest worldwide broadcasting and audience of all regular events in this sport. Because of the slow playing surface and the five-set men’s singles matches without a tiebreak in the final set, the event is widely considered to be the most physically demanding tennis tournament in the world. The reigning current champions in singles are Rafael Nadal for the men and Francesca Schiavone for the women at the 2010 French Open. Officially named in French Les Internationaux de France de Roland Garros or Tournoi de Roland-Garros (the “French Internationals of Roland Garros” or “Roland Garros Tournament” in English), the tournament is often referred to as the “French Open” and always as “Roland Garros” in French. A French national tournament began in 1891, that was open only to tennis players who were members of French clubs. It was known as the Championnat de France International de Tennis. The first women’s tournament was held in 1897. This ‘French club members only’ tournament was played until 1924. Another tournament, the World Hard Court Championships held on Clay courts at Stade Français in Saint Cloud, which was played from 1912 to 1923 (except the war years), is often considered as the precursor to Roland Garros as it was open to international competitors. Winners of this tournament included world number #1’s such as Tony Wilding (1913, 1914) and Bill Tilden (1921). In 1924 there was no World Hard Court Championships due to the tennis being played at the Paris Olympic Games. In 1925, the French Championships opened itself to international competitors with the event held on a grass surface[citation needed] alternately between the Racing Club de France and the Stade Français.After the Mousquetaires or Philadelphia Four (René Lacoste, Jean Borotra, Henri Cochet, and Jacques Brugnon) won the Davis Cup on American soil in 1927, the French decided to defend the cup in 1928 at a new tennis stadium at Porte d’Auteuil. The Stade de France had offered the tennis authorities three hectares of land with the condition that the new stadium must be named after the World War I pilot, Roland Garros. The new Stade de Roland Garros, and its Center Court, which was named Court Philippe Chatrier in 1988, hosted that Davis Cup challenge. From 1945 through 1947, the French Championships were held after Wimbledon, making it the third Grand Slam event of the year. In 1968, the French Championships became the first Grand Slam tournament to go open, allowing both amateurs and professionals to compete. Since 1981, new prizes have been presented: the Prix Orange (for the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship and cooperative attitude with the press), the Prix Citron (for the player with the strongest character and personality) and the Prix Bourgeon (for the tennis player revelation of the year). Another novelty, since 2006 the tournament has begun on a Sunday, featuring 12 singles matches played on the three main courts. Additionally, on the eve of the tournament’s opening, the traditional Benny Berthet exhibition day takes place, where the profits go to different charity associations. In March 2007, it was announced that the event will provide equal prize money for both men and women in all rounds for the first time ever.In 2010, it was announced that the French Open was considering a move away from Roland Garros as part of a continuing rejuvenation of the Location Paris (XVIe) Venue Stade Français (1891–1927)Stade Roland Garros (1928–present) Surface Grass (1891–1927) Clay (1928–present) (Outdoors) Men’s draw 128S / 128Q / 64D (2009) France Women’s draw 128S / 96Q / 64D (2009) Prize money ˆ 16,150,460 (2009) 290 List of French Open Men's Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Jean Borotra René Lacoste Bill Tilden René Lacoste Jean Borotra Bill Tilden Christian Boussus Giorgio de Stefani Henri Cochet Jack Crawford Gottfried von Cramm Fred Perry Henry Austin Roderik Menzel Bobby Riggs René Lacoste Henri Cochet René Lacoste Henri Cochet René Lacoste Henri Cochet Jean Borotra Henri Cochet Jack Crawford Gottfried von Cramm Fred Perry Gottfried von Cramm Henner Henkel Don Budge Don McNeill no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition Marcel Bernard Jozsef Asboth Frank Parker Frank Parker Budge Patty Jaroslav Drobny Jaroslav Drobny Ken Rosewall Tony Trabert Tony Trabert Lew Hoad Sven Davidson Mervyn Rose Nicola Pietrangeli Nicola Pietrangeli Manuel Santana Rod Laver Roy Emerson Manuel Santana Fred Stolle Tony Roche Roy Emerson Ken Rosewall Rod Laver Jaroslav Drobny Eric Sturgess Jaroslav Drobny Budge Patty Jaroslav Drobny Eric Sturgess Frank Sedgman Vic Seixas Art Larsen Sven Davidson Sven Davidson Herbert Flam Luis Ayala Ian Vermaak Luis Ayala Nicola Pietrangeli Roy Emerson Pierre Darmon Nicola Pietrangeli Tony Roche Istvan Guylas Tony Roche Rod Laver Ken Rosewall 291 Score 7-5 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-4 4-6 5-7 6-3 11-9 5-7 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-3 2-6 6-0 2-6 8-6 3-6 8-6 6-3 6-1 2-6 6-4 7-5 6-4 6-0 6-4 4-6 6-3 8-6 6-1 6-3 6-4 7-9 3-6 7-5 6-3 6-3 3-6 6-1 6-3 6-0 2-6 6-2 2-6 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-0 6-3 3-6 2-6 6-1 6-4 6-3 8-6 7-5 6-4 6-4 7-5 5-7 8-6 6-3 1-6 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-2 3-6 5-7 7-5 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-0 3-6 6-4 6-3 6-4 1-6 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-1 2-6 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 8-6 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-3 6-4 6-1 3-6 6-3 6-4 4-6 6-3 4-6 6-1 3-6 6-0 6-2 3-6 2-6 6-3 9-7 6-2 3-6 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-1 4-6 7-5 3-6 6-0 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-4 7-5 6-1 6-4 2-6 6-2 6-3 6-1 2-6 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-4 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Jan Kodes Jan Kodes Andrés Gimeno Ilie Nastase Björn Borg Björn Borg Adriano Panatta Guillermo Vilas Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Mats Wilander Yannick Noah Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Michael Chang Andrés Gómez Jim Courier Jim Courier Sergi Bruguera Sergi Bruguera Thomas Muster Yevgeny Kafelnikov Gustavo Kuerten Carlos Moya Andre Agassi Gustavo Kuerten Gustavo Kuerten Alberto Costa Juan Carlos Ferrero Gastón Gaudio Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Rafael Nadal 2011 Rafael Nadal Zeljko Franulovic Ilie Nastase Patrick Proisy Niki Pilic Manuel Orantes Guillermo Vilas Harold Solomon Brian Gottfried Guillermo Vilas Víctor Pecci Vitas Gerulaitis Ivan Lendl Guillermo Vilas Mats Wilander John McEnroe Ivan Lendl Mikael Pernfors Mats Wilander Henri Leconte Stefan Edberg Andre Agassi Andre Agassi Petr Korda Jim Courier Alberto Berasategui Michael Chang Michael Stich Sergi Bruguera Alex Corretja Andrei Medvedev Magnus Norman Alex Corretja Juan Carlos Ferrero Martin Verkerk Guillermo Coria Mariano Puerta Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Robin Soderlig Robin Soderling Roger Fedrer 6-2 6-4 6-4 8-6 6-2 2-6 7-5 4-6 6-3 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-0 6-7 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-4 4-6 7-6 6-0 6-3 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-1 6-7 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-1 4-6 6-2 3-6 6-1 1-6 7-6 6-0 6-4 6-2 7-5 7-6 3-6 2-6 6-4 7-5 7-5 3-6 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-2 3-6 7-6 7-5 6-2 6-1 6-1 3-6 4-6 6-4 6-2 6-3 2-6 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-4 2-6 6-1 6-4 7-5 6-2 6-1 6-4 2-6 6-2 3-6 6-3 6-3 7-5 2-6 6-1 7-5 6-2 6-4 7-6 7-5 7-6 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-3 7-5 6-3 1-6 2-6 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-3 2-6 7-6(6) 6-7(3) 7-5 6-2 6-0 6-1 6-0 4-6 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-2 0-6 3-6 6-4 6-1 8-6 6-7(6) 6-3 6-1 7-5 1/6, 6/1, 6/4 7/6(5) 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-0 6-1 7-6 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-4 7/5 7/6 5/7 6/1 List of French Open Women's Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up Score 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Kitty McKane Mary Browne Irene Peacock Eileen Bennett Simone Mathieu Helen Hull Jacobs Betty Nuthall 292 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-1 8-6 6-1 Suzanne Lenglen Suzanne Lenglen Kea Bouman Helen Wills Moody Helen Wills Moody Helen Wills Moody Cilly Aussem 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Helen Wills Moody Margaret Scriven Margaret Scriven Hilde Sperling Hilde Sperling Hilde Sperling Simone Mathieu Simone Mathieu no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition no competition Margaret Osborne Pat Todd Nelly Landry Margaret Osborne duPont Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Angela Mortimer Althea Gibson Shirley Bloomer Zsuzsi Kormoczy Christine Truman Darlene Hard Ann Haydon Margaret Smith Lesley Turner Margaret Smith Lesley Turner Ann Haydon Jones Francoise Durr Nancy Richey Margaret Smith Court Margaret Smith Court Evonne Goolagong Billie Jean King Margaret Smith Court Chris Evert Chris Evert Sue Barker Mima Jausovec Virginia Ruzici Chris Evert Chris Evert Hana Mandlikova Simone Mathieu Simone Mathieu Helen Hull Jacobs Simone Mathieu Simone Mathieu Simone Mathieu Nelly Landry Jadwiga Jedrzejowska 7-5 6-1 6-2 4-6 6-4 7-5 4-6 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-3 6-3 8-6 Pauline Betz Doris Hart Shirley Fry Nelly Adamson Pat Todd Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart Ginette Bucaille Dorothy Knode Angela Mortimer Dorothy Knode Shirley Bloomer Zsuzsi Kormoczy Yola Ramírez Yola Ramírez Lesley Turner Ann Haydon Jones Maria Bueno Margaret Smith Nancy Richey Lesley Turner Ann Haydon Jones Ann Haydon Jones Helga Niessen Helen Gourlay Evonne Goolagong Chris Evert Olga Morozova Martina Navratilova Renata Tomanova Florenta Mihai Mima Jausovec Wendy Turnbull Virginia Ruzici Sylvia Hanika 1-6 8-6 7-5 6-3 3-6 6-4 6-2 0-6 6-0 7-5 6-2 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-3 3-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-1 2-6 7-5 10-8 6-0 12-10 6-1 6-3 6-4 1-6 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-3 3-6 7-5 2-6 6-3 7-5 5-7 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-1 4-6 6-3 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-1 6-1 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-3 6-3 6-7 7-6 6-4 6-1 6-2 2-6 6-2 6-1 6-2 0-6 6-2 6-2 6-7 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-4 293 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Chris Evert Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Arantxa Sanchez Vicario Monica Seles Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Iva Majoli Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Mary Pierce Jennifer Capriati Serena Williams Justine Henin-Hardenne Anastasia Myskina Justine Henin-Hardenne Justine Henin-Hardenne Justine Henin-Hardenne Ana Ivanovic Svetlana Kuztetsova Francheska Sciavone Li Na Andrea Jaeger Mima Jausovec Chris Evert Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Natasha Zvereva Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Mary Joe Fernández Mary Pierce Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Martina Hingis Monica Seles Martina Hingis Conchita Martínez Kim Clijsters Venus Williams Kim Clijsters Elena Dementieva Mary Pierce Svetlana Kuznetsova Ana Ivanovic Dinara Safina Dinara Safina Samanta Stosur Francheska Sciavone 7-6 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-7(4) 7-5 2-6 6-3 6-3 6-4 4-6 8-6 6-0 6-0 7-6(6) 3-6 7-5 7-6(6) 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 3-6 10-8 4-6 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-4 7-5 4-6 6-0 6-3 6-7(4) 10-8 6-4 6-2 7-6(5) 0-6 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-2 6-2 7-5 1-6 6-4 12-10 7-5 6-3 6-0 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-4 7-5 6/4 7/6 Wimbledon The Championships, Wimbledon, or simply Wimbledon, is the oldest tennis tournament in the world and is considered the most prestigious. It has been held at the All England Club in the London suburb of Wimbledon since 1877. It is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, and the only one still played on the game’s original surface, grass, which gave the game of lawn tennis its name. The tournament takes place over two weeks in late June and early July, culminating with the ladies’ and gentlemen’s singles final, scheduled respectively for the second Saturday and Sunday. Each year, five major events are contested, as well as four junior events and four invitational events. 294 The hard court Australian Open and clay court French Open precede Wimbledon in the calendar year. The hard court US Open follows. For men, the grass court AEGON Championships, also in London, as well as the Gerry Weber Open in Halle, Germany, serve as respective warm-up events. For women, the AEGON Classic in Birmingham and 2 joint events, the UNICEF Open in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands and the AEGON International Eastbourne serve as warm-up events to Wimbledon. Wimbledon traditions include a strict dress code for competitors, the eating of strawberries and cream, and royal patronage. In 2009, Wimbledon’s Centre Court was fitted with a retractable roof to prevent rain delaying and interrupting Centre Court matches during the History The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club is a private club founded in 1868, originally as ‘The All England Croquet Club’. Its first ground was situated off Worple Road, Wimbledon. In 1875, lawn tennis, a game devised by Major Walter Clopton Wingfield a year or so earlier and originally called ‘Sphairistike’, was added to the activities of the club. In the spring of 1877, the club was re-titled ‘The All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club’ and signalled its change of name by instituting the first Lawn Tennis Championship. A new code of laws (replacing the code until then administered by the Marylebone Cricket Club) was drawn up for the event. Today’s rules are similar except for details such as the height of the net and posts and the distance of the service line from the net. The only event held in 1877 was the Gentlemen’s Singles, which was won by Spencer Gore, an old Harrovian rackets player, from a field of 22. About 200 spectators paid one shilling each to watch the final. The lawns at the ground were arranged so that the principal court was located in the middle with the others arranged around it; hence the title ‘Centre Court’, which was retained when the Club moved in 1922 to the present site in Church Road, although not a true description of its location. However, in 1980 four new courts were brought into commission on the north side of the ground, which meant the Centre Court was once more correctly defined. The opening of the new No. 1 Court in 1997 emphasised the description. By 1882, activity at the club was almost exclusively confined to lawn tennis and that year the word ‘croquet’ was dropped from the title. However, for sentimental reasons, it was restored in 1889 and since then the title has remained The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. In 1884, the All England Club added ladies’ singles and gentlemen’s doubles. Ladies’ doubles and mixed doubles were added in 1913. Until 1922, the reigning champion had to play only in the final, against whoever had won through to challenge him. As with the other three Grand Slam events, Wimbledon was contested by top-ranked amateur players until the advent of the open era in tennis in 1968. No British man has won the singles event at Wimbledon since Fred Perry in 1936 and no British woman has won the Ladies Singles since Virginia Wade in 1977, although Annabel Croft and Laura Robson won the girls’ championship in 1984 and 2008, respectively. The Championship was first televised in 1937. Location Wimbledon, London Borough of MertonUK Venue The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Surface Grass / Outdoor (Except Centre Court during rain and consequently bad light when roof is already in play) Men’s draw 128S (128Q) / 64D (16Q) Women’s draw 128S (96Q) / 64D (16Q) Mixed draw 48D 295 List of Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up 1877 Spencer Gore 1878 Frank Hadow John Hartley 1880 John Hartley William Marshall Spencer Gore Vere St. Leger Goold Herbert Lawford 6-1 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-1 9-7 1879 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-2 2-6 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 John Hartley Ernest Renshaw Ernest Renshaw Herbert Lawford Herbert Lawford Herbert Lawford Ernest Renshaw Herbert Lawford Ernest Renshaw William Renshaw Joshua Pim Joshua Pim Wilfred Baddeley Wilfred Baddeley Wilberforce Eaves Wilfred Baddeley Harold Mahoney Lawrence Doherty Arthur Gore Sidney Smith Reginald Doherty Arthur Gore Frank Riseley Frank Riseley Norman Brookes Frank Riseley Arthur Gore H. Roper Barrett Josiah Ritchie Arthur Gore H. Roper Barrett Arthur Gore Maurice McLoughlin Anthony Wilding 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-1 2-6 4-6 6-2 6-2 2-6 6-3 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-0 6-4 9-7 7-5 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-0 5-7 6-3 6-4 1-6 6-3 3-6 6-4 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-0 6-4 6-1 3-6 6-0 6-8 6-2 3-6 6-1 6-1 6-4 1-6 7-5 6-0 4-6 6-3 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-1 6-3 6-2 10-8 6-2 8-6 4-6 2-6 8-6 6-2 6-3 6-2 6-8 5-7 8-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-3 2-6 5-7 6-1 1-6 4-6 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-8 6-3 6-1 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-3 3-6 6-0 7-5 6-3 6-0 6-1 7-5 8-6 8-6 6-2 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-2 4-6 3-6 6-4 6-8 1-6 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-4 7-5 4-6 6-2 6-4 4-6 2-6 6-2 RET 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-4 8-6 6-3 10-8 6-4 6-4 7-5 William Renshaw William Renshaw William Renshaw William Renshaw William Renshaw William Renshaw Herbert Lawford Ernest Renshaw William Renshaw Willoughby Hamilton Wilfred Baddeley Wilfred Baddeley Joshua Pim Joshua Pim Wilfred Baddeley Harold Mahoney Reginald Doherty Reginald Doherty Reginald Doherty Reginald Doherty Arthur Gore Lawrence Doherty Lawrence Doherty Lawrence Doherty Lawrence Doherty Lawrence Doherty Norman Brookes Arthur Gore Arthur Gore Anthony Wilding Anthony Wilding Anthony Wilding Anthony Wilding Norman Brookes no competition no competition no competition no competition Gerald Patterson Bill Tilden Norman Brookes Gerald Patterson 296 Score 6-3 7-5 6-2 2-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 1921 Bill Tilden 1922 Gerald Patterson 1923 Bill Johnston 1924 Jean Borotra 1925 René Lacoste 1926 Jean Borotra 1927 Henri Cochet 1928 René Lacoste 1929 Henri Cochet 1930 Bill Tilden 1931 Sid Wood 1932 Ellsworth Vines 1933 Jack Crawford 1934 Fred Perry 1935 Fred Perry 1936 Fred Perry 1937 Don Budge 1938 Don Budge 1939 Bobby Riggs 1940 no competition 1941 no competition 1942 no competition 1943 no competition 1944 no competition 1945 no competition 1946 Yvon Petra 1947 Jack Kramer 1948 Bob Falkenburg 1949 Ted Schroeder 1950 Budge Patty 1951 Dick Savitt 1952 Frank Sedgman 1953 Vic Seixas 1954 Jaroslav Drobny 1955 Tony Trabert 1956 Lew Hoad 1957 Lew Hoad 1958 Ashley Cooper 1959 Alex Olmedo 1960 Neale Fraser 1961 Rod Laver 1962 Rod Laver 1963 Chuck McKinley 1964 Roy Emerson 1965 Roy Emerson 1966 Manuel Santana 1967 John Newcombe 1968 Rod Laver 1969 Rod Laver 1970 John Newcombe Brian Norton Randolph Lycett Frank Hunter René Lacoste Jean Borotra Howard Kinsey Jean Borotra Henri Cochet Jean Borotra Wilmer Allison, Jr. Francis Shields Henry Wilfred Austin Ellsworth Vines Jack Crawford Gottfried von Cramm Gottfried von Cramm Gottfried von Cramm Bunny Austin Elwood Cooke Geoff Brown Tom Brown John Bromwich Jaroslav Drobny Frank Sedgman Ken McGregor Jaroslav Drobny Kurt Nielsen Ken Rosewall Kurt Nielsen Ken Rosewall Ashley Cooper Neale Fraser Rod Laver Rod Laver Chuck McKinley Marty Mulligan Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Fred Stolle Dennis Ralston WilheP P. Bungert Tony Roche John Newcombe Ken Rosewall 297 4-6 2-6 6-1 6-0 7-5 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-1 6-1 3-6 6-1 3-6 6-4 6-3 6-3 4-6 8-6 8-6 6-1 6-3 4-6 4-6 6-3 6-4 7-5 6-1 4-6 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-3 9-7 6-4 w/o 6-4 6-2 6-0 4-6 11-9 6-2 2-6 6-4 6-3 6-0 7-5 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-3 2-6 8-6 3-6 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-4 7-9 5-7 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-2 7-5 0-6 6-2 3-6 7-5 3-6 6-0 6-3 4-6 6-4 6-1 8-10 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-3 6-2 9-7 6-3 6-4 13-11 4-6 6-2 9-7 6-3 7-5 6-1 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-2 3-6 6-3 6-4 13-11 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-4 3-6 9-7 7-5 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-1 9-7 6-1 6-4 6-1 12-10 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-4 11-9 6-4 6-3 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-4 5-7 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-1 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 John Newcombe Stan Smith Jan Kodes Jimmy Connors Arthur Ashe Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg Björn Borg John McEnroe Jimmy Connors John McEnroe John McEnroe Boris Becker Boris Becker Pat Cash Stefan Edberg Boris Becker Stefan Edberg Michael Stich Andre Agassi Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Richard Krajicek Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Goran Ivanisevic Lleyton Hewitt Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Novak Djokovic Stan Smith Ilie Nastase Alex Metreveli Ken Rosewall Jimmy Connors Ilie Nastase Jimmy Connors Jimmy Connors Roscoe Tanner John McEnroe Björn Borg John McEnroe Chris Lewis Jimmy Connors Kevin Curren Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Boris Becker Stefan Edberg Boris Becker Boris Becker Goran Ivanisevic Jim Courier Goran Ivanisevic Boris Becker Malivai Washington Cédric Pioline Goran Ivanisevic Andre Agassi Patrick Rafter Patrick Rafter David Nalbandian Mark Philippoussis Andy Roddick Andy Roddick Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal Roger Federer Andy Roddick Tomash Berdich Rafael Nadal 298 6-3 5-7 2-6 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-3 6-3 4-6 7-5 6-1 9-8 6-3 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-1 5-7 6-4 6-4 6-2 9-7 3-6 6-2 6-1 5-7 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-7(4) 6-1 3-6 6-3 6-4 1-6 7-5 6-3 6-7(16) 8-6 4-6 7-6(1) 7-6(4) 6-4 3-6 6-3 6-7(2) 7-6(5) 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-7(4) 7-6(3) 6-4 6-4 6-3 7-5 7-6(5) 6-2 7-5 4-6 7-6(2) 6-4 6-2 6-0 7-6(1) 6-4 6-2 6-2 3-6 3-6 6-4 6-4 7-6(4) 6-4 6-7(8) 6-4 6-4 1-6 6-4 7-6(3) 7-6(6) 3-6 6-3 7-6(2) 7-6(5) 6-0 6-7 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-7(2) 7-6(9) 6-4 3-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-5 6-7(10) 7-6(5) 6-4 6-2 6-3 3-6 6-3 2-6 9-7 6-1 6-3 6-2 7-6(5) 6-2 7-6(3) 4-6 7-5 7-6(3) 6-4 6-2 7-6(2) 6-4 6-0 7-6(5) 6-7(3) 6-3 7-6 4-6 7-6 2-6 6-2 6-4 7-5 6-7 6-7 10-8 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14 6-3 7-5 6-4 6/4 6/1 1/6 6/3 List of Wimbledon Ladies Singles champions Year Champion 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Maud Watson Maud Watson Blanche Bingley Lottie Dod Lottie Dod Blanche Bingley Hillyard Helen Rice Lottie Dod Lottie Dod Lottie Dod Blanche Bingley Hillyard Charlotte Cooper Charlotte Cooper Blanche Bingley Hillyard Charlotte Cooper Blanche Bingley Hillyard Blanche Bingley Hillyard Charlotte Cooper Sterry Muriel Robb Dorothea Douglass Dorothea Douglass May Sutton Dorothea Douglass May Sutton Charlotte Cooper Sterry Dora Boothby Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Ethel Larcombe Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Dorothea Lambert-Chambers no competition no competition no competition no competition Suzanne Lenglen Suzanne Lenglen Suzanne Lenglen Suzanne Lenglen Suzanne Lenglen Kitty McKane Suzanne Lenglen Kitty McKane Godfree Helen Wills Helen Wills Helen Wills Helen Wills Moody Runner-up Louise Watson Blanche Bingley Maud Watson Blanche Bingley Blanche Bingley Hillyard Helena Rice May Jacks Blanche Bingley Hillyard Blanche Bingley Hillyard Blanche Bingley Hillyard Edith Austin Helen Jackson Alice Simpson-Pickering Charlotte Cooper Louise Martin Charlotte Cooper Charlotte Cooper Blanche Bingley Hillyard Charlotte Cooper Sterry Ethel Thomson Charlotte Cooper Sterry Dorothea Douglass May Sutton Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Agnes Morton Agnes Morton Dora Boothby Dora Boothby Charlotte Cooper Sterry Winifred McNair Ethel Thomson Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Dorothea Lambert-Chambers Elizabeth Ryan Molla Bjurstedt Mallory Kitty McKane Helen Wills Joan Fry Lili de Alvarez Lili de Alvarez Lili de Alvarez Helen Hull Jacobs Elizabeth Ryan 299 Score 6-8 6-3 6-3 6-1 7-5 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-3 4-6 8-6 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-8 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-1 7-5 8-6 6-2 6-3 5-7 7-5 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-2 7-5 6-1 4-6 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-3 9-7 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-4 4-6 8-6 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-0 6-3 6-1 6-0 6-4 7-5 6-4 10-8 4-6 9-7 6-3 6-0 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-0 6-2 6-2 4-6 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-2 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-2 1931 1932 1933 Cilly Aussem Helen Wills Moody Helen Wills Moody 1934 Dorothy Round 1935 Helen Wills Moody 1936 Helen Jakobs 1937 Dorothy Round 1938 Helen Wills Moody 1939 Alice Marble 1940 -1945 1946 Poulin Betz 1947 Margaret Osborne 1948 Louise Brough 1949 Louise Brough 1950 Louise Brough 1951 Doris Hart 1952 Maureen Connolly 1953 Maureen Connolly 1954 Maureen Connolly 1955 Louise Brough 1956 Shirley Fry 1957 Althea Gibson 1958 Althea Gibson 1959 Maria Bueno 196 Maria Bueno 1961 Angela Mortimer 1962 Karen Hantze Susman 1963 Margaret Smith 1964 Maria Bueno 1965 Margaret Smith 1966 Billie Jean King 1967 Billie Jean King 1968 Billie Jean King 1969 Ann Haydon Jones 1970 Margaret Smith Court 1971 Evonne Goolagong 1972 Billie Jean King 1973 Billie Jean King 1974 Chris Evert 1975 Billie Jean King 1976 Chris Evert 1977 Virginia Wade 1978 Martina Navratilova 1979 Martina Navratilova 1980 Evonne Goolagong Cawley 1981 Chris Evert-Lloyd 1982 Martina Navratilova 1983 Martina Navratilova 1984 Martina Navratilova 1985 Martina Navratilova Hilde Sperling Helen Hull Jacobs Dorothy Round 6-2 7-5 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-8 6-3 Helen Jakobs Helen Jakobs Hide Krahwinkel Sperling Jadviga Jedrzejowska Helen Hull Jacobs Kay Stammers no competition Louise Brogh Doris Hart Doris Hart Margaret Osborne duPont Margaret Osborne duPont Shirley Fry Louise Brough Doris Hart Louise Brough Beverly Fleitz Angela Buxton Darlene Hard Angela Mortimer Darlene Hard Sandra Reynolds Christine Truman Vera Sukova Billie Jean Moffitt Margaret Smith Maria Bueno Maria Bueno Ann Haydon Jones Judy Tegart Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Margaret Smith Court Evonne Goolagong Chris Evert Olga Morozova Evonne Goolagong Cawley Evonne Goolagong Cawley Betty Stove Chris Evert Chris Evert-Lloyd Chris Evert-Lloyd Hana Mandlikova Chris Evert-Lloyd Andrea Jaeger Chris Evert-Lloyd Chris Evert-Lloyd 6-2 5-7 6-3 6-3 3-6 7-5 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-2 2-6 7-5 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-0 300 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-3 8-6 10-8 1-6 10-8 6-1 3-6 6-1 6-1 6-0 6-4 6-3 8-6 7-5 6-2 7-5 7-5 8-6 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-2 8-6 6-2 6-4 6-3 8-6 6-0 4-6 6-4 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-4 7-9 6-3 6-4 7-5 6-3 3-6 6-1 6-3 6-4 9-7 7-5 3-6 6-3 6-2 14-12 11-9 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-0 7-5 6-0 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-3 4-6 8-6 4-6 6-3 6-1 2-6 6-4 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-1 7-6 6-2 6-2 6-1 3-6 6-2 6-0 6-3 7-6 6-2 4-6 6-3 6-2 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Navratilova Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Conchita Martínez Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Hingis Jana Novotna Lindsay Davenport Venus Williams Venus Williams Serena Williams Serena Williams Maria Sharapova Venus Williams Amelie Moresmo Venus Williams Venus Williams Serena Williams Serena Williams 2011 Petra Kvitova Hana Mandlikova Steffi Graf Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Zina Garrison Gabriela Sabatini Monica Seles Jana Novotna Martina Navratilova Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Jana Novotna Nathalie Tauziat Steffi Graf Lindsay Davenport Justine Henin Venus Williams Venus Williams Serena Williams Lindsay Davenport Justine Henin-Hardenne Marion Bartoli Serena Williams Venus Williams Vera Zvonareva 7-6 6-3 7-5 6-3 5-7 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-7 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-4 3-6 8-6 6-2 6-1 7-6 1-6 6-4 6-4 3-6 6-3 4-6 6-1 7-5 6-3 7-5 2-6 6-3 6-3 6-4 7-6(2) 6-4 7-5 6-3 7-6(3) 6-1 3-6 6-0 7-6(4) 6-3 4-6 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-4 4-6 7-6(4) 9-7 2-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-1 7-5 6-4 7-6 6-2 6-2 6-3 Maria Sharapova 6/3 6/4 US OPEN The US Open, formally the United States Open tennis championships, is a tennis tournament which is the modern incarnation of one of the oldest tennis championships in the world, with the U.S. National Championship, which for mens’ singles was first contested in 1881. Since 1987, the US Open has been chronologically the fourth and final Grand Slam tennis tournament each year. It is held annually in August and September over a two-week period (the weeks before and after Labor Day weekend). The main tournament consists of five different event championships: men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles, with additional tournaments for senior, junior, and wheelchair players. Since 1978, the tournament has been played on acrylic hard courts at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, New York City. The US Open is unique in that there are final-set tiebreaks; in the other three Grand Slam tournaments, the deciding set (fifth for men, third for women) continues until it is won by two games. USTA Tennis Centre - Flushing Meadows - New York 301 History The US Open has grown from an exclusive entertainment event for high society to a championship for more than 600 male and female professional players who, as of 2008, compete for total prize money of over US$19 million, with $1.5 million for each winner of the singles tournaments. In the first few years of the United States National Championship, only men competed, and only in singles competition. The tournament was first held in August 1881 at the Newport Casino, Newport, Rhode Island and in that first year only clubs that were members of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association were permitted to enter. From 1884 through 1911, the tournament used a challenge system whereby the defending champion automatically qualified for the next year’s final. In 1915, the tournament moved to the West Side Tennis Club at Forest Hills, New York. From 1921 through 1923, it was played at the Germantown Cricket Club in Philadelphia and returned to Forest Hills in 1924. Six years after the men’s nationals were first held, the first official U.S. Women’s National Singles Championship was held at the Philadelphia Cricket Club in 1887, followed by the U.S. Women’s National Doubles Championship in 1889. The first U.S. Mixed Doubles Championship was held alongside the women’s singles and doubles. The first U.S. National Men’s Doubles Championship was held in 1900. Tournaments were held in the east and the west of the country to determine the best two teams, which competed in a play-off to see who would play the defending champions in the challenge round. The open era began in 1968 when all five events were merged into the US Open, held at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, New York. The 1968 combined tournament was open to professionals for the first time. That year, 96 men and 63 women entered the event, and prize money totaled $100,000 ($625,336 in current dollar terms). In 1970, the US Open became the first of the Grand Slam tournaments to use a tiebreak at the end of a set. The US Open is also the only Grand Slam that continues to use the tiebreak in the 5th set. All the other three grand slams play it out with service games in the 5th set. The US Open was originally played on grass until Forest Hills switched to Har-Tru clay courts in 1975 for three years. In 1978, the event moved north from Forest Hills to its current home at nearby Flushing Meadows and the surface changed again, to the current DecoTurf. Jimmy Connors is the only individual to have won US Open singles titles on all three surfaces, while Chris Evert is the only woman to win on two surfaces. Location Venue Surface present) Men’s draw Women’s draw Prize money Queens - New York City United States USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Grass - outdoors(1881–1974)Clay - outdoors(1975–1977)DecoTurf - outdoors(1978– 128S / 128Q / 64D 128S / 96Q / 64D US$ 21,600,000 The Winner US OPEN 2009 - Juan Martin Del Potro The Winner US OPEN 2009-2010 - Kim Clijsters 302 List of Gentlemen's Singles champions Year Champion Runner-up Score 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888* 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893* 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904* 1905 1906 1907* 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912+ 1913 1914 1915 1916 Richard Sears Richard Sears Richard Sears Richard Sears Richard Sears Richard Sears Richard Sears Henry Slocum Henry Slocum Oliver Campbell Oliver Campbell Oliver Campbell Robert Wrenn Robert Wrenn Fred Hovey Robert Wrenn Robert Wrenn Malcolm Whitman Malcolm Whitman Malcolm Whitman William Larned William Larned Hugh Doherty Holcombe Ward Beals C. Wright William Larned William Larned William Larned William Larned William Larned William Larned Maurice McLoughlin Maurice McLoughlin Richard Williams William Johnston Richard Williams William E. Glyn Clarence M. Clark James Dwight Howard A. Taylor Godfrey M. Brinley R. Livingston Beeckman Henry Slocum Howard A. Taylor Quincy Shaw Henry Slocum Clarence Hobart Fred Hovey Fred Hovey Manliff Goodbody Robert Wrenn Fred Hovey Wilberforce Eaves Dwight Davis J. Parmly Paret William Larned Beals Wright Reginald Doherty William Larned William J. Clothier Holcombe Ward Beals Wright Robert LeRoy Beals Wright William J. Clothier Thomas C. Bundy Maurice McLoughlin Wallace F. Johnson Richard Williams Maurice McLoughlin Maurice McLoughlin William Johnston 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-0 6-2 6-0 9-7 6-0 1-6 6-0 6-2 6-3 4-6 6-0 6-3 4-6 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-1 4-6 6-2 6-2 4-6 6-3 6-1 2-6 7-5 7-9 6-1 6-2 7-5 3-6 6-3 7-5 6-4 3-6 6-4 6-4 6-8 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-2 6-4 7-5 3-6 6-0 1-6 6-1 4-6 8-6 6-3 2-6 6-2 3-6 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-2 3-6 7-5 6-4 1-6 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-8 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-4 8-6 6-0 6-3 10-8 10-8 6-4 9-7 6-2 6-1 11-9 6-3 6-0 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-1 6-2 8-6 6-1 6-2 5-7 1-6 6-1 6-1 5-7 6-0 6-8 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-2 3-6 2-6 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-4 5-7 6-3 6-1 6-3 8-6 10-8 1-6 6-0 7-5 10-8 4-6 6-4 0-6 6-2 6-4 303 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Lindley Murray Lindley Murray William Johnston Bill Tilden Bill Tilden Bill Tilden Bill Tilden Bill Tilden Bill Tilden René Lacoste René Lacoste Henri Cochet Bill Tilden John Doeg Ellsworth Vines Ellsworth Vines Fred Perry Fred Perry Wilmer Allison Fred Perry Don Budge Don Budge Bobby Riggs Donald McNeill Bobby Riggs Fred Schroeder Lt. Joseph R. Hunt Frank Parker Frank Parker Jack Kramer Jack Kramer Pancho Gonzales Pancho Gonzales Arthur Larsen Frank Sedgman Frank Sedgman Tony Trabert Vic Seixas Tony Trabert Ken Rosewall Malcolm Anderson Ashley Cooper Neale Fraser Neale Fraser Roy Emerson Rod Laver Rafael Osuna Roy Emerson Manuel Santana Fred Stolle John Newcombe Arthur Ashe Rod Laver Ken Rosewall Stan Smith Ilie Nastase John Newcombe Jimmy Connors Manuel Orantes Jimmy Connors Nathaniel W. Niles Bill Tilden Bill Tilden William Johnston William Johnston William Johnston William Johnston William Johnston William Johnston Jean Borotra Bill Tilden Francis Hunter Francis Hunter Francis X. Shields George M. Lott Jr. Henri Cochet Jack Crawford Wilmer Allison Sidney B. Wood Don Budge Gottfried von Cramm Gene Mako Welby van Horn Bobby Riggs Francis Kovacs Frank Parker Jack Kramer William Talbert William Talbert Tom Brown Jr. Frank Parker Eric W. Sturgess Frederick Schroeder Herbert Flam Vic Seixas Gardnar Mulloy Vic Seixas Rex Hartwig Ken Rosewall Lew Hoad Ashley Cooper Malcolm Anderson Alex Olmedo Alex Olmedo Rod Laver Roy Emerson Frank Froehling Fred Stolle Cliff Drysdale John Newcombe Clark Graebner Tom Okker Tony Roche Tony Roche Jan Kodes Arthur Ashe Jan Kodes Ken Rosewall Jimmy Connors Björn Borg 304 5-7 8-6 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-1 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-1 1-6 7-5 5-7 6-3 6-1 6-3 6-1 4-6 3-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-4 6-1 9-7 6-2 4-6 11-9 6-3 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-0 6-4 11-9 6-3 11-9 4-6 6-4 3-6 7-5 6-3 3-6 6-3 4-6 6-2 6-4 10-8 1-6 6-4 1-6 6-4 7-9 6-3 9-7 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-3 11-13 4-6 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-3 1-6 8-6 6-2 6-2 6-3 2-6 6-2 8-6 1-6 10-8 6-1 7-9 6-1 3-6 6-1 6-3 6-8 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 4-6 6-8 6-3 6-3 7-5 5-7 6-1 6-3 6-3 8-6 7-5 3-6 4-6 6-2 6-3 6-8 10-8 6-0 6-4 3-6 6-3 6-3 14-12 6-1 6-2 9-7 6-3 6-0 4-6 2-6 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-2 6-3 14-12 16-18 2-6 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-3 4-6 5-7 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-3 3-6 6-2 6-4 6-4 9-7 6-3 6-3 4-6 6-2 6-3 6-3 10-8 7-5 6-4 6-2 3-6 4-6 10-8 8-6 6-3 5-7 6-2 6-4 3-6,7-5,8-6,6-2 7-5 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-4 5-7 6-4 7-5 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-4 6-2 7-9 7-5 6-1 4-6 12-10 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-4 8-6 14-12 5-7 6-3 3-6 6-3 7-9 6-1 6-2 6-2 2-6 6-4 7-6 6-3 3-6 6-3 6-2 7-6 3-6 6-3 6-7 6-4 6-3 6-4 1-6 4-6 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-4 3-6 7-6 6-4 1977 1978 1979 1980 Guillermo Vilas Jimmy Connors John McEnroe John McEnroe 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 John McEnroe Jimmy Connors Jimmy Connors John McEnroe Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander Boris Becker Pete Sampras Stefan Edberg Stefan Edberg Pete Sampras Andre Agassi Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Patrick Rafter Patrick Rafter Andre Agassi Marat Safin Lleyton Hewitt Pete Sampras Andy Roddick Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Roger Federer Juan Martin Del Potro Björn Borg Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl John McEnroe Miloslav Mecir Mats Wilander Ivan Lendl Ivan Lendl Andre Agassi Jim Courier Pete Sampras Cedric Pioline Michael Stich Andre Agassi Michael Chang Greg Rusedski Mark Philippoussis Todd Martin Pete Sampras Pete Sampras Andre Agassi Juan Carlos Ferrero Lleyton Hewitt Andre Agassi Andy Roddick Novak Djokivic Andy Murray Roger Federer 2010 Rafael Nadal Novak Djokovic 2011 Novak Djokovic Jimmy Connors Björn Borg Vitas Gerulaitis Björn Borg Rafael Nadal 2-6 6-3 7-5 6-0 6-4 6-2 6-2 7-5 6-3 6-3 7-6 6-1 6-7 5-7 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-2 4-6 6-4 6-3 6-7 7-5 6-0 6-3 6-4 6-1 7-6 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-7 6-0 7-6 6-4 6-4 4-6 6-3 5-7 6-4 7-6 1-6 6-3 7-6 6-4 6-3 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-0 3-6 6-4 7-6 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-1 7-6 7-5 6-4 6-3 4-6 7-5 6-1 6-4 7-6 6-3 6-2 4-6 7-5 6-3 3-6 6-2 6-0 6-4 6-7(5) 6-7(2) 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-3 7-6(4) 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-3 7-6(2) 6-3 6-0 7-6(3) 6-0 6-3 2-6 7-6(1) 6-1 6-2 5-7 6-4 6-1 7-6 7-6 6-4 6-4 7-6 6-2 A 3-6 7-6 4-6 7-6 6-2 6-4 5-7 6-4 6-2 6/2 6/4 6/7 6/1 US OPEN - List of Ladies' Singles champions Champion Runner-up 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 Laura Knight Ellen Hansell Lida Voorhees Bertha Townsend Ellen Roosevelt Elisabeth Moore Augusta Schultz Aline Terry Helen Hellwig Juliette Atkinson Elisabeth Moore Marion Jones Maud Banks Edith Parker Myrtie McAteer Elisabeth Moore Marion Jones Elisabeth Moore Helen Homans Maud Barger Carrie Neely Evelyn Sears Barger Wallach Louise Hammond Florence Sutton Eleonora Sears Marie Wagner Marie Wagner 1914 Ellen Hansell Bertha Townsend Bertha Townsend Ellen Roosevelt Mabel Cahill Mabel Cahill Aline Terry Helen Hellwig Juliette Atkinson Elisabeth Moore Juliette Atkinson Juliette Atkinson Marion Jones Myrtle McAteer Elisabeth Moore Marion Jones Elisabeth Moore May Sutton Elisabeth Moore Helen Homans Evelyn Sears Maud Barger-Wallach Hazel Hotchkiss Hazel Hotchkiss Hazel Hotchkiss Mary Browne Mary Browne Mary Browne 305 Score 6-1 6-0 6-3 6-5 7-5 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-1 4-6 6-3 5-7 6-3 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-1 6-3 7-5 3-6 6-0 3-6 6-3 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-4 4-6 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 4-6 3-6 6-3 6-3 5-7 6-4 2-6 7-5 6-1 6-1 7-5 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-4 3-6 7-5 2-6 6-2 6-1 1-0, ret. 7-5 8-6 6-1 6-2 6-4 5-7 6-1 6-4 6-3 6-3 6-2 6-3 1-6 6-3 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-2 8-10 6-1 9-7 6-4 6-2 6-2 1-6 6-1 6-2 1-6 6-1 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1968 Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Helen Wills Helen Wills Helen Wills Molla Mallory Helen Wills Helen Wills Helen Wills Betty Nuthall Helen Wills Moody Helen Jacobs Helen Jacobs Helen Jacobs Helen Jacobs Alice Marble Anita Lizana Alice Marble Alice Marble Alice Marble Sarah Palfrey Cooke Pauline Betz Pauline Betz Pauline Betz Sarah Palfrey Cooke Pauline Betz Louise Brough Margaret Osborne duPont Margaret Osborne duPont Margaret Osborne duPont Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Maureen Connolly Doris Hart Doris Hart Shirley Fry Althea Gibson Althea Gibson Maria Bueno Darlene Hard Darlene Hard Margaret Smith Maria Bueno Maria Bueno Margaret Smith Maria Bueno Billie Jean King Virginia Wade Margaret Smith Court Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman Luisie Hotchkiss Wighman Marion Vaderhoef Eleanor Goss Marion Zinderstein Marion Zinderstein Mary Browne Helen Wills Molla Mallory Molla Mallory Kathleen McKane Elizabeth Ryan Betty Nuthall Helen Jacobs Phoebe Holcroft Watson Anna McCune Harper Eileen Bennett Whitingstall Carolin Bablock Helen Wills Moody Sarah Palfrey Fabyan Sarah H. Palfrey Fabyan Helen Jacobs Jadwiga Jedrzejowska Nancy Wynne Helen Jacobs Helen Jacobs Pauline Betz Louise Brough Louise Brough Margaret Osborne Pauline Betz Patricia Canning Margaret Osborne Louise Brough Doris Hart Doris Hart Shirley Fry Doris Hart Doris Hart Louise Brough Patricia Ward Althea Gibson Louise Brough Darlene Hard Christine Truman Maria Bueno Ann Haydon Darlene Hard Margaret Smith Carole Caldwell Graebner Billie Jean Moffitt Nancy Richey Ann Haydon Jones Billie Jean King Maria Bueno 306 4-6 6-2 6-0 4-6 6-2 6-0 4-6 6-0 6-2 6-4 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-1 4-6 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-1 6-3 3-6 6-0 6-2 4-6 6-4 9-7 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-2 8-6 3-6 3-0, ret. 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 4-6 6-3 6-2 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-0 8-10 6-4 6-2 6-3 7-5 6-2 4-6 6-1 6-4 6-3 5-7 6-3 6-3 8-6 3-6 8-6 6-4 11-9 6-3 8-6 4-6 6-1 4-6 6-4 15-13 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-3 6-3 1-6 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-2 6-4 6-8 6-1 8-6 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-1 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-4 10-12 6-4 6-3 6-4 9-7 6-4 7-5 6-4 6-1 6-0 8-6 7-5 6-3 6-1 11-9 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-2 6-2 1969 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Margaret Smith Court Margaret Smith Court Margaret Smith Court Billie Jean King Billie Jean King Margaret Smith Court Billie Jean King Chris Evert Chris Evert Chris Evert Chris Evert Tracy Austin Chris Evert Lloyd Tracy Austin Chris Evert Lloyd Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Hana Mandlikova Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Gabriela Sabatini Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Martina Hingis Lindsay Davenport Serena Williams Venus Williams Venus Williams Serena Williams Justine Henin-Hardenne Svetlana Kuznetsova Kim Clijsters Maria Sharapova Justin Henin Serena Williams Kim Clijsters Kim Clijsters Samantha Stosur Nancy Richey Virginia Wade Rosemary Casals Rosemary Casals Kerry Melville Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Evonne Goolagong Wendy Turnbull Pam Shriver Chris Evert Lloyd Hana Mandlikova Martina Navratilova Hana Mandlikova Chris Evert Lloyd Chris Evert Lloyd Martina Navratilova Helena Sukova Steffi Graf Gabriela Sabatini Martina Navratilova Steffi Graf Martina Navratilova Arantxa Sánchez Vicario Martina Hingis Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Venus Williams Martina Hingis Martina Hingis Lindsay Davenport Serena Williams Venus Williams Kim Clijsters Elena Demetieva Mary Pierce Justine Henin-Hardenne Svetlana Kuznetsova Jelen Jankovic Caroline Wozniacki Vera Zvonarieva Serena Williams Jack Kramer. Wimbledon - 1947 307 6-2 6-2* 4-6 6-3 6-0** 6-2 2-6 6-1 6-4 7-6 6-3 7-5 7-6 5-7 6-2 3-6 6-3 7-5 5-7 6-4 6-2 6-3 6-0 7-6 6-2 7-5 6-4 6-4 6-3 5-7 6-1 6-1 1-6 7-6 7-6 6-3 6-1 6-1 6-3 4-6 6-4 6-4 7-6 1-6 7-6 6-3 6-2 7-6 6-1 6-3 3-6 6-1 3-6 7-5 6-1 6-2 7-6 7-6 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 1-6 7-6 6-4 7-6 0-6 6-3 7-5 6-4 6-0 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-3 7-6(4) 6-4 7-5 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-3 7-5 6-1 6-3 7-5 6-3 6-1 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-3 6-4 7-5 6-3 7-5 6-2 6-1 6/2 6/3 Masters Cup and Grand Slam Cup Tennis Masters Cup Season Location 2010 2009 2008 London London Winner Runner-up Score Roger Federer Raphael Nadal 63 36 61 Nikolai Davidenko Juan Martin Del Potro 63 64 Shanghai Novak Djokovic Nikolai Davidenko 61 75 2007 Shanghai Roger Federer James Blake 60 63 64 2006 Shanghai Roger Federer David Ferer 62 63 62 2005 Shanghai David Nalbandian Roger Federer 67 67 62 61 76 2004 Houston Roger Federer Lleyton Hewitt 63 62 2003 Houston Roger Federer Andre Agassi 63 60 64 2002 Shanghai Lleyton Hewitt Juan Carlos Ferrero 75 75 26 26 64 2001 Sydney Lleyton Hewitt Sebastien Grosjean 63 63 64 2000 Lisbon Gustavo Kuerten Andre Agassi 64 64 64 ATP Tour World Championship (1990-1999) Season Location Winner Runner-Up Score 1999 Hannover Pete Sampras Andre Agassi 61 75 64 1998 Hannover Alex Corretja Carlos Moya 36 36 75 63 75 1997 Hannover Pete Sampras Y. Kafelnikov 63 62 62 1996 Hannover Pete Sampras Boris Becker 36 76 76 67 64 1995 Frankfurt Boris Becker Michael Chang 76 60 76 1994 Frankfurt Pete Sampras Boris Becker 46 63 75 64 1993 Frankfurt Michael Stich Pete Sampras 76 26 76 62 1992 Frankfurt Boris Becker Jim Courier 64 63 75 1991 Frankfurt Pete Sampras Jim Courier 36 76 63 64 1990 Frankfurt Andre Agassi Stefan Edberg 57 76 75 62 Grand Slam Cup (1990-1999) Season Location Winner Runner-Up Score 1999 Munich Greg Rusedski Tommy Haas 63 64 67(7) 76(5) 1998 Munich Marcelo Rios Andre Agassi 64 26 76(1) 57 63 1997 Munich Pete Sampras Patrick Rafter 62 64 75 1996 Munich Boris Becker Goran Ivanisevic 63 64 64 1995 Munich Goran Ivanisevic Todd Martin 76(4) 63 64 1994 Munich Magnus Larsson Pete Sampras 76(6) 46 76(5) 64 1993 Munich Petr Korda Michael Stich 26 64 76(5) 26 119 1992 Munich Michael Stich Michael Chang 62 63 62 1991 Munich David Wheaton Michael Chang 75 62 64 1990 Munich Pete Sampras Brad Gilbert 63 64 62 Masters (1970-1989) Season Location Winner Runner-Up Score 1989 New York Stefan Edberg Boris Becker 46 76 63 61 1988 New York Boris Becker Ivan Lendl 57 76 36 62 76 1987 New York Ivan Lendl Mats Wilander 62 62 63 1986 New York Ivan Lendl Boris Becker 64 64 64 1985 New York Ivan Lendl Boris Becker 62 76 63 1984 New York John Mcenroe Ivan Lendl 75 60 64 1983 New York John Mcenroe Ivan Lendl 63 64 64 1982 New York Ivan Lendl John Mcenroe 64 64 62 1981 New York Ivan Lendl Vitas Gerulaitis 67 26 76 62 64 1980 New York Bjorn Borg Ivan Lendl 64 62 62 1979 New York Bjorn Borg Vitas Gerulaitis 62 62 1978 New York John Mcenroe Arthur Ashe 67 63 75 1977 New York Jimmy Connors Bjorn Borg 64 16 64 1976 Houston Manuel Orantes Wojtek Fibak 57 62 06 76 61 1975 Stockholm Ilie Nastase Bjorn Borg 62 62 61 1974 Melbourne Guillermo Vilas Ilie Nastase 76 62 36 36 64 1973 Boston Ilie Nastase Tom Okker 63 75 46 63 1972 Barcelona Ilie Nastase Stan Smith 63 62 36 26 63 1971 Paris Ilie Nastase (won round robin with 6-0 record) 1970 Tokyo Stan Smith (won round robin with 4-1 record) 308 Singles Titles Matrix Champion Pete Sampras Ivan Lendl Roger Federer Ilie Nãstase Boris Becker John McEnroe Lleyton Hewitt Björn Borg David Nalbandian Gustavo Kuerten Àlex Corretja Michael Stich Andre Agassi Stefan Edberg Jimmy Connors Manuel Orantes Guillermo Vilas Novak Djokovic Nikolay Davidenko Country United States Czechoslovakia Swizerland Romania Germany United States Australia Sweden Argentina Brazil Spain Germany United States Sweden United States Spain Argentina Serbia Russia # Years 5 1999, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1991 5 1987, 1986, 1985, 1982, 1981 5 2010,2007, 2006, 2004, 2003 4 1975, 1973, 1972, 1971 3 1995, 1992, 1988 3 1984, 1983, 1978 2 2002, 2001 2 1980, 1979 1 2005 1 2000 1 1998 1 1993 1 1990 1 1989 1 1977 1 1976 1 1974 1 2008 1 2009 Virginia Slims Championships-Sony Ericsson Championships Venue Houston Boca Raton Year 1971 1972 1973 Los Angeles 1974 1975 1976 New York City 1977 Oakland 1978 New York City 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986(1) 1986(2) 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Champion Billie Jean King Chris Evert Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Cawley Chris Evert Evonne Goolagong Cawley Chris Evert Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Runner-up Kerry Melville Reid Kerry Melville Reid Nancy Richey Gunter Chris Evert Martina Navratilova Chris Evert Sue Barker Evonne Goolagong Cawley Tracy Austin Score in Final 6-4, 4-6, 6-1 7-5, 6-4 6-3, 6-3 6-3, 6-4 6-4, 6-2 6-3, 5-7, 6-3 2-6, 6-1, 6-1 7-6(0), 6-4 6-3, 3-6, 6-2 Tracy Austin Martina Navrátilová Silvia Hanika Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Martina Navratilova Steffi Graf Gabriela Sabatini Steffi Graf Monica Seles Monica Seles Monica Seles Steffi Graf Gabriela Sabatini Steffi Graf Steffi Graf Jana Novotna Martina Hingis Lindsay Davenport Martina Hingis Serena Williams Martina Navrátilova Andrea Jaeger Martina Navrátilova Chris Evert Chris Evert Helena Sukova Hana Mandlikova Steffi Graf Gabriela Sabatini Pam Shriver Martina Navrátilova Gabriela Sabatini Martina Navrátilova Martina Navrátilova Arantxa Sanchez Vicario Lindsay Davenport Anke Huber Martina Hingis Mary Pierce Lindsay Davenport Martina Hingis Monica Seles Lindsay Davenport 6-2, 2-6, 6-2 6-3, 7-6(3) 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 6-2, 6-0 6-3, 7-5, 6-1 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 6-2, 6-0, 3-6, 6-1 7-6(6), 6-3, 6-2 4-6, 6-4, 6-0, 6-4 7-5, 6-2, 6-2 6-4, 7-5, 2-6, 6-2 6-4, 5-7, 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 6-4, 3-6, 7-5, 6-0 7-5, 6-3, 6-1 6-1, 6-4, 3-6, 6-1 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 6-1, 2-6, 6-1, 4-6, 6-3 6-3, 4-6, 6-0, 4-6, 6-0 7-6(4), 6-2, 6-3 7-5, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2 6-4, 6-2 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-4 +/- 309 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Kim Clijsters Kim Clijsters Maria Sharapova Amélie Mauresmo Justine Henin Justine Henin Venus Williams Serena Williams Kim Clijsters Kveta Kvitova Serena Williams Amélie Mauresmo Serena Williams Mary Pierce Amélie Mauresmo Maria Sharapova Vera Zvonareva Venus Williams Caroline Wozniacki Victoria Azarenka Caroline Wozniacki 7-5, 6-3 6-2, 6-0 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 5-7, 7-6(3), 6-4 6-4, 6-3 5-7, 7-5, 6-3 6-7,6-0,6-2 6-2 7-6 6-3 5-7 6-1 7/5 2/6 6/3 Novak Jokovic Masters Cup 2010. R.Nadal, N. Jokovic, A.Murray, the prime ministr of England D.Cameron, A.Roddick, R.Federer, T. Berdich, D.Ferrer, R.Soderling 310 London - O 2 Arena, Masters Cup 2009-2012 311 PRO TOUR In addition to head-to-head tours, there were annual professional tournaments called Championship tournaments where the world's top professional players played and these tournaments held with a certain tradition. The oldest of the three was the United States Professional Championship, played between 1927 and 1999. Between 1954 and 1962 it was played indoors in Cleveland and was called the World Professional Championships. The most prestigious of the three was generally the London Indoor Professional Championship. Played between 1934 and 1990, at Wembley in England, it was unofficially usually considered the world's championship until 1967. The third major tournament was the French Professional Championship, played between 1934 (and perhaps before but the data are unclear) and 1968, generally at Roland Garros. These three tournaments until 1967 are referred as the professional Grand Slam tournaments by prominent tennis historians such as Robert Geist and Raymond Lee. Wembley Championship: Year M ens Singles W inner M ens Singles Runner -up 1934 Ellsw orth V ines (U SA ) H ans N usslein (G erm any) 1935 Ellsw orth V ines (U SA ) BillTilden (U SA ) 1936 Ellsw orth V ines (U SA ) BillTilden (U SA ) 1937 H ans N usslein (G erm any) BillTilden (U SA ) 1938 H ans N usslein (G erm any) BillTilden (U SA ) 1939 -1946 not held not held 1947 D on Budge (U SA ) Bobby Riggs (U SA ) 1948 Bobby Riggs (U SA ) D on Budge (U SA ) 1949 Jack K ram er (U SA ) Bobby Riggs (U SA ) 1950 Pancho G onzalez (U SA ) W elby V an H orn (U SA ) 1951 Pancho G onzalez (U SA ) Pancho Segura (U SA ) 1952 Pancho G onzalez (U SA ) Jack K ram er (U SA ) 1953 Frank Sedgm an (A ustralia) Pancho G onzalez (U SA ) 1954-1955 not held not held 1956 Pancho G onzalez (U SA ) Frank Sedgm an (A ustralia 1957 K en Resew all(A ustralia) Frank Sedgm an (A ustralia 1958 Frank Sedgm an (A ustralia) Tony Trabert (U SA ) 1959 M alA nderson (A ustralia) Pancho Segura (U SA ) 1960 K en Resew all(A ustralia) Pancho Segura (U SA ) 1961 K en Resew all(A ustralia) Lew H oad (A ustralia) 1962 K en Resew all(A ustralia) Lew H oad (A ustralia) 1963 K en Resew all(A ustralia) Lew H oad (A ustralia) 1964 Rod Laver (A ustralia) K en Resew all(A ustralia) 1965 Rod Laver (A ustralia) A ndres G im eno (Spain) 1966 Rod Laver (A ustralia) K en Resew all(A ustralia) 1967 Rod Laver (A ustralia) K en Resew all(A ustralia) 1968 K en Resew all(A ustralia) John N ew com be (A ustralia) 1969 Rod Laver (A ustralia) Tony Roche (A ustralia) 1970 Rod Laver (A ustralia) Cliff Richey (U SA ) 1971 Ilie N astase (Rom ania) Rod Laver (A ustralia) 1972 Cliff Richey (U SA ) Clark G reabner (U SA ) 312 French Pro Championship Ye ar M e ns Single s Winne r M e ns Single s R unne r-up 1930 K arel K ozheluh (C zechoslovakia) Albert Burke (Ireland) 1931 Martin Plaa (France) Robert Ramillon (France) 1932 Robert Ramillon (France) Martin Plaa (France) 1933 Bill Tilden (USA) Henri C ochet (France) 1934 Bill Tilden (USA) Martin Plaa (France) 1935 Ellsworth Vines (USA) Hans N usslein (Germany) 1936 - 1937 not held not held 1938 Henri C ochet (France) Robert Ramillon (France) 1939 Don Budge (USA) Ellsworth Vines (USA) 1940 -1952 nothel d nothel d 1953 F rank S edgm an ( A ust ral i a) P ancho G onzal ez ( U S A ) 1954 -1955 nothel d nothel d 1956 T ony T rabert( U S A ) P ancho G onzal ez ( U S A ) 1957 nothel d nothel d 1958 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) Lew H oad ( A ust ral i a) 1959 T ony T rabert( U S A ) F rank S edgm an ( A ust ral i a) 1960 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) Lew H oad ( A ust ral i a) 1961 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) P ancho G onzal ez ( U S A ) 1962 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) A ndres G i m eno ( S pai n) 1963 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) R od Laver( A ust ral i a) 1964 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) R od Laver( A ust ral i a) 1965 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) R od Laver( A ust ral i a) 1966 K en R osew al l( A ust ral i a) R od Laver( A ust ral i a) 1967 R od Laver( A ust ral i a) A ndres G i m eno ( S pai n) 1968 R od Laver( A ust ral i a) John N ew com be ( A ust ral i a) United States Pro Championship Ye ar M e ns Single s Winne r M e ns Single s R unne r-up 1927 Vincent Richards (USA) Howard K insey (USA) 1928 Vincent Richards (USA) K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) 1929 K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) Vincent Richards (USA) 1930 Vincent Richards (USA) K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) 1931 Bill Tilden (USA) Vincent Richards (USA) 1932 K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) Hans N usslein (Germany) 1933 Vincent Richards (USA) Frank Hunter (USA) 1934 Hans N usslein (Germany) K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) 1935 Bill Tilden (USA) K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) 1936 Joe Whalen (USA) Charles Wood (USA) 313 1937 K arel K ozheluh (Czechoslovakia) Bruce Barnes (USA) 1938 Fred Perry (England) Bruce Barnes (USA) 1939 Ellsworth Vines (USA) Fred Perry (England) 1940 Don Budge (USA) Fred Perry (England) 1941 Fred Perry (England) Dick Skeen (USA) 1942 Don Budge (USA) Bobby Riggs (USA) 1943 Bruce Barnes (USA) John N ogrady (USA) 1944 not held not held 1945 Welby Van Horn (USA) John N ogrady (USA) 1946 Bobby Riggs (USA) Don Budge (USA) 1947 Bobby Riggs (USA) Don Budge (USA) 1948 Jack K ramer (USA) Bobby Riggs (USA) 1949 Bobby Riggs (USA) Don Budge (USA) 1950 Pancho Segura (USA) Frank K ovacs (USA) 1951 Pancho Segura (USA) Pancho Gonzalez (USA) 1952 Pancho Segura (USA) Pancho Gonzalez (USA) 1953 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Don Budge (USA) 1954 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Frank Sedgman (Australia) 1955 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Pancho Segura (USA) 1956 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Pancho Segura (USA) 1957 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Pancho Segura (USA) 1958 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Lew Hoad (Australia) 1959 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Lew Hoad (Australia) 1960 Alex O lmedo (USA) Tony Trabert (USA) 1961 Pancho Gonzalez (USA) Frank Sedgman (Australia) 1962 Butch Buchholz (USA) Pancho Segura (USA) 1963 K en Rosewall (Australia) Rod Laver (Australia) 1964 Rod Laver (Australia) Pancho Gonzalez (USA) 1965 K en Rosewall (Australia) Rod Laver (Australia) 1966 Rod Laver (Australia) K en Rosewall (Australia) 1967 Rod Laver (Australia) Andres Gimeno (Spain) 1968 Rod Laver (Australia) John N ewcombe (Australia) 314 1969 Rod Laver (Australia) John N ewcombe (Australia) 1970 Tony Roche (Australia) Rod Laver (Australia) 1971 K en Rosewall (Australia) C liff Drysdale (South Africa) 1972 Bob Lutz (USA) Tom O kker (N etherlands) 1973 Jimmy C onnors (USA) Arthur Ashe (USA) 1974 Bjorn Borg (Sweden) Tom O kker (N ethelands) 1975 Bjorn Borg (Sweden) Guillermo Vilas (Argentina) 1976 Bjorn Borg (Sweden) Harold Solomon (USA) 1977 Manuel O rantes (Spain) Eddie Dibbs (USA) 1978 Manuel O rantes (Spain Harold Solomon (USA) 1979 Jose Higueras (Spain) Hans Gildemeister (C hilie) 1980 Eddie Dibbs (USA) Gene Mayer (USA) 1981 Jose- Luis C lerc (Argentina) Hans Gildemeister (C hilie) 1982 Guillermo Vilas (Argentina) Mel Purcell (USA) 1983 Jose- Luis C lerc (Argentina) Jimmy Arias (USA) 1984 Aaron K rickstein (USA) Jose- Luis C lerc (Argentina) 1985 Mats Wilander (Sweden) Martin Jaite (Argentina) 1986 Andres Gomez (Ecuador) Martin Jaite (Argentina) 1987 Mats Wilander (Sweden K ent C arlsson (Sweden) 1988 Thomas Muster (Austria) Lawson Dunkan (USA) 1989 Andres Gomez (Ecuador) Mats Wilander (Sweden 1990 Martin Jaite (Argentina) Libor N emecek (C zechoslovakia) 1991 Andres Gomez (Ecuador) Andrei C herkasov (Russia) 1992 Ivan Lendl (C zechoslovakia) Richey Renenberg (USA) 1993 Ivan Lendl (C zechoslovakia) Todd Martin (USA) 1994 Ivan Lendl (C zechoslovakia) Malivai Washngton (USA) 1995 not comleted, rain 1996 not held 1997 Sjeng Schalken (N etherlands) Marcelo Rios (C hilie) 1998 Michael C hang (USA) Paul Haarhuis (N etherland) 1999 Marat Safin (Russia) Greg Rusedsky (England) Vinsent Richards Henri Cochet 315 Matches of professional tennis players Year Players Score Year Players Score 19 3 0 Richards - Kozhelukh 3- 1 1931 Tilden - Richards 3-0 19 3 2 Kozhelukh - Nuslein 3- 0 1933 Richards - Hanter 3-0 19 3 4 Nuslein - Kozhelukh 3- 1 1935 Tilden - Kozhelukh 3-2 19 3 6 Voleni - Barns 3- 2 1937 Kozhelukh - Barns 3-2 19 3 8 Perry - Barns 3- 0 1939 Vins - Parry 3-1 19 4 0 Budge - Perry 3- 1 1941 Perry - Skini 3-1 19 4 2 Budge - Riggs 3- 0 1943 Barns - Nogradi 3-2 19 4 4 ----- 1945 Van Horn - Nogradi 3-0 19 4 6 Riggs - Budge 3- 0 1947 Riggs - Budge 3-2 19 4 8 Kramer - Riggs 3- 1 1949 Riggs - Budge 3-1 19 5 0 Segura - Kovach 3- 1 1951 Segura - Gonzales 3-0 19 5 2 Segura - Gonzalez 3- 2 1953 Gonzslez - Budge 3-1 19 5 4 Gonzalez - Segjman 3- 1 g1955 Gonzalez - Segura 3-2 19 5 6 Gonzalez - Segura 3- 1 1957 Gonzalez - Segura 3-1 19 5 8 Gonzalez - Hoad 3- 2 1959 Gonzalez - Hoad 3-0 19 6 0 Olmedo - Trabert 2- 0 1961 Gonzalez - Sejman 2 -0 19 6 2 Bukhgolts - Segura 3- 0 1963 Rozewall - Laver 3-0 19 6 4 Laver - Gonzalez 3- 1 1965 Rozewall - Laver 3-0 19 6 6 Laver - Rosewall 3- 2 1967 Laver - Gimeno 3-1 DAVIS CUP The tournament was conceived in 1899 by four members of the Harvard University tennis team who wished to challenge the British to a tennis competition. Once their respective lawn tennis associations agreed, one of the four Harvard players, Dwight F. Davis, designed a tournament format and ordered an appropriate sterling silver trophy from Shreve, Crump & Low, purchasing it from his own funds. They in turn commissioned a classically-styled design from William B. Durgin's of Concord, New Hampshire, crafted by the Englishman Rowland Rhodes[1]. Davis went on to become a prominent politician in the United States in the 1920s, serving as US Secretary of War from 1925–29 and as Governor-General of the Philippines from 1929-32. The first match, between the United States and Great Britain was held at the Longwood Cricket Club in Boston, Massachusetts in 1900. The American team, of which Dwight Davis was a part, surprised the British by winning the first three matches. The following year the two countries did not compete but the US won the next match in 1902. . The tournament was initially titled the International Lawn Tennis Challenge although it soon became known as the Davis Cup, after Dwight Davis' trophy. From 1950 to 1967, Australia dominated the competition, winning the Cup 15 times in 18 years.The United States has won the event the most times (32), closely followed by Australia (28 [including 4 as Australasia]), Great Britain (9), France (9) and Sweden (7). 316 Davis Cup Champions List 2010 Serbia 2009 Spain 2008 Spain 2007 USA 2006 Russia 2005 Croatia Republic 2004 Spain 2003 Australia 2002 Russia 2001 France 2000 Spain 1999 Australia 1998 Sweden 1997 Sweden 1996 France 1995 USA 1994 Sweden 1993 Germany 1992 USA 1991 France 1990 USA 1989 Germany F.R. 1988 Germany F.R. 1987 Sweden 1986 Australia 1985 Sweden 1984 Sweden 1983 Australia 1982 USA 1981 USA 1980 Czechoslovakia 1979 USA 1978 USA 1977 Australia 1976 Italy 1975 Sweden 1974 South Africa 1973 Australia 1972 USA 1971 USA 1970 USA 1969 USA 1968 USA 1967 Australia 1966 Australia 1965 Australia 1964 Australia 1963 USA 1962 Australia 1961 Australia 1960 Australia 1959 Australia 1958 USA 1957 Australia 1956 Australia 1955 Australia 1954 USA 1953 Australia 1952 Australia 1951 Australia 1950 Australia 1949 USA 1948 USA 3 2 France Belgrad 5 0 Czach Republic Palau Sant Jordi, Barselona 3 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 Argentina Russia Argentina Slovak Republic Estadio Polideportivo Mar del Plata - Islas Malvinas Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon , USA Olympic Stadium, Moscow, Russia Sibamac Arena National Tennis Centre, Bratislava, Slovak 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 5 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 USA Spain France Australia Australia France Italy USA Sweden Russia Russia Australia Switzerland USA Australia Sweden Sweden India Sweden Germany F.R. USA Sweden France Argentina Italy Italy Great Britain Italy Chile Czechoslovakia India USA Romania Romania Germany F.R. Romania Australia Spain India Spain USA Australia Mexico Italy Italy USA Australia USA USA USA Australia USA USA USA USA Australia Australia Estadio Olimpico De Sevilla, Seville, Spain Melbourne Park, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy, Paris, FRA Melbourne Park, Melbourne, Victoria, AUS Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain Acropolis Exhibition Hall, Nice, France Forum, Milan, ITA Scandinavium, Gothenburg, Sweden Massan Hall, Malmo, Sweden Olympic Stadium, Moscow, Russia Olympic Stadium, Moscow, Russia Exhibition Hall, Dusseldorf, Germany Tarrant County Centre,Fort Worth,TX,USA Gerland Sports Palace, Lyon, France Sun Coast Dome, St Petersburg, FL, USA Schleyer Halle, Stuttgart, West Germany The Scandinavium, Gothenburg, Sweden The Scandinavium, Gothenburg, Sweden Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Olympia Halle, Munich, West Germany The Scandinavium, Gothenburg, Sweden Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Sports Palace, Grenoble, France Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH, USA Sportovni Hall, Prague, Czechoslovakia Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, CA, USA Mission Hills CC, Rancho Mirage, CA, USA White City Stadium,Sydney,NSW,Australia Estadio Nacional, Santiago, Chile Kungliga Tennishallen, Stockholm, Sweden South Africa won by walkover Public Auditorium, Cleveland, OH, USA Club Sportiv Progresul,Bucharest,Romania Olde Providence Racq. C,Charlotte,NC,USA Harold Clark Courts, Cleveland, OH, USA Harold Clark Courts, Cleveland, OH, USA Memorial Drive, Adelaide, SA, Australia Milton Courts, Brisbane, QLD, Australia Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia White City Stadium,Sydney,NSW,Australia Harold Clark Courts, Cleveland, OH, USA Memorial Drive, Adelaide, SA, Australia Milton Courts, Brisbane, QLD, Australia Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia White City Stadium,Sydney,NSW,Australia West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA Milton Courts, Brisbane, QLD, Australia Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Memorial Drive, Adelaide, SA, Australia West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA White City Stadium,Sydney,NSW,Australia Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Memorial Drive, Adelaide, SA, Australia White City Stadium,Sydney,NSW,Australia West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA 317 1947 1946 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 USA USA Australia USA USA Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain France France France France France France USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Australia Australia USA British Isles Australasia Not Held Australasia Australasia Australasia British Isles British Isles British Isles British Isles USA Not Held USA 4 5 3 3 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 3 3 4 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 Australia Australia USA Australia Great Britain Australia USA USA France USA Great Britain USA USA USA USA France France Australia Australia Australia Japan Australia Great Britain USA Great Britain Australasia USA West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA Kooyong, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, PA, USA Germantown Cricket C,Philadelphia,PA,USA Centre Court, Wimbledon, London, England Centre Court, Wimbledon, London, England Centre Court, Wimbledon, London, England Centre Court, Wimbledon, London, England Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Roland Garros, Auteuil, Paris, France Germantown Cricket C,Philadelphia,PA,USA Germantown Cricket C,Philadelphia,PA,USA Germantown Cricket C,Philadelphia,PA,USA Germantown Cricket C,Philadelphia,PA,USA West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA West Side TC, 238th Street, NY, USA West Side TC, 238th Street, NY, USA Domain Cricket Cl, Auckland, New Zealand Double Bay Grounds,Sydney,NSW,Australia West Side TC, Forest Hills, NY, USA Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, England Albert Ground, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Hagley Park, Christchurch, New Zealand 5 3 3 5 5 5 4 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 USA USA British Isles USA USA Belgium USA British Isles Double Bay Grounds,Sydney,NSW,Australia Albert Ground, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, England Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, England Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, England Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, England Longwood Cricket Club, Boston, MA, USA Crescent Athletic Club,Brooklyn,NY,USA 3 0 British Isles Longwood Cricket Club, Boston, MA, USA FED CUP The idea for the event can be traced back to 1919, when Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman came up with the concept for a women's team competition. When this was rejected, she instead presented a trophy in 1923 for an annual contest between the United States and Great Britain, who were at that time the strongest tennis-playing nations. Nell Hopman, wife of the legendary Australian Davis Cup Captain Harry Hopman, later took up Mrs Wightman's original idea. In 1962, when a British resident of the United States, Mary Hardwick Hare, presented a dossier proving that support for such an event was overwhelming, the ITF was persuaded that a team championship played over one week in a different venue each year was a 'good idea'. It had taken 40 years for Wightman’s idea of a women’s Davis Cup to become a reality. Finally in 1963, the ITF launched the Federation Cup to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Open to all nations and not just USA and Great Britain, the much awaited competition became a resounding success. Fed Cup Champions List 2011 Cheska Republika 3 2 2010 USA 2009 Italy 1 4 4 0 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Russia Russia Italy Russia Russia France Slovak Republic Belgium USA USA 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 4 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 Russia Olympic Stadium, Moscow, Russia San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego Circolo del Tennis "Rocco Polimeni", Reggio Calabria Italy USA Spain Italy Belgium France France USA Spain Russia Spain Russia Club de Campo - Villa de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Small Sports Arena «Luzhniki», Moscow, Russia Spiroudome, Charleroi, Belgium Roland Garros, Paris, France Ice Stadium Krylatskoe, Moscow, Russia Olympic Stadium, Moscow, Russia Palacio de Congresos de Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain Parque Ferial Juan Carlos 1, Madrid, Spain Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas, NV, USA Taube Tennis Stadium, Stanford, CA, USA 318 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 Spain France USA Spain Spain Spain Germany Spain USA USA Czechoslovakia Germany F.R. USA Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Czechoslovakia Australia Australia South Africa Australia Australia USA Australia USA USA Australia Australia USA 3 4 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Switzerland Netherlands Spain USA USA Australia Spain USA USSR Spain USSR USA Czechoslovakia USA Australia Germany F.R. Germany F.R. Great Britain Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia USA South Africa Great Britain Great Britain Germany F.R. Australia Netherlands Great Britain Germany F.R. USA USA Australia Palexpo Hall, Geneva, Switzerland Brabant Hall, “s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands Convention Centre, Atlantic City, USA Valencia T.C., Valencia, Spain Waldstadion T.C., Frankfurt, Germany Waldstadion T.C., Frankfurt, Germany Waldstadion T.C., Frankfurt, Germany City of Nottingham Tennis Centre, Great Britain Peachtree W.O.T., Atlanta, GA, USA Ariake Forest Park Centre, Tokyo, Japan Flinders Park, Melbourne, Australia Hollyburn C.C., Vancouver, Canada Stvanice Stadium, Prague, Czechoslovakia Nagoya Green T.C., Nagoya, Japan Pinheiros Sports Club, Sao Paulo, Brazil Albisguetli T.C., Zurich, Switzerland Decathlon Club, Santa Clara, CA, USA Tamagawa-en Racquet Club, Tokyo, Japan Rot-Weiss T.C., Berlin, West Germany RSHE Club Campo, Madrid, Spain Kooyong Club, Melbourne, Australia Devonshire Park, Eastbourne, Great Britain Spectrum Stadium, Philadelphia, PA, USA Aixoise C.C., Aix-en-Provence, France Naples T.C., Naples, Italy Bad Homburg T.C, West Germany Ellis Park, Johannesburg, South Africa Royal King’s Park T.C., Perth, Australia Freiburg T.C., Freiburg, West Germany Athens T.C., Athens, Greece Stade Roland Garros, Paris, France Blau-Weiss T.C., Berlin, West Germany Turin Press Sporting Club, Turin, Italy Kooyong Club, Melbourne, Australia Germantown Cricket Club, Philadelphia, PA, USA The Queen’s Club, London, Great Britain OThe Olympic Games 1896, Athens Mens singles John Bolandi(England) -Dionosius Kasdaglisi(Greece) 7:5,6:4,6:1 Mens doubles J.Bolandri(England)/F.Truni(Germany) _ D.Kasdaglisi/D.Petrokinosi(Greece) 6:2,6:4 1900, Paris Mens singles Lauri Doherti (England) - Harald Segerson (England) _ 6:4,6:2,6:3 Womans singles Sharlota Kuper (England) - Helen Provost (France) 6:1,6:4 Mens doubles R.Doherty/L’Doherty(England)-B.Gemendia/M.Dekuzhis((France) 6:1,6:1 Mixed doubles Sh.Cooper/R.Doherti(england)-H.Provost(France)/H.Segersoni 6:2,6:4 1904, Sen Luis Mens singles Bils Rait(US)-Robert Leroi(US) 6:4,6:4 Mens doubles E. Leonardi/B. Rait(US)-A. Beli/R. Leroi(US) 6:4,6:4,6:2 1908, London Mens singles Josia Richi (England) - Otto Frochaim (Germany) 7:5,6:3,6:4 Womans singles Dorotea Chambers (England) – Penelopa Batbi (England) 6:1,7:5 319 Mens doubles J. Hilard/R. Doherti (England) _ J. Richi/J. Park (England) 9:7,7:5,9:7 1908, London (I (Indoor courts)) Mens singles Artur Gor (England) - Jorj Kandia (England) 6:3,7:5,6:4 Womans singles Gledis Smit (England) -Anzhela Grin (England) 6:2,4:6,6:0 Mens doubles A. Gor/H. Baret (England) - J. Simond/J. kandia (England) 6:2,2:6,6:3,6:3 1912, Stockholm Mens singles Harlz Uinslou (South Africa) - Harold Kitson (South Africa ) 7:5,4:6,10:8,8:6 Womans singles Margaret Brokudi (France) - dora koring (Germany) 4:6,6:3,6:4 Mens doubles C. Uinslou/H. Kitsoni - F. Pipesi/A. Zbrozili (Austria) 4:6,6:1,6:2,6:2 1912, Stokholm (Indoor courts) Mens singles Andre Gober (France) - Carl Dikson (England) 8:6,6:4,6:4 Womans singles Edit Henam (England) - Sofia Kastensold (Danmark) 6:4,6:3 Mens doubles A. Gober/M. Jermo (France) -G. Setervall/K. Kempe (Sweden) 14:12,6:2,6:4 Mixed doubles E. Hanam/C. Dikson - H. Atchison/H. Barret (England) 6:4,3:6,6:2 1920, Antverpen Mens singles Luis Raimond (South Africa) - Ishia Kumagae (Japan) 5:7,6:4,7:5,6:4 Womans singles Suzan Lenglen (France) - Doroti Holman (England) 6:3,6:0 Mens doubles N. Turbul (South Africa)/M. Vusman (England) - S. Kashio/I. Kumagae 6:2,5:7,7:5,7:5 Womans doubles K. Makkein/U. Makner (England) - J. Bimsh/D. Holman (England) 8:6,6:4 Mixed doubles S. Lenglen/M. Dekiuji (France) - K. Makkein/M. Vusman 6:4,6:2 1924, Paris Mens singles Vini Richards (US) - Henri Cochet (France) 6:4,6:4,5:7,4:6,6:2 Womans singles Helen Wills (US) - Didi Viasto (France) 6:2,6:2 Mens doubles F. Hanter/V. Richards (US) - J. Briunion/H. Cochet (France) 4:6,6:2,6:3,2:6,6:3 Womans doubles H. Waitmen/H. Wilsi (US)- K. Makkein/F. Kovel (England) 7:5,8:6 Mixed doubles H. Waitmen/D. Wiliams (US) - M. Zinderstain/V. Richards (US) 6:2,6:3 1988, Seul Mens singles Miroslav Mechir (Cze) - Tim Maiot (US) 3:6,6:2,6:4,6:2 Womans singles Steffi Graf (germania) - Gabriela Sabatini (Argentina) 6:3,6:3 Mens doubles K. Flech/R. Seguso (US) -S. Kasal/E. Sanches (Spain) 6:3,6:4,6:7,6:7,9:7 Womans doubles Z. Harison/P. Sriver (US) - J. Novotna/H. Sukova (Cze) 4:6,6:2,10:8 1992, Barselona Mens singles Mark Rose (Switzerland) _ Jordi Arese (Spain) 7:6,6:4,3:6,4:6,8:6 Womans single 320 Jenifer Kapriati (US) - Steffi Graf 3:6,6:3,6:4 Mens doubles B. Beker/M. Stich (Germany) - U. Fereira/P. Norval (South Africa) 7:6,4:6,7:6,6:3 Womans doubles M-J. Fernandes/M. Fernandes (US) - K. Martines/A. Sanches (Spain) 7:5,2:6,6:2 1996, Atlanta Mens singles Andre Agassi (Us) - Serji Brugeira (Spain) 6:2,6:3,6:1 Womans single Lindsey Devenport (US) - Arancha Sanches 7:6,6:2 Mens doubles T. Wdbrij/M. Wdford (Australia) - T. Henmen/N. Brodi (England) 6:4,6:4,6:2 Womans doubles M. Fernandesi/J. Fernandesi - J. Novotna/ H. Sukova (Cze) 7:6,6:4 2000, Sidney Mens singles Evgeny Kafelnikov (Russia) - Tomi Haas (Germany) 7:6,3:6,6:2,4:6,6:3 Womans single Venus Williams (US) - Elena Dementieva (Russia) 6:2,6:4 Mens doubles S. Laro/A. Nestor (Canada) - T. Wudbrij/M. Wudford (Australia) 5:7,6:3,6:4,7:6 Womans doubles S. Williams/V. Wiliams (US) - B. Bogert/M. Oremans (Netherlands) 2004. Athens Mens singles Nikolas Masu(Chile) - Mardi Fish (US) Womans single Jastin Henen(Belgium) - Ameli Moresmo (France) Mens doubles Fernando Gonzales/Nikolas Masu - K.Kifer/Shuttler (Germany) Womans doubles Ting Li - Tian Tan Sun (China)- Konchita Martines- Ruano Pascual(Spain) 2008. Beiijing Mens singles Rafael Nadal (Spain) - Fernando Gonzales (Chile) - 6/3 7/6 6/3 Womans single Elena Dementieva(Russia) - Dinara Safina(Russia) - 3/6 7/5 6/3 Mens doubles Roger Federer/Stanislas Wavrinka(Swizerland)-Iohan Aspelin /Bjorn Iohanson(Sweden)-6/3 6/4 6/7 6/3 Womans doubles Venus Williams/Serena Willams(US)-Medina Garigas/Ruano Pascuale(France)- 6/2 6/0 Winners of the first Olympic games Dorothea Chambers and John Boland - 1896 321 Hall of Fame The International Tennis Hall of Fame is hosted by the Newport Casino. The complex was commissioned in 1880 by James Gordon Bennett, Jr. Legend has it that Bennett placed a bet with his guest British Cavalry Officer, Captain Henry Augustus “Sugar” Candy that Candy would not ride his horse up onto the front porch of Newport’s most exclusive men’s club - The Reading Room. Candy won the bet, but the Governors of the Reading Room were not amused. Bennett and his infamous short temper did not take this kindly, and soon set about creating his own retreat, what would eventually become The Newport Casino.The first half of the 20th century was unkind to the Newport Casino. The Gilded age drew to a close with the onset of the Depression, and the Newport fell by the wayside as a summer resort for the wealthy and powerful. The Casino struggled financially as a social club right from the start, and by the 1950s the Casino was in sad shape. Like many of the mansions, there was the very real possibility that it would be demolished to make way for more modern retail space.Tennis, however, would be its saving grace. Having always had a sporting flair, the United State Lawn Tennis Association held their first championships at the Casino in 1881, an event that would continue through 1914. By this time, tennis was firmly entrenched as the key attraction at the Casino.Fortunately, James Van Alen stepped in, and by 1954 had established the Tennis Hall of Fame and Museum in the Newport Casino. The combination of prominent headliners at the tennis matches and the museum allowed the building to be saved. The International Tennis Hall of Fame is founded in 1954 by James Van Alen as “a shrine to the ideals of the game”. He was elected president of the hall in 1957. 2011 Andre Agassi, Kelmeyer Fern Lee “Peachy’ 2010 Todd Woodbridge,Mark Woodforde, Natasha Zvereva, Owen Davidson 2009 Monica Seles, Andreas Gimeno, Donald Dell 2008 Michael Chang, Mark McCormak, Eugene L.Scott 2007 Adams Russ,Davidson Sven, Sampras Pete, Sanchez-Vicario Aranntxa 2006 Karel Kozeluh*, Herbert Lawford*, Hans Nusslein*, Patrick Rafter, Gabriela Sabatini, Gianni Clerici, Nancye Wynne Bolton, Marion Jones Farquhar, Arthur Gore,Simone Mathieu 2005 Butch Buchholz , Jim Courier, Yannick Noah, Jana Novotna 2004 Steffi Graf, Stefan Edberg, Dorothy «Dodo» Cheney 2003 Boris Becker, Francoise Durr, Nancy Richey, Brian Tobin 2002 Pam Shriver, Mats Wilander 2001 Ivan Lendl, Mervyn Rose 2000 Malcolm Anderson, Robert Kelleher, Martina Navratilova 1999 John McEnroe, Ken McGregor 1998 Jimmy Connors, Herman David CBE* 1997 H.W. «Bunny» Austin*, Lesley Turner Bowrey, Walter Clopton Wingfield* 1996 Rosemary “Rosie” Casals, Dan Maskell* 1995 Chris Evert 1994 Arthur W. «Bud» Collins, Jr., Hana Mandlikova 1993 Lamar Hunt, Angela Mortimer Barrett 1992 Tracy Austin, Philippe Chatrier*, Bob Hewitt, Frew McMillan 1991 Ashley Cooper, Ilie Nastase, Guillermo Vilas 1990 Joseph F. Cullman 3rd*, Jan Kodes 1989 Gerald Patterson*, Virginia Wade 1988 Evonne Goolagong Cawley 1987 Bjorn Borg, Billie Jean Moffitt King, Dennis Ralston, Alex Olmedo, Stan Smith 1986 Dorothy Round Little*, Chuck McKinley*, John Newcombe, Nicola Pietrangeli, Tony Roche, Ted Tinling* 1985 Arthur Ashe*, David Gray*, Ann Haydon Jones, Fred Stolle 1984 John Bromwich*, Adrian Quist*, Neale Fraser, Manuel Santana, Pancho Segura 1983 Clarence Clark*, Lottie Dod*, Jaroslav Drobny*, Ernest Renshaw*, William Renshaw* 1982 Roy Emerson, William McChesney Martin*, Tom Pettitt*, Lance Tingay* 1981 Rod Laver, W.E. «Slew» Hester*, Mary Outerbridge*, Dorothea Douglass Chambers* 1980 Ken Rosewall, Lew Hoad*, Reginald Doherty*, Lawrence Doherty*, King Gustav V of Sweden* 1979 Margaret Smith Court, Jack Crawford*, Gladys Heldman*, Al Laney*, Rafael Osuna*, Frank Sedgman 322 1978 Maria Bueno, Pierre Etchebaster*, Kathleen McKane Godfree*, Harry Hopman*, Suzanne Lenglen*, Anthony Wilding* 1977 Manuel Alonso*, Norman Brookes*, Budge Patty, Betty Nuthall Shoemaker*, Gottfried von Cramm* 1976 Rene Lacoste*, Jean Borotra*, Henri Cochet*, Jacques Brugnon*, Mabel Cahill*, Dick Savitt 1975 Lawrence Baker, Frederick Perry, Roosevelt Elen 1974 Frederick Havey, Robert Falkenburg, Bertha Towhssend 1973 Darlene Hard, Constantine Mako, Alastair Martin 1972 Bryan Grant*, Gardnar Mulloy, Elizabeth Ryan* 1971 Althea Gibson*, Elisabeth Moore*, Vic Seixas, Arthur Nielsen* 1970 Tony Trabert, Perry Jones*, Shirley Fry-Irvin, Clarence Griffin* 1969 Charles Garland*, Marie Wagner*, Karl Behr*, Doris Hart, Art Larsen 1968 Allison Danzig*, Jack Kramer, Maureen Connolly Brinker*, Pancho Gonzalez*, Eleonora Sears* 1967 Bobby Riggs*, Bill Talbert*, Margaret Osbourne du Pont, Louise Brough Clapp 1966 Joe Hunt*, Frank Parker*, Theodore Pell*, Ted Schroeder 1965 Pauline Betz Addie, Ellen Hansell*, Watson Washburn*, Don McNeill*, James Van Alen* 1964 Alice Marble*, Don Budge*, George Lott*, Frank Shields*, George Adee*, Sidney Wood 1963 Wilmer Allison*, Sarah Palfrey Danzig*, John Van Ryn*, Julian Myrick* 1962 John Doeg*, Ellsworth Vines*, Helen Hull Jacobs* 1961 Vincent Richards*, Frank Hunter*, Malcolm Chace*, Fred Alexander*, Harold Hackett* 1959 Bill Tilden*, Helen Wills (Moody Roark)* 1958 Bill Johnston*, Molla Bjurstedt Mallory*, R. Lindley Murray*, Maud Barger-Wallach* 1957 Mary K. Browne*, Maurice McLoughlin*, Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman*, Richard N. Williams 2nd* 1956 William Clothier*, Dwight Davis*, Holcombe Ward*, May Sutton Bundy*, William Larned*, Beals Wright* 1955 Richard Sears*, James Dwight*, Henry Slocum*, Oliver Campbell*, Robert Wrenn*, Malcolm Whitman*, Joseph Clark* HHall of Fame - Newport, USA 323 National team of Georgia on draw of DAVIS CUP Debut of a national team of Georgia - 1994 The lost and won meetings - 39-25 Irakli Ushangishvili - 29-15 (Singles and duobles) Irakli Ushangishvili - Singles - 19-9 Doubles - Irakli Labadze - 12-5 The best pair - Lado Chikhladze and Irakli Labadze - 9-4 Quantity of command games - Irakli Ushangishvili - 28 Quantity of years - Irakli Labadze - 8 Results of a national team of Georgia 11.05.2011 Montenegro - 0- 3 EUR 03 RR 11.05.2011 Armenia - 1- 2 EUR 03 RR 11.05.2011 Malta - 3- 0 EUR 03 RR 15.05.2010 Greece - 1- 2 EUR G3 1st 14.05.2010 Malta - 2- 1 EUR RR 13.05.2010 Luxemburg - 1- 2 EUR RR 12.05.2010 Andorra - 2- 1 EUR RR 10.05.2010 Iceland - 3- 0 EUR RR 12.07.2009 Egypt - 0- 5 EUR 1st R 08.03.2009 Lithuania 2- 3 EPA G2 1st R 2 1/ 09 / 2 008 Slovakia - 1- 4 EA - G1 1/4 08/ 04/ 2 007 Serbia - 0- 5 EA - G1 1/4 11/ 02 / 2 007 Portugal - 3- 2 EA - G1 1 Gr 2 4/ 09 / 2 006 Hungary - 3- 2 EA - G2 1/2 2 3/ 07 2 006 Poland - 3- 2 EA - G2 1/4 09 / 04/ 2 006 South Africa - 3- 2 EA - G2 1 Gr 17 / 07 / 2 005 Gana EA - G2 1 Gr 06/ 03/ 2 005 Bulgaria - 1- 4 EA - G2 1 Gr 18/ 07 / 2 004 Egipt - 4- 1 EA - G2 1 Gr 11/ 04/ 2 004 Italia - 2- 3 EA - G2 1 Gr 15/ 06/ 2 003 RR 15/ 06/ 2 003 latvia - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 14/ 06/ 2 003 Azerbaijan - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 13/ 06/ 2 003 K ipr EA - G3 RR 12 / 06/ 2 003 Turkey - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 11/ 06/ 2 003 Bosnia - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 16/ 06/ 2 002 Azerbaijan - 2- 1 EA - G4 RR 15/ 06/ 2 002 San Marino - 3- 0 EA - G4 RR 14/ 06/ 2 002 N igeria - 1- 2 EA - G4 RR 13/ 06/ 2 002 Lichtensein - 2- 1 EA - G4 RR 12 / 06/ 2 002 Uganda - 3- 0 EA - G4 RR - 3- 2 - 2- 1 324 R 20/05/2001 K enia - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 19/05/2001 Botsvana - 1- 2 EA - G3 RR 18/05/2001 Madagaskar - 1- 2 EA - G3 RR 17/05/2001 Latvia - 0- 3 EA - G3 RR 16/05/2001 K enia - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 28/05/2000 Bosnia - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 27/05/2000 Jugoslavia - 0- 3 EA - G3 RR 26/05/2000 Togo - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 25/05/2000 Bosnia - 0- 3 EA - G3 RR 24/05/2000 Malta - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 13/06/1999 Monako - 0- 3 EA - G3 RR 12/06/1999 Zambia - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 11/06/1999 Armenia - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 10/06/1999 Litva - 1- 2 EA - G3 RR 09/06/1999 K enia - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 19/07/1998 Latvia - 0- 5 EA - G2 1 R 03/05/1998 Portugal- 0- 5 EA - G2 1 R 14/07/1997 N igeria - 5- 0 EA - G2 1 R 04/05/1997 Slovenia - 2- 3 EA - G2 1 R 26/05/1996 Lichtensein - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 25/05/1996 Turkey - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 23/05/1996 Bosnia - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 22/05/1996 Benin - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 21/05/1996 Armenia- 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 20/05/1996 Tunis - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 14/05/1995 Bulgaria - 0- 2 EA - G3 RR 13/05/1995 K amerun - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 12/05/1995 Makedonia - 1- 2 EA - G3 RR 10/05/1995 Tunis - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 08/05/1994 Zambia - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 06/05/1994 CIV- 0- 3 EA - G3 RR 05/05/1994 San Marino - 2- 1 EA - G3 RR 04/05/1994 Jibuti - 3- 0 EA - G3 RR 325 Se cond name Win / Los s R e cord S D Yae rs A.Akhaladze - 6- 3 3- 2 3- 1 1994- 1995 K .Burchuladze - 2- 5 2- 2 0- 3 2000 M.C haduneli - 3- 4 2- 2 1- 2 2001 G. C hanturia - 0- 2 0- 2 0- 0 2007 L.C hikhladze - 10- 12 9- 6 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 10 N .Dolidze 0- 0 0- 1 2011 M.C hokheli - 2- 5 0- 2 2- 3 1999- 2000 O .Enukidze - 2- 4 0- 1 2- 3 2000- 2001 V.Gabrichidze - 21- 9 11- 5 10 - 4 1995- 1999 D.Gogilashvili - 1- 1 1- 1 0- 0 1994 L.Gelashvili - 0- 1 0- 0 0- 1 1994 N .Itonishvili - 0- 7 0- 5 0- 2 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 10 D.K acharava - 11- 4 6- 1 5- 3 1995- 1999 G.K hrikadze - 0- 3 0- 2 0- 1 2007- 2008 I.K unchulia - 1- 5 0- 4 1- 1 1996- 1997 D.K vernadze - 0- 4 0- 2 0- 2 2003- 2005 I.Labadze - 27- 10 15 - 5 12 - 5 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 10 V.Margalitadze - 4- 5 5- 2 1995- 1998 A.Metreveli 2- 1 1- 2 2011 O .Murgulia - 0- 2 0- 0 0- 2 2003 R.O sadze - 0- 1 0- 1 0- 0 2008 G.Revazishvili - 1- 2 0- 1 1- 1 1999 G.Samkharadze - 1- 5 1- 3 0- 2 1997- 1998 I.Siamashvili - 3- 1 1- 1 2- 0 1994 I.Ushangishvili - 29- 15 19 - 9 10 - 6 1999- 2005 G.Tsivadze - 2- 4 2- 4 0- 2 2010- 2011 19 - 18 9- 7 National team of Georgia on draw of FED CUP Debut of national team of Georgia - 1994 The lost and won meetings - 31-34 Chakhnashvili Margalita - 30-22 (Singles ans Doubles) Quantity of command games - Chakhnashvili Margalita - 35 Quantity of Years - Chakhnashvili Margalita - 10 Results of a national team of Georgia 04.05.2011 Armenia 2- 1 EPA G2 RR 05.05.2011 Bosnia/Hezegovina EPA G2 RR 06.05.2011 Turkey EPA G2 07.05.2011 Portugal EPA G2 1 st R 01.05.2010 Greece - EPA G2 1st R 30.04.2010 Armenia - 2- 0 EPA G2 30.04.2010 N orway - 3- 0 EPA G2 RR 29.04.2010 Finland - EPA G2 RR 25.04.2009 Latvia - 24.04.2009 Turkey - 23.04.2009 South Africa - 0- 2 1- 2 0- 3 EPA G2 3- 0 02 / 02 / 2 008 Poland - 0 1/ 0 2 / 2 0 0 8 Slovenia - 31/ 0 1/ 2 0 0 8 Sweden - 30 / 0 1/ 2 0 0 8 Belorusia - 1- 2 0- 3 0- 2 0- 3 0- 3 326 RR RR 1st R EPA G2 RR EPA G2 RR EA - G1 EA - G1 1 R RR EA - G1 RR EA - G1 RR 2 0/ 04/ 2 007 South Africa - 2- 1 EA- G2 1 R 19 / 04/ 2 007 Bosnia - 2- 0 EA- G2 RR 18/ 04/ 2 007 N orvegia - 2- 0 EA- G2 RR 18/ 04/ 2 007 Portugal - 0- 3 EA- G2 RR 2 9 / 04/ 2 006 Poland - 0- 3 EA- G2 1 wre 2 8/ 04/ 2 006 Ireland - 2- 1 EA- G2 RR 2 6 / 04/ 2 006 Litva - 1- 2 EA- G2 RR 30 / 0 4 / 2 0 0 5 Fin land- 1- 2 EA- G2 RR 2 9 / 04/ 2 005 N orvegia- 2- 1 EA- G2 RR 2 8/ 04/ 2 005 Ireland - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 2 7 / 04/ 2 005 Latvia - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 01/ 05/ 2 004 Egipt - 3- 0 EA- G2 1 wre 30 / 0 4 / 2 0 0 4 Finland - 2- 1 EA- G2 RR 2 8/ 04/ 2 004 Luxsemburg - 0- 3 EA- G2 RR 2 7 / 04/ 2 004 Latvia - 1- 2 EA- G2 RR 2 6 / 04/ 2 004 Ireland - 0- 3 EA- G2 RR 2 4/ 04/ 2 003 Jugoslavia - 0- 3 EA- G1 RR 2 3/ 0 4 / 2 0 0 3 Izrael - 0- 3 EA- G1 RR 2 1/ 04/ 2 003 Bulgaria- 1- 2 EA- G1 RR 2 6 / 04/ 2 002 Portugal - 21 EA- G1 RR 2 5/ 04/ 2 002 Bulgaria - 1- 2 EA- G1 RR 2 4/ 04/ 2 002 Estonia - 1- 2 EA- G1 RR 17 / 05/ 2 001 Ireland - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 16/ 05/ 2 001 Latvia - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 15/ 05/ 2 001 Malta - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 01/ 04/ 2 000 Litva - 1- 0 EA- G2 RR 31/ 03/ 2 000 K ipr - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 30/ 03/ 2 000 Egipt - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 2 9 / 0 3/ 2 0 0 0 Armenia - 3- 0 EA- G2 RR 2 8/ 03/ 2 000 Jugoslavia - 1- 2 EA- G2 RR 2 1/ 04/ 19 9 9 Luxemburg - 1- 2 EA- G1 RR 2 0/ 04/ 19 9 9 Poland - 0- 3 EA- G1 RR 19 / 04/ 19 9 9 Slovenia - 1- 2 EA- G1 RR 327 09 / 05/ 19 9 8 Estonia - 2- 1 EA - G2 RR 08/ 05/ 19 9 8 Ireland - 3- 0 EA - G2 RR 07 / 05/ 19 9 8 Island - 3- 0 EA - G2 RR 06/ 05/ 19 9 8 Bosnia - 2- 1 EA - G2 RR 05/ 05/ 19 9 8 Moldova - 3- 0 EA - G2 RR 2 4/ 04/ 19 9 7 Latvia - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 7 Slovenia - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 2 2 / 04/ 19 9 7 Izrael - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 2 4/ 04/ 19 9 6 Jugoslavia - 2- 1 EA - G1 RR 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 6 Swizerland - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 2 2 / 04/ 19 9 6 C roatia - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 19 / 04/ 19 9 5 Russia - 0- 3 EA - G1 RR 18/ 04/ 19 9 5 Ukraina - 1- 2 EA - G1 RR 17 / 04/ 19 9 5 Hungary - W/O EA - G1 RR 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 4 Slovakia - 1- 2 EA - G1 1/4 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 4 Zimbabve - 3- 0 EA - G1 1 R 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 4 Ukraina - 2- 1 EA - G1 RR 2 3/ 04/ 19 9 4 Tunis - 3- 0 EA - G1 RR Se cond name , Win / Los s R e cord S D Ye ars V.Bakhtadze - 2- 4 0- 2 2- 2 19 9 4 - 19 9 5 S.C hachkhunashvili - 1- 1 1- 1 0- 0 2005 M.C hkhnashvili- 30- 22 2 1- 12 9- 10 19 9 8 - 2 0 10 S.Devidze - 18- 11 9- 6 9- 5 2000- 2003 N .Esebua - 5- 0 1- 0 4- 0 2000- 2001 E.Gorgodze - 1- 5 0- 2 1- 3 2007- 2008=2011 I.Jikia - 1- 5 1- 2 0- 3 2006 I.K akulia - 1- 3 0- 0 1- 3 19 9 7 O .K alashnikova- 4- 8 7- 7 1- 1 2007- 2010 T.K avlashvili - 8- 9 5- 2 3- 7 2003- 2005 S.K vatsabaia - 0- 4 0- 1 0- 3 2007- 2008 N .Luarsabishvili - 17- 23 9- 11 8- 12 19 9 4 - 19 9 9 S.Managadze - 1- 9 1- 5 0- 4 19 9 6 - 19 9 7 S.Melikishvili - 4- 1 3- 1 1- 0 2004 L.Meskhi - 5- 1 4- 0 1- 1 19 9 4 T.Mikadze - 7- 7 2- 3 5- 4 2005- 2006- 2011 A.Tatishvili - 5- 3 5- 2 0- 1 2009- 2010 N .Urotadze - 0- 3 0- 2 0- 1 2002- 2003 S.Shapatava - 6- 6 2- 4 4- 2 2009- 2011 328 avtori vladimer gogliZe daibada TbilisSi 1940 wels 13 marts gamoCenili qarTveli moWadrakis viqtor gogliZis ojaxSi. daamTavra Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti meqamika-maTematikis fakulteti. 1965 wlidan muSaobs gamoTvliTi teqnikisa da programirebis dargSi. swavlobda aspiranturaSi kievis kibernetikis institutSi. amJamad muSaobs konsultantad saCogburTo klubSi. da - marina gogliZe-mdivani me-20 saukunis gamoCenili pianisti-virtuozi. amJamad cxovrobs kanadaSi. marina McGill - is universitetis profesoria. v.gogliZe saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mwvrTneli, saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli muSaki fizkulturisa da sportis dargSi, sportis ostati. 1957 wlis ssr kavSiris Cempioni “dinamo”-s nakrebi gundis SemadgenlobaSi. 1956 wlis ssr kavSiris Cempioni iuniorTa Soris Tbilisis da Tbilisis “dinamo”-s nakrebi gundebis SemadgenlobaSi. 60-70-ian wlebSi saqarTvelos mravalgzis Cempioni wyvilTa TanrigSi givi axalaZesTan erTad. 1982-1986 wlebSi saqarTvelos nakrebi gundis mwvrTneli. 1991-1996 wlebSi saqarTvelos CogburTis federaciis vice-prezidenti. ori wignis avtori (qarTul enaze) - “CogburTi” (2002) da “CogburTis safuZvlebi” (2004). mecnieruli naSromebis avtori (programirebaSi da gamoTvliTi teqniqis dargSi). 2007 wlidan saqarTvelos veteran da moyvarul CogburTelTa federaciis prezidenti. coli didebuliZe ina germanuli filologiis specialisti. Svili viqtori wamyvani specialisti cxenosnobis dargSi Vladimir Goglidze was born in Tbilisi on March, 13, 1940 in the family of well-known Georgian chess player Victor Goglidze. He graduated from the mathematical department of the Tbilisi University. He won the title of the champion of the USSR in tennis (1957). V. Goglidze is multiple champion of Georgia in the pair category . He was awarded with the title of deserved trainer of Georgia . From 1982 till 1986 he is the trainer of national team of Georgia. He is the author of two books (in the Georgian language): “Tennis” (2002) and “Bases of tennis “ (2004) and of five sits “Tennis in Georgia”(2005) , “The World of Tennis”(2006), “Sculptor from Georgia”(George Shkhvatsabaia)& “The outstending pianist of XX centure Marina Goglidze-Mdivani”., “The first Georgian chess maestro” . Marina is the professor of university McGill in Canada.The wife - Didebulidze Ina is the expert on German philology. The son - Victor Goglidze is the expert on deducing and preparation Horses of thoroughbred breed. View my complete profile Vladimir Goglidze, Teimuraz Gabashvili. Tbilisi 02-10-2011 329 My Family My Father - Victor,first chess maestro of Georgia My Mother - Tamar My Sister - Marina My Wife - Ina My Son - Victor 330 vldimer gogliZes Tu ginda iyav Sen mdivani , da Tu ginda iyav iaSa hefici, burTs ver Caagdeb kortis farglebSi, Tu ar giWiravs swored Cogani. magaliTi gaqvs saukeTeso, gyavs metreveli da gyavs gogliZe sul mzad iyavi! zogjer badisken win gaiSvire orive xeli. Tu swrafi ar har, arc xar sxarti, da burTs ver urtyam orive xeliT, wadi gaswavlis dartymas gogliZe, da burTis miRebas ki - metreveli. dagiyvireben dagiyvaveben, magram Sendobas maTgan nu eli, swraf moZraobas gaCvevs gogliZe moqnil TamaSs ki TviT metreveli. bolos kedelTan Tu ki migiSves da saaTobiT urtyi burTebi, Zalian kargi !.. magram Tu ara, Semdegi mosvliT nu Sewuxdebi. da, ha, gaivlis sul sami weli , da ikveTeba siluetebi. Tavad gogliZe mogawvdis burTebs metrevels rCeba piruetebi. sportis ostati naRdad gaxdebi, metoqeebi gyavs uamravi. da burTs Tu bades gadaacileb prizad gergeba Sen oqros medali. koka cxakaia (01-05-1939 - 30-12-2008), Tbilisi, 2003 weli 331 332