Л.В. Старкова Л.О. Герасимова Учебное пособие

Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Братский государственный университет»
Л.В. Старкова
Л.О. Герасимова
Учебное пособие
учебнометодическим центром высшего профессионального образования
для межвузовского использования в качестве учебного пособия для
студентов 1–2-х курсов всех специальностей.
Братск 2007
ББК 81.2 (Англ.)
Старкова, Л.В. Америка. Какая она?: учебное пособие /
Л.В. Старкова, Л.О. Герасимова. – Братск: ГОУ ВПО «БрГУ»,
2008. – 174 с.
Пособие включает тексты, подобранные из оригинальных
источников английских и американских авторов, дотекстовые и
послетекстовые задания, направленные на развитие языковой догадки и словообразовательного анализа, а также задания для активного закрепления лексики.
Е.Я. Егорченкова, канд. филол. наук, профессор
Байкальского государственного университета
экономики и права (г. Иркутск)
Е.В. Махоткина, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка Иркутского государственного лингвистического университета
© ГОУ ВПО «БрГУ», 2007
Введение .................................................................................... 4
UNIT I. Geography...................................................................... 5
UNIT II. The Founding of the United States of America ............. 9
UNIT III. Political System .........................................................21
Unit IV. The Native Americans..................................................29
Unit V. Black America ...............................................................44
UNIT VI. History: from 1929 to the Present................................58
UNIT VII. Art and Music...........................................................76
UNIT VIII. Literature ................................................................98
Unit IX. American Holiday ......................................................105
UNIT X. Media and Communications ......................................123
UNIT XI. Education ................................................................129
UNIT XII. American Youth .....................................................135
UNIT XIII. American Family...................................................143
UNIT XIV. Medicine and Health Care.....................................147
UNIT XV. New York ..............................................................151
Список Географических названий .........................................161
Список личных имен ..............................................................164
Литература ..............................................................................167
Пособие «Америка. Какая она?» имеет своей целью развитие
навыков самостоятельного чтения с последующим выходом в монологическую устную и письменную речь и предназначено для
студентов I и II курсов неязыкового вуза очной и заочной форм
Пособие состоит из 15 уроков, включающих в себя тексты,
подобранные из оригинальных источников английских и американских авторов, а также до- и послетекстовые задания. Дотекстовые
задания направлены на развитие языковой догадки и навыков словообразовательного анализа. В начале урока дан лексический минимум с транскрипцией. Для развития навыков монологической
речи каждый урок снабжен рядом вопросов по тексту, упражнениями на перевод с русского на английский и с английского на
русский языков. Также имеются задания для активного закрепления лексики, которые студенты могут выполнять самостоятельно,
проверяя себя с помощью ключей. В пособии даны списки географических названий и личных имен (с транскрипцией), помеченных
в тексте знаком (*).
Тематика текстов охватывает основные аспекты социальнополитической и культурной жизни США. Это позволяет обучаемым не только усвоить довольно обширный лексический минимум,
который может быть использован в дальнейшем, но и ознакомиться
со страной изучаемого языка. Тексты значительны по объему, и это
способствует формированию навыков работы с оригинальным материалом. Чтение, как известно, является одним из основных источников получения лингвистической и экстралингвистической
Надеемся, что данное пособие даст учащимся импульс к дальнейшему «знакомству» со страной изучаемого языка.
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
central [´sentrəl], tropical [´trþpıkəl], industrialize [ın´dΛstrıə¸laız],
service [´sз:vıs], transportation [¸trænspo:´teı∫n], physical [´fızıkəl],
contrast [´kþntra:st], season [´si:zən], extremely [ıks´tri:mlı], historic
[hıs´to:rık], economic [i:kə´nþmık], system [´sıstəm], kilometer
[´kılə¸mi:tə], cultivate [´kΛltıveıt], mineral [´mınrəl], production
[prə´dΛk∫ən], gas [´gæs], phosphate [´fþsfeıt], cement [sı´ment],
million [´mıljən], reserve [rı´zз:v].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
allow, v – [ə´laυ] – позволять
connect, v – [kə´nekt] – соединять
distinct, adj – [´dıstıŋkt] – определенный
exceed, v – [ık´si:d] – превышать
expanse, n – [ık´spəns] – пространство
fertile, adj – [´fз:taıl] – плодородный
flight, n – [´flaıt] – полет
include, v – [ın´klu:d] – включать (в себя что-л.)
majestic, adj – [mə´dʒestık] – величественный
output, v – [´aυtpυt] – продукция
route, n – [´ru:t] – маршрут
stretch, v – [´stret∫] – простираться
tributary, n – [´trıbjutərı] – приток
valley, n – [´vælı] – долина
vessel, n – [´vesl] – судно
III. Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The vast and varied expanse of the United States of America*
stretches from the heavily industrialized, metropolitan Atlantic* seaboard, across the rich flat farms of the central plains over the majestic
Rocky Mountains* to the fertile densely populated west coast then
halfway across the Pacific* to the semi – tropical island state of Hawaii*.
Airlines service 854 cities throughout the country. A flight from
New York* to San Francisco* takes five – and – half hours. Train service is also available: the most frequent service is between Washington*, New York, and Boston* in the East; St. Louis, Chicago* and
Milwaukee* in the Midwest. A coast-to-coast trip by train takes three
days. The major means of intercity transportation is by automobile.
America is a land of physical contrasts, including the weather. The
southern parts of Florida*, Texas*, California*, and the entire state of
Hawaii, have warm temperatures all year round; most of the United
States is in the temperate 20th with four distinct seasons and varying
numbers of hot and cold days each season, while the northern tier of
states and Alaska* have extremely cold winters.
The USA is also a land of bountiful rivers and lakes. The northern
state of Minnesota*, for example, is known as the land of 10.000 lakes.
The broad Mississippi* River System, of great historic and economic
importance to the U.S., runs 5.969 kilometers from Canada* into the
Gulf of Mexico* – the world’s third longest river after the Nile* and the
Amazon*. A canal south of Chicago* joins one of the tributaries of the
Mississippi to the Great Lakes – making it the world’s largest in land
water transportation route and the biggest body of fresh water in the
world. The St. Lawrence Seaway* that the U.S. shares with Canada*,
connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean* allowing seagoing
vessels to travel 3.861 kilometers in land, as far as Duluth*, Minnesota*, during the spring and fall shipping season.
America’s early settlers were attracted by the fertile land along the
Atlantic coast in the southeast and in land beyond the eastern Appalachian Mountains*. As America expanded westward, so did its farmers
and ranchers cultivating the grasslands of the Great Plains* and finally
the fertile valleys of the Pacific Coast*. American farmers plant spring
wheat on the cold western plains, raise corn, wheat and fine beef cattle
in the Midwest and rice in the damp heat of Louisiana*. Florida* and
California* are famous for their vegetable and fruit production, and the
cool, rainy northwestern states are known for apples, pears, berries and
Underground wealth of minerals provides a solid base for American industry. History has glamorized the gold rushes of California and
Alaska* and silver finds in Nevada*. Yet America’s yearly production
of gold ($ 742.500.000) is far exceeded by the value of its petroleum,
natural gas, phosphates, lead and iron even its output of sand, cement
and stone for construction. Production value of crude oil alone is about
$84 thousand million annually pumped from petroleum reserves that
range from the Gulf of Mexico* to Alaska’s North Slope*.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The vast and varied expanse of the United States of America
stretches from the industrialized, metropolitan Pacific seaboard, across
the Appalachian Mountains to the east coast.
2) The flight from New York to San Francisco takes five-anda half hours.
3) The most frequent airlines service is between Detroit, Cleveland, and Rochester in the East; Chicago and Milwaukee in the Midwest.
4) The USA is a land of high mountains and bare deserts.
5) The northern state of Minnesota has 10 000 lakes.
6) The Mississippi River is the world’s second longest river.
7) A canal south of Boston joins one of the tributaries of the Hudson to five Great Lakes – making it the world’s largest in land water
transportation route.
8) America’s early settlers were attracted by the fertile land along
the Atlantic coast in the south-east and in land beyond the eastern Appalachian Mountains.
9) Florida and California are famous for their cotton and wool production.
10) Underground wealth of minerals provides a solid base for
American industry.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
1. How vast is the United States of America?
2. How many cities do American airlines service?
3. How many lakes are there in the USA?
4. What does the St. Lawrence Seaway connect?
5. What were the America’s early settlers attracted by?
6. What is production value of crude oil in the USA?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским выражениям:
densely populated coast; a coast – to – coast trip; the major means of
intercity transportation; the temperate zone; inland water transportation
route; shipping season; to plant crops; to raise corn; to be famous for;
production value; the vast and varied expanse of; a land of physical
contrasts; airlines service; seagoing vessels, gold rush.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
густонаселенное побережье; центральные равнины; круглый год;
основные средства передвижения; золотая лихорадка; прочная основа; американская промышленность; морские суда; простираться
от … до; перелёт занимает пять с половиной часов; американские
фермеры; выращивать пшеницу; выпуск цемента, газа, бензина;
запасы нефти.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
flight, contrast, tributary, allow, cultivate, production, reserve, service.
1) working for a person or organization or country etc.
2) a difference clearly seen when things are compared.
3) permit someone to have something or to do something.
4) a journey in the aircraft etc.
5) a river or a stream that flows into a large one or into a lake.
6) use land to grow crops.
7) an area of land kept for a special purpose.
8) the things or amount produced.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
connect, kilometer, distinct, extremely, transportation, tropical, vessel,
output, include, economic.
1) The ………… crisis in Portugal became more and more serious,
and threatened to bring down the government.
2) It was …………… cold in that region.
3) I was very surprised to find out that the climate is …………. in
this country.
4) The ………….. of this industrial enterprise is well-known in the
5) Having passed many …………… we arrived at last.
6) To ………….. these two parts the workers need the latest
7) ……………….. of these goods requires many efforts and costs.
8) The curriculum of many higher schools of our country ………..
computer programming.
9) The boy’s intentions are ……….. .
10) There are many international cosmic …….. on the orbit now.
Ex. IV
1) false
2) true
3) false
4) false
5) true
6) false
7) false
8) true
9) false
10) true
1) service
2) contrast
3) allow
4) flight
5) tributary
6) cultivate
7) reserve
8) production
Ex. IX
1) economic
2) extreme
3) tropical
4) output
5) kilometers
6) connect
7) transportation
8) includes
9) distinct
10) vessels
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
immigrant [´ımıgrənt], religious [rı´lıdʒəs], colony [´kþlənı], occupy
[´þkjυ¸paı], practical [´præktıkəl], control [kən´trəυl], conflict
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
inhabit, v –[ın´hæbıt] – населять
discover, v – [dıs´kΛvə] – открывать
commemoration, n – [kə´meməreı∫n] – ознаменование
journey, n – [´dʒз:nı] – путешествие
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
A little less than 500 years ago North America* was a vast wilderness inhabited by Indians who, perhaps 20 000 years earlier, traveled
across a land bridge from Asia* to America where the Bering Strait* is
today. Icelandic Viking Leif Erickson* sailed to America around the
year 1000 then in 1492, Christopher Columbus* discovered a “New
World*”. For the next 100 years, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch
and French explorers sailed looking for the New World for gold and
riches, for honor and glory.
But the North American wilderness yielded little glory and less
gold so most explorers did not stay.
In 1607 a daring band of English setters built the first permanent
village, which they called Jamestown* in commemoration of their charter from King James I* of England. Their life was bleak, hard and
lonely in this wilderness, more and more people began to make the difficult ocean journey and immigrants soon founded colonies all along the
Atlantic Coast* from Massachusetts* to Georgia*.
Adventurers and rogues, religious believers and practical builders –
all came. Over time, setters from many other nations joined the English
in America.
By 1733 European settlers occupied 13 colonies along the Atlantic
Coast. The French controlled Canada*, Louisiana* and the entire watershed of the Mississippi River*. The series of conflicts between the British and the French culminated in the French and Indian War
(1754–1763) in which Britain* with its American colonial allies
emerged victorious.
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
textile [´tekstaıl], coffee [´kþfı], colonist [´kþlənıst], special [´spe∫l],
document [´dþkjυment], parliament [´pa:ləmənt], protest [prə´test],
tariff [´tærıf].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
liberty, n – [´lıbətı] – свобода
license, n – [´laısəns] – лицензия
insist, v – [ın´sıst] – настаивать
measure, n – [´meʒə] – мера
refuse, v - [rı´fju:z] – отказываться
require, v – [rı´kwaıə] – требовать
In the following years, the British started imposing new taxes on
sugar, coffee, textiles and other imported goods. Under the Quartering
Act, the British required the colonists to house and feed British soldiers,
under the Stamp Act, they issued special tax stamps to be attached to all
newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents and licenses.
These measures seemed quite fair to British politicians who had
spent large sums of money to defend their American colonies during the
French and Indian War. But the Americans feared that the new taxes
would make trading difficult, and that British troops stationed in the
colonies might be used to crush civil liberties, which the colonists had
enjoyed. Speaking as freeborn Englishmen colonial Americans insisted
that only their own colonial assemblies could tax them: “No taxation
without representation” was their rallying cry. Parliament heeded their
protests and repealed the Stamp Act; however it enforced the Quartering
Act, enacted taxes on tea and other goods and sent customs officers to
Boston* to collect these tariffs. When the colonists refused to obey, the
British sent soldiers to Boston.
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
port [´po:t], isolate [aısə´leıt], leader [´li:də], act [´ækt], boycott
[´boıkþt], organize [´o:gə¸naız], ammunition [¸æmju´nı∫n], function
[´fΛnk∫n], command [kə´ma:nd], diplomatic [dıplə´mætık], contact
[´kþntəkt], declaration [deklə´reı∫n], revolution [revə´lu:∫n], natural
[´næt∫ərl], provision [prə´vıʒn], territory [´terətərı], constitution
[¸kþnstı´tju:∫n], confederation [kən¸fedə´reı∫n], congress [´kþŋgres],
ratify [´rætıfaı], regulate [regjυ´leıt], commerce [´kþmз:s], method
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
independence, n – [¸ındı´pendəns] – независимость
merchant, n – [´mз:t∫ənt] – купец
opportunity, v – [þpə´tju:nıtı] – возможность
refuse, v – [rı´fju:z] – отказываться
rebellion, n – [rı´beljən] – восстание
receive, v – [rı´si:v] – получать
sign, v – [´saın] – подписывать
sovereignty, v – [sþv´rıntı] – суверенитет
surrender, v – [sə´rendə] – сдаваться
treaty, n – [´tri:tı] – договор
weapon, n – [´wepən] – оружие
Soon all British taxes were removed except for a tax on tea. In
protest, on December 16, 1773 a group of Americans disguised as
Indians boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea
“Boston* Tea Party” with the “Coercive” or “Intolerable” Acts. The
independence of the Massachusetts* colonial government was sharply
curtailed and the port of Boston was closed to shipping. Instead of
isolating Massachusetts, the Coercive Acts helped to unite moderates
among the colonists.
Opposed to what was perceived as British oppression, colonial
leaders held the first Continental Congress in 1774 in Philadelphia*,
Pennsylvania*. The leaders urged Americans to disobey the Coercive
Acts and to boycott British trade. Colonists began to organize militias
and to collect and store weapons and ammunition. On April 19, 1775,
700 British soldiers left Boston determined to capture a colonial arms
depot at Concord and forestall a colonial rebellion. At the village of
Lexington* they confronted 70 colonial militiamen. Someone, no one
knows why, fired a short and the American War of Independence began.
In May 1775, a second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia*
and began to assume the function of a national government. It founded a
Continental army and navy under the command of George
Washington*, printed paper money and opened diplomatic contacts with
foreign powers. On July 2, 1776 the Congress finally resolved, “that
these United Colonies ought to be free and independent states”. Thomas
Jefferson* of Virginia* drafted a Declaration of Independence, which
the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776.
The Declaration presented a public defense of the American Revolution including a lengthy list of grievances against the British King
George III. It explained the philosophy behind the revolution – that men
have a natural right “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, that
governments can rule only with “the consent of the governed”; that any
government may be dissolved when it fails to protect the rights of the
At first the war went badly for the Americans. The British captured
New York* City in September 1766 and Philadelphia* a year later. The
tide turned in October 1777, when the British army surrendered at
Saratoga*, in north New York was encouraged by that victory. France
seized an opportunity to humble Britain her traditional enemy.
A Franco-American alliance was signed in February 1778. Although
American troops generally fought well with few provisions and little
training, they might have lost the war if they had not received aid from
the French treasury and the powerful French navy.
After 1778 the fighting shifted largely to the South. In 1781, 8 000
British troops under Lord Cornwallis* were surrounded at Yorktown*,
Virginia* by a French fleet and a combined French-American army
under George Washington’s* command. Cornwallis surrendered, and
soon afterward the British government asked for peace. The Treaty of
Paris signed in September 1783, recognized the independence of the
United States and granted the new nation all the territory: north of
Florida, south of Canada and east of the Mississippi River*.
The colonies were now free but they neither had nor yet forged a
united nation. The first national constitution, the Articles of
Confederation and Perpetual Union, had been adopted by the
Continental Congress in 1777, but was not ratified by the states until
1781. Moreover under the Articles, the crucial powers of regulating
commerce and levying taxes – indeed the power to make laws –
remained with the states. In fact the Articles of Confederation declared “
each state retains its sovereignty”. The federal government could declare
war and peace, make foreign treaties and coin and borrow money – but
only with the consent of two-thirds of the states and the Articles
provided no method of enforcement.
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
dispute [dı´spju:t], delegate [´delıgət],result [rı´zΛlt], democracy
[dı´mþkrəsı], guarantee [¸gærənti:], dictatorial [¸dık´tə´to:rıəl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
authority, n – [o:´θþrıtı] – власть
divide, v – [dı´vaıd] – делить
involve, v – [ın´vþlv] – вовлекать
negotiate, v – [nı´gəυ∫ı¸eıt] – вести переговоры
solution, n – [sə´lu:∫n] – решение
By 1787 it was widely believed that the superficial unity imposed
by the Articles of Confederation would disintegrate. The Congress had
difficulty negotiating international commerce because any one state
could render a treaty ineffectual. The states themselves were constantly
involved in commercial or territorial disputes small farmers throughout
the country in dept and pressed for payment by merchants, petitioned
state legislatures for paper money when the Massachusetts* legislature
refused debt ridden farmers organized a revolt in 1786-1787 known as
Shay’s Rebellion.
In May 1787, 55 of the most highly regarded American leaders including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin* and James Madison*
opened a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia*, Pennsylvania*
that had been called specifically for revising the Articles of Confederation. But the delegates boldly decided to thorn the Articles out and
instead began drafting a new constitution. The meeting, which went on
for four long months and is sometimes called “the second American
revolution”, resulted in the Constitution of the US. This constitution
established not merely a league of independent states but a strong
central government that exercises authority directly over all the citizens
of the nation.
The farmers of the Constitution sought to reconcile their belief in
democracy with their concern about the possible abuses of a centralized
government. The solution was to divide the powers of the federal
government by function. The Constitution establishes separate
executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and requires
that a “balance of power” be maintained among them. Under this
principle each branch is provided independent means to exercise checks
on the activities of the others, thus guaranteeing that no branch car gain
dictatorial authority over the government. In addition, even under this
strong central government, states retain considerable power. Each state,
for example, has the right to educate children and young people, build
highways and maintain order within its borders. Moreover the
ratification of an amendment to the Constitution requires approval by
three – fourths of the state legislatures or state conventions.
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
debate [dı´beıt], individual [¸ındı´vıdjυəl], process [´prəυses],
fundamental [¸fΛndə´mentəl], formulate [´fo:mjυleıt], ideal [aı´di:əl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
accept, v – [ək´sept] – принимать
amendment, n – [ə´mendmənt] – дополнение
create, v – [kri:´eıt] - создавать
interfere, v – [¸ıntə´fıə] – вмешиваться, мешать
The Constitution was accepted in 1788, but only after much bitter
debate. Many Americans feared that a powerful central government
would trample on the liberties of the people, and 10 amendments
guaranteeing these liberties – the Bill of Rights – were added to the
Constitution – the Bill of Rights ensures freedom of religion, a free
press, free speech, protection against “cruel and unusual punishments”.
There were liberties limited to those specified: the ninth amendment
holds that “enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”. The
addition to the Constitution of the Bill of Rights thus strikes a balance
between the need for a strong efficient central authority and the need to
ensure individual liberties.
Since the Bill of Rights was adopted, 16 other amendments have
been added to the Constitution. The 14th amendment which bars states
from denying “any person “either” “due process” or “equal protection” ”
of law is in many ways an extension of the fundamental civil liberties
provided by the Bill of Rights. Simply put, it guarantees that all persons
in the nation have equal rights. Other key amendments include: the 13th
– barring slavery, the 15th – prohibiting states from interfering with the
right to vote and the 19th -giving women the right to vote.
The farmers of the Constitution created an enduring document. The
Constitution was formulated in a way that allows it to involve and
change as the nation has grown and developed. Today, more than 200
years after it was written the Constitution remains vital, alive and at the
center of American political ideals and practices.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) In 1492, Icelandic Viking Leif Erickson discovered a “New
2) English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and French explorers sailed
looking for the New World for gold and riches, for honor and glory.
3) By 1733 European settlers occupied 13 colonies along the Atlantic Coast.
4) In the 18th century Britain did not impose new taxes.
5) Soon all British taxes were removed except for a tax on tea.
6) Instead of isolating Massachusetts, the Coercive Acts helped to
unite moderates among the colonists.
7) The first Continental Congress was in 1674 in Minnesota.
8) The second Continental Congress was in 1775 in Philadelphia,
9) In 1781, 8 000 British troops under Lord Cornwallis were surrounded at Yorktown, Virginia by a French fleet and a combined
French-American army under George Washington’s command.
10) The Treaty of Paris was signed in October 1899.
11) In may 1787, 55 of the most highly regarded American leaders
including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and James Madison
opened a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
12) The Constitution was accepted in 1788.
13) Since the Bill of Rights was adopted, 10 amendments have
been added to the Constitution.
14) The 15th amendment bars slavery.
15) The Constitution is a center of American political ideals and
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When did the Icelandic Vikings with Leif Erickson at the head
sail to America?
2. When was the first permanent village built in North America?
3. What new taxes were imposed by the British?
4. When did the British send soldiers to Boston?
5. When did the Congress adopt the Declaration of Independence?
6. What rights were proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence?
7. What laid the foundation for the first national Constitution?
8. Why did the Congress have difficulty negotiating international
9. Who opened the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?
10. What did the second American Revolution result in?
11. What did the Constitution establish?
12. When was the Constitution accepted?
13. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution in 1791?
14. How many amendments have been added to the Constitution
since the Bill of Rights was adopted?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
Dutch explorers, religious and political freedom, permanent village; in
commemoration of; to found colonies; European settlers; to defend
colonies; Franco-American alliance; under smb’s command; ask for
peace; to grant the territories; under the Articles; to make laws; to be
involved in; paper money; Constitutional Convention; branches of government; to gain dictatorial authority; to maintain order; to accept the
Constitution; equal rights; to remain vital; to impose taxes.
Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
«Новый свет»; искать золото и славу; смелые английские поселенцы; совершить путешествие; основать колонии; проиграть войну;
выйти победителем; колониальные союзники; юридические документы; британские войска; гражданские свободы; лига независимых стран; центральное правительство; ратификация поправки;
право голоса; согласно принципам.
VII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
discover, commemoration, require, measure, liberty, merchant, isolate,
contact, receive, sovereignty, refuse, accept.
1) a celebration or remainder of some past event or person etc.
2) get in touch.
3) place a thing or a person apart or along; separate.
4) find something new.
5) find how big and heavy something is by comparing it with a unit
of standard size or weight.
6) a person involved in trade.
7) the power a country has to govern itself and make its own laws.
8) take or get something that is given or sent.
9) say that you are unwilling to do or give or accept something.
10) make somebody to do something; oblige.
11) freedom.
VIII. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
inhabit, control, insist, organize, weapon, rebellion, opportunity, treaty,
authority, solution, amendment.
1) Tony’s father ………… that he wouldn’t go to the wedding.
2) The Russian peace initiative involves the phasing-out of all nuclear ……….. by the end of the century.
3) One of the …………. in the Philippines broke off peace talks
with the government after government troops opened fire on farmers
marching to the presidential palace.
4) I think we should disregard our differences of opinion for the
time being and try to find a practical …………. .
5) The ……. was signed in 1967.
6) The trade is being controlled by federal and local ……….. .
7) If my father had an opportunity to study, undoubtedly he would
become a great man.
8) An ………….. to the British government’s bill to abolish the
Greater London Council prevents responsibility for education from
being handed over to the borough councils.
9) The tribes …………. this territory were used to grow crops and
10) …………… over the pollution of environment is one of the
most important things nowadays.
11) The meeting was …………. to discuss many important questions and problems.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Американская конституция была разработана и принята Конституционным конвентом в Филадельфии, в котором приняли участие 55 делегатов от 12 (из общего числа вошедших в состав США
13) штатов. Участников конвента принято именовать в США «отцами – основателями».
Формируя положения конституции, «отцы-основатели» ставили перед собой три главные политические цели: остановить дальнейшее развитие революции, создать прочное государство на
федеративной основе, надежно оградить и гарантировать частнособственнические права.
В текст конституции, утвержденный в сентябре 1787 году, не
были включены положения, гарантирующие политические, личные
и процессуальные права граждан. Однако под давлением общественного мнения и демократически настроенных законодателей в
штатах конгресс был вынужден в 1789 году принять проект Билля
о правах – первые 10 поправок к конституции, провозглашавших
ряд политических, личных и процессуальных прав граждан.
В фундамент конституционной системы американского государства положено три основных политико-правовых принципа –
разделения властей, федеральный и судебный конституционный
Конституция – небольшой по объему документ: ее основной
текст состоит из преамбулы и семи статей. Конституцией предусматривается возможность ее дополнения и изменения путем внесения в нее поправок. Принятые соответствующим образом
поправки становятся органической частью конституции. Процедура принятия поправок весьма громоздка. К 1985 году действовали
25 поправок.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) true
7) false
8) true
9) true
10) false
11) true
12) true
13) false
14) false
Ex. VII.
1) commemoration
2) contact
3) isolate
4) discover
5) measure)
6) merchant
7) sovereignty
8) receive
9) refuse
10) require
11) liberty
1) insisted
2) weapon
3) rebellions
4) solution
5) treaty
6) authorities
7) opportunity
8) amendment
9) inhabiting
10) control
11) organized
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
architect [a:kı´tekt], plan [´plæn], confederation [kən´fedə´reı∫n], group
[´gru:p] , continental [¸kþntı´nentl], qualification [¸kwþlıfı´keı∫n], doctor
[´dþktə], professional [prə´fe∫nəl], tradition [trə´dı∫n], department
[dı´pa:tmənt], park [´pa:k], republic [rı´pΛblık], association
[ə´səυsı´eı∫n], balance [´bæləns], candidate [´kændıdeıt], referendum
[¸refə´rendəm], ballot [´bælət], cabinet [´kæbınət], vice president [¸vaıs
´prezıdənt], political [pə´lıtıkl], office [´þfıs], veto [´vi:təυ].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
admission, v – [əd´mı∫n] – вступление
ambassador, n – [æm´bæsədə] – посол
appoint, v – [ə´poınt] – назначать
approval, n – [ə´pru:vl] – подтверждение
attempt, n – [ə´tempt] – попытка
celebrate, v – [´seləbreıt] – праздновать
community, v – [kə´mju:nətı] – сообщество
decision, n – [dı´sıʒn] – решение
declare, v – [dı´kleə] –объявлять
elect, v – [ı´lekt] – выбирать
elections, n – [ı´lek∫ns] – выборы
establish, v – [ı´stæblı∫] – учреждать
possession, n – [pə´ze∫n] – владение
prohibit, v – [prəυ´hıbıt] – позволять
purchase, v – [´pз:t∫əs] – покупать
representative, n – [¸reprı´zentətıv] – представитель
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The nation’s capital Washington*, D.C., with more than 3,4 million people is the largest metropolitan area in the country. Laid out by
the French architect Pierre L’Enfant* in the late 18th century, it was the
world’s first city especially planned as a center of government.
The city of Washington in the District of Columbia* along the Potomac River*, is the capital of a federal union of 50 states. When the
U.S. declared its independence from Great Britain* on July 4, 1776
(now celebrated as a national holiday), there were 13 original states –
each one sovereign, each wanting to control its own affairs. The states
tried to keep their sovereignty and independence within a loose
confederation, but their attempt proved ineffectual. Therefore, in 1789
they adopted a new Constitution establishing a federal union under a
strong central government.
The original 13 states were grouped along the Atlantic Coast*. As
the frontier moved westward, large areas of what is now the continental
United States were added by purchase treaty and a taxation. As each
state was settled, governments were first organized as territory petitioned the Congress for admission. There are now 50 states. Alaska*
and Hawaii*, the last states to enter the union, did so in 1959. Under the
Constitution the states delegated many of their sovereign power to this
central government in Washington. But they kept many important powers for themselves. Each of the 50 states, for example, retains the right
to run its own public school system, to decide on the qualifications of its
voters to license its doctors and other professionals, to provide police
protection for its citizens and to maintain its roads.
In actual practice, and in line with the American tradition of keeping government as close to the people as possible, the states delegate
many of these powers to their political subdivisions – counties, cities,
towns and villages. Thus, at the lowest political level residents of small
American communities elect village trustees to run their police and fire
departments, and elect a board of education to run their schools. On the
county level, voters elect executives who are responsible for roads,
parks, libraries, sewage and other services and elect or appoint judges
for the courts. The citizens of each state also elect a governor and members of the state legislature. In addition to the 50 states and the District
of Columbia*, citizens of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico*, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands*, Guam*, the Virgin
Islands* and American Samoa* vote in federal elections. United States
possessions include the Pacific Islands of Wake*, Midway*, Javis*, and
Kingman Reef*. The United States administers the Republic of Palau*
under United Nations auspices. Two entities, the Federated States of
Micronesia* and the Republic of the Marshall Islands*, have become
sovereign self – governing states in free association with the U.S.
Under the Constitution, the federal government is divided into
three, branches, each chosen in a different manner and each able to
check and balance the others.
The Executive Branch is headed by the President, who together
with the Vice President is chosen in nationwide elections every four
years (in every year divisible by four). The elective process for a U.S.
President is unique. Americans vote for slates of presidential electors
equal to the number of Senators and Representatives each state has in
Congress (a total of 535 persons). The candidate with the highest number of votes in each state wins all the electoral votes of that state. The
presidential candidate needs 270 electoral votes to be elected; if no candidate has a majority the House of Representatives makes the decision.
(In all other state and local elections, voters cast their votes directly for
the candidate or referendum on that particular ballot). Any natural born
American who is 35 years old or older may be elected to this office. The
President proposes bills to Congress, enforces federal laws, serves as
Commander – in – Chief of the Armed Forces and with the approval of
the Senate, makes treaties and appoints federal judges, ambassadors and
other members of the Executive Departments (the Departments of State,
Defense Commerce, Justice, etc). Each Cabinet head holds the title of
Secretary and together they form a council called the Cabinet.
The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the
President, acts as chairman of the Senate, and in the event of the death
or disability of the President, assumes the Presidency for the balance of
his term.
The Legislative Branch is made up of two houses: the Senate and
the House of Representatives. The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are allocated on the basis of population, although every state has at
least one representative. Each state elects two members of the 100 –
member Senate; a Senator’s term of office is six years.
Both houses must approve a bill for it to become a law, but the
President may veto or refuse to sign it. If so, Congress reconsiders the
bill. If two – thirds of the members of both houses then approve it, the
bill becomes law even without the President’s signature.
The Judicial Branch is made up of Federal District Courts (at least
one in very state), 11 Federal Courts of Appeals and, at the top, the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate; to minimize political influences, their
appointments are for life. Federal courts decide cases involving federal
law, conflicts between citizens of different states. An American who
feels he has been convicted under an unjust law may appeal his case all
the way to the Supreme Court, which may rule that the law is unconstitutional. The law then becomes void.
In order to amend the Constitution, Congress must pass the proposed amendment by a two-thirds majority vote in each house, and three
fourths of the states must concur. In more than 195 years, the Constitution has been amended 26 times. The first 10 Amendments to the Bill of
Rights guarantee individual liberties: freedom of speech, religion and
assembly, the right to a fair trail, the security of one’s home. Later
amendments chronicle America’s struggle for equality and justice for all
of its people. These amendments abolish slavery, prohibit any denial of
rights because of race, grant the vote to women and to citizens of the
District of Columbia*, and allow citizens to vote at age of 18.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The population of Washington, D.C. is more than 6,7 million
2) The capital of the USA was laid out by the French architect Pierre L’Enfant in the late 18th century.
3) In 1789, 13 colonies adopted a new Constitution establishing a
federal union under a strong central government.
4) The original 13 states were grouped along the Pacific Coast.
5) Alaska and Hawaii were the last to enter the union.
6) Under the Constitution, the federal government is divided into
four branches.
7) The Executive Branch is headed by the Prime Minister.
8) The elective process for a U.S. President is quite usual.
9) The total number of the members of Congress is 535 persons.
10) The presidential candidate doesn’t need any electoral votes.
11) The Legislative branch is made up of two houses: the House of
Commons and the House of Lords.
12) The Judicial Branch is made up of Federal District Courts, 11
federal Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court.
13) In more than 195 years, the Constitution has been amended 28
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the population of Washington, D.C.?
2. Who laid Washington out?
3. Where is the city of Washington located?
4. When did the USA declare its independence?
5. What right does each of the states retain?
6. How do the states delegate the powers to their political subdivision?
7. What are the branches of the federal government?
8. What are their functions?
9. How many times was the U.S. Constitution amended?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским выражениям:
under the Constitution; sovereign powers; central government; the right
to; to decide on the qualification of the voters; to run a public school
system; in actual practice; in line with the tradition; American communities; on the county level; to elect executives; to be responsible for;
to become sovereign; self – governing states; federal government; the
Executive Branch; nationwide elections; the elective process; to win the
electoral votes; to cast the vote; natural – born American; to make treaties; to approve a bill; the Judicial branch; Federal District Courts; Federal Courts of Appeals; Supreme Court; to amend the Constitution;
to abolish slavery; denial of rights; to grant the vote for women.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
центральное правительство; Верховный суд; президентские выборы; коллегия выборщиков; заключить договор; традиционно; «ветви власти»; политическая жизнь страны; избирать вице-президента;
выдвинуть кандидата на пост президента; голосовать за кандидатов
одной партии; федеральное правительство; палата представителей;
обладать широкими полномочиями; система «первичных выборов»; баллотироваться в конгресс; двухпалатный парламент; избирать президента сроком на 4 года; ценз (ценз оседлости, возрастной
ценз); исполнительная власть принадлежит президенту; избиратель; предоставить избирательные права женщинам; занимать
должность; общенациональные выборы; одобрить законопроект;
поправки конституции; стать независимым; согласно Конституции;
в действительности; наложить вето на; решение конгресса.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
architect, celebrate, department, attempt, community, republic, decision, prohibit, appoint.
1) forbid or band.
2) one section or organization or shop.
3) make an effort to do something.
4) a person who designs buildings.
5) arrange something officially.
6) do something special or enjoyable to show that a day or event is
7) the people living in one area; a group with similar interest or
8) something that you have decided.
9) a country that has a president especially one who is elected.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
declare, purchase, admission, doctor, possession, election, candidate,
representative, office.
1) ……… to the University is based on a competitive system.
2) If John still has a temperature tomorrow, his parents will have
to send for the…………… .
3) …………… of this firm is situated in the center of the town.
4) In the general ……….. of 1986 the Liberal and Social Democratic parties put up one common ……… in each constituency.
5) Talks in the Philippines between government ………….. and
rebel leaders broke down yesterday.
6) People become owners and operators of small business firms in
one of three ways: start a new firm, …………a franchise, inherit an
existing firm.
7) The Constitution was ………… in 1890.
8) The …………… of this school consists of two laboratories,
large library, gym and bright classrooms.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Президент США избирается населением страны сроком на четыре года через коллегию выборщиков. Вице-президент, который
является председателем Сената, избирается одновременно с президентом. Президентские выборы состоят из нескольких этапов. Первым этапом президентских выборов является выдвижение
кандидатов на пост президента. В 26 штатах на «первичных выборах» избиратели утверждают кандидатуры, выдвинутые партийными организациями штатов. Президентом может быть избран любой
гражданин США, родившийся в этой стране и достигший
35-летнего возраста.
Конгресс США – двухпалатный парламент. Палата представителей избирается в составе 435 человек сроком на два года. Сенат –
верхняя палата Конгресса, избирается в составе 100 человек,
по 2 человека от каждого штата, и обновляется каждые 2 года на
1/3, т.к. срок полномочий каждого сенатора составляет 6 лет. Верховный суд, по конституции, является высшей апелляционной инстанцией и судом первой инстанции по делам послов, консулов и
полномочных представителей. Суд состоит из 9 судей, назначаемых пожизненно президентом по «совету и с согласия сената».
Верховный суд США может отменить любой закон конгресса или
решение исполнительной власти, признав его не соответствующим
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) false
7) false
8) false
9) true
10) false
11) false
12) true
13) false
1) prohibit
2) department
3) attempt
4) architect
5) appoint
6) celebrate
7) community
8) decision
9) republic
Ex. IX.
1) admission
2) doctor
3) office
4) election, candidate
5) representatives
6) purchase
7) declared
8) possession
The Native Americans
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
tragic [´trædʒık], continent [kþntı´nent], phase [´feız], parallel
[´pærəlel], traditional [trə´dı∫nəl], identity [ı´dentıtı], culture [´kΛl∫ə],
modern [´modn], civilization [¸sıvılaı´zeı∫n], tomato [tə´ma:təυ],
tobacco [tə´bækəυ], moccasins [´mþkəsın], canoe [kə´nu:], reservation
[rezə´veı∫n], acre [´eıkə], percent [pə´sent].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
citizen, n – [´sıtızən ] – гражданин
crop, n – [´krþp] – урожай
increase, v – [´ınkri:s] – увеличивать
inspire, v – [ıns´paıə] – вдохновлять
settlement, n – [´setlmənt] – поселение
society, n – [sə´saıətı] – общество
survive, v – [sə´vaıv] – выживать
succeed, v – [sək´si:d] – иметь успех
transfer, n – [´trænsfз:] – превращение
vanish, v – [´vænı∫] – исчезать
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The story of the Native Americans – or American Indians – is one
that is unique, tragic and ultimately inspiring. It is unique because the
Indians were the original inhabitants of the American continent and experienced every phase of its European settlement. It is tragic because the
conflict between the Indians and whites parallels the experience of traditional people throughout the world who have come in contact with expanding, industrialized societies. It is an inspiring story because the
Native Americans, although dispossessed of much of their land in the
19th century, have survived, have asserted their political and economic
rights, and have succeeded in retaining their identity and culture despite
the onslaught of modern civilization.
Today Native Americans are full citizens of the U.S. They are
proud of their own cultural heritage, which they are trying to protect and
maintain it.
Marks of that heritage can be found all over the U.S. Many of the
names on U.S. maps – Massachusetts*, Ohio*, Michigan*, and Kansas*
– are Indian words. The Indians taught the Europeans how to cultivate
crops such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and tobacco. Canoes and moccasins are all Indian inventions. Indian hand crafted articles such as pottery, silver jewelry paintings and woven rugs are highly prized.
About half of the Indians in the U.S. live in large cities and rural
areas scattered throughout the country. The remainders live on about
300 federal reservations (land set aside for their use). Together, the
reservations comprise 52.4 million acres (21 million hectares) of land
or about 2.5 percent of the land area in the U.S. Most reservations are
located west of the Mississippi River.
From 1970 to 1980 the native American population in the U.S. increased by 72 percent. Today, there are about 1.4 million native Americans which is believed to be more than there were when the first
European explorers arrived in the New World. At that time, about one
million, native Americans were living in North America. These people
were soon overwhelmed by a flood of European settlers.
As European civilization spread rapidly across the continent, the
native population declined. Diseases and warfare took their toll. By
1920, the Indian population had fallen below 350 000. For a time it
seemed the Indians would vanish.
The transfer of land from Indian to European - and later to American – hands was accomplished through treaties, war and coercion. It was
accompanied by a long struggle between the Indian and European ways
of life. In many ways the history of the U.S. is a story of this struggle.
IV. Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The Portuguese were the original inhabitants of American continent.
2) Today Native Americans are full citizens of the U.S.
3) Many of the names on U.S. maps – Massachusetts, Ohio, Kansas – are Indian words.
4) The Indians taught the Europeans how to hunt.
5) About half of the Indians in the U.S. live in large cities and rural
areas scattered throughout the country.
6) Most Indian reservations are located west of the Mississippi
7) As European civilization spread rapidly across the continent, the
native population increased.
8) The history of the USA is a story about the struggle between the
Indians and Europeans.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why is the story of the Native American unique, tragic and inspiring?
2. What marks of the Indian heritage can be found on the U.S.
3. What did the Indians teach the Europeans?
4. Where do the Indians live nowadays?
5. How many federal riser nations are there in the USA?
6. What danger did the Indians face by 1920?
7. How was the land transferred from the Indians to the Europeans?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
the original inhabitants of the continent; to come in contact with; to assert political and economic rights; to succeed in smth; to teach smb.
smth; to be overwhelmed by smb; the onslaught of modern civilization;
cultural heritage; hand crafted articles; rural areas; reservations; European settlers; civilization spread rapidly across the continent; to accomplish through treaties.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
европейская цивилизация; передача земли; завершить процесс; сопровождаться продолжительной борьбой; население сократилось;
лишённые своей земли; федеральные резервации; культурное наследие; европейские переселенцы; западные границы; политические и
экономические права; сельская местность; казалось, что индейцы
полностью исчезнут; индустриальное общество; гончарные изделия;
численно превзойти; распространиться по всему миру.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
inspire, settlement, society, citizen, reservation, vanish, percent, crop,
1) a small number of people or houses established in an area.
2) an area of land kept for a special purpose.
3) a person belonging to a particular city or country and having
certain rights and duties because of this.
4) disappear completely.
5) something grown for food.
6) people living together in a group or nation.
7) fill a person with enthusiasm or creative feelings or ideas.
8) who or what a person or thing is.
9) for or in every hundred.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
survive, modern, succeed, locate, increase, transfer, civilization, culture.
1) How will you manage if you give up your job? – Don’t worry.
I’ll ……… somehow.
2) It seemed a good idea in the theory, but in practice it didn’t
………….. .
3) The remnants of ancient …………. are the historical relics.
4) While the sources of energy are decreasing, the needs
are………… .
5) The troops were …………. in the valley.
6) Now she is working at a …………. design of the main office.
7) The ………… of land from Indian to European was accomplished through treaties, war and coercion.
8) Most of the scientists assume the existence of other ……… in
our Solar system.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) true
7) false
8) true
1) settlement
2) reservation
3) citizen
4) vanish
5) crop
6) society
7) inspire
8) identity
9) percent
Ex. IX.
1) survive
2) succeed
3) culture
4) increasing
5) were located
6) modern
7) transfer
8) civilization
Who Were the Indians?
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
navigator [´nævıgeıtə], adapt [ə´dæpt], continent [kþntı´nent],
individual [¸ındı´vıdjυəl], totem [´təυtəm], post [´pəυst], calendar
[´kæləndə], immunity [ı´mju:nıtı].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
ancestor, n – [´ænsestə] – завоеватель
cover, v – [´kΛvə] – покрывать
disease, n – [dı´zi:s] – болезнь
fierce, adj – [´fıəs] – свирепый
follow, v – [´fþləυ] – следовать
hunt, v – [´hΛnt] – охотиться
obtain, v – [əb´teın] – достигать
peaceful, adj – [´pi:sfl] – мирный
protect, v – [prə´tekt] – защищать
search, v – [´sз:t∫] – искать
surround, v – [sə´raυnd] – окружать
tribe, n – [´traıb] – племя
vehicle, n – [´vi:ıkl] – средство передвижения
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
In 1492, an Italian navigator named Christopher Columbus* set
sail from Spain* in search of a sea route to Asia*. Columbus hoped to
obtain access to the wealth of spices, silks and gold for which the Asian
continent was famous. Six weeks later his men sighted land.
Thinking he had landed in the Indian group of islands east of the
coast of Asia, he called the people on the first island on which he landed
“los Indion”, or in English “Indians”.
Of course Columbus had not reached Asia at all. He had landed in
the New World* (the American continent). But the name “Indians” remains fixed in the English language.
Though Columbus had one name for them, the Indians north of
Mexico* in what is now the United States and Canada* spoke over 300
languages. And they lived scattered across the continent in tribes. To
them the continent was hardly new. Their ancestors had been living
there for perhaps 30 000 years.
Scientists speculate that people first came to North America during
the last ice age. At that time much of the earth’s water was frozen in the
glaciers that covered large parts of the globe. As sea lever dropped,
a strip of land was exposed in the area that is now the Bering Strait*.
Man probably followed the big game he was hunting across this land
bridge from Siberia* into Alaska*.
Over time these people increased in number, adapted to different
environments and spread from the far northern reaches of Alaska and
Canada to the tip of South America*.
Some groups, such as the peaceful Pueblo* of the American
Southwest, lived in busy towns. They shared many – storied buildings
made of adobe (mud and straw) bricks. They grew corn, squash and
Their neighbors, the Apache*, lived in small bands. They hunted
wildlife and gathered plants, nuts and roots. After acquiring horses from
the Spanish they made their living by raising food and goods from their
more settled white and Indian neighbors.
In the eastern woods of the North American continent, the Iroquois* hunted, fished and farmed. Like the Pueblo they were excellent
farmers, and 12 varieties of corn grew in their communal fields. Their
long houses, covered with elm bark, held as many as 20 families. Each
family had its own apartment on either side of a central hall.
The Iroquois were fierce warriors. They surrounded their villages
with wooden stockades to protect them from attack by their neighbors.
They fought for the glory of their tribe and for the glory of individual
The Indians of the North Pacific coast harvested ocean fish and
seafood. Tribes like the Haida* lived in large plank houses with elaborately carved doorposts these were called totem poles and the figures of
them were a record of the history of the family whisk lived in the house.
Many Indians were fine craft workers. They made pottery, baskets,
and carvings and wore cotton and plant fiber cloth. They traveled in
small boats, and on foot, never having developed the wheel. Some, such
as the Plain’s Indians, used dogs to pull a loadcarring frame called a travois. Others, such as the Winnebagoes* of the Midwest, developed
a sophisticated calendar that look the motion of the sun and the moon
into account.
Different as they were, all tribes were greatly affected by the
coming of the white man with his firearms, iron cooking pots, horses,
wheeled vehicles and with his diseases, to which the Indians had no
immunities. The European arrival changed the Indian way of life forever.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) In 1492 Christopher Columbus hadn’t reached Asia at all.
2) The Native Americans lived scattered across the continent in
3) Their ancestors had been living there for perhaps 30 000 years.
4) Scientists speculate that people first came to North America during the last golden age.
5) The tribe of Pueblo lived in small bands, hunted wildlife and
gathered plants, nuts and roots.
6) The Iroquois were excellent farmers.
7) The tribe of Haida consisted of fierce warriors.
8) Many Indians were fine craftworkers.
9) The Indians traveled by cows and horses, never having developed the wheel.
10) The European arrival changed the Indian way of life forever.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What did Christopher Columbus do in 1492?
2. Why did Christopher Columbus call the people on the first island “los Indion”?
3. What groups of people did the Indians comprise?
4. When did the people come first to North America?
5. Where did the Pueblo live?
6. What were the Iroquois occupied with?
7. What changed the Indian way of life?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским выражениям:
to set sail; to obtain access to; to share smth; to make one’s living by
smth; to fight for smth; to be affected for smth; ice age; sea level; a strip
of land; increase in number; fierce warriors; to fight for the glory of the
tribe; crafts workers; to make pottery; the white man; wheeled vehicles;
way of life.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
коренное население; возделывать пшеницу; отправиться в поисках
нового морского пути; получить доступ к богатству; увидеть землю; высадиться в Новом Свете; быть разбросанным по всему континенту; ледниковый период; численно увеличиться; миролюбивые
племена; деревянный частокол; храбрые воины; сражаться во славу
племени; искусные мастера; огнестрельное оружие; изменить образ
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
navigator, hunt, adapt, search, peaceful, continent, vehicle.
1) quiet and calm.
2) look very carefully.
3) change something so that it is suitable for a new purpose or
4) person sailing in or through a river or sea.
5) chase and kill animals for food or as a sport.
6) a means for transporting people or goods, especially on lands.
7) one of the main masses of land in the world.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
ancestor, tribe, cover, surround, protect, immunity, follow, obtain.
1) Their ……….. had been living there for perhaps 30 000 years.
2) The Pueblo, lived in busy towns, was a peaceful ………. .
3) In winter the earth ………… with snow.
4) The invention of the steam engine ………. by other ones.
5) To ……….. such excellent results, he spent many years
studying scientific literature.
6) Because of the ecological crises, people all over the world must
………… wildlife.
7) Nowadays due to the great work of the scientists, there aren’t so
many diseases to which the mankind has no immunity.
8) After the concert the famous singer ….. immediately
…………with his fans.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
В 1497 г. судно под начальством Джона Кабота в поисках
морского пути в Китай прибыло к острову Ньюфаундленд. Затем
французы Верацуано (1524) и Картье (1535) открыли устье р. Гуд37
зон и устье р. Св. Лаврентия. Поиски морских путей в Китай и Индию на севере продолжались в XVI и XVII вв. Четыре плавания с
этой целью предпринял Генри Гудзон . Он пытался отыскать проход в обход Северной Америки. Отважные мореходы Т. Баттон,
Р. Байлот, Т. Джеймс, Л. Фонс оставили заметный след, открыв все
северо-восточное побережье Северной Америки. К половине
XVII в. очертания Нового Света были определены на всем протяжении от Огненной Земли до Калифорнии на западе и до Баффиновой Земли на Атлантическом побережье.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) false
6) true
7) false
8) true
9) false
10) true
1) peaceful
2) search
3) adapt
4) navigator
5) hunt
6) vehicle
7) continent
Ex. IX.
1) ancestors
2) tribe
3) is covered
4) obtain
5) protect
6) immunity
7) was surrendered
The Quest for Land
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
vacant [´veıkənt], natural [´næt∫rəl], combination [¸kþmbı´neı∫n].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
appear, v – [ə´pıə] – появляться
exist, v – [ıg´zıst] – существовать
improve, v – [ım´pru:v] – улучшать
property, n – [´prþpətı] – собственность
provide, v – [prə´vaıd] – обеспечивать
site, n – [´saıt] – расположение
share, v – [´∫eə] – делиться
shelter, v – [´∫eltə] – убежище
threat, n – [´θret] – угроза
value, n – [´vælju:] – ценность
worship, v – [´wз:∫ıp] – поклоняться
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
To the Europeans, much of the Indians’ land appeared vacant. The
Indians didn’t “improve the land” with fences, wells, buildings or permanent towns. Many settlers thought the Indians were savages and that
their way of life had little value. They felt they had every right to farm
Indian lands.
On Manhattan Island* the present site of New York City, beaver,
deer, fox, wild turkey and other wild animals were plentiful. The Shinnecock* Indians used the island for fishing and hunting but they didn’t
live there. In 1626 the Dutch “bought “ the island from them. The Shinnecock did not understand that once the land was sold, the Dutch felt it
was their right to keep the Indians off. Like most Indians, they had no
concept of private property.
The Indians believed that the land was there to be shared by all
men. They worshipped the earth that provided them with food, clothing
and shelter and they took from it only what they needed. They didn’t
understand when the settlers slaughtered animals to make the woods
around their towns safer. They didn’t like the roads and towns, scarred
the natural beauty of the earth.
To the Europeans, animals existed to be killed and land to be
owned and farmed. Many did not bother to discuss with the Indians
whether or not they wanted to give up their land. To make room for the
new settlers, hunting lands, fields, even Indian towns were seized
through war, threats, treaties or some combination of the three.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The settlers felt that they had every right to farm Indian lands.
2) On Manhattan Island one could find beaver, deer, fox, wild turkey and other wild animals.
3) In 1626 the French bought the Manhattan Island.
4) The Indians worshipped the earth that provided them with food,
clothing and shelter.
5) The Europeans used all strategies struggling with the Indians.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why did the Europeans think that the Indian land was vacant?
2. What animals were plentiful on Manhattan Island?
3. When did the Dutch buy the island from the Shinnecock Indi-
4. What did the Indians worship?
5. What was the attitude of the Europeans to the game?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
to improve smth; to buy smth from smb; not to bother to do smth;
to make room for; permanent towns; on Manhattan Island; private property; to worship the earth; to slaughter animals; the natural beauty;
to make room for the new settlers; to seize, through war.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
постоянные города; иметь право на что-либо; дикари; обрабатывать
землю; частная собственность; иметь представления о чём-либо; не
иметь большой ценности; поклоняться земле; обезопасить леса;
убивать диких животных; красота земли; захватывать города; брать
необходимое; использовать землю для охоты и рыболовства.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
vacant, value, provide, natural, combination, threat.
1) a warning that you will punish, hurt, or harm a person or thing.
2) not filled or occupied.
3) how useful or important thing is.
4) a number of people or things that are combined.
5) produced or done by nature, not by people or machines.
6) make something available; supply.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
improve, appear, site, share, worship, exist, property, shelter.
1) To ………….. my English pronunciation I must work at the
language laboratory.
2) The equipment, buildings, plants, factories, services are all the
…………… of the country.
3) Although many items ………… on the income statement the basic idea is very simple.
4) Thousands of people were seeking for food and ……….. .
5) Both Marketing and Production ……….. the same opinion
about the need for higher quality.
6) There is the latest equipment on the construction …….. .
7) Without a written agreement, the partnership doesn’t really
……… .
8) The Indians ………… the earth that provided them with
clothing and food.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
В начале XVII в. на Атлантическом берегу Северной Америки,
покрытом густыми лесами, появились первые колонисты из Англии. Продвигаясь в глубь материка, они оттесняли на запад и истребляли коренное население – индейцев. И в 1775 г. в 13-ти
английских колониях в Северной Америке насчитывалось уже более 2,5 млн поселенцев. Основную часть их составляли фермеры.
Они строили бревенчатые хижины, расчищали в девственных лесах
участки под пашни, возделывали кукурузу или пшеницу. Колонисты добывали хлеб тяжёлым трудом. Многие из них бежали из Европы от феодального гнёта. В новом свете они занимали земли
ирокезов, пуэбло, аппачей и других индейских племён, культура
которых не достигала уровня инков и ацтеков, но которых постигла
одинаковая участь.
В XV веке испанские конкистадоры ринулись завоевывать
страны Нового Света, где встретились с индейскими племенами.
В это время ацтеки Центральной Америки, индейцы майя, инки в
Перу переходили от первобытнообщинного к рабовладельческому
строю. Эти народы создавали развитую земледельческую культуру
и на её основе высокую цивилизацию. Остатки величественных
храмов и скульптуры показывают, какого мастерства достигли ацтеки в обработке золота и камня. Ацтеки пользовались пиктограммой, с помощью которой они вели календарь, составляли
исторические хроники. Ацтеки поклонялись многочисленным богам.
В конце 1519 г. испанский конкистадор Эрнандо Кортес с отрядом 400 человек начал поход на Мексику. Завоевать Мексику
испанцам помогла распространенная среди ацтеков легенда о боге
Кецалькоатле. Почти одновременно с завоеванием Центральной
Америки испанские отряды во главе с Франсиско Писсаро вторглись во владения инков, которые простирались от южной части
современного Эквадора до северной части Чили, включая территории Перу и Боливии.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) true
3) false
4) true
5) true
1) threat
2) vacant
3) value
4) combination
5) natural
6) provide
Ex. IX.
1) improve
2) property
3) appear
4) shelter
5) share
6) site
7) exist
8) worshipped
Jamestown Beginning
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
colony [´kþlənı], practically [prə´vaıd], plantation [pla:n´teı∫n], conflict
[´kþnflıkt], revolutionary [¸revə´lu:∫ənrı], idea [aı´diə], tobacco
[tə´bækəυ], production [prə´dΛk∫n], region [´rıdʒən], economy
[ı´kþnəmı], democracy [dı´mþkrəsı], advocate [´ædvəkət], barrier
[´bærıə], position [pə´zı∫n], astronomer [ə´strþnəmə], mathematician
[¸mæθəmə´tı∫n], author [´o:θə], prestige [pre´sti: ʒ].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
capture, v – [´kæpt∫ə] – захватывать
commerce, n - [´kþmз:s] – торговля
equality, n – [ık´wþlətı] – равенство
poverty, n – [´pþvətı] – бедность
recognition, n – [¸rekəg´nı∫n] – признание
satisfy, v – [´sætısfaı] – удовлетворять
slavery, n – [´sleıvərı] – рабство
source, n – [´so:s] – источник
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The history of blacks in North America began in August 1619
when a small Dutch warship sailed up the James River* to the young
English colony of Jamestown*, Virginia*.
The Dutch ship had captured a Spanish ship in the Caribbean Sea*
carrying black men and women to Spanish colonies in South America.
At that time, the Jamestown colony was only 12 years old, the colonists
were short of everything, especially workers, to help clear and till the
land, and build houses. So the Jamestown* settlers welcomed the blacks
as a source of free labor.
The 20 blacks landed from the Dutch ship were viewed as
indentured servants. They worked at Jamestown, clearing fields,
planting crops, making roads and building houses. Near the end of the
17th century, the demand for black labor on the large plantations of
Maryland*, Virginia* and the Carolinas* was great. To satisfy this
demand special ships were built to transport captive blacks directly from
the west coast of Africa* to the slave markets of North America. During
the 18th century the slave trade boomed.
During the late 1600s and early 1700s, slavery existed in
practically all the North American colonies. While most black slaves
were held on large farms and plantations it wasn’t unusual for small
farmers and trades people to own slaves. By the mid of 1700s many
small farmers and trades people had mixed feelings about slavery. They
wanted cost – free labor, but they were uncomfortable with the idea of
owing another person. This was in conflict with the growing revolutionary idea that all men are erected equal.
The plantation economy was based on the large-scale production of
cash crops, such as tobacco and cotton, through the use of very cheap
labor. The farmland of entire regions – much of Virginia, the Carolinas
and Georgia* – became linked to that economy. It was felt that any
change in the institution of slavery could cause the economic and social
collapse of those regions. This fear caused a number of people to contradict their own ideals of freedom, equality and the rights of man.
During the 1770s and 80s the American colonists fought
independence from Britain*. They called for self – determination
democracy, equality and recognition of the natural rights of man. Yet
many outspoken advocates of American freedom – including Patrick
Henry*, George Washington* and Thomas Jefferson* – lived within a
system of slavery. While they sometimes wrote against slavery, the
system of slavery was firmly entrenched. Other colonists said that while
the personally deplored slavery they had to accept it as an economy
necessity. Others argued that blacks were secure and happy as slaves.
The idea was even put forward by some that black slaves were not fully
human beings.
All these attempts to justify slavery in a land where person
freedom was highly valued created a barrier between black and white
Over the years, several black men and women achieved fame and
fortune in arts, sciences, religion and commerce. Some had high
standing in colonial society.
From those positions they campaigned for freedom and dignity for
all blacks.
Many names stand out. One was Benjamin Banneker*
(1731–1806), who gained fame as an astronomer, mathematician, author
and inventor. He also helped design the city of Washington*, D.C.
Banneker who had always been free could have enjoyed his prestige and
wealth without conflict. But he wrote and spoke out against slavery until
the day he died.
Paul Cuffe*(1759–1817) was one of 10 children of a former slave.
Growing up free, but poor, in Massachusetts*, Cuffe gradually gained
wealth through farming and shipping. By 1800, he was one of the
wealthiest men in Massachusetts. But he used most of his wealth to help
Cuffe worked hard to end slavery. He helped to free many
individual slaves. But as he saw that many free blacks ended up in
conditions of inequality, dire poverty and frequent humiliation, he
concluded that freedom alone was not enough. In Cuffe’s opinion the
answer was in Africa*, the continent of their ancestors.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The history of blacks began in the 17th century.
2) In 17th century the colonists of Jamestown were shot of everything.
3) Near the end of the 17th century, the demand for black labor on
the large plantations of Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas was great.
4) The plantation economy was based on the large scale production
of crops, such as rice and wheat.
5) During the 1770s and 80s the American colonists fought independence from Britain.
6) There were not famous people among the blacks.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How did the story of the blacks in North America begin?
2. Why was the demand for black labor great?
3. What was the plantation economy based on?
4. What was not enough to end slavery?
5. Why were the blacks brought from Africa to North America in
the 17th century?
6. Why did the white people have mixed feelings about slavery?
7. What was the main paradox of the 1770s and 80s in North
8. What were the arguments pro and against slavery?
9. What was B. Banneker famous for?
10. What is Paul Cuffe famous for?
11. Where could the blacks be free according to P. Cuffe?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
the history of blacks; a Dutch warship; English colony; to be short of
everything; to clear and till the land; a source of free labor; indentured
servants; on the plantation; to satisfy the demand; captive blacks; the
slave trade; the plantation economy; institution of slavery; to fight for
independence; self-determination; to be firmly entrenched; economic
necessity; to put forward the idea of; colonial society; American
establishment; the continent of the ancestors.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
военный корабль; новая колония; захватить испанский корабль;
расчищать и обрабатывать землю; западный берег Африки; бесплатный труд; основаться на; противоречить революционным идеям; равенство людей; институт рабства; бороться за независимость;
выдающиеся защитники свободы; принять что-либо как экономическую необходимость; личная свобода; псевдонаучные доводы;
колониальное общество; вопросы рабства; континент предков;
умереть в нищете и унижении; бороться за свободу и достоинство
всех рабов.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
colony, satisfy, source, plantation, cause, democracy, barrier, position.
1) a government of a country by representatives elected by the
whole people.
2) place a person or a thing in a certain place.
3) make something happen.
4) a large area of land where cotton, tobacco, or tea etc. is planted.
5) give a person etc. what is needed or wanted.
6) the place from which something comes.
7) something that prevents people or things from getting past.
8) an area of land that the people of another country settle in and
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
capture, slavery, conflict, recognition, equality, commerce, poverty.
1) The words balance sheet imply that the report shows a balance,
an ………… between two figures.
2) The plane ……………. by the group of terrorists.
3) The presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were
against the ………… .
4) ……………. must be eliminated.
5) In 1978, the book of the author has got the ………….. .
6) His suggestion is in ………. with his principles.
7) Over the years, several black men and women achieved fame
and fortune in arts, sciences, religion and ………….. .
Ex. IV.
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) false
Ex. IX.
1) democracy
2) position
3) cause
4) plantation
5) satisfy
6) source
7) barrier
8) colony
Ex. X.
1) equality
2) was captured
3) slavery
4) poverty
5) recognition
6) conflict
7) commerce
Escape to the North
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
start [´sta:t], stop [´stþp], territory [´terətərı], arrest [ə´rest],
professional [prə´fe∫nəl], plantation [pla:n´teı∫n], popular [´pþpjυlə],
system [´sıstəm], contact [kən´ta:kt], congress [´kþŋgres], marshal
[´ma:∫l], result [rı´zΛlt].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
conductor, n – [kən´dΛktə] – проводник
escape, v – [ıs´keıp] – убегать
frequently, adv – [´fri:kwəntlı] – часто
runaway, n – [´rΛnəweı] – беглец
slave, n – [´sleıv] – раб
slavery, n – [´sleıvərı] – рабство
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
From the first days of slavery in America*, there were escape
attempts. In colonial times, runaway slaves often took refuge in
swamps, forests, mountains, and among Indian tribes. Then, starting
with Pennsylvania* in 1790, several northern states abolished slavery.
So fugitive slaves frequently sought refuge in those “free states”. To
stop that the Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793. This law
required the authorities of all states and territories to arrest and return
fugitive slaves. It also led to “bounty hunting”.
Slave owners offered bounties (rewards) for the return of runaways. Not only did this tempt people along the way to capture fugitive
slaves, it also created a group of professional “bounty hunters”. These
hunters pursued fugitives across state borders in the hope of collecting
During the early 1800 the men and women who tried to escape
from slavery were usually alone and unaided. Their attempts often
ended in recapture or death. Then starting in the 1830, people opposed
to slavery provided money, food and hiding places for fugitives. Escape
routes were mapped out, and word of them spread through the slave
quarters of plantations.
Since railroading was very popular at the time, the system escape
routes became known as the “underground railroad ”. Hiding places
were called “depots”. People providing money were called “stockholders” and guides who led fugitives along the escape routes were
called “conductors”.
Many of the “conductors” were free blacks of former slaves. The
often plunged deep into slave states to contact escapees. This was
dangerous, if captured former slaves went back to slavery. But free
black “conductors” were also likely to end up in slavery … or death.
Gunfights between bounty hunters and armed “conductors” increased as
the number of escapees from slavery sharply increased.
To blunt the work of the “underground railroad” a tougher Fugitive
Slave Law was passed by Congress in 1850. The 1850 law called for
“severe penalties to be imposed an anyone assisting Negroes to escape
from bondage”. It also authorized federal marshals to “command all
good citizens to aid in the capture of fugitives”. As a result, bounty
hunters were appointed as marshals in slave states. Then, with the full
backing of the law, they were able to prowl the free states in search of
fugitive slaves. This did not stop the “underground railroad conductors”.
It just made their work harder.
The most famous of the underground conductors was a young
woman named Harriet Tubman* (1821–1913). In 1849 she escaped
from slavery in Maryland*. She made her way to Philadelphia* and
there joined the ranks of the “underground railroad”. Over the next 10
years, Harriet Turbman made 19 trips into slave states and led more than
300 men, women and children to freedom. On early trips, Harriet
Tubman led the fugitives to such northern cities as New York* and
Philadelphia*. But the 1850 law made those cities unsafe. So Tubman
decided to lead the people in her care all the way to Canada*, where
they would be beyond the reach of lawmen and bounty hunters.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The black slaves didn’t try to escape.
2) Slave owners offered rewards for the return of runaways.
3) The system of escape routes was known as the “underground
4) People providing money were called “fugitives” and guides who
led runaways along the escape routes were called “owners”.
5) Many of the “conductors” were free blacks of former slaves.
6) To blunt the work of the “underground railroad” a tougher Fugitive Slave Law was passed by Congress in 1850.
7) Harriet Tubman was the most famous of the underground conductors.
8) Harriet Tubman made 29 trips into slave states and led more
than 3 000 men, women and children to freedom.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When was slavery abolished in Northern States?
2. Where did the fugitive slaves seek refuge?
3. What did the slave owners offer for the return of the runaways?
4. What did most of the early escape attempts end in?
5. How was the system of escape routes called?
6. What did the bounty hunters do?
7. What did the “conductors” do?
8. How did the Government blunt the work of the “underground
9. What is Harriet Tubman famous for?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
in colonial times; escape attempts; to take refuge in; to plunge deep into
smth; to be popular; to go back to; to make one’s way to; fugitive
slaves; as a result; “bounty hunting”; pursue fugitives; escape routes;
“underground railroad”; hiding places; to contact escapees; bounty
hunters; armed “conductors”; to pass the law; on early trips; lawmen.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
попытки бегства с плантаций; найти убежище в лесах; беглые рабы; охота за беглыми рабами; принять закон о беглых рабах; «лесные капитаны»; получить награду; «подземная железная дорога»;
возвращаться назад в рабство; перестрелки; жестокие наказания;
в результате; полная поддержка закона; затруднять работу; рабовладельческие штаты; «проводник».
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
slavery, start, frequently, result, popular, marshal, territory.
1) something produced by an action or condition.
2) liked or enjoyed by many people.
3) begin or cause to begin.
4) happening often.
5) working very hard for somebody.
6) an area of land, especially one that belong to a country or person.
7) an official who supervises a contest or ceremony etc.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
slave, escape, runaway, conductor, system, frequently.
1) We’ve done away with the old ………. of clocking in.
2) Gunfights between bounty hunters and armed “…………”
increased as the number of …………… from slavery sharply increased.
3) It ……….. rains in England.
4) Other colonists argued that blacks were secure and happy as
…… .
5) The …………. was captured and killed.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
С начала XVI в. в Америке, незадолго до этого открытой европейцами, стала остро ощущаться потребность в рабочей силе для
обработки плантаций. Захваченных в Африке рабов стали тысячами
вывозить в Америку. Работорговля приобрела огромный размах.
Ежегодно сотни судов отправлялись в Америку за невольниками.
Считают, что из каждых четырех судов три были английскими. Путь
в Америку из Африки длился в зависимости от погоды от 6 до 20
недель. Треть, а иногда и половина невольников погибала в пути.
Эпоха международной работорговли длилась 400 лет, с середины XV до XIX вв. Она имела тяжёлые последствия для Африки,
откуда в Америку было вывезено, как считают, 15 млн рабов.
В начале XIX в. в Англии и США были изданы законы, запрещающие вывоз рабов из Африки. Международная работорговля была
запрещена. Однако рабство сохранялось в Южной Америке
до 1833 года, в США до 1863 года.
США неохотно согласились на запрет международной работорговли и не собирались серьезно вносить этот закон в жизнь.
В бухтах Флориды работорговля имела свои гавани и стоянки,
нью-йоркские купцы снабжали их деньгами. Работорговля прекратилась только тогда, когда было уничтожено рабство негров в
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) true
7) true
1) result
2) popular
3) start
4) frequently
5) slavery
6) territory
7) marshal
Ex. IX.
1) system
2) conductors, escapees
3) frequently
4) slaves
5) runaway
The End of Slavery
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
emancipation [ı´mænsı´peı∫n], process [´prəυses], control [kən´trəυl],
practical [´præktıkl], portion [´po:∫n], discrimination [dı¸skrımı´neı∫n],
system [´sıstəm], racial [´reı∫l], result [rı´zΛlt], progress [´prəυgres],
individual [ındı´vi: djuəl], business [´bıznes], music [´mju:zık], organize [´o:gənaız], industry [´ındΛstrı], university [¸ju:nıvз:sətı],
millionaire [¸mıljə´neə].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
happen, v – [´hæpn] – случаться
single, adj – [´sıŋgl] – единственный
outbreak, v – [´aυtbreık] – разражаться
gain, v – [´geın] – достигать
purpose, n – [´pз:pəs] – цель
estimate, v – [´estımət] – оценивать
intensify, v – [ın´tensıfaı] – усиливать
equality, n – [ik´wþlətı] – равенство
breakthrough, n – [´breıkθru: ] – прорыв
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Emancipation or the ending of slavery, didn’t happen in a single
day. It was a process that took about four years. The process began in
April 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War between free
states of the North and slave states of the South. During the War
wherever the Union or Northern Army gained control, slavery for all
practical purposes, was ended. It estimated that half - a - million slaves
escaped to union – controlled areas.
The next big step in the process took place on January 1, 1863.
President Abraham Lincoln* issued the Emancipation Proclamation,
declaring that slaves in states or portions of states at war against the
United States were free. Few slaves were freed, however, since most
lived in the rebellious South. Nevertheless, the Proclamation was a
critical turning point. It increased Northern support by making the end
of slavery an objective of the war. Freedom for all slaves came later, in
1865, when the war ended and Congress passed the 13th Amendment,
which completely abolished slavery. Another Amendment, the 14th ,
gave blacks full citizenship rights. For a time, many hoped that blacks
and whites could live together in a state of equality and tolerance. That
hope didn’t last long. Local laws and custom were used to deprive
blacks of voting rights. Prejudice increased and discrimination
intensified. In most former slave states, a system of racial segregation
arose, and blacks had to use separate schools, churches, hospitals, parks,
swimming pools, lunchrooms, washrooms, sections and theatre sections.
In the early years of the 20th century, lynching – the illegal killing
of people for real or imagined crimes – greatly increased. After the First
World War, the promise of equality and opportunity in the South for
blacks seemed further away than ever. As a result, many blacks moved
from the rural South to the great cities of the North. Although
northerners did not practice formal segregation blacks encountered
discrimination in jobs and housing.
However, progress did occur during the difficult years from 1919
to 1950. Individual blacks made breakthroughs in education, science,
sports, entertainments, business, engineering and most of all in music
and the arts. Black gained influence in organized labor industry and
government. There were black university presidents and black
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Emancipation was a long process that took about four years.
2) In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared that the slaves
were free.
3) The 13th amendment completely abolished slavery.
4) After the Proclamation the blacks hadn’t to use separate schools,
churches, h hospitals, parks etc.
5) After the First World War the blacks have got a full equality.
6) Many blacks made breakthroughs in education, science, sports,
business and most of all in music and the arts.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How long did Emancipation process last?
2. How did the Emancipation process begin?
3. What was the next big step in this process?
4. What was declared in the Emancipation Proclamation?
5. Why was the Proclamation a critical turning point in the Emancipation process?
6. What Amendments did Congress pass?
7. Could the blacks enjoy their full citizenship right after Emancipation?
8. What is implied under lynching?
9. How are the blacks treated in the 20th century?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
the ending of slavery; the outbreak of the Civil War; to gain control; for
practical purposes; to issue the Emancipation Proclamation; to pass the
Amendment; to give blacks citizenship rights; a system of racial
segregation; to use separate schools; lynching increased; to encount
discrimination in jobs; to make breakthrough in education.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
oсвобождение рабов; отмена рабства; гражданская война;
cвободные и рабовладельческие штаты; было подсчитано, что; для
практических целей; быть в состоянии войны с кем –либо; утвердить поправку; местные законы; лишать негров прав голосовать;
система расового разделения; столкнуться с дискриминацией; права граждан; состояние равенства и терпимости; предрассудки усилились; переехать с Юга на Север.
Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
single, gain, portion, discrimination, progress, millionaire, industry,
1) get something that you did not have before.
2) a place where people go to study at an advanced level after
leaving school.
3) move forward.
4) not double or multiply.
5) treating people differently or unfairly.
6) making or producing goods etc. especially in factories.
7) a part or share given to somebody.
8) an extremely rich person.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
outbreak, happen, estimate, intensify, breakthrough.
1) It was a real …………… in this field of science.
2) Something or someone you can trust them to work hard or well,
or always to act, behave, or …………. in the way that you want them to.
3) The cost of production is $ 50 per article. I …………… that
owe me $ 75.
4) In spite of the cease-fire there have been several ……….. of
fighting in the streets of Beirut during the last two days.
5) To ……….. the growth of the crops, farmers use different methods.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
В середине XIX века в США развернулось движение против
рабства, которое распространилось в южных, сельскохозяйственных, штатах. Рабство на Юге тормозило развитие промышленности
и сельского хозяйства всей страны. Против рабства выступали рабочие и фермеры. Усилившаяся буржуазия Севера не могла более
мириться с тем, что центральная власть США находилась в руках
рабовладельцев, назревало решающее столкновение между промышленным Севером и рабовладельческим Югом.
В 1854 г. в США образовалась новая политическая партия –
республиканская. Республиканцы требовали ограничения рабства.
На выборах 1860 г. кандидат республиканской партии Авраам
Линкольн был избран на пост президента. Потерпев поражение на
выборах, рабовладельцы начали подготовку к вооруженной борьбе.
Рабовладельческие штаты заявили о выходе из Соединенных Штатов. Рабовладельцы создали новое государство – Конфедерацию
южных штатов. 12 апреля 1861 г. был обстрелян форт Самтер. Началась гражданская война, которая закончилась победой Севера.
Война стоила огромных жертв. Север и Юг потеряли убитыми и
ранеными около 600 тыс. человек, что превышает потери вооруженных сил США во второй мировой войне.
Ex IV.
1) true
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) false
6) true
1) gain
2) university
3) progress
4) single
5) discrimination
6) industry
7) portion
8) millionaire
Ex. IX.
1) breakthrough
2) happen
3) estimated
4) outbreaks
5) intensify
Great Depression
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
panic [´pænık], bank [´bæŋk], republican [rs´pΛblıkən], reconstruction
[¸ri:kən´strΛk∫n], president [´prezıdənt], finance [faı´nəns], corporation
[¸ko:pə´reı∫n], mass [´mæs], democrat [´deməkrət], optimistic
[¸þptı´mıstık], economy [ı´kþnəmı], depression [dı´pre∫n], electricity
[ı´lek´trısətı], control [kən´trəυl], regulate [´regjυleıt], minimum
[´mınıməm], social [´səυ∫l], program [´prəυgræm], effective [ı´fektıv],
million [´mıljən], park [´pa:k], aggression [ə´gre∫n], pyramid
[´pırəmıd], project [´prþdʒekt].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
defeat, v – [dı´fi:t] – защищать
promise, v – [´prþmıs] – обещать
confidence, n – [´kþnfıdəns] – уверенность
emergency, n – [ı´mз: dʒənsı] – появление
exhaust, v – [ıg´zo:st] – исчерпывать
reduce, v – [rı´dju:s] – уменьшать
generate, v – [´dʒenəreıt] – вырабатывать
manufacture, v – [¸mænjυ´fækt∫ə ] – прoизводить
competition, n – [¸kþmpə´tı∫n] – соревнование
charity, n – [´t∫ærətı] – благотворительность
battle, n – [´bætl] – битва
bottom, n – [´bþtəm] – дно
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
On October 24, 1929 – “Black Thursday” – a wave of panic selling
of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. Once started, the
collapse of share and other security price could not be halted. By 1932,
thousands of banks and over 100 000 businesses had failed.
The Republican president, Herbert Hoover*, in 1932 approved the
creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
But to masses of unemployed workers, Hoover seemed uncaring
and unable to help them. In the 1932 election, he was resoundingly
defeated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt*, who promised “a New
Deal for the American People”.
Jaunty, optimistic and commanding public speaker, Roosevelt, a
former governor of New York State, was able to inspire public
confidence, as Hoover could not. “The only thing we have to fear is fear
itself”, Roosevelt stated at his inauguration and he took prompt action to
deal with the emergency. With three months the historic “Hundred
Days” – Roosevelt had rushed through Congress a great number of laws
and aided the recovery of the economy. The Civilian Conservation
Corps (CCC) put young men to work in reforestation and flood control
projects. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA aided
state and local relief funds, which had been exhausted by the Depression
(AAA) paid farmers to reduce production, thus raising crop prices. The
Tennessee Valley* Authority (TVA) built a network of dams in the
Tennessee River* area in the southeastern region of the United States
to generate electricity control floods and manufacture fertilizer, and the
National Recovery Administration (NRA) regulated “fair competition”
among businesses and ensured bargaining rights and minimum wages
for workers.
In 1935, the Social Security Act established contributory old – age
and survivors pensions as well as a joint federal state program of unemployment insurance. The Wagner Labor Relations Act banned unfair
employer practices and protected the workers’ right to collective
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was one of the most
effective of the New Deal measures, probably because it was based on
the belief originating with the Puritans and almost universally accepted
among later Americans that working for one livelihood in honorable and
dignified but receiving help with one doesn’t earn – charity is
demeaning and robs people of their independence and their sense of self
worth. Financed by taxes collected by the federal government the WPA
created millions of jobs by undertaking the construction of roads,
bridges, airports, hospitals, parks and public buildings.
Although the WPA was probably more expensive than a system of
handouts it kept workers on the job, thus preserving their skills and their
In a series of friendly radio broadcasts “fireside chats” – the president explained his policies to the public.
Roosevelt’s New Deal programs did not end the Depression.
Although the economy improved as a result of this program of
government intervention full recovery was finally brought about by the
defense buildup prior to America’s entering the Second World War.
This buildup, undertaken to aid the allies of the United States in their
battle against aggression, absorbed surplus manpower into war
industries and the armed forces. But many Americans, young and old,
still feel great affection for Franklin D. Roosevelt the president who
remembered “the forgotten men at the bottom of the economic
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) After “Black Friday” in 1932, thousands of banks and over
100 000 businesses had failed.
2) The President Franklin Roosevelt approved the creation of the
reconstruction Finance Corporation.
3) Roosevelt could gain the recovery of the economy.
4) The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was one of the most
effective of the New deal measures.
5) The WPA created millions of jobs by undertaking the construction of roads, hospitals, bridges, airports, hospitals, parks and public
6) Roosevelt’s New Deal programs ended the depression.
7) Many Americans still feel a great affection for Franklin Roosevelt.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What happened on October 24, 1929?
2. How many banks and businesses had failed by 1932?
3. Who was President of the USA at that time?
4. What did Roosevelt promise?
5. What was one of the most effective measures of the New Deal?
6. What are the “Hundred Days” noted for?
7. Did Roosevelt’s New Deal programs end the Depression?
8. What improved the American economy?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим аббревиатурам:
VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
selling of stocks; Stock Exchange; security prices; the collapse of
shares; to inspire of public confidence; to take prompt actions; the recovery of economy; reforestation projects; to rise prices; to reduce production; to ensure wages for workers; a right to collective bargaining;
universally for accepted; to work for one’s livelihood;
a system of handouts radio broadcasts; to aid the allies; to absorb surplus manpower; defense buildup.
VIII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
Вторая мировая война; вооруженные силы; на дне экономической
пирамиды; сократить производство; вступление в войну; защищать
права рабочих; принять неотложные меры; восходить к пуританам;
массы безработных; торжественная речь; при вступлении на пост
президента; одобрить создание чего-либо; общественный деятель.
Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
business, confidence, exhaust, competition, emergency, charity,
1) a feeling of certainty or boldness.
2) a game or race or other contest in which people try to win.
3) giving money or help etc. to the needy.
4) a structure with a squire base and with sloping sides that meet in
a point at the top.
5) a sudden serious happening needing prompt action.
6) buying and selling things.
7) use up something completely.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
defeat, reduce, manufacture, generate, battle, bottom, million, effective.
1) To make a quick sale, we must ……… the prices.
2) More than 6 ……. tins of beans are made every week.
3) The serial number refers to the country in which the car
……….. .
4) At last the troops ………….. .
5) Hydro Power Plants …………. electricity.
6) After losing a naval …….., they were forced to remain there for
three years.
7) At the ……….. of the page one can find necessary tables.
8) There so many ………….. methods of getting money.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Завершение промышленного переворота и развитие капиталистического фабричного производства создали в США условия для
периодических кризисов. По мере усиления хозяйственной мощи
США внутренние процессы вызревания очередного кризиса в американской экономике, начиная с мирового экономического кризиса
1857, года все тесней вплетались в механизм мирового цикла.
Положение США в мировом экономическом цикле определялись рядом факторов, в том числе масштабами их экономики и возраставшим на протяжении второй половины XIX – начала XX
веков удельным весом этой страны в совокупном промышленном
производстве капиталистического мира, ее местом в системе международного разделения труда.
В ходе кризиса 1929–1933 гг. отчетливо появилась роль США
как эпицентра накопление капитала в рамках мирового хозяйства.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) false
3) true
4) true
5) true
6) true
7) true
8) false
Ex. IX.
1) confidence
2) competition
3) charity
4) pyramid
5) emergency
6) business
7) exhaust
Ex. X.
1) reduce
2) millions
3) was manufactured
4) were defeated
5) generate
6) battle
7) bottom
8) effective
World War II
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
neutral [´njυtrəl], program [´prəυgræm], aggression [ə´gre∫n], bomber
[´bþmə], export [´ekspo:t], credit [´kredıt], base [´beıs], plan [´plæn],
surprise [sə´praız], mobilize [¸məυbə´laız], complex [´kþmpleks],
secret [´sıkrət], automobile [o:təməbi:l], test [´test], atomic [ə´tþmık],
bomb [´bþm], recommend [¸rekə´mend], concentrate [´kþnsntreıt],
region [´rıdʒn], atmosphere [´ætməsfıə], hysteria [hı´stıərıə], action
[´æk∫n], sabotage [´sæbəta:ʒ], espionage [¸espıə´na:ʒ], strategic
[strə´ti:dʒık], expert [´ekspз:t].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
advance, v – [əd´va:ns] – продвигать
announce, v – [ə´naυns] – объявлять
battleship, n – [´bætl∫ıp] – боевой корабль
consumer, adj – [kən´sju:mə] – потребительский
counterattack, n – [´kaυntərə¸tæk] – контратака
damage, v – [´dæ´mıdʒ ] – разрушать
equipment, n – [ı´kwıpmənt] – оборудование
invasion, n – [ın´veıʒn] – нашествие
order, v – [´o:də] – приказывать
persuade, v – [pə´sweıd ] – убеждать
precaution, n – [prı´ko:∫n] – предосторожность
pressure, n – [´pre∫ə] – давление
respond, v – [rıs´po:nd] – отвечать
surrender, v – [sə´rendə] – сдаваться
withdrawal, n – [wıð´dro:əl] – отступление
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
In September 1939, war erupted on Europe. Roosevelt* announced
that the United States would be neutral, but not indifferent. In
September 1940, when Britain was threatened by a German invasion,
the United States gave the British 50 overage destroyers in return for
ravel bases in the western Atlantic. Two weeks later, congress approved
the first peacetime military conscription in American history. By early
1941, Britain could no longer purchase American goods, so Roosevelt
persuaded Congress to enact a “lend lease” bill. Through this program
the United States eventually “lent” $ 13.5 thousand million in war
supplies to Britain and another $ 9 thousand million to the Soviet Union.
In the Far East, Japanese* forces had invaded Manchuria* (1931),
China* (1937) and French Indochina* (July 1941). Roosevelt responded
to this aggression by banning American exports of scrap iron, steel and
oil to Japan* and by freezing Japanese credits in the U.S.
By November 1941, American military planners were preparing
for a Japanese assault, but they expected a thrust to the south, toward the
oil – rich Dutch East Indies (Indonesia*). Instead, in December,
7 carrier – based Japanese bombers struck at Pearl Harbor* naval base
in Hawaii*. The surprise attack damaged eight battleships and destroyed
almost 200 aircraft the U.S. immediately declared war on Japan*. Four
days later Japan’s allies, Germany* and Italy* declared war on the
United States.
In 1941, Japan possessed a large navy and a greater number of
aircraft than could be mobilized by the United States. Prospects for a
Japanese military victory depended on Japan’s being able to defeat the
Americans before the United States could retool its mighty industrial
complex to produce military equipment. At this Japan failed and the
U.S. was soon producing huge numbers of ships, aircraft and weaponry.
The U.S. government took unprecedented measures to mobilize the
economy of war, including the enactment of wage and price controls
and high income taxes. Gasoline and some foodstuffs were rationed,
while production of automobiles, homes and many other consumer
goods were virtually halted. Spurred by the fear that Germany might
develop a nuclear weapon, the government spent $ 2 thousand million
on the top – secret Manhattan Project, which produced and tested an
atomic bomb in 1945.
American, British and Soviet war planners agreed to concentrate
on defeating Germany first. To relieve pressure on the beleaguered.
Soviet allies, the American Joint Chiefs of staff recommended an
invasion of France* as early as 1948 , but under pressure from British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill*, the Allies redirected their efforts
toward the Mediterranean*. Anglo-American forces landed in North
Africa* in November 1942 then proceeded to Sicily* and the Indian
mainland in 1943 liberating Rome* on June 4, 1944, after months of
bitter fighting. Two days later June 6, “D-Day”, allied troops landed in
Normandy* in the largest amphibious operation in military history.
Paris* was liberated on August 24, and by September, American units
were across the German border. In December 1944, however, the
Germans launched a ferocious assault in the Ardennes region* of
Belgium*. It took a week the Allies to regroup and a month
to counterattack and to force a German withdrawal in what became
known as the “Battle of the Bulge”. This proved to be the last German
offensive of World War Ш. Finally, on April 25, 1945, the western
allied forces met advancing Soviet troops at the town of Torquay*,
Germany. The Germans surrendered on May 5, 1945.
In the Pacific, Japanese armed forces achieved a series of early victories. By May 1942, they had overrun the Philippines* and forced the
surrender of 11,500 Americans and Filipinos, who were treated brutally
by their captors. In an atmosphere of war hysteria, 110 000 Japanese –
Americans living in America’s western states were forced into
relocation camps. Government officials justified this action as a precaution against sabotage and espionage, but no Japanese-Americans were
convicted of any act disloyalty during the war, and many of them fought
bravely in the armed forces.
By May 8, 1943, the Japanese threat to Australia* was checked at
the Battle of the Coral Sea*. In June the main Japanese fleet steaming
toward Hawaii was repulsed at the Battle of Midway, with the loss of
four aircraft carriers. American cryptographers wore adept at breaking
Japanese codes so the Allies usually knew the stately of the Japanese
Over the next three years, American forces advanced toward Japan
by “island - hopping”- capturing some strategic islands in the Pacific
and bypassing others. An Allied force under General Joseph W.
Stillwell* aided the Chinese, and troops under General Douglas Mac
Arthur returned to the Philippines in October 1944. The central Pacific
island of Iwo Jima fill to the Americans in March and Okinawa* in June
1945. From those two islands, B-29 bombers launched devastating raids
against Japanese Cities.
American forces now prepared to invade the Japanese home island.
In the hope of bringing the war to a swift end President Harry Truman*
ordered the use of the atomic bomb against. Hiroshima* (August, 6) and
Nagasaki* (August, 9). Japan agreed to surrender on August 14. Nearly
200 000 civilians died under attacks, but military experts agree that the
casualties Japanese and American would have been far greater if the
Allies had been forced to invade Japan.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) In September 1940, when Britain was threatened by a German
invasion, the United States gave the British 50 destroyers in return for
ravel bases in the western Atlantic.
2) Roosevelt didn’t respond to German’s aggression.
3) Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor was not a surprise.
4) The American government spent $ 2 thousand million on the secret Manhattan Project, which produced and tested an atomic bomb in
5) The Germans surrendered on May 5, 1945.
6) In the Pacific, Japanese armed forces achieved a series of early
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What did Roosevelt announce in September 1939?
2. Why was a “lend - lease” bill enacted?
3. How many battleships were damaged as a result of the surprise
4. What did the Japanese military victory depend on?
5. What measures were taken by the U.S. government to mobilize
economy for war?
6. When did Anglo – American forces land in Africa?
7. When is the “D - Day” observed? What happened on this day?
8. What is the “Battle of the Bulge” – noted for?
9. What victories did Japan achieve by May 1942?
10. Why did the Allies know the strategy of the Japanese navy?
11. Why did President Truman order to use the atomic bomb?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
to possess a large navy and aircraft; to respond to the aggression; to
meet advancing Soviet troops; to achieve victories; to take
unprecedented measures; nuclear weapon; top-secret project; military
planners; to prepare for an assault; to overrun the country; an act of
disloyalty; aircraft carriers; devastating raids; to retool an industrial
complex; war supplies; a thrust to the South; to advance toward.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
войска высадились в Нормандии; нести тяжелые потери; предосторожность против шпионажа; вооруженные силы; японские военные
победы; вторгнуться в страну; ядерное оружие; испытание ядерной
бомбы; сосредоточиться; производить военную продукцию; в атмосфере военной истории; позволить себе; военно-морские базы,
провозгласить нейтралитет; захватить стратегически важные острова.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
invasion, credit, damage, mobilize, equipment, withdrawal, precaution,
expert, announce.
1) the things needed for a particular purpose.
2) make something known, especially by saying it publicly or to an
3) assemble people or things for a particular purpose, especially for
4) harm or spoil something.
5) a person with great knowledge or skill in something.
6) attacking and entering a country etc.
7) something done to prevent future trouble or danger.
8) an amount of money in someone’s account at a bank etc.
9) taking back or away; removing.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
persuade, respond, battleship, consumer, pressure, advance, surrender,
order, recommend.
1) The work of finding out what kind of goods consumers want,
what they are willing to spend and how to …….. them to buy.
2) This means finding out how many potential …………. for the
planned merchandise or service there are in this market.
3) The conquerors were greatly impressed by the wealth of the native rulers and the ……… .…culture of the priests.
4) He …………. with a blow.
5) These parts of the mechanism is under a high …………… .
6) There were many ……………. in the sea and the captain preferred to …………. .
7) The director of the school ……………… on this post.
8) The father ………….. his children to stay at home.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Нападение гитлеровской Германии на СССР изменило военнополитическую расстановку сил в мире. Сделали свой выбор США,
стремительно выходившие на передовые позиции во многих отраслях хозяйства и особенно в военно-промышленном производстве.
Правительство Франклина Рузвельта заявило о намерении оказать
поддержку СССР и другим странам антигитлеровской коалиции
всеми имеющимися в его распоряжении средствами. 14 августа
1941 года Рузвельт и Черчилль подписали знаменитую «Атлантическую хартию» – «Программу целей и конкретных действий в
борьбе против германского фашизма».
К концу 1941 года японцы считали, что ключом к успеху
борьбы за контроль над Тихим океаном является уничтожение
Перл Харбора, главной американской военно-морской базы на Тихом океане. 7 декабря 1941 года на американские корабли, которых
в узкой гавани было около 70, обрушилось примерно 200 японских
бомбардировщиков, торпедоносцев и истребителей. Одновременно
в бухту ворвались японские подводные лодки. Менее чем через час
налет повторили ещё 160 самолётов. Потери американцев были огромны. Название «Перл Харбор» стало таким же символическим,
как Сталинград и Курская дуга.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) false
3) false
4) true
5) true
6) true
7) true
8) false
1) equipment
2) announce
3) mobilize
4) damage
5) expect
6) invasion
7) precaution
8) credit
9) withdrawal
Ex. IX.
1) persuade
2) consumers
3) advanced
4) responded
5) pressure
6) battleships, surrender
7) was recommended
8) ordered
Vietnam War
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
communist [´kþmjυnıst], colonialism [kə´lənıə¸lızəm], democratic
[´deməkrætık], torpedo [to:´pi:dəυ], soldier [´sþldʒə], massive
[´mæsıv], demonstration [¸demən´streı∫n], college [´kþlıdʒ], student
[´stju:dnt], leader [´li:də], conflict [´kþnflıkt], situation [¸sıt∫υ´eı∫n],
radical [´rædıkl], orient [´o:rıənt], career [kə´rıə].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
application, n – [¸æplı´keı∫n] – применение
appeal, v – [ə´pi:l] – взывать
dispatch, v – [dı´spæt∫] – отправлять
involvement, n – [ın´vþlvmənt] – вторжение
primary, adj – [´praımərı] – начальный
politics, n – [´pþlıtıks] – политика
troops, n – [´tru:ps] – войска
violence, n – [´vaıələns] – жестокость
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
American involvement in Vietnam* did not begin with President
Johnson*. When communist and nationalist rebels fought French
colonialism in Indochina* after World War II, President Truman sent
military aid to France*. After the French withdrew from Southeast Asia
in 1954, President Eisenhower* dispatched American advisers and aid
to help to set up a democratic, pro - Western government in South
Vietnam. Under President Kennedy*, thousands of military officers
trained South Vietnamese war planes into combat.
In August 1964, two American destroyers sailing in the Gulf of
Tokyo* reported attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. President
Johnson launched air strikes against North Vietnamese naval bases in
retaliation. The first American combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam in
March 1965. By 1968, 50 000 American troops had arrived. Meanwhile,
the Air Force gradually stepped up B – 52 raids against North Vietnam,
first bombing military bases and routes, later hitting factories and power
stations near Hanoi*. But this massive application of military force
succeeded only in devastating Vietnam.
Demonstrations protesting American involvement in this
undeclared and, many felt unjustified war broke out on college
campuses in the U.S. There were some violent clashes between students
and police. In October 1967, 200 000 demonstrators demanding peace
marched on the Pentagon* in Washington*.
At the same time, unrest in the cities also erupted, as younger and
more militant black leaders were denouncing as ineffectual the
nonviolent tactics of Martin Luther King*. King's assassination in
Memphis Tennessee in 1968, triggered race riots in over 100 cities.
Business districts in black neighborhoods were burned, and 43 people
killed – most of them black.
Ever increasing numbers of life opposed, the involvement of the
U.S. in the war in Indochina, and in the 1968 election President
Johnson* faced strong challenges from two antiwar Democrats,
Senators Eugene Mo. Carthy* and Robert Kennedy*, brother of
President John F. Kennedy*. On May 31, facing a humiliating defeat at
the polls and a seemingly endless conflict in Vietnam, Johnson
withdrew from the presidential race and offered to negotiate an end to
the Vietnam War. Robert Kennedy was assassinated at the end of the
primary campaign and the voters narrowly elected Republican Richard
Nixon*. As president, Nixon appealed to “Middle America” – the “great
silent majority” who were unhappy with violence and protest at home.
In Indochina, Nixon pursued a policy of “Vietnamization”
gradually replacing American soldiers with Vietnamese. But heavy
bombing of Communist bases continued and in the spring of 1970
Nixon sent American soldiers into Cambodia*. That action caused the
most massive and violent campus protests in the nation’s history.
During a demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio*, National
Guardsmen killed four students.
Then, as the American people, perceived that the war was being
ended, the situation quite suddenly changed. Quiet turned to the nation’s
colleges and cities. By 1973, Nixon had signed a peace treaty with
North Vietnam, brought American soldiers home, and ended
conscription. Students began rejecting radical politics and generally
became more oriented toward individual careers. Many blacks were still
living in poverty, but many others were finally moving into well – paid
professions. The fact that many big cities Cleveland*, Newark*, Los
Angeles*, Washington, Detroit*, Atlanta* – had elected black mayors
contributed to the easing of urban tensions.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) American involvement in Vietnam began with President John-
2) The first American combat soldiers were sent to Vietnam in
March 1965.
3) In October 1967, 200 000 demonstrators demanding piece
marched on the Pentagon in Washington.
4) During a demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen killed four students.
5) Richard Nixon was a Democrat.
6) By 1973, Nixon had signed a peace treaty with North Vietnam.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Who sent military aid to France?
2. Why were the American advisers dispatched to South Vietnam?
3. What happened in the Gulf of Tokyo?
4. When were the first American combat soldiers sent to Vietnam?
5. How many American troops had arrived by 1968?
6. What was the reaction of the Americans to the USA involvement
in the war?
7. What was Martin Luther King’s tactics?
8. Why did Johnson withdraw from the presidential race?
9. What policy did Nixon pursue in Indochina?
10. When were American soldiers sent to Cambodia?
11. When was a peace treaty signed?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
military aid; to dispatch advisers; to fly warplanes into combat; military
bases; power station; massive application of military force; undeclared
and unjustified war; violent clashes; college campuses; to denounce the
tactics; race riots; all walks of life; to face strong challenges from; the
primary campaign; to sign a peace treaty; to move into well – paid
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
политическое убийство; заключить мирный договор; военная помощь; необъявленная и несправедливая война; военные самолёты;
бомбить военные базы; президентские выборы; проводить политику; жить в бедности; внести вклад; снизить напряжённость в городах; все возрастающее число американцев; терпеть унизительное
положение; вызывать массовые протесты; протестовать против
вмешательства в.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
involvement, colonialism, troop, student, application, appeal.
1) the policy of acquiring and keeping colonies.
2) a person who studies a subject, especially at a college or
3) a formal request.
4) an organized group of soldiers etc.
5) having as a part.
6) an earnest or formal request.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
dispatch, violence, politics, career, primary, situation, orient.
1) There was an outbreak of ………….. .
2) He went in the ………….. as a young man.
3) The experience can enrich your life and enhance ………… in
many ways.
4) The ………….education in this country is free of charge.
5) The name of the captain was mentioned in ………….. .
6) He ………… in the …………. quite well.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
События послевоенных десятилетий – создание атомной бомбы, война во Вьетнаме и массовый протест против нее – оказали
воздействие на теорию и практику пацифизма.
Многие из пацифистских организаций проводят различие между насилием, добровольно избираемым в качестве средства достижения цели, и вынужденным использованием насильственных
методов, имеющих, по их мнению, оправдание. Так пацифисты
США оказали поддержку борьбе вьетнамского народа против американской агрессии.
Ex. III.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) true
5) false
6) true
1) colonialism
2) student
3) application
4) troops
5) involvement
6) appeal
Ex. IX.
1) violence
3) career
4) primary
5) dispatch
6) orients, situation
Art and Music
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
tradition [trə´dı∫n], society [sə´saıətı], adapt [ə´dæpt], evolution
[¸i:və´lu:∫n], music [´mju:zık], conflict [´kþnflıkt], primitive [´prımıtıv],
ethnic [´eθnık], cultural [´kΛlt∫ərəl], style [´staıl], minimum
[´mınıməm], culture [´kΛlt∫ə], gallery [´gælərı], symphony [´sımfənı],
orchestra [´o:kıstrə], university [ju:nı´vз:sətı], commerce [´kþmз:s],
popular [´pþpjυlə], regional [´rıdʒnl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
condition, n – [kən´dı∫n] – условие
custom, n – [´kΛstəm] – обычай
strange, adj – [´streındʒ] – странный
environment, n – [ın´vaırənment ] – окружающая среда
modify, v – [ ´mþdıfaı] – изменять
approximately, adv – [ə´prþksımətlı] – приблизительно
peculiar, adj – [pı´kju:lıə] – особенный
mixture, n – [´mıkst∫ə] – смесь
reflect, v – [rı´flekt] – отражать
define, v – [dı´faın] – определять
support, v – [sə´po:t] – поддерживать
contribute, v – [kən´trıbju:t] – делать вклад
influence, v – [´ınflυəns] – влиять
exhibit, v – [ıg´zıbıt] – выставлять напоказ
strength, n – [´strenθ] – сила
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
America’s fine arts developed under conditions far different from
those in many other countries. The United States began as a group of
colonies: its settlers were drawn from many places with different
customs and traditions, all of these customs and traditions so well suited
to society’s needs in their lands of origin had to be adapted to life in a
strange and difficult environment.
A formal “American” culture rooted in these modified traditions
from distant places, but different from them, grew and developed only
after the United States was established as an independent nation.
Evolution of the Arts
Though Adam's ideal of artistic evolution could be realized only
approximately, a vital and vigorous tradition of creativity in art and
music has, in fact, developed in the U.S. Its growth over the years has
been marked by the conflict between two strong forces of inspiration –
domestic, sometimes primitive, creativity and European sophistication.
Generally, the very best American artists have been those who managed
to combine both forces to create their own original forms.
Just as there is however, no single American ethnic or cultural
group, there is also no peculiar or recognizably «American» style in the
arts. There is, however, a mixture of many styles, reflecting the reality
of American society. Still, some generalizations, which attempt
to define that which is «American» in American art, are revealing.
American art traditionally has been produced and enjoyed with a
minimum of direct government support or control. In fact, one of the
qualities that has lent distinction to American culture has been its
inability to rely on government financial support. In order to survive and
expand, museums, art galleries, symphony orchestras, chamber music
societies and theatres have all had to depend on private benefactors,
university endowments and ticket sales as the primary means of raising
money. Without the security of government that art in other countries
traditionally enjoys, American arts have been tied to American
It is this very union, which contributed to America cultural
experimentation and ingenuity. Perhaps these traits are best seen in the
development and creativity of the motion picture industry and in the
worldwide influence of American popular music. They are also reflected
in the spread of regional theatres and ballet companies galleries
exhibiting the work of local artists, and the growing strength of less
prominent symphony orchestras throughout United States. Culture in
America seems to have flourished precisely because of its independence
from government subsidy and control.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The development of America’s fine arts was the same to many
2) American settlers had different customs and traditions.
3) American style in the arts is a mixture of many other styles.
4) American museums, art galleries, orchestras didn’t depend on
private benefactors and ticket sales.
5) American arts have been tied to American commerce.
6) Culture in America didn’t flourish because of its independence
from government subsidy and control.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Under what conditions did America’s fine art develop?
2. Who were the best American artists?
3. Is there any peculiar “American” style in the arts?
4. Does the Government support American art?
5. What is American art tied to?
6. Why has American art flourished?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
fine arts; to suit society’s needs; to depend on private benefactors;
motion picture industry; direct government support; modified traditions;
lands of origin; strange environment; to be established; as an
independent nation; ideal of artistic evolution; tradition of creativity in
art; American art; American culture; music societies; university
endowments; regional theatres; ballet companies; local artists;
symphony orchestras.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
американская культура; художественная галерея; правительственные субсидии; правительственный контроль; изящное искусство;
провинциальные театры; aмериканское искусство; музыкальное
общество; киноиндустрия; слияние стилей; провинциальные художники; всемирное влияние; американская популярная музыка;
меценаты; средство первой необходимости; менее выдающийся;
отвечать нуждам общества.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
condition, custom, strange, approximate, environment, support,
1) the usual way of behaving or doing something.
2) unusual or surprising.
3) the state or fitness of a person or a thing.
4) surroundings, especially as they affect people’s life.
5) keep a person or thing from failing or sinking etc.
6) make or be almost the same as something.
7) how strong a person or thing is.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
peculiar, mixture, reflect, define, contribute, influence, exhibit.
1) This article has many …………. features.
2) His speech was a …………… of definitions, statements and
3) In a market economy, prices are decided by market forces, the
factors that …………… the demand for things, their availability, and
consequently their price.
4) This sentence …………… the main idea of the whole text.
5) The latest equipment ………….. on the first floor of the exhibition hall.
6) To ………….. these words, he had to take Russian-English
7) The union …………. to America cultural experimentation and
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
На американской земле живёт народная музыка трёх частей
света. Каждая из национальных групп европейских переселенцев
приводила с собой в Новый Свет песни и танцы своей родины. Коренные обитатели континента и сегодня хранят традиции своей музыкальной культуры. Наряду с музыкой белых и индейцев
зазвучали ритмы и мелодии невольников, привезённых из Африки.
Потомки их уже стали переделывать на свой лад музыку белых хореев. Соединение столь разнообразных и далёких элементов дало
замечательные плоды – так называемую афро-американскую музыку, ставшую затем одним из наиболее значительных и самобытных
явлений всей художественной культуры США.
В начале XX века родился наиболее разнообразный жанр афро-американской музыки – джаз. В первую очередь джаз отличался
способом исполнения: каждый музыкант в ансамбле вносит элемент импровизации в свою игру. Джазовое исполнение характеризуется чётким ритмом и разнообразием тембров звучания духовых
инструментов. Лучшие произведения джаза созданы Луи Армстронгом, Дюком Эллингтоном.
Первым американским композитором, получившим мировое
признание, был Джордж Гершвин. В послевоенные годы признание
получили работы Самуэла Барбера.
В современной американской музыке существует огромное
количество самых разнообразных художественных направлений,
которые по-своему стараются передать душу американского народа.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) false
1) custom
2) strange
3) condition
4) environment
5) support
6) approximate
7) strength
Ex. IX.
1) peculiar
2) mixture
3) influence
4) reflects
5) was exhibited
6) define
7) contributed
The Visual Arts
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
continent [´kþntınənt], technical [´teknıkl], romantic [reυ´mæntık],
[¸sentı´mentælızm], sculpture [´skΛlpt∫ə], aspect [´æspekt], modernist
[´mo:denıst], abstraction [æb´stræk∫n], photographer [fə´tþgrəfə],
graphic [´græfık], composition [¸kþmpə´zı∫n], radical [´rædıkl], material
[mə´tıərıəl], metal [´metl], expressionism [ık´spre∫nızəm], cigarette
[¸sıgə´ret], studio [´stju:dıəυ], figure [´fıgə], instinct [ın´stıŋkt].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
landscape, n – [´lændskeıp] – пейзаж
range, n – [´reındʒ] – диапазон
theme, n – [´θi:m] – тема
movement, n – [´mu:vmənt] – движение
promote, v – [prə´məυt] – продвигать
encourage, v – [ın´kΛrıdʒ] – вдохновлять
explore, v – [ıks´plo:] – исследовать
illusion, n – [ı´lu: ʒn] – иллюзия
perception, n – [pə´sep∫n] – восприятие
technique, n – [tek´ni:k] – техника
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
America’s* first well known “school” of landscape painting – the
Hudson River* School – appeared in the 1820s. Westward expansion
had brought a realization of the vast scale and unspoiled beauty of the
continent. Led by Thomas Cole* (1801–1848), the Hudson River*
painters combined great technical skill with romantic American scenery.
Their paintings were visual explorations of light and natural wonder.
This tradition of directness, simplicity of vision, and clarity developed in the late 19th century into something new naturalistic portrayal
of the broad range of American life. Rural America – the seas, the
mountains, and the men, and women who lived there – was the subject
of Winslow Homer* (1836–1910).
The middle – class city life of the period found its poet in Thomas
Eakins* (1844–1916) an uncompromising realist whose gaunt, honest
portrayals provided redirection away from the romantic sentimentalism
favored by the “polite” society at that time.
Controversy became a way of life for American as well as European art in the 20th century. In fact like Europe after the Italian Futurists,
much of American painting and sculpture since 1900 has been a series
of revolts against tradition. “To hell with the artistic values”, announced
Robert Henry* (1865–1929) leader of the “ash - can” school. This group
realistically portrayed the squalid aspects of city life familiar themes
from John Ruskin*, Thomas Carlyle* and others.
Just a few years later the “ash - can” artists were pushed aside by
the arrival of modernist movements from Europe, such as cubism and
abstraction, promoted by the great photographer Alfred Stieglitz* at his
“gallery 291” in New York City8. But by the 1920s a renewed sense of
nationalism encouraged artists to rediscover and explore America.
In the years following World War II, a group of young New York
artists emerged with a fierce drive to remake the goals and methods of
art. Their movement known as Abstract Expressionism, became the first
American art movement to exert major influence on foreign artists. By
the early 1950s New York City was a center of the art world.
The Abstract Expressionists went further than earlier. European
artists had in their revolt against traditional graphic styles. Among the
movement leaders were Jackson Pollock* (1912–1956) and Willem de
Kooning* (1904 – unknown). These young artists abandoned formal
composition. Instead they stressed space and movement and they relied
on their instincts and the physical action of painting.
The Abstract Expressionists radical innovations in the 1940s and
1950s were matched by American sculptors. The heroic models of the
past were discarded in favor of open fluid form. New materials were
adopted and color was used Alexander Calder* (1898–1976) developed
the mobile. David Smith* (1906–1965), the first sculptor to work with
welded metals, developed a monumental abstract style that was a major
influence on other artists.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s young artists reacted against Abstract Expressionism to produce works of “mixed” media. These artists
– among them Robert Rauschenberg* and Jasper Johas* – used photos,
new print, and discarded objects in their paintings. The early 1960s saw
the rise of “Pop” art. Artists such as Andy Warhol*, Rey Lichtenstein*,
Larry Rivers* reproduced with satiric care everyday objects and images
of American popular culture: Coca – Cola bottles, soup cans, cigarette
packages and comic strips. “Pop” was followed by “Op” – art based on
the principles of optical illusion and perception.
The 1970s and 1980s have seen an explosion of forms styles and
techniques. Artists are no longer confined to their studios or even to the
creation of objects. An artist’s work might be an empty gallery or a huge
drawing cut into the western desert. It could be a videotaped event or a
written manifesto. These different kinds of art bear a variety of names:
earth art, conceptual art, performance art.
Still the rapid rise in the 1980s of a new group of young artists has
shown that painted figure on canvas remain popular with the art – viewing public. This new group which includes David Salle* and Susan
Rothenberg*, are the newest stars of the art worlds.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Led by Winslow Homer the Hudson River painters combined
great technical skill with romantic American scenery.
2) Thomas Eakins was a great artist.
3) Controversy became a way of life for American as well as European art in the 20th century.
4) American painting and sculpture since 1900 has been a series of
revolts against tradition.
5) By the early 1950s Boston was a center of the art world.
6) David sale and Susan Rothenberg were the newest stars of the
American art world in the 1980s.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the Hudson River School famous for?
2. What did the Hudson River painters do?
3. What did the “ash - can” artists proclaim?
4. Who replaced the “ash - can” artists?
5. How did the Depression influence the American painting?
6. What groups of artist emerge after World War II? What trend
was replaced by Abstract Expressionists?
7. What forms, styles and techniques were introduced in the 1970
and 80s?
8. Who are the newest stars of the American art world?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
technical skill; romantic scenery; visual explorations of light;
“ash - can” artists; great photographer; naturalistic portrayal; to exert
influence on; modernist movement; American painting; traditional
graphic styles; abstract Expressionists.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
aмериканская живопись; романтические пейзажи; школа «Реки
Гудзон»; достижения европейских мастеров; писать пейзажи; развитие американской культуры и искусства; портретист; реалисти84
ческое изображение разнообразных аспектов городской жизни;
изысканность цвета; реалистические тенденции.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
landscape, sculpture,
1) making shapes by carving wood or stone or casting metal.
2) a natural tendency or ability.
3) something unreal or imaginary.
4) the scenery or a picture of the countryside.
5) moving or being moved.
6) the ability to see, notice, or understand something.
7) the method of doing something skillfully.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
theme, promote, explore, encourage, range, graphic, figure.
1) We ………… the product at the point of sale.
2) Do not ……….. him in his idle ways.
3) No attempt was made to explain the inconsistency in the
…………. .
4) The product was being sold at a wild ……….. .
5) The Spaniards were the first to …….. America.
6) European artists had in their revolt against traditional ………
7) The ……….. of her diploma work is “The History of Ancient
Civilizations of Mexico”.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Своеобразный путь развития проходит в XIX в. искусство Северной Америки.
Война за независимость против Англии, начатая североамериканскими колониями в 1775 г., завершилась образованием США.
С этого времени начинается самостоятельное развитие американской культуры и искусства.
Главное место в американской живописи конца XVIII – начала
XIX в. занимал портрет. Образы выдающихся деятелей эпохи войны привлекли внимание американских портретистов.
В начале XIX в. в США складывается школа пейзажа. Особым
успехом пользовались эффектные романтические пейзажи так называемой школы «Реки Гудзон». К концу XIX в. многие художники покидают США в надежде найти более благоприятные условия
для своей работы в Европе. В конце XIX в. многие европейские
художники проявляют большой интерес к искусству США.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) false
3) true
4) true
5) false
6) true
1) sculpture
2) instinct
3) illusion
4) landscape
5) movement
6) perception
7) technique
Ex. IX.
1) promoted
2) encourage
3) figures
4) range
5) explore
6) graphic
7) theme
A Feast for the Ears
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
jazz [´dʒæz], symphony [´sımfənı], orchestra [´o:kıstrə], opera [´oprə],
music [´mju:zık], blues [´blu:z], concert [´kþnsət], graphic [´græfık],
product [´prþdəkt], conflict [´kþnflıkt], tradition [trə´dı∫n], regional
[´rıdʒnl], ethnic [´eθnık], idiom [´ıdıəm], talented [´tæləntıd], composer
[kəm´pəυzə], leader [´li:də], expert [´ekspз:t], credit [´kredıt], serious
[´sıərıəs], period [´pıərıəd], reputation [¸repjυ´teı∫n], pianist [´pi:ənıst],
romantic [rəυ´mæntık], association [ə´səsı´eı∫n], religious [rı´lıdʒəs],
humor [´hu:mə], popular [´pþpjυlə], musician [mjυ´zı∫n], improvisation
[¸ımprəvaı´zeı∫n], mythological [¸mıθə´lþdʒıkl], status [´steıtəs],
enthusiast [ın´θju:zıæst], style [´staıl], momentum [məυ´mentəm].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
audience, n – [´o:dıəns] – аудитория
comparison, n – [kəm´pærısən] – сравнение
emerge, v – [ı´mз: dʒ] – появляться
force, n – [´fo:s] – сила
heritage, n – [´herıtıdʒ] – наследство
musician, n – [mjυ´zı∫n] – музыкант
performance, n – [pə´fo:məns] – представление
ragtime, n – [´rægtaım] – регтайм (танцевальный ритм)
remain, v – [rı´meın] – оставаться
resignation, n – [¸rezıg´neı∫n] – отставка
rise, n – [´raız] – подъем
well-known, adj – [´wel¸noυn] – хорошо известный
youth, n – [´ju:θ] – молодежь
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Any large city in the United States can provide musical choices to
satisfy every taste. Performances of jazz, pop and rock bands,
symphony, orchestras, opera, chamber music, blues, folk, country and
blue grass music, and musical theatre have become a part of the daily
offering at concert halls across the country.
As was the came in American graphic art, this rich musical heritage is also the product of many influences. Strongest has been the
interaction – and often conflict – between Europe’s* classical traditions
and the vitality of regional and ethnic idioms. In fact, many of
America’s most talented composers have worked in popular forms.
Historians give the honor of being American’s first native composer to Francis Hopkinson* of Philadelphia* (1737–1791) a leader of
the American Revolution and a close friend of George Washington*,
the first president. Music experts, however, credit William Billings*
(1746–1800) with being a revolutionary force in early American song.
Most American composers and performers of serious “art” music,
however remained dominated by European musicians and traditions
throughout the 19th century. Edward Mac Dowell* (1861–1908) stands
out among the serious American composers during this period. With the
best training Europe had to offer, Mac Dowell established his reputation
on both sides of the Atlantic* as a brilliant pianist and composer
of romantic works. Ragtime’s greatest composer was Scott Joplin*
(1868–1917), who wrote two ragtime operas and believed his music
stood the test of comparison with European classical music.
Historically, however, ragtime is perhaps most important for its
association with the blues. And out of the blues came jazz, America’s*
greatest and most original contribution to the world’s music.
The blues, which developed from African folk songs and Christian
religious music, is typically a lamenting song with an undercurrent of
resignation and often humor. The greatest of the early recorded singers
were often women including Gertrude Rainley* (1886–1939) and Bessie
Smith* (1900–1937). Among the most popular modern blues musicians
were Muddy Waters* (1915–1984) and B.B. King*.
Jazz emerged as blues and Dixieland* musicians refined their
instrumental styles. One of jazz’s central features is improvisation.
By 1920 jazz had spread from the South as black musicians moved
to Chicago* and New York* City. The most influential of the early jazz
musicians was Lows Armstrong* (1900–1971) a trumpeter. Born in
New Orleans, one of the early centers of jazz, Armstrong was also the
first well – known male jazz singer. Another major jazz leader of the
same generation was Duke Ellington* (1899–1974). A pianist
bandleader, composer and arranger, Ellington had a major impact on
jazz composition and playing.
For most people around the world the sound of American music is
the sound of rock and roll. First popularized in the 1950 by white
musicians performing mixtures of southern gospel, “country music” and
black rhythm and blues, rock and roll quickly became a second language
for American youth. Elvis Presley* (1935–1977) was the early “King of
Rock-n-Roll”, selling over 500 million records and the first rock musician to be given near mythological status by young enthusiasts around
the world.
The 1960s also saw the rise of the “Motown” sound - irresistible
Detroit* rhythm and blues. Among its greatest stars is Diana Ross*. Still
another southern style that began to gain wider popularity was country
music and bluegrass music – a mixture of folk, country and blues – also
a broad audience through the music of Bill Monroe* and others.
Rock-and-roll seemed to lose its almost revolutionary momentum
in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1985 millions of Americans contributed to
Live Aid, an effort by top pop and rock musicians to raise money and
supplies to combat widespread starvation in Africa*.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Francis Hopkinson was the first American native composer and
the leader of the American Revolution.
2) Edward Mac Dowell stands out among the serious American
3) The blues has developed from Malaysian folk songs and catholic
religious music.
4) The greatest of the first recorded American singers were Diana
Ross and Elvis Presley.
5) One of rock-n-roll central features is improvisation.
6) By 1920 jazz had spread from the South as white musicians
moved to Chicago and New York City.
7) For most people around the world the sound of American music
is the sound of rock-n-roll.
8) Rock-n-roll became a second language for American youth.
9) Elvis Presley was the early “King of Rock-n-Roll”.
10) Rock-n-roll seemed to lose its almost revolutionary momentum
in the 1970s and 1980s.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What can any large city in the USA provide?
2. What is American music by its heritage?
3. Who is the first American composer?
4. What traditions dominated in American music in the 19th cen-
5. Who was ragtime’s greatest composer?
6. Who were the greatest early recorded singers?
7. How did jazz come into being?
8. When did jazz spread throughout the USA?
9. Who were the major jazz leaders?
10. When did rock-n- roll, emerge in the USA?
11. Who is the “King of Rock –n-Roll ”?
12. What campaign was mounted in 1985?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
at concert halls; musical heritage; brilliant pianist; classical traditions;
give the honor to; serious “art” music; folk songs; stand the test of
comparison with; modern blues; black musicians; country music; jazz
singer; have a major impact on jazz composition; top pop musicians;
protest songs; bluegrass music; to combat widespread starvation; to lose
the revolutionary momentum; singer – composer; country music.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
камерная музыка; музыкальный театр; классические традиции; музыкальные наследия; музыка на любой вкус; традиции древней музыкальной культуры; композиторы и исполнители; второй язык
американской молодёжи; рок-музыканты; выдержать испытание; из
блюзов родился джаз; вклад в мировое музыкальное искусство;
концертные залы; на протяжении всего XIX века; блестящий пианист и композитор; романтические произведения; руководитель
музыкальной группы.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
symphony, heritage, composer, remain, improvisation, resignation,
1) be there when other parts have gone or been dealt with.
2) the things that someone has inherited.
3) a long piece of music for an orchestra.
4) giving up your job or position.
5) a person who composes music etc.
6) composition or performance of something without any rehearsal
or preparation.
7) someone who plays a musical instrument.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
force, comparison, association, ragtime, emerge, youth, audience, rise.
1) When business owners analyze their income statement, what
facts and ……………should they consider?
2) ………… of two or more persons carrying on business together
for the purpose of making a profit.
3) We did a lot of research to ensure that the advertisement would
appeal to the target ………….. .
4) In his report he …….. very important questions.
5) Rock-n-roll became a second language for American …. .
6) Many institutions …………… that time.
7) Scott Joplin wrote two ………… operas.
8) The wind was blowing with an unusual ……….. .
Подготовьте письменный доклад о своем любимом певце
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Сфера коммерческой музыки США чрезвычайно обширна.
Наиболее значительная часть относится к области популярной музыки, представленной в основном вокалом в стилях крунинг и мюзиклом.
Многообразно развивается джазовое искусство: наряду с традиционными формами джаза, получили развитие новый джаз, свободный джаз, фьюжн, джаз-рок. Поп-музыка возникла на основе
таких стилей, как ритм-энд-блюз, рок-н-рок, отчасти соул. Попмузыка стала одной из форм функциональной джазовой музыки, а
также важнейшей формой самовыражения молодёжи. Многочисленные солисты и рок-группы прошли в своей эволюции несколько
стадий развития, впитав в себя элементы джаза, академической и
авангардной музыки. С конца 60-х – начала 80-х годов существовали параллельно и сменяли друг друга такие направления, как кали91
форнийский рок, фолк-рок, хеви-металл. Проводятся фестивали
рок-музыки. Поп-музыка захватила радиовещание и телевидение,
студии грамзаписи и видеозаписи.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) true
3) false
4) false
5) false
6) false
7) true
8) true
9) true
10) true
1) remain
2) heritage
3) symphony
4) resignation
5) composer
6) improvisation
7) musician
Ex. IX.
1) comparisons
2) association
3) audience
4) rises
5) youth
6) emerged
7) ragtime
8) force
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
symbolize [´sımbəlaız], technique [´tekni:k], skeleton [´skelıtən],
architect [´a:kıtekt], design [dı´zaın], architecture [´a:kıtekt∫ə], principle
[´prınsəpl], nation [´neı∫n], modern [´mo:dn], commission [kə´mı∫n],
career [kə´rıə], private [´praıvıt], material [mə´tıərıəl], cylindrical
[sə´lındrıkl], idea [aı´dıə], technology [tek´nþlədʒı], critic [´krıtık],
geometric [dʒı:ə´metrık], form [´fo:m], radically [´rædıkəlı],
mathematical [¸mæθə´mætıkl], geodesic [¸dʒıəυadesık], detail [dı´teıl],
decoration [¸dekə´reı∫n].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
approach, n – [ə´prəυt∫] – подход
commission, n – [kə´mı∫n] – комитет
dominate, v – [´dþmıneıt] – преобладать
graceful, n – [´greısfl] – грациозный
skyscraper, n – [´skaıskreıpə] – небоскреб
spirit, n – [´spırıt] – дух
weight, n – [´weıt] – вес
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Few shapes symbolize the spirit of the American city better than
the skyscraper. Made possible by new building techniques and the
invention of the elevator, the first skyscraper was built in Chicago* in
1884. Its designer was William Le Baron Jenney* (1832–1907). Jenny
devised the steel skeleton which provided interior, meaning that exterior
walls no longer had to carry the weight of many floors. As land values
rose in city after city, so did taller and taller buildings.
Many of the most graceful early towers were designed by Louis
Sullivan* (1856–1924), America’s first great modern architect “form
ever follows function”, Sullivan preached, meaning that a building’s
purpose should determine its design. That idea had been one of modern
architecture’s guiding principles.
Sullivan’s most talented student was Frank Hoyd Wright*
(1869–1959). Now considered the nation’s most original and influential
modern architect, but ignored for major commissions during much of
his life, Wright spent much of the career designing private homes that
stressed open space and the inventive use of materials. One of the best –
known buildings in the cylindrical design for the Guggengeira Museum* (1959) in New York* City.
The ideas of Sullivan and Wright – though very different – came
to dominate American architecture. Some were adapted by a group of
Europeans who emigrated to the U.S. before World War II and who
later shaped another dominant movement in architecture. Among them
were Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe* (1886 - 1969) and Walter Gropius*
(1883–1869), both past directors of Germany’s famous design school,
the Bauhaus. Their work, called the International Style, stressed
machine technology, geometric form and materials. Some critics have
called buildings based on their ideas “glass boxes”, but other consider
these structures to be the monuments to American corporate life.
A radically different approach to design was developed by
R. Buckminster* (1895–1984). Fuller used mathematical principles in
creating a form he called a geodesic dome in which the structure of the
roof supports its own weight.
Today’s leading architects include Philip Johnson* usually
considered a “post - modernist”, and I.M. Pei*. Many younger architects
have turned away from the glass boxes. One leader of this movement is
Michael Graves* whose work is rich in detail and decoration.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Skyscraper is a symbol of the spirit of the American city.
2) The first skyscraper was built in New York in 1884.
3) The designer of the first skyscraper was Louis Sullivan.
4) Sullivan’s most talented student was Frank Hoyd Wright.
5) One of the best-known buildings in the cylindrical design is in
New York.
6) The ideas of Sullivan and Wright were adapted by the Europeans.
7) Today leading architects include Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies
Van der Rohe and others.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What symbolizes the spirit of the American city?
2. Where and when was the first skyscraper built?
3. Who designed it?
4. What is Louis Sullivan famous for?
5. Who was L. Sullivan’s best student?
6. Whose ideas came to dominate American architecture?
7. Who adapted the ideas?
8. Who developed a radically different approach to design?
9. Who are today’s leading architects?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
modern architect; skyscrapers; cylindrical design; steel skeleton; major
commissions; to shape a dominant movement; glass boxes; geodesic
dome; post – modernist.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
cимволизировать дух американского города; небоскрёб; стальной
каркас; современная архитектура; использование материалов; совершенно иной подход к …; использовать математические принципы; «стеклянные коробки»; стоимость земли возрастала; памятники
чему-либо; геометрические формы; основной принцип.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
skyscraper, graceful, private, dominate, detail, decoration, skeleton.
1) the framework of bones of the body.
2) a very tall building.
3) belonging to a particular person or a group.
4) beautiful and elegant in movement or shape.
5) something looking more beautiful and colorful.
6) a very small part of a design or plan or decoration etc.
7) control by being stronger or more powerful.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
weight, spirit, commission, approach, principle, design.
1) This ……………. is based on the conviction that this question
has been neglected much too often by new firm planners.
2) Business must not be guilty of false advertising, mislabeling, or
providing less than the labeled ………. in a package.
3) The …………. of freshness was felt in the air.
4) One of the ………… of our manager is not to be in a hurry.
5) This building …………. by the famous Italian architect in 1899.
6) Wright ignored for major ………. during much of his life.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Американская архитектура сложилась как особое явление по
отношению к архитектуре Старого Света. В её основе лежали рациональные приёмы строительства, характерные для периода активного освоения необжитых территорий.
Развитие профессиональной архитектуры в американских колониях началось с середины XVIII в. под влиянием английского
неоклассицизма. Крупнейшим архитектором конца XVIII – начала
XIX вв. был Т. Джефферсон, третий президент США.
Специфическими героями американской культуры являются
небоскрёбы. Первый небоскрёб был построен в Нью-Йорке
в 1868–1870 гг. Родившиеся под давлением высокой стоимости земельных участков, небоскрёбы приобрели символическое значение.
Своеобразный характер американских городов сформировался
в 30-е годы XX века – сверхплотная застройка внутренней зоны,
над которой господствуют небоскрёбы делового центра, сочетается
с низкой плотностью пригородов, застроенных домами в один – два
этажа. Для крупнейших корпораций США вопросом престижа стало строительство небоскребов, возникло стремление к их рекордной высоте. Супернебоскрёб Элпаир в Нью-Йорке достиг высоты
381 метра при 102 этажах, следующим рекордом стали 411 метров
и 110 этажей двух одинаковых башен Всемирного торгового центра в Нью-Йорке; в 1974 году их превзошло здание «Сирс, Робэк» в
Чикаго – 442 метра.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) false
3) false
4) true
5) true
6) true
1) skeleton
2) skyscraper
3) private
4) graceful
5) decoration
6) detail
Ex. IX.
1) approach
2) weight
3) spirit
4) principles
5) was designed
6) commissions
7) false
7) dominate
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
central [´sentrəl], element [´elımənt], literature [´lıtrət∫ə], realism
[´rıəlızəm], moral [´mþrəl], ideal [aı´dıəl], constant [´kþnstənt],
novelist [´nþvəlıst], theme [θi:m], melancholy [´melənkəlı], nostalgic
[nþ´stælddʒık], critical [´krıtıkl], character [´kærəktə], complex
[´kþmpleks], structure [´strΛkt∫ə], concentrate [´kþnsentreıt], concrete
[´kþŋkri:t], object [´þbd ıkt], sport [´spo:t], comic [´kþmık], anecdotal
[¸ænık´dəυtl], material [mə´tıərıəl], culture [´kΛlt∫ə], realistic
[rıə´lıstık], grotesque [greυ´tesk], experimental [ık´sperı´mentl],
primitive [´prımıtıv], impulse [´ımpΛls], novel [´nþvl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
adventure, n – [əd´vent∫ə] – приключение
capture, v – [´kæpt∫ə] – захватывать
courage, n – [´kΛrıddʒ] – смелость
disappointment, n – [¸dısə´poıntmənt] – разочарование
distinguish, v – [dı´stıŋgwı∫] – различать
dream, n – [´dri:m] – мечта
exhaust, v – [ıg´zo:st] – исчерпывать
failure, n – [´feıljə] – провал, крах
honesty, n – [´o:nestı] – честность
plot, n – [´plþt] – содержание
powerful, adj – [´paυəfl] – могущественный
poetry, n – [´pəυətrı] – поэзия
prejudice, n – [´preddʒυdıs] – предубеждение
reflect, v – [rı´flekt] – отражать
sequence, n – [´si:kwəns] – согласование
vision, n – [´vı∫n] – видение
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The central distinguishing element of American literature is a
strain of realism seen earlier in perhaps America’s greatest novel. “The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn*” (1884) by Mark Twain* and also in
its greatest, or a least, most extensive work of poetry, Walt Whitman’s*
“Leaves of Grass” (1855). Also, at its best there is a high moral tone to
American literature reflected in the constant anguish over the loss of
ideals and failure of the American dream to provide opportunity for all.
This same concern for spiritual or moral well – being is evident in the
rebellion against the stultifying elements of small town American life.
Lost Generation
In the aftermath of World War I many novelists produced a
literature of disi. Some lived abroad and were know as “the Lost
Generation”. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s* novels capture the restless, pleasure
– hungry, defiant mood of the 1920s. Fitzgerald’s great theme,
expressed poignantly in the Great Gatsby, was of youth’s golden
dreams, turning to disappointment. His prose was exquisite, yet his
vision was essentially melancholy and nostalgic. John Dos Passos*
came home from the war to write long novels that attempted to portray
all of American society, usually with a critical eye. In three novels
combined under the title U.S.A., he interrelated many plots, characters
and settings fictional and non – fictional, cutting back and forth between
them in a style much like the new popular art – form, motion pictures.
War had also affected Ernest Hemingway*. Having seen violence
and death close at hand Hemingway adopted a moral code exalting
simple survival and the basic values of strength, courage and honesty. In
his own writing, he cut all unnecessary words and complex sentence
structure, concentrating on concrete objects and actions. His main
characters were usually tough silent men, good at sports or war but awkward in their dealings with women. Among his best books were “The
Sun Also Rises” (1926), “Farewell to Arms” (1929) and “For Whom the
Bell Tolls” (1940). He eventually won the Nobel Prize and is considered
one of the greatest American writers.
Another expatriate Henry Miller*, used a comic, anecdotal style
to record his experiences as a down – and - out artist in Paris Miller’s
emphasis on sexual vitality made his books such as “Tropic of Cancer”
(1934), shocking to many but other felt that his frank language brought
a new honesty to literature.
Southerner Thomas Wolf* felt like a foreigner not only in Europe
but even in the northern city of New York to which he had moved.
Though he rejected the society around him he did not criticize it – he
focused obsessively on himself and on describing real people from his
life in vivid characterizations. His long novels such as “The Time and
the River” and “You Can’t Go Home Again”, pushed forward, powerful, romantic and rich in detail, although emotionally exhausting.
Another southerner, William Faulkner* found in one small
imaginary corner of the state of Mississippi, deep in the heard of the
South, enough material for a lifetime of writing. Unlike the Fugitives,
Faulkner saw the South as a decayed culture, and his characters were
often eccentric or grotesque. His social portraits were realistic, yet his
prose style was experimental. To show the relationship of the past and
the present he sometimes jumbled the time sequence of his plots
to reveal a character’s primitive impulses and social prejudices, he recorded unedited. The ramblings of his or her consciousness some of his
best novels are “The Sound and the Fury” (1929) and “Light in
August”(1932). Faulkner, too, won the Nobel Prize.
Depression Realism
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
satiric [sə´tırık], portrait [po:´treı], commentary [´kþməntərı],
status [´steıtəs], literature [´lıtrət∫ə], detective [dı´tektıv].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
acquire, v – [ə´kwaıə] – требовать
depict, v – [dı´pıkt] – описывать
glamour, n – [´glæmə] – слава
masterpiece, n – [´ma:stəpi:s] – шедевр
sympathetic, adj – [¸sımpə´θetık] – печальный
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The Depression caused fiction writers, too, to focus on social
forces. In the South, Erskine Caldwell* took a satiric look at poor
southern life in “Tobacco Road and God’s Little Acre”. In the West,
John Steinbeck* told sympathetic stories about drifting farm laborers
and factory workers. His masterpieces “1939”, “the Grapes of Wrath”,
depicted an impoverished midwestern family joining a stream of poor
farm laborers heading west to the “land of opportunity” the state of
California*. By interweaving chapters of social commentary with his
story. Steinbeck made this portrait of the Jade family into a major
statement about the Depression.
As the seedy underside of society began to acquire a perverse
glamour, Dashiell Hammett* and Raymond Chandler* elevated the
detective story from the status of cheap fiction to literature. Hammett’s
most famous detective hero was tough guy Sam Spade*, in the “Maltese
Falcon*” (1930). Chandler’s was Philip Marlow*, who first appeared in
the “Big Sleep” (1939). Most of these crime books were turned into
classic motion pictures, reflecting a relation between fiction and the
Escapism and War
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
popular [´pþpjυlə], realistically [rıə´lıstıklı], melodramatic [¸melədrə´mætık],
television [´telıvıʒn], character [´kærəktə], satiric [sə´tırık], absurd [əb´sз:d].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
highlight, v – [´haılaıt] – освещать
publish, v – [´pΛblı∫] – публиковать
worship, n – [´wз:∫ıp] – поклонение
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Historical fiction became increasingly popular in Depression, for it
allowed readers to retreat to the past. The most successful of these
books was “Gone With the Wind”, a 1936 best – seller about the Civil
War by southern woman Margaret Mitchell*. Mitchell’s characters,
especially her heroine, Scarlett O’Hara*, and hero, Phett Buttler*, were
realistically drawn, although the plot at times became melodramatic.
The western novel became popular in 1940s. In 1940 Walter Van
Tilburg Clark’s* “The Oxbow Incident” examined the rights and
wrongs of frontier justice. Jack Shafer* “Shane”, published in 1948, was
a sensitive study of a boy’s hero worship of a frontier loner. In the
1950s, “shoot - ‘em - up” western movies were superseded by intelligent
original films which turned the clichés of western fiction into a rich
American mythology and in the 1960s, a new entertainment medium
television brought a steady stream of western dramas into American
In 1939 war broke out in Europe*. The united after the war,
a series of writers wrote intelligent novels showing how the pressures
of war highlight men’s characters. These included Norman Mailer’s*
“The Naked and the Dead”, Irwin Shaw’s* “The Young Lions”, Herman
Wouk’s* “Caine Mutiny*” and James Michener’s* “Tales of the South
Pacific”. By 1961, Joseph Heller* published his satiric war novel
“Catch - 22”, in which war is portrayed as an absurd exercise for madmen.
Post War Voices
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
verbal [´vз:bl], effect [ı´fekt], grotesque [grəυ´tesk], episode [´epısəυd],
fantastic [fæn´tæstık], serious [´sıərıəs], literature [´lıtrət∫ə],
technological [tek´nþlþddʒıkl], era [´ıərə], poetic [¸pəυ´etık], tragic
[´træddʒık], psychological [¸saıkə´lþddʒıkl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
concern, v – [kən´sз:n] – заботиться
impact, n – [´ımpækt] – вклад
ordinary, adj – [´o:dınərı] – простой
sensitive, adj – [´sensətıv] – чувствительный
sorrow, n – [´sþrəυ] – печаль
III. Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
After World War II, the southern literary pride set in motion by the
fugitives gave rise to a host of new southern writers, all with a skill for
rich verbal effects and a taste for grotesque or violent episodes. These
included Carson Mc Culler’s* “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”, Eudora
Welty* “The Wide Net”, Truman Capoty* “Other Voices, Other
Rooms”, Robert Penn Warren* “All the King’s Men”, William Styren*
“Lie Down in Dankness”, Flannery O’Connor* “Wise Blood” and
James Agee* “A Death in the Family”.
Science fiction had for years existed in cheap popular magazines,
offering readers a fantastic escape from their own world. Yet in the
1950s “sci - fi” became serious literature, as Americans became more
and more concerned about the human impact of their advanced
technological society. Ray Bradbury* “Martian Chronicles”, 1950;
Isaak Asimov* “Foundation”, 1951; Kurt Vonnegut* “Player Piano”,
1952; and Robert Heinlein* “Strange in a Strange Land”, 1961;
imaginatively portrayed future worlds often with a moral message for
the writer’s own era.
In the theatre Tennessee Williams beginning with the “Glass
Menagerie”, 1945, expressed his southern heritage in poetic yet
sensational plays, usually about sensitive woman trapped in a insensitive
environment. Arthur Miller* portrayed the common man pressured by
society his greatest play, “Death of a Salesman”, 1947, turned a second
– rate traveling salesman, Willy Loman into a quasi – tragic hero.
William Inge’s* psychological dramas such as “Picnic”, 1952, explored
the secret sorrows in the loves of an ordinary small town.
Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
distinguish, adventure, capture, melancholy, courage, powerful, vitality,
primitive, masterpiece, ordinary, sorrow.
1) an excellent piece of work.
2) sadness or depression.
3) normal or usual; not special.
4) unhappiness or regret caused by loss or disappointment.
5) take or obtain by force, trickery, skill, or attraction.
6) at an early stage of development.
7) an exiting or dangerous experience.
8) make or notice differences between things.
9) liveliness or energy.
10) having great power, strength, or influence.
11) the ability to face danger or difficulty or pain even when you
are afraid.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
poetry, failure, abroad, honesty, sequence, plot, prejudice, acquire,
depict, publish, highlight, sensitive.
1) The ………. is full of joy.
2) We must try to cope with our own ……….. .
3) I have never been ………… .
4) I complete all calculations in the correct …………. .
5) One of the famous works of Jane Ousten is “Pride and
6) The ……….. of this novel is exiting.
7) The first edition of this dictionary ………….. in 1980.
8) The article under consideration …………… the economical crisis in Russia.
9) Women must be ……….. , but men – strong.
10) The author could …………. his …………. .
11) The ancient people who built Stonehedge ……… much scientific knowledge.
Сделайте письменный доклад на тему «Мой любимый
американский писатель и его произведение».
Ex. IV.
1) masterpiece
Ex. V.
1) poetry
2) melancholy
3) ordinary
4) sorrow
5) capture
6) primitive
7) adventure
8) distinguish
9) vitality
10) powerful
11) courage
2) failure
3) abroad
4) sequence
5) prejudice
6) plot
7) was published
8) highlights
9) sensitive
10) depict, honesty
11) acquired
American Holiday
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
sect [´sekt], religion [rı´lıddʒəs], colony [´kþlənı], pilgrim [´pılgrım],
group [´gru:p], college [´kþlıddʒ], traditional [trə´dı∫nəl], official
[ə´fı∫l], card [´ka:d], costume [´kþstju:m].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
ancient, adj – [´eın∫ənt] – древний
arrange, v – [ə´reınddʒ] – собирать, собираться
birth, n – [´bз:θ] – рождение
candy, n – [´kændı] – конфеты
church, n – [´t∫з:t∫] – церковь
holy, adj – [´həυlı] – святой, священный
interference, n – [¸ıntə´fıərəns] – вмешательство
feast, n – [´fi:st] – праздник
freedom, n – [´fri:dəm] – свобода
martyr, n – ´ma:tə] – мученик
relative, n – [´relətıv] – родственник
thankful, adj – [´θæŋkfl] – благодарный
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
In the year 1620, a ship named the “Mayflower” brought 102
Englishmen women and children to the rocky coast of what is now
Massachusetts* one of the 50 states of the U.S. The ship’s passengers
were Puritans – members of a religious sect, which was unpopular in
Britain because its members wanted to reform the Church of England.
They came to America* to found a community where they could
practice their religion without interference.
These Pilgrims – as they are usually known – come to an area
uninhabited by other Europeans. The people living there, were Native
Americans, the people most Americans refer to as American Indians.
It was late in the year when the Pilgrims landed and founded the
colony they called Plymouth*. They had only the belongings that they
had brought on the ship. The winter was cold, and about half of the
pilgrims died. In the spring, with advice and help from the Indians with
whom they lived in peace, the Pilgrims planted corn (known also as
maize) and other crops and prepared as well as they could for the next
In October 1621, to celebrate the good harvest the Pilgrims held
a feast, which featured among many other foods, wild turkey, which
is native to North America. They called this day of thanksgiving held
to thank their god for his blessings.
The story of that Pilgrim feast is well known among Americans. It
is told and retold every year to young children in schools as one of the
major American holidays approaches. The holiday is called
Thanksgiving Day and is now observed on the fourth Thursday of
Other Nations have days of thanksgiving, too, but Thanksgiving
Day has a special significance for American because it is traced back to
that group of people who were among the first to come to the new
World in search of freedom.
Thanksgiving Day is marked by families gathering together
to enjoy a traditional dinner of roast turkey, and to speak to one another
of the things for which they are thankful. Young people who are at
college or live away from their families usually come home for this
dinner. If the parents are elderly their adult children or some other
relatives will prepare the dinner. Only the most essential businesses
remain open that day and workers who must work in these businesses
generally arrange for a family dinner later in the day or the next day so
that all have the Thanksgiving feast.
Christmas is a most important religious holy day for Christians
who attend special church serviced to celebrate the birth of Jesus
of Nazareth. Because it is a religious holy day it is not an official
holiday. However since most Americans are Christians the day is one on
which most businesses are closed and the greatest possible number
of workers, including government employees have the day off. Many
places of business even close early on the day before Christmas. When
Christmas falls on a Sunday, the next day is also a holiday.
Valentine’s Day
One other day that most Americans observe, even though it is not
an official holiday is February 14, Valentine’s Day, named for an early
Christian martyr whose feast day was once observed on that day. On
this day, Americans give special symbolic gifts to people they love.
They also send special greeting cards called Valentines to such people.
Most commonly, the gifts are candy or flowers.
Halloween, the last day of October, has a special significance for
children who dress in funny or ghostly costumes and knock at
neighborhood doors. After shouting “Trick or Treat!” they are given
gifts of candy or money. Originally a religious holiday the evening
before All Saints or All – Hallows Day, Halloween is now celebrated by
Americans more according to ancient Celtic pagan traditions. Some
children collect money on this day to held children of other nations
through the United Nations Children’s Fund, (UNICEF).
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) In the year 1620, a ship named “Plymouth” brought 102
Englishmen women and children to the Massachusetts coast.
2) The passengers of the ship were Puritans.
3) Puritans came to America to found a community where they
could practice their religion without interference.
4) The Pilgrims struggled with the Indians.
5) Thanksgiving Day is observed on the fourth Thursday of November.
6) No more nations have days of thanksgiving.
7) Christmas is a most important religious holy day for Christians.
8) On Valentine’s Day, Americans give special symbolic gifts
to people they hate.
9) Halloween is celebrated on the last day of October.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Whom did the “Mayflower” ship bring to Northern America
in 1620?
2. Why did the Puritans leave England?
3. When did the Pilgrims found the colony?
4. What does the Thanksgiving Day signify for Americans?
5. Where is it traced?
6. What is Thanksgiving Day marked by?
7. What is the most important religious holy day for Christians?
8. What is observed on February 14?
9. What do Americans give to one another on this day?
10. What holiday has a special significance for children? Why?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
to found a community; to practice the religion; pilgrims feast;
to celebrate the good harvest; the holiday is observed on; religious holiday; a Christian martyr; to give symbolic gifts; greeting cards; to dress
in ghostly costumes; ancient pagan tradition; All Saints.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
скалистый берег; религиозная секта; основатель общины; пилигрим; пожитки, жить в мире с; по совету индейцев; устраивать
праздники в честь хорошего урожая; День благодарения; традиционный обед; жареная индейка; семейный праздник; церковные
службы; религиозный праздник; Рождество; День Святого Валентина; христианский мученик; символические подарки; языческие
традиции; первоначально; иметь особое значение для детей.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
interference, religion, freedom, thankful, birth, church, costume.
1) what people believe about God or gods, and how they worship.
2) being free; independence.
3) the process by which a baby or young animal comes out from its
mother’s body.
4) clothes, especially for a particular purpose or of a particular
place or period.
5) a public building for worship.
6) grateful.
7) taking part in something that has nothing to do with you.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
sect, feast, relative, arrange, holy, candy, ancient.
1) They tried to …………. the …………with free food and spectacular amusements for the city population.
2) The ………. size of the firm must be small when compared with
the biggest units in its field.
3) When we are through with ………….. History, we’ll pass over
to the study of the Middle Ages.
4) The strange men belonged to religious ………… .
5) Most commonly, the gifts are ………. or flowers.
6) Christmas is a most important ………… day for Christians.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) false
7) true
8) false
9) true
1) religion
2) freedom
3) birth
4) costume
5) church
6) thankful
7) interference
Ex. IX.
1) arrange, feasts
2) relative
3) Ancient
4) sect
5) candy
6) holy
Election Days
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
nation [´neı∫n], religious [rı´lıddʒəs], congress [´kþŋgres], office [´þfıs],
business [´bıznes], federal [´fedərəl], contract [´kþntrəkt], factor
[´fæktə], reporter [rı´po:tə], radio [´reıdıəυ], company [´kΛmpənı].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
addition, n - [ə´dı∫n] – дополнение
amount, n – [ə´maυnt] – количество
custom, n – [´kΛstəm] – обычай
description, n – [dı´skrıp∫n] – описание
fighter, n – [´faıtə] – борец
reason, n – [´ri:zn] – причина
represent, v – [¸reprı´zent] – представлять
rural, adj – [´rυərəl] – отдаленный
select, v – [sə´lekt] – выбирать
subdivision, n – [´sΛbdı´vıʒn] – подразделение
The United States has many election days because there are so
many levels of government. Each State has its own elected officials,
such as a governor – the chief administrative official and state
legislators, who make the state’s laws. In addition, there are elections of
mayors and other officials for all cities and smaller communities, and
still other elections for county officials (counties are subdivisions of
each state).
Stares set their own election days for state and local officials. City
and county elections take place on a variety of dates. Generally
however, state officials are elected on a day that was selected by
Congress for national elections in the nation’s early years. That day is
the first Thursday after the first Monday in November that rule may
seem complicated, but there was a reason for it. Most Americans at that
time lived in small towns and in rural areas. Elections had to be held at
a time when the weather was still good in northern states and when the
harvest was over. So farmers wouldn’t have to worry too much about
their work. It also had to be on a day of the week that was not a religious
Sabbath. The November Thursday rule was the result.
Presidential Election Day is held every four years in all years divisible by four. That is the day Americans make their choice for
president of the U.S. On the same day, voters in all states name their
choices for the lower house of Congress, the House of Representatives,
and voters in one third of the states vote for one of two Senators
members of the upper house – that represent each state. Government
offices and businesses may give voters several hours off to vote, but
Election Day is not a federal holiday.
Because members of the House of Representatives serve two –
year terms and work holidays agreed to in union contracts and other fac111
tors. Many newspaper reporters, radio broadcasters, hospital workers,
police, five fighters and workers who provide other essential services
must work on holidays. All working Americans, however, get vacation
time. The amount of vacation time varies greatly, but most people get
one or two weeks a year after working for the same company for a year
or more.
This brief description of holidays shows that for some of these special times the customs of all or most Americans are very much the same.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The USA has many Election days because there are so many
levels of government.
2) There are the same Election days for official and state legislators, mayors, county officials and other officials for all cities.
3) City and county elections take place on a variety of dates.
4) Elections have to be held at a time when the weather is bad and
5) Presidential Election Day is held every five years.
6) Many newspaper reporters, radio broadcasters, hospital workers,
police, and workers who provide other essential services must work on
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why does the USA have many Election days?
2. When do city and county elections take place?
3. When are state officials elected?
4. What was the reason for the complicated rule?
5. When is Presidential Election Day held?
6. Who else is elected on the same day?
7. Is Election Day a federal holiday?
8. Who works on holidays?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
Election days; to hold elections; to take place; to be a reason for smth;
to name one’s choice; to provide services; Presidential Election Day; the
House of Representatives; to vote for the Senators; to work on holidays;
to get vacation time.
Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
день выборов; выборные должностные лица; государственные законодатели; разрабатывать законы; выборы мэра; устанавливать
дни выборов; национальные выборы; проводить выборы; президентские выборы; проводить каждые четыре года; избиратели; получить отпуск; продемонстрировать рабочую солидарность.
VII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
addition, select, federal, radio, reporter, description.
1) choose a person or thing.
2) a person whose job is collect and report news for a newspaper,
radio or television.
3) saying what someone or something is like.
4) the process of adding.
5) the process of sending and receiving sound by means of electromagnetic waves without a connecting wire.
6) to do with a system in which several States are ruled by a central
government but are responsible for their own internal affairs.
VIII. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
subdivision, reason, rural, represent, factor, custom, amount.
1) These were probably very important to the builders of
Stonehedge for religious ……….., and because they were farmers who
needed to know exactly when they had to plant and harvest their crops.
2) Russian historiography ……………… by Karamzin,
Granovsky, Solovyev and others.
3) There are many other …………… that lead to customer
4) The …………… of the Indians are quite different from the
Europeans ones.
5) The ……… of goods and services is limited.
6) Many entrants to the University come from ………….. areas.
7) The structure has many ……………… .
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) false
3) true
4) false
5) false
1) select
2) reporter
3) description
4) addition
5) ratio
6) federal
Ex. IX.
1) reasons
2) was represented
3) factors
4) customs
5) amount
6) rural
7) subdivisions
Other “American” Holidays
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
federal [´fedərəl], congress [´kþŋgres], office [´þfıs], calendar
[´kæləndə], president [´prezıdənt], soldier [´stlddʒə], ceremony
[´serəmənı], veteran [´vetərən], parade [pə´reıd], program
[prəυ´græm], nation [´neı∫n], declaration [¸deklə´reı∫n], parliament
[´pa:ləmənt], patriotic [¸pætrı´þtık], organization [¸o:gənaı´zeı∫n].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
annual, adj – [´ænjυəl] – ежегодный
cemetery, n – [´semətrı] – кладбище
centennial, adj – [sen´tenıəl] – столетний
commemorate, v – [kə´meməreıt] – посвящать
honor, n – [´o:nə] – честь
list, v – [´lıst] – перечислять
observe, v – [əb´zз:v] – наблюдать
provision, n – [prə´vıʒn] – обеспечение
regard, v – [rı´ga:d] – требовать
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Besides Thanksgiving Day there are seven other major holidays
which might be considered uniquely American. These holidays are not
national holidays - they are federal holidays. That is they are special
days, set aside by an act of Congress and signed into law by the
president, on which the federal government and its agencies conduct no
business. A number of federal holidays such as Independence Day, are
recognized by and observed in the states: but because no provision is
made for national holidays in the Constitution each state decides which
holidays to observe and when state offices and schools may be closed.
In addition to widely recognized holidays listed below, two Sundays are
also observed in very special ways. One is the second Sunday in May,
which is always Mother’s Day, a day on which children honor their
mothers the other is the third Sunday in June, which is Father’s Day,
and children honor their fathers in some special way. These are included
in any holiday list.
The seven major “American” holidays in calendar order are: Martin Luther King* Day who was a black clergyman and ranked among the
greatest of black Americans because of his crusade during the 1950s and
1960s to win full civil rights for his people. The world was shocked
when Dr. King was assassinated in 1968. Ever since, special memorial
services have marked his birthday on January 15. By vote of Congress,
the third Monday of every January, beginning in 1986, is now a federal
holiday in Dr. King’s honor.
Presidents’ Day. Until the mid 1970s, the birthday of George
Washington*, first president of the U.S. (February 22) was observed as
a federal holiday. In addition the birthday of Abraham Lincoln* (February 12), president during the Civil War (1861–1865), was observed as
a holiday in most states. In the 1970s Congress declared that in order to
honor all past presidents of the U.S, a single holiday to be called
Presidents’ Day, would be observed on the third Monday in February. In
many states, however, the holiday continues to be known as George
Washington’s birthday.
Memorial Day. This holiday on the fourth Monday of every May
is a day on which Americans honor the dead. Originally a day on which
flags or flowers were placed on graves of soldiers who died in the
American Civil war, it has become a day on which the dead of all wars
and all other dead are remembered the same way. In many communities
special ceremonies are help in cemeteries or at monument for the war
dead by veterans of military services. Some hold parades and others
hold memorial services or special programs in churches, schools or
other public meeting places.
Independence Day. This day is regarded as the birthday of the
United States as a freed and independent nation. Most Americans
simply call it the “Fourth of July” on which date it always falls. The
holiday recalls the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4,
At that time people of the 13 British colonies located along the
eastern coast of what is now the U.S. were involved in a war over what
they considered unjust treatment by the King and Parliament in Britain.
The war began in 1775. As the war continued the colonists realized that
they were fighting not just for better treatment; they were fighting for
freedom from England’s rule. The Declaration of Independence, signed
by leaders from the colonies, stated this clearly and for the first time in
an official document the colonies were referred to as the U.S.A.
Generally, picnics with patriotic speeches and parades are held all
over the U.S. on the Fourth of July. In 1876 and 1976 special centennial
and bicentennial celebrations of Independence Day were held across the
Labor Day. This holiday, which is always observed on the first
Monday of September has been a federal holiday since 1894, but was
observed in some places before that date as a result of a campaign by an
early organization of workers called the Heights of Labor. Its purpose is
to honor the nation’s working people. In many cities the day is marked
by parades of working people representing the labor unions.
Columbus Day. This day commemorates Italian navigator
Christopher Columbus’* landing in the New World* on October 12,
1642. Most nation of the America* observe this holiday on October 12,
but in U.S., annual observances take place on the second Monday in
October. The major celebration of the day takes place in New York*
City, which holds a huge parade each year.
Veteran’s Day. This holiday was originally called Armistice Day
and was established to honor those Americans who had served in the
First World War. It falls on November 11, the day on which that was
ended in 1918. It honors veterans, of all the wars in which the United
States has been veterans hold parades or other special ceremonies, and
the president or other high official places a wreath on the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington
D.C. There are soldiers buried there from each war the U.S. has fought
in since World War.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Thanksgiving Day is a federal holiday.
2) According to the Constitution each state decides which holidays
to observe and when state offices and schools may be closed.
3) There are nine major “American” holidays in the calendar.
4) Presidents’ Day is celebrated in honor of Richard Nixon.
5) On Memorial Day Americans honor the dead.
6) Independence Day is regarded as the birthday of the United
7) The War of Independence began in 1875.
8) Labor Day is observed on the first Sunday of September.
9) Veteran’s Day commemorates Italian navigator Christopher Columbus.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many major holidays are there in the USA?
2. How are they observed?
3. What are federal American holidays? What are “major” American holidays?
4. When is Martin Luther King Day observed?
5. Whom does it commemorate?
6. When is George Washington’s birthday observed?
7. Whom do Americans honor on Memorial Day?
8. What is the origin of Independence Day?
9. What is the purpose of Labor Day?
10. Whom does Columbus Day commemorate?
11. Whom do Americans honor on Veteran’s Day?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
national (federal) holidays; to win full civil rights for; hold parades;
centennial and bicentennial celebrations; annual observances; special
days set aside and signed into law; to conduct (no) business; a provision
in the Constitution; to give gifts; to honor Mothers and Fathers; holiday
list; crusade to win the civil rights; the status of second – class citizens;
obstructed voting; to be assassinated; memorial services; to hold
ceremonies at monuments; to be involved in war; fight for freedom
labor unions; to commemorate smth; Armistice Day; the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
парады; празднование; столетие (двухсотлетие) чего-либо; общепризнанные праздники; бороться за свободу; получать гражданские
права; священный; политическое убийство; профсоюзы; День примирения; быть втянутым в войну; могила Неизвестного солдата;
День поминовения; «второсортные» граждане; федеральный
праздник; подписание Декларации независимости; возлагать венок;
организации ветеранов войны; общественные места; праздновать
по всей стране; «Рыцари труда»; ветераны войны; мир был потрясен.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
observe, provision, president, honor, ceremony, parliament, patriot.
1) providing something.
2) the person in charge of a club, society, or council etc.
3) a person who loves his or her country and supports it loyally.
4) the formal actions carried out on an important occasion.
5) great respect.
6) watch carefully.
7) the assembly that makes a country’s laws.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
grave, list, cemetery, regard, commemorate, annually.
1) The ruins of ancient buildings and of ……….. remain.
2) This monument …………… the victory of our soldiers.
3) The terms …………… below.
4) The firm has got $45 000 000 ……….. .
5) It was rainy and there weren’t many people on the ……… .
6) This day ……….. as a birthday of the USA.
Составьте письменный доклад о праздниках в вашей
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) true
3) false
4) false
5) true
6) true
7) false
8) false
9) false
1) provision
2) president
3) patriot
4) ceremony
5) honor
6) observe
7) parliament
Ex. IX.
1) graves
2) commemorates
3) are listed
4) annually
5) cemetery
6) is regarded
New Year’s Day
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
million [´mıljən], tradition [trə´dı∫n], clown [´klaυn], football [´fυtbo:l],
tourist [´tυərıst], college [´kследующий текст [ ] Iroquois[] - ıddʒ].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
attract, v – [ə´trækt] – привлекать
attractive, adj – [ə´træktıv] – привлекательный
floral, adj – [´flo:rəl] – цветной
mass media, n – [mæs mi:dıə] – средства массовой информации
spectator, n – [spek´teıtə] – зритель
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
One of most crowded New Year’s celebrations takes place in New
York* City at Time Square. Thousands of New Yorkers gather there and
millions of Americans across the country join them via TV. New Year’s
festivities often continue until two or three o’clock in the morning.
Two picturesque New Year’s Day festivals receive widespread
coverage by mass media: the Mummer’s Parade ad the Tournament of
Roses. Both these events have been American tradition for over half
a century. The Mummer’s Parade, which takes place in Philadelphia*, is
a ten-hour spectacle that usually attracts more than a million spectators.
There are clowns, musicians, and dancers.
The Tournament of Roses takes place in California*. Roses and
thousands of other flowers depict a different theme each year. Prizes are
awarded for the most unusual and attractive floral display. After the
parade, the Rose Bowl football, game, a contest between top-ranking
college football teams, is played. All these events attract thousand
of tourists and million of TV viewers and help to make January 1 an
entertaining holiday.
Переведите тексты на английский язык:
Американские праздники
Никто не возьмется перечислить американские праздники –
у каждого штата свои обычаи. И всё же 10 праздников можно назвать истинно американскими: Новый год, День Валентина, День
поминовения, Хэлоуин, День независимости, День труда, День ветеранов, День Колумба, День благодарения, Рождество. С 1986 года по решению конгресса как федеральный праздник стали
отмечать и день рождения Мартина Лютера Кинга.
Федеральные праздники – нерабочие дни Америки, время отдыха и шумных торжеств. Есть, кроме того, праздники, связанные с
религией, с различными моментами истории США, с обычаями переселенцев разных национальностей, связанные со временами года
и яркими проявлениями природы.
Новый год и Рождество
Новый год – начало всем праздникам. Однако Санта Клаус
приходит к американцам на Рождество. Рождество – это конец года. Это семейный обед, ярко разукрашенная ёлка, подарки детям и
родным, поздравительные открытки родственникам и друзьям.
А Новый год – это встреча с друзьями, танцы, шампанское. По телевизору показывают нью-йоркский Тайм Сквер.
День независимости
Общенациональный праздник в США отмечается летом, 4 июня. В этот день в 1776 г. была подписана знаменитая «Декларация
независимости». В североамериканских колониях объявили образование независимого от Англии государства – Соединенных Штатов Америки. С тех пор это день шумных собраний,
торжественных парадов и пикников за городом и на лужайках возле домов. А с наступлением темноты в небо летят ракеты. По улицам плывут клубы порохового дыма. И так почти до рассвета.
День благодарения
С приходом глубокой осени с окончанием работ на полях связан самый старый в Америке и, пожалуй, самый любимый американский праздник – День благодарения. Этот праздник
благодарения земле за щедрость был впервые отмечен колонистами
Нового Света в 1621 году. В ту пору доступным лакомством на
столе была дикая индейка. И по сей день индейка (но уже домашняя) и пирог с тыквой – непременные блюда на празднике.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Are there many national holidays in the U.S.?
2. What federal public holidays do you know and how are they observed in the country?
3. Which of the holidays is believed to be the most American?
4. What is the historical background of Thanksgiving Day?
5. How is this holiday usually celebrated?
6. Why is Independence Day an important holiday and what is its
historical background?
7. When did Americans begin to observe Martin Luther King’s
birthday for the first time?
8. What other holiday are important to Americans as a nation?
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
principle [´prınsıpl], constitution [¸kþnstı´tju:∫n] , colony [´kþlən∫], idea
[aı´dıə], information [¸ınfə´meı∫n], technological [tek´nþlþddʒıkl],
progress [´prəυgres], period [´pıərıəd], telegraph [´telıgra:f], system
[´sıstəm], journalist [´dʒз:nəlıst], prestigious [pre´sti:ʒəs], standard
[´stændəd], diplomat [´dıpləmæt], orientation [¸o:rıən´teı∫n], appetite
[´æpıtaıt], television [´telıvıʒn], mobile [´məυbaıl], ritual [´rıt∫υəl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
advertiser, n – [´ædvətaızə] – рекламодатель
affluent, adj – [´æflυənt] – богатый
edition, n – [ə´dı∫n] – издание
emergency, n – [ı´mз:ənsı] – появление
for instance – [´ınstəns] – например
leisure, n – [´leʒə] – досуг
mark, v – [´ma:k] – отмечать
prominent, n – [´prþmınənt] – выдающийся
schedule, n – [´∫edju:l] – план
spark, v – [´spa:k] – вызывать
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
The public’s right to know is one of the central principles of
American society. The men who wrote the Constitution of the American
colonies British rulers had imposed over ideas and information they did
not like. Instead, these men determined that the power of knowledge
should be placed in the hands of the people.
By the early 1800s, the U.S had entered a period of swift
technological progress that would mark the real beginning of “modern
media”. The inventions of the steamship, the railroad and the telegraph
brought communications out of the age of wind power and horses.
The high – speed printing press was developed driving down the
cost of printing. Expansion of the educational system taught more
Americans to rear and sparked their interest in the world.
The swing to objective reporting was the key to the emergency of
“The New York Times”. Most journalists consider “The Times” the
nation’s most prestigious newspaper. Under Adolph S. Ochs, who
bought the paper in 1896, “The Times” established itself as a serious
alternative to sensationalist journalism. The paper stressed coverage of
important national and international events a tradition, which still
continues. Today “The Times” is used as a major reference tool by
American libraries and is standard reading for diplomats, scholars and
government officials.
“The New York Times” is only one of many daily newspapers that
have become significant shapers of public opinion. Among the most
prominent are the “Washington Post”, “The Los Angeles Times”, “The
Boston Globe”, and “The Christian Science Monitor”. “The Miami Herald”, for instance, responded to the needs of its city’s influx of Spanish
– speaking residents by presenting extensive coverage of Latin America
and printing a separate Spanish edition. Satellite technology has made
possible the first genuinely nationwide newspapers – from the sober
through business paper, “The Wall Street Journal” to the bright colors
and personality orientation of “USA Today”.
But the largest readerships were won by magazines that catered to
American’s increasing leisure time and appetite for consumer goods,
such as “Cosmopolitan”, “The Ladies Home Journal” and “The Saturday Evening Post”. Publishers were no longer just selling reading
material: they were selling readers to advertisers.
After World War II American homes were invaded by a powerful
new force: television. The idea of seeing “live” shows in the living room
was immediately attractive – and the effects are still being measured TV
was developed at a time when Americans were becoming more affluent
and more mobile. Traditional family ways were weakening. Watching
TV soon became a social ritual. Millions of people set up their activities
and lifestyles around TV’s program schedule.
Television, like radio before it, focused on popular entertainment
to provide large audiences to advertisers. TV production rapidly became
concentrated in there major networks - CBS, NBS and ABC (the
American Broadcasting Company).
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The public right to know is one of the central principles of
American society.
2) The inventions of the steamship, the railroad and the telegraph
brought communications out of the age of wind power and horses.
3) Most journalists consider “The Daily Telegraph” the nation’s
prestigious newspaper.
4) “The New York Times” shapes the public opinion.
5) Television and radio provide large audiences to advertisers.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is one of the central principles of American society?
2. What marked the real beginning of American “modern media”?
3. What was the most prestigious newspaper at the turn of the cen-
4. What role did the “New York Times” play in the American life
in the 19th century?
5. What are significant American newspapers? Whose needs do
they respond to?
6. What invaded American homes after World War II?
7. What did television focus on? What did it cover?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
the power of knowledge; swift technological progress; coverage of national event; daily newspapers; the needs of the city; satellite technology; to win the readership; to place in the hands of the people; modern
media; bring communications out of the age of wind power; high-speed
printing press; the nation’s most prestigious newspaper; coverage of
national events; public opinion; respond to the needs of;
a social ritual; to focus on popular entertainment; Broadcasting Company.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
oдин из основных принципов; американское общество; британские
правители; передать в руки народа; сила-знание; навязывать информацию; технический прогресс; средства массовой информации;
изобретение парохода; освещать международные события; общественное мнение; удовлетворять потребности городского населения;
общенациональная газета; американская телекомпания; телезрители; телевизионная программа передач; отдельное издание; сосредоточиться на; система образования.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
telegraph, spark, journalist, prominent, leisure, schedule, affluent.
1) give off a glow.
2) sticking off; projecting; important.
3) a way of sending messages by using electric current along wires
or by radio.
4) time that is free from work, when you can do what you like.
5) rich.
6) a program or timetable of planned events or work.
7) a person who writes for a newspaper or magazine.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
period, edition, television, standard.
1) The first ………… of this dictionary was published in 1980.
2) The income statement reports costs, expenses and profits for
specific ………… of time.
3) They decided to advertise their product on local……….. .
4) Their methods are ………… .
Сделайте письменный доклад о газетах вашей страны.
Переведите следующие два текста на английский язык:
Экспериментирование в области телевидения началось в США
в 20-е годы. 30-е годы связываются с появлением первых телевизионных станций. В июле 1941 года первые телестанции начали регулярные передачи по нескольку часов в день. С 1951 года
телевидение превращается в гигантское коммерческое предприятие. Ведущая роль в становлении телевидения США принадлежала трем разновещательным корпорациям: ЭЙ-БИ-СИ, ЭН-БИ-СИ,
СИ-БИ-ЭС. Эти же корпорации образовали главные телевизионные
сети страны, чья продукция заполняет основную часть эфирного
времени большинства телестанций США. Наряду с коммерческим
телевидением в США существует и некоммерческое телевидение,
программы которого делают упор на культурно-просветительное
содержание. ПИ-БИ-ЭС выполняет образовательную функцию.
Большой популярностью пользуется кабельное телевидение. Впервые появившись в 1949 году в штатах Пенсильвания и Орегон,
в 70-е годы кабельное телевидение начало наступление на большие
города. Кабельное телевидение пользуется большой популярностью, так как обеспечивает высокое качество изображения, широкий выбор программ. Телеинформация всех видов поставляется
24 часа в сутки через кабельный информационный канал
Несмотря на бурное развитие и рост влияния телевидения, периодическая печать продолжает играть важную роль в жизни
США. Существует широко разветвленная система периодической
печати. Американская пресса находится в частном владении. Издание газет и журналов монополизировано: более половины периодических изданий страны принадлежит крупным газетножурнальным концернам, таким как «Ганнет-Кампани», владеющей
90 ежедневными газетами, «Ньюхаус Ньюспейперс» с 26 ежедневными газетами и др.
Ведущую роль в системе газетной печати страны играют ежедневные газеты, 72 % которых являются вечерними. Американская
печать неоднородна, выпускаются газеты, рассчитанные на различную аудиторию. Все газеты разделяются на качественные, дающие
точную и объективную информацию по экономическим вопросам,
проблемам внутренней и международной политики, и массовые,
насыщенные развлекательной информацией, сенсациями, скандальной, уголовной хроникой с броскими иллюстрациями и заголовками.
К качественным газетам страны принадлежат «Нью-Йорк
Таймс», «Вашингтон Пост», «Уолл-Стрит Джорнэл», «Бостон Глоуб», «Лос-Энжелс Таймс». Ведущими массовыми газетами являются: «ЭН–ЭС–ЭЙ Тудей», «Нью-Йорк Дейли Ньюс», «Нью-Йорк
Пост», «Сан-Франциско Кроник». Крупнейшие газеты отражают
интересы тех или иных монополистических группировок, хотя
формально они и не связаны с политическими партиями.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) true
3) false
4) true
5) true
1) spark
2) prominent
3) telegraph
4) leisure
5) affluent
6) schedule
7) journalist
Ex. IX.
1) edition
2) period
3) television
4) standard
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
historic [hı´stþrık], college [´kþlıdʒ], act [´ækt], federal [´fedərəl],
mechanical [mı´kænıkl], technical [´teknıkl], massive [´mæsıv],
immigrant [´ımıgrənt], nationalism [´næ∫nəl¸ızəm], administration
[əd¸mınıs´treı∫n], structure [´strΛkt∫ə], control [kə´ntrəυl], computer
[kəm´pju:tə], organization [¸o:gənaı´zeı∫n], music [´mju:zık], physical
[´fızıkl], synagogue [´sınəgþg], special [´spe∫l], program [prəυ´græm],
factor [´fæktə], prestige [pres´ti:ʒ].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
access, n – [´ækses] – доступ
agricultural, adj – [¸ægrı´kΛlt∫rəl] – сельскохозяйственный
competence, n – [´kþmpıtəns] – конкуренция
facility, n – [fə´sılətı] – возможность
familiarize, v – [fə´mılıəraız] – знакомить
legitimize, v – [lı´dʒıtəmaız] – узаконивать
noteworthy, adj – [´nəυtwз:θı] – достойный упоминания
support, v – [sə´po:t] – поддерживать
variety, n – [və´raıətı] – разнообразие
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Over 57 million students are enrolled in American schools, which
range from kinder gardens to high schools, small colleges, large universities, as well as a variety of institutions for adult education and vocational training. Americans place a high value on education for
themselves and their children, and universal access to quality education
has been one of the nation’s historic goals.
More than 100 years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, European settlers on Massachusetts passed laws requiring all
communities to hire schoolmasters. Larger towns had to establish
grammar schools to train children for the university. America’s first
college, Harvard was founded in Massachusetts in 1636, and the second
William and Mary, was established in Virginia in 1693.
Higher education was revolutionized in 1862 by the Morrill Act,
which granted federal lands to each state for the creation of agricultural
and mechanical colleges. These “land - grant” institutions legitimized
vocational and technical education.
By the end of the Civil War in 1865,education was becoming
available to all and educational institutions began to shape a distinctive
American culture. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the school were
instrumental in “americanizing” the massive numbers of immigrants
who arrived in the U.S. Indeed 20th century America in the product of
a nationalism defined in large part by its schools.
Perhaps the most noteworthy feature about American education is
the absence of a national administration or structure. Each of the 50
states controls and directs its own schools. Most states require children
attend school from the time they reach six or seven years old until they
are 16 or 17. Educational requirements are set by the state legislatures,
and public schools are managed by local communities divided into
about 15 500 state school districts.
But what do American public schools teach? Public school
education is constantly debated continually evolving. In the late
curriculum and expanded the number of “elective” subjects, deemphasizing the traditional “three Rs” – reading, writing and arithmetic.
During the mid 1970s, schools moved back to an emphasis on the
basics, and many states began to administer proficiency tests to students
graduating from high school. And in the 1980s schools have
supplemented the basics with new programs to familiarize students with
such rapidly changing fields as computers technology.
There is no uniform school organization or curriculum throughout
the nation, but certain common features exist. Preschool education
consists of nursery schools and kindergartens, although in recent years
the latter is usually part of the elementary schools. Elementary and
secondary schools together consist of 12 years of classes (not counting
kindergarten), which meet for about 10 months a year, five days a week
and five hours a day. Almost every elementary school curriculum
includes English, mathematics science social studies penmanship music,
art and physical education. Many include classes teaching basic
computer skills. Most secondary schools have a “core curriculum” of
English, Maths, science, social studies and physical education as well
a variety of elective subjects.
About 85 percent of American students attend public schools,
which are supported by state and local taxes. The other 15 percent
attend private schools, for which their families choose to pay special
attendance fees. Four out of five American private schools are rum by
churches, synagogues or other religious groups.
In addition, schools have for many years received federal aid for
special purposes such as vocational training and school lunches. In 1965
Congress approved a major program of federal support for public
schools and federal aid was extended to private schools for the first
After graduating from secondary school a growing member of
Americans go on to higher education. The percentage of high school
graduates enrolling in public and private colleges, for instance increased
from 40.4 percent in 1960 to 54.3 percent in 1984. American institutions
of higher education include technical training schools, which offer
programs in fields ranging from hairstyling to computer programming;
community colleges, which provide two years of semiprofessional
training for some students and the first two years of college for others;
colleges offering four – year bachelor degree programs; and universities,
which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools offering
master’s or doctoral degree programs. The factors determining an
institution’s prestige are the quality of the teaching faculty; quality of
research facilities; amount of funding available; and the competence and
number of applicants for admission.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) Americans don’t place a high value on education for themselves
and their children.
2) America’s first college - Cambridge, was founded in Massachusetts in 1636.
3) Higher education was revolutionized in 1862 by the Morill Act.
4) In the late 19th and early 20th, the school helped to “americanize”
the massive numbers of immigrants who arrived in the U.S.
5) Perhaps the most noteworthy feature about American education
is the presence of a national administration or structure.
6) American public school education is being constantly changed.
7) About 85 percent of American students attend public schools,
which are supported by state and local taxes.
8) Other 30 percent attend private schools.
9) After graduating from secondary school a growing number of
Americans don’t go to higher education.
10) The factors determining an institution’s prestige are the quality
of the teaching faculty; quality of research facilities; amount of funding
available; and the competence and number of applicants for admission.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What has been one of the nation’s historic goals?
2. What laws concerning education were passed more than 100
years before signing of the Declaration of Independence?
3. When was Harvard founded?
4. What did the Morrill Act grant?
5. What role did the schools play in the late 19th and early 20th century?
6. What is the most noteworthy feature about American education?
7. What do American public schools teach?
8. What did Congress approve in 1965?
9. What do American institutions of higher education include?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
to be enrolled in schools; quality education; educational institutions;
to attend schools; high schools vocational training; to pass laws;
to establish grammar schools; public schools; uniform curriculum; secondary schools for special purposes; years of semiprofessional training;
research faculties; social studies; religious groups; to shape a culture;
to place high value on education.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
частные школы; учителя; открыть грамматические школы; детские
сады; подписание Декларации независимости; сельскохозяйственные колледжи; отличительная черта; посещать школу; государственное законодательство; школьная программа; тест на
профессиональную пригодность; компьютерная техника; школьная
форма; дошкольное образование; начальное образование; начальная школа; средняя школа; высшая школа.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
noteworthy, competence, facility, music, institution, administration.
1) an ability to do a particular thing.
2) the management of public or business affairs.
3) something that provides you with the means to do things.
4) must be mentioned.
5) a pattern of pleasant or interesting sounds made by instruments
or by the voice.
6) a public organization.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
agricultural, structure, massive, technical, special, prestige.
1) A failure of trade, overtaxing of ……………. means, earthquake, hurricane, invasion and disease are cited.
2) The balance sheet reports the financial condition of a firm on
a …………… date.
3) This plant is famous for its ……………. production.
4) These two sentences have different …………. .
5) There is a ………….. university in our town.
6) After the revolution his ………………. raised.
Сделайте письменный доклад о проблемах образования
нашей страны.
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
Система образования в США включает как государственный,
так и частный сектор. Наибольшее развитие государственный сек133
тор получил в области начального и среднего образования. Роль
частного сектора не менее значительна в области высшего образования. Более половины всех высших учебных заведений составляют частные высшие учебные заведения. В период после Второй
мировой войны система образования, как государственная, так и
частная, характеризовалась быстрыми темпами развития. В числе
факторов, вызвавших её рост, было повышение выдвигаемых научно-технической революцией требований к подготовке рабочей силы, изменение демографических характеристик состава населения,
государственная политика, рассматривающая как расходы на образование, так и инвестиции, дающие хозяйственный эффект.
Происшедшее в 60-е и 70-е годы расширение государственного сектора в высшем образовании связано с быстрым увеличением
сети двухгодичных, так называемых, младших колледжей. Их распространение было рассчитано на то, чтобы отвести поток абитуриентов из широких трудящихся масс от университетов и
четырехгодичных колледжей. Большинство вновь созданных учебных заведений являлось средними специальными учебными заведениями, дающими образование в рамках профессиональнотехнического профиля.
Ex. IV.
1) false
2) false
3) true
4) true
5) false
6) true
7) true
8) false
9) false
10) true
1) competence
2) administration
3) facility
4) noteworthy
5) music
6) institution
Ex. IX.
1) agricultural
2) special
3) massive
4) structures
5) technical
6) prestige
American Youth
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
person [´pз:sn], conflict [´kþnflıkt], physically [´fızıkəlı], emotionally
[ı´məυ∫nlı], television [´telıvıʒn], period [´pıərıəd], social [´səυ∫l],
project [´prþdʒekt], company [´kΛmpənı], alcohol [´ælkəhþl], problem
[´prþbləm], positive [´pþzıtıv].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
adolescence, n – [´ædə´lesns] – юность
adulthood, n – [¸ædəlt´hυd] – взрослая жизнь
crime, n – [´kraım] – преступление
drugs, n, pl., - [´drΛgs] – наркотики
participate, v – [pa:´tısıpeıt] – принимать участие
refusal, n – [rı´fjυzl] – отказ
responsibility, n – [rı´spþnsə´bılətı] – ответственность
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
What is it like to be a young person in the U.S.? At 18 years of age,
young people in the U.S. can take on most of the rights and the
responsibilities of adulthood. Before this occurs, however, the American
teenager (a common name for a young person between the ages
of 13 and 19) goes through the period of adolescence. Psychologists
(specialists who study the Psychology) say that most young people
experience conflict during this period of their lives. They are changing
rapidly, both physically and emotionally and they are searching for self
– identity. As they are growing up and becoming more independent
teenagers sometimes develop different values from those help by their
parents. American teenagers begin to be influenced by the values
expressed by their friends, the media (newspapers, television,
magazines, etc) and teachers. During this period of their lives, young
people also begin to participate in social activities such as sporting
events and church group projects, as well to do more things in the
company of members of the opposite sex and fewer things in the
company of their families.
While the teenage years for most American young people are
nearly free of serious conflict all youths face a certain number of
problems Some young people have difficulties in their relationships
with their parents or problems at school which may lead to use of
alcohol or drugs, the refusal to attend school or even to running away
from home. In extreme cases, some might turn to crime and become
juvenile delinquents (a lawbreaker under 18).
However, for every teenager experiencing such problems many
more are making positive, important contributions to their communities’
schools and society.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) At 18 years of age, young people in the U.S. can take on most of
the rights and the responsibilities of adulthood.
2) Teenagers aren’t changing rapidly, both physically and emotionally and they aren’t searching for self-identity.
3) Teenagers have the same values as their parents.
4) Teenagers don’t have any conflicts.
5) Some young people begin to use alcohol or drugs, they refuse
to attend school or even run away from home.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1) At what age can a young American take the responsibilities of
2) What is implied under the “period of adolescence”?
3) Why do young people experience conflicts during this period of
their lives?
4) Why do the teenagers develop values different from those held
by their parents?
5) Whose values are the teenagers influenced by?
6) What problems do some young people face?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
the rights of adulthood; American teenagers; the period of adolescence;
to experience conflict; to search for self – identity; to participate in
social activities; to develop different values from; to be free of serious
conflicts; to face a number of problems; in extreme cases; to become
juvenile delinquents; a lawbreaker; to make contributions to the
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
в возрасте 18-ти лет; молодые люди; столкнуться с рядом проблем;
в экстренных случаях; тинейджеры; стать независимым; права и
ответственность взрослого; быстро изменяться; общественная деятельность; закононарушитель; отношения с родителями; самоутверждение; несовершеннолетний преступник; вносить вклад;
наркотики; в этот период жизни.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
adulthood, responsibility, period, project, refusal, alcohol, crime.
1) a colorless liquid made by fermenting sugar or starch.
2) saying that you are unwilling to do or to give or accept
3) an action that breaks the law.
4) a length of time.
5) time when someone is a fully grown or mature person.
6) being responsible.
7) a plan or scheme.
IX. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
adolescence, participate, company, drugs, positive.
1) This ………….. is proud of the high quality of its products.
2) I want to …………… in this action.
3) Many of the disadvantages of small firms could be overcome
with …………… planning.
4) The government crack down on ………..-smuggling got a fresh
boost on Friday, when customs officials discovered 5lbs. of heroin hidden inside the heels of shoes.
5) During his …………… he had to earn money himself.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) false
3) false
4) false
5) true
Ex. IX.
1) alcohol
1) company
2) refusal
2) participate
3) crime
3) positive
4) period
4) drug
5) adulthood 5) adolescence
6) responsibility
7) project
Leisure - Time Activities
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
academic [¸ækə´demık], sport [´spo:t], student [´stju:dnt], drama
[´dra:mə], group [´gru:p], football [´fυtbo:l], basketball [´ba:skıtbo:l],
tennis [´tenıs], hockey [´hþkı], television [´telıvıʒn], music [´mju:zık],
radio [´reıdıəυ], restaurant [´restrþnt], organization [¸o:gənaı´zeı∫n].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
belong (to), v – [bı´lþŋ] – принадлежать
craft, n – [´kra:ft] – ремесло
delivery, adj – [dı´lıvərı] – подсобный
restriction, n – [rı´strık∫n] – ограничение
take care (of), v – [teık keə] – заботиться
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
School provides American students with much more than academic
education. Students learn about the world through various schools –
related activities. More than 80 percent of all students participate in
student activities, such as sports, students newspapers, drama clubs,
debate teams, choral groups and bands.
What are the favorite sports of American young people? According
to the survey “The Mood of American Youth” they prefer football,
basketball, baseball, wrestling, tennis, soccer, boxing, hockey. During
their leisure time, students spend much time watching television. They
also listen to music on the radio and tape players. American teenager
listens to music on the radio about three hours every day. Without
a doubt, rock-and-roll music is the favorite of teenagers in the USA.
American’s young people are mostly hardworking. Many have afterschool jobs. One poll indicated that nine out of 10 teenagers polled said
they either had a job or would like one child labor laws set restrictions
on the types of work that youths under 16 years old can do. Many
youths work part-time on weekends or after school at fast food
restaurants, baby sit for neighbor, hold delivery jobs or work in stores.
Many youths are involved in community service organizations.
Some are active in church and religious groups such as girl scouts or
boy scouts. About three million girls aged six to 17 years old belong to
Girl Scouts, for example. They learn about citizenship, crafts, camping
and other outdoor activities. Thousands of young people volunteer
to help take care of the elderly, the handicapped and hospital patients.
Many help clean up the natural environment.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) School provides American students with much more than academic education.
2) More than 45 percent of all students participate in student activities.
3) During their leisure time, students don’t spend much time
watching television.
4) American teenager listens to music on the radio about ten hours
every day.
5) Rock-n –roll music is the favorite of teenagers in the USA.
6) Teenagers don’t work at all.
7) Many youths are involved in community service organizations.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How do the students learn about the world?
2. What sports do Americans prefer?
3. Are American’s young people hard-working?
4. What do child labor laws restrict?
5. What organizations are many young people involved in?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
American students; school-related activities; favorite sports; to listen to
the music on the radio; after-school jobs; child labor; on weekends;
to hold delivery jobs; outdoor activities; handicapped hospital patients;
natural environment.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
cмотреть телевизор; изучать мир; любимый вид спорта; слушать
музыку по радио; молодёжные организации; без сомнения; законы
о труде несовершеннолетних; трудолюбивый.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
drama, restriction, delivery, crafts, football, group.
1) a job that needs skill, especially with the hands.
2) a number of people, animals, or things that come together or belong together in some way.
3) a play.
4) taking letters or goods etc. to someone’s house or place or work.
5) limit or control.
6) a game.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
belong, take care, restaurant, tennis.
1) The idea of writing this novel ……….. to a later age.
2) Children must ………….. of their old parents.
3) My friend can play ……….. well.
4) I have forgotten was it in the café or in the …………… .
Переведите следующий текст на английский язык:
В 60–70-е годы в США наблюдалась тенденция к увеличению
доли молодёжи в населении страны. Будучи неоднородной в классовом и социальном отношении, молодежь тем не менее сталкивается с проблемами, общими для этой возрастной группы, хотя
острота проблем неодинакова для представителей различных слоёв
В условиях научно-технической революции значительно возрастают требования к общеобразовательной и профессиональной
подготовке молодёжи. В настоящее время около 40 % студентов
учатся в младших колледжах, дающих в основном профессионально-техническое образование.
Молодые люди, вступающие на рынок труда в качестве рабочих или дипломированных специалистов, сталкиваются с комплексом проблем, в первую очередь с безработицей и дискриминацией.
Своеобразной реакцией на проблемы современного американского общества является распространение наркомании среди молодёжи. Распространение наркомании облегчается относительной
доступностью наркотиков на чёрном рынке.
Ex. IV.
1) true
1) craft
Ex. IX.
1) belongs to
2) false
3) false
4) false
5) true
6) false
7) true
2) group
3) drama
4) delivery
5) restriction
6) football
2) take care
3) tennis
4) restaurant
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
traditional [trə´dı∫nl], physically [´fızıkəlı], instruction [ıns´trΛk∫n], tradition [trə´dı∫n], function [´fΛnk∫n], emotional [ı´məυ∫nl].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
childless, adj – [´t∫aıldlıs] – бездетный
comprise, v – [kəm´praız] – включать в себя
couple, n – [´kΛpl] – пара
divorce, n – [dı´vo:s] – развод
privacy, n – [´praıvəsı] – собственность
skill, n – [´skıl] – навык
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Belonging to a family is bond almost every one in the world shares
but family patterns vary from country to country. The United States has
many different types of families. While most American families are traditional, comprising a father, mother and one or more children, 22,5 %
of all American families in 1983 were leaded by one parent, usually
a woman. In a few families in the U.S. they’re no children. These
childless couples may believe that they would not make good parents;
boy may want freedom from the responsibilities of child rearing; or,
perhaps they are not physically able to have children. Other families in
the U.S. have one adult who is a stepparent. A stepmother or stepfather
is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or mother.
Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In
the United States people have the right to privacy and Americans do not
believe in telling other Americans what type of family group they
belong to. They respect each other’s choices regarding family groups.
Families are very important to Americans. One sign that this is that
Americans show great concern about the family as an instruction. Many
Americans believe there are too many divorces. They worry that
teenagers are not obeying their parents. They are concerned about
whether working women can properly care for their children.
Families give Americans a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition. Families give Americans strength and purpose.
Families serve many functions. They provide a setting in which
children can be born and reared. Families help educate their members.
Parents teach their children values-what they think is important. They
teach their children daily skills, such as how to a ride bicycle. They also
teach them common practices and customs, such as respect for elders
and celebrating holidays. The most important job for a family is to give
emotional support and security.
Прочитайте предложения и скажите, верны они или нет:
1) The USA has many different types of families.
2) In many families in the USA there are no children.
3) Americans tolerate and accept different types of families.
4) Americans don’t respect each other choices.
5) Families are very important to Americans.
6) Families give Americans a sense of belonging and a sense of
7) Families don’t serve many functions.
8) The most important job for a family is to give emotional support
and security.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What types of families exist there in the USA?
2. What is the attitude of Americans to the types of family groups?
3. Why is a family important to Americans?
4. Why do some couples prefer to be childless?
5. What sense do families give to Americans?
6. What functions do families serve?
7. What is the most important job for a family?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
family patterns; childless couples; responsibility of child-rearing; the
right to privacy; a sense of tradition; to earn money; emotional; support
and security; family groups; to obey the parents; daily skills; respect for
elders; emotional support; concern about the family as an institution.
VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
бездетные пары; типичная английская семья; воспитание ребёнка;
освободиться от ответственности; отчим; стать хорошими родителями; мачеха; право на личную жизнь; повиноваться родителям;
выполнять много функций; уважение к старшим; моральная поддержка; забота.
VIII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
couple, privacy, divorce, function, instruction.
1) the end of a marriage.
2) teaching a person a subject or a skill.
3) two people or things considered to be together.
4) property.
5) what somebody or something is there to do.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
childless, comprise, skill, emotional, physically.
1) There are many ………… couples in our time.
2) …………… men were hired and construction got under way.
3) I can’t do it …………….. .
4) It touches the ……………. side of the problem.
5) His report …………… many items.
Сделайте письменный доклад о семейных проблемах вашей страны.
Ex. IV.
1) true
2) false
3) true
4) false
5) true
6) true
7) false
8) true
1) divorce
2) instruction
3) couple
4) privacy
5) function
Ex. IX.
1) childless
2) skilled
3) physically
4) emotional
5) comprises
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
decade [´dekeıd], medical [´medıkl], practice [´præktıs], veteran
[´vetərən], federal [´fedərəl], agency [´ædʒensı], doctor [´dþktə],
corporation [¸ko:pə´reı∫n], professional [prə´fe∫nəl], college [´kþlıddʒ],
routine [¸ru:ti:n].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
apprentice, n – [ə´prentıs] – ученик
charge, v – [´t∫a: dʒ] – зд. брать плату
health, n – [´helθ] – здоровье
profit, n – [´prþfıt] – выгода
prospective, adj – [prə´spektıv] – будущий
share, v – [´∫eə] – делить, делиться
surgeon, n – [´sз: dʒən] – хирург
tuition, n – [tjυ´ı∫n] – обучение
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
In the final decades of the 20th century, Americans increasingly
view good health as something to which they have a right. Selfemployed private physicians who charge a fee for each patient visit are
the foundation of medical practice in the U.S. Most physicians have
a contractual relationship with one or more hospitals in the community.
They send their patients to this hospital, which usually charges patients
according to the number of days they stay and the facilities-operating
room, tests, medicines-that they use. Some hospitals belong to a city,
a state or in the case of veteran’s hospitals, a federal government
agency. Others are operated by religious orders or other non-profit
groups. Still others operate for profit.
Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work
as hospital staff members, or residents, who often are still in training.
They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care for
their workers or work for the federal government’s Public Health
Physicians are among the best-paid professionals in the United
States. In the 1980s, it is not uncommon for medical doctors to earn
incomes of more than $ 100 000 a year. Specialists particularly surgeons
might earn several times that amount. Physicians list many reasons why
they deserve to be so well rewarded for their work. One reason is the
long and expensive preparation required to become a physician in the
U.S. Most would be physicians first attend college for four years, which
can cost more than $ 12 000 annually at one of the best private
institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for four
years. Tuition alone can exceed 410000 a year. By the time they have
obtained their medical degrees, many young physicians are deeply in
debt. They still face to five year of residency in a hospital, the first year
as an intern, an apprentice physician. The hours are long and the pay is
relatively low.
Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several
physicians will decide to establish a group practice so they can share the
expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These
physicians also take care of each other’s patients in emergencies.
Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical procedures even quite routine ones involve risk.
It is understandable that physicians want to be well rewarded for making
decisions, which can mean the difference between life and death.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What does good health mean to Americans?
2. Whom is medical practice based on in America?
3. How are the patients charged in hospitals?
4. What do salaried physicians do?
5. What are the incomes of the medical doctors?
6. What are the reasons for physicians to be so well rewarded?
7. What does a “group practice” mean?
8. What responsibility do physicians accept?
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
to charge a fee; patient visit; contractual relationship; non-profit groups;
to operate for profit; hospital staff members; medical procedures;
to obtain medical degrees.
Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:
получать плату за каждого больного; частные врачи; медицинский
институт; получить степень; пребывание в больнице; молодые врачи; отношения, основанные на контракте; плата сравнительно низкая; покупать оборудование; посещать колледж; федеральное
правительство; стать врачом; принимать решение; большинство
будущих специалистов.
VII. Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
health, profit, veteran, surgeon, tuition, routine.
1) a person who has had long service or experience in something.
2) the condition of a person’s body or mind.
3) a regular way of doing things.
4) a doctor who treats disease or injury by cutting or repairing the
affected parts of the body.
5) teaching.
6) gain an advantage or benefit from something.
VIII. Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
charge, medical, professional, prospective, apprentice.
1) In connection with owner investment, ……………. business
owners and managers should become familiar with the phrase “trading
on equity”.
2) ………….. is not a level of trade proficiency.
3) He is a real …………. in his field.
4) The …………. service is highly developed in this city.
5) Hospital usually ……….. patients according to the number of
days they stay and the facilities-operating room, tests they use.
Ex. VII.
1) veteran
2) health
3) routine
4) surgeon
5) tuition
6) profit
1) prospective
2) appearance
3) professional
4) medical
5) charges
New York
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
nation [´neı∫n], financial [´faınən∫l], center [´sentə], cultural [´kΛlt∫rəl],
national [´neı∫nl], leader [´li:də], canal [kə´næl], park [´pa:k], station
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
canal, n – [kə´næl] – канал
contradiction, n – [kþntrə´dık∫n] – противоречие
entertainment, n – [,entə´teınmənt] – развлечение
excitement, n – [ık´saıtmənt] – возбуждение, волнение
fashion, n – [´fæ∫n] – мода
mouth, n – [maυθ] – устье (реки)
nickname, v – [´nıkneım] – давать прозвище
observe, n – [əb´zз:v] – наблюдать
triangle, n – [traı´æŋgl] – треугольник
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
Although New York is not the capital of the United States (and not
even of New York State), it is the biggest and most important city of the
country. Situated at the month of the deep Hudson River, it has always
been the gateway to the USA. But it is more than just a door: it is also
a window through which the life of the whole nation may be observed.
New York is many things to many people. It is the financial and
media capital of the world. It is the headquarters of the United Nations.
It is the center of American cultural life. It is the national leader in
fashion and entertainment.
The “Big Apple”, as New York City is nicknamed, is a city unlike
any other. It has everything for everyone. It offers the best, the biggest
and the brightest of everything. It is a place of excitement beauty and
contradictions. There is for example, no canal on Canal Street, Battery
Park is not a power station, and Times Square is a triangle. As they say
only in New York!
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
service [´sз:vıs], company [´kΛmpənı], reputation [rı´pjυteı∫n], business
[´bıznəs], office [´þfıs], colony [´kþlənı], republic [´rı´pΛblık],
president [´prezıdənt], balcony [´bælkənı], contrast [kən´tra:st],
practically [´præktıklı].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
capture, v – [´kæpt∫ə] – захватить
Dutch, n – [dΛt∫] – голландский
employ, adj – [ım´ploı] – наниматься на службу
enterprise, n – [´entəpraız] – предпринимательство
explorer, n – [ıks´plo:rə] – путешественник
flatten, v – [´flætn] – делать ровным, сглаживать
harbor, n – [´ha:bə] – гавань
make a deal, v – [meık ə´di:l] – заключать сделку
merchant, n – [´mз:t∫ənt] – купец
mighty, adj – [´maıtı] – могучий
navigator, n – [´nævıgeıtə] – мореплаватель
notably, adv – [´noυtəblı] – в особенности
oath – [oυθ] – клятва
scene of heavy fighting, n – [si:n ¸əv hevı ´faıtıŋ] – место тяжелых боёв
settle, v – [´setl] – заселять
spectacular, adj – [spek´tækjulə] – эффектный
suspension bridge, n – [sΛs´pen∫n] – висячий мост
solemn, adj – [´soləm] – торжественный
the War of Independence – [wo: əv ındə´pændəns] – война за независимость (1775–1783 г. в Америке)
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The first European explorer who saw Manhattan Island* was
Giovanni da Verrazano*, an Italian merchant who was in the service of
the French king, Francisis I*. The date was April, 1524. Today a bridge,
which carries his name, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, is one of the
city’s most impressive sights. It is the longest suspension bridge in the
Other Europeans followed Verrazano, most notably Henry Hudson*, an Englishman employed by the Dutch East India Company. The
mighty Hudson River* is named after the navigator who set foot on
these shores in 1609.
Even in the days when America was known as the New World*, it
was a country with a reputation for its spirit of enterprise and the ability
of its people to make a good deal. In 1626 the Dutch Trade Company
bought Manhattan Island* from the local Indians for twenty-four
dollars. It was probably the most spectacular business deal of all times.
(Today, $24 would not buy one square foot of office space in New
Here the Dutch founded their colony and gave it the name New
Amsterdam*. Forty years later the English fleet under the Duke of
York* entered the harbor, captured the city without firing a shot and
renamed it New York.
During the War of Independence it was the scene of heavy
fighting. The English held it until the end of the war in 1783 when it
became the first capital of the new republic- the United States of
America*. On April 30, 1789 George Washington*, the first president
of the US, stood on a balcony there and swore a solemn oath
to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.
The city grew very quickly. Today’s New York is the greatest
contrast possible to the island settled by the Dutch in 1624. In 1811
a “city plan” was adopted under which straight lines cut through the
woods and fields of Manhattan, flattening its hills, burying under the
surface its countless little rivers. In a sense, New York is now one of the
least historic cities of the world. Practically nothing has remained of
Dutch New Amsterdam*.
The Symbol of the City
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
statue [¸stæt∫u:], symbol [´sımbl], declaration [¸deklə´reı∫n], sculptor
[´skΛlptə], lady [´leıdı], museum [mjυ´zi:əm], immigration
[¸ımı´greı∫n], tourist [´tυərıst], souvenir [¸su:və´nıə].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
adorn, v – [ə´do:n] – украшать
base, n – [beıs] – пьедестал
breathtaking, prt – [´breθ¸teıkıŋ] – поразительный, захватывающий
face-lift, n – [´feıslıft] – зд. косметический ремонт
observation area, n – [¸əbzə´veı∫n ərıə] – смотровая площадка
pencil sharpener, n – [´pensl¸∫a:pnə] – точилка для карандашей
salt shaker, n – [´so:lt¸∫eıkə] – солонка
spike, n – [´spaık] – зд. луч (на венце)
tablet, n – [´tæblıt] – доска (с надписью)
the Statue of Liberty, n – [¸stæt∫u: əv´lıbətı] – статуя Свободы
torch, n – [´to:t∫] – факел
uplift, v – [Λp´lıft ] – поднимать
waist, n – [´weıst] – талия
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People who come to New York* by sea are greeted by the Statue
of Liberty. It has become a symbol of the city (if not of the whole
country) and an expression of freedom. It shows liberty as a proud
woman draped in the graceful folds of a loose robe. In her uplifted right
hand, she holds a tablet with the date of the Declaration of
Independence. A chain that represents tyranny lies broken at her feet.
The Statue of Liberty was France’s* gift to America. It was
designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi* and presented to the USA in
1886. The Lady in the Harbor stands 151 feet tall, weighs nearly 225
tons and has a 35-foot waist. In 1986 she underwent a face-lift in honor
of her 100th birthday.
There is a museum in the base of the Statue devoted to the history
of immigration to the United States. 365 steps lead from the entrance to
the observation area in the seven-pointed crown (visitors are not allowed
to climb to the torch). The views are breathtaking.
The Lady of the Harbor is tourists’ favorite souvenir. It takes the
form of saltshakers and pencil sharpeners, adorns plates and T-shirts.
Melting Pot
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
million [´mıljən], continent [´kþntınənt], immigration [ımı´greı∫n], parade [pə´reıd], interest [´ıntrəst], music [´mju:zık], chance [t∫a:ns].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
cuisine, n – [kwi:´zi:n] – французская кухня
Easter, n – [´i:stə] – Пасха
fierce, adj – [´fıəs] – жесткий, жестокий
fireworks, n – [´fa ıəwз:ks] – фейерверк
melting pot, n – [´meltıŋ´pþt] – «плавильный котел» (место смешения рас и народов)
neighborhood, n – [´neıbəhυd] – район, квартал
resident, n – [´rezıdənt] – житель
sign, n – [´saın] – примета, свидетельство
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New York is known as a “melting pot”, because people of different
races and nationalities make up its population of more than 7 million.
About 13 of every 100 people in New York* were born in another
country. More than 80 languages are spoken throughout the
neighborhoods and streets of the city. There are places where the
English language is hardly ever heard.
You can cross continents within New York. If you wish to go from
China* to Italy*, you only have to cross Canal. It is also just as easy
to go from Puerto Rico* to Israel*. There are more Irish and Italians
in New York. City than in any other city outside Ireland* and Italy*.
More 80 000 Chinese-Americans live in Chinatown in Manhattan*.
Chinatown looks more like Hong Kong than New York. There is
a district in Brighton Beach* - renamed Little Odessa by its Russian
residents-where you forget that you are in New York. You could be on
the Black Sea* Coast. Harlem is often called the black capital of the
Signs of immigration from all over the world can still be found in
the names of streets and buildings.
New York smells the whole world kitchen. Italian, Greek, Chinese,
Korean, Russian, Mexican, Spanish, African cuisines are in the fierce
culinary competition.
There is always something to celebrate in New York: the Chinese
New Year in January, with its wonderful fireworks and dragon parade;
San Gennaro’s Day in September, when the whole of Little Italy is out
in the streets dancing; Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue; the New Year’s
Eve celebrations in Times Square, Harlem Day in August. Sometimes
celebrations in small quarters are more interesting than the big Fifth
Avenue parades because they offer a variety of music, food and drink
and the chance to meet people.
A City Unlike Any Other
Прочитайте вслух и переведите следующие интернациональные слова:
phrase [´freız], official [ə´fi:∫l], legend [´ledʒənd], architectural
[´a:kıtəkt∫rəl], style [´staıl], tradition [trə´dı∫n], electric [ı´lektrık],
energy [´enədʒı].
Прочитайте следующие английские слова и постарайтесь
запомнить их значения:
boast, n – [boυst] – предмет гордости
challenge, n – [´t∫ælındʒ] – вызов
dash, v – [dæ∫] – ринуться
diversity, n – [daı´vз:sətı] – многообразие
equal, adj – [i:kwəl] – похожий
fusion, n – [´fju:ʒn] – слияние, смешение
eager, adj – [i:gə] – напряженный
lean, adj – [li:n] – худой
motto, n – [´mþtoυ] – девиз
ruminate, v – [´ru:mıneit] – размышлять
subway, n – [´sΛbweı] – американское метро
streetcar, n – [´stri:tka:] – американский трамвай
tranquil, adj – [´træŋkwıl] – спокойный
Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст:
“Only in New York*” this is a phrase you hear so often in New
York. It’s almost an official motto. It is both a boast and a challenge.
The diversity of New York has become a legend. Where else can
you find Italy*, Greece*, Russia*, Puerto Rico* and China*? Where
else you can arrive at all the kitchens of the world by subway or
streetcar? Which other city has such a variety of architectural styles?
Where else can you find such a fusion of traditions, customs and
If Paris* suggests Intelligence, if London* suggests Experience,
then the world for New York is Activity. W. Thackerrey wrote: «There
is some electric influence in the air and sun here which we do not
expensive on our side of the globe. Under this sun people cannot sit still,
people cannot ruminate over their studies and be lazy and tranquil-they
must keep moving, rush from one activity to another, jump out of sleep
and to their business, have lean eager faces-I want to dash into the street
The “Big apple” has an energy that few other cities can equal.
IV. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. How is New York nicknamed?
a. New Amsterdam;
b. the “Big Apple”;
c. Manhattan.
2. Who was the first president of the United States?
a. Abraham Lincoln;
b. George Washington;
c. The Duke of York.
3. Who was the first European explorer who anchored his ship in
what is now the harbor of New York?
a. Henry Hudson;
b. Giovanni da Verrazano
c. Christopher Columbus.
4. Which of the following is not true?
a. New York is the financial and media capital of the US.
b. New York is the headquarters of the US.
c. New York is the capital of the US.
5. How old is the Statue of Liberty?
a. 50 years old;
b. 100 years old;
c. 111years old.
6. Where do New Year’s Eve celebrations usually start?
a. in Central Park;
b. in Greenwich Village;
c. in Times Square.
7. Where were the skyscrapers invented?
a. in New York;
b. in Paris;
c. in ancient China.
Подберите правильное определение к каждому слову:
leader, fashion, excitement, contradiction, reputation, harbor, solemn,
flatten, sculptor, parade, motto, challenge, lean.
1) a person who makes sculptures.
2) a short saying used as a guide for behavior.
3) a strong feeling of eagerness or pleasure.
4) a procession that displays people or things.
5) make or become flat.
6) with little or no fat.
7) the style of clothes or other things that most people like in a particular time.
8) dignified or formal.
9) a demand to take part in a contest.
10) the person in charge of a group of people.
11) what people say about a person or thing.
12) saying that something said is not true or that someone is
13) a place where ships can shelter or unload.
Вставьте в предложение пропущенное слово:
nickname, mouth, explorer, settle, waist, dash, fusion.
1) Giovanni da Varrazano was the first European …………… who
saw Manhattan Island.
2) New York ………….. as “Big Apple”.
3) New York is situated at the …….. of deep Hudson River.
4) The details were taken to the ………… .
5) He heard the …………. of waves on a rock.
6) The Indians ………….. all over the country.
7) The Statue of Liberty has 35-foot ……….. .
Ex. IV.
1) b
2) b
3) b
4) c
5) b
6) c
7) a
Ex. V.
Ex. VI.
1) sculptor
1) explorer
2) motto
2) is nicknamed
3) excitement 3) mouth
4) parade
4) fusion
5) flatten
5) dash
6) lean
6) settled
7) fashion
7) waist
8) solemn
9) challenge
10) leader
11) reputation
12) contradiction
13) harbor
Africa – [´æfrıkə] – Африка
Alaska – [ə´læskə] – Аляска
Alaska’s North Slope – [ə´læskəno:θ sləυp] – Северный Мыс
на Аляске
Amazon – [´æməzən] – Амазония
Amsterdam – [´æmstədəm] – Амстердам
The Appalachian Mountains – [¸æpə´læc∫ıən maυntınz] – (горы)
Asia – [´eı∫ə] – Азия
Atlantic Ocean – [ət´ləntık ´əυ∫n] – Атлантический океан
The Bearing Strait – [¸beərıŋ´streıt] – Берингов пролив
Belgium – [´beldʒəm] – Бельгия
The Black Sea – [´blæk¸si:] – Черное море
Boston – [´bþstən] – г. Бостон
Brighton Beach – [braıtn bi:t∫] – Брайтон Бич
Britain – [´brıtn] – Британия
California – [¸kələ´fo:nıə] – шт. Калифорния
Cambodia – [kəm´bo: dʒə] – Камбоджи
Canada – [´kænədə] – Канада
The Carоlines – [´kærəlaınz] – Каролинские острова
The Carribean Sea – [¸kærə´bi:ən´si:] – Карибское море
Chicago – [∫ı´kəgəυ] – г. Чикаго
China – [´t∫aınə] – Китай
Cleveland – [´kli:vlənd] – г. Кливленд
Detroit – [dı´troıt] – г. Детройт
Dixieland – [´dıksılənd] – Диксиленд
Duluth – [´dΛləθ] – г. Дулут
Florida – [´flþrıdə] – шт. Флорида
France – [´fra:ns] – Франция
Guam – [´gwa:m] – о-в Гуам
Indochina – [¸ındəυ´t∫aınə] – Индокитай
Germany – [´dʒз:mənı] – Германия
Georgia – [´dʒo: dʒə] – шт. Джорджия
Greece – [´gri:s] – Греция
The Gulf of Mexico – [¸gΛlf əv ´meksıkəυ] – Мексиканский залив
The Great Plains – [¸greıt´pleıns] – Великие Равнины
Hawaii – [hə´vaıı] – о-ва Гавайи
Hiroshima – [hı´rþ∫ımə] – г. Хиросима
Hong Kong – [¸hþŋ´kþŋ] – Гонг Конг
Honoi – [hæ´noı] – г. Ханой
Ireland – [´aıələnd] – Ирландия
Israel – [´ızreıl] – Израиль
Javis – [´dʒævıs] – о. Явис
The James River – [d eımz ri:və] – река Джеймса
Jamestown – [´dʒeımztaυn] – г. Джеймстаун
Kansas – [´kənzəs] – шт. Канзас
Kingman Reef – [kıŋmən ri:f] – о. Риф Кингмана
Lexington – [´leksıŋtən] – г. Лексингтон
London – [´lΛndn] – Лондон
Los Angeles – [los ´ændʒıli:z] – г. Лос-Анджелес
Louisiana – [lυ¸ı:zı´ænə] – шт. Луизиана
Manhattan – [mæn´hætn] – Манхэттен
Manchuria – [mæn´t∫υərıə] – Манчжурия
Massachusetts – [¸mæsə´t∫u:sıts] – шт. Массачусетс
Mexico – [´meksıkəυ] – Мексика
Michigan – [´mı∫ıgən] – шт. Мичиган
Midway – [´mıdweı] – о. Мидвей
Milwaukee – [mıl´wo:kı] – шт. Милуоки
Minnesota – [¸mını´səυtə] – шт. Минесота
Mississippi – [¸mısı´sıpı] – р. Миссиссиппи
Nagasaki – [¸nægə´sa:kı] – г. Нагасаки
Nevada – [nı´va:də] – шт. Невада
New Orleans – [¸nju:o:li:əns] – Новый Орлеан
The New World – [¸nju: ´wз:ld] – Новый Свет
New York – [¸nju:´jo:k] – г. Нью-Йорк
Nile – [´naıl] – р. Нил
Normandy – [´no:mədı] – Нормандия
The Northern Mariana Islands – [no:θn mærı¸a:nə´aıləndz] – Северные
Марианские острова
Odessa – [əυ´desə] – г. Одесса
Ohio – [əυ´haıəυ] – шт. Огайо
Okinawa – [¸þkı´na:və] – о. Окинава
The Pacific Coast – [pə´sıfık kəυst] – побережье Тихого океана
Paris – [´pærıs] – Париж
Pennsylvania – [¸pensl´veınıə] – шт. Пенсильвания
Pentagon – [´pentəgən] – Пентагон
Philadelphia – [¸fılə´delfıə] – шт. Филадельфия
The Potomak River – [´pþtəmək ri:və] – р. Потомак
Puerto Rico – [pwetəυ´ri:kəυ] – Пуэрто-Рико
The Republic of Palau – [rı´pkblık əv pə´laυ] – республика Палау
Philippines – [¸fıləpi:nz] – Филиппины
Rocky mountains – [¸rþkı´maυntınz] – Скалистые горы
Samoa – [sə´məυ] – о-ва Самоа
San Francisco – [¸sænfrən´sıskəυ] – Сан-Франциско
San Gennaro – [sænd dʒinərəυ] – Сан Гиннаро
Saratoga – [sərə´to:gə] – Саратога
Sicily – [´sısəlı] – о. Сицилия
The St. Lawrence Seaway – [snt ¸lo:rəns ´sı:weı] – пролив Святого
St. Louis – [snt´lu:ı] – г. Сантлуи
The Tennessee River – [¸tenəsi: ri:və] – р. Теннесси
Texas – [´teksəs] – Техас
Tokyo – [´təυkıəυ] – г. Токио
Torquay – [¸to:´ki:] – г. Торки
Virginia – [və´dʒınıə] – шт. Вирджиния
The Virgin Islands – [vədʒın´aıləndz] – Виргинские острова
Yorktown – [´jo:ktaυn] – г. Йорктаун
Wake – [´weık] – о. Вейк
Adolph S. Ochs – [´ædəlf ´þks] – Адольф Окс
Alexander Calder – [¸ælıg´za:ndə ´kþldə] – Александр Калдер
Alfred Stieglitz – [´ælfrıd ´∫tıglız] – Альфред Штиглиц
Andy Warhol – [´ændı ´wo:həl] – Энди Вархол
Aurthur Miller – [´a:θə ´mılə] – Артур Миллер
Bartholdi – [´ba:θəldı] – Бартолди
Benjamin Banneker – [´bendʒə:mın ´bænəkə] – Бенджамин Баннекер
Bessie Smith – [´besı ´smıθ] – Беси Смит
Bill Monroe – [´bıl ´mənrəυ] – Билл Монро
R. Buckminster – [´bΛkmınstə] – Бакминстер
Caine Mutiny – [´kein ´mΛtını] – Каин Матини
Carson Mac Culler – [´ka:sn m ə´ku:lə] – Карсон Маккаллер
Cecil Erickson – [´sesl ´erıksn] – Сесил Эриксон
Christopher Columbus – [´krıstəfə kə´lΛmbəs] – Кристофер Колумб
David Smith – [´deivıd ´smıθ] – Дэвид Смит
David Salle – [´deivıd sa´lə] – Дэвид Сале
Diana Ross – [dai´ænə ´rþs] – Дайана Росс
Duke Ellington – [´dju:k ´eliŋtən] – Дюк Эллингтон
The Duke of York – [´dju:k əv ´ jo:k] – герцог Дюк Йоркский;
Edward Mac Dowell – [´edwəd mək´do:wl] – Эдвард Макдауэл
Eisenhower – [aizen´həυvə] – Эйзенхауер
Elvis Presley – [´elvıs ´preslı] – Элвис Пресли
Ernst Hemingway – [´ə:nıst ´hæmıŋwei] – Эрнст Хемингуэй
Erskine Caldwell – [´з:skın ´kəυldwel] – Эрскин Колдвел
Eudora Welty – [´judərə ´weltı] – Юдора Уэлти
Flannery O’Connor – [´flænərı ə´k:nə] – Фланери О’Kонор
Francis Hopkinson – [´fra:nsıs ´hþpkınsən] – Фрэнсис Хопкинсон
Frank Hoyd Wright – [´fræŋk´raıt] – Фрэнк Хойд Райт
Franklin D. Roosevelt – [´fræŋklın ´ru:zvelt] – Франклин Рузвельт
Fransisk – [´frænsısk] – Франциск
George Washington – [´dʒo: dʒ ´wo∫ıŋtən] – Джордж Вашингтон
Gertrude Rainley – [´gə:tru:d ´reinli] – Гертруда Рейнли
Giovanni da Verrazano – [´ dʒiəva:nı də ´verəzənəυ] – Джиовани
Harriet Tubman – [´hærıət tΛbmən] – Генриетта Тубман
Henry Hudson – [´henrı ´hΛds(ə)n] – Генри Гудзон
Henry Miller – [´henri ´milə] – Генри Миллер
Herbert Hoover – [´hə:bət ´hu:və] – Герберт Гувер
Herman Wouk – [´hə:mən ´ weυk] – Герман Вок
Huckleberry Finn – [´hΛklberı ´fin] – Гекельберри Финн
Irwing Show – [´з:vıŋ ´∫əυ] – Ирвинг Шоу
Isaak Asimov – [´aizək ə´zıməv] – Айзек Азимов
Jack Shafer – [´dʒæk ´∫æfə] – Джек Шафер
Jackson Pollock – [´dʒæksən ´pþlək] – Джексон Палок
John Dos Passos – [´dʒþn dəs ´pæsəs] – Джон Дос Пассос
John Kennedy – [´dʒþn ´kenədı] – Джон Кеннеди
John Ruskin – [´dʒþn ´rΛskın] – Джон Раскин
John Steinbeck – [´dʒþn ´ ∫tainbek] – Джон Стейнбек
James Agee – [´dʒeimz ´ædʒı] – Джеймс Эджи
James Madison – [´dʒeimz ´mædıs(ə)n] – Джеймс Медисон
James Michener – [´dʒeimz ´mıt∫ənə] – Джеймс Миченер
Jasper Johas – [´dʒæ zpə ´joh(ə)s] – Джаспер Йохас
Joseph Heller – [´dʒə:υzıf ´helə] – Джозеф Хеллер
King James I – [´kiŋ ´dʒeimz] – король Джеймс Первый
Kurt Vonnegut - [´kз:t ´vþnıgυt] – Курт Воннегут
Larry Rivers – [´læri ´rıvəz] – Ларри Риверс
Lord Cornwallis – [´lo:d ¸ko:n´wælıs] – Лорд Корнуолис
Louis Armstrong – [´lu:is ´a:mstroŋ] – Луи Армстронг
Louis Sullivan – [´lu:is ´sΛlıv(ə)n] – Луис Салливан
Martin Luther King – [´ma:tın ´lu: θə ´kıŋ] – король Мартин Лютер
Maltese Falcon – [¸mo:l´ti:z ´fælkən] – Малтис Фалкон
Margaret Mitchell – [´ma:g(ə)rət ´mıtc∫(ə)l] – Маргарет Митчелл
Mark Twain – [´ma:k ´twen] – Марк Твен
Michael Graves – [´maikl ´greivz] – Майкл Грейвз
Muddy Waters – [´mΛdı ´wo:təz] – Мади Ватерс
Norman Mailer – [´no:mən ´meilə] – Норман Майлер
Patrick Henry – [´pætrık ´henrı] – Патрик Генри
Paul Cuffe – [´po:l kə´fə] – Пол Кюфе
I.M. Pei – [´pei] – Пей
Philip Johnson – [´fılıp ´dʒþns(ə)n] – Филип Джонсон
Philip Marlow – [´fılıp ¸ma:´ləυ] – Филип Марлоу
Ray Bradbury – [´rei ´brædberı] – Рэй Брэдбери
Pierre L’ Enfant – [´pıə lə´fa: ŋ] – Пьер Ленфант
Robert Rauschenberg – [´robət ´ro∫ən¸bз:g] – Роберт Раушенберг
Rey Lichtenstein – [´rei ´lıhten¸∫tain] – Рей Лихтенштейн
Raymond Chandler – [´reimənd ´t∫ændlə] – Реймонд Чэндлер
Rhett Buttler – [´ret ´bΛtlə] – Ретт Батлер
Robert Penn Warren – [´robət ´pen ´woren] – Роберт Пен Уорен
Robert Heinlein – [´robət ´hain¸lain] – Роберт Хейнлейн
Richard Nixon – [´rıt∫ə d ´nıksən] – Ричард Никсон
Robert Kennedy – [´robət ´kenədı] – Роберт Кеннеди
Sam Spade – [´ sæm ´speid] – Сэм Спейд
Scarlett O’Hara – [´ska:lıt þ´hærə] – Скарлетт О’Хара
Scott Joplin – [´skþt ´dʒþplın] – Скотт Джоплин
Scott Fitzgerald – [´skþt ´fıtz¸dʒer(ə)ld] – Скотт Фитцджеральд
Susan Rothenberg – [´su:zn ´´rozen¸bз:g] – Сьюзан Ротенберг
Thackery – [´θækerı] – Тэккерей
Thomas Carlyle – [´toməs ´ka:lail] – Томас Карлайл
Thomas Cole – [´toməs ´kəυl] – Томас Коул
Thomas Eakins – [´toməs ´з:kıns] – Томас Икинс
Thomas Wolf – [´toməs wυlf] – Томас Вульф
Truman Capoty – [´trumən kə´pþtı] – Труман Капоти
Walt Whiteman – [´wo:lt ´waitmən] – Уолт Вайтман
Walter Gropius – [´wo:ltə ´gro:pıəs] – Вальтер Гропиес
Walter Van Tilburg Clark –[´wo:ltə ´væn ´tılbз:g ´kla:k] – Вальтер Ван
Тилбург Кларк
William Inge – [´wıljə:m ´ıŋ] – Вильям Инг
Willem Kooning – [´wıləm ´ku:nıŋ] – Вилем Конинг
William Billings – [´wıljə:m ´bılıngz] – Вильям Биллингс
William Faulkner – [´wıljə:m ´fəυknə] – Вильям Фокнер
William le Baron Jenney – [´wıljə:m lə ´bær(ə)n ´dʒını] – Вильям Ле
Барон Джини
William Styren – [´wıljə:m ´stairen] – Вильям Стирен
Willy Loman – [´wılı ´lþmən] – Вилли Ломан
Winslow Homer – [´wınsləυ ´həυmə] – Уинслоу Гомер
Winston Churchill – [´wınst(ə)n ´t∫з:t∫ıl] – Уинстон Черчилль
the Apache – [ə´pæ∫] – аппачи (инд. племя)
the Haida – [´heidə] – хейда ( инд. племя)
the Winnebagoes – [winib´əgəυ] – виннипег (инд. племя)
the Iroquois – [´ irəkwaiz] – ирокезы (инд. племя)
the Pueblo – [pu´ebləυ] – пуэбло (инд. племя)
1. Костина, Е.А. О соединенных штатах Америки: сборник
текстов для чтения на английском языке / Е.А. Костина // «Московский Лицей». – 1999.
2. Токарева, Н. Америка. Какая она?: учебник по страноведению США / Н. Токарева, В. Пеппард. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000.
3. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. – № 1.
– 1997.
4. Мильяр-Белоручева, А.П. Английский язык. USA.
Geography. History. People. Culture / А.П. Мильяр-Белоручева,
Л.Н. Седелкина; Н.В. Васютина // «Московский Лицей». – 1997.
5. The Oxford English-Russian Dictionary. – Oxford-Moscow,
6. Хокинс, Дж. The Oxford Dictionary of The English Language /
Дж. Хокинс. – Moscow, 1999.
Л.В. Старкова
Л.О. Герасимова
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