Dynami Response of Magneto-Rheologial Fluid Seal with Fluid/Wall Interations 1 1 2 3 H. Nishiyama , H. Takana , K. Mizuki , H. Weisbeker , and S. Odenbah 1 2 3 3 Institute of Fluid Siene, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Graduate Shool of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Tehnishe Universitat Dresden, Dresden, Germany Introdution MR seal is reently onsidered to be one of the most promising devie and is now expeted to expand its appliation not only to industrial devies but to medial or safety devies, suh as blood ow sealing or steam shut-down valve. In this study, rstly, the eet of wall roughness on rheologial properties of MRF132DG was experimentally analyzed. Then, experimental analysis on dynami response of MR uid seal in pressure mode was onduted. Furthermore, MR sealing harateristis in a viso-elasti hannel will be investigated with onsidering uid/wall interations. The objetive of this study is to provide the fundamental data for the novel appliation of MR seal to a medial or safety devies. Fig.1 Shemati illustration of experimental setup. Experimental Analysis In this study, MRF-132DG manufatured by LORD Corporation are used as a test sample. The typial properties of MRF132DG oÆially released by LORD Corp. are listed in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the shemati illustration of pressure driven MR uid hannel ow system[1℄. In this system, MR uid is driven by piston ontrolled by a stepping motor. A Table 1 Typial Properties of Partile Material Base Oil Visosity, Pa s 40 C Density, g=m3 Solids Content by Weight % Operating Temperature, C MRF-132DG. Iron Hydroarbon 0.092 0.015 2.98-3.18 0.8098 -40 to +130 Fig.2 Shear stress as a funtion of shear rate at various magneti eld intensity using smooth smooth one (Rz = 0.5) and the rough one (Rz = 4.5) in rotating shear mode. MR hannel is made of arylis with retangular ross setion of 10 mm 10 mm. Time evolutions of pressure distributions are laried experimentally. Magneti eld is applied perpendiular to the ow as shown in Fig.1. Results and Disussion Figure 2 shows shear stress measured by one-plate rheometer with smooth one (Rz = 0.5) and the rough one (Rz = 4.5) in rotating shear mode at various magneti eld intensity. The rough one provides higher stati yield stress espeially for ef- 0 0 pu pu (B = 0) pd 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) vpiston = 0.5 mm/s 200 (A) 100 pseal 0 0 pMR (kPa) 50 vpiston = 2.0 mm/s B = 800 G (B) (C) 0 magnet off pd pu 50 vpiston = 4.9 mm/s 200 B = 1200 G (A) (B) (C) 0 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) 0 pseal magnet off pu pd 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) 300 pMR (kPa) magnet off pd 300 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) vpiston = 2.0 mm/s 50 vpiston = 4.9 mm/s 200 B = 800 G 0 (A) (B) (C) 100 pseal 0 0 pu magnet off dpiston (mm) (C) magnet off dpiston (mm) (A)(B ) 100 pu 300 dpiston (mm) 0 0 (C) 100 0 0 50 200 pseal pMR (kPa) pu ( B = 0) pd 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) vpiston = 0.5 mm/s B = 800 G B = 1200 G 200 (A) (B ) 50 pseal pMR (kPa) 300 (C) pu vpiston = 2.0 mm/s dpiston (mm) (A) (B ) 100 pseal 300 dpiston (mm) 0 200 0 0 pMR (kPa) 50 vpiston = 0.5 mm/s B = 1200 G dpiston (mm) pMR (kPa) 300 pd 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) vpiston = 4.9 mm/s Fig.3 Time evolutions of internal pressure and piston displaement at various piston speed and magneti ux density. fetive magneti eld intensity larger than 2.64 kA/m. Figure 3 shows the time evolutions of hannel pressures pMR and piston displaement dpiston at piston head speed of 0.5 mm/s, 2.0 mm/s, and 4.9 mm/s for applied magneti ux density of of 800 G and 1200 G, respetively. Piston starts to move after 3 minutes in resting state under a magneti eld for MR seal formation. pu and pd represent pressures at the inlet of hannel and downstream of MR seal, respetively as indiated in Fig.1. In region (A) in Fig.3, inlet pressure inreases rapidly with the movement of piston. Then, MR seal starts to breakdown when the inlet pressure exeeds the endurane pressure of MR seal, pseal . After the seal break down, inrease of upstream and downstream pressure is suppressed as shown in region (B). After stopping the piston, although both upstream and downstream pressure dereases rapidly, the pressure differene still exists due to the reformation of lusters near magnet as shown in region (C). With inreasing piston head veloity, the time before seal breakdown is shortened and seal endurane pressure inreases. The inrease in seal endurane pressure is due to the robust resistane of luster and a higher loal onentration of magneti partiles at the upstream of MR seal with inreasing piston speed. Conlusion The eet of wall roughness on rheologial properties and the dynami response of MR seal in pressure mode were made lear through the experimental analysis using MRF-132DG as a test sample. The MR sealing performane are strongly aeted both by applied magneti eld intensity and piston veloity due to a higher loal luster agglomeration at the upstream of the magnet. The future study will larify how the hannel ongurations or wall onditions, suh as the viso-elastisity, or permeability, aet MR sealing harateristis and ow rate. Aknowledgments The present study was partly supported by a Grant-in-aid for Exploratory Researh from the Japan Soiety for Promotion of Siene. Authors would like to thank K. Katagiri and T. Nakajima from Institute of Fluid Siene, Tohoku University for their tehnial support. Referene [1℄ Nishiyama, H. et al., AIP Pro., Vol.982, Complex Systems(2008), pp.592-597.